V "V- THE MffflTti 1PAGB 2. V ! ing to serve writs upon the "United tnt Steel Conorati6n and other de fendants named in the order signed by Circuit Court Judg Geqrge 43tay, and filed in the 'United States Circuit Court . clerk's . office Sere, this after noon by Henry Colten nt the Ie: martment of Justice, at Washington. ' t The writs were Issued ' to restrain the United States Steel Corporation and 12 other defendants from destroy ' lng books and papers and other evi- s dence that might be uaerul.to tnegov- eroment In the dissolution sil.t against thfl Steel Cortratlon.:'.The.ri.tvelre rfhe.r rihfehdants atW bfaly A ' I ew of those named In the gover nment's oris- . inal i suit - for the dissolution .of We steef trust These defendants are prb ceeded against1 because it Uncharged that theyi acting in their lndiTiduara- Tpacities, are' like the Steel v Corpora tion. "guilty of acts In violation jof y h AnH-Mmat law,ML .'-V.- T These writs which-restrainthe de . struction of books, 'papierstc;; are to , be effective until March 5th, .when ar- eument ls to be heard on the appll nation of thfe government-naade-4n tOr dav's Detltion for "a permanent In junction restraining theestnicUpn of looks, papers, etc. T - - - The serving of the ..writs. Mr: Col ton said! was for the purposed oi pre cluding a plea that such ' Knowledge was not possessed by: the flerenaants Nine- of the 13 fleTettdaiita,, mcmcr lng the Steel Corporation ' Itself, are New Jersey corporations witn register ed r offices in this State, and service rt wrfta will 'he made UDon those Offi cers. ; The Tennessee Coal " and Iron Company will have; to tte'serred in Tennessee and-the Union Steel com uanv. the Clairtotf Steel Company and the Frick Coke Company, Pennsyl vania ! corporations, will be served in Western district of Pennsylvania -PREftBYtEmAN feAVMET Great 'Gathering for Opening, Session Yesterday at Chattanooga . "Chattanooga Tehni, Feb7 .v (K Bringing the slogan "evangeVt&ilon of .the. world in this generation." two thousand laymen of the -Southern - Presbyterian Church ", and, ; leaders of ether denominations tne. Here today for .the second "general coifventioii of tne laymen s missionary moTemeni in the,l Presbyterian .Church In the unit ed States. ' ', - -. .X-. :ir ":';: Today's session was given over ! to recounting the history bt the church, foreign mission work, --We claim thare in the history "of modern - mis sions," declared r. Janies. L.l Vance, pastor of v the First ;, Presbyterian church, ' of Nashville, -after the lay men had been welcomed 'tO Chatta riooga1 by Mayor Thompson.'- ' . Dr., Vance outllneot-the- ettent of ', the work, today, paid " tribute to ' workers In all fields'- and women of the hnrch -whd . have "made mission ary campaign possible.' The -church nas given in fifty years, he said, ta, 525,290. One hundred - arid twelve missionaries are at work in - seven countries; 60,000 'patients receive treatment in eighteen hospitals; - 31S self-supporting churches', last year gave, $53,423 and received 330 con verts. ',. '":. V ' : ' The aneetings will continue until Thursday night Among the1; church leaders that arrived todays 'were J "Campbell White, Robert E. Speer, D! 'Clay Lilly; Dr. Robert Vinson, of us tin, Texas; Dr. R. O. Flynn, of Atlan ta; Dr. Egbert W. Smith, secretary 'of the church's mission board.:., . r The mission field is . represented by J. Fairman Preston, of Korea f Motte Martinrof Africa; and W:. H, Hudson, of China. Other notables are - Dr. ': Jas. T. Barton, secretary of the Am j.. erican hoard of commissioners for for eign missions; Harry Wade Hicks, general secretary of the missionary educational movement; Dr. James Howe," of Washington and Lee Unlver v sity; Dr. George W. Denny, president of the University of Alabama:- Dr. ; Dwight Sloan, of Johns Hopkins Unr versity, and Dr., W. Dro-jrns, ot'.ter Joseph, Mo.-. - XX . .Southern Baptists are represented by J. T: Henderson, of Bristol, Term.; and Southern Methodists : are repre sented by John R. Pepper, Memphis: the Episcopalians by Bev. W. R. Pat ton .department x secretary in the South.' v ;:i , Action " on the foreign (mission debt of $10,000 is -not scheduled on the programme.7 - A-church Tleadel1; 'how ev er, said .the same process initiated at Birmingham might be used. At the Birmingham meeting $70,000 was raised ito -offset-this deUt: ?U XV X : . I ' ' ': ' 1 .- - i - ' NEGROES LYNCH NEGRO.. Georgia Man-' Taken From Officers and . ' P- Strung Up. ' '-.('' Vidalia, Ga., Feb. 6 .Homer Stew art, a negro, was lynched by members of his own race today at Cedar Cross ing, asmall town in a remote section of thisounty according '.to reports received here. ' Stewart is allefeed to hkve killed another negro and fatally wounded two others' at a. negro festi val. Stewart was arrested 'soon Rafter the killing, it is stated, and was being taken by an officer to the county Jail when "thy were overtaken Iby , xnob . The -officer was overpowered and the prisoner taken to a tree and hanged. Richmond, , Va., Feb. ;.-rTSeriator Charles Wlatklnsl of Chesterfield coun ty, will introduce tomorrow a bill. iti the General Assembly pf Virginia; asking for an appropriation of $2,000 to pay outstanding bills incurred In 'the BeattW case, ' '-r: . ;rHeatrcal.i , 'HE;l8piEUGHTj For -Nine Years' Stomafr tfouklle Ms '. Everybody knows that the iest; fed people stknd the. best chance ; iri t?ie world, if they are careful to. Keep-their stomachs in" good trim.- -U'rr. h-' . We say positively, that 'therp, (a nothing that will da you SO iniicH good when you have stomach trouble, anrl ?J rundown, worn out '.tfijd: weak,' aa Vraol, our delicious cod" iiver and Iron preparation' without pli.t Letha Chewning, Lucknow,;-S.: 'C: eays "IndigestloBi loss of 'appetite and general weakness have teen troubling me for.niae ears. Wheo I began tak ing Vinol a feW weeks ago I noticed tin improvement . In a very short' time .ana now x ieei much stronger than I - mave in . -years., vinol has built "-.ore tip, improved, my appetite and diges tion, and I am delighted with ita pleTi; did .results." You . can,havA yoiir :'mdnW haclJ if Vinol does net do, all .we promise you,' ik cenainjy,xnis is a generous OEeR, Jet ...ymoi - jwake.; you strong.-; Robt R . ; Bellamy, -Druggist, . Wilmington A full house greeted ; the presenta tlon of the "Mayor .of New Town," at the Academy of Music last night by .a company of colored performers with Salem Tutt Whitney, the colored co median, in the star role. The show was said to be a good, one and the audience. thoroughly enjoyed It The audience voiced its appreciation by frequent applause. .; - Popular Prices Again Today. - . 4 .After haying- given away to the Shart Set; that appeared - last night, the Carleton Sisters -and associate players- will resume their1 . popular price run at the Academy today, ihey will, also -offer two performances to day, presenting a -special matinee, wheh 1 1 the prices ! will be 10." and 2Q cents 'aad when the beautiful; drama, Wife in, Nam Only"-will be offered This is . an., especially . pretty play anq bne ;that will appeal Btrongly to the ladies. In connection with the dra matic part 'of the performance will be given a, hew line of splendid vaude ville between acts. - ; ;., Tonight the company will be seen Ih ohe of Its best successes, ' For Her Brother's Sake", and as 'a compliment to the ladiesvery lady will be admit ted free tonight, providing the accom panying ticket is one of -the first 200 purchased at Piummers, where tick ets are nowon sale. ""For Her' Broth1 er'aSake" is an intense drama of hu: man interest, with ; plenty of comedy, and Js entirely, new to the Academy stage. New specialties, and plenty of them, including an act by the clever Carleton Sisters, wilt be presented be tween acts of tonight s fine hill.. - "The Cow and the Moon." "The Cow and the Moon" which ap pears at tne Academy next; Monaay night, is-' said1 to Tie most entrancing musically. . ; : 1 - Skepticism as' to the possibility, of composing anything in tune to" such b- title is iorgotte'ii from the moment .the orchestra plays the opening tra;n$. of the pretty , preiuae-ana it is autnon tativply claimed ifnat as much credit is due to tne score as to tne noretip Or this trick now. .;.. .... That well known "cehiposer of extrav aganza hit. v Carleton Lee Colby, is responsible for all of the music and numerous press criticisms from those whd VkhOw, compel the inference that Carleton has once again wrought most tunefully;- ' ' ': r . " During the action of this new vehi cle J for extravaganza - the principals and the chorus will be heard, to great advantage in the following songs,, es pecially arranged for - The Cow and the Moorii":'br Carleton Lee Colby; Following are the principal numbers: Town Hall Tonight," a satirical af fair; a duet number, "If ; They Are All as "Nice as Tou," which is a big hit; a newidear in a rag "They All Look Alike to MableT 'in Seville", a Span ish number .that is sure to appeal to the popular fancy of the romantically' inclined. ..: : ' T Then there is a sufficiently foolish fusion of "tuneful tinkles b warrant the title of . "Ching-a-Ling-a-Foo" and no further description is either neces sary of possible. ' ' A sweet 'touching song "Just the Same" Old Story" attests the wonderful, versatility ef the .yoatng .-composer ana or the sake of the customers - and scenic artists : comes the newest rag, The Haughty Hottentots." Mrv Eddie Gilmore, of" comic ' opera fame, is the feature with "The Cow and the Moon".' and "through intelli gent and persistent effort, as well -as magnetlc personality, is -endearing himself to the. public as a comedian of highest quality. ' From v what we know, of the meritoriousness of his new chatacter, we predict ipstant suc cess here.' Seats will be on sale at Plummer's Saturday morning. , K "Madame Sherry." There is a general impression abroad that-actors and actresses are born with the proverbial silver ' spoon in their mouth or, through' some influ- ence with a producer, author or -manager. Such, is not the case except in rare Instances. Take the Madame Sherry Company for example, which appears here at the Academy Wednes day night of next week, February 14th. n that company Is a listJof celebri ties who have won their "spurs" by hard . work and determination to sue; ceed. - .' , ? ':'. - ; i . At. The Grandv: v As usual The Grand Theatre'will of fer three, "big: motion picture features; a song. -hit -and the always delightful music .by the orchestra' for all natrons' j Of the- house- th4s afternoon!, and even: . ng. - Tne oig leature ror . tooay is . a Biograph on -two reels, "A Blot iit The - .'Scutcheon," an adaptation ' of Robtrt; Browning's poem. than which there is; possibly no literary classic better Known. In this he presents in is. ; inimitable . manner the results of anity, - hence' there is little' need of any attempt at description further than - a"; brief , outline. Thorold,. Earl Tresham, ; proud of his ancestral es cutcheon, which he claims showsi no tarnish. welcomes- the - proposal of Henry,; Earl .Mertoun, for his sister Milderd's handas It will mean the uniting; of two' noble houses, ,ne not knowine that-MiWre and Henry, who are both, very young, ignorant and un- gnaraea. --nave aireaay 'vmei, - smnea and Anow ,' attempt at:, reparation. He learns from one of hisj servants that an unknown yisttori who .was none other tbSUiAninlaelf.jiwas seefi leaving his sister's chamber and n a fury of rage set'OMt ta right- -the." wrong which he telleted wasttbe, fily -way. vln add? tioh 'to thisgreat feature to twofilmi there will be 'also a . Pathe, "The Pro ; f essor'Jr-;Danighter' a epnxedy, 'Which rill be ; aporedated . pyr everyone who sees.the.'pictUTe Paft-ohs may always ha; sure that, The Caad is comfort able and coay and there is. no better place in Wilmington te soend an hour tomfortahlyaad .pleasantry.'-. . v -. .: MR.WJLLIAM LORD JEWETT His Body Laid.tr? Rest fn;Greenwood r Cemetery, Ocala, Fla. " Mention was made in The Star a few days ago of the death of Mr'. William Lord Jewett, formerly of this city, but of recent years a prominent citizen of Ocala,-Fla., "which occurred suddenly in that town. January 31st. The tal lowing from, the Ocala Banner, of Fegruary 2nd, gives an account of his death and funeral; - . . - . "The' people of Ocala, among. whom he, lived-; so long, so modestly, and so Quietly, wil learn with profound sor rowpf the sudden deathTof Mr? WV'L. Jewett. He died Wednesday .after noon, January 31st, 1912, at 230 o'clock. . ' ' . v- : ; " " .. .'''. -:'" "The last summons came scarcely without premonition, imd ' he " laid down-to his last sleep as on does to pleasant dreams. "; "'"' . v""; ' r "Mt Jewett ca-mejtq Ocala in ,1888, and during his 24 years " of continuous lesidepce he so lived "as to Inerit the esteem, and had ground himself into the affections, of all wno had the pleas ure of acquaintance. He was amiable. cultured and refined, and he rounded out in his life the very precepts of the creed of Christianity. . v 'Mr. Jewett was born at ".Wrights- ville. N-. C, in 184?. Earfly in life te married Miss Nan Sanford, of Wil mington, N. C, and their married life was an extremely happy one. Mrs Jewett died in 4 1904, ever since which time Mr: Jewett -has been in declining health, and has been an invalid for the past five years. -: ? ', , 1. ' 'He is survived by two sons, one daughter and two granddaughters, viz: Mr. Stephen JeWett, of this city; Mr. Saiiflford Jewett, of Lakeland; Miss Meta Jewett,.. of this city, and little Margaret'' and Nan Sanford " Jewett, of LBfeiand.'.H'; . AH that Is wortal of: William Lord Jewett (now rests; under the pines of Greenwood cemetery . next to the grave-of-his -.wife, there to await the resurrection morn. The sod above this highly respected citizen of Ocala ie bihked with sweet and pretty ilowr ers ; sent by friends of the deceased find of his family. .. V. The funeral of Mr Jewett was held from his residence on Front .Kiny avenue and was largely attended by Ocala's most prominent citizens. Tha funeral was in charge cfSMr. C. V. Poberts of the firm of Smith & Rob erts.' - " . ' -: ' ;i'f( "Rev. G. Hendree Harrisson, of Jacksonville, formerly rector of Grace church in this city, conducted the funeral services using the beautifu Iritual of the Episcopal Church. Messrs. C. S. Cullen, A. E. Gerig, J. Gerig ' and D. S. Woodrow san? several beautiful hymns, favcrites cf the deceased, and at the conclusion cf the service the body was taken to Greenwood cemetery for interment, escorted by a large funeral cortege. Mesrs.-B. A. Weathers, Jake Brown, J. 'J. Gerig, C. S. Cullen, George H. Ford and D. S. Woodrow acted as pallbearers. "In their sudden loss. and sorrow the Jewett, family have the sincere sym pathy of their host of friends. Mr. Jewett's love of his home life is his highest monument ' He found his fchief happiness in his home and was devoted to his children and the, tie P between father and children was very strong. "Mr. Sanford Jewett, the youngest son-, arrived from Lakeland Wednes day night to be present at his father's luneral." , Prejudice ii a hard thing toeiwme.' out wnere health is ai opinion: of thousands of reliable people differs - from ours, prejudice ; then be comes your menace and .you ought to Kay it aside. This. Is said in tne inters est ...of people suffermgr irw auuu t constipation; ind it is worthy of their, attention. . ; . - . - In the nfplnlon ef legions - of reliable American people - the most stubborn constipation imaginable can be cured by a . brief use of Dr. Caldwell'B Syrup Pepsin. You .nfcy not have heard of It before,- bur do not doubt 1t merits on that account, or because it has not been blatantly advertised. It has sold very' successfully on word of mouth reoom mendattn. . Parents are giving it to their-children today who were given It by: their parents, and it has been truth fully Bald that more druggists use it personally . m. their families . than any; other laxative. "' --''-' - Letters -. recently received J from Mr. J. Nv; Catlett, ; Commerce, ' Ga., and Mrs." Rose 'Garvin, lUdgevllle. S.' Cy are but a few of. thousands ' showing the es teem In wliich Dr. ' Caldwell's-. Syrup Pepsin" is held. It is mild, gentle, non grlping not ' Violent, like saVs ' or ? ca thartics. It cures, gradually -and -pleasantly, so that-, in time . nature "again does r its -own . work without outside aid. Constipated people owe it to them selves to use this grand bowel Specific, ' Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying It in the regular way- of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a .large bottle- (family size) can have . a sample bottle sent to the -home free of eharge by simply addressing Dr. W. ; B. ; Caldwell. 405 Washington 1 SU Montlcello, 111. Your name and address on a' nostal card will do. S.'LAHKINS DEAD. Aged Negro Man Succuni'ed t$ Bums Yesterday ftes.ioe.n.'. : , .. CHas Lai-kins, the aged negro man who was so feerio'usly" burned at the hon'.e of Amelia' Jewett, colored, No. 1210 North Ninth street, late Monday nlghL died at the James Walker Me morial Hospital yesterday afternoon at lr50 o'clock. The old man "suffer ed torture from his burns, despite all tart could be done to "allay his pain, and . the ;6bHTion of , death was probably a merciful one. ;V; . It is thought that Larklns, who was said to have been under the influence of whiskey, probably-desed -off .to sleep and fell into The fire from his chair. The poSe will matfe further ,;ifivesti gation'Vfrstne mattervAut taey:do not think anyifclehient ofeul play -enteredJ m-.otlituruing; " -i 1 - CEWNT- COMP3CRV fAILS. i Newest styles veiling will be seen atJS. H. Fore & Co. 1 Receivers Appointedfor America - .-V Scenient'Cirifpany ..- Philadelphia, Feb. 6. On petition of two? stockholders of the American Cement Company; 'Judge McPhersonf, in thjUnited States District Court here tbllay appointed three Philadel phians receivers for the concerni which is' one of the largsst manufact urers of cement in the United States. The stockholders alleged that, becaus; of the 'depression of business in the cement trade tha receivers were nec essary in order that the property, of the company might be conserved. The assets of th concern, according to the petition filed, are placed at $1,858,000, and consists largely Jn the company's holdings of stocks of subsidiary con cerns. The .liabilities are given as $325.00OV which - include a .bond issue of $550,000. President Leslie, in a statement, declared by reason of rer cent deptsssipn';.in JOie cement Indus; try, keen competition and oye-produc uon, wnicn nave; continued for. two years, some of the subsidiary Sconcerns wer unable to operate at a profit. ; ''The American. Cement Company was organized , in 1899 under the laws of New Jersey, it has plants for the man ufacture of Portland cement in Norfolk and other places. 7 The combined ca pacity of all the plants is about three million barrels a year. The comuany has $2,100,000 capital .tock outstand ing, and bonds and stocks of its own and subsidiary companies totalling $2,. 086,75a. Washington, Feb. 5. The tariff fight will open in the, Senate tomorrow when the Finance Committee begits the hearings on , the House bill for revision of tie steel schedule,, of the Payne-Aldrlch tariff y law. Scores of protests against the' cut ih , duties. made by the House measure,: are be-' iore tne committee. , No assignment has been made for tomorrow's hear ings, but a number of interested con cerns will be heard "during this next week. ' . . - l.i v . . ' l New York, Feb. 6.-Packey McFar iand, the 'Chicago lightweight: had the better, of every, round except the ninth, which was even, of. a 10-round fight with Kid Burns, of New York, at the Pairmount Athletic Club tonight. The stock yards' champion was never forc ed to extend himself, and at the epd had Burns very weak and tired, and bleeding from nose and mouth. Tfier were no knockowns. New York, Feb . 6 .' Louis De Pon thleu, the French lightweight, and Joe Coster, of Brooklyn, fought 10 fast rounds in Brooklyn .tonight. T The Frenchman was aggressive throughout but the concensus of opinion was that Coster outpointed him. Thoro So Only Ono Thaf Jo v r USED THE WORLD OVER - 1 i - 1 Always remember the full name. for this signature on every box. winidQiiuiSiniSniiB 99 1 .- ft 1 TOE; ,4,0p0.of lhe-Be?t Farmers in North Carolin-i k',, , . , - Merits 6f T-hfs Remarkable Distributor V ,he - : 1 I r: "- a h ,' , j' . ; -"" - xTv. Jjr -fi K; They carry; large loads, are well balanced; scatter covers it. Wind shields, on. all-new.machines (at no ."x u , I m vent the guano from ; Mowing away;, tiacost) pre- Nothing about;it:to brek or get out of order Guaranteed to: giyeb. satisfaction; or your money back PRICE il 0.00. 7 We want ofie good merchant in every town to handle it Ub til Ail Hardware Go, Sole Agents for North Carolina. Cut! :U AT THE RIGHT TIME. l Every Overcoat and Raincoat of This Season's Make for Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear have been Cut to . ' v25 Of REGULAR PRICE. 10.00 Ovefcoat or Raincoat . . $ 7;n $12.60 Overcoat or Raincoat 9.00 $13.50 Overcoat or Raincoat 10.13 $15.00 Overcoat or. Raincoat u.25 $16.50 Overcoat ofRaincoat .. 12.38 $ l8.b04nd 18.50 Overcoat or Raincoat .... 13.88 $20:00 Overcoat or Raincoat 15.00 $22.50 Overcoat or Raincoat 16.88 $25.00 Overcoat or Raincoat 18.75 'PHONE 617. &Co. MASONIC BLDG. Members of the Trade Extension Association. 3 i cure a coin in one day. 1, 'A - : Almost Lost .His Life. . sS. Al-fitld,. of Mason, Mjich will' nev. er , forget,. Ais terrible exposure to a merciless stornv "It gave me a dread ful cold," he -writes, "that caused se vere pains in 4&y chest, so it was hard for : me:.to in'eathe. i A. neighbor gave me several: doses of Dr.; King's New Discovery which - brought : great relief The doctor said I was on the verge of pneumonia, but to: Continue with the Disco very, 7 1 did So and , two bottles completely: cured me." Use only. this quick, ; safe, reliable ;. medicine : for doughs, colds7.or.;any throat or luhs trouble. -Price 50c and S1X)6. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by R. R. Bel' lamy,:'- " ' '. ' .:.'s, ...... . '. !. ' . .iW-; oPIt?5w??d :$?i.ng - received -:ll ..Inl -c6h JS'PIHte IMMuOlniari . 7 . AiLifiiLf iiili .. 7 : 478 Double Column Pages.? Over :: Full Limp- Leather Binding. "-"'-7 . ' X XX. Reduced Illustration of the Book i Haying arranged ' Wttu;; the; puWishertpt? jimite.d number of these Dictionaries, 'The f ar , jakesjpleasure in ahnotincihg to its; readerstha1r in til further notice a copy .of : the book will be i given absolutely FREE WITH EACH $6:pQ: . rAiu-'uiN oUDoLtvir i im, uenvereu to -inc: ;:-ulife.eithbut'ct-f or packing. xy-. hx j fShort Time Payments. . x Tof those-who do ; not. care to invest ih 1 year's Subscription at, one time, we will state; thfbook may . be. had by paying $ 1 .50 : for ihr'onthsvsUlj'sjdHption arid. So cents addP Hional; or $3.00 tor six months subscription ' and 5 cents additional. No strings tied to " the; i proposition and nof coupons reguird to be clip : pelJ. xJust send along the required amount and the Dictionary will be delivered at the earliest possible; momenta ) v - '.Ix-.7 . 7, Webster V, Business arid College Dictionary is the Latest Revision of me "Handy " :Xl olteWebsten -x; 7 , x, , t Completely , revised, enlarged and : brought f up 5 to. the -minute" by. that ; teading authority, Prof. Chat. JM. tsv-: erv$,vLtt. "Dr"AL..hariay '.size, for Instant Reference. 7 : '''Refer to such7newj words as Aeroplane, Aviator, TBan-; zai, Biplarwe, Camorra,'JCarborundum, Chassis, .- Escalator' - Limerick, Limousine, Marconigram, Suffragette, ,Taxime- ter, Teleautograph, etfc f'- ' Xs- X: r"-:'" -' -' s ' : ' X X ' X -: '. . .. ' .X ; V " Contains ,191Q U. . Census. - - Size : 5 i'x7xi. ' 1 Vr Inches .Thick: x ; ,Seal;Grairi''; American Kleather) , :stairriped with; genuine goldileaf, ' -' "fed edges,, and jfiurid cofnefs. " . 'r. j WStf ; i We are unloading today, January 20th, the Second Car Load of GENUINE OLIVER TURNING PLOWS. AUo their Sulky Plows. Have, the Third Car Now on the Way. Now, we think this is some Plow business. We also un loaded a Car of Boy Dixie Plows and Castings yesterday (Friday) . We now have One Car each Wire Fencing and Wire Nails on the Way, , to Arrive Within the Next Ten Days. -:? MEalllffl GOa -'' . - . 1 - j - -.- - .j :. - Purcell Building. Wilmington, N. C. a: i-:--r-.i - r' rt;p V-'t. tS POCAHONTAS Steam COAL TTiackerL Lime, Ce ment. Plaster,". Walrus Roofing, Shingles, Brick, Pipe, &c Your orders Respectfully Solicited. .,. i, - - a- lwJi--EE;TiHO;RP.E & CO. PHONE 789 Gall on us for up-to-date iStfition Wago ns if. Surreys, Buggies and Carriages. City Livery Company .J.'f.i. i.. , j- Phone 15. D ADDRESS ALL ORDERS , TO '' ' ' ' ' " ?": .. ilMIiililffi RERPICT LIGHT ' :rrb hive a;PerfecV Light arid a Smokeless Heater, itis Necessary to have, a Water White 150 deg. Fire Test un . (State4 Test). ' r, ; - - -y-v- : . T ct Prime White,"' and other off grades 150 deg. Fire I est Oils (State Test) will Not Do the Trick. y We sell but; the One Grade. Try Us. ,5,-,f FEAR: oil COW1PANY Wilmington, N.C. ' '-',''1,1 .1 - ' . : '. . "1 - '- - i V t4. '". ; '.' .' . . . ' ' ' ' i 4 V; i fyre $ VOt ... -.-:.....''

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