. r . V f PAGJB 6. SOCIAL. & PERSONAL Mr. J. FIieitner returned yesterday ' morning from Washington, D C, where he. has been for several days on a business trip. v - .- I '. ,v. Raleigh 'News and Observer of yes terday: "Miss Janie Meares, of Wil '. rnington, Is the guest of Miss Eliza beth Johnson, on Hillsboro street." '(:.' 1 ' .... Mr. and Mrs. L. H. - Simmons and ' children returned yesterday morning from Buckeyestowij, Md., where they spent the holidays with Mr. Simmons' mother. . ! . - 4 Misses Mae Belle and Inez Jones, of. Lake City, Fla., were ' In the city yesterday -on their way to Kenans vflle to re-enter the James Spr'unt Institute. ! ' ' i Miss Eva McGirt, who has been vis - iting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. J. S. Williams, on Carolina Heights, left yesterday afternoon for her home at Maxton. -j ' - -v--. , '! - ' Yesterday's Charlotte Observer: " "Miss Margaret Haughton will leave this morning for Wilmington to visit her aunt, Mrs. T. C. James, at Carolina- Heights' v , i The regular monthly meeting of North Carolina Sorosis will be held ,this afternoon in the reading room of ' the' Masonic Temple and all members are Invited to be present. Mfss Elizabeth Fishblate, of New. i: YbrU'i Miss Alice Marcuse. of Rich mond, and Mr. Alexander fhaap.Jr., of Brooklyn, homes after Einstein. I have returned to their a visit to Mrs. Arthur . Members of the local chapter of the National Red Cross Society are ur gently requested to be present at a n .eeting to be held at 10:15 this morn ing in the parlors of the Colonial Inn. Among other Important business to come up at this meeting wi.l be the collection of the annual membership dues. Mr. O. or Whitlock returned yes terday from Joplin, Mo., where he was called a few weeks ago on account of the serious illness of his fatbrer, Rev. C. F. Whitlock, fouuierly pastov of Brooklyn I Baptist church, but now pastor of alhurch-in the Missouri .city. Mr. , Whitlock said that his father was much improved, but that he had not yet regained his strength. His many friends in this city and sec tion will hope for his early recovery. . , The annual meeting o! the "Ladies' Concordia Society' was held in the rooms of the Harmony Circle yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock wk- a large and enthusiastic attendance of mem . bers. Mrs. S. A. Schloss was elect ed president for the ensuing year; Mrs. M. W, Jacobi, vice president: ;Mrs.. S. Mendelsohn was re-elected secretary,. andJ.Mrs,.. Sol Stemberger as treasurer. The reports of the offi cers reviewing the year's work and other important matters also came up for discussion. ' Burgaw, N. C, Jan. 3. One of the most enjoyable events of the. season was a dance given last Thursday even ing by the young men of Burgaw com plimentary to the Bannerman-Herring bridal party. Al 8:80 o'clock the But ier Orchestra began playing and Mr: Rivers D.Johnson, of Warsaw, with Miss Geneva Moore, of Burgaw grace fully led the crowd through a beauti ful german. j Those dancing were: Miss Katie Hawes, of Atkinson, with Mr. J. B. Moore, Jr.: Miss Mattie Pad- dison with Mr. R. L. Turner; Miss Sal-, sie Herring with Mr. C. B. Underquist, of Bay. City, Mich.; Miss Mattie Hawes with Mr. R. H. Paddison, of New York City; Miss Jeannette Moore with Mr. A. M. Faison; Miss Annie Dell Dur ham with Mr. J. E. Williams, of War saw; Miss Blanche Paddison with Mr. J. A. Bannerman; Miss Maud Paddi son with Mr. Charlie Johnson; Miss Laura Moore with Mr.-James BardenL Miss St ron with Mr. J. Ross McNea; Miss Spicer with Mr. McN. Moore; Mr. ffhd Mm J.T. Hoggard, of Atkin : Gon; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Overstreet, of St. Helena. ;); . . MARRIAGE; LAST NIGHT OF POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE. A pretty home wedding of much In i terest to a " wide circle of friends in 'i this city was celebrated at 8:30 o' clock last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. Marshburn, No. 609 S Queen street, when their atractive daughter, Miss Annie Louise Marsh 'burn, became vthe bride of Mr. WU - Ham B. Walton, a well known young business man of the city. The cere?. mony was Impressively performed by Rev. O. T. Adams," pastor of Fifth Street-Methodist Church. There were no attendants.-: The wedding marches were rendered; by Miss Mae Landen. Tri'o were present a large number - of. relatives and friends of the couple, ! Rome of whom were from a 'distance. ; Immediately after the ceremony a .re- 'J ceptlon was hefd at whleh the bride and groom . received the felicitations and best, wishes or many friends. Re " freshments were served. The homo : was jriost attractively decorated for thp event. Mr. and Mrs. .Walton will - live at No. 312 South Fourth street. , Mr. Walton Is engaged in the grocery , business ' atf r Seventh' and Orange Btreets. . .' MR. CROWNSTREAM WRITES. Northeast' RlVtr Brltl; Discussed ..'"..Sortie More--The Locations. Mr. Editor;-1 I have read about the Nj vtr , Hanover CoUnty - Commission ' er3 ?"rag-chewing" yesterday and I for one am not surprised; I have had .an idea all along that something "would turn up- to either delay the. building of : the Northeast . river bridge or to i cas? it to ibe built, at BlosiomTs Fer ry, therefore, I have delayed writing a card ' thanking the honorable men who stood xip for the rights of the ' farmers who will "have to , use the Abolit th&Ietry', rights ,ef Sato Bios soni,.!' think both counties ought to pay.nim for his' Hghts,: ferry flats and all other tf)Durtenances. thereunto be longing taf hlm-whaterj. just and ' fair, i:'-'5---i' .- ';";-' :' 1 . 1 I - do "hot! think." itjla just .'right to cause thousands of people to risk their railroad tracks and tra vel oiit of itheir way fort the sake of . KratlfyJng, the .whims J,of one pr twp persons, who as a mauer oi v . . '.. - Itained these so-called rights from the people. Does New Hanover county belong-to one or two men! Who owns Northeast river? ' . I notic that Mr. MjpEachern states that he voted for whit he considered the best interests of the county. That lathis duty, but is he not mistaken in his idea of what "Would serve the in terests of the .people? Is it for the best interests of New Hanover county to force farmers to . haul produce by the longest route whenever they wish to bring it here, and furthermore, give them the opportunity to risk their lives on their way here and likewise on their return home? -1 refer to those twp railroad crossings that' they - would have to cross in case the bridge is built to Blossom's Ferry, while if it Is built , where the people want it, then it will be a straight road and no railroad crossings until they reach 10th street, which they would have to cross anyway. ,The three, commissioners of . Pender county voted for the Hungry Bluff lo cation, and' they expressed the will of the people of Pender county. I have been and am yet, blaming Mr. Arm-1 strong for failing to properly attend to. his official duties, but I am willing to give the devil his f dues, to use a common, expression. . Mr. Armstrong, together with those other good men, expressed the will of the people of Pender. - What kind of people are we any how? When we hve-'a man to work for us we never fail to see .that he does his work in a satisfactory way, otherwise we give him the chance to get a new boss, but w,hen we have a few cheap politicians we .doff our hats to them and call them "Honorable" when the word dishonorable would fit much better; . ' . The President of the United ' States cannot, according to an unwritten law,' be elected more --than twice. . I haVei been told that the keeper of the New Hanover county poorhouse is not al lowed to keep his office more than two years. If that is a fact, why do we keep some people . here in- this county in "office for such a length' of time that the county seemingly be-' longs to them? Why don't we give some of these old-timers a .resting spell and give some ' new man an op portunity to show what he can do? I tbirtjk there is room for improvement We have some able county officials. Take our sheriff, for instance. Mr. Cowan 1$ a fearless, conscientious gentleman, and he is an honor to New Hanover county. Then there is our old friend, John Haar. ' He is as ac commodating as it is possible for him to be. I must not forget to mention Woodus Kellum, Esq., our able repre sentative in the last Legislature. He is a gentleman, every inch of him, rose from an humble condition, stud ied law while earning bis living and is a self-made man, the Jriend of the poor and humble. - We have certainly too few- Cowans, Haars and Kelluuis.in office in North Carolina, and until we- learn to put such men in office and keep out the refined vagrants, .we will do as we are how, doing standing still. : For the benefit of those who live In Wilmington and visit lady friends at Castle Haynes-1 wish to state thit regardless of where they - pat : the bridge the distance from Wilmington to Castle Haynes will remain the same. - a , . t I hope that the County Commis'sion ers of Pender county will stand firm and determined In their, choice of lo cations,.' but under no circumstances submit to the expenditure of one pen ny to build it at the other place. Of course, the bridge should be built' as cheaply as possible, but take every thing into consideration. ,- Thanking you for your kindness in publishing this, I remain, very truly yours. WM. CROWNSTREAM. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 3, 1912. - (Pender Chronicle please copy.) THREE GAMES LAST NIGHT. Brigade Boys Defeated the High Schoo Fine Contest. Members of Company CL Boys' Bri gade, played the first' two games of the second series yesterday afternoon at the armory and both contests were fast and well-played, showing a mark ed improvement in the playing of sev Feral of the youngsters which promises well for a strong team to reDresent the.: Brigade in its games later in' the year with teams of other institutions The first game was between the teams of Captains Grant Dickerson and 'Ar thur Beach, the . former ; winning by the score of 21 to 1ft. The features of the contest weie the all-round play ing of the Dickerson - followers, the good throwing of Munroe and Dicker son ana tne guard work of Register, Saunders and Costin. Capt. Bell's aggregation took .the second game from Capt. Palmgr'en's Quintette lv a score of 26 to 10. the good throwing of 'Fergus and Snaken burg and jthe guard work of FUtrell and Huband featuring. The next games will be played Friday afternoon when Bell will meet Dickerson " and Palmgren will play Beach.,- Despite : the inclemency of the wea- thr a large crowd witnessed the game at the armory last nignt when the High School' team went down in de feat before the Company B team to the tuce of 48 to 24, in their annual game.. While the score was rather one-sided, the game was ..replete with brilliant plays by both teams and was interesting from start .to finish. . C Burnett, C. Shephard, Morrison and Sholar .scored the points for the High acnooi iaas ana n. .itegister, tamer on, Dixon and Branch for the Brigade. Fouls' were rather numerous In the first half, but both teams settled llown in the second period and the work' was better. . . - - : '. ,. It is probable that thKlnston High School, team wilt .come to Wilmington next week, whenylt will play the local High School team on ; Friday night at the Y. M. C. A., and . the Brigade boys Saturday, night at the armory. The regular Friday night schedule will to resumed at the Brigade tomor row night when the Athletics will-play the "Piratefe and the Tigers face the Giants, v Another Meet Prbbable. . Mr. R. A. Fancrulli, representative of M r. Walter .-R. t Brookln s, the , avia tor, who eave an-exhibition in his ac roplane, here Tuesday, left' yesterday afternooft for Jacksonville Flal, where he. will ;complete ,' arrangements :' for flights to be made there Saturday by Mr. Bxookins. From Jacksonville Mr. Fanciulli and Mr. Brookins will go to Palm Peach. Fla., where they will spend 'the 'Winter. Mr. .Fanciulli said that possibly , he, would return to Wil mlngton .some ttme- Jater and; put . on another meet here THE MOANING-STAB,yW LOCAL DOTS. Sheriff S. P. Cowan ; asks that stevedores, . public .ferrymen and live ry .men take otice . that the . special license tax is now-due and tnust be paid. v , . ' : By deed filed for record. I yester day J. W. Yates, trustee transfers to Thos." Merrick and wife, for, $10 and other considerations,' lot-on southwest corner of 11th and Orange istreets, 33x 84 feet in size, .? ; , ;4 ' -"Coon" Brown, colored, who is al1- ready well, if not favorably, known in police circles, was "arrested yesterday morning on a charge of larceny. His case was continued in the Recorder's courf" yesterday. . ..- . , Dancy Lewis, colored; - Is being held at the police, station under sus picion. , ;rne negro was .arrestea yes terday morning Charged with an af fray, but the police believe that they can work up a case Of house-breaking against him. : - "- '" : 1 -Jn Justice Harriss court Tuesday afternoon the case against Mr. J. D. Sidbury, of East Wilmington, charg ing nim wi)h false pretense, was dis missed, B. G. Empie, Esq., appeared for the defendant. R.' F. Brooks, Esq., was the prosecutor, and he claimed false pretense in connection with the failure of Sidbury "to pay him a $25 fee for legal services. , PERSONAL-PARAGRAPHS. Dr. C P. Vineberg has returned from a visit to Washington and Bal timore. . ' .r. Mr. N. H. Smith, of Fayetteville, was here yesterday to attend the fu neral of Mr., Roger Kingsbury. -The many. friends of Mrs. C. "M USIfce. wife-of Rev. C. M. Lance, will regret to learn that she. is very 111 at the James Walker Memorial Hos pital in this city. , , , FINANCES OF THE CITY. Regular Monthly Audit by City Clerk -and Treasurer. - Capt. Thos. D. Meares, city clerk and treasurer, has Competed his reg ular monthly audit, and a statement has been given to each member of the Council. - The -statement of receipts for the month of December show that there was a deficit of $18,305.66 - on December 1st, 1911, in the general fund and receipts for the month are.given as follows: Real estate, personal and polls, $27,145.43; back taxes, 1197.10; licenses merchants. cornorationS. etc., $3,666.50; vehicles, $9,50; mar ket rents. $276.13; -surveys3$zo;, fu migation, $4.50; smallpox, county's pro rata, $1,472.74, a . total of $32,791.90. Deducting the amount or the deficit on December 1st, there remains of the receipts for thev month, $14,486.24. Disbursements during the., month amounted to $14,924.25. The deficit on January 1st. 1912, was only $438.01, as against $18,30366 December 1st The following is a general state ment of receipts and disbursements for the month, not including the gen eral fund,, which is given above: Water -and sewerage (operating;., balance )ecember 1st' $10,870.51;' re ceipts," $525.91 l-disbursements. $3,261. 09, a balance January jVist: ?,U3&.a.. Water afcd sewerage (bonds), balance DecemberMst. $30,070.16; disburse mehts, $149.31 -r balance January 1st, $28,820.85." Street improvement fund,. balance December 1st, $20;988.45; re ceipts, $410.50; disbursements, $10, 998.18; balance January 1st; $10,490. 17. Park fund, $637.53; guarantee fund. $254.64; sinking-fund, $4,176.1? Sanitary outfits, balance December 1st, $110.92? receipts, $272; disburse ments $33.60; balance January it, $349.52. Interest, balance -December 1st, $1,174.47 r receipts, $100; balance January 1st, $1,274.47. The net totals are as follows: Balance on hand De cember 1st $49,777.21; receipts, $34.- 200.31: disbursements, $30,376.43; .bal ance January 1st, $53,601.09. , .-- : THE PLUMBING SITUAJION. r ' Only One Development in Strike Yes terday Both Sides Firm. Aside from the fact that 12 of the striking plumbers issued a notice that they would accept work from the pub lic, there were ' no developments in the local plumbers strike, yesterday. Both sides are standing firm and dfr clare that they will hold put for what they believe is right. - t. ; Twelve plumbers, are out and about the same number f helpers and, thp plumbers issued a notice yesterday that they stand ready to answer any call when their services may.be need ed.. They are prepared ' to handle all classes of wor)t and . will .' appreciate any work that the public may see fit to give them. , They stated that they would establish permanent headquar ters within the next few days, Unless an agreement is reached - with -: the Master Plumbers Jn the meantime. The Master Plumbers viewed the move of. the men with some4skepti cism yesterday, professi'ng to believe that it was only an effort to force them to accede to the demands of the strikers. ;:.One of tfiem . stated last night that they are In 'position 'to fill all orders and that they have applica' tions from a number of outside men who arATpadv to comp to work-here at a moment's-notice. He' stated .that unless a settlement was reached with in a few days the Master Pliimbers would likely call in outside help td fill the places of the striking men and that they would go on with their bus iness as heretofore, v The -. Master Plumbers, he' said, are still determin ed not to grant the 'demand of. the. striking men for higher pay and short er hours. -,'.''. - ' i '. : -: FUNERAL OF MRS. COLLINS. Services Held Yesterday Afternoort . Trom Family Residence.-' . Attended "by a large number of sor: rowing friends and relatives i the f U neral ; of Mrs. C. E. "-Collins whose death occurred Tuesday morning at the family home, No.- 314v Cburcfc street, was held from the ; yesidenee yesterday , afternoon , at .2130 o'clock; Rev. Dr. J. H. Foster, ' pastorv of the First Baptist Church,, of which Mrs Collins was a devoted member for many years, conducted the services, ronowmg wnicn tne vremains wereJ borne, to Belleyue cemetery, where the interment was mad$ in the famiry plot. . .The pall-bearers wef e Messrs, R. C. Fergus, E..P. H. Strunck, J. W; n. ruens, m. Alexander, B.,T.r :HQp kins and Dr. P. Bolles. - A number of hahdsome floral designs bore silent testimony of the love and esteem in which the deceased had been held by an wno Knew ner. Read Star Business Locals. .JTheatriccd.. Comedy " most ' idllehtf r, -S of that type that is f ast '.and f ur&us; and yet wholesome and dainty Was furnished by the Four Pickerts. and their excel lent company last .night,! and; scored another- tig triumph for them' in the hearts of the peopleJ The comedy, "The French Bair;ai ; something ngw ; to- the. Academy stage, as In fact are all tfx4 playsof the company this season and it ;dused'J' those present to have a huge evening for Idn. The presentation was well made. Between acts another new line of specialties was -introduced, headed by still anoth er onew and., elaborate dancing act by tne cKerts themselves,. ,. . : Tonight the companrV "will 'present one-: of its hlggest successes in "The Boss of L -Ranch," which is a Western drama of heart interest, ahd not of melo-dramatic;luridness. It' is on the order of "The XJirl of the Golden West" and it's a big . success. . The company will give a fine presentation of the bill, and a big and new pro gramme of vaudeville will be offered. Tomorrow night (Friday) the com pany will be seen in "The Silent Wit ness," while Its last matinee of. its present engagement will take place Saturday afternoon. when ' the prices will be 10 and 20 cents. - "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch", a frlay which may, be said to be a fit example of the simple life, lived hu morously, comes to the Academy next Monday night, and will be presented by practically the sme cast as last season, it jieeds, no introduction or rncommpndatthn tn nta amnspniPTit lovers, and, like the book of which it is an excellent dramatization, the play may well be . set down, as a tonic for the low-spirited - and "despond3nt, a new inspiration to ' thestrong and a positive- delight to" all. " It has been said that "Mrs. Wiggs 'of the Cabbage Patch" as a play, has sufficiently of heart interest and a sufficient number of distinct types to supply half a doz en comedy, dramas and inake the fame and fortune 'of each. ,'Liebler & Co., have certainly done their part in giv ing .it, an elaborate and realistic pro duction; and have provided a cast of exceptional merits including such pro nounced favorites .as Blanche Chap man for the title role; Minnie. Milne for Mis' Hazy, and Thomas Aiken for Hiram Stubbins. 'These three charac ters are reckoned the most prominent, but they are by no means the only in teresting, and entertaining personali ties of the play, whiph from the first to last, is crowded with humorous in cidents, sentimental . episodes and side-splitting situations. Seats for "The Cabbage Patch" will go on sale at Plummer'g Saturday., At The Grand. ; The Grand Theatre today will offer two big feature photoplays, that are bound to interest and please the large audiences that are. now coming to be quite, the fashion at this popular play house. . One- of these'- films' will be a Pathe Western drama, "Poisoned Ar rows," while on, he same reel will be "French Cuirns$ierg.J!Maneu,velrs." an interesting, film of army . life- ."While both these pictures ' will be features, there will be one other big offering in a Lubin of "My 'Brother Agostini", a story full of startling and unusual fea tures. It gives an insight to Italian life and there is a touch of romance that gives color and life 'to the pic tures..' The Ldbin filni's are' known as those' 'clear. as'a bell" and the var ious startling features and situations 2ad to a .happy ending. ; ttti Morgan win render today one of his select ongs, that will without a doubt be a good one. The Grand Theatre, des pite the weather, is always cozy and comfortable and it is a real, pleasure to attend the performances there, r - At The Bijou. : In spite if the bad -weather many folks braved the elements yesterday and-witnessed "at the Bijous one f the best bills, both 'for artistic merit and who"esomeness, ever presented in Wilmington. Of course, . many, who had intended-seeing the big bill, which featured . a- great railroad . film, could not go, and they must fhave sofely felt to Tuiow that today the BIjau will pre sent even .another thrilling railroad film. one. more fatensjB! than the one yesterday. So, greatly tildth one of yesterday pleaFe that the Bijou would have ntesefitetl H again . today, but fot its lnvloiable lule.tqi present every thing new everyday.' However," the flint today f rTafiroidUfe eyen .sur passes the big" me ofyetei'day as this one, .."TJie-Substitute," is a thril le'r from" start - tt finish. It is-most picturesque, too,-fts .lt ; runs a gamiit from wayside station; to martial bat tlefield and i then to- the - wilderness, where the train is held up by .masked men and Is finally saved by a young woman counting a telegraph, pole apd cuttingi :4nto the wire to.-send a- mes rape for help This scene is particu larly exciting, and : will, send ' the: blood surging warmly . through - . the reins. :The other films for; today, em bracing a. number of :tlg. comedy ones also,., wj.ll be. of splendid -type, while the musical t numbers wm oe an new and direct, from Broadway. A r- - "'-: Married at the" Cjtirt-Hutfse: f v.Mr." Lee; Mayer, and Mrs. Elizabeth feursbn were- married "at the .Court House Tuesday, afternbon at-4 o'clock by Magistrate J, W. Smith, in the pres ence of ' ijnty ' the .irequired number of witnesses.; -The couple .wilj make their home in this" City.' Mr. Mayer is em ployed bythe Tidewater Power Com pany in the capacity of a. boiler maker arid bath he. "arid his bride ave many friends 'w.ha.Vill be " interested. :in learning, "Of, their marriage. ' " i : ; Or:. C00K Eomihg ? H -. - :".. .V! Yesterday afternoon's . Fayetteviile Observer says: 'Dr.- Frederick ; Al Cook, the famous polar explorer, ' will lecture at' the,1 LaFayette Theatre on Wednesday Jdight, January , 10th." "i ". fctate of bhio.- dty of, Toledo. . f M . ." ' , .v! ' liucaa' County- . vjf ' Ftatifc lJ.' Chehey thakeS oath that he li nlpr .partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & :C0.i dolny business- in thet City of T0 edo County .and State aforesaid,: : and ,?Ai"rlU. WUI Py Tne um, or one HF1??11 I0LLAH3 .for whrand ey fef jr case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use Of HALTS CATARRH CURE, '- I, t i- FRWTlC !r-3, CHENEY I Sworn to Jbefore; me arid subscribed In lay ipresence, thi Bttt'dajKof December, A.D.-1886LV - : i- i r.i (Seal)" ----- r- Ai 'W.: QLBABOl; ? ' .-'"j.-." ''" ':. Notary PubUc- L tarrW SJr taken -lirternany and acts, drecUpireblbo" and mti' rou ;uffa(tea "the aystem Send tor testimonials, free? - ' c CH&NJ3ti4 QO.V .Toledo;. Sold by all Druggists. 75o- - - Z 'fake HaU's Famu 1U19 for coaatloatloa ' GOES WITH Ai C.: L. Mr. W. R. Applebury Mayi Give Up Position on Police' Force. : . Mr.' W. R. Applebury, who has been a member: of the, police department for a number ; of years and regarded as one of the best officers dn the, force as well as "the handsomest had prac tically given up his position in order to "accept the position of officer.-in charge of the Atlantic Coast Line pay train, which v position has just. been created? Mr. . Applebury was granted a leave of absence by Councilman B; C. Moore, in charge of the Department of puhlic Safety, and trill give his new position a trial before banding in his resignation-":- Members of the force learned ; witlr-- regret of the; Intention of Mr. Applebury, who has a splendid record as an officer. ' f Mr. Applebury was an aspirant for the position of sergeant to fill the vai cancy caueed -by the resignation .of Mr. Chas.1 S. Burnett sOme weeks ago and his resignation would ; eliminate1 htm from that contest, leaving Only two avowed v aspirants, Mr: W. Ci Moore, who is next, man 4n Order for the position in point of seniority of service, and Mr. Joe S. Lane, -who 1s at present Mall Officer, where ihe has been of great service to Chief Fowler, Botlr have strong :'iriends who have been presenting their Claims to promo tion. . It Is possi'ble that the vacancy will be filled some " time within the next week or ten days. ;. , y. MUCH INTEREST SHOWN. I; Mass Meeting at 8.oys' Brigade Sun- day Rev. Dr. Snyder Speaker. . Much interest is being shown in the preparations for the mass meeting for men and Women to be held' at - the Boys Brigade armory next Sunday afternoon, and it is expected that the attendance will be large. . A .really helpful and interesting speaker ' has been secured for this occasion In "the person of Rev. Dr. W. A. Snyder, pas tor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Mr. Snyder is-considered one of the most earnest preachers of tne uospel in : tne city and. his remarks will be . heard with much interest i ;- ; The musical programme, ;will be fur nished by the excellent choir frbna, St. Paul's . Church, , under the leadership of Mr. J. H. Rehder. Mrs. H.,Schul ken will preside at the piano. A splen did meeting will no doubt result from the efforts of the speaker ana" the mu sicians. . . . FEDERAL JURY TO ADJOURN. But County Jury Will Investigate the - Dynamite Outrages. 1 Los Angeles, Cal.,r Jan.6 3 This week will see the end of a Federal grand jury and ithe beginning of a county grand jury, both intent upon investigations of the " (Jyhamite out rages. The Federal grand jury which in dicted olaf A. Tvietmoe, Anton Jo- hannsen and E. A. Clancy, of San Francisco, and J- E. Munsey, of Salt Lake "City, all la'bot leaders, is ex pected ta adjourn Friday. " Accordingf to Unijted States District Attorney A. I. McCormick.it will be at least three weeks before another jury can be drawn. . y 1 The county grand jury, beginning tomorrow, givas . every Indication of delving lntb the manner in which' the defense of the McNamara brothers conducted vtM case. 'Alleged attempts at "jury bribing .probably "will be prob ed to locate the real responsibility for such as already have been admitted, and to learn if there-were others. The county grand jury today subpoenaed five persons formerly connected ac tively with the McNamara defense Those subpoenaed are Kirk Fitzpat rick, a detective ,broght from Chica go by Clarence Barrow; W. B. Collier, another detective; Larry Sullivan, the former Goldfleld mining man, who was credited with' having been first com missioned to second District Attorney Fredericks on the question-Of the Mc Namara confessions; Mrs. Ann Harp- ten8tien, arrow's former ; confiden tial- secretary: :' J. H.. -Russell, secre tary 'to Job Harriman,,, and Frank Bel cher,;, a .watchman In the building where the iMcNamara attorneys made their, headquarters. Russell also was suWpoenjfed appear before the Fed eral grind jury." - .- .:' It. was. reported today that the new Investigation will coVer the. alleged efforts of -the defense to bribe jurors In the- McNamara trial. New York, Jan. 3. -The Standard Oil Company has announced an ad vance or it) points m-aii graaes- or re fined oils. Reflihed in, cases 900 ; stan dard white 750; bulk 400. They also announce an advance .of a half cent per gallon for all grades: of naptha.fr Frightful Polar-Winds SV: blow with terrific'- force - at thefar north and play." havoc! with the skin", causing red, ; roughpf ; sore 'chapped hands and lips, that need Bucklen'a Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes the skin soft and smooth. Unrivalled for cold -sores, also burns, boils, sores ttlcersr -cuts,, b-rulses and piles,, Only 25 cents at R. R. Bellamy., . . J . . .',' If you are looking for something Real Nice for your Husband, Brother or Beau, just 'jlrop in our store" and you will find if - " ;, ;;-"" rV"v Neckwear. . ... ... . . 1.'. . f ripm jSc. to $ i .to Gloves . Y . i V .. .. . . V;Y . . ; Itfrom 25c.; to1$2.56-.'. Suspenders . . ... . . ... Y . from 25a Co $l.p6 r - Sox. .:i . , , v . . ":. . y : ) ;from 25c.to:5dc . ; , Pajamas. . . . . . Y',Y, .V. . . V.from 75c. to $2:5(T' ..: Bath Robes, . Y . . '. Y from $4.50 to $6.00 Handkerchiefs . Y ' . . . : Y Night Shirts: Y. ShirU:YY;,r.,YYV ... t.i- ; . . Underwear, HaU, And Everything: That's Suitable for a-' '- Present 1; J PROPER TREAniprt rOR. The M thing to be doni in the treatment of Catatirk is to begin the use of a medictne Hhdt teal have a direct effect on, the source of the disease ; injio othet. way can any curative progress be made. does this more quickly ttnd satis factorily than any other medicine. It is . the thbst penetrating' of all blood punnets, . thoroughly, yet gently? expelling tlltalarrhdmatA ter and impurities horn the circula tion, and by its fine tonic properties strengthening ion d 'Building up the system in such healthy, maimer that it ts enabled to 'overcome the de pressing effects of Catarrh. - Some local treatment i$ : often desired to open the air passages of the head and nose and relieve the congestion and " tickling " o f the throat, and ofher unpleasant symptoms. . : There are tnanf - helpful measures ' vohich may be resorted to, and there are others which may be harmful, and to aid Catarrh" sufferers we have pre pared a special treatise on the disease which will be" of great value to any who suffer with this trouble. This book together with any medical ad vice free to all who write and request it. Take S. S. S. regularly and ac-; cording to directions and it will cer tainly rerapvethe cause and cure your Catarrh. S.S.S. is sold at drujg.stores.i THE SWXFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Caw EMMETT .FLOOD ARRESTED. Organizer for Federation . lof - Labor Held on Four Warrants. Muscatine, la., Jan. 3. The arrest of.Emmett Flood, of Chicago, National organizer ior ine American Federation of Labor, and the representative of President Gompers, on the charge; of conspiracy to destroy property with acid bombs, was. the principal develop1 nient today in the grand jury situa tion here, which grew out of the but ton workers strike. Flood was arrest ed on four warrants, three of which charge him With malicious destruction of property. . . '.. ' ; C.'G. Wilson, the Socialist merabei' of the city council, -and fiscal agent for the local button workers Union, whicfi is. on ; strike, was charged . in two in dictments with conspiracy; and mali cious destruction 6f property. Both men were released on .$3,000 and 000 bonds respectively, given by.'un'-T ion men.- - n- Logansport, In.d., Jan. : 1, Salvator? F. Pezllla and Mrs. Erico Stetti were arrested here today on the complaint of the woman's husband, who had fol lowed them , from ' PittBbUrg: 'Stetti told - United' States ' Commissioner O. H. Stuart that his. wife is the .last of the numerods' young - Italian - women who have been' lured I from the East to Chicago- by-Pezilla.,' .-"., . ... " A Pint of : Cough Syrup for 50c . t - . .. :. , .-.;,.- . -' .. : The QuiekestSuest Cough Remedy You Ever Used, orMoney Refunded. Stops Even Whooping Cough Qujckly. . You may not need Jae $2. which a-50-cent bottle Of Pinpx saves you,. but you .do r need. the wonderful ' efifectiveness of this famous cough remedy. It will usual ly ..stoiv the most obstinate deep-seated cough4 Inside of . .-24 hours, and has - no equal for whooping cough - ' A CO-cent bottle of Pinek, mixed with home-made sugar yrui fives you a full pintj a family supply of the most pleas ant and effective cough remedy you ever Used. Easily prepared in, , five minutes directions in package.' ' ' The way this' takes hold of a" cough and gives instjnt relief will make you regret that you never tried it befbre.- Stimulates the appetite, is slifrhtv laxative and tastes good -children1 take it willingly. - It has a wonderful record in".' eases' -of 'incipient lung trouble and is 'splendid for croUp, i asthma, bronchitis, tliyoat trouble,-etc. : Pinex is a special" and 1 highly concen trated compound of Konvav White lini xtracti rich.in guaiacol nd other natural healing ;pme elements. Snnpfy mix with Sugar syrirp or-strainecl honjyrvjn a pint bottte, and It is ready lor use. Used in more; - homes , in- the U. Si, and Canada than anyvother cough remedy, v-7 j. N . , a inwc nas oiten Deen . imitated. . hut inever successfully, for nothing rise -will Tiroapce tns same results. Tlie genuine is guaranteed ? to -gire absolute -satUf action or money refunded. Certificate of guar antee is wrapped m eqch nackage. Your druggist has Pinex or will gladly get it for 1 not,; send. tovThe.. -pftex .-CoFt. V ayneInd.' '. ;j:- ,0' '- ; : .. ,v Y . Y; ;from 10c to SI. 00 .Y from 75c to $1.50 to $2.00 ri mm Unequaled ; i- . ;sT . .'?., .y. : PUT YOURSELF -IN SAFE HANDS Dr. J. J. McKanna, discoverer of the1 nly permajient cure lor the liquor habit No danreroua hypodermic In-' lections or nerva wrecking drups ust-1... rwenty-flve year', of experience and, ire have the best known vrhod. In. fMtirata now. -- Dr J. W. McGehee, health ofllcer. of the city, of Reidsville and a repu table physician, makes affidavit to the effect' that there has never been a death in Dr. McKanna's Reidsville Sanitarium. MCKANNA " THREE-DAY LIQUOR :: CURE COMPANY ' Reidsville, - - North Carolina. '-"... Chrijil mas and Hoi i- . -d ays are over. We are feeding 50 Mules and 25 Horses. Get v busy. Come and ' do business. KElifuCKY liORSE MULE COMPANY FT. MILLS, Gen. Mgr. and Salesman WILMINGTON. N. C. OLD AGE AND YOUTH tTTJ&iT J&OWSXfo TEETH. require teeth for appearance sake. The absence of teeth accentuates old ago, and adds years to the appearance. Wo make and adjust teeth for the old ami young of both sexes. We make thorn perfect, too, and do every branch of Dentistry in high class style, although we are known to be the most reasona ble in charges In the local profession. Crown andBridge Work a specialty. DR. CULBRETH'S Dental Parlors Front and Princess Sts. Call at Mission Pharmacy and get one of . OUR :: CALENDARS. THE BEST ALWAYS ALWAYS THE BEST THE. DAt.STlESX AW) MOUt - VOl pBTABUB. PLACE IK IHt CITy. The-GRAND Theatre OSCnSSTBA AND ' INTEBESTINU . PICTURES. - , r BOOM 1 PBONI Sll BLUE-PRINTS "f4 BIJOU M Southern Map, Company 1 1 V