.; - ..... '-- 1 L THIS MORNiy G STARTTILMiyQOK ;s , ."'A') GAYLORO'S SPBIOPEIiO WILL DECLIiiE C1TVS; OFFER HR 17; H. COX FOUHD GUiLTY BASEBALL GAME' TOMORROW -f f. v Big Department Store Crowded, With Hundred of .Cillers Yesterday; j,: Handsome Showing of ' '' -'New ' Goods: tY?' ,';';-; Highly successful and on V more splendid scale than .'ever before, the annual Spring opening was held yes terday at the big ..department JstorVof Mr. Geo. O. Gaylord, on North' Front street, and from early morning until late In the evening the building was thronged with Interested ladles," who called to inspect the -handsome- offer ings, and, many of them,3o place their orders for new millinery. -j :" V ? It was In the millinery, department; of course, that the attention of the ladies centered, and to understand this one had only to call, at thV store and walk through the apartment occupied bv the display of hats 'and millinery goods. Here could be seen' models ,of hats from , the cheap little domestic sailor to the costly Imported pattern, . from the foreign fashion centers, with every conceivable size. and. shape rang ing betwen the. two extremes. . About sod trimmed hats were on disnlav. and innumerable plain untrimmed de signs of all sizes, shapes and -descriptions. Included- In the trimmed hats were imported patterns, copies of Im ported patterns, the latest things from the domestic fashion centes, toeat but unpretentious . designs - contrasting quite favorably witn,-the more! extra vagant models because: of their very simplicity, and in, fact, -anything that one could expect to find in a complete display of modern millinery. w .'-..,. Welcoming the callers and directing the large staff of assistants was Miss Alma Brown, who has been with Mr Gaylord for some time in the capacity of buyer and head milliner. She and her assistants . were kejt busy.alT dayit UVl I displaying tne moaeis to - prospective;! customers and taking the orders of - many who made their . selections at once. ' .-' ' " ' -. - Some of -the -most" populaK shapes in the big display were, the milans, the tagal braids, burnt leghorns, etc.. and, in the ready-to-wear, hats, the new derby shapes, turbans, panamaa, etc;, all in awWe variety of. eolorssiz es and trimming effects.' In the trim ming lots of flowers are used, small flowers proving ,-the most ..popular. Paradise feathers,..,; Willow ; ; pln-mes, hand painted chiffon ribbons, macrame lace bands, the new lace buckles and many other effects are .also ; widely used, and are considered in 'accord ance with the ..latest, fashion edicts. Some of the most popular, colors are cerise, champagne; yellow, etc. Small hats seem to be, leading "as Spring sellers, but it is predicted ' that .the larger shapes will come iri for & good share of. favor for. Summer, wear. The store was handsomely decorat ed, artificial morning r'gl6ries, floral horseshoes and otted plants being used in great profusion, and the apart ments presented a lmost attractive set itng for the Bplendil showing, of new goods. - .; 0 - ' '. ' In addition to ' the -large- stock car ried for the retail .trade, the Gaylord and complete line for the wholesale munnery -traae un .uus secun, pb; this department, too, the stock is new and altogether up-to-date. Several salesmen are kept on the road for this line, and the firm does a large busi ncss The milliner department,.' however, did not receive all of the .attention yesterday, for In. every department' in! the mammoth .storie new goods are tfn display, and many of the callers in spected the offerings in every -line. .The management received many kind words of approval from the callers, who expressed themselves as delight ed with the offerings . for the coming season. . . , .-. V , - The opening will continue through out today, and it is expected that the attendance will be fully as large as yesterday. The management extends a hearty invitation to" the ladies of Wilmington to call, and all are as- surea or a most corautt weiwmv CAROLINA MEIGHT8. Exclusive Suburban Resort to Be Ex tended Northward Contract The public will learn, 'with consid erable interest and pleasure that Mr : Burke H. Bridgers, executor. of , the estate of the late Miss Mary Bridgers; , has awarded the contract0. MrjC R. HumDhrevs for the immediate ex ' tension sltwI . irrLnrovement. oL Carolina Heights to the liorthwara,-; neiween Princess and 3race streets, and 17th and 23rd streets, .tl will. be. recalled that Carolina Heiehts now. -extends from 17th 4.Q 23rd street, v east . and west, and from Princess to Market etreet, north and south. The remain-' der of this -.splendid , suburb , will be, laid out into lots, traded: and grahc lithic, sidewalk laid.' There twnl be between 30 and 40 cnolce lots, 66x1 Co feet in size and it Is understood that Mr. BridzerRwill' have these on, sale within the next 60 days. As is well- known this snburb has ' some of the finest homes erected in It and has its own water and sewerage system. Not a lot will be placed on the market un til something like $6,500 has ' been spent on improvements and- this "Will make the building lots especially de-; sirable. A- large .force 4ot. hands is al ready at work on the grounds and ev erything will be completed at the earl iest possible dateJ ' CHINESE FAMINE RELIEF V . Ladies Aid Society of St.; Matthew's Makes Contribution. The Star -acknowledges Jth ileas nre anrl has forwarded ' through; the Wilmington' Chapter of the National Red Cross Society a icontributidn of $" for the Chinese famine relief suf ferers from the Ladies Aid Society 'of St. Matthew's ..English . -, Lutneran church. ;" 'liii ''.'l'v Any further contributlois. ' from churches. srviptia or individuals-will he acknowledged and cheerfully for warded. v - ... .- - ; To MotherslAnd Others " V Tou can use Buekleh's 'Arnica Salye to cure children of -1 eczema, . rashes, tetter, chaflngg, scaly and crusted hu mors, as well as their' accidental In juriescuts, burns. 'bruises,. etc'.', with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so fiuickly. For bolls, ulcers, old, . run ning or fever sores or piles, it has .no uial. fts cents h at Itobt., It. . Bl- Wl I m I n gio .Sewerage Will Not ' Underviitavofar n7-atiu. ij. ' : i - r - -..jp a .hi i It -was given.out Yesterday from the office ot the.. Wilmington-. Sewerage Company, in this citly, that the offer of J50 000 - for' , the existing plant, as 0?ibl 9 W bf' Wilmington --will he , rejected, and it becomes more ap parent than ever that the controversy will have to be settled in the courts and may be long drawn out.-Simultaneously with the ,the pfferi would-be TeJected U th .n- Kiouncement that the company has de- "'" pian of. enlarging and otherwise : Improving, its property , in tnis city. i , v. . v' .Jfcfc.-totfrmMion was; given onfyes from -tile office of Mr..W. E'. Merritt, su-Ssrintendent. of the sewer age 'system,', wbo.has Just .returned from. Philadelphia, where ,he; attend ed . a v-meeting, of; he Jondhilders , of the xompany.-et which the city's r&r iwaa carefully considered from every y. a ue -uonanoiaers nave ; hetd the plant . at $160,000, but notwith standing this .there . were those lyho tnought that rather than' run therlsk of -long drawn oytvlitlgaUon and the worry" andtrouble incident that the bondbolder8 wojld decide -to close out at the price offered by the city. How ever, instead of this, the bondholders, it appears, agreed to spend , more money-in' putting the system In more Bauitary Condition1 and it .was " said yesterday that its lines will be exr tended to certain points, - Mr. Merritt said, yesterday; that Iredell Meares, E. local attorney for "the tbndiold- ers, would -address a letter today to ine ; pouncn NZoTmanydeclining the of- ier. - saw mat the reason , the let- A J. .-. edrrom - tfle,'ifctihoWerav'm - appoint or two and that this would be. secured today by telegraphs .TJxe-clty. Jcecently offered to .Igive ?5a,000'tdn the system; provided the-l offer, was accepted within 10 days from date-of "ther offer,- the time expiring last Saturday. ; The Council, at its regular-jrieetigv Tuesday,, adopted a resolution instructing Councilman W ' E. Perdew td . advertise for bids tor a complete' system, whlchi was 4aken to mean that the Council will go ahead and make other arrangements for a sewerage, system, Independent of the existing plant Now .that negotiations between the; city and the . sewerage company are .practically at an ;end and the 1 sewerage - company has the plant on its hands,, it . is not at all improbable." that, the i B3werage. com pany Invoke -Ihe aid of the law - pass ed at the ' last ; Legislature, - which, in effect, forces ihe city td buy the' exist ing plant at' a price to be agreed upon by .arbltra torsi the , appointments of whom : is provided for in the bilL. The bill in - question - Was - - 'passed .j while Woodus Kellum, Esq. was ' in the Honse, '"but.itiiaMSeBledtthat the bill was railroaded through by Iredell Mearea. ;E8qi' jatto5ntyi for the bond-. holders of the Wilmington Sewerage Co.Zwho Is said fo'havs dratted "it. . l.IemttaTdWrayIiaT-it . is the purpose of. his .company to im prove its" property intthis dtyr ? A communication reading as roiiows was sent to Mayor Joseph D. Smith yes terday afternoon. "Wilmington, March zist, : MTLft. T" T Smith, Mavorrwl min- ton. NaC 4 V- J.1'Dear jSlri'Weiarev going to- thor- oukhly cleatf and' put. our disposal plant In . the very best sanitary: con dition, and. wish to begift, work on Fri day morning, Marcb-.22nd; ?md: w ex pect your sanitary department to ais continue the ,nse of the same at once.. . "Yours truly, . " ,- THE WILMINGTON SBWEStAGE COMPANY, - - '. , By W. E. Merritt. Sec; and - SupLT. tavnr Smith remarked that the City would probably -continued to nise the disposal plant, vkas ho other arrange menta had been made by the city. The City may b6 stoppea by injunction, but the ideawould;be to give, bond and continue to use the plant until tne date fo r -final hearing. PORT PARAGRAPHS .11 Cutter Leaves for CruUe--Handsome " r Yacht Here v ThenUnited Estates v revenue . cuitei Itasco left her station here yesterday for- a short cruise oft the North and South, Carolina, coasts and will . prob? ablytducaa.t'xmarieston nerore ;sne returns. 'S-y'? y-'-t y-''" v' f from Miami to , Phiiaaeipnia, pui ,mvo port yesterday to obtain gasoline and fcuppHes-s The Lunaria is a handsome craft 'in charge of Mr . 'Ai ;J.-. Quack nbush. the owner, who with his fam ily. va ad A,,-party of friends , fcaJ been spending- tae -winisr- in ionaa. ma yaChfwhlch is 70 feet long, equipped with two 35 horse oower Hall engines and yalued at s $20j500, - left shortly, af ter noon,, continuing , her. journey to her; destination. , ' No Courtfr Brunswick ' i : v " ; ,1' On account of the slight Illness of Judge R. B. Peebles, of Nortnampton, the session of BrunswicK uouniy ou perior Court, which was to have be gun Monday, -was not held. Solicitor n j A"1. " Sinclair. ''of Fayette ville, pass ed ' through: the ' city, yesterday on his way, ;home, , It, is .prpbabie tnac inis, term of fiiubertcr Court for Brunswick win .: foe skinned.; entirely.- A numbet of local attorneys who had business at this session nave returned w ina Vlvtflepels'-AUacptioeath i ''Five' years ago two doctors told me I had - only - two years to live." ; This, etartlling statenaentwas -made by stuiman Green. Malachite. Col. 'JThey told me I would. die. with consumption.' It was up to me tnen to try;ine,Dei lung medicine and J began to use Dr King's New Discovery, ... It was well 1 did, for today I am working "and be lieve I owe my life to this great throat and lung cure that baa cheated v the grave of another victim.", It's folly to suffer with: coughs, colds or other throat 'and lung troubles now. Take the cure that's safest Price 50 cents andi- $1. Trial bottles -free at Robt.' RM:,Bellarays:. U: .. :'.,r .V-:ri:i , ' ' " i i if ' ' i jw ssr ' 'i K- i It you want an automobile that is an Automobile buy an E-M-P ''30'?- or a vtnnA0T C "20." ; lEieht , models": to choose rom . , D .MacMillan. Jr. ftecrdeiff8 Court Jury Returned Ver- v k . nirr .uioset base Late Last Night Other Cases Disposed Of followiitg an v all-day session of the Recorder's court, a, jury ' in the case of,- State against MrJ- W; H. f Cox, which resulted'in a mistrial when1 pre viously ; tried, last night at 10:45 Re turned a verdict finding the defendant guilty' of violating the sanitary closet ordinance , of the city. Judgment .was deferred by. Substitute Recorder Geo. Harriss,-presiding, to permit the argu ment by cbunsel for the defease, nf point; .pf law involving the-repealing uie sanuary cioset orainance which twent ,lnto effect December 7th. : This case was continued by request of the. i defense from Monday afteri nOOn, when the expert witnesses foij the defense did not appear. upon sub poenas previously issued, - It was tak-j en up . yesterday morning, following me. upuon, or ; ine ordinary caset n. th?-- dburt. The warrant charget that the-defendant, Mr; ,Cox, main talned 'at'a1 tenement liouse owned uj him at' 811 North FiftA street, and oo cupled -by other parties, an open sur face closet, in which., contents . were permitted to (contaminate the soil, and from-which flies were not excluded by screens, as prescribed by the sanitary closet ordinance. These facts were testified to by the evidence of Sani tary Policemen Burney and Melton, and were not denied bv the defense. Among the witnesses offered by. tn? prosecution were Dr'.C, P. Bolles, and E. J. Wood, .who vwefe admitted as expert add testified that kthe ; closet described :by the sanitary 'policemen' was - dangerous to health, ; especially. so-ias. it w8 situaiea witmn eignt ieet ot tier (front door of ran) occupied dwell- ing.- - .? : . ,i, i The defense introduced DrT Russell H. Bellamy as an Expert lnvtheir be haifwhu? gat e .aallhteresting account ofa. personal A inspection, of -Ihree san itary can closets made'by him during the past summer. ---upon this evidence he based his testimony that the re maining 1,800 sanitary can closets in the city constituted a greater menace to health than the old style surface closet. The other witnessf s introduc ed :by the " defense testified to their opinion as . to the sanitary value of the sanitary can closets without refer ence to the infraction of the law set forth in the Indictments Mr. Cox, on the stand in his own behalf, made the statement that Mr. B. C. -Moore, Councilman in charge-of the Depart ment of Public 'Safety, owned houses In which- the - sanitary -,- closets have not vbeen installed. : This point was pressed' very vigorously ; by " Woodus Kellum', Esq,, as counsel', for. the -de fense, in his argument before the jury, and : upon request Mr.. Cox was per-i mitted to 'take the stand to affirm or deny the "claim made by Mr." Kellum in his speech.: t in this testimony Mr. Cox . admitted that h''- information was'a hearsay and. Mrv Moore .was permitted o: deny, .the ..statement as( : iln his? argument .before the jury, Assistant City s. Attorney Geo. , X . Pes- chau, prosecuting the case, laid espe cial stress on the . fact that . the de fense was unable to deny the viola tionT of the la w 4y Mr . . Cox, in main taining an 'open surface closst.- 'He also . made a" stirrlgf appeal - to 'the jury to sustain, the health- department in its. efforts' to-'jmaket the'ctQr -a safe placfe for rich and pooralike. He re minded them that during the : hot months when th preventable diseases are. most active and dangerous,' that the wealthy could go to the mountain resorts and escape possible. Infection, while, the -poor . man must perforce stay within the zone of infection with his family, , and to:urv the risk of .dir seas 3; and death. He' reminded them that nowhere In the .world where . sani tary measures . are enforced but that surf ace;- closet . was , not considered . tne most- important -of alt agents In ' the spread of typhoid fever and othsr bowel infections. "He laid it upon the jury by their duty as citizens, to re move the' barrier imposed ; by these cases' to the enforcement of the" sani tary ktws.. . He reminded them that bo long as these cases remain in litiga? tlon that the bands of the .health de' partment are tied, and ;he, definitely placed the responsibility, for, the pos sible typhoid illness and , death upon those who impeded the' operauon of the sanitary, law. . ' - ' - y ' Probably the most important point hMhis- trial hinged upOn whethsr or not the city couM compel every citi zziri to Install sanitary can -closet, using therein the can furnished by the cityThe ordinance as it now stands, provides'? three' requirements for the sanitary doseC; These jire that the cxrement-shall - not ; come in; contact yith, the jBOil, that vthe files shall not have:access to"th clp&st, and that the; receptacle shall beso accessible to the scavenger as to 'facilitate1 the remov al of the filled receptacle and the sub stitution of the cleaned receptacle oy the scavenger, Substitute recorder fiarriss, Vin rendering "his opinion on this point, held '.that' under the ordh nance as it now exiats, an individual may. .Use any " receptacle . which com plies 'with these, requiremsnts.; . On cross-examination : the , superintendent of .health, Df.: vnas JT. Nesbitt, who waa,also a witness for .the prosecution; stated V.tbat : nnder the .existing -ordi- nn. ie,,.would of necestiity approve a . closet 'as' sanitary which met these; requirements,, but that all closets in wniph the. standard; sanitary can :was not uwl must depend upon the Hcens-I scavenger; for the, cleaning service; Jhat the equipment provwea- oy tne city .wae designed for the accommoda tion ot. the sanitary cans, which - is identical, with that used In other cu-! If Your ;H6ad Achod You. should Tfik the Sur Remedy Hicks' CAPUDINE Tbere'i s cause for every headache Capudlne reaches that cause omeriy, whether ' It be heat, ' eold, gnpp, ot stomach troubles and cures, even though it be sick or nervous headache. Capudine is the surest ' remedy for Colds and Gripp. Feverishnegs, Aches and Nervousness d isappear m and normal conditions are restored. ' " ' '' -; Capudine is liquid easy and pleasant CO take acts immediately. . V. r , M0e,i 2Se and 50 ardrng ttortt, - V Coast Line Team Will.; Try. Conclu ': slons With Nine from the Un'l- ' yerslt of North Caroli na U.f- :V'":'v-- -Boy v Confident V' --'1 H v ' ' . . . , --.v.'i V" ".' , ' "". '; ' Even the business men of the city have felt thejcall of Spring and are looking forward, asj eaerly as i :the small ,boy' and his- elder ; sistr to the baseball game betwesn i 'tben'.Univer sity of ; North ; 'Carolina nine ancj the local A: d.7l.J'-team, schedule for fo morrow afternoon, ati League. Park; Many of the business men , have plan ned to dress their buildings, ..in ; gala attire for the occasion,. au& already seme have adorned their 'display, win dows with the colors of the. .opposing teams.. , .. f .It is expected that the '.attendanoe will v be verys large, asthe game will be ona of the, most important and in- terestkigthat has been, played on the local diamond in several seasons. ' . - . The warm welcome ; that will ' x- be given . the. collegians on - their arrival will . serve in a. measure. t alleviate the defeat that the local lads have de termined Ifi administer to the visitors, and before andafter the contest the light, blue and . white of ". the. Univer sity .will mingle together with the orange and 'black of .the Railroaders In, good , natursd .rvalry and the best Of fellowship. t; . - . '. During the week a force of men has been steadily at .work; putting the field In condition and now the diamond is fast ;jind ' smooth, while .tht, outfield is in better; shape than fdrsome time past. The stands have beu; thorough ly overhauled. and made safe and com fortable, so tht tbre will be, no dif-: Acuity in accommodating' the ' large crowd, that is .expected to turn out to see the :coiitest. ' ; i;: 4 : An experienced refreshnfeut dispen ser will be on Hand to fumi$hj the pea nuts, candy;-eraJker-jack,'jetc., with out which -noesskm of the great Am-; erican pastime :4s iocanpletejar.. --; The. game will be. called! pnnptly at 3AO'clock andoavfirst-clasaTear; sched ule Will be maintained between the city and . the pankv so that congestion will "be avoided. -r :. .;; ? - - - -. ,: Reports from behind the hfeh fence say that'Tom Green, is showing more, speed, 'better control and more effec tive curves than ever before, and he expects to serve a choice assortment of puzzlers to the 'Varsity batsmen on the occasion Of his farewell perform mm ance in his home city? as he leaves in time to report Monday to "Wild Bill" Clark, of XJolumbia. Fred Duls Is also ready to step into the box and will probably be used for a portion of the game. 'Air the mem cere, ofcfthe local team have worksd hard ; and faithful ly and they -! declare thatnthey are ready to go irito the 'game ih mid-season form; v ThtfJ icon test - will; undoubt edly be one of the best witdessed her.3 for -several years, - and; natuTally' will draw a large attendance, il :.- .: ETERNAL TORMENT,VaSUBJECT To Be Discussed Sunday Night at Ad- - - vent c wrch v-c v ' IJditoi1' Staritt-xheJ'speopleif our citV:Vhave' .recen,tlyi,lfad the 'privileffe1 pf hearing two' 'representative -divines (Catholic ; and r Baptist); discuss the doctrine ' of -'eternal , torment "'.-for 'Sin- cers. I shall take the negative - side of that awful jsubject- next'Sunday- at the Sixth Street Advent -Church, nnr der the head m . -thre propositions: . it; second, thatthe "preachers thsm- r elves do Tiotbeliee'Jit7!4nd third, that the theory -is-unreasonable to ev- enr sense of justice.' and geiyvand. a slander upon ;ithc name- to- . the most merciful being in. the universe Let all - who can, come to hear It, before rendering a - verdict. : The ser vice begins at 7:30 JP.,M., and all are nvuecu -v . , . 1 . . J.. P. KltoG, Pastor. ; les, ,'and! which ,Is replaced at ' eacn Cleaning with aJthoroughly cleaned can: ; ' ' ' - . The case went ta -the jury at 9: last night, and- the: verdict was re turned at ' 10:45. Mr KfiHum . inti mated that he? would igivevnpJLJce of an appeal at- some' subsequent.! time; and he asked that -judgment . be- withheld until he could argue : the point of law involved in the, i repealing clause of the ordinanccvvln answer.Mr. ,Pes cnau urged the immediite: issuance or Judgment In this: case, inj order. to fi nally : settle the- controversy .in time to protect the, public health, .during the coming Summer. The -court . stazjj tnat he would .hear Mr. -Kellum's arg ument this morning. .Thls .case is one of the hardsst; fought that has been brought under the sanitary laws, and is of great importance' to the health department,, as- well as a matter or considerable interest 4 to .the public. The Jurors in the case were Messrs. Ri.7xHlo.rthropriJas -A. Hall, C, E. Kerr. P. L.: Va.ee.' J. T. '"Ebert,. GeoC. liiohtford', J. B. Griffith; A. C. Free man, fIt. M Carney, W, J. Kirkham, E". aReynolds, and J. M, Burriss..:. i ; A4number of cases MWere disposed-cf before the 'sanitary, case was 4aken upthough none was marked by unu sual features. Geo. .Dudley, .colored, was:, found guilty i. of : cruelty to ani mals- and was sentenced to 60 days in the; county jail, with privilege Of the County.,. Commissioners to hire him out. James ratncK ana rienry uon ti; both" colored were tried1 on charg es of ctueltvJto a'nimals. andl Judgment Dwas held -open juntil the ,coridition of the ttorse can be., determineo;.by. a vet-, erinarian.- - 'k. h-in-?- f- , v Emma M'cKQ7t(.end : Matilda : ,.Wt l Uams, two negro, women,- were .; tried bti ! charges' ofJ diBorderly..CQnducL The former was -found guilty and -assessed and costs, a while the latter . w$s found not guilty. i Elijah Ficiyj colored, On . being found guilty of riding a "bi cycle on Uie sidewalk, was -t fined $5 and costs. yj'-.C ?ii iv-v. ?v" f. AVnol "prosvas taken -' in.; a - case Charging Daniel Bryant, colored, with running a soft drinkstand4wIthout' a license. ! C- C. Jenkins, colored, con tributed. $5 and.cost8 for being drunk and disorderly. Judgment was -sus pended, on John Kelly,' a , white man. found . guilty on a, charge of 'vagrancy, on condition that he leave the -county at once. Several drunks were assess ed fines and costs. ' . Acase against Geo. W. Brown, colored, charged with cruelty to animals, was continued.-, V" ' " - Big GameiTomOrrow : - ' i Carolina vssAt !, P.Mf. pn I r -X. I I - . v -.. x. I 1 Of this conservative old Savings Bank was chosen on account of the convenience it affords . our depositors. ; . , V -r;,;!. ' - v"? In all things pertaining to respect to satisfy the needs : H.:C. Vs'; TIHIE PEOPLES The Big White Buflding. Sf THE BANK : - The Wilmington Savings St THE OFFICERS-- C; TAYLOR; Jr - -H WALTERS J"W; t t . THE DIRECTORS ' . : jriiVi vJDonaldiMacRae,-! ' J. D. Bellamy, Jr N:B;Rahlcm:;r-::D: : - - AIT- T "Ui.J - - ' vv. v. oiiiuiu,.. ,v THE DEPOSITORS--- ;. " v Tod numerous to mentionver , 1 3000 of them ! i " A GOOD PUVCE FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACXOUrm - SEE CAPT. H. H. HALL INJURED. popular Hivernan Suffered -V Painfull pital; where he, was given ,,surgical at - Crushing of His Foot,,' .v . . i tentibn.. It was at first thought that " Capt. H. II. Hall,' of the Hall Tow- amputation might have to be resorted in Company and master and'one ot - ' but" !ater it developed that - tais the owners -of the- tug Lillian, was aiiKht not be necessary. ' Friends .ot painfully .injured at f oot I -off Market .Capt t Hall . -will hc-pe , that,, no iSeri.ous street late .yesterday afternoon as, he Results will attend the, accident. ( va8 bringing his craft to a" mooring " " : ' ' "' at the dock there." In some way Capt. iiaii nad one of his feet caught be- tween - the boat and another: tied op at the Wharf With the rftRlllt that t was in. ' sosmeway badly crushed. Dr j Qualfty:SEootweai - at Trices Reasonable We know the.' siiccess of pur business depends upon tHe quality of the - merchandise we sell bur customersthat's why , , ? wa ,used; such; care I in uui line 01 snoes ior.opnng, . . vy e It afe agents; for ;e i best, line of shoes ihthetUnitell' iilii which combiije every essential conducive to shoe satisfaction style, conifort, fit and service. , ;0 thers may like them, but they , doii1 1 wear Jibe them.' 3 We have an unusually attract- C: ive !sorentoJ styles arid rvleatMrsjdiis y. be af plei pgiye;:usah;e ' range; from $2. 00 tip. Quality; styles matenal-andtworkman- V. K 'i snip guaranteecu v ...v ' good banlig you will find this of the Saver. McQUEEN ; . -V President F. ' W DICK . . . . . . . V . 1 Vice-President Mi QORBETT, ; . . Vice-President J. HOLMES DAVIS. . ... ,7 r. . .Cashier t ,? Corner Front . V ; ; President v a : - . . . . . .Vice-President' ' ; : NORWOOD. . " .Vice-President 1 L. WlLLIAiVla'i . . .1 v.' .' . ' W. HULL MOORE; . J. W; Norwood, r-:,, L , V.. Grainger; U . Wm. Calder. w JHi-Oiadbourn.- 'H.' C Bear r - t-.J: I .. 1-N-1 - J ' . .L.ynidii ueiano, ; ; i;. US ABOUT IT. - ;'Thos. M. Green was summoned and ..the IniuTed. man' was, sent' toth; hna. Appointed Presiding Elder , - Wilmington" friends of Rev Welch, who was at one time pastoj"0 Trlnlfv MothrtHlat )mm)i io lt .will be .very u.g selecting- Srlte :' ? ' -v- '- L. W. WESSELL, Manager. lie -s-' ...i 1 w I mil . mm f 1 fiIviii 1 1 mil 1 1 1 iu w - v aiii w - - 1! "nivrnci Ti, j 1 .... liarnrinA sm 11 i i , yym smmm'y. V y:.y.' y :f.ii' t -'"o.- :': ' """'--"'r '''- '"':""El7!-":; -f"--V-f-'-'V.;''"''v I I 'i. 0(2 v.. , '1 '.; bank equipped in every and Princess Streets:'' Tr iisll Co. v: . . . LaSniCr i . , , Assistant Cashier H. Penton, 1- rr- 1 . . .. . c. . j ayioiysjr. mm I that hs. has been appointed by Bishop TXAWHW.' 1 Jl. " . I J -i . .1. . t mon district, in the West Oklahoma ' Conference, r. Mr . :. Welch ; is . a gocd -preacher, - and .ppssessing- excellent ' fbuslness , qualifications, is very well equipped for ' his ' ' new and ' enlarged field of service. - r -.' v 1 . . . Chas.. Johnson. cdkred,was' ar rested, last nignt ' by, Policemen Ses- : . , . ! . i k' .', ;;v 1;.'' ... . - - . - -.. ... , -, ' . h'.'. Look for - irrnrin 1 IKa - , . ...iiitti rjii nun v v . .r inn. - . mih 1 ? 1 1 11 1 - yyy.. yy::yyyyy;y . 1 k j-t I.".- . v i . -:. v. - - i ' 'A