V. THE MORNING STAll,m?QyGTQyy O., :WEBNESBAY, NOVEMBER 29 1911, PAGE 6. f. f. a- 3 - T flit fli rt 1 I V . 1 ;V V r" i. 2 iff I' 4 ft- II, Ik it l; 1' In qogial & PERSONAL : Misses : Rachel and' Hattie, Grafflin left, yesterday morning on a visit of sereral days to Burgaw. : - Mr. A. B Curtis left yesterday af ternoon, for Chesterfield, S. C, to at tend the marriage of his brother. Miss Margaret .Bridgers returned yesterday morning from a visit to , friends in the western . part of the State. , : V . ' . Miss Willie Southernland left last night for Norfolk, where she will spend Thanksgiving .with her sister, Mrs. L. tP. Sneeden. , v. - . - v. . Miss Katharine Isier and Miss Helen Klrby, of Goldsboro, will arrive in the city today and will tie the guest of Mrs. James Kyle for t.h$ "thanksgiv ing holidays. Mrs. JV H Hewlett nas returned from a pleasant visi to her daughter, Mrs. Harry" Cobley,: at Newbern. Mr.; Hewlett spent Sunday "and . Monday at Newbern . and- accompanied his wife . home. - .: " " ' Miss Ruth Adams, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. M; W. Brown, of Nor folk, Va., have arrived to attend the marriage today of Miss Grayce Glas gow, ot,;thla city,, and Mr.. Maurice Player, of Bishopsvilie, S. C. 7 Mr- and . Mrs. M . Lv Stover and daughter- and Miss- Etta Brand will leave on the early. Coast Line train this morning for Savannah,. Ga., to at tend the Grand Prize Automiblle Race there tomorrow. While in Savannah they will be the guests' ot Mr. ' and Mrs. J." N. Brand. ' -'! A Thanksgiving Day event that is being - looked forward to . with t much interest is the annual golf tournament, oyster roast and luncheon at the; Cape Fear Country Club. This pleasant af fair is always , a most popular event and is always largely attended by the club members and their, friends. Two handsome cups are offered as prizes for the winners of the golf matches. The tournament is scheduled to start on the arrival of the 10 o'clock car. TEA ROOM WILL OPEN TODAY WITH LUNCHEON The Ministering Circle of King's Daughters will open its tea room, in the building formerly occupied by the Wilmington havings & Trust Co.,. with an attractive luncheon . today. Begin ning this afternoon tea and ; hot chant olate will be. served every day from 4 to C:30 o'clock and the patronage of the public invited. The menu for the luncheon will include: Chicken croquet, green peas, potato and celery salad, pickles, biscuits, Johnny cake, orange ice, cake and coffee. It is hoped that the patronage will be large both at the opening luncheon and at the tea room every afternoon. v ' -I BANQUET LAST NIGHT IN PARLORS. OF, Y. M. C. A. In the parlors of the T. M. C. A. last night the membership committee of the association enjoyed a thoroughly delightful banquet served by. the La dies' Auxiliary and . a most pleasing evening was spent The menu, was a delightful one and the. attractive and appetizing dainties served by the la dies were dirty appreciated ' by the young men. Several of 'the members made short talks during the evening, boosting the Y. M. C. A. enthusiastic ally, and many of them prophecied that Wilmington1 will have in the Hear future the new -association buildirig that she needs so "badly, a prophecy which-was heartily applauded - by the entire gathering. - The speakers brought out the facts that the Y. M. C. A; is 'doing big things the world over y 4 that the local association is keep ing, right In line "with.the march of progress in every way except in the matter of equipment. ; With the I pro per, equipment, ' they declared; i the Wiimrngton. : Association will do a greater work than any city in the Car olinas. THE NOVEMBER GERMAN OF L'ARIOSO CLUB November german of L'Arioso Club w -i x danced last night in Vie ball room 0' the. Masonic Temple and was quite a charmjlng affair for the large num ber of yung people who participated ' The, music was bjr'.Hollowbush's or cbestra "and the"' decorations wew fn keeping with the season. Among those present and dancing were: Miss Nellie' Savage, Mr. Milton Calder; Miss 'Sarah Maffitt, Mr. George P. Meares; Miss Marion Halgh, Mr. L. J. Poisson; Miss Margaret Smith, ir. Louis T. Moore; Miss Almeria Stev enson Mr. H. C Calder; Miss Char lotte Pleasants, Mr. E. . P. Bailey; Miss Duralde Borden, Mr. Lee Pen der; Miss Janie Meares, Mr. Clayton Smith; Miss Alice Borden, Mr. T. H. WWght; JVIiss Margaret Bridgers Mr. A. C. Chalmers; Miss Elizabeth Eridgers, Mr. R. E. Calder; Miss Cynthia Rountree, Mr. H. M. Chase; Miss Sue.Prince, Mr. B. H. Bridgers; Mlss,Janle Jones, Asheville, Mr. John R.vMurchison; Miss.Elise Kidder, Mr. A.' B( Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Ly man Delano; Mr. and Mrs. E. A; Metts.- StagsMr. O. P. Dew; Mr. C McDuTbavlfi. of .'Savflnnn.il fin c ; Cb,aperone Mrs . P. L. Srldgersl Mrs? uessie js., wise, Mrs... R. h. Northrop. Mrs. M.' P. H. Gonvpn pur Mrs.,' Geo. W. Kidder, Mrs. William liaumer. . : First . Games Last Night . The opening games in the bowling series at the Boys Brigade " armory last night, attracted a -larze and en thusiastic atendance and the interest' manifested : speaks well for . the at tendance at' the future games,' In the first .game Captain Harry Register's team defeated Capt. Simon Branch's team, by 21 pms.afid Capt: A. H; El mer's . team. took, the second . eame from: Capt. Cv; C: Loughlln's team to the tune 6f 26 pln. IThe bowlers man- ifested good form . and it. Is expected that some fine; sport wlli e witnessed as the series progresses.' Balked at Cld 8teet "I trouldh't let doctor, tJutfony foot off., said H. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, "although, a. horrible ulcer . fcad been the plague of my life"toi' lour years. Instead, I ueed Bucklen'S Arnica Salve and my foot was soon completely cured." -Heals butns, VboilSri' bruises, eczema. ' pimples, corns. Surest pile cure, 2c. a It. R. Bellamy's . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr.t :J. R. Allsbrook, of ' Sanford, was amofik yesterday's guests at The Orton. . . 1 Mr.. C, M. Townsend, of Rayn- Uam, spent yesterday In the city on ft- business trip;- ,. t Mrs. fame's L. Powell and Mrs. E. ?. Lewis, of Whiteville, were, guests t The Orton yesterday. ; t tJfr ' W ' T. Porter, iof Emerson. Bladen county, was among yesterday's arrivals at The Orton, " " ; UTrs. 'E. L. Lewis, oi Whiteville. was a Wilmington visitor yesterday, stopping at The Orton. ' - Amonfe the arrivals it The Orton yesterday were-J. P. MacRae and eon; Maxton; W.-K. surie,s, uunn. ; . ; Editor Lauchlin McNeill, -of ' the Pender Chronicle, speijt yesterday In the ' city;-' ' returning to Burgaw last evening. . . v . State iSenatot W. S. Cobb, 1 .umber Brldee. was" in the citV; yes! terday and was pleasantly greeted by many Wilmington inenas. . Mr. W. C. ; Wood, of the Atlantic Coast Line general offices, returned yesterday ; after spending & few days at.Ma, home at Orange, Ya. .. Among the out-of-town visitors here to attend the funeral services of the late1 lamented Dr. James Carm! chael on Monday was Maj.' B.1 R. Huske, of Fayettevmtf. Among yesterday's guests at The Orton were A. R. Bland, Rose Hill; KL . J.. Faison, Faison; J. ,W. Keel, Rocky Mount; J. H. Pepper, Winston- Salem; F. B. Gault, Lake WaccamaW, and W. P. Surles, Dunn, N. C. "; Mr,;A. W. Hawks, who has been here for several days assisting Rev. J. S. Crowley, the pastor, In a series of meetings at Immanuel Presbyter ian Church, left yesterday afternoon or Evansville, Ind where he will con duct: a meeting. Mr. John J. Sheehan,' superin tendent of transportation of the Tlde- vater Power Co., left yesterday after noon for Charlotte where he will at tend the Knights of Columbus exer cises on Thanksgiving. He was join ed at Hamlet by Mrs. Sheehan and ittle daughter who will ' visit rela tives in Charlotte. r.. Among the arrivals at the South ern Hotel yesterday were B. E. Moore, E. W. Simpkins, W. A. Mclnlert, J. T. flurcl, Newbern; J. W. Emerson, Dur ham; J. J. -Kincaid, Maxton, H J L. Kincaid, Statesville; W. T. Flynn, Bur gaw; J. F. Simpson, Currie; H. C. Cole, D. M. Melvin, Jr., White Oak; R. W. Clifton, Tomahawk; W. R. Rhodes, Sneed's Ferry. ? LOCAL DOTS. Through error the naval stores mar ket quoted in yesterday's paper was the market for the day previous. There should have been no quotation at all, yesterday being holiday at Sa vannah. v Justice Harriss yesterday issued a warrant for Dave- Baldwin, colored. an employe at the ' champion Corn Dress, chareine him with the larceny of two small pulleys from the firm of C. D. Maffltt & Co. There will ,be - a ishooting match at Greenfield Thanksgiving Day; " be ginning at" 8:30 o'clock in the morn- g. The shoot will take place at the id of the car line and the manage ent announces that drunkenness in any degree wil not be tolerated. La dies as well as men are invited. Three hose wagons and the big steamer of the fire department, re sponding to a false alarm from Box 41 yesterday afternoon, attracted consid erable attention and . quite a -crowd gathered and .followed the wagons. Work being: done on Box 43 at Front and Orange streets caused the alarm from Boxl at Water and Market. . Hall Officer Joseph S. Lane yes terday; served on Ephralm Brown, the young negro man whoin company with a negro woman, Eugene Scarbo rough, Is chafed with the larceny of several valuable tables from Mr. Pres ton Cummin g store house , on South Front street, an additional warrant charging him with storebreaking.' The man and woman are being held and it is likely that their cases wilt come up in the Recorder's court within the next -few days. j . : Last Talk Today. ' .Today at noon " Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Milton, rector of St John's Episcopal church,' will give the last of his series of talks on the "Humanity of Christ" to the men at the A. C. L. shops. For several Wednesdays past Dr. Milton has (been giving this series of interest ing talks and his hearers will regret that today will bring the series to an end. The -meetings have .been under the auspices of the T. M. C. A. ' and both the association and the employ ees at the shops feel deeply indebted to Dr. Milton. ' No youns: woman, in the 4ov of coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the. phys ical or4eal ,she 13 to undergo. 1 The health bl qm she 'and her. coining Child depends largely tipoa the care she bestows uport herself during the waiting months1 Mother's Friend prepares the Expectant niother's sys tem lor the coming event, and its use makes her comfortable during all the term. It-works with and for nature, and; by, gradually eRa.oding all tis sues, muscles ana tenaons, involved, and keeping the. breasts in good con dition, britigs tfie'wdnian to the crisis in spienaia pnysicai conaiuon. xne baytop is more apt to be perf ect and strong wnere me motner nas xnus prepared herself for nature's supreme runcuon. - JN9 oetier auyicc cuuiu ue feivett a vounjr expectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a t.t. j - r"4- . . ' cases. Mftther's-T 4r-mA Friend sold at:Xijl! drn,g stores. . Write for A frees baalc for rect- ant mothers which' contains, much valuable information, andifflany s.ug ifestio'nsrof a helpful nature.. Theatrjcou -Dante's "Inferno," as illustrated..lQ wonaerrui moving pictures, .repyesent; ing what is tbe biggest outlay- iUimon ey ! ever ' Invested In any one subject ; K ' '.V- ': . . -.". in ,tne motion picture wpnq, was pre sented again; yesterday-at the .Acade my and was greatly enjoyed. This en- Jojrrnent, didn't cme, irom the; delight of amusement,1 but from the whole some lesson -to be drawn from, the weird, and often ghastly scenes, thi pictures are a wonderful animated sto- mr of "The Inferno", as so powerfully depicted ny tne great poet. Tney are clear, vivid and most striking, and in their lawfulness teach a big lesson. While sin is graphically shown and the torture of the wicked is held up before the vision, yet a bright moral is always gleaming to live a bettetf if e and not to aoandon hope. :?r . - During' the presentation 'of the pic tures, which are on five reels, a fine voiced lecturer interestingly explains the different scenes, and also tells ntany valuable things of the life of Dante. " Organ renditions during the presentation richly adds to the atmos phere. . "The Inferno V will be offered again at matinee' this afternoon, beginning at 3:30 o'clock, and for the last, time tonight. Seats are now selling at Plummer a. "Tile Thief." .The great success, "The Thief which, comes to the Academy for mat inee and night tomorroy evening, is a play for women to talk about. Ever since its production in Paris, where it created a sensation, and in New York, where it caused all the dramatic reviewers ' to exhaust themselves -r in columns of praise, the women of both countries have used it as . the chief topic- of conversation for months af ter witnessing a performance. ;"The Thief" exposes the -inner -. S32T SCENE FROM "THE THIEF." Thankgcivlnc Day tt Academy Mttn mad Sight. workings of a woman's heart a wo man so deeply in love with her hus band as to go to any lengths to please ana to satisfy mm-' l; seats' for do tn per romances win go on- sale this morning at Plummer's, The prices for night wilt be up; to 91.50 -and the 11.50 and SI seats will be on sale. For matinee the prices will go to 50 and 75' cents, and the 50 and 75 cents seats will be on sale at Plummer's. At The Bijou To be sure yesterday was a chill and otherwise disagreeable day, but folks who attended. The Bijou, and there were juite a big bunch, too, In spite of the weather,- never for one. moment thought of such. All was warm and ozy within the popular Bijou and one of the brightest bills ever offered In Wilmington was pre sented. The fact that The Bijou did good business in spite' of the Weather showed conclusively that it is an: es- taDiisned fact, and one well-known, tha,t the ugly, nature of the elements makes no difference to those who go to The ijou, because it is the place of solid comfort; as well as being the joy spot" ' ' So even if the weather is cold to day remember that a warm time,, as wen as a warm reception awaits you at The Bijou. The bill today is com posed of the very latest in the -lm line and. the very freshest and oest in the musical line. Among the films Is a fine story of modern life,. "His Broth er's Double," and along with -stirring action it teaches a' splendid lesson. In fact. It is always what ' is whole some at The Bijou. ; Among the test of 'the photcplay gems is a daisy" of a Western romance, ;"How Texas' Got Left, which is something decidedly out of the ordinary. At The Grand. In spite of the disagreeable weather Of yesterday, all was comfortable and cozy at The Grand Theatre and the crowds were there to see the big offer ing of the 'day. Today, sunshine or rain, poverty or wealth, the Grand wiH offer three hieh-CTade reels of motion pictures including - as - a top llner a' Vitagraph, ."A? Message From Beyond." This is a striking drama of . the redemption - of a wayward son from nis folly by the spirit of a motn- er s - love. It Is a story of magnetic power and one that will appeal to all. Another pretty storywill be "A Gyp sy Bride ', " .portraying Iover-under Western skies, a . powerful-subject of compelling , interest. The't third pic ture will be one that is interesting to everyone and will have a rich 'vein of comedy that ' is 'sure to please. " ; Mr". Morgan, will render a beautiful ballad, star or My. Dreams. Shine" On." There is ho placid ' better than' The'-. Grand wnere the latest and best pictures .are always shown0 and- wiflrfull -value for every penny left at the door of admis sion. . :-"-'. . '-. '.' . - " v .- L' Saved Many from Death W. L. MoCk. of Mnrlr A rlr ' KalloirAa he has sated . many lives, in his ; 25 years or experience in the "drug busi ness. "What T always like to do." he wrues, -is to recommend Df v King's New DiS20verV"for- woalr hard colds,; hoarseness, obstinate cougns, ; m grippe; Croup; asthma or other rbrohchial - affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors fj-re alive and, well today because thev took my advice to use it.' ' I, honestly believe its the best . throat . and lung ESSiJT TOa3-W' Uasy to prove LolIghJi Get a trI&1 bottle freer or regular 50& vniv it nn r.. 1 iSt m An?: ?4 by R-R. . Bellamy. r?v-w...? . HALF-rOrUft'SfCHEDtJ tE- V 4 Will be Operated to Beach Tomorrow .';.--. ern ':' v' I It is announced'-by the:v Tidewater Poer Company that on Thanksgiving Day: it will operate a half -hour sche dule on tne Suburban line in the af ternoon. ; The half-hour schedule will begin at: 2 ' P..M.- and. cars for; the Beach will leave Front and Princess streets every half hour after, that time until 5:30 P. M. The jmorning sche dule will be the sanie as that on other week days . -' , . -. - - ..' . Separate service. will !bev given for the football game.1 Special cars for tfc ball grdunds will leave Front and Princess etreets every fifteen minutes from 2 P. M:. until e game-is.ovex. The heach cars will not stop at the ball grounds. i., " ', ':. There win be no freight handled on the suburbainine on Thanksgiving Day, : 'y .--tUS '.: - Real Estata -T-rnfra Deeds, wereiiflledr for record yester day, as follows: T- Haughtori James to Dr. ; Morris M. Qaldwell and wife, - for ?10, tracts inHarnett ; township, -. on north side of, WllmingtOB-wrightsville Macadaih road, 775-- feet east of Mer cer . avenue containing about 20.3 acres; Maggie B. Holloway and others to W. M. Gumming vnd wife for 100 and' other' consideratfons, lot In Caro lina Place, on Perry avenue,' 66 feet west of. 20th street; 33x113 feet In sl2; ;T. E. Wallace, and wife to JaOob Russ for " $100 and other , considera tions, .lotron Meares, 99 feet east of Third street; 29 1-3x132 feet in size; -Southern eastern Realty ; Company to Precilla Dunston,- for $100 and other considerations- lot rtn' Sixthr 64 fleet north of Marstellar street .32x150 feet In size; Southeastern Realty Company to John H. Bornemahn, for $1,250, lot on. southwest ! corner of J 10th and Grace streets', 67x130 fe6t';n size. "!: Will Open Bids! Today .' . '.' Bids will :be ' opened today at noon in the office r the city'i'lclerk and treasurer for ; the " remainine iOO.OOO worth of the wafer hnd sewerage and street improvement bonds. The bonds are tq' ifun-for. 43ears and bear interest ;at the rate of 4 1-2 per cent They "caiinot be -"sold- for less than' par. 1 Its'j "not imt)rb.bable that the local bans:Jwill maXfJ' attractive offers, for the'oissue . and 'out-of-town bond brokers may also make a stiff bid. " - American vanor eas street-lamps are being tried, in Jerusalem. int esHli hftnlthfiil t!n-oducts of suear cane has 'never wavered in a hundred years. ' DohH impose upon it now. Pure cane syrup cieitvYeetened fjiebudheatsy?! iears ago. TO 6 1 1 jii: SYRUP not. is the crauine - AlahWa-ieorgia productmade by the old plantation open icerae process, ios aby-pfoductuta bvy product. Sensationally oM-fashioned. " Made because . there's still a market for the. best... Uraer good grocer. v- 1 Alabama-Georgia Syrup Refiners .tyi Montgomery I ' have several SmaU Fanxis for Rent Apply to D.. L. 120 No. Water, SW THE CAROLINA' TITLE INSURANCE 1 J MOtJ BECyP B tJsmfi 1 ON CDEC-1ST. - j Get Your Stock jfefprfec IC C; ,&DBUiE :' :mBmm--r 3 L ' . ' . . ..." ' ge SibQulCk-Diyeiy and.Best Quili f 'llUmi CEMENT Mpe& GRANDSON. Goyernor Noel, of Mississippi, -Prpud ; ':: . of His 'AncVsti: - The following - appeared as an edi- tQril ' in yesterday's Charlotte Obser ver arid will" be read with cohsiderable local interest:-; -"' ' ' - -" . "Governori1 NoeL of Mississippi, will attend th Conference of Governors and Railroall Presidents in Baltimore on December 8th. Nobody knows just 1 ATnntiv what th rnnforonno will An! exactly what the conference .will do , the country is flooded 'with confer ences, but Governor Noel doss not Intend' that, because he halls from Mississippi, anybody , shall think for a moment that he Is the' least bit like'SenatorxYardaman. 'In a letter to. the Baltimore Evening Sun, he says: 'My grandfather, . Daniel M.Dulaney, who-came from North Carolina, . to Mississippi as one of the early set tlers in central Mississippi, was of - the Maryland family of Dulaneys. On his account I have always felt a lively interest ' in " "Maryland and its people Naturally, the governor should '.ish it to be understood that he is a grand son ;of North Carolina; Nearly, every body,'. it seems to us, who is at 'all rworth while was either born in' North Carolina; or had. some relatives or, friends who vstaTted " or who live : In this State." - .": :.. :" Governor Ndel has many relatives in this city and" section and "visited them1 two; or three months ago, be ing most cordially greeted by them. : MIDDLE SOUND TODAY. Hdokworm Dispensaries Opened Yes ' terday at Castle HayneS. . Although it rained practically all day ,; there were 53 persons to visit the hookworm ' dispensary at - Castle Haynes yesterday and they were ex ammed by Dr. C. L'Pridgen, who-has charge of the work in this county. About 50 per cent' 'were found t to be infected and are receiving free, treatment. The percentage is considered slightly be low the average, this being dtwe pro bably to the fact that most or those examined were elderly people.' The younger people will probably be exam ined next Tuesday, when Dr. Pridgen will visit Castle : Haynes againf. and thet percentage of Infection, it is ex- pecteu, win ae greater, ut. rnugeu is Tfry well pleased with the- attend ance the first day In view of the wea ther conditions,. Today he will be at Middle Sound and tomorrow he visits Grefenville Station. He will be at Myrtle Grove Friday and at the Court House In Wilmington Saturday. reciation NORTH CAROLINA'S is Nature's best food. Georgia ribDon ne is -ihe kind your great-grand- it, tpaay any : ' - Co 7T TP CORE Wilmington, N. C Advances Price is Now rAG Garrell Bidg,,.: ' ; munition, n. c, , arid PLASTER. " Sons panj; 1 - - i ' 11 ' mm I ' "'"i o if .The . careful ,,moe1(Vwiio'?'" watches closely, the physical peculiarities of her children, , will soon ttisdover1 that the most important tnmg m connection wun child's consUnt rood health Is to keep the - bowels regularly - open. Slugsrish bowels will be followed by Idss of appe- tlte, restlessness during sleep, ' Irrita bility and a dozen and one' similar evi dences of, physical, disorder. . - . At the first sign of such "disorder give the child a teaspoonful of -Dr.. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at night on i retiring and repeat the dose the following night if necessary more than that will scarcely be needed.; .'You will fm that the child will, recover its .accustomed gopd spirit at once and will eat and Bleep' normally. This remedy-Vis, a; vas,: Improvement over; salts, ' cathartics, laxative " waters and similar things, which are altogether a . iriim i li II I m",,.i:. iii.mi.i-. .;..).'' v i, ' M EINSTEIN BROS. - ! ' ' ; r ' We carry, in stock a complete 3 horse S. B. Plows, Disc Harrows and Sulky Plows. Also a complete line of Castings for same. Write for Catalogue and Price List Mail orders given prompt auenuon. WHOLESALE T HE NEW E :. ' '"' , ' '75C' The knife that gives so True and Nice; Each time the Smooth and Even Slice. ITS ALL IN THE EDGE. The New Center Cut Christy is ground on both edges and cuts uniformly and directly from the center of the blade' . , --; -' , . - : ;. . i . , , -4- , . This Buckeye St of 3 Pieces for 25c. CARVING SETS FOR THANKSGIVING. A Beautiful SelecUon:; Prices, $1.00 to, $10.00. W. JAGOB I HARDWARE CO. , i t ;. rl0 arici2 South Front Street. Atlariti . PAINTS- VARNISH GLASS CliAZiNG :ft'. J v5vv THONE'm .J.-l.- ' V Jfc t-,.-. .4,..:!. POCAHONTAS Steam COAL Thacrun menti Haste r T Youf orprs Respectfully j ..-.i . .v. . PHQNJE 789 ' .- f :t V. . .. , r- 125 Inlealth too powerful for a child. The homBe . Mrs. Vallie TJtley. Keyser, N o a Mrs. E. L. Hair, Dalton, Ga.. are aW nd supplied with Dr. Caldwell's Syn, tin, and with them, as with thn,,. ?" OX others, there. is no su Jutute fSr tMf grand laxative. It Is really more tL "3 laxative, for it contains superior tL properties which helP to ton" p" strengthen the stomach, liver and bowi so that after a brief use of it all Tls tives .can be dispensed with and natiirl will do its own work. tatUr . Anyone wishing to make a trial of tM remedy, before buying it in th l Way of a druggist it fifty cents ofUr dollar a large bottle (family si ZPw?e have a sample bottle sent to the Ln free bf charge by simply addres0??9 W, .B. Caldwell, 405 Ashing Monticello 111. -Tour name and addr'' on a postal card will do, address mutt1 QU can see reasons for '" greater "warmth and luxurious comfort of Two layr underwear fabric: ' 1 . Outer f abrle of alaatic rib. '2. At space for rcntilation a& warmth. 3. loaer t abrlc of ribbad f ieec. Fleece-Lined Underwear The Twolay r fabric Is Usrh tcr In weight yet equal in vrarmth to ono h-avy fabric. The air space keeps the inner fleece soft, dry und sanitary. Twolay r is luxurious to the skin, smooth and easy la tit. For Men, Women and Children ' . Separate and Union Garments, at 50c .and up. - Atk your dealer for it. UT1CA KNITTING CO., CUct.N.T, Rmtail Trad Supplied by line of Chattanooga 1. 2, and HARDWARE. S T CHRI ST Y ,. ; ' i . Works LEAPS, OILS, WINDOW fi - ATE, GLASS, &C.t &C. . t j. Lime, Ce- Shingles, Brick, Pipe, &c Solicited i x ....-it - . v . v -c, - '. ' ' v. - ' S'

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