i - it,; - T . :"4 -I ... 1 "A ' ; . ;1 i I H. ii w fl 1 H if 'i - 'I i -1'V u ' I i I : 4 BAGE 8. SEGREGATION OF PATfENTS Dr. Wiley' Method of Handling Tu- berculosla Patients I Cranford, N. J., Nov.- 11. The rf crpeatlon of all tuberculosis ta- tlents on an island was suggested by J At Exposition for some time boiled ov Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief of eler. today and Harrison S. Morris, the Bureau ; of Chemistry, in an address I here tonight under the auspices or the the same time recalling us associates Cranford Village Improvement Assoc cn the American Jury, William Hen iatlon. ry Fox, art director, and Joseph Pen- "We must give the State power to stamp out tuberculosis and autnoritylto to segregate every infectious and con- J tagious disease, said Dr. . Wiley, "Pviipv tnon wnmsn and rhllrt whn (ilosl of a preventable disease is either a I Morris intimates that the' Italian man suicide or a victim of murder. Thrpugn I agement acs in bad faith with the re- State v supervision and regulation is suit mac. me American,-exmDiis, . val ine only solution of the problem." ued at half -a million dollars, must Dr. Wiley called attention to the have been exposed to a, possible Joss foct that the Department of Agricul- by fire, if the artists were to share in ture spends thousands of dollars to the prizes. He explains that the In- stamp out disease in hogs and cattle, but that a woman, whose child is flicted with tuberculosis could get no aid from government. It was ihere that he made hid suggestion as to the segregation of tuberculosis patients, Eaying that they should be kept there! until they were either cured or dead. 1 "Every person here tonight will die I says, while the management aeiiDer . before he ought to, 'unless there are lately delayed the award! of prizes in concerted efforts for the conservation I order to keep the ' expositions open. of public health," continued Dr. Wl-1 ky. "Public health is mere valuable I than all other National resources. If 1 more women were taught properly 1 how to use the coob stove instead pfr the piano, America would be better off. . I New York. Nov. 11. Dr. Harvey W. Wilev drew one resounding burst I of applause' after another from mem' I president of the exhibition - commit ters and guests of the league for Po-1 tee is Count Di San Martino. litical Education here today when In I speaking of "the fight for pure food," he declared that the passage of the manuel and Queen Helena and has at fcod law was due entirely to the em-ltracted much attention. On October phatic feminine whispers of "do ' It," sent inspiringly into the ears of rep-J . Luvuv. w-a - ""O" . 1 "The passage of the bill was due to the Federation of Womans' Clubs of I the country.' TELEPHONE DISPATCHING. Southern Railway, to Extend System to Greensboro, N. C. (Special Star Correspondence.) Greensboro, N. C, Nov. 11. The Southern Railway Company, in the fur- therance of its plan 'of dispatching trains by telephone, has asked for es- timates for an extension of Its tele- pnone lines irom Monroe, va.. to Greensboro, so as td make the system extend without break from Salisbury- Spencer to Monroe, Va. There is now In operation 120 miles and it is stated here that the service has proven very satisfactory. Dispatchers in Greens- boro maintain that for running trains thy with the garbage collectors who the telephoned superior to the tele- are out, is threatening. Department graph, although they are frank to ad- gtore drivers and other teamsters' or mit that the days of the "knights of anizations held meetings tonight to the key" are far from being number- consider the Question. Little oroeress ed. The dispatching of trains by tele- pnone over me ooumern system is yet in an experimental stage, and for tes reason me two systems wii ror a time at least be maintained, al- though the telegraph operators from nere to -m on roe now use tne ie3pnone m running trains exclusively. Immense Saving of Life and Property " t,; ' V, Ti mation of wrecks alonT the Atlantic :l??LlTnLll?Jte o HC teras, furnished during the past fiscal V w -ixr.i, VrTL",:' " miio k A 1, vrtr;',,rr,:r wrnJr;;::;; Cape Henry. Cape Hatteras or Manteo when the information was telegraphed promptly to agents, owners and others interested. Property valued at J350.000 endan gered in 18 casualties on Lake Huron was saved partly as a result of the in formation .furnished from the .Weather Bureau station at Alpena, Mich. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . . . i llonnet Diamonds. ( . Herman & Land Notice. ' Armleray Bohemian Girl. A David Co. You'll Find. I. Khrier Gold Bond Hata. Pl.itt & Haar A Perfect Fit. Geo. O. Gay lord Busy Seanon. z 1). L. Gore Co. Farms for Kent. 'I. K. Foster & Co. Sole Asrents. Peterson & Itulfs Stetson Shoes. C. H. Fore & C!o. Ostrich IMnmcs. XV. B. Cooper New Biver JIullets. Southern Commercial School Wanted. Xission Pharmacy Attention. Ladles. C. W. Polvot Co. Probably You Intend. Stonewall Lodve. K. of P. Convention. So. Itealty & -Auction Co. Great Auction Bale. Wilmington Shoe Co. A Siioe for Every Foot. Wilmington Savings & Trust Cox Re moval. - Carolina Trucking and Development Co. Auauoou. C. W. Yates ! '.& Bookcases. i- Co. Globe-Wernicke American National Bank Where Do the Contents Go. Astyptodlne Chemical ; Co. Croup Pneumonia Salve. and Dr. Culbreth's Dental Teeth Are in Front. Parlors Your Business Locals. For Hale Books. For Sale Cakes. , Wanted Salesmen. Wanted Salesmen. , Wanted Boarders. Wanted Salesmen. Wanted Salesmen . Wanted Detectives. Strayed- Bay Pony. , Wanted Office Boy. Lost Pair Eyeglasses. H. F. Wilder For Sale. Wanted Table Boarders. . For Rent An Apartment. II. F. Wilder-For Rent. Wanted Shipping Clerk. "Wanted Good Salesman. Wanted Tracts of Land. Wanted Crosstie Hewers. Wanted Furnished Jtoom. , Wanted SldeUne Salesmen. For Rent Suite of Rooms. ; Wanted Furnished Rooms. H. F. Peiree Land for Sale. Pngb &. WlUiams He ward. For Sale One Brown Mare. Wanted Unfurnished Rooms. For Sale Maxwell Runabout. For Rent Furnished Rooms. . For Hale R. I. R. Cockerels. K. Warren k, Son For Sale. J. C. Herring Concrete Blocks. J. O. Wright & Bon For Sale, i It. T. Wind ley Crosstles Wanted. American Factories Co. Salesmen . Mrs. Bremer Five Rooms for Rent Norfolk Lumber Co.--La borers Wanted. Bradstreet System xraveiing Salesmen Standard Grocery Co. Earn $30 Weekly Southern . Commercial Hcnool Call at Once. '. , For Bent Rooms at Winter Park Gar dens. , - -Johnson's Orchestra' Engagements Wanted. Ijo Angeles Products Co. Salesman 4. Property..' , . ;r , AMERICAN'S WITHDRAW. Serious Rupture In Connection witn international Art exposition Rome, Nov. 11. TrouDie wmcn has been brewing at the international American commissioner, witnarew, at nell, the artist Mr. Fox, according Mr. Morris, refused to resign and was dropped, xne American pavunon has been closed. ; . In a Statement iSSUed tonight. Mr; surance on me exnimis nao Deen per af-lmitted to lapse forcing the closing oi the American pavilion on the last day of OctoDer m order mat us contents have the protection which still coyer- led the removal or me woras to me United States. - Promises to renew the insurance were not fulfilled, he Meantime it develdped mat Americar exhibitors were to be debarred from the prizes, unless their i pavilion re- mained open. , This rupture has caused a 'sensa- Ition which has oeen increased by Mr. Morris' statement in which he says that Englantt, France, Germany and Spaiir also have withdrawn. ' The The American pavilion was opened on April 22nd by King Victor Em-. 27th His Majesty purchased the whole series of thirty etchings by Joseph V Notwithstanding the withdrawal of the Americans, Mr. Pennell has been elected a member of the final jury of ten to make awards. . THE STREET CLEANERS'. STRIKE. Although Rioting Continued Air Day Strike Remains Unsettled. New York. Nov. 11. Although riot hne continued all day the street clean rs' strike in New York remained un settled tonight with no Indication of either the city authorities or the strlk- k rvincr in street Cleaning Commissioner Ed wards began preparation for a long gieee bv establishing commissary de- partments in various stables to feed strike breakers. .On the other hand, a eeneral teamsters' strike In syrema- was made today in removing the gar- Dage which litters the streets Qne of . the most sensational inci dents of the day was the arrest in rtrrtnlrlvn rf a vmm r vnmin fnllv Snssman. 28 vonrs nld . who: after ad- dressing a mob, led' an attack, the po- iice gay. unon a souad of Btrikebreak AM Anil laQHAfl fT V W, ffAt 1 t-A V. M nV -l f and attempted a rescue. other police- men' with, drawn .revolvers formed a I the ri d held their I Kroimd until reserves came to their I E0??; ro ,v. ((1 l The girl was then taken to the sta tlon house and locked up on a charge I . On Tenth avenue bullets flew when sticks and stones at the strikebreak- I ing drivers. Outbreaks were genera !" 71 "6 " lue lulur ot l"!Ye"1 v AN IMPORTANT, EXPERIMENT. Projectile Fired in Hampton Roads Penetrated Armor Plate. W n c h i n r-t n n Mnv 11 Th ris1sv tIle which was fired in experiments yesterday in Hampton Roads from the Davis cannon torpedo at the submerg ed caisson lepresenting the side of battleship apparently succeeded in penetrating the two-inch armor plate which had- been placed on the outside of the caisson. The caisson quickly sank after the shot exploded. The ex tent, of the damage Inflicted upon the target cannot be known until the cais son is in dry dock at Norfolk. The ex periment is believed to have been. of the greatest importance-to the navy and it will make necessary a complete revision of the methods of torpedo at tack and defense. N. & W. ACCIDENT Member of Section Gang Injured- Firemen Also Injured Lynchburg, Va., Nov, 11. As a double-headed freight train was pass- I ing a section gang on the Norio.. & Western Railway, 20 miles west of here, this afternoon, the front of tha I locomotive was struck and James Gal loway, a colored man from Bedford. I received wounds from flying grate bar which caused his death tonight at a hospital bere. William Rosser, a white liremafc from Roanoke, who was scalded aibout the face, head and back, was brought here and us conu...on tcnight is pronounced critical. The cause of the explosion is not known. several others received injuries. ECZEMA REMEDY ALSO WASHES PIMPLE8 AWAY.. - No remedy that I h eczema, psoriasis, and all other diseas es of the skin has given x mere thor- ougn satisfaction that the D. D. D. Prescription for eczema. A 25c trial- bottle can be secured at once. -. , My patrons ; find that D. D. D- not only gives Instant relief to the itching, burning skin. Quickly driving out all the disease germs, but it is also the most delightful wash for the complex- inon they ever used. Absolutely harm less and pleasant to use, D. D. D cleanses the skin of all minor impuri ties, such as rashes and, pimples, over night, and leaves the skin clear and smooth as that of a child It Is now generally known that there Is nothing that can equal D. D. D. as a household remedy for ail skin trou bles. no matter wliat they are. I, myself, am so iuiiy convinced of the merits of this wonderful -remedy that we will charge you notung if the first full size, bottle of D. D. D. does not make good every claim. Better drop In and talk.lt over with Sus anyhow, I Robt, R. Bellamy Wilmington, n. C. M THE MOBKIN G STAR, WIInKGTO KILLED BY TRAIN V, C & S. Has First Fatal Accident v Lumberton Newt :,tj '..; (Special Star Telegram.) J V Lumberton, N. C. Nov. 11. Mr. f. M. Hall, a very old man, was kill- 30 this morning near- si, raur,oy he V, & C. S. train bound from Hope Mills to Lumberton. The train was Tinning about 30 miles an hour when t struck the unfortunate man. The engineer saw him walking1 by the rack and when the train was within bout 30 feet of him, he stepped upon :be track in front of the train. Mr. lall is said to havebesn deaf and did aot hear the train. No olame is at; ached to .the railroad people, v . J. C. Lewis, a colored man of this vicinity, was arrested here Thursday y Chief Redf era, charged with check (Sashing. He. got two years on the roads. Criminals 'heed not try .to work here while Redf ern is on the job. ; : - iv'-.'rv.. : . - . 1 . , The condition of Mrs. T. A. Mc Neill, who has been very slick at the Hignsmim Hospitsj, in r ayetieviiie, for several days, was. reported s im- WESTERN N. C. CONFERENCE. Sessions Yesterday at vStatesvlll High Point Next. Year. (Special Star Telegram.) Statesville. N. ; Cl Nov. 11. The name of D. J. Miller was stricken from the Western North Carolina Confer ence roll today because he left Bethel Church, Asheville, without explanation men, or after he is reported to have left the united States. The Board of Education recommend ed that the Conference raise $140,000 for education the -coming year. It also recommended L. . B. Abernathy, Coa f erence Secretary of Education with a salary of $2,500. ' ' A class of .1 was received on trtau Five were Tecelved into the lull con nectioU. --.. - ' High Point is the place .for holding he Conference-next year. L'A committee recommended that the ponference, raise $5,000 for a repre tentative church at Washington. It is expected the Conference will adjourn Monday. ' ' ;; . r- --' ? - MIRACULOUS ESCAPE S - Number of Persons Seriously Uijured ; and Buildings Wrecked Springfield, Ill Nov. 11. A torna do swooped down upon Virginia, -Illinois, late this afternoon dealing' de struction. "-A. number of persons were seriously injured while the town was wrecked. Man. had miraculous es capes "but none were killed. " Not a building that lay in the storm's patch escaped damage. A hundred dwellings-, were unroofed while the business section is a mass of wreckage. Tonight the town is in total darkness- and rescuing parties are groping their way with lanterns through the wreckage looking for the injured. , Many persons took refuge in the Methodist church. The building was crushed and many in it were injured. ADVISORY STORM WARNINGS. Were Ordered on the Gulf Coast Last Niqht. . ; Tampa, Fla., Nov. 11. Advisory northwest storm warnings were order ed oh the gulf coast, from Mobile and Carrabell and from Hatteras to East port on the Atlantic coast at 9:22 to night, ... At Jacksonville, Fla. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 11. The lo cal weather bureau sent out tonight warnings of a cold wave, which will reach this section tomorrow night or early Monday. Predictions for tomor row are threatening weather with rain in the afternoon or evening, which will be followed by colder weather on Mon day morning.' New York., Nov. 11. Charles War ren, representing Boston n the Three Cushion Billiards' League, tonigut de feated Frank McKee and John Dankel rran. of the New York team, -by a score of 50 to 45, in 95 innings. Each slue b-nrte a high run of five. . BUSINESS LOCALS AdwrtlMBcats Luertctf uder this bead ae eet per ward tor each laser tloa, but b dvertlseBMBt taken tor Ims thaa ZSc Additional words, mora tbaa 25, on ceat per word. Vales tbo advertiser baa a regular account, all advertisements ander this bead are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE, the amounts being too imill to warrant a charge. Tba Star will aead wit heat eharge, A. D. T. (Western Union) Mes senger to say address La the city for advertlseosenta In this department open reqaeet by 'Phono to No. 81. A. D. T. Meeeeager'wlll also call tor telegrams tor tbo Western Union Telegraph Com pany, or for notes or small packages to be delivered anywhere In tbo city. No eharge tor the telegrams, bat "a mall charge tor strictly A. D. T. eaUs or telephone subscriber may at any time telephone their telegrams, bills rendered . to salt tbo sender dally, weekly or monthly. For this service, call We tern Union, "Phone No. S. Bat for advertisements, always call the Star office. No. 01. .Copy tor Baslnoss Lo cals cannot bo taken over the telephone bat apon reqneet Messenger will, be dispatched to any part of the city tor them , JOHNSON'S ORCHESTRA Everything new und tin-to-date. 211 8. 3rd St.: tele Phone 1778, nol2-2t WANTED Shinning clerk. - Must report at 7 A. M. Address io , o .handwriting. "F," care Star. . ,. - ;- - ; ; ; nol2-lt SALESMEN Do you want: $10 . a day side line - deal ? ' Snappiest proposition ever Kpninir. ' 'Will sell v everywhere. ' Strong enough for main line. American Factories Co;, St. 1ou1h, Mo. nol2-lt SALESMAN WANTED to.' work " North Carolina with ' caudy, cigars and , soft drinks; we pay salary and expenses. .Los Angeles Products Co... St. Louis, Mo. . V .. . . ; nol2-lt FOR SALE S. C. B..I. Red cockerels f. W, Wood strain, $1.00 each. A. J. Bar bour Cerro Gordo, N. C.-'' v " nol2-19-2t SALESMEN Do vou want S10 n da.v side line deal? Snappiest proposition ever sprung. . Will sell . everywhere. Strong enougu, xor main line. American Facto ries- Co1., St.' Louis, Mo. ' ! - nol2-lt WHY DON'T YOU build your house with concrete blocks. Persnnn rtwninir nnd living in them are satisfied. It is the other leugw mat. aoes tne Kicking. J. c. Her- rlng.'v ' .' -: - nol2-lt FOR' 'SALE One .ten. syrup -and - three ime .ippincott Wall Soda Foun tain. Only In use 3 TMKl and nmrtu hw. ed oak counter, with marble slab, -Must be ma oeiore Fep. 1st. v A bargain .for cash bargain .for cash I 'I P01?"1 rcB eon..:-' WAKE fpi HnrMid on t ! Advertise ! Mul- tlgruph lmltatlau. typewrittea circulars; cheap as prlathnri betterresults. All classes typewriting and' notary work. Harrlss Typewriting and Advertising Co., 114 Prin cess street; 'phone 706. del-tu,su,th-tf 'ROOMS Ft)R BENT Two large -front rooms, nicely furnished, in good, locality. Will rent cheap.. Call 314 N. 2nd. t': , CALL. AT ONCE for "Special Fall" rates on. shortba ad uad -business courses, at the Southern Commercial . School ; located cor ner "3rd, , nnd Prlocess streets. .Positions guaranteed. -', . ( -, . ' nol2-lt REWARD The' .undersigned willr, pay $.00 reward for Information as to parties la big touring- car which' rau into our buggy on Castle Haynes road, near Castle Haynes, Friday, night about 8 -o'clock. Car carried no lights 'and; after 'throwlag us luto the ditch, the 'parties sped awdy. of fering us no relief, desplte-;our appeals. W. D. Pugh, D. M, Williams. nol2-lt DUMAS' AXD - CRAWFORD 25' vols, each. Either set $15.(K) or both for $27.50. "Books," Box 428. City. nol2-lt FOR SALB'l Maxwell runabout, $200. Crankshaft, cylinders, clutcbv differentials, rear axle, all new. Apply Box ,267. ... i. -"; ; nol2-3t WANTED 'Table boacdersai Also have furnished room suitable for two. Apply 313 N. Second street. nol2-lt r STRAYED A bay pony with " black uinne and tall. Last seen going out E. Wilmington road.--Suitable reward for re turn to 18th and - Terry aves., Carolina Place. nol2-lt WANTED On a tract of tlmter contain ing four thousand acres 40 to 50 good cross tie hewers. Men easily earn $2.00 per day or more; pay day every Saturday. Address or come to see R. T. . .ndley, 114 Princess st; Lock - box 605, Wilmington. N. C. . nol2-tf WANTED To hear from parties having for sale tract or tracts, of land that would be suitable for hunting preserves. Game must be plentiful. "B. Ay,f! care. Star. . . ---. .i ... nol2-lt WANTED One furnished room by young gentleman. Prefer to room with someone. "T. E. B.," care- Star. nol2-lt I CAKES of all. kinds made and baked to order. 'Phone 1012. uol2-lt WANTED . a.s Salesmen , to . sell Fancy Fruit Ciders and Phosphates in small towns ; 30 pen cent. commission ; $4iX) weekly advanee. i .Uus. ThanCTO S. Main St.. St. Louis,-Mo. -r " nol2-19-2t ! . 1 , - SIDELINE - traveling salesmen make to 5 weekly handling our latest pro- O action oi aavertlsuig inns. L.iheral terms. Apply at once.. United States Calendar Co., Cincinnati. ... -Mm nol2-lt WANTED Four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, south of Market street. Address P. O. Box T13, City. nol2-lt WANTED .tO.000, 7x9x8 1-2: 30.000 6x9x8. and 20.000 0x8x8 sap cross ties. It. T. Wlndley, Office 114 lTlneess street: Lock box UUi. ... nol2-tf FIVE ROOMS for rent, either furnlslied or nnfurutshed. Apply to Mrs. Helena Bremer.-over Hall's Drug 8tore,. Fifth and Castle streets. noli-It ROOMS FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms, connected: all conveniences, includ ing electric lights, bath and telephone. Es pecially suitable for. light housekeeping:. New bouse; paved i street; ' within half block or car Hue. Telephone 1791-J. - . - - -nol2-lt FOR KENT To married roanle without cDUdren, desirable, rooms for light house keeping, at Winter Park Gardens.. Elec trie lights and. telephone. .Address Box 578, CItyt: , . nol2-lt BE A DETECTIVE Earn S150 to &M0 monthly: travel; write Snpt. Ludwlg. 1710 Scarritt Bldg Kane City, Mo. uol2-lt FOR RENT Suite of attractive rooms In desirable locality. Itdvote bath, gas, elec tricity. Addresa "H'l-rare Star. nol2-lt LAND FOR SALE Three valuable farms one to three miles from town. H. F. Petrce, Warsaw, a. Cr.. , k . - uol2-7t LABORERS WANTED For .work in saw mill and log woods at Wallace. N. C. Pay -day every .Saturday. .Plenty of good tenement houses and. boarding bouses for both white and colored laborers. The Nor folk Lumber Co., Wallace.- uol2-su4t LOST In the neighborhood of Tenth aud Ited Cross afreets, one pair of eye glasses In case.. Iteward.- Notify "Phone w. r- i nol2-lt TABLE BOARD-rfiermaa home cookuie Rates reasonable. 205 Aim Street. nol2-lt WANTED Good man to handle line of Ciders and Vinegars. Exclusive territory ana mgn grade goods,- .iiiberai enmmis- stons, weekly settlements. Exclusively or as side line. References required. Red- lands .Mfg. Co- Richmond. Va. nol2-3t BE A TRAVELING SALESMAN Earn while you learn. Write for particulars of our System. Bradstreet System, Roches ter, N. Y. , nol2-lt FIFTY TO 92M a week easy. Sales to Rankers. Business Meu and Professionals. We make salesmen. $10- on every -sale. Ferrlne, 118 South Cllntoa St., Chicago. , ; ' :,-. ri ,j nol2-lt SALES OF BANKRUPT STOCKS of Merchaudise.. As receiver of the Peoples Hardware and Furniture Company, under order of the court. I will., on Monday, the 27th day of November. 1911. at 12 o clock noon, at Rowland, North. Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, the large stock of hardware, fixtures,- etc.; nbeTetofore owned by said People's Hardware and Furniture Com pany; also on the following day (Tnesday, November 28th;.. 19111, at12 o'clock noon. at Red Springs; N. C I will offer a similar stock of goods heretorore-wued by snin corporation and contained in Its branch store at Red Springs. All persons inter ested may secure full information by ad dressing John A. McCormlck, Receiver, Rowland, N. C. nol2-eod to. no28 WANTED Office boy. Must be able to use typewriter; some knowledge of short hand preferred. Address "B," care Star. -. nol2-lt EARN $30 WEEKLY taking orders for Cut Rate Groceries. Outfit free. Standard Grocery Co- 352 Arcade. Cleveland, O. -; nol2-lt FOR SALE One fine brown - mare, kind and gentle In all harness : - guaranteed to be; sound. .Also one Jersey cow and one young hound. J. D. Thompson, R. F. D. 2, City. i-t- nol2-lt , FOR SALKvTen-acre -farms' near City Race Track,-Andubon and car line, facing shell road. Can be oougiit ut n price to Insure a good investmeut. or suitable for desirable country home, with city advan tages' cloee by.- .See H.- F: - Wilder; Real Estate Agent, telephone 631,- 207 Prim-ess street; 4v , . : nol2-2t FOR RENT One deslmble office In Wilder building, $J.O0 per month ; also mo dern dwelling . with seven rooms, near Fifth and Church streets-and seven room dwelling thoroughly overhauled with bath ana. sewerage; at 312 so. tn ut. ti. tr. wua er, Real Estate Aaent.. 207 Princess street - '-- " ' .";? .... nol2-lt FOR RENT ABartmewt'of three rooms furnished for llarht housekeeping. Gas-and wood stove in , kitchen ; first floor; use of bath and 'phone.' Apply 311 So. 0th street, .,'..: '- ; , nol2-lt THE ' SOUTHWEST CORNER of 1 Fif teenth and Market, streets- is now, for the first . time in 20 years, offered - ror .sale This lot has a. frontage of ninety feet on MarKet street and. 130. feet on "iiteentn runs back to : Meadow , street (30 foot street). Investor will be wise to buy now soon both sides of street will he Improved ana prices will Jump. See us Monday J G. Wright & Son, Sole Agents. . . nol2-lt WANTED .Three burnished v rooms for A light ; housekeepiris;,; Address "X.'-'' care J ; Star.;, ut S&ofltV .... . . ...-. a . ' : I ' 1 , U ' WANTED Bargain n good, strong wa gon ..horse. Apply , to 8 . , W,. Sanders, at once.-, ' . . x' . '-v,:;,. '..'..noiw-ot LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN Jersey heifer, 2' years old. .Dark feet and head, with mouse-colored nose. Reward.. 'Phone, 1572.;- , . ' . .. . no9-tf SECOND nAND squar piano for' sale. In good order. : Cheap to cash purchaser. Address "Piano.? carol Star . Office. v WANTED 100 young men and women to take . advantage of Southern Business College's low rates. - Third floor, I. O. O. F, Building. Call for particulars at once . oc8-su-tf - . iff r . TAILORING Gentlemen, see' my line of Fall and- Winter Suitings before you boy; popular- prices. . Leger Meyer, Mer chant Tailor,-' 109 Princess st, 2nd floor; Princess Building. - Jy9-su-tf to7-18 LAND FOR. SALE The land known as the NoMes property, containing about four hundred acres or the most productive son in North Carolina, less than a mile from city limits, on macadamized" road and tra versed by A. C. L. Railroad. This property is suitable for -farming, colonizing and sub urban development. For further particu lars, address JV O. Box . 482. Wilmington, N. C. , ; , -r :s i . no5,7,10,12,19.26-6t OFFICE Trou- BENT in '' Odd .Fellows' building, corner Third and "Princess streets. Rent Includes light, heat and superintend ence. Apply to J. G. Wright and Son, 124 Princess street, or L. w. Moore,. Chairman. Telephone 631, 207 Princess st. ' 1 noiu,i2,io,j- FLOWERS We will send half doxen as sorted bulbs that ' will bloom in Spring1, with description . and price list o duids and plants for 25c. silver. We supply anything that grows. Bllck Floral Com pany, .Dept. "A Norfolk, Va. no7-7t FRESH SOUR KRAUT All good. things to eat you will find at the right place." Ex tra fancy telery, grape fruii and bananas. Fresh meaw'bf all kinds always on band. Palace Market Co. 'Phone No. 72. . no8-tf NEW LOT of horses, ponies and mules just received.- They. are aS good as they grow. Every horse guaranteed as repre sented. A saddler that makes riding a pleasure, J. J. Darby, Orange street be tween Water and Front. no7-6t HORSES FOR SALE One fine draft horse, weighing 1,580 lbs.; 'also one pair of city broke horses, weighing about '800 lbs. each, at Burden's Stables, Burgaw, N. C. J. J. Barden, Sr. nol0-3t WE HAVE what you want. Dressed turkeys, dressed chickens, young and old, drerfsed ducks. Home-made pprk sausage, country pig pork, nice back bone and spare ribs. .Native and Western beef, veal and lamb. Extra fancy celery add lettuce. An kinds of . fruits and vegetables, tilre us your orders today. Palace Market Co.. Phone No. 72. v noll-tf ' WANTED An experienced saleslady In millinery, department. Splendid perma nent position. to. right party. J. H. Ren der & Co. j.j . . -. j; noll-2t 'T ,, , , ; THE GILBERT" Remodeled: newlv furnished; all hotel conveniences. Front and Princess streets, - junction of trolley lines; cars to -bcf")b and depot; steam heat; electric llgbtLAnd bot water. Excel lent cuisine aud good service. Rates. $1.50 and $2.00 a, day.-.-Liberal discount to couples and peoples-who stay longer. . .... v-.."V.v - . no4-tr 118 18 THE NUMBER to caU for plumb ing. The biar force we put on last week cleared . our books . of repair work. Now we are ready for your, orders. D. L. T. Cappa Plumbing Co., J. B. Griffith, Mgr.. aiarxet street. ocl5-tf SPECIALS at Pure Food Market: New sour krout, flue lettuce and celery. All kinds fresh meats; fine New River oysters nd liver pudding; best of season. Pure rood Market,. D. m. Davis, Prop. Thone ... . - seso-tf . I'N REDEEMED shot suns of high grade makes: Utica. Remington. Fox. L. C. Smith, Sterling, at bargains. Give us a call before yoa buy.- Uncle Charles' Pawn Shop, 10 South Front St., Yellow building. ... ocl'J-tf FOR SALE One ninth . Interest In 1.225 acres of land, one and a half miles west of Ivanboe, N. C For further particulars ap ply to A. Sellers, Ivanhoe, N. C. . . oclS-lmo TO THE PUBLIC Uncle Charles' pawn hop has moved to 18 8. Front attest; look for the yellow, building, mySl-tf ATTENTION . LADIES! Elcaya Cream. ' Cream See, ' Ingram's Milk Weed, . Pompeian Cream, , Nyal's Peroxid Cream, Dorothy Ternon Cream, ' Palm Olive Cream, Feroxide Cream, Cream de Mendor, Kosmea Cream", Woodbury's Facial Cream, Cucumber Cream, Hokara Cream, MISSION PHARMACY. . Custle Hall. Stonewall Lodge, No, K. of P. Erothers: --,-.- You ure urgently requested to attend the convention of this Lodge, to be held tomorrow (Monday) eveuing, Nov. l.'ith.. at S o'clock, for the trnusactiou of important business. Fruternally. W. C SMITH, . nol2-lt ' K. of R. and S. D REPAIRING - ; ':-- -,7w-..v,,'. Fine Watches and ; Jewelry A SPECIALTY A. 0. SCHUSTER f E WE LE R , : 104 North a Front v Street amonds watches Jewelii ', SHvenvare 4 Per . CenL encan Am WILMINGTON, N. C ...GOOD... mm v x FOR BOYS AMD GIRLS - odd Shoe Repairing noO-tf USE YOUR HEAD MORE YOUR PURSE LESS. Jhe one; who thinkslooking toward the future and profits thereby, is the, one -who, in old age, has a compe tency, A Bank Acco'unt-helps one to realize the value of money and the value of saving. Every one should have a bank account. No matter how small, added to every week it will give you a snug sum in old age. Begin to save: at oncel . . , " i - -' ., ' , , , , The Atlantic (Trust & Banking Co. "The qank that will HelpYou." no.Vtf . . - " AT TPESI10L0 GA1 The Wilmington Furniture Co. is still selling better goods at lower prices, selling more goods, making more satisfied customers. ' In additioh to their large line of regular staple Fur niture and Housefurnishings, they carry Bernstein cel ebrated three-piece Beds, Ostermoor Superior Mat tresses,' Bloch's Matchless Go-Carts "and Carriages, the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets. Quite a nice line of Costumers, Jardinieres, Tabour ettes, Fancy Hamper Baskets, and many other special 'ties.'M irv'- v.:V : 'i" ' : ; If you ,w6iild save money and make for yourself sat isfaction 'and pleasure, see Wilmington Furniture Co. " r ' SECOND AND PRINCESS. nol2-tf Mew River Mullets 186 Bbls. Large Roe Mullets 271 BbU: Medium MulletsV , 1 18 BbU. Small Mullets "r ..... 231 Bags R. P. Seed OaU lib Bushels !5eed Rye t :r "; 37 Bbls. Baldwin Apples,: : 24 Bbls. Ben Davis Apples 41 Bags Eating, Potatoes ... : ... .... .--. iA , 92 Cases Lemon Cling . Peaches -tf:;K't . - ; . . v ' iT, f ... 47 Gases. Fancy, Corn ? ; 274 Cases Standard .Corn Member Merchants Trade ; Extension Association. ( - "'X-'.' "...A, "": :v.u' WHERE DO THEciuT A glance is, all vmVTS . LUttt ine linn , M ? est, capable, UJ hon- . can arn the resi)ec VAll oUi.. ai need to self to his aniiUt u. . to deny himself ' whit nVbl not to have. Y u .it tell that a g00d part o h!a ten s of his pay envef0, elf posited regularly i, l c. ,S(1e- account for ties. He's the mar. that. Wiit win out. Why m.t i, 'by starting 0 H winn.... SHV1gs account at" nur hanl- Interest Paid. Bank AT - z UuUs Neatly Done. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE v Starting on Monday, 0c tober 30th, Steamer Lis bon will load every Mon TJinrnrlav for points along the Cape Fear river as far as Elizabeth tnum Returning to the W WW W city every Wednesday and Saturday. .Passengers and Freight will have personal atten tion. W. D. BLIZZARD, Maler National i I 1 ; t ... : , , t ... .- 1 1 f.