THE MORNING STAR. WILMINGTON N. C, THURSDAY, OCTQBE&i 2,': 1 9 1 1 ; fcAGE 3 JHE WILMIIIGTOII BAPTISTS Eleventh Annual Session of Assboia- tion at Richland, N. C. Strong Report on Temperance Other Proceedings. ' "" ; ( Special" Star Correspondence.) Riehlahds, N. C, Oct. 11. The 11th session of the Wilmington Baptist As 'PRICE COTTON PICKER EXPOSITION fOR WMW Demonstration to Be Given at Xhar-1 , i. lotte, Oct.-17th to 31st - .(SDeClal Rtnr rnrrnannT, Charlotte, in . C, Oct. 11. For the Charter Granted Yesterday by Becre- .. " a . . . I A. . Ml I A. A. B K IV . " first time in the Soib. Atlantic States, . peneciea vrice-Campbell cotton picker. will be operated near Charlotte from October 17th-to jSlst Mr. Wil liam Phllo Wood. aecretarv nf the Price-Campbell Cotton1 Picker Cofpor-1' anuu, uttH orougni a machine to the :ity, and has already secured a large I tary of State Shallotte Bank- Educational and Library ''Notee-eUl".lEition (Special Star Correspondence.) Jtaleigh, N. C.,-.Oct. ll.-rThe Caro- cqtton ,. field in which to show howl .rw Tr,,otriii iatlon met with the Rlchlanda r Church yesterday, and was tailed to iu Texas' resulted in the sale of all the ton, ' received a charter today with order at 11 o'clock by Rev. P. A. Liles.j machines the company manufactured $23,000 capital' 'and' with Dr. Russell the pastor, ana after singing by the " year ana tne worK or. tne machine Bellamy, J. JJ' Crow, W. R. Kings- ,c-fK o- j bury and R. H. Cowan as the incor- Beacn, oi arey, w. t,., Kev. K. u.. of the North who are interested, the porators, the, purpose being to estab Feele preached the Introductory eer- machine in operation, Charlotte being lish' in 'Wilmington' a great, cotton ex ilian, announcing' as his subject "The selected on account of its location, ac- rjositibn that1 will extend to the as Creed of Christ." The fcermon was cesaibility, excellent hoel , facilities ii,rw. win rpnro unique and powerful and emphasized and other advantages-. , - sembUng .of exhibits that will repre the thought that the religion of Jesus - Three . machines were', shipped to sent' Southern industrial and'agricul-Christ-produces a character like that Charlotte, but there was such a de- tural progress. ., of Christ and . where this character is mand tor them By Texas planters that Another charter is for the Boyd Feed not found, true Christianity is want- it was found necessary to ship two of Co., Hickory, capital $25,000 by C. M. Boyd, and others. inc. Alter me sermon tne Moderator, luiem to tnat state. The other ma U. 13. Lef twich,. took the chair and the chine, v however, has been assembled roll of churches -was 'called and mes- and is ready for work. According to. of the body was entered into and G. E. J machine put through severe tests; the S'fSSL, Leftwicn, or Wilmington, was electea pKker does the work of 35 to. 50, nana There is an amenoment for the char ter of the : Merchants' and Farmers so that the name is changed to th x t t ' rti ii .ii. ml, , moderator, and W. B. Rivenbark, as- pickers, picking the cotton as well-if lni ZZ hlL th , ortetaal distant moderator.' S.: P. Garrison, f not -better than the handstand without lD5t Jn-SfSS HMIlf tiro M1a.I ahT I m 4nlt m Ua kAll . I W tx v- O. B.. Cox, of. Richland tf, treasurer. The afternoon session' was opened WILU v TunvMui ociuvc A-CU uj 1 T . I u aUlUtJ IU alU IU lOU 1 ClUUVai VJi. WUCI, ---4.1w l,ni.f aa1 orfl Vino filled bag. and as a general assistant eToiSS 7orVKS:. " h! A. C. Chaffln, of Sea Gate. injuring the plant," bolls, squares or blooms. s- The machine is operated by rrachine td aid in the removal of the J "T" , h7. and Farmers' Bank of . CnarlottP, which has been In business in Char- to far - , - AUngn VMtMilW garage baxdeiMd Stod '$ v. - Leatkir treadX A Antr5kid )'' ''Jiiaiai-i- T 'o"!1. A11 I Stud -Sfe V J The first report of the afternoon was to the driven on the Biblical Recorder, which is the The Dickine mechanism. of the ma- organ of the. State, Convention of Bap- chine is entirely automatic in its ac- tists. The report was read by Kev. K. I tion and consists of two batteries of not yet opened for. business. Cranmer, J: W. Brooks, T. E. Cooper, J. W. Yates are among the principal incorporators. The number of local tax districts E. Peele. Burgaw; and waa spoken steel .picking spindles or fingers which nT "L n rmi district upon hy :Rey. 4." J, Beach, of Carey, enter Ihe plant from' both6 sides, re- JJJ .im gj Jolina now well hn was Dresent as -the Recorder's v1v1t,t vhii it, th nlnnt and twining schools in Nortn-'Carollna is now wen who was present as - the Recorder's volving while in the plant and twining the 1 200 mark and new ones rpnro.!ontativr Rnms mmiirks ih. r Kiia Tiia fitir.l passeo, tne l.zuu, marK ana new ones nThiJ 0T, w nr I X'rrvr'r:" we being reported every few days VTv"7Z I 1T-1 latest omes from Gates county J. II. rusici, vci. . ccic "u . . I Alter LllO COIUJU IB SlUypeu . 11UU1 tue I -i, CnnaHnton C. F. Whitlock. .Kev. K. is, feeie next fingers it la conveyed through a -clean read the report on temperance, which J ng mechanism and all trash is re f nllows: 1. . " '' . I Report-6n Temperance. . - itel in the lag8" at the rear of J the Talk is cheap. Aaron could;, .talk, machine la cleaner n most instances but Moses did the work. The temper- than Thand-Dicked cotton. There are anco question is talked to death. Some-J gjg picking fingers in the maohine and thing has got to be done. Talk will 1 as it picks but one row at the time it 'Is rarely that, the macnine leaves cotton unpicked, the percentage, pick ed . being estimated at about 95 per cent. : The . capacity of the maichine" in pounds-varies accordingly to the con dition of the crop. In a field of aver not settle it; it rather keeps It. unset-1 tied. Resolutions will, not settle it. What we resolve to do '. must be done. While we are fuming and fussing and discussing and sometimes cussing over the subject; the devil is rolling off the liquor jugs at every station' and , the exnress company is running ah open saloon at every railroad office in the where Superintendent Costen reports an election carried unanimously, mak ing eleven for Gates county. There: are now in this State about 3,000 .rural school libraries and 803 supplementary libraries and the state ment is made at the (State Department of Education that there is steady and very ' gratifying growth both in the number of initial libraries and in sup plemental libraries, the Department being especially interested in the in crease of the supplementary libraries because the interest in these show the lasting and increasing interest in the library work in the communities. IN STOCK BY BARDIN MOTOR COMPANY, Wilmington, N. C. Id) n ag4 cotton it will pick : 6,000 to 8.000 younus iu uajr ui x , I bulletin on the best use of the lib- couiiujr. ouuwc.u vo macnine is so construciea mai uy a linjpr the direction of the teach- barrooms and cigarette tobacco trusts LhanM of nart8. it may be converted re5.e5 lle, are playing hell from sea to sea and cotton chopper, cultivator, hart gV " fiSMSattS. " the "?"?2 row, gang plow, and . made Jo serve! J j "How to. Use t Rural Lib- tu uiB uuciuitoi ai.a vm. -"v v.-. fho,. liapTin nurooses on ine iarm. m-i ,. , , . ii though these features have not been I urgent insistence of State Super worked out tq. the. same-deee of per- ... jovner and Supervisor of m xl I 1. 1 M i .ittAA - - ieciion as me pii:m.iu& uc.c. Those 'who have seen the macnine What the country .needs is a man, and one or two others to help him. . Pro hibition will prohibit when you put a man at the head of It and behind it, IS WHAT one to pull and the other to push. The Jn operation on a commercial scale in curr-3 of Meraz is upon ns, cowardice Texag do not hesitate to declare that, or false humility Or downright Jazi- economic factor,, the . picker ness in damning us.. - We are whining ranka with the cotton rein, the loom, and grumbling and growling when we tfa narvestmg machine and the type ought to get down to business, and put Bttlng machine, and that Its coming the liquor seller out of business. . markg an epoch to tne ton industry l -5aarr" or the South. upon tms suDject ana ur. rosier aiiu qro CONVICTED otners spoKe uyun- ii:auw wmvu Teacher Training J. A. Bivins. The current issue of the Southern Trucker and Farmer contains an elab orate and very valuable article by Ccmmissioner f Agriculture Graham, on North Carolina and her agricultural Drosress and possibilities.- Along with the article is an excellent cut of Major Graham. If at first you don't succeed, youn mani-J-emember there are other girls report, togetner wun some BirunB -r Charaed With Shootlna Girl From mm- wharare not so parucmar. uiuiiuiio, " tjM j - i . ibusn near Mount uuve the body. . y Z l r ' - ISneciaUStar Telegram.) Old Ministers' --Reifer was next xaK- 'Ar .vt n Qct. 11. Most , ' ' 1 m I IV LKLO KTJA Vl ' ww J up ana tne "opening Bpeecu w of the day of superior" Court, now in en made by D.kL. Gore, who waa followed . on-city", was consumed in with remarks by. several otners. i,.j ,riA - em'tni case of In the routine business orel state vs. Cleveland Garner; colored, ! was electr2d a delegate to tne &oumera i . . - ittt tn murder of Sarah - j d,(i,( nwarit, whih Tnpets atl?15?1?60 v.. For over three decades a uaLioi. "f !-jt--- "-r-r I Liortin, a coiorea gin, uj buwuus c r .j . Oklahoma City next May. and G. . . U noo. Mount ni- hnusehold medicine tor I ueuu iu a. Luiiuu uv. i FOLEY'S HONEY Me TAR1 COMPOUND favorite COUGHS, ive, Irom ambush some weeks ago. COLDS, CROUi', W HUUfirMU The defendant appeared m courti rnTTGHJ BRONCHI! lo. rlAKlJ without , counsel, whereupon - Judge , crPUPFY BREATHING. Take At ru-irhT the aubMt' of State. Mls-i Pe. 5pi t'-Z " 71 fi ?n of acold. siens TOW.n..WitePKto defend him. " All ihe'evi- and reliable. The Bee Hive pn the dence was circumstantial at tne con-1 carton U the mark or tne genuine. elusion or which ootn tne aiaieauu Pefugo SUstitutes. ,r.nnUi m throueh sneaking by Keruse U5UlUVe&. i..i Man iha inrv retired to decide I Mm Adm Pelzer. 2320 Jefferson St., So. xWa'-j - o A ffoi. -haintr out I Omaha, says: "I caa recommend Foley's ine- ue - --r". Honey and Tar Compound ns a sure cure two hours the jury announced a ver for cughg and colda. It Curel my dauKh- Aiot of murder m tne ursi uegrtje. itp nf n.hnd cold and my neiennor, mjss The nrisoner received the verdict very Benson, cured herself and her .whole fam- Whitlock.. W. G. Hall and A, C. Chaf fin were elected as messengers to the State Convention, which meets at Winston-Salem in December. ing read by Rev. W. 'G. Hall and dis cussed by E. U Middieton, oi naieign, Mr. Hall and others. . -' BIG RALLY IN COLUMBUS. ; Farmers' and Educational Gathering in November -Baptists. -: (Special Star Correspondence.. rl'-.-.r d snowed no emotion what- Hy witb Foley's Honey and Tar ctun Whiteville N C. Oct. 11 The Co- caimiy ana B"w "V ' snoken pound. Every one In our neighborhood ,,.lK.!:eo"!,t,wrrT w.dnraon- ever -when the words were spoken J mo8t highly of it as a good rem- u.nuuo vu"t, x r-K-HWrn I which doubtless seaiea nisaoom m we for coughs and colds. uooert a. al Rally will take place at Chadbourn nhai- Judee peebles reserv- Bellamy. Wednesday. November tn, ana u ; tomorrow morning. 1 p 1 " : . -. ..... 1 , - , PROVED on will be a grand day. for the county ana -irrr: came a surprise to the its farmers.' A splendid programme 7Jdbled : court EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. has hppn flrranfired. 'Dr. H. Q. Alexan der. State president' tff the Farmers I'nion, will -deliver an. address. Dr. Hill, president of the A. & M. College, will also be present and speak. Dr. Schaub, head of the Boys' Corn Clubs of the State, will lecture. Mr. George H. Thompson, who had charge, of last year's farm exhibit,, which was so suc cossful, will have charge , of ttfe ex-, hi bit again. Sixteen local Farmers Unions have - expressed? their purpose of having community, exhibits. Oth ers are expected, to join in. Prizes will be offered. Rev. F. T. wooten, super intendent of education, will nayinir this day onallfled ns Executor of the Last Will and Testament ot John F. Rulfs, deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Testator to nresent the same to me for pay ment, duly verified, on or before the 21st day of September, A. u., TJis, or tms no Itice wfll be pleaded in bar of their recov- Body Of Mr. wicwr ru..u ... , AU r8ona indebted to said estate will house as no qne was expecting a ver dict, pf anything other than murder in tne . second degree or . acquittal. ; FARMER KILLED BY TRAIN - Near . JoneSDoro 1 please make immediate payment. Jonesboro, Oct. 8. The body of Dated this September 20th, ion JOHN F. RULFS. Jr..- Executor of the Last Will and Testament of John F. Rulfs.. . sel-lawow Chesapeake and Ohio RallYaj SCENIC ROUTE TO THE WEST . tw?nkr. a well-known farmer of this locality, was found dead alongr side the tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line, this morning about 7 o'clock by stlon Master Neal. Coroner Hoyle "VJ cmT.nnAiifid a 1urv. which, after view- cf.educatlon, will nave i -"tv ' aered the verdict that I "f 4,".,.. charge of the educational feature deceased had come. to his-death I"' crr ' . the day and expects to have 2,500 or M-" rr-- h1t hv - train during . the Thronrh Pullman Sleepers to irfralsrilla :t 000 erhnn1 PhlMrpn nresent. Mr. Ui , , j t Cincinnati, tmraro no t. iovis. IV :Z".r,: f tr. night." n wok l Richmond r .1 2SX)i ni. ruwidia i vuiuiiuau . I broken lAr Lonisvlllt. tainment committee.. Special trains P 'vrtier was 45 years of age, Ar. Cincinnati will be run by the Atlantic coast iine. " .. wife and three Ur. Chicago .. . . 5:00Pm Bapm Mrs. J. C. Sykes, who. nas been in " ft developed at .. . .ij:: i."iii.Bwu iu!., .. , - , . ka,. n(r thJrt ne naa Deen aiweuu- i-nd Northwest. u - . .. .. . t.ji . tiiii , j And it demonstrates the fact that the public are quick to, appreciate a departure from "OLD-TIME" high prices on certain clashes of goods. ' irhas always been customary to charge Big Profits on all millinery gobdsr for the reason that it is chiefly sold during certain periods during the year. But our trade is so large and our stock so great that we have put all millinery articles on an equal footing as to price with all other'goods in our big store, and the result is that we have doubled the sales of any previous season. Thanking our friends and patrons for their liberal pa tronage, weshall endeavor Jo still continue to merit same by giving the best values for the least money. NEW HATS arriving Daily and placed on display as soon as possible. 1 13ig.lines,pf New. Press Goods to arri on Monday's )pm 0:35pm .U:00am .1 8:15am 9:50am 5:00pm Sapm 11 -Mpm 7 :30pm 6:00pm 7 :10aa 7:17am points Weal 'f! 210, 212, 214 NORTH FRONT STREET. treatment of Dr. BullucK, spent, sevei- ln town atid that he had Quickest and Best Route.. al days with her parents last wee k, re- - m be buried to. . . i i turning Monday to enter a nospiia i. . -i - r - t churcn nere. The Cape Pear Columbus uapusi '""""v " ' Association rnmnosfld of the Baptist churr-hes nf Pliimbufl county. Will hold Its 13th annual session on. Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, ; October 19th, 20th and 21st This promises to be one of the best sessions of the as- ITCHING IRRITATION Worst Form of Skin Trouble Quickly r.nfrf hv Inexoensive Treatment - whAii vou saiffer with any Skin ie as I 4.i,,,-i. VuiiHf'hlTifir peems sociation. ever held.? There are: about - lt u! j; cnurcnes in tni associauon, wiui --r.."J:r' " . distnistine . , . . . .) rrei rpAll HflPPKHKl V LU now ww" a w The line to the celebrated mountain n nrta at Vlrarinla. For descriptive matter, schedule an4 Pullman reservations, address, W. WARTHBN, D. P. A. . : C ft O. By. Co., Richmon. Va. nemuersnip oi apoui s-' ft ntment. Try Hokara, a pure gins 10 missions, Denevoieuue auie- --- ? - - that la eiiaran--general church expenses will probably and I simple skin, food that la J: ...i-i . i o inltaoi tr cnntaln no grease or aciag, Lium a lareer sum mis yetu iu"u i" i - - ., , . n any previous year. . -i - and which is so cleanly it does not soH tne linen. - , . - Is the World Growlna Better? Vlts power to, mstanuy reneve aw Many things go to prove that it is. irritation of the skin ana maKe.K soil, The way thousands are trying to help white and beautiful is almost mirac- w w ni r dim. im vt , tnrtA.i . Jnt onlY are . minor skin troubles . UUU1U, A. lliDUCIUi ' " I - . inr t iu i (.!,.. T7in.tvit Tf. I ir nimnios . hbinkheads acne. Dar- ters, she now advises other sufferers, ber's itch et&V quickly cured, Jmt the everywhere, to take them. "For years worst ulcers or cases of salt rheum or I suffered with stomach .and kidney eczema.-are cJnBed .ftnd healed - by . "TT'trarw moiliMnA tlik wonderful Skin -iOOd. .. . I used failed Ull I took Electric Bit- In order that any one-may tryHo ters. But this; great remedy helped kara at small expense J. Hicka Bnnt me wonderfully." They'll help' any lng Co. are selling a liberal flized Jar woman. They're the best tonic and at 25c and in addition guarantee to ne finest liver and kidney remedy, that's famd the money if the treatment does made. Try them. You'll see. 50c at not do all that is claimed for it. Larger THE BEST ALWAYS BIJOU ALWAYS THE BEST THE 'COOLEST AKD ;M0ST . UOIU FOBTABLE PLACE TN HlHj CITY. The GRAND Theatre O&CBESTBA . AND INTERESTING THE NW ' LYRIC, Market Street . , ; Vaudeville i l 4 Pictures and Orchestra ALWAYS GOOD. Latest and best Selling Books 'ArrtTals'and DeMrtores ot Train at Wllmlngia . fftlve J apUsiiii" Xl', ifilJ ; . , TlDM-Koi aMM .t ,-;t. - . :--...''- . PVPABTUBXS ".No. 00, ! 3:40A.M.' No. 51, 5:45 A.M. No. 64, 10:50 A.M. No, 48. ' 8:40 A.M.' No. 53. ': '8:45 A, to. Noi. 65, 3:13I'.M. -Qoliaboro, Blchmond, Norfolk ant Jaaatarn North Ctroitna: points.- Connects at Golds-, boro wlta Southern RaUway and Norfolk; Rout hern K.illroad. .No. fil leaves Nor- t oik - W :3Z : . r . M, , aid Richmond UU0 P..M). 'v ' No. 62, 3:25P.M. No. 68. 1 6:30 P.M. . No. 42. . 7.-00P.M. No. 67, I 70 P.M. TO AD fBOU 1 Oaboarb. Conway, Florence, Caarlatd, colambia ana Aaneruie. Pnimu bimp-. 'lag Gan Mwm WllnlatUa ud C-' , lambla, open to reeelro paartra , mt U Umlnrton at ad after IS KM) P. Mand may be occupied mull 1:M A. M. ;. JaclBonvin. V Nowbera Stations. "- , ,; aat iaurnwdialt Goldaboro, Itichxnbad, Norfolk and Wrt- injrton. FUmu rarior. vara Betweoa WilmtaKton and Norfolk, eonoectlas at Itocky Moant with New York Trains with 1'nUanan .Borvloe. ; ,: . ; . Soiid train between "Wllmlnsrtba and Mt Airy, Tia Fayettevill and Ban ford. Chadbourn, Conway '(1) Tlorenee, Charlea ton. Savannah. All Florida rolntu, Co lumbia. Ashcvllle and the West. rU- man Sleeping Cars between YUmInston end Celunabia. Jscksoovllle, . Stations. Newbern f an Intermedia ta rayetterlUe, BUtloaa. Ban ford and tntcnnodUU AJUUTALIi :;no. w. 1:00 A.M. No. SO. 12:09 A.M.' No. 65. !0:S0P.M No. ML 6:15 P.M. Qoldaboro, Eickmond, Norfolk, Waaklngton and New York. I oilman Broiler, Bnffe Bleeptnc Cars between Wilmington and 'Washington, connecting with New York , tratna, with Pollmms and Dining Car Service. Pnllmnn Sleeping Cnra boti Wilmington and NorfoU Chadbourn, Stations. Conway and Intermediate No. 52. 8:05r.M. No. 54. 1:40 P.M. No. 63, 12:50 P.M. No. 60. U0 :15 A.M. No. 41. 9:45 A. M, NO. IS, t 80 A. M. Dally 1 Dally except- Sunday. a Dally except Monday. For f oldera, reservations, rate ot tares, etc., call 'phone 1W W. J. CRAIQ, I. C WHITK. Fneaengee TrnnTo Haasgee. General WILMTNOTON, N. C. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE Effective October 2nd, 1911. ' DAILY EXfErT SUNDAY. ; To the Beach. Tnve Wllminirton 6:30. 8:30. 10:00, kl:.30 A. M.; 1:00, 3:00, 4:30, 5:30, 0:10, l:io, $:m, io:w i ju.. . 2-flO P f. SntnrdnV onlv. On Saturday this train leaves at 1:10 P. M. - To WrlehtavIIIe. Tnve Wilmluetou ti:30. 7:00. 8:00, 8:30, 10:00. 11:30 A. M.: la 00. 2:00, 3:00, 4:30, 5:30, 6:10, 7:10, 8:30, 10:00, 11:00 v. Tn Wllmlnartnn. Inve nweh - 7:45. 0:15. 10:45. 12:15, 1:45. 3:45. 5:15. 0:25. 055, 7:5fc, U:ia, 1ft -IS P M Leave Wrlghtsvllle 6:15. 7:30, 7:a, sarv ;2S. 10:55 A. M. : 12:25i 1:05. 2:w, 3:55. 5:25. 6:35. t:oo. aw. xvm. 11:30 P. M. SUNDAY. Tn thai BnutL Leave Wilmlnsiton 8:00. 10:00, 11:3Q A M 1:00. 2:00. 2:30. 3:00. 3:30. 4:00 4:30. 5:00. 5:30. $:10. 7:10. 8:30. 1U :w P. M.- To Wrlsrhtsvtlle. Leave Wilmington 8:00. 9:30, - 10 K, 11:30 A. M. ; 1:00. 2:00, 2:30, 3 Ml, 3:jw, 4:00. 4:30, 5:00. 5:30. 6:10, 7:iu, e:u 10:00 and 11:00 P. M. Tn Wilmington. Tjxiva Rrnich 8:45. 10:45 A. M. : 12:15, 1:45. 2:45. 3:15. 8:45. 4:15. 4:40, :i, 5:45, 6:25, 6:55, 7:50, 9:15, 10:45 P. M. Taawa. V vS crritaiTl 1 lo 7 I X Ill IIRJ A. M.: 12:25. .1-5. 2:55. 3:25. 3:55. 4-v,i. 4:55, 5:25, 65, ..85. 7:05, :w, , v:vf 10:55, 11:30 P. M. ' FREIGHT SCHEDULE J Dally Except Sunday. Leave 9th and Orange Streets 3:00 .P. M. M. ... Freight Depot open from 2 to J v. m. and from 2 to 3 P. M. I TUX BUST AND CHEAPEST MOVTM XU mU2 tf NORFOLK ! WQJOX". 60LDSB0K0 of mw KKW and . Norfolk Southern PULLMAN lEXYICB. Lt. Wilmington. A, C It.... 7Hj..! Ar. OoldaboroATC. L. II K p. m. Ar.Wilaon, A. C L. 110 p.m. : : 1 , Lt. WUmlnston.A.C.L, . B0am. nSRpra I Ar. New BernA.C.L.. .... 9 M&m 6 0pm Lt. GoldBboro,N..B.B. . 7 aam10 :lSpm Lt. New Bera.N.s.iiu. ... isuam u uun Lt. WllBon,N.aB.R... . 8 JOamll Opm Lt. Waah'gton,N.8.B.K . M 10:60am 20am Ar. Norfolk,N.S.B.B . . . liUpm 9:00am SEABOARD 'Air Lino Railway SCHEDULE Apply at Union Depot Ticket Oslo 'Phone 1294, or Office of Commercial Aetna, Orton Hotel. 'Phone 178. Trains Leave Wilmington, Effective AnrU 20th. 1911. No. 455:00 A. M. For Hamlet, -.and la- termediate points to Charlotte, connects aa Hamlet with No. oo, for Baieign ana poinm North. No. 893:40 P. M-For Chariot eon necting at Hamlet with tkrongh trains foa Atlanta, Birmingham, Jacksonville, Nor folk, New York, ana trams in au niroc. tlons. Arrive Hamlet 7:40 P. M.J leave Hamlet, 8 KM P. M.; arrive Charlotte, 10 Ji P. M. Trains Arrive at Wilmington f No. 40.-12:20 P. M. From Charlott. " No. 4411:50 P. M. From CharlotU aad Intermediate points. No. 45 connects at Hamlet with No. M, for all points North; at Monroe, with No, 53, for Atlanta. No. 39 connects at Hamlet with No. H for - Atlanta, Birmingham and Memphis. No. 84. for Washington and New xork No. 32, for Portsmouth, Norfolk, and No. 43, for Colombia, Savannah and Jackson Tille. - Parlor car service will be maintained be tween Wilmington and Charlotte on No. 39, tearing Wilmington at s:4U l . no. 4U, arriving at wunungiou ai. xt.w t B. Wr ABBINQTON, Hilon Ticket AgMlj Phon No. 1294. T. A. EHTTBB, 1 Commercial Agent, Orton MotsU Thons No. 17S. H. B. LBABD. I Dir. Paasenger Agent, Balelgh, N. C CP. RYAN. General Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Yfe - - Clyde Steamship Company to NEW YORK and GEORGETOWN, . C. SOUTH BOUND. Lv. Norf olk,N.8.R.B . .. .0nsa. Ar. Ooldsboro.N.S.B.B. . . .. ..C0n.m. Ar. Wllson.N.S.B.B... .. . .. ..i:0is.m. Ar. Wllmligton ..9 :41a.m. I e n.1l. f nail nzeent SnnaaT. - ; Vnr reaerratlona. address W. J. Winlamg. T. A, WUson;F. W. Tatem, O. AvQlds- Iboro; x. A. uennecLu:. a, new eern. B. P. A, Norfolk. Tn,. -s FOR SALE. About '300 tons gdod round, relaying steel rails, at Wallace, N. C, in lots to sultr Cheap ior cash. Address, ... . Carolina Timber Company, " D6x 496,, Nprf oik, Va. sc29-tf . ,. . : Wllmlnrto'n to 'New York. Strop. "Carlb," Saturday. Oct. 14th, 1911. Stmp. "Navahoe," Saturday, Oct. 21st, 1911. w York to Wilmington. Stmp. "X.iv.ilioc," Friday, Oct. 13th, 1911. Stmp. "i.'artb;' Friday, Oct. 20th, 1911. Wilmington to Georgetown. Stmp. "NavaUoe," Monday, Oct. ICth, 1911. Stmp. "Carlb," Monday, uct. ra. iii, Through bills ot lading and loweaa through .rates guaranteed to and from nil points in Nortn ana onw irounn iror rreignt, appiy to . - H. G. 8MALLB0NBS, 8ul.( . Wilmington. N. fl twentvJlve H. . MAYNAP. . Freight Traffic Manager. ' H. M. RAYMOND, V.-P. and O. M. LnIry. HA THE; COMMON LAW, by Robert W. Chambers. ' THE NE'ER DO -WELL, by Rex Beach. . . , u THE WINNING OF BARBARA WORTH, by Harold Bell Wright. THE GLORY OF CLEMENTlNfA, by William J. Locke. KENNEDY SQUARE by F. HPkinson Smith. THE MILLER OFOLD CHURCH, by Ellen Glasfpw. BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. large hip-L 3' : '::"We have iuift received a ment of , very a ttradtive- Buggies from the Columbus Buggy Company. Forale, at Our; Repository:' - i CITY?LIVERY V Quickest and Best &ls Wesi and North. wen. : Block iystom. Boek Bnllnai. BS-t. Schodnlo ha Kffoct rehrnnry u, if ill . Lt Norfolk . . . . 80 m no psa Lt. Petersbnrg A . . i-UitOO m 10:40 n sa Lv. Durham . .) 7 :00 a ml 5:80 b m .Lynchburg . ,i:wimj;apn .Cincinnati . - . 7 j20am i5p sa Ar.Colnmbn .1 6:45 a m flASp m Ar. Chicago... . SOpm TtWm Ar.8t. Louoi , . . . . :SSpm eMnss Close connections made zor beauia, du rtandsco and all western points. . Pullman atoning and panor cars . ann W. Cafe dining cars. Equipment and ser rice standard: of sicellence. Bint Bidit and 'Allegheny monataint crossed si bsosj picturesque ,Pt.- M. iformaUon (ren, . t2fJdfJlS..ln7lu W. B. BHVILL, - Gen. Pas Agent, Roanoke, tav. O. XL BOSLBY, bist. Pass. Agent, BlchmohC, Tn. lDr. t J. atcTTahns- ClBoavexn of ba I Mil? yemiAftsat cuf ifotX Ui tXydo Idkbtt ' No - dniirsToma hypodennlo la UetSons tor nsrrn wrecking drags used. rsmatyvflT Tr nx prloni Ad sre DATS tne nest oowa smooan, jo GET RID OF THE FLI E8. Use Formaldehyde as. recommended by Health Authorities. Wo can -supply yon ln any Quantity from 10c worth to a ton, Do yon boll the crater roll ttrtnht Ask Vonr Ioctor About it. Fpnflcello Iithia water,', the strongest 1ft LlthU, and 'most .wholesome tabls water, as well as the . best medicinal water on the market, we can supply yon with half gallon bottles or five gallon carboys. We also handle Harrlse. Moore's, Buffalo, Lincoln,' Poland, Mecklenburg, and. many others. r'' 3. -BICKM BUNlNO DBVQ CX and BotaJl Dmggtoto. E. R. Bellamy's. - si2e,(50 cents. ... t 1 r.y - . :: t