-.,v V : C THE 3TO 8 1912. PAGE 5. LU CAMA DIAMONDS CASE 11JI. J. B.QUELCH PASSES AWAA SMITH FlIiED FIFTY JOLUBS IEIINIS COURTS FOR BEACH 1 1 ' , 1. Depositions .Will be Opened In Federal Court This Morning Judge Con nor and District Attorney. y Arrive. -' - y- ' Venerable ; VYifrnington" Citizen,' Native I th of England, Found Dead, at Hit v Horne. In .Thi( City Yester- v " ... y- v dayMorning; ' ; - i ' ?.:-'; ? ' : i-'-r? rt. . - y '4." . - Friends lirouout,-the ,.clty, were. r Three alleged "blind tiger" ' cases shocked -to -Vleany yesterday morning J fell flat, in the Recorder's court yes- - --- - wMf waa? vi loiucv - .nucu uic ucicuuauia ' ntiu Wilmington's most venerable and higa- found 1 not guilty. They were; Prince ly esteemed' 'citizens, had been found Toler' and E B .' Mlller.f colored, and ucou iu ms ueu, ueui uitviug occurrea i l. . . t . Alien, wnite, an or wnom were some time during "the night or morn-J arresfed " several davs 'aeo. The - Re- ing. presumably from heart failure. I corder rendered - judgment yesterday Mrs. Quelch made the discovery of I trains, t rt Smith a rfnnie.i Vhtto ;ath at 7 o'clock when she went I man who was found euilty Tuesday J ree '. Alleged "Blind ;Tiger" v Cases Fell - Fiat . In Recorder's Court - if. Yesterday Mornings-Other , ', . Cases Tried .Tudse H. G. Connor, of Wilson, of the United States Court for the East n District of North Carolina, arrived in the city last night and this morning wiH open Federal court nere ror tne purpose of owning depositions in the (.as(. of United States '' government ii-ainst the Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Company, involving a quantity of diamonds said to have been lost in , wreck followed! by re, aj Lucama oiiie six years ago, and'alsb for the transaction pt any other 'business that nuly come before him not requiring the attention of a jUTy-, ' , . . ' District Attorney H. P. Seawell, of Carthage, who will represent the gov ernment, arrived last night also. Chap man W. Maupin, Esq.,- of Washington, 1, c., who will also appear for the Eovernment, arrived yesterday morn in" He is accompanied by Mr. W. J. 1 auck, also of Washington, 'it ia exepcted , that, the depositions, Paris arid in Cuba, will show the value of the diamonds.which have been reported J at. different times to i. .rtVi fnhnioua sums. -The gems ., 0 route from Paris to Cuba and were in a mail car that was burned following a wreck at Lueama. a. few fniinwine the. fire one of the ' h-!o fnnnd. It was .taken ty Wll son and then forwarded to Raleigh 0t hnth nlaces it was Dronounced bv jewelers as being a diamond of the ..k- I'The word 'was soon passed down the Hne and thousands of people ior imiea tt4uuaiuiJ..,i?.-v " ..a nt the hurned.'mall caf 'day and night and searched fdrdiamonds.(,,T,hel v nt th e' searchers were - rewarded by a find of gemshsome 6f ccnsiderabievalue. A gentleman in the city yesterday who passed through vLucama . at. .the , Uine.1te excitement was at its greatest remariietithat peo p'e from all parts of the county flock ed Into Lucama, hitched their teams nearby and built ! camp fires on the side of the railroad tracks and search ed day and night ;. for . the precious stones The diamonds could be seen better at night than- in-the day-light and the sand and ashes were sifted t me and time again by the army of searchers. The excitement continued for several days. 1 1t was not until a few days ago that the people of the Vilson section j learned that the dia monds were en. route from . Paris to Cuba at'the time of thd' mishap and there were numerous, reports as to v,., thv croma came to be on the train. The suit now pending was brought by the goyemment against me rail road for the value ot the diamonds, it hointr rnntended. it Is understood, that the railroad did ,not take the proper steps to protect the gems iouno m me debris and ashea; following the fire. , Annthor set. fo today :1s' the admi ralty action of the , tug Tormentor 1 against the s;bpejr JameA-pavjdson. It is an action tot salvage for saving y vcai And "her careo of lumber near Southport on September 2nd last. John D. Ilellamy & Son . represent the libelants and Rountree & Carr an Robt. Ruark, Esq.,1 appear for the There will also be motion In a num ber of other matters. It is thought likely that Judge Connor will behert for a day "or two. ".' ' - ;m - :. . V . .. ' Wrightsville Beac.tennls Club Form- ally Organizeoi c&ipraay uourts Will Be Located INear Jea- " ; . shore Hptel ' - '.-J J of violatih? the prohibition law. Smi.th .;. , The .first step toward ;- providing - ai Wrightsvyie Beach lacilitleVfor. eyen greater 'divirsity ht amusement and recreation han have, beenr " obtained there hertofore was taken yesterday morning, wKevn the' Wrightsville7 Beach Tennis : '.Clulu was formally- organized In'the offtcef "onf of the Tlading pro moters, Mr."ThosV H."vvfight. The clvrb. which will have' a linSited "mem- tership, will' have two tennis ' courts and these wll; be located on the north side . of the '.Tidewater, Bower - Co. tracks, between the Chapel and. the Seashore Hotel, a lease en-the propn erty having been obtained from the Tidewater Power Co.,: for a period of five years. , r ' ;- . . The following, nave already joined the cluD: aiessrs. a: HKeiamg, a his death to his1 room to- awaken him.' T . -- : 1 wi iwatiug ILi UlVUiUltK While the deceased has rwen in rath. I was fined' S50 and costs. er Door healtbr for-stvm tim. it 'William Pierce, solored, - was the not thou eh-t. thafTiia I State's witness against both Toler and itiQi ortH hia aoiu- I Miller. He testified that he naJ v Vf hjuu uio, ucatu uuiiiea ? as i , grievous shock to his loved ones. He I uwu&"1 ulSKw uumrencu ui tuui, was on tne streets Monday, but re-va ' 1U o 'uu iuiiiucu til. iiuuiu 1 uesaay, saying mat I he did not feel quite well. He retired charge, and as the State had no other at his usual hour, but at that time he ,ViluJsse8 tu "iiuume irieru did not complain of feeling any worse. I timony they were declared not guilty r Mr..,QUelCh was. In the 71st year Of aia 43aiawin. coiorea, u.raiuer uuiur - , Murchison Thos ma use, auu is burvivcu ujr ma wue, i - "rtr.!! U Wright R. O., Stone. Chas. N; two sons, i Messrs. Bertram ana joun 1 66wu" . . t vr flwa.ltnov tt via-ur Quelch. and one dauehter. Miss A. M. several days ago at the instigation -vans K; "iVr1"' Quelch, all . of Wilmington, The be- of Ilen, charge of heing nHunT d reayea -ones wm nave -the deepe The organization of the sympatny or ai-wide circle or irienas it-ue uuu fcu ""."V-" h,a wi:rfft:ted vesterdav . -hv the in their great loss. sne ODnmeajier nrewaier irom.Aiien, - - f--- - - - bSS ?irtSffil House, near Dur- paying' him 75 . cents for three -naif. Sw ham city, EnglahdYMr. Quelch was ed- pint1 flasks. On the stand yesterday J.Jf ..rated at Rri,oSv i,almv , fitM- she stated that another negro woman as , secretary, and .treasureKiand. engi- heni " nvuriflTid.. n.irhjtTn iTniversitv. 1 had ' -purchased the whiskey - for heir; TYiirhnm rnuntv. Knrlnnd. nnri at Hei l Assistant City Attorney Geo.. L. Pes.- deihnre . TTniversitv Oermanv., . He I chau stated that he did hot care'.to came to this ritv ahrint ' 27 veark aeo I Dress the" charge on such flimsy UD and for?ia lone , time was emnloved I corroborated testimony," and the def with the : Atlantic Onnst t.ina Railroad rfendanfc Was dismissed. ,' company, xjnan oi xiuiet, ana genial pis oaiuwm was nu u mivm th.t ,h. m,rta temperamentr Mr. Quelch held the es- ol being drunK ana aisoraeriy ana i (-" v i7r Qin m Uem. X)f. a Jaree, number .of business this is by.no means her first offense h 511 .Pve. M"5St -oW nerftrinaWfriendsVl He waff a memflshe-wasr siven a sentence of 30 day)! lie me OI tne kjuv- iuik wuo -yeu W;ot-St 'George- and ;B Andrew's on thepunty farm a noi pros wa, 7 . society, 01 tne; episcopal unurcn. . 1 tasen m a case against vju inwussuu, .Ki. . 'ZTr ' ir.. . 1 ...ifi v. v.ij ... I iTi rii: j cin. nmn ait nt. sueerests the Doasi Dili ty of, adding other I MM. I Ml . W III ' 1 IU II Illllllll IIIW W M I t-T ITI1111II All (A k. 1 1 b Ul V n AX a a AM. -'X. V - ww--- . . . ' ' morning at IV, o'clock at the family ored, charged with . hausebreakin.;. tennis , courts and othe? fj orjns.ot residence.-No. Ill-South Sixth street, Ther were arrested some i days aga emusement . ana Jecreatlnr wj"cn and the service -will be conducted by- on charges of having entered the gro 5uld make Wrightsville Beach, even RevWm. E,ox, rector of St. John's eery store of Mr. John E, Taylor. - more attractive and probably draw to Episcopal , Church. Interment will be . James W. Crosie, a white man, w the resort several thousand more peo- made in. Oakdale cemetery. , , charged with being drunK ana aowis, c"r"v.ii XT -vTr. "i- ;i,17 . n.n .v. A. - jv ir. " . I tor , establish tennis courts for . their r..-.iv. v ii!inLn o nni nrna woe ta t . I cuests and at diiierent times persons toast Line Railroad Company at the Jn. Chasi Jackson, colored, charged have considered the advisability, of a . .... I .. . , m- t I w Attin m vf O rl fXXT QTIf ft n til f oflM general offices in this city ana was with cruelty to animals, was , ioumi "iu"is : . v . 1 . i. . 1 1 x x v.. I . jn.. rr.n: . t- 11 tnroa wnirh wnnld add ereatlv to the neia in iue jugnest esieem uy oieij- not guuty, oiiie ; retw uw. 1 . - " al. a V!n nAniialntania 1 e Anofa I arvATl cr I PeSlOTt. , .. . - splendid training, having graduated ed with damage to real, estate, was . LEASES ATLANTIC city motel rrom tna . ceieDratea neiueiuui um- ier orr on me Dayment 01 costs. was a man 01 strong ana positive cuu i rested in tne Acaaemy 01 music me victions upon all subjects, but was al-Jday night on a charge of being drunk nojq icuiuifi uuu . . - a : 1 UU UUUi VAt- j . "K' .w " - c , ciug rwui uts gcnuiiici icjicutu aua-was nucu 90 auu tuow. ii 1 ..kluli Via Vt vaoMaiI a rt I . : i t m t n m 0Via,i COmulUIllLJ' 111 vv uiuu uc uau icouv i . .a ase aKeUllat 11. Jiw. A ov.uu neer. . The j latter, wiu lay,, out , the courts and will superintend" the erec tion of pavilions, from which specta tors, win watcn me gamesc , mo nrnirta will lie laid Out aritf aTV other arrangements will fye' made before the opening of the coming season .at ' tae OSS D O not. keep your money, at home. There is always danger of loss. When money is burned it cannot be redeemed You should open -an account if - Vo'u do not have one, Alwavs keep your rnoney deposited with this bankl' That ; fs the surest a'nisaf est way to protect it against loss by fire', burglary or any other1 . cause . ,w -s r: THIS BANK PAYS 4 FOUR TIMES A YEAR, ON SAVINGS 'ACCOUNTS'; "SAFEST FOR SAVINGS." : r On the Corner of Front and Princess Sts. "The Big White Building." "ft, if II iMr. long and. enjoyed the respect and es teem of everyone. . . -; GODWIN ARRANGES1 BOND. Given Freedom) After. Spending Over a Week in Jail. " " ' ' r . ... C. E. Hooper and Associate Ac nuire Pooular Place Many friends in this section of Mr. V Hi. wooperj(wnu jvttB.fiiauagei iaai year of the Dpeanic . Hstel, Wrights tHH Ttei.'h. will read with - Interest A Tase against ir. juu. x i . omuu-1 , , , wald, charged with assault and battery the f olio wingrTronestef day ,s Char- ana aisoraeriy oonauct, was ronun v. f o. unariotte peopip ai tmfji uus vi ; CO-OPERATIVE B. & L. . I Messrs; . C. Hooper and ; A.-, t. IjUCBK vaults jwietua; iu,,i,uo.iuiu b After apending more than a week DR. MOENCH RETURNS Lectured at ClemsTn and Newberry Colleges While Away. Dr. Karl Moench, professor of lan guages at the Y. M. C. A. night school, returned yesterday morning from a trip to South Carolina, where he was given a cordial and enthusiastic re ception at Clemson College, where he delivered three, lectures before the student body under the auspices of the college Y. M. C. A. and another, hearty reception at Newberry, where he lec tured before the student body of New berry College. : ' Prof. Moench Is ! very enthusiastic over educational conditions In the Pal metto State, as reflected in the col leges he visited, and he declared that psnpfiaiiv at Newberry College, the work in French, JGerman' and o.ther Ian guages is ol-.a nign -scanaaiu.v thoroughly enjoyed the "trip 'and the hospitable entertainment that was acj corded him. ' He tooH up his. work at. te Y. M.X. A. again yesterday and is prepared to meet his classes at the -usual hours. - SPENT RESTFUL DAY ' . " '! V .A-,i" rfi' 1 a . telpfirrflm announclhs that these en Annual meeting ui nouvmuM , T r V';Ti. t-,. j ; cers for Year Named. ' ! - tlemen had leased r(he . Rio Grande in tne county jan, n. aiacs. uuuwm, The annuar.tneettng 01 me siock- nviei ai auouuw wu,!, i,ius uc wno nas appeaieao oupreme.uuiij holders of the - uo-uperative isuiiamgiiue largest uu.mij- uure,ii a c'ontiTij-a ?f 15 'mnnth''nrt'lhel o t i.ni.tiAn moa TnaiA TuoAilnv I thia ereat resort city.- It.-Is located county roads for selling, whiskey. In in tne offices of the secretary and on New York? avenue in fireproof which case he entered a plea or nolo j treasurer, Mr .Thos. ,H. Wright, with structure throughout ; ana - coniaani fIvpti bia freedom aL f ofnnV ronroapnt-l rnnms. Tist Summer Mr. HoODer few minutes before 7 o'clock last Ven- in. person. Mr. B. . Moore, the re- operated under lease the, new Oceanic Ing. bond in the sum, of $1,500 having tiring president, presided i and Mr. Hotel' at Wrightsville Beach and the been given. Godwin put up $900 in -yrigh't kept -a record of the proceed- presumption i3,:that j he,, will continue nonh onri K P Sidhnrv." Esa.. sisned i D.nni.o ' nfficers for tne i r. o In "hflrp-o nf this nonular ! nlacc. his bond for $500 and Mr. E. ATodd paSt year indicated that the organiza- For the past twelve years, ,he has been for $100. The cash and sureties wereition did a most gratifying business engaged in thejiotel business in unar- turned over to , Capt. W. N. Harris, auring that period. . .There are 4,200lotte and he is-, recognized, as one of JjepUtjr SV1C1 Ia ' Uk uuiniw. .v.. . g QaT& ' in lure Bl me icocul liui,, luc uiusi . auauic aa- syicuoiu "Much obliged," was . the remark the 14th 8erie8 haying matured last men in this part of the South. His made by Godwin when released. His gaturday. The two last series opened acquirement, .In connection with Mr. wife arid his attorneys, Walter P. Gaf- ran over i,ooo shares each. The num- Cheek, of .the -Atlantic City hotel will ford and Woodus Kellum, Esqs., were ber of 8tockholders In this company undoubtedly prove Of great interest to waiting for him In the corridor of the wnl equal if not exceed the number charlotte people and North Caroliri- iail." - . lift any other similar organization miians wno enjoy occasional-- stay a m I inn win i! uiie ui mc wim i trio nnv: u. is saiu. a ue oiwauvmcio rnar cilv. - Ai.Aroi a rkia nf nnln contendere I t vnikssia fnr tho pnsninp: vearl iitt UAAnni will - nt ho manaeeN the first week of tne January term ui as f0n0ws: Messrs. Joseph n. mn- 0f the Oceanic thecoming season. Air. Superior Court, prayer for Judgment ton B , c . Moore, Thos. W. Davis, j. h. Stone, one of the stockholders, being continued upon the payment of I Jonn vanB. Metts. C. C-Loiighlin, B. haylnar been selected by the1 directors a a A th. Allnir nt a hntld lint t.O I n, m tit T71 "D XI Vnnttirnii I . . . ... a nrlll Vq costs aiiu lutj uuug xi wa.a 7 I I. siOQti. v . xu. iuuu. n. ii. .a uh, i inr tne DOSltlou. aif. "Ajiulic mm -- engage in thesale of whiskey agalnjTnos H Wright and L, W. Moore, i surrounded in the management of the for 12 montns. uisi ween ub immediately following - tne biock- popular hostelry, by .a cqrps oi expe- restea, on a capmasueu 'u,' holders meeting tne aireciura met rlenced hotel, .men moHnn that he had vioiatea DOin. tnei i00o .tho fnllnwin officers for tne spirit and the letter of the agreement. enguIng yeaiVMr. b. C, Moore, declin- . . . 1 AV ..MAtlAA TtlflffA fill. I . . AU.M AA.m mm lirvnd Alter neanug me euucuvo " "o i'ng to serve ior anutuer tci ui aa uwu vr H. Allen sentenced Goawm to u Df the association-on account of the Miss Cynthia Rountree's Condition Is Encouarging )-'' Friends will be glad to learn that the condition of Miss Cynthia. Roun tice, daughter of Mr. and Mr:' Geo Rouittree, who with her sister, Mrs, Van R. c. King, was thrown from- a buggy and seriously injured Tuesday; was considered verv encouraging late jesterday aftemooon. The young lady rested easily yesterday and is report ed as doing as well as could be ex rpctpfl TV T s. Rurbank is " in charge of the case. This Information "Kill be received with eenuine pleas ure by the hundreds of friends jOf .'the yo;inK ladv and her narents. ana they Will wish for hoi' an early and .Com piete, restoration. -to health. j-, VVs Held in Readiness, i Vesterdav'a r.harleRtnn fS CA NeWS anil Courier: ' "Col.-H HJ H.Ludlow. eomnianding th'e Fori Moultrleariny li'st on SuUivan Tftiahd.- vesterdJiy received orders from Washington to now the four companies under nis Comma TlH In Unea tninrtVABli' to tl e Texas border should their services e needed there. The officers and Jien of the Fort Moultrie post "have had their experiences on the border and are nrt nvcr InMlant nt the DrOS- JPt of being called on to go, again. The- wr re there, three companies s'ronp. iaS(t Spring and Summer, and " is said that thev were more delight- with theis return than they were ' ""'n cemp lire in Texas. , Nursinn M n u . Matarl-a. A BIW vmi oianaara UKUvua iaoio lkss CHILL TONIC, drives out ma sria and builds up the svstem. For irnn-n . .... " ,v h'whh sua ennaren. wn., i "Evanaeline." If'TI pfn) n , . . . ... . .a ."" Deautirui DUt saa bio- ,V O! A Pr, A I , . M. Jt J n "I'rtuicia lovers at ine urana Xr,nth'nn ;th roaas.- from which no V . ' . - ' a ' , - 1 n IJ rr H WOC IVC& o. appeal was givcu. j uu"u fixd'' at $2,000, in' default "of which lall . Later in the week Judge Allen consented "to reduce the bond to 41.500, but not until yes terday was1 he able to give it. , Lj.u i.iii9tin Vesterdav . V Acting, on , an amaavu Dy vimei ui Police - johh- Jv?. Fowier, ur.v- w Bell, coroner, of New Hanover coun- demand made upon his time by mimer- ous other interests: v -v -. President Joseph H. Hinton. " Vice President B.' C. Moore .' Secretary; and Treasurer Thos. H Wright 1 J. r ' . Assistant Secretary and Treasurer-4- A ttnmeV Thos. W. Dayis. v Assistant Attorney C. C. Loughlin TTJTT . "'- JULIAN SvARRv Address r Laymen's, Meeting GEN. Will Address, Lavmen's. Meeting - at Fifth street Church Sunday His manv Wilmineton .friends . and admirers will learn. witn aengnt mat Gen.' Julian -Si aCarr, of, Durham, k r. j.-. win he in .the citvnext Sunday and will deliver, an address at the Lay? men's Meeting at Fifth Street Metho dist church.at ll o clock; Bunaay morn ing:- ....; ?;: ';',- ';. Gen; Carr is, one of the most dis Aasioiouk "-"j v --o I ... uen, jarr is.'One ui. ta? must mo- i ue vu-upeiouic "p yi-vv, 1 tluKUlsnea ana loreuiusL ieauer ui iur , coroner, w iw iii,uu ' i pian ot uaviue a idui V-1,,J l Laymen s Movement in ine otate aii' a i.n.. mM-nino' rnnniif'Leu an i AMn0..Av onrt- nSDi smnr i BTrnrTiflv i . . . a a-l.ma lh. ty, ytratcitAojr.. aav..a.0 - nuu ueooumi .aava , i iue mere, annouuceiuut wai u-c i y. yesieruay . iuumuus a,waaa---a i ana treaBuioi auu odowwiui, ; Ulvu.u.j .a. JotVi rf r.haa. 1, n. v1).rr. Vnt Kir VtAlnor Bn lnvesiigaiiuu. wiu . iue va-""- - i ueuause i ucnc co t,uai. j uvmt, vv Larkins, an aged' negro man, which tne business of the association may be CCCUrrea X ueauajr ai o"""-0 i iaciiitateu. . . -.r Jl TJ'nTitol ft reSIllt Of I V. . . - burns sustained at the home -of Ame- . ' $LUM LIFE: IN. LONDON." Si address the a oonfirregation - Of ' Fifth Street church is a guarantee; that a crowd that . will tax , the capacity of the building will be.preseQ;. - He Is a nuent anaigiitea oiatutf uuu ua.iuS n ; : : ; n . - -- 1 - --.. i -- " . " V' . :-J--''-;; -i7v 1: 4 ' w E El - 8 u a ia Jewett; colored, Monday night. The I . . ; , . i lfceen -.closely identified with the Lay- woman was the only witness of ther8ubject of Lectureto be Given Sun-t tflg Missionary Movement since its . . t j . i. - 4a.j fhal j the nld I . . vliu Kw Rw Sldnv LBV. I . . " ;. -a. a , apair, ana..i8U.e i".- !. i-MSri V" " hrst inception m tne aiate, is m p- rran came to ner nome jtev. omuc " sition to talk Interestingly, on this lm- fluence.of.liauor,. . He seated himself U mission House in the slums of Lon- portant of ,jthe .church work. Lfnre the fire -and she,y becoming! don, will lecture tinder, the auspices' l11- T .... . sleepy; lay downk6n the1ed She. was 0f eYM.. C aVthe Bijou thea- . . - . ;Comm,8ietForm : awakened -by- :Tampiingt noise u, lFe next ounuay rr. au?. tu mcu , Almost. everday: Mayor-; Joseph D. saw that. Larkins was lying on the only, .-f ".esV.en?S Smith receives a; request, from, some floor with his clothingJn, a biaze. He the lecture la a.t";,? far a way town .In a Mlstaht State for was.badly-.Hurnedbeto.re help- could TMvm.vff teformation regarding the forking pi be tomonedf Shei slipposed that he man who has fine control aw"' hrtt the commissioLform of government had 'fallenWsleep x tod .pitched from mor andathos. Jf ?n Wllmingtonwhicb. is.eyidence' of his chair Into the open fire, TJr. Bell the fact that, this fity received, con- arrived at the conition hat tte bJ, ham large wdrtded nfta toj- tj: Wiioa or.lt ge in plan of government. v Ma vor Smith .' . answered inr "Wj.."!...4.; nntr. frnm Perrv., Kan.:,,. Edmond. a. ui vaUi- Rrlrk - . - 1 Southern states tnai, nas ever leuioiueu i . . . ."'".5?,,B lad.- was SSSn this suWect: (torn., personal Okla... and .Milton, . tma?..r.LSi7wMr1 unon been 'sold In Wilmington,' and' those ;':;; ? Aiir -: TO IMPROVE CLUB 'HOUSE J Contracts Awarded Yesterday by Cape - Fear Country Club - Contracts were awarded vesterdav tn-nminsr hv the mildine' mmTnlttee nt the Cape Fear Country Club' for exten sive improvements to be made on the handsome club house on the links east of the city. Work will be begun this morning and' the' improvements will oe pusnea to -completion as rapiaiy as possible so that everything will be in tin-ton shaDe for the annual tourna ment of the Carolina Golf Association which Will he held on the local links the first week in May. ., ' VA' basement story is to be provided" unden. the present club house. The contract for excavating and for the concrete work was let to Mr, Frank M" Abeel and the contract for the car penter work' was awarded to Mr. Pe ter LeM oyne. When the Improvements haVe been completed all the locker rooms will he in the. main buildine. At present the men's locker rooms. are In separate house. ! The lockers are to be of steel, and will be on the base ment ftDor. ' On the ground floor will be provided a dining Toom and kit chen, which will give to the organiza tion regular country . club equipment for- serving meals. There are a num- cer oi otner improvements to joe maae. The building committee is compos ed, of Messrs. W. A. ick, C.. Van Leuven, H. deW. Rapalje and M. F. H. Couverneur. k' ,-. . ' i ' . .. ; THREE FIRES YESTERDAY. - Total Damage to Property Estimated ' V at Not Over $175. : " The firemen answered : three alarms yesterday and by their usual prompt work, prevented what 'night, have de veloped into serious ' conflagrations. The first alarm came in at; 11 : 10 in the morning from box 24. The fire was in the boiler room of the Atlan tic Coast Line repair. shops, the roof having caught from the) smokestack. The - laddies soon had the blaze sup pressed. .Damage amounted, to about 100V " - . ' . . ' Shortly after . 1 o'clock an alarm cameln from box 211, a private sta tion in the city L.ivery uompanys sta bles.""' The blaze was in a, large pile of hay in the loft of the Kentucky Horse & Mule Company's stables, on North Second street, between t;nes- nut and Princess. . Occurring ' at the noonday hour, the fire attracted a large crowd to the scene. The Diaze wna soon ennauered and it is estimat ed that the damage will, not ' amount to more than ?75. , ' v , . A telephone alarm was received at 5: 20 , telling of a blaze at 'No 8 Soutn 10th street, the building owned by Mr, Herbert Steljes? and occupied by the pressing club of . Robert Sykes, color ed. Children playing in the yard had set fire to the grass and it had burnea up to , the side . of the - building. No damage was done.- . , ; . ' TREES BEING REMOVED , DONALDSON VS. Y M. C. A. ' Basketball Contest of Interest to be . ' Played Here Tonight. Basketball enthusiastis of Wilming ton will have the opportunity .tonight of witnessing what promises to be a splendid contest netween tne uonaia-j son basketball team and ' the fast Y. M. C. A." Junior, team. The Juniors are recognized as among the best- play ers" in the city and they are. in tip top form, having, been through a week of hard nractlce and are now keening, in condition-by light work. , R. . Houston and- iN. Davis at for wards will keep the opposing .guards busy. . Jim Farrar at center is a "phe nom" at goal shooting, while "Hun chy" Davis and "Ichabod" Morrison at cuard are fast and heady players, who are "there all the way.", The Donald-. son hovs are iust.as confident of vie tory. as the, locals. They have met some of the fastest teams In the, State without defeat. . . . " -Friday night they meet the , High School in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium No one who saw the High School work aerainst Kinston will miss this game. Their r past work is much above 'the average and they fully expect to keep the nadet bovs "on the iumD." Hous ton and Shepherd at forwards are hard o beat. Houston is a sensation at lone . shots., while- Shepherd "drops them. In at all , times " Morrison at center has the speed and is great at pass work. Capt; snoiar, witn nan or Rnrnett at euards are on ; the job Sholar knows : the earn e and' days it for the good of the team, while Hall passes well. When a goal is shot on Burnett,, better known as "Big Bob", there is a reason. . This .team is out for the State ehamDionshlD and is de termined to win. Saturday night they rdeet the Brigade team at the armory. Married Last Night In the presence of a number of per sons called there to witness the nup tial event, Mr. William Frank" Wat son and Mis Lillian L. Jones, daugh ter of ; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jones, nf wilminirton- were haoDily united lr. marriage; at the office of Justice G. W. Bornemann, on Princess street, oat avonincr at 7 o'clock. The cere- w.nmr mio narfnrmod In Masrlfltr&t9 IXIKJ J A.9 rs av. u..m a &6r.nemann,,"usual Impressive manner. Mr. and Mr3, Watson win resiae m AVilmlngton. . '' a'nTssau an assault witu ' nnm 1 whr attend the iecture will hear an Elias M ner, anotu . w h6hrlck he assauH ,-nihB side "of life The lee fii l&QAKSSre depart- mre will : be delivered at'the j Bijou tne neauquo . BrA I A-t-- no-rt Simdftv for men nnlv and ment. at Fourtn .--' p. M. There will o?eCy the fiVmenr-nO witnessed the be no charge for admission. , occurrence, captuu ---- . a.', naatt Worker. HSir ruckhTM llr ioy in he I "I blamed-my heart for' severe dls brick .struck, tne wu er jr . m-v. left side for two years,' J? Mil?er was' takeHo theme's writes ,W. ; Evans. Danville, Va.: "but Cut. Miller .":""tAAr.--Ker. nls ( fenow now It .was-ind gestfon, as Dr. Walker Memorial Hospital wnereis ' Ww o Pills comnletely cur- BS a- kWWaa ) j-r-- ... .. t ATATIVBKOMO Quinine, the world 5?.- Bfnn Same. J Uioi nature Ask for The Original and Genulno MALTEDlEVlli-K The Food-drink for All Ages At restaurants, hotclv anH fountains, ' Delicious, mvigorabng and sustaining. K.eep it on your sideboard at home. '. '. r A a...aJ AtLnt ir ':. kidney troubles, constipation, nead-l . - . t'i. S or debility. 25q at R. R. Bellamy, i cVlunck SSWrifT ... : '-. , ,.- I 1UCDO UUAiaUOU: w j uvwiimi a Attend - the- Genulner Bargin saie! a?t Piatt j& Haar's. -.; Lasts ten days. BILLIARD EXPERT HERE. Gave To Make Room for New ' Pavements and Sidewalks Along Front Street Tn nrenaration : for the paving of Front street with asphalt pocks and vitrified brick and the laying 01 new irrnnnirthic sidewalks along the thor oughfare, Hhe firm which has .the con tract for the work began removing trees along the street yesteraay morn ing shortly after midnight ;The work ttin earlr mornine hours on account of -the fact that the electric cars are operated up until 12 P. M. The work was started at tne cor ner of Front and Chesnut streets and the large oaV?s that have stood - for years In front of the Cape Fear Club croperty were the first to fall. ' Pedes- rrians albng Vthat street yesterday were quick to note the alterd appear ance of the vicinity. due to the dis appearance of the trees. , Trees will be removed as far northward a?.. Red, Cross streets .'-.-': l 'j Exhibition at Baxter's Cigar - Store Last Evenina. Wilmington pool and billiard shots were given a treat at Baxters cigar stnre last eveniner when. Prof. Lewis. an expert of New York, gave an exhi bition, making all kinds of fancy shots with his cue, and also playing witn hia finerer and nose as a cue. Playing a nnshinn carom same aeainst one of the best shots in the city playing a straight rail contest, tne expert Deai the local man out with 7i points to 4 n. ha stated that thte was the high est score that had been made against him in two seasons, in a siraigm ran trama ho niltnlaved hla ODDOUent 100 nnintn tn 10. Then Shooting With his nose as a cue he made 25 points before hia rmnnnent eot . a single one. The o-rhihitfon waa a revelation in billiard shooting and the onlookers were de- Ho-hted with the entertainment1 ai Pmf TjiwIr will erive an exhibition at the Elks' Club tonight at 9 o'clock. 1 DOCTORS GAVE HER UP Mrs. Stuart Finally Saved By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table CompoundHer y I Story Interesting. VAmn Mo. "I think vour VeoretaWd Compound is wonderful for it has helpej me. i nairour doc tors and they said I had female troubles and a tumor, and nottiing but an opef-' ation would help ma. I could not sit still long enough to eat, and .could sleep hardly any I was in so much misery with pains in my side and back. ' ' ' '. "A year ago last spring my doctor gave me up, and he was surprised to see me this spring and to see my condition. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the praise' wherever I go for; I know I would not be here today or havo our fine baby boy if I had not taken it. ' -Mrs. Sarah J. Stuabt, R.F.D. No. 2, Box 16, Elmo, Mo. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It, may be used with perfect confidence by women who snffer from displacements, inflam- matinn ulceration, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion,dizziness, or nervous prostration. , Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Is the stan dard remedy for female ills. s If yon rant special advice write to Lydia Pinkham Medicine Co. confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tonr letter will be opened, read , and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence Something interesting About Books and Bookcases wii furnished library makes, the lioiine horae-llke, nnrt its lnnnenc ' ou'tle tli&l? i lto" It con.ln.Uly draw, then,- together , ' and pvooiotes a common Interest J - , Sheraton. Art MlMion, MUion. Ideal and Standard Sty es are carried, and you " may select as your. fancy, chooses . ,c '. 1 'V : ' ' ", I- ' - f ; - ;Ve handle, oly the best of eyerythlns. and we guarantee the Globe-Wernicke 'Bookcases to give satisfaction. . . ' ' , ' . :; - ' ' ' Call and see onr stock. We shall be pleased to, show you our line and quote "prices on any lze case yon may need. ( ' r : : ; r J y ' w mmM. s & c o. 1 . - a '.-. '4. '.- - "V.: '.' . .iV . - - - a' ". :-.5;X0"Wce uppljrDepartment- "g. e today.

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