i i . - the MORyiyg star; wmmyGToy so, 1931, 'i ' PAGE 8, i .93 S- ft vj d4 "V " v if 'A i -Vi M t if t1 v " " J" i it if.- .. V;:;l 4; -1' .'f ' I. ''44: ;'( -f ANOTHER BEATTIE LETTER. ROCKY MOUNT NEWS. Expressed Full Confidence and Resig nation to His Fate. v Richmond, Va., November 28.1 An other letter written toy Henry Clay cuted for the murder of his -wife. wa3 year-old son of Mr J B. Overton, who Boy Seriously Injured Negress Burn ed Other items or interest. 1 (Special Star Correspondence.) Rocky Mount, N. C, Nov. 28 This morning about 11 o'clock the seven- made public today by W. H. Gates, ves 8e ve1 '""h". rJr 1, iJU d pd ,who took a . deep interest in Beattle run over by a tMii loided while the youth awaited execution..? with hay. and sustained very painful. but not various injuries. Medical as- was given the little fellow at peace had been made with his Maker, once, and I it 1. expected thathe will . v, yonKSter was riding on. top of the thJnk of wnrd that would fullv ex- waKn wnen he slipped, falling on th I.L 5w?!Lw.Tiv.r7lVl-!?Jrear end of the front wheel, to the pras uij appretmuuu ui me wwriesi I -rnnTW nfl hp bark whel nassed which you seemed to take in trying E .S wlleel-paMel to prepare me for the great (beyond; -"",07 T,rtt q.oo Mrv pot in their yard in some manner stobd before. I only hope and pray "c Y" 'v!"? that you will be able to enlighten oth- IJBIJ!, , L "T" r"li"r:i:u e8I r.tt"lldP2 no" rTghkTsire.U1She ewTdedical at rl 1 Z L hHnhSl to tenUon as soon as possible, and the greater joy than to bring others to w0TWo frt- romvorv nP v.rv iim yain "So many things in the Bible you explained to me which I never under- God ..X r '4. j She had -presence of mind enough to udb iiwai win avr luiect, rQll over on the ground and succeed- the blaze out before it TO EXPLOIT NORTHWEST, h- Governors of Several r States 'Reach Chicago Their Mission. v Chicago, November; 28, Chicago to day housed the governors of a chain of States extending from Illinois to the Pacific coast with the arrival from Minneapolis of the "Governors' Spe cial" onvthe first leg of Its 4,000-imlle trip undertaken to exploit in Eastern cities the agricultural, commercial and mining advantages of the North west. ', "Before we end our trip many a obless man, now shivering in the streets of Netf York, -Philadelphia j or Washington, will be listening to the call of the West, and , many an East ern -merchant will be on more inti mate terms with the great country northwest lof the 'Mississippi," said one governor, in explaining the pur pose of the mission. Five carloads of the products of the various States are to be displayed in the Eastern cities. Oregon, Washington, .Idahjo. Wyo ming, Colorado, .North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Illinois .were represented by governors or other State officials. and dear little girls sang for me. Give 1 iV A . . K A. 4-Y.n T mjr iuv w wcui aim icuiouiuci hahiv Sflvpd hpr life v am- praying for you all, that God be toM2t9,HnV with you till we meet again.' Fare well. HENRY BEATTIE, JR." uear ituie girw oaug . .- . .Ipaucrht on the other side, which Dro- my love to them and rememDer tnat 1 hah? fiav . w lifo v Last night Sydney Austin, a negro, more or less under the influence of whiskey, while sitting serenely In an up-stairs window of a ibuilding here, toppled over, landing on hi3 head and right arm on the stone pavement be low. That he was not killed instantly seems to be owing to the. fact thai he Get FOR SOUTHERN MONUMENTS were discussed by the executive coun cil of the organization at its annual meeting here, but no conclusion was reached. A majority of the mem- Sons of Veterans Plan to Raise Great Sum for Purpose thousand dollars will be raised by the A v,o ra f United Sons of Confederate Veterans out hTs right hand lis tc erect monumenU to the memory of ne wsag -alH and lande tl on Southern soldiers and to the memory tw member, with the resukthat it of Southern women who were active wag tota shatteredf and with thls, A . rl V., V x6 wln addition to a badly -bruised head. Civil War. . Plans to secure the money Le is nQne the worse from his fall. which ordinarily would have killed any matt A case which has attracted consid or-o Vila flttontlrkn In onrl arnnnil Rnrkv bers appeared to favor the inaugura- Mn..nt ,a thnt nf v.- xr,, - tion of a campaign asking voluntary man from South Rocky Mount who is contributions in every camp of the or- charged by the City with opening. sauizauuu. auuiuw piuu, "uiui "u otTnr on foot anA rnndiWtnir a lot- a number of supporters, is to levy an tery the artlcie put up to be won be- asiessiiieui uu vixu cauiy. Mn n oow 1 nomas .U.- fOWe, OI tot. LOUIS, Sen- Tho vn,,nsr mnn's rasso camo nn in ior member in attendance is presiding Recorder's court this morning, hut at the meeting. W. G. Prltchard, of waa DOstDonr3d until an extra, session Charleston, S. C., commander Int nj?ht Th mthort of Mr. Home chief, found it Impossioie to attend, was tnat 0f placing numbers in enve- dui leiegrapneu .nis regreis 10 - lopes, from one to 80, using also, half Forrest, adjutant general in charge of numbers, therebv runnine from 1. 1 arrangement Commander Pritchard h2f etc, on up to 80. The raffle was pieagea ms neany co-operauon in any 1 pulled off, the cow being w6n by Mr, course which might be mapped out at Tracy Moore, of South Rocky Mount. the meeting. one of the policemen getting on the Among those in attendance is Se-eame reported it. and a warrant was ton Fleming, jacKsonvine, Jia., iorm- sworn out for Mr. Home. er commander of the Florida division Bankers Voyaging Caribbean News From Savannah. . Bankers' Fleet, Gulf of Mexico (by wireless to New Orleans), Nov. 28. Delightful weather v and smooth seas have been experienced by thes fleet of four steamers which are conveying the American Bankers' Association party to Panama. Late yesterday the Das- sen eers enioved a RnlHted rana he. tween three steamers of the fleet, the Carillo, Sixaola ; and Tives. The Ca rillo, Capt. H. P. Smith, won. , On board each of the ships-a daily newspaper of four pages is published, vwhlch wireless . dispatches are printed. Yesterday an "extra" was issued, carrying the results of the Sa vannah , automobile races. The ex citement aboard the ships was Intense Saturday, as the bulletins on the Harvard-Yale and. Aarmy-Navy football games were being received and posted. A wireless - invitation has been re ceived, inviting the members of the part to attend a reception tendered by President Arosemena at the palace Panama City on the afternoon of December 1st. THE COLD WAVi SETH LOW'S PLAN. Regulation Rather Than Repression of Trusts Suggested. . Washington, Nov. 28. Regulation rather than repression of trusts was Was Reported Last Night as Sweeping East In Missouri Washiiurton T f Unv 98 A blizzard with snow and high winds urged upon the Interstate Commerce was raging today over a large portion Committee of the Senate today by of the country, extending from Mln- eth Low, president , of the National nesota to Northern Texas. Zero tern Ierature8 have been recorded in the more Northerly States and freezing weather was reported from points as far South as Northern Louisiana. The cold wave is sweeping eastward rap idly. Snow is predict.- tonight for Civic Federation "The tendency of trade combina tions is universal," Mr. Low declared, "and the government is attempting the impossible if it tries to prevent them." Mr, Low declared he thought : many n xiiii iok7- regulated rather than prohibited. Pays the Penalty for Murder of Two Negroes. Sfr Msn'o flo tJnv 90 T A O' Berry, who killed? two negro women 12 miles from here several months ago ana who was convicted last month of the murder, waa hanged here yesterday. - No one witnessed the execution but the sheriff and a few guards. Very few people came in from the surround ing country, and there was no evi dence at all that anything out of the usual was happening. O Eerry walked upon the gallows and placed himself in position, show ing no fear at all, merely asking that everything be fixed so there would be no slip. . . Eighteen minutes after the trap was sprung he was pronounced dead by Dr. A. K. Swift This was the first time in this State that a white man has paid the death penalty for killing a negro. Oerry had confessed to the crime and. the State prison board declined to act on his case. Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 28. With large parts of Missouri, Kansas, Ne braska. Iowa, Arkansas, omahoma and I : ,f J; -vv. t j i . u line iit.ui. .ui iuciu ieu9 xuici cu wuu buuw a good thing, "In many institutions, he said, "the big safes are guarded not by' a watchman, but by an elec- ighL I think that should be torm which yesterdy swept over the 6 n i nnc ,a,.(o a k0v. '.hZT m. LL ":ulu""1 ed by Mr. Low as to what additional abated this morning. The wind anti-trust legislation was necessary ba a a1!a a !. J "1209 favored legalized farmers' combl zard had died down. Wire service In -- mi , r gri,. the Southwest was demoralized. Stock tntr nntn onj nnnn. tn mt. liiiacm suucicu luc gicaicsi uaiiiagc 111 I .... . . , furming communities. Temperatures ' ' ranged fro 10 to 12 degrees in Ne- BLOODY CHAPTER RECALLED. braska 16 to 26 In Missouri and 1C tc 24 in Oklahoma. It was 24 at Abe- Death of DaOghter of Andrews Alsman line. Texas. Who Caused Massacre. Palmyra, Mo., Nov. 28. A bloody EX-SULTAN'S JEWELS chapter in Civil War history the Palrnvra mnsnncrp was rornllfwl hro Abdul Hamid's Wonderful Collection today by the death of Mrs. Sarah Lee, oeing ooig in fans a daughter of Andrew Alsman. It Paris, Nov. 28. What is announc-lwas Alsman's abduction supposedly td to be the largest sale of jewels on I by Confederate soldiers that resulted record opened here yesterday after- in the shooting of 10 Southern fight- noon, when the literally priceless col-lers after a demand for Alsman's re- lection of Abdul Hamid. ex-Sultan of I turn had been ignored. Mrs. Lee was Turkey, came under the uammer. Aw 80 years old though only a small fraction of the! Alsman was supposed to have been treasures displayed was disposed of Ian ardent abolitionist. One morning the receipts reported a total of 2,700,- he disappeared. Search for him led to 000 francs ($540,000.) suspicion that he bad' been' abducted The best price paid was for a neck- by Confederate authorities.- A de lace composed . of three rows of 154 1 mand was made upon them for Als pearls and a clasp formed of three man's return and the Union officials rows of brilliants which brought 920.- backed up their demand with the 000 francs (184,00uj. A string of 99 threat that If Alsman were not pro- pearls with pendant composed of the duced within the prescribed time nm imperial cypher in gold, three large it, 10 Southern soldiers would be shot, rubies brought $124,700. Alsman was not returned. True to Among other objects two gold cof- their word the Union army omciais fee cups and saucers encrusted with led out 10 Confederate soldiers, plac- diamonds brought $5,040; a gold alarm tnem on pine comns, then the nr- clock set with diamonds- 7.120: a mg squad shot. Alsman was never walking stick, with gold and diamond iouna head $1,000. The sale which was attended by all BANQUET AND DANCE. IIIIIIIWII i h MCVT I VI Wm FOUR OF HER CREW KILLED. New York, November 28. Two hun dred sons and daughters of Virginia descendant v of the "Old Dominion stock, renewed home ties tonight at a banquet and dance held at one of the Three Others Hurt by Tremendous Sea That Strikes Steamer. New York, Nov. 28. A' tremendous I i .hoia Tho Aht that V!rHnia sea which swept the decks of the Fa- owed to New York and New York to bre Line steamship Santa Anna, caus- Virginia was the . theme which ran ed the death, of four seamen and the through most of the speeches. News of the disaster was brought La rahon Arthur a i.nvA t,, to port when the liner atrived today Charles Forest Moore, William Alex- irom jnarseuieH ana wapies. Under. Governor of -"The Vireinians." The ship s passage, as a whole, was and George Gordon Battle? Its vice stormy and unpleasant, but it was not president .Letters of regret were read until November 23rd that the heaviest fr0m Woodrow - Wilson, governor of Eea was encoumerea. Ujw totrat .nfl from th imvornn of Virginia and Kentucky. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FAMILY OF, SIX MURDERED. , Suburban- LlaT-Not!ce. - AiMdemy-DantoM mfern Man wife, and Children Killed While W h 'rnnnar TParflltiai. V'..l.l. '( I .' - ThV Sleep. Hum. Rear. Kr.. & Hon Clsnrn of Oimlltv. I Lafayette, La., NOV. 28. Slain in I'eopie's Bavin g uanK uec. 1st anaitneir Deas wun an axe, tne bodies of 2nd. BuilnM Local. jRtolen Bicycle. . . Vtilar4 Market See Us.. y For Itent-r-Larue Koom. . For Ilent Large lloom. . ' C. P. B. Mahler For ttale. W. H. Kelly & Bro. Notice, j J. T. Burke A Lndy'uMrirte. M. C. Drby & Co. We Have. J. T. Burke I'rloeii and Quality. K. Warren ft Hon For ThankiMvinir..r Firxt Clns Carpenter -Dexiren Work. six negroes, Norbert Randall and his wife and four children were found in their home yesterday. Officers working1 on the case arrest ed -Clementine Bernacct, a younar ne gress, who," when confronted with her own ciotning soaxeq wun Diood, laugh ed at the officers; who charged her with butchering the Randall family. Her brother, Zephering Barnabet, was also held, togetner with two oth ers as material witnesses. The crime ON TO PANAMA. WHITE MAN HUNG. MORE TRUST BUSTING. Attorney General Wants Power of Bu reau Enlarged. Washington, November 28. The trust busting" crusade of the Federal government has demonstrated in the judgment of Attorney General -Wick et-sham that the powers of the bureau of corporations should be enlarged, and the bureau brought into closer re asons with the ' Department of Jus tice. The Attorney General will re commend, in his annual report, that the bureau be given legal authority to acquire facts regarding the opera tions of all corporate businesses. The Attorney General has become a competitor of Postmaster General Hitchcock as a government economist He will show in his annual report that the Department of Justice was run at a big profit during the fiscal year 1911, despite the large amount of trust liti gatioh. . From fines, lumber trespasses, the recovery -of custovms duties, etc., the legal" department turned $4,000,000 into the Fed eral treasury. ESCAPED FROM SHERIFF. Was to be Hanged for Murder Today In Georgia. Washington, Ga., November 28 t Handcuffed and tied with a rope, T. B Walker, a negro, vwho, was being brought here from Augusta to be hanged tomorrbw morning, escaped from Sheriff Bobo and two deputies at parnett, Ga., tonight. Bloodiaottinds were rushed to Barnett and a special train carrying a hundred armed men went from here. - Shots were fired at the negro, but he outdistanced the pursuing officers. Thig is Walker's secono escape from impending aeatn. A month ago he was in the hands of a mob, on the way to a suitable lyncn ng place, but escaped, a hundred bul lets failing to bring him to earth. He had shot and killed Charles S. Hoi lenshead, a white merchant, while the latter was sitting in his home at night. , DEATH IN WAYNE. iNy rsTi gation ,To day , VWM Be Started Into Details of Wo man's Death1 Kisslmmee, Flal,' Nov. '28. Inves tigation of the dath last August : ot Sfeter Sadie Mar:hantr of the Shaker Colony at St. " Cloud, will be started tomorrow by the grand Jury which met today. . Brother Egbert -Gillette is' in Jail on a charge of murder, growing but of the. statement that he gave the dead woman chloroform -to ease her from her suffering and to bring aeatn more quickly. Gillette has refused all of fers of 'assistance to, secure his. free; dom, sayfng he wants, tbe; law to take its course. . "it BUSINESS LOCALS AdverilMmest Inrntttrnd uder this . head one cent per wrd lor eh lnr tlon, hat no dvertlMnient taken for leas thAa'tee. Additional word, more than ta. one cent per Word. Vnleaa the advertlaor ha rrlar account, all advertisement nnder this head are STBICTIT CASH IN ADVANCK, the amount being- too small to warrant a choree. The Star wUl'eend without char re, A. D. T. ( We tern Union) Mee enrer to any address In tho city (or advertisements In this department upon request by 'Phone to No. 81. A. D. T, Messenger will also call for telegrams (or tho Western Union Telegraph Com. pany, or for notes or small paekares to be delivered anywhere In the city. No charge for the . telegrams, bat a small cbazge (or strictly A. D. T. calls or telephone snbserlbers may at any time telephone their telegrams, bills rendered to snlt the sender daily, weekly or monthly., For this service, call . Western Union, 'Phone No. t. Bat (or advertisements, always call the Star office. No. , Si. Copy .for Business Lo cals cannot be taken oyer 'tho telephone hot upon request .Messenger will be . dispatched to any part . of the city tor them.' ; ' ' ' ,,' ,.. ' ''. ... TEA ROOM The Ministerintr Circle of King's Daughters will open a Tea Room, with a luncoeon at 50 cents a - plate, on Wednesday, Nov. 29th, from 1 to 2:30 P. M., in the building vacated by the Wil mington Savings & Trnet Co. The Tea Room will be )open dally from 3:30 to 6 P. except he 30th. v ' no2C,29-2t - LOST-rinail casf l1'' Return to S. Fennell, 1016 Walnut street. no 20-lt DRESSED. TCRKEYSLl.27e. per pound. Drefteed chickenn, plgj pork bama. 'Phone me your orders;-quick .ffellvery, Ezra A. Carter, StnU. 8, 4th Street Market. 'Phone 1881. - fl - no29-lf FOR SAtEi-ThorouSrhhred Single Comb White Leghorn Cockered (Wyckoff strain) One Dollar' each. Sattefnction guaranteed. H. A. Uau, Castle Hayne, N. C. no25-4t FOR RENT One large, very desirable room, with bath adjoining. For particu lars, 'phone 1092. no29-lt NOTICE We will Hell at auction to the hlirheat bidder for cash our entire stock of merchandise at Long View, N. C. on Friday. December l.tu. 1U11. w. M. ivi- ley & Bro. Don't forget date and day. noiy-oi- FIRST CLASS CARPENTER, expert on repair work, can be had on short notice for any kind of ;a r pen terror repair work, by 'phoning ' i" . " ' no20-lt SEE 18 BEFORE BUYING your Thanks giving eatings. IVe. hrtre wbst you want. We have th'-very best that can be found in our line. Palace Market, 'nhone No. 2. - j it... - no25-tf A LADY'S PRIDE and delight a nice nmbrell.i. 1 have: them from $5.00 to $25.00. J. T. BnrkeJ The Jeweler. no2J-tf PRICES AND ' QUALITY guaranteed. If you want sometnong gooq. can 10 we me. J. T. Burke.-27 Itouth: Front street. DON'T NEGLECT 'Phone today num ber of shares wanvedi'reserved In series to be opened Saturday by People's Building & -Loan - AMoeiatton.M The great home builder and- money -saver. Shares, 25 cents. W.-.'K.i Perdew President: D. .U. Foster. secy and', treat. ; office,' 112 Prin cess street,. 'Phone 1220. no2-4t STOLEN From In front of J. II. Keh der 4V Co.'s store.- Monday evening about T o'clock. Yale bicycle. 20-lnch frame; No. 1342. RewKFd. if returned to 115 No. 8th st. k ;.; . tn no29-lt FOR RKVT Large room with one or two leds ; tleetric lights, telephone, hath, refined table board.,' Strictly private fam ily residence. . .Central location. P. O. Box 515. no20-lt FOR SALE S. W. corner Fourth and Red Cross streets, slse 00x120 feet. For par ticulars, see C P. B. Mahler. Uarrell Bldg Room .33. . . k , no2!)-lt CELERY -"and - grape - fruit; ; Malaga eranp. fresh every steamer. We have -ev erything in the grocery line you can call for. Send for our. grocery list Ws don't claim to sell 1 cheap goods but we do1 sell the very best, goods, very cheap. Call us and come to see us The only strictly casn house 'In the city. J; H. Kuck, ' Seventh and Grace. -'Phone 400. ,-. ' no26-7t SITAVll UIVII .nnars Munn fVl, Hfll In lrnnrt srrir. OhAan tn raah nnn-hater. Address "Piano," care Star Office. seio-ii liiiz is this xrnunieii to call for ulnmb- ing. .The big force we nut on last week cleared onr books of repair work. Now we are ready for yonr orders, u. Ij. x Capps Plumbing Cu,,' J. B. Griffith, Mgr., 130 Market street. ... . ocio-ti SPECIALS at 'Pure Food Market: New sour kront, fine lettuce and celery. All kinds fresh meats; fine New River oysters and liver pudding; best of season. - Pure Food Market, D. M. Davis, Prop. 'Phone 1493. . se30-tf UNREDEEMED shot guns of high grade makes; Utica, Remington, Fox, It. C. Smith, Sterling, at bargains. Give us a call before you boy. Uncle Charles' Pawn Shop, 16 South Front fit.. Yellow building. v . , oclO-tf SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED at once, to teach five months' school at Supply, It. F. D Brunswick county. . Salary, .$35 per month; board, reasonable; only first grade teachers need apply. J. E. Robiqson, Sup ply, N. C. no22-6t THE GILBERT Remodeled: newlv f nrnlshed ; all hotel ' conveniences. . Front and Princess streets, junction of trolley lines; cars to beach and depot; steam heat: electric litrhts and. hot water. Kxrel. lent . cuisine and good .service. Rates, $1.50 a day. Liberal discount to couples and people who stay longer. - no4-tf - TO THE PUBLIC Uncle Charles' pawn shop has moved to 16 8. Front street; look for the yellow building. mySl-tf liamonds watches Jewelry Silvenvare !-'. REPAIRING Fine Watches and Jewelry A SPECIALTY. A. 0. SCHUSTER JEWELER, 104 North Front Street FOR THANKSGIVING Nut, claret, chocolate and vanilla Ice cream; also. full line fancy fruits and fresh candles. E. Warren & Son 'Phone 37. no2!-lt - WE HAVE an attractive proposition in the way of a permanent home located just in the right place. Will' offer it at an at tractive pTlce'for ' thf ext week. See M. C. Darby r Go., Real Estate. . no2!)-3t TURKEYS! TURKEYS! TURKEYS! Dressed turkeys and chickens; give us one order for o.n,r,; extra home, made all pork smisage. Kreeb lot quail ou hand. Frf&b country eggji. Chlcei beef, veal and coun-i try pork; fancy; lettuce 'fltid celery. Cart us' up ur come and see. "Palace Market Co., phone -NoT2. no28-tf ; h-- ' YOUR OPPORTUNITY Friday, Decem ber 1st, is the day of the auction sale of fine' lots otsfclnfion,Jp-:C. The sale be gins, at. 1020... su.doarXaU to.be there promptly on time, as the first lots usually sell. cheaper, Jhan, later on. , Many valuable silver sourers will be Jplven away at the time of the",sle,x and lt&fll pay you to at tend. Music by the bjras.a'.band. Come out and enjoy yourself and buy land at your own price. . ' Southern Realty & 'Auction Co., E. Andrews, -Mgr., Greensboro, N. C, , ; . no28-3t . FINE LOT young, .fat turkeys; fancy celery, grape fruit,: asparagus tips; red and white cherries, olives. J. H. .Kuck, Phone 400. ' no8-2t Mrs. Lloyd Parker Passes Away Daughter of Late William Howell. Goldsboro, N. C, Nov. 28. News was received this afternoon' announc ing the death at her country home near this city of Mrff. Lloyd Parker, si years pia, wno passed away last night. ' She was the daughter of the late Wm. Howell, better known as War Bill" Howell. .The funeral was held this afternoon at Woodland, this county. - - - l' GREENSBORO LAWYER DEAD. People's ltto. L, Ass'n-Dou't Negiept. I was committed on Saturday night. I Said to Have Been Oldest in 'Stated Considerable Wealth. - Greensboro, N. C. November 28. Levi M. Scott, aged 84, 'said to have been the oldest lawyer in active prac tice in North Carolina, died here to night from the effecte'of a fall last Saturday. He had heen unconscious since that time. Mr. Scott was a mem ber of the bar here for sixty years and was one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the county. iwviumuiitt, va., xvov. Z8. ur. n P. Davidson, widely known, in the oouin as a medical and lpmre-lcnl rt. clalist, died 4 here today. :6f fc.eart, fail- STOLEN One new ' 1 ver Johnson bicy cle, No. 180G83. j Had old attachment . for basket' when - stoleiii Ten dollars reward for return of wheel and ten dollars more for capture and conviction of thief. - 223 N. 7th-street. no26-Ct CHRISTMAS 3 has not arrived yet. but our nlc-nac "and dellcifcles . have, and are on display-'-rHur st6VA 'Ffnest.and mpst complete sfoclc' in 'the" x-wv. Must be seen to be 'appreciated'' It W.'our pleasure to show the to Aman A,tVyoi4 J.HKiick, successor o'Phoni; V . ;.Vo20-Tt NUT8--Yi'nat8,'. peca'ris. .- butter 'nuts, filberts,, soft shell almonds, shelled air monds. - Finest in the citv. All new srooda. large - and1 Mfeoted,; no old -shabby stock:. J. : H.; ,Kuck sk successor ? to Aman Bros.. 'Phone 40X 3 ? ; - v' no28-7t RAISINS Washed and . bleached, seed less " and'-'sieafless. " ' SWtSna 'raisins, ton -don raisins, cleaned, seedless raisins and currants Jn. packages.; Prompt delivery to any part of the city. - J 11. Kuck, Seventh and'. Grace'Phone 4C0. "J ' V. $ no26-7t ' Prnnes 5 different - sizes of. best new, large. Juicy prunes ever shown , in Wil mington. Persian dates, Smyrna figs, ap ricots, evaporated peaches, drained citron. Service unexcelled to any part, of city. J. H. Kuck, Seventh-and Grace. 'Phone 400. '' , ' -i ' ' . -- no2C-7t ROOMS FOR RENT Two delightful furnished ' eonthwest .. rooms, j centrally ' lo cated, half block from Post Office Square. All modern conveniences. Address "Resi dent," care Star. , ' , : . no26-3t A211 CIGARS OF QUALITY SAN FELICE 5 CENTS CIGAR LITTLE MINISTER 5c. CIGAR EL VERSO 10 CENTS i CIGAR Adv. Matter's Fee Apply to Samuel Bear, Sr., & Sons 18 Market Street r. WHOLESALE GROCERS Wilmington, N. C, November 28, 1011. NOTICE. TTl tT1ttrt nrfllvlinnaM tt mi y Patht.... nies in Wilmington will be closed Thurs day, November 30th, account of Thanks eivinr rv. erCent for tho Haiitrarv perishable freight, from 1) A. M. to 10 A r. nuniiix white, Agent, ' Seaboard Air" Line Railway. -A. J. MtKUK, JR., Agent, . Atlantic Coast T.im Itnllrn.nl no28-lt ' ; There will be no freight handled on the Suburban Line on Thanks giving Day. . no29-lt Thanksgiving Excursion WILMINGTON TO SOUTHPORT THURSDAY, NOV 30 Fare for Round-Trip $1.00 - Fine Quail, Squirrel and Wild Tur key, shooting In vicinity of Bolivia, Goresville " and Moore's Creeic; ToWn Creek and intermediate points. - ' '' Train leaves Union Station "8:30 A .' ' M . , and -returning leaves South port at 5 P. M.. ; -.;. no28-2t . :': ' ' 4- ; : FOR SOUTHPORT ' Harper Steamboat Line.) - ' STEAMER WILMINGTON . n ah ixu ni.ni r our 10 six rur-1 . nished or unfurnished rooms by young I Leave Wilmington dallv at 1 0 00 A 1 congenial couple. All. modern conveni-t " wmnmgion aauy at lU.uy A. O . wv. j.f. -.I bmvuv.I. VVUTCUI' ences. required.- .Most be In good locality. I r ' - ' . i - Heferences eshaag"Hl. -Address p. o. Box Leave - Southport ; dally at 2 : 30 P. 211. . j v:-iJ.-' isrv-' - f - - DO20-3tT - -'. . ' v.;, v V-.' f ,:i.': ' IsrDependable It supplies funds wnen needed, promotes system ' conducting money matters, suggests economy, furnish es receipts for bills paid, increases prestige and is the m dern way to handle finances.' Keep your check account here and open it now! . .;,. it' American National Bank of Wilmington. no26-tf For Your Thanksgiving Entertainment Serve Bear's. ' 1 1 i Scuppernong Punch Juice of five lemons, one cup Marischino Cher ries; one banana, cut lnthin slices; one round pineapple,' cut in small dices; one quart. Scup pernong; one pint Bear's Extra Dry, one cun sugar. t ' , Mix well together and add ice. Serve very cold. Sherry, Port, Madeira, Catawba and other wines. . SOL BEAR & CO. 'Phone 866. Wilmington, N. C. PER BEtif IMEST All money deposited here on or before December 1st or 2nd will be credited with Three months interest on March 1st. This bank welcomes your account and offers you a safe, liberal, conservative depository for your money. The A tlantic Trust ? Banking Co. SOUTHERN BUILDING, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE no26-tf Stafhr For BOYS AT- ETERSON & RULES FERTILIZER MATERIALS - 756 Sacks Fish Scrap. " . 391 Sacks Muriate PotashJ 211 Sacks Sulphate Potash. ' - ' '' ' ' , . .. , 479 Sacks C 3. Meal. - f-' ' ' i 175 Tons Kalnit. 875 Tons 16 Per Cent. Acid. ' ' 472 Boxes L. L. Raisins. . ;; i 1 , 73 Boxes Prunes.. i t '94 Boxes' Evapsrated Peaches. ' 111 Barrels , Apples. . 76 Boxes Oranges. Ulf.B GQQPER . Jobber- and importer! l CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Starting on Monday, Oc tober 30th, Steamer Lis bon wiU load every Mon day and Thursday for points along the Cape Fear river as far as Elizabeth- town. Returning to the city every Wednesday and Saturday. Passengers and Freights will have personal atten tion. ' W.D. BLIZZARDS Master. '.:5-. .- . i-. ii .Jr-V.v1.,.-5..:, ' '. :' 'j - .'t:r':t,.:; r

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