1 U'.7.- THB MORNING STAR, WILMINGpN, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 26 1912. PAGE 2. ! i ! ! 1 1 1 i f ' j t CLAIMS OF UR. fiMLL . 3TfiO!!l)Ly PBESEIITEO upon Mr. McNeill s retirement, Mr, I Lee will be the senior "member of the Commission with "only two years' ser vice. It was intended that the terms I of the Commissioners should lap over, BUSY SESSION YESTERDAY so that at no time would that body be Four Negro Women Draw Farm, and As Candidate for Member of the Cor i, poratlon Commission by Mr. J..W. Bailey. . without an experienced man. This is necessary, in view of the intricate and delicate duties of the department It Is likewise, a sound provision against the uncertainty of the policy of the Commission which would inevitably unsettle our commercial interests. But Jail Sentences In Recorders Court Number of Other Cases . Disposed Of A congested docket occupied the ax- To the Editor: the death of Mr. Brown and the re- tention of the Recorder ' yesterday tirement of Mr. McNeilbhave brouehtl , i. . Thfl inofit Imnortant Addition to ourlK ,u.m,, i morning, mouga lor we uiuat pait State government within the last 25 experienced of the Commissioners will cases were without features of extra: years Is the Corporatl6n Commission hlT served next January only two ordinary .interest. Probably the fea- J " . . years.. ::- - tare of the cession was the number of -first known a. the Railroad Commte. That . f womn Jail f sentences sion. Thattne runctlons of the origl- xyr.,it u- r rjarrle Nixon, icolored. was found nal Institution were soon extended to I chlef clerk wherein he had the 'ex- guilty on a charge of an assault with include corporations and taxation (fori D6rlenee of commissioner, aeauir a deadly weapon upon Zollle Pearsall it is also the State Tax Commission) l the knowledee of a Commissioner, and was sentenced to three months and that Its powers were according- ana was trained by Mr. H. C. Brown on the county farm. She gave notice ly broadened, is the best. evidence. of and elevatlng hlm to tne Commission, of an appeal and bond was; fixed at the 1. peoples appreciation of. the Jnstl- j fiUDmit without expectation of con- $50. Ida King and Ida Howe, t both tuuon. L.. v ' ' ,' , - troversy. . " . colored, drew sentences of 30 'days AS now comuu u u 1S8T . nrwn .i f each in the county jail.- the former is cnargea wiin tne amy 01 reguiai-i - for helne drunk and disorderly and ; ii ,nK ne disorderly . Sn.SSrSSrSi SSSSSSi S close touch wiihttV state aiminra- rrie ; Johnson, also State banks, and the equalization of taxation, three junctions embracing a conduct colored, will tion since 1899. He has been one of ?Pnd the next 30 days on the county domain broader tban thVt of any other tne headquarters men in State Demo- Ia or araamuns jaaggie . oore, SSdiSsSL Pttc campaigns, and for ten yeare lored. "Witt 1 a deadly weapon In the ment It is in the Tanrest sense a ne has been Secretary, of the State l ueer11uolu- m-,"AAnAn6i?5aLvB.twS.a Senate, havine disrhareAd tha Hnti Zollle Pearsall, colored, was tried rSofe .Z2!i .??L dtoS nfalfciou and! rrr1- ri"'h .mS brought him into an intimate knowl- ot for the publia good and .the affl- . ;aTuatioi o tockin aU ioVlonV e1. of men and affairs, of politics ant, Nora Nixon;, was taxed the cost and In addition It ha- enpral mmer-l laws Ix our State. And in this ot me case. , ?Lr iififJ if S, respect he would bring to the office of 'Alfred Sidberry. colored, was found n t n- vri i Commissioner a great and ready fund gmlty on a charge of carrying a con fflrifti mMni nmtMf on th nrf valuable knowledge and exper- cealed weapon and was Uxed $15 and .of Nortfc Carolina against inter-State'rence' - freight rate discriminations 'against ! " have said that Mr. Maxwell is this State. neither a lawyer nor a mercharit. But That Bitpti an fnotitntlnn chn.iMlhe has had ft more imnorfant wnrlr have not met the expectations In the! than either. He lias had a long reo-10088 or inS irunk and disorderly, appre hoe f Th costs, isaaie james," anotner neeio. was assessed, ?10 and, costs for an as sault upon a Memale. Ella Robinson. a negro woman, contributed $10 and - 1 and George Green, colored, contribut ed a like amount for a similar offense. John Roderick and William Bor deaux, both white, were fined $5 and outset of all citizens was reasonably Ord . for a young man-r-he is just 40 to be expected.. Corporation Commis I years or age. as a newsapper man, sions are innovations in the United I editor and publisher, the North Caro States, and beiner amoner th first the I Una newspaper men know : him. and North Carolina Commission has had wey . will bear witness to ' anything costs eaca, ror s"g arunk ana dis to "blaze theVwav." Tta failure to I that I have to say about him. There oioeny. a noi pros wun leave was meet the expectations of the more ex-1 we no more accomplished men than ta-Ken in a case charging -Jack Wil treme is a testimony to it rather than I tne editors of local papers in North ams, a smaii coiorea Doy, wun ats . I r I 3 l a x t j ji . V! i a sense or discredit; for in reason varouna.. i say it in ail seriousness. uruenJ conauci. uuaaie eagles, coi and In common sense it must of ne- j 'x hey . know a great deal about' the od was found not guilty on a charge cesslty have proceeded cautiously and I People: they .know a great deal about of an assault with a deadly weapon conservatively. Any other course personal economy; they know a great upon another negro. Thos. Gulon, col- would have been hazardous. Inviting I deal about political economy: thevlcted, was taxed with the costs for a disaster to the State and the destruc-I know a great deal about what Is going I nuisance. '. Lu!by Lane, colored, was uon oi tne uommission- That In pur- on. ana iney nave to Know, besides, touna gumy oi an assault upon a re- suing a middle course, between the! a great deal about business the busi-Diale and judgment was suspended on pressure that it do as little as possi-lhess of a printing plant. Editine a I Payments of the costs. ble, on the one hand, and the demand local newspaper in North Carolina will Eight drunks were disposed of in the that it pursue an extreme and radical I make or break the man that under-lnsual manner, and the appearance of course on the other, ''It has chosen I takes Jt; that is to say, only a trueleonfe of these defendants bore elo- wiseiy. me ract that it la regarded man can stand the test. It was in orient tesumony to the dynamic aual- as a permanent and necessary insUtu- mis scnooi tnat Mr. Maxwell had hisllty of the whiskey .that is. being sold uon ana tnat it nas tne confidence of iiraining. He is a careful man: he in Wllmlneton at the nresent time. an ctasses or our people, is the mostltorms ms opinions not on imDulse convincing evidence. Our corporations I but with care and the fairness of one must do assured that it is not set forjwno expects to see them put to the iaeir aesirucuon. uur people must lesu ie nas a nne sense of justice, feel equally assured that it. will pro- And, therefore, he is conservatively tect them in their rights. All must disposed-in the true sense that is, tinaerstana tnant is a tribunal of ius- one wno would be radical did thai t, t t ir..v tice-equal and exactjustice; all must right require it. but whose whole ta,lS;ttJ iS S- wuuucuv-c auu repwt, p-"wvu i0 iw uuu tuw iacis ana men day, was begun at St. John's ErIscoDal were better off did it not exist. ment. this trait in him-ef cafdi im " " t Such has been and such' is and seeking to do the iust and rie-ht thin MWn "J" , siich must continue to be the task of his strongest Qualification for llZ: FIRST SERMON OF SERiES. Rev. J. R. Matthews Preached Mas terly Discourse Last Niaht. The serives of mission services con- ASK FOR STYLE NO. 2.949 KNICKERBOCKER' V number or men ciate a Gun Metal button for Sping wear. tS Kriickerbocker model will fill this want. This is a slide that carq&a : world of style, and is always in plaqei for evening, as well as, for day wear. Made of a special iS Gun Metal Calfj built on a stage last, with a high arch ancl extreme short 7drepIugh'''inpita heel. This shoe is foted with the famous 'f SnoV" patented arch supporting Tinner sole, absolutely guaranteed -to support the arch of the foot and prevent fallen arches, never before put into a shoe at this price. An exclusive Snow " feature. This, combined with our special flexible forepart, makes a shoe that is absolutely the acme of comfort arid 'health in footwear A snappy, classy looking shoe. : - ' - - We haye a splendid line oi Show Styles tHat you will make no Dr. Woods Hutchinson, considered' one of the most "brilliant writprs . , says: "richness and freshness of color are Richness and Purity of Blood ana vigor of circulation. "A good complexion exphatically comes from Twithin; only imitations and poor ones at that can be painted, plas tered or rubbed on from without To look well you must be well." If you want the clean, clear complex ion glowing with the crimson of pure blood, the bright sparkling eye and the happy expression that comes from vigorous healthy blood, ak your druggist about Milam. A blood purifier and. reconstructive N tonic, standing alone and without competition. If you. suspect any other preparation of being in its class we ask that you read the labels. The pure food law protects only those who read the labels. No blood remedy should contain alcohol a false stimulant and uric "acid producer. ; Buy Six Bottles for .$5.00, and Get Your Money Back if n'ot Benefited No alcohol or other dangerous or habit forming ingreuieums in raR uUUU dLODD V mTTT i the Corporation Commlssfon. Corporation Commissioner. I hav roTUworl 4ho i h. M,Qn a C v. "I. r. Maituews suojeci wvm bMvo uat.t.cx a 111 il v.4 mhmij uu uiu feu 11 v i n r5 a nr i nn em w . i,n-m ih ti y-v . der to introduce the name and quaU- demagogues or blandishments of the Sinner That Wpenteth " He i devel flcations of a candidate for Oorpora- powerful. He would hold the scales opeS this underl five beads asfolloXs tion Commissioner hfn -Hia n.mk: Unf woUTi'aU V...(a .ir n .r-J:.. u"uer "etaa.as iquows. crats of North Camllna , Rrw for I that wifp-h jito 1 i?' wu . ljOTe -or-,.xne oinner, a7 7- "i"7: J 1 . v.- wis uonqescenslon pV,::r;rr CTtu. co?.ress .to a peculiar esteem for Sinner; Tk 77 i ujaureu up ime seir-maae man. Such i-w mo uciitttieijr ctujuai.eu aemanas oil usually self reliant me iUBuiuuua as just Bex iortn is of the highest importance that the h own Judgment. He Is apt to be succession shall be maintained ftPr fAario- L v.. . "e 10 e "VSZ' A J . exerrrheirPuHohTlm.nor has Such an office demands, first of all, he any fears of those who would make a man in whom the sense of justice him. Mr. Maxwell has made Ws wa? is supreme one who will. hew to the up in the world H hrart t 1 line of equal rights to all and special til aywTth ne& pusrs flJI PuHs. to'aid hIm.eItHer iy vuiywai m- ny reason of hia sfmn? win ct. not sufficient the RMey Corporation Commissioner must be a stands how to labor J2l he is dlscl- speclalist-.he must .labor in a. field plined ln hard work Such are the SJS!?!? knowie?Se- He must under- qualifications of Mr. Maxwell for the stand the most intricate of commer- high and important tml L must be master of that twilight zone e is peculiarly nVeded on tS? Com between the duty 6f the public service missioi at SS Ume LTtlltlhe C?PWin wUlc to its eminently qualified tor i?s grett tasks stockholders. He must know how to He is in the vrlme of. lit? witv th regulate without destroying. He must prospect ct vZy ewTof thTblest atlon in North .Carolina the next no pledges need be rruirlS m great task of the Commonwealth. 111 The man equal to these tasks must what may be exnSte? o f JS5 T be a specialist .rather than a politl- not hesitate ? toaf thlt 1 1m A clan; a student and a worker, asP.well ?ote fiS Entire ttme and ene?gi to ft wUrage ad a 3ust. man mak- the Commission efflS ll UrchKhM that It ioes for the Colnmonwea ti. to find the fact, ahd Xi-Tor10, d see to it that such a man is nominated ii ? justfee wkh IS? b.e in the approaching convention: It was WSfShHS-J in this sDlrlt. I believe th it ' i. tne nre State would SmolfSoeat Sess1 hS, fr Henry Clay Brown two vpar - !ic??:eltTclosei at hand to pre- - . " i-7 - reuL. uie urPBTiT n ariminotiAn lb) In Seeking the (c) His Patience With the a man is I Sinner: (Q) His Perseverance in Seek. He has long ago ling, to Save the Lost;' (e) The Safety ana security or tne Sinner- The speaker used many striking illustra tions in giving force to his argument ana nis sermon was much enjoyed by an.. ... v- Holy Communion will be observed this morning at 7:30 o'clock at St. John's Church, and at 5 P. M., there will be a Bible reading service. MK aiattnews win preach again at; 8 o' clock and all ate invited to attend. . SOLOMON 5H0E COMPANY, V, T r- WUiiiingtbn, N. C : ' J.H:l jz,, - i . - " ' " for 1 1 ; Raleigh, N. C, March 25. David son College today defeated Lenoir College at Davidson In the first game of -the college season there. The fea tures of the game were the hitting of Fry and Pharr and ' Graham's base running. The score: Davidson .......5 7 -7 Lenoir.. ............. .v.. 3 3 5 in &. J. Maxwell I . Dresent" tn thI-vX f I st"t""uu - m Democratic votM ,mh . 1'?? v?1 -wortn Carolina happens that hCis an eastern man jectrof wnti.n r CI vtne ?t) and that he Is a candidate to R' i5tS? W1- J know, lecause Mr. McNeill. , an eastern man. Rnt " 5180 m tne authority this is not the argument for h m I assurance. happensso thatTe is not? EJ1 iti-? and there is one lawyer on the Com. ITZ ' 1 can?S5 Dut eueve mission, Mr. TraviTvwJo ?s aanS S!tPSfSSfta 1 NPfthi Carolina, rfit. ri.,1 alert to. find and put forward th, c7 if TheTaity has been have only offe" hTm" ffJj th itV one lawyer on the Commission. But n.' S? -ihePe.P e i North -Sf?y.?f?. M- ax: fionWOomm1sstorUer " ' well. It hlarvnena that tl i j one merchant on the ConrmlRRinn n4n...., . J- .w ttAILEY. that Mr.' Maxwell is not a merchant. I- " - ft'-? March 25, 1912. '. xm uus .doi ine argument Jor him. r ' t.; ' These are considerations of weight, to eT pf ,nfant sn " be sure, but Mr. Maxwell's casdidacy :,?1end 0i,Mr. .and Mrs. J. S- Rich the offic.' -;'" dcath of their eix-day-old . son, Percy In the first. place Tie 'is the present andall. Rich, ..which occurred at the chief clerk to the Commission, having ramilf residence, No. 606: Harnett succeeded Mr. Henry Clay Brown S,v V Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, having worthily succeeded him Mr v e uneral will be held from, the Brown trained 4iim. and naturally giftl house at 3 o'clock this afternoon, con ed and ambitious, he readily mastered S"???' RfT-H-. E- Beatty; pastor of -that exacting office. ot. Matthew's Lutheran Church The It Is rather singular, 1 may here say Jntennent will be ; In Bellevue ceme tery. . W ' 1 Why I. Sugar Sweet? ""b v" .otipiene superior ' " Bugar, oia not , dissolve - in the xa quality to all others.' Its source i$ mouth you could not taste the swept clean and wholesome, it is made in GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON cleanly surroundingSj and is packed in 10 18 as strong as the strongest bitter airtieht nails of soecial desimi that . tonic, but you do not tanta v the contents indefinitely eweet and fresh Decau8 the- Ingredients do not dis- xree irpm ausr ana oaors. cottolene is richer and, will go one-third farther than lard or other cooking fats made to resemble, Cottplene. ;. . In everything, else quality usually regulates the price. . Ii . your grocer should aslc' you a trifle more forr Cot- tolene, it is because; it is worth more. Besides, Cottolenc is guaranteed "satis iastorjr or 'our oohey back," ,,,; , v am. muuia put do dla solve In the acids of the stomach. , Is SSfSL e00&2T & Ple as fS wwuvuBw . uv s ubs anu lasieiess tnui Tonic tor 20 'years. 60.; . - Orlelnal The Standard 'Bellamy for- State Senator. Bellamy, for, State Senator. SHE SUFFERED TEH MONTHS Mrs- BIankenship Tells of Her Kestorabon to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-1 , etable Compound, FARMERSr FLORISTS, AMATEUR GARDENERS. ; ":v v Price, 50c- EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE ONE FOR HER ROSE BUSHES, HEDGES, ETC. ,, We ' have botK'ODry" and Liquid Sprayers ; Also Patent liquid Sprayers working with air pressure; prices, $d.5U and $7.50. f - ' l ml ElUston, Va, "I -feel it my duty to express my thanks for what Lydia E. finkham s Vegeta ble Compound has done for me. I was a sufferer from fe male troubles and had been confined in bed over one third of my. time for ten months. : I coujld not do my: housework and had fain tine: spells sO that myhus- band mnlrl tint Iasvo pealone for five minutes at a timeV , "Now I have been restored to health and it has come from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. When ever I see a suffering woman I Want to tell her , what tins median has done lor me and I will alwava ""ivi iur Mrs. KOBERT BLANK- . : 'upwu, b., montgomery vkx Was nelplcss Now Well. Trenton, Mo.'About two years ago I hadiemale trouble and inflammation so bad that I was literally helpless and had to be tended like a "baby. , I. could not vvw ray Doay or lift my foot for such severe pains jfcat I had to scream. Iyrai very nervous and had n wmW... r-JSrte5f"l, Vle Com- tVTaX t "r,"';1 pe to such an extent uunK mere is no medicine like it for female troubles. I am up and able to do my work atrain aA r &ane pr other snflFeHntr - --..wj.vm Trenton, Mo. LM. Jacob! Hardware iCbi j MEMBERS TRADE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION. I ii ii FOR TO-DAY WE START OUR . ' f CLEARANCE SALE, f r ,If you want to know the VVllY---sirnply because we Need the Room, and because it Makes Us More Friends. This is YOUR sale. YOU KNOW You will Profit when you look at these Prices:. MEN'S SHOES. $5.00 Patent BaL and Button, . .. v. . . . . .$3.48 $4.00 Patent, Gun Metal and Tan. . . . $2.98 $3.50 Tan and Gun Metal. . :.. . .... .. ..$2.48 $2.50 Gun Metal, Box Calf and Vici, plain, lace and congress . J 'J. ;. .$1.98 One Lot $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes, to close out $1.98 BOYS' SHOES: $3.00 Gun Metal and Patent Colts . ... ..... .$2.39 $2.50 Gun Metal and Vici Bluchers . . $1.98 : Little Gents tq,13, several lots i v . . 1 . . 98c to $1.69 ' LADIES' SHOES : $4.00 Patent, Gun Metal and Tan . .. . . $2.98 $3.50 Patent, Gun .Metal and Tan . . . . ... $3.00 Patent Blucher and Button . . . . . $2.50 Patent and Gun Metal. . . . . . . - One Lot of $3.50 and $4.00, to close out. . $1.50 and $1.75 Felt Slippers . . : . . . . . . r MISSES' SHOES 11 y2 to 2. $2.50 Gun Metal, Patent and Tans . . . . . . $2.00 Vici Kid and Patent Colt . . $10 and $1.75 Kid Button .. . . . . . . : CHILD'S SHOES-i-5 to 8. $1.50 and $1.75 Patent, Tan and Gun Metal. . $1.29 One Lot 4l2 to! . . V : ; -JB . . ; lYt . . . . .89c You either Need Shoes 'JUGHT- NOW, or you will Need Them Soon. Come Early,' and get a Good Selec tion. Nothing but Standard Makes, i . .$2.68 . . $2.39 . .$1.98 . .$1.98 .: .98c . .$1.89 . .$1.69 . .$1.39 ' WILMINGTQN, N. C ' 1 - - Ii ... . M Filing J Bellamy for State Senator;; IS Uie the New ' & E." Direct Name System of Verti cal Filings yrVr '.A; i,;---- 'v-:.r -. . See bur Window, or 'phone us. - Exclusive Agent.for Yawman& Erbe Mfg. Co. on all Men's-and Boys' Suits Overcoats In of deS to close but balance of winter goods, ; we oner our entire stock -:.;.r tqttf fine dotting f 7 We" haver for sale: one 22-ton Standard Gaufee 'Locomotive", in flrst- Scondi-Ion at a afBaa--'ncB..:.We wish to purchase a. 15-ton Nar row GaUgO LlOCOmOttV! iTl'-Crtnrf nrdor Wa haira a ioevtrs ior saiejiaiso Cotter Engines -and Machinery of all kinds. i-v,'.ir you want to iuy oreelj machinery, or any information about same, - ao me ubuj tuia xiuiiiuiaciurers. . Office and W9rk8.foot of Orange street. . ' : WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. At ONE FOURTH OFF their regular value; J. i?i:-r?rcT':.-(r-AP lill THE ATLANTIC INN Convenient "to the Traveling Public. -' -Large rooms & good service w :' r..;'. One-Price Clothiers . and Furnishers : -'V Phone 673 S. W. Corner Front and Princess St5 I Opposite Union Depot Gieschen Bros. -Props. .1 . f ': -t. . 1 ...

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