-t.,.... t - - 'J v Hi W A. THE JiOKNTNG STAR, WHiMLNOTQK, N. C., THURSDAY MAY 9 1 912 PAGKK 3. DAY'S DOINGS 111 RALE Big Corporation for Concord Chair man of Board of Commissioners Resigns Wake Superior Court Other Notes (Special Sftir Correspondence.) Raleigh, N. C, May 8. The Secre tary cf State chartered today The ;.iiis Manufacturing Co., of Concord, for the purpose of taking over the cot ,,,n milling plant of The Roberta Man i;iucturing Co. The capital is $7o,000 authorized and $15,000 subscribed by .1. c. Rankin, S. U- Robinson, P. M. Keller and L.. A. Brown. Burwell Casey and his wife, Mrs. Lola .Casey, were committed to the pVnitentiary today to serve ten years t-ch for implication in the noted Whitted murder in Craven county, they having just been convicted and sentenced in Craven criminal court. The convicts were brought to the state's prison by Deputy Sheriff M . C. Williams. Because he has wearied of the con stant strife and contest that has char acterized the efforts of the board of commissioners in directing the af fairs of Wake county, Chairman D. T. .lohnson, prominent retired merchant here, has resigned the chairmanship ,;nd his membership on the board. His accessor will be named by the clerk i,: the court, Millard Mial. Johnson has been chairman four years and a iaembcr of the board for six years. In retiring he expresses regret that an ; t of" the last Legislature virtually do-: from the commissioners the con trol of the finances of the county Through making it possible for offi cials to be appointed by authorities not directly responsible to the people, .nr.iblv the county superintendent of health .whose pay, through a combina- ..n of circumstances came to be fix- . .,i hv the State Board of Health. He insists that all salaries of county offi cers should be controlled by the coun tv commissioners responsible to th( people. The Wake County Board of Educa- ordered an election in Wake 'oiPt township on the question of lo , al tax tor the improvement of public -ehools. Judge Bragaw, in the Superior roiirr, has ordered a non-suit in the ,-a-e of Richmond Cedar Works vs. j'r.j. L. Roper Lumber Co., involving "im;o damages in a swamp land deal .'n Tyrrell county. The plaintiff ap , ea'.s to the Supreme Court. In a suit of State's Prison vs. Hoff man Bros., Norfolk, involving $500 in a big peanut deal, Judge Bragaw, in the Superior Court, has made a ruling in favor o the Prison aupthorities. The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce has placed W. S. Wilson, corporation clerk in the Department of State, at the head of a special committee that he will select to have immediate charge of the entertainment of the delegates to the Republican and Demo cratic State conventions, the plan be- inor to nave buu-tumuiiiLcca m ivn . ter delegations by counties and that all that can be done for group of delegates is provided. A NOTABLE CELEBRATION see each GORILLA NEGRO ARRESTED. on r.harasd With Criminal Assault Daughter Realty Deal Notes. (Special Star Correspondence.) Kinston. N. C, May 8 Edgar Pb.il lius, a negro of the gorilla type, was arrested several miles from here yes terday by a deputy sheriff on a war rant charging him with attempted criminal assault on his own daughter. The warrant was sworn out by Phil lips' wife and the girl, who iB about 16 years of age. The man is held in default of bond. An important realty deal is record ed, bv which a piece of property front ins; 92 feet on West Gordon street and 110 feet in depth, was deeded to Cope land Bros., the consideration being nnn Thp C.nneland Bros., a firm dealing in livestock, will use the ground to build an extension to their p tables facing on North street, thus completing one of the largest build ings of the kind in the State. Another valuable property, owned by Geo. B. Webb, near the Norfolk Southern depot, was sold to Guy Webb, cf Norfolk, under execution. The Property brought $11,015. subject, to confirmation by Superior Court. The Kinston Merchants' Association has declared its opposition to the en actment of a parcels pest law. While the organization is not opposed to a limited parcels delivery by mail over oc,h1 rural free delivery routes, it was recorded that in its opinion a ueneral parcels post law would be in jurious to all merchants outside the lrreer cities, that it would burden the mails with gocds of mail order hous many of which are fraudulent, and would enable such concerns to more easily practice fraud on people in ru ral districts. 1"h Diamond Jubilee Oak Ridge I nsti- tute Sixty Years of Progress (Special Star Correspondence.) Oak Ridge, N. C, May 8. On Wed nesday and Thursday, 15,th and 16tb of this month, the Diamond Jubilee of Oak Ridge Institute will be celebrated in great style. Sixty years ago the wide awake and progressive citizens of this community met and organized a company to establish a school of (high grade for the preparation of young men for college, for business and for life. Buildings Tvere erected, wide awake teachers were employed, libraries and philosophical apparatuses were purchased, and the school open ed September, 1852. It became at once very popular, drew, students from all over the South. Men like John M. Davis, Dr. David R. Bruton, William Shields, Green Whittington, Prof. Pickard and others, were in charge of the school until the outbreak of the war in the Spring of '61. At the call for volunteers during that Spring ev ery student volunteered and went to .the front, many of them never re turned alive. The school re-organized immediate ly following the war and continued its successful work, undismayed by fire and other calamities, under such men as O. C. Hamilton. Pendleton King, CD. Hines and W. S. Crouse, 'until the Spring of 1875. In September of that year J. Allen Holt took, charge of the school. In the year of '78 and '79 he was joined (by his brother, Martin H. Holt, a ipartnership being formed which has lasted until the present time. In 1S80 the school passed by purchase into the bands of the present principals, and since that time its history has been an open book read of all men. .The work done by this school in the preparation of men for success ful entrance into the various colleges of our country, for the various profes sions open to wide awake young men in the various departments of business life, is too well known throughout the South to need at the hands of these writers any words of commendation. It is sufficient to say that the name Oak Ridge Institute has been a syno nym for all that is excellent in the mental and moral development of men It is recognized everywhere as one of the very few first-class private preparatory schools in the South. At the Diamond Jubilee the annual coT-mrm will be nreacned by Rev. K. C. Craven, class of '87, pastor of Trin ity M E. church, Durham, NT. C. The alumni address will be delivered by Supt. Robert H. Wright, of the East ern Training School, Greenville, N. C, class of '92. The principal address will be delivered by his Excellency Hon W. W. Kitchin, Governor of North Carolina. Invitations have been extended to Gov. Mann, of Virginia, and Gov. Blease, of South Carolina, to be present Addresses will also be delivered on io-,t nf tav 15th. and afternoon of May 10m, uy "n -- the leading alumni of the institution, representing every period in the school's life. . . The most cordial invitation is here by extended to every alumnus of Oak Ridge Institute in this and otner States to be present with us and make the occasion to all one long to be re membered. Entertainment will be provided in the dormitories and homes of our people feo far as possible. Ac commodations can also be had at the hotels in Greensboro, Kernersville and Winston-Salem, between which places and Oak Ridge Institute a line of au tomobiles will operate Trusting that our ineuu., patrons, as well as all the alumni of the school, will be present and help make the occasion a glad one we are, Yours very cordially, J. A. and M. H. 'HOLT. BERRY SEASON HEAR CLOSE Indications Point to a "TotaL Crop of IX 1,600 Cars Prices Not So Good Now 1,000 Cars So Far Shipped With two-thirds of the strawberry season gone and about 1,000 cars shipped from this- section so far, every indication points that the first esti mate of a total crop of 1,600 cars will be realized. The season will come to a close about May 20th, and it is believed- that easily 600 cars will be shipped during the remaining 10 days. The heaviest shipments of the sea son were made last Saturday when 150 cars were moved out of the Chadbourn and W. & W., sections. In all about 500 cars were shipped last week and about the same number will . go for ward this week. Last week prices went to pieces on account of bad weather in New York, but with the better weather toward the close of the week they became steadier. This week prices are dis couraging again, rains having fallen Monday and Tuesday, damaging the berries to some extent. Then, too, the growers in the Norfolk section have been shipping berries for sev eral days and this tends to glut the 'markets in some cities. The crop in the Norfolk, section is said To be very good this season. However, considering the large crop, and the prices that prevailed during the earlier part of the season, even should the present low prices continue for the remainder of tho season, it is said that the crop will have been one ot ie best in many years and then growers will have no reason to feel dissatisfied with the returns. (COMES BLOOT POISON When the blood becomes infected with the virus of Contagious Blood Poison, the symptoms are soon manifested. The mouth, and throat ulcerate copper-colored spots appear, a red rash breaks but, the hair begins to come out, and usually sores and ulcers show themselves on different parts of the body. At the first sign of the disease S. S. is. should be taken, for the trouble is too powerful and dangerous to trifle with. If allowed to run-on the tendency is to work down and attack the bones and nerves, and some times it makes a complete physical wreck: of the sufferer. The disease can make no such headway if S. S. S. is commenced and used according to direc tions: its 'progress can be stopped, the poison removed, and health reserved. S. S. S. goes into the blood and removes the Insidious virus, cleanses the circulation and makes a complete and permanent cure by driving out the cause. S. S. S. quickly takes effect on the blood, and grad uallv the symptoms disappear, the health is improved, the skin cleared ot -3 1 1 1 1 i- 1 A I 3 - all spots, sores tmu. ,uieimsnes, ana wnen o. e. o. nas tnorougniy punnea tne circulation no trace Of the disease is left. S. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, cures Contagious Blood Poison because it is the greatest of all blood puri fiers, tested and proven for more than forty years. Home treatment book and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA, GAi E. M. Koonce, ville, N. C, spent city. Esq.. of Jackson last night in the W. P. Mangum Turner, was in South port yesterday on business. Esq., legal BERRIES AT ROCKY POINT. Situation Not so Encouraging Color ed Man Lost Money Peanuts. ( Snecial Star Correspondence.) Rocky Point, N. C, May 7 The jerry situation has struck bottom and Ies on platform today were at $1 er -2 quart crate. Conditions of North rn markets some better than yester 'ay. from 6 to 14 ctmxs. Mr. J. C. ! utrh. one of the largest growers here, says he has gone in the hole "'1.2'. on ten acres. There will be n.ii ny luscious berries plowed under ' ) plant cotton and corn. The latteT has reached $1.15 per bushel mark, if l as a general thing the berry man i .a es most of his eggs in one basnet, 'Hi.' bean autlock is not as promising i- was ten days since. Foliage -'( -ks yellow. Jim Holmes, an old- : "ie. befo-de-wah darkey, had his 1 . nk basted last night by a tramp nig- who stole therefrom 12. Mr. ;' -an 15. Davis is flushing peanut land 'a a three-horse Oliver plow the v 'm ;: is done right. Helps A Judae In Bad Fix Justice Eli Cherry, of Glllis Mills, i ' iin.. was plainly worried. A bad ('1'1' on his leg had baffled several doc- '!"- and long resisted all remedies ! -hought it was a cancer," he wrote. At. last I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve ;,a i was completely cured." Cures b nns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises and I's. 2o cents at R. R. Bellamy's. Titanic Disaster today Palace. Titauic Disaster today Palace. DUNN NEWS NOTES Closing of Graded Schools Personal And Other Items (Special Star Correspondence.) rAfnn, N. C.May 8 .-The closing exercises of the Dunn graded school will begin tomorrow afternoon with recitations and songs. On L ;. Rov H ai. imuilii vim r- f.! L-1.i;,09tP sermon at the new "nw.t:r ;hrh: the exercises will be contmuea on when Prof. N. Y. uuny win Sie address of the occasion, and the diplomas will be delivered to the grad uating , T, Tct Pnl- Prof. Brewer, oi va.c A "r- JT' lege. delivered me uii r: - . ine of the Coats graded scnooi r.ma Sfht Citizens of the town are proud Stte progress the school has made Ill luc F"-"- T;n -nnVPTlP 4.4. CJ,i WrtT"" rr I II II L Will - tiarnev-L ou' 9nth with in Islington Monday, May : 20th witn t . j uro. nrpttidine. Tnis is a im. juuge !- i -r tupro is a r ami n ill in. ao n'- E3S "case try and sever.. oer . rrim na cases it is naroiy nossibie to reach the civil docket. p0 Warner.- who was post- mistress ior r-iC; ,7 - anQ town, nas mucu r t ' , i it. v.,,oq. from Mr. r . 1 Me'ssengUl Her daughter Miss Meta A- McKay Aug. oo., RPV H. c. carnea, ui - . at lue iuu" He exebangea H. Shore, the regular pastor. . Li. Wll&UU amw frt t Luke s m iucuiuuuu j CRITICAL TIME OF WOMAN'S LIFE From 40 to 50 Years of Age. How It May Be Passed in Safety. Odd, Va.: "I am enjoying better health than I have for 20 years, and I believe I can safely say now that I am a well woman. I was reared on a farm and had all kindsof heavy work to do which caused the troubles that came on me la ter. For five year during the Change of Life I was not able to lift a pail of wa ter. I had hemor rhages which would last for weeks and I was not able to sit up in bed. I suffered a great deal with my back and was so nervous I could scarcely sleep at night, and I did not do any housework for three years. "Now I can do as much work as any woman of my age in the county, thanks to the benefit I have received from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I recommend your remedies to all suffering women." Mrs. Martha L. Hollow ay, Odd, Va. No other medicine for woman s ills has received such wide-spread and unquali fied endorsement. We know of no other medicine which has such a record of success as has Lydia E. Pinkham'3 Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has been the standard remedy for woman's ills. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. V DAVID'S OU'LL see a lot of these fine suits on well-dress- J ed men this Jpring; clothes that have a distinction of style about them that isn't found with most clothes you see. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX design them that way; smart style; they give a man an air of quality which none but best clothes can give. You want these clothes, and we know it; that's one reason we sell them; the other reason is, they're the kind of clothes you ought to want; the kind that are best for you to wear. Copyright Hart SchaCbcr s THE A, DA VID COMPANY This store is the home of Hart, SchafTner & Marx clothes Jno. B. Stetson Hats and Manhattan Shirts. ATLANTIC COAST LINE April Mh, IMS. Arrivals and Departures . ot Trains a Wilmlngtea, Time Mot Guaranteed. Effective DEPARTURES : TO AND FROMT ARRIVALS: Goldsboro, Richmond. Norfolk a8d Eastern North Carolina points. Connects at No. 90, Goldsboro with Southern Railway and. No. 91, 13:40 A.M. Norfolk Southern Railroad. No. 91 a 10 AM. leaves Norfolk !3:35 P. M. and Richmond !4:10 P. M. ; ; Chadbourn, Conway, Florence, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Ft. No. 51, Myers, Columbia and Ashevtlle. Pullman No. 60, Sleeping Cars Between Wilmington and 5:35 AM. Columbia, open to receive, passengers at 12;30AM. Wilmington at and after 10:00 P. M., and may be occupied until 7:00 A. M. No. 64, Jacksonville, Newbern. and Intermediate No. 65, ! 5:50 A.M. Stations. ! 6:25 P.M. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Wash No. 48, ington. ' Pullman Parlor Cars between No. 49, Wilmington and Norfolk, connecting at 8 :30 A. M. Rocky Mount with New York- Trains with 6 :15 P. M. Pullman Service. No. 53, Solid train between Wilmington and .Mt. No. 62, 8:45 A.M. Airy, via Fayetteville and Sanford. 8:05 P.M. Chadourn, Conway ('), Florence, Charles- N. 55, ton, Savannah, All Florida Points, Co- No. 54, lumbla, Asheville and the West. Puli- 3:15 P.M. man Sleeping Cars between Wilmington 1:40 P.M. and Columbia. No. 62, Jacksonville, Newbern and Intermediate No. 63, 4:35 P.M. Stations. 12:55 P.M. No. 59, Fayetteville, Sanford and Intermediate No. 60, ! 6 :30 P. M. Stations. 110 : 15 A. M. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washing ton and New York. Pullman Broiler, Buf No. 42, fet Sleeping Cars between Wilmington . No. 41, and Washington, connecting with New 7:00 P.M. York trains, with Pullman and Dining 10 :00 A.M. Car Service. Pullman Sleeping Cars be tween Wilmington and Norfolk. No. 57, Chadbourn, Conway and Intermediate No. 58, ? 7 :30 P. M. Stations. . ! 8:30 A. M. Daily. ! Daily except Sunday. a Dally except Monday. For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc., call 'phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. WILMINGTON, N. C. . II J fillAd the pulpit church last sunaay. pulpits with Rev. J. They were accom- S. Hicks, the fam- for an operation, nanifta "by iDr. G ffE3r force haS been mov- ,Tnon townsWp has voted a tax lor frnod roaas ana uvc - gd to do a good "bit of work on the roads in and arounu l,""6" SPRING TONICS. Are not 'the products of supersti tion. Like most old customs, there is sound scientific reason underneath. "That tired feeling" is simply poi Ronine of the brain and nerves by to?insg carried to them in the blood Spring is nature's time for renewing everything-" is time to purify and elyblooright-that is all the tonic you need. There is just one blood preparation that will give you this triple guarantee: Gwanteed to benefit or money refunded: Quar- a ntnin no alcohol: Guar- anteed under the pure food law. No dangerous drags of any sort The om i mit.aM. Buy six bottles for back if not bene- fitted. Ask your ivuggi. ASM TO ZONE The great Germ Destroyer, Disinfectant and Insecti cide, will positively Kill Bed Bugs. Mission Pharmacy 5 No. Front. 'Phone: 799 WHY NOT TRY PQPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY Gives Prompt and Positive Belief In Every Case. Sold by Druggists. Price 81.00. Trial Package oy Mail 10c. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props. Clereland, 0. For Sale by J. H. Banting Drug Co. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. Office of the Treasurer. Wilmington, N. C, May 1st, 1912. The Board of Directors of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has de clared a dividend of two and one-half per cent, on the Preferred Capital Stock of that Company, payable at the office of the Treasurer, at Wilming ton, N. C, on and after May 10th, 1912. The transfer books are closed from the 29th day of April, 1912, to May 10th, 1912, both dates inclusive. JAMES F. POST ma 5-to-10. Treasurer. Titanic Disaster today Palace. Titanic Disaster today Palace. Titanic Disaster today Palace. Titanic Disaster today Palace. " -Jjv 'C' Shoo Fly ? ? O O Join the Anti-Fly Crusade. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS ' All Regular Sizes and Grades. Spe cial Sizes to Your Order. FLY FANS. WIRE FLY KILLERS Bronze, Galvanized and Black Wire Cloth. N. Jacobi Hardware 10 and 12 So. Front St Co. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 4th, .191$ Winter Park, Wrightsville Beach and Interme diate Points. EAST BOUND : WEST BOUND: VIC TOR- VIC TROLA . Every home should have a Victor-Victrola, because it brings to you the Best Music of all the world, and gives you a complete understanding of the Masterpieces of the Great Composers, such as you can acquire in no other way. It touches the heart-strings and develops the emotion al part of our nature, freshens the tired mind and light ens the Cares and worries of every-day life. The World's Greatest Musical Instrument. Prices: $15.00 to $200.00 each. C. W. YATES & CO. MARKET STREET. R. tS. TUCKE The Monument Man 519 North Second Street Thone 197-J and ask for his Latest Designs of Monuments. j Leave Wil- Leave Wil- Leave Wil- Leave Win- Eeave Leave mington mington mington ter Park Wrights- Wrights- for for for for ville for ville Beacb Winter Wrights- Wrights- Wilming- Wilining- for Wil- Park ville ville Beach ton ton mington 6:30 A.M. 6:30 A.M. 6:30 A.M. 6:25 A.M. 6:15A.M 6:55A.M. G:55A.M 7:35 " 7:25 " 8:10 " 7:55 " 7:45A.M. 8:00A.M. 8:00 " 8:40 " 8:30 " ! 8:00 " ! 8:00 " ! 8:00 " !9;10 " ! 8:55 " ! 8:45 ' 8:30 " 8:30 " 8:30 " 9:40 " 9:25 " 9:15 " 9:30 " ! 9:30 " !10:15 " !10:00 " , 10:00 " 10:00 " 10:00 " 11:10 " 10:55 " 10:45 " 11:30 " 11:30 " 11:30 " 12:40 " 12:25 " 12:15 " 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:10 P.M. 1:55 P.M. 1:45 P.M. 1:30 " 1:30 " 1:30 " 2:40 " J 2:25 " 2:15 " 2:00 " 2:00 " 2:00 " 3:10 " 2:55 " 2:45 " 2:30 " 2:30 ' 2:30 " 3:40 " 3:25 " 3:15 " 3-00 " 3:00 " 3:00 " 4:10 " 3:55 " 3:45 " 3:30 " 3:30 " 3:30 " 4:40 " 4:25 " 4; 15 " 4:00 " 4:00 " 4;00 " 5;10 " 4:55 " 4:45 " 4:30 " 4:30 " 4:30 " 5:40 " 5:25 " 5:15- " 5:00 " 5:00 " 5:00 " 6:10 " 5:55 " 5:45 ' 5:30 " 5:30 " 5:30 " 6:50 " 6:35 " 6:25 " 6:10 " . 6:10 " 6:10 " 7:10 " 7:00 " 6:50 " 7:10 " ' 7:10 " 7:10 " 8:10 " 8:00 " 7:50 " 8:30 " 8:30 " 8:30 " 9:40 " 9:25 " 9:15 " 10:00 " 10:00 " 10:00 " 11:10 " 10:55 " 10:45 " 11:00 " 11:00 " 11:40 " - 11:30 " Cars marked do not run on Sundays. Cars marked ! ran Sundays only. Cars marked run Saturdays only. FREIGHT SCHEDUjLE; Daily. Except Sunday. Leave 9th and Orange Sts 10:00 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Quickest and BestLlne West and Northwest. Block System. Rock Ballast. 85-lb. Ralls. Schedule in Effect February 12, 1911: Lv. Norfolk I 8:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Lv. Petersburg . . . w.ll :00 a.m.10:40 p.m. Lv. Durham .... . 7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Lv. Lynchburg . . . .1 2 :40 a.m. 6:25 p.m. Ar. Cincinnati 7:20a.m. 6:25 p.m. Ar. Columbus 6 :45 a.m.l 6 :55 p.m. Ar. Chicago 5 :00p.m. 7:30 a.m. Ar. St. Louis 6:33 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Close connections made for Seattle, San Francisco and all Western points. Pullman sleeping and parlor cars N. and W. Cafe dining cars. Equipment and ser vice standard of excellence. Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains crossed at most picturesque parts. Time tables, descriptiv literature and information free. Correspondence Invited. W. B. BEVILL, Gen. Pass. Agent, Roanoke; Va. C. H. BOSLEY, Dist. Pass. Agent. Richmond. Va. FOR SOUTHPORT i (By Harper Steamboat Line.) STEAMER WILMINGTON. M. M. Leav Wilmington dally at 10:0Q A. . : - . Leave Southport daily at 1:30 P. a egg omig 'amid Titos We have a small quantity of each of these articles left Vir ginia Meal, Gallego Meal, Tennes see Meal, Kiln-Dried Corn and all other heavy groceries. THE STONE CO. Wholesale Grocers and Distributors. Wilmington, N. C. Air Lino Railway SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APBIL 9th, 1912. TRAINS IEAVB WILMINGTON, N. O. No. 455 A. M. arrive Hamlet, 9 :05 A. M. Leave Hamlet 9:25 A. M. ; arrive Charlotte, 12:10 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with train 66, at 9:05 A. M. with through train for Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond and points North. At Monroe, with train 53 for Atlanta and points South. Daily sleeper for Charlotte. Open for occupancy at 10 P. M. No. 393:25 P. M. ; arrive Hamlet 7:40 P. M. ; leave Hamlet 8 P. M. ; arrive Charlotte, 11 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with through trains for Atlanta, Birmingham, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa. Also Nor folk, Richmond and all points north. Pull man chair car maintained between Wil mington and Charlotte. TRAINS ARRIVE WILMINGTON, N. O. No. 4012:30 P. M., from Charlotte and Intermediate points. No. 44 12:10 A. M., from Charlotte and intermediate points. For further information, telephone or ap ply to the undersigned. CLAUDE MURRAY, Union Ticket Agt. 'Phone No. 1294. F. A. FETTER, Commercial Agent, Orton Hotel. 'Phone No. 178. H. S. LEARD, Div. Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. C. B. RYAN, Gen.- Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va. mhl9-tf Clyde Steamship Company to NEW YORK and GEORGETOWN, . CL I J. F. LE T ER ARCHITECT C7-ZS-Z1 CarrM BitllJInf. New Vork -tw Wllttilngton. S. S. "Navaboe," . v Friday, May 10th, 1912 S. S. "Carib," . . . .Friday, May 17th, 1912 Wilmington to New York. S. "Carib," . . .Saturday, May 11th, 1912 S. "Navahoe," .Saturday, May 18th, 1812 Wilmington to Georgetown. S. S. "Navahoe," . .Monday, May 13th, 1912 S. S. "Carib,". . .. Monday, May 20th, 1912 Through bins of lading and loweai through rates guaranteed to and from sJE points in North and South Carolina. - For freight, apply to H. Q. SMALLBONES, Sup't Wilmington, N. G H. K. MATNARD. Freight Traffic Manager. H. H. RAYMOND, V.-P. and G. M!. southern Bap Company WltMINOTOM BOOM 513. THONE SIX BLUE-PRINTS southern mnrxBCTOi 8 111 11 M mm V r . - ,, , V- -.-

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