3 , -. i - r - IS J .' - -. ; . ... ... , v . ' A -if - - - - -X- - c'aii - ; THE HOBNINGr STAB, WPVMiyGKirOiSr: C.TXTOBSDAlYX jXryE ift 1912. SPORTING EVENTS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Xtesalta iMtwr. At Boston. 4 ; Clncianatl, ' , Second Boston, 0; Cincinnati, 5. At Brooklyn. 3; St. Louis. 1. At Philadelphia-Chicago (rain). At New Tork, 5; PlttBburgr, 4. V StMdlar rtksjcIaWt. Cinb: Won. Lost P.C. New York -.38 tO .702 Pittsbunr --27 21 .563 Cincinnati .-30 24 s .556 Chicago ,2tt 21 -- .553 ThllntlnMn . -20 24 .455 St. Lonla ,22 32 .40? Brooklyn IT 80 .362 Rmtnn . 18 SO JJoo Brooklyn. June 17. Pitcher Ting ling was in difficulty tnuch of the time today, but rallied brilliantly when there were men on bases and had a 8 to 1-Victory over St Louis when the game was stopped . by a ternnc rain storm In the eighth Inning. Harmon was hit freely, but not consecutively after the. third. St. Louis .. ... ..108 000 001 6 1 Brooklyn Ill 000 Ox 3 10 2 Harmon and Wingo; Yingling.and Miller. Time 1:42. Umpires Bren nan and -Emslie. ' Boston, June 17. During the ninth. innine this afternoon while rain fell, Cincinnati found Dickson for Mur singles and a double, netting five runs and -winning the game. Cincinnati ..l ...00d 000 005 5 6 2 Boston . . ... .000 600 0000 10 1 Dickson and Kling; Suggs and Mc Lean. Time 1:45. Umpires Klem and Bush. Bostonr June 17. Two home runs were responsible for Boston winning the game, ; this morning.- uampDeii a fleldingT wag a . feature, 'l Boston'.: '.. ..000 002 02x 4 8 0 Cincinnati,.; 002. 000 OOl- 8 1 Perdue and Kling; Humphries and McLean. ,Time 1:35 Umpires Klem and Bush. . . New York, June 17. Marquard tied the modern record for consecutive victories here "today, when he won a stern 11-inning pitchers battle from Marty O'TooIe. , Marquard . has now won 14 straight games. Today's game was played between thunder storms, play being called for about a quarter of an hour after the fifth Inning.,' Pittsburg ...100 020 000 01 ft 12 1 New, York -..100 010 010 "02 5 8 1 ' OToole and Kelly; Marquard and Meyer; time 2:44; umpires RIgler and FInneran. ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. Results Yesterday: At Chicago. 1; Boston. 4. Sunday Games. At Chicago. 4; Boston. . At Detroit. 6; Philadelphia. 8. At St. Louis-New York. (rata). At Cleveland-Washington, (rain). Chicago, June 17. Boston OUthit Chicago today and won the final game fcof the series 4 to 1. It was Boston' third successive victory over Jhica-j Chicago .. . f . .'ooo ood ioo i 6 e Boston .. ..000 201 001 4 13 1 Walsh and Kuhn and Sullivan; (Hall and Cady. Time 2:05. -Umpires DI neen and Sheridan. v . South Atlantic League At Savannah I; Jacksonville 5. At Columbus 3; Columbia 0. At Albany 0; Macon 6." , . Southern League -At Memphis 1; Chattanooga 0. At Montgomery 2; New Orleans 5. At Nashville 2; Atlanta 9. Second: Nashville?; Atlanta 4. At Mobile 0; Birmingham 3. " Appalachian' League At Bristol 3; -Cleveland 2. At Johnson City3; AshevillerO. Second: Johnson City 5; Asheville one. ' : At Morristown 5 ;. Knoxrille 0. j American Association . . - At ladhntapoilst Paul, c rain, i " "At Colranbna OrKansas City t At Louisville-Milwaukee; rain; At Toledo;; Minneapolis 3., v . - International League ' ; At Baltimore .Xl Rochester 3. Second: Rochester 2; Baltimore 3. At Jersey. City 1; Toronto 0. At Newark: 1; Buffalo 1. (Six in nings, -darkness). At Providence' 3; Montreal 7. United .States League. At Richmond 2;. Pittsburg 1. , Virginia League At Norfolk 2i Newport News 8; innings, rain.) AX Petersburg. 11; Roanoke . 1. -At Portsmouth 3 ; : Richmond 1 ; innings, rain ' (5 A (5 CONGRESS ALMOST IN ECLIPSE. Few Meetings May Endanger the An nual Appropriation Bills. Washington, June 16. Congress will be In almost a total eclipse during the next fortnight The Senate, perfunc-; torily meeting a few. aninutea every third day, will transact na business. The House may pass the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill tomorrow. . The delay of enactment of a dozen annual appropriation bills, which pro vide for the operation of the govern ment, will make it necessary for both houses , to pass a concurent resolution about July 1st, continuing the present supply bills Into, the next .fiscal ; year for a brief period, with probable later extensions-, of. the period.. The : last similar embarrassing situation was in the 53rd Congress,., .almost 20 years aga . - - JUNE GOING TO FAYETTEVILLE , .28TH? SURE!, says" the man who never falls to take advantage of a splendid trip. Knight's .big excursion to Fay ttevllle on Friday, June .28th, will leave the ;Union-,StatIon at 7:00 A. M. Hundreds of Wiimmgtonlans have sig mlfied their intention of taking this delightful. trip, so watch th&etream of people on the way to the depot and you .,will be convinced of': the great opportunity ot. the excursions If yon want to enjoy the finest excursion ever run. out of Wilmington by any. xailroad line, just pack up your, "duds" for a day's trip and get aboard and see for yourself.it this is not a fact Can you imagine-a more glorious .outing, than the above.; especially at this, the., most beautiful season of, the yeart v Spend the day in Fayetteville And enjoy the finest ; outing, you, , ever had. " There will be separate cars for white and .colored people.: -Train wfll leave Un- loii -Station at .7:00 A. M. .and', will leave Jfayettevme on the return at 9 : 30 r P. M. i The round trip fare is only ?I5." - ., , THE LAX-FOt WAY. If you had a medicine that would strengthen the Uyer, the stomach, the kidneys . and ' the bowels, and at the same time jnake." you strong, with a systemic tonie; dont yon -believe you would soon :be well?v ' . l That's ."The'Lax-Fos Way .: Weiaakfjrou ltO' buy .the first fcottle on the money-back plan, and yon will ask .your druggist; to, sell yon the sec ond. : ; V. - . 1 ":'v It keeps your whole Insides right . There Is nothing else made Tike LaxFosv- '.-.v Remember the name LAX-F03, . wuu . - Boston Washington Chicago .. . Philadelphia Detroit . . Cleveland . . New fork . St Looia . Standi f the Clubs t Won. Joflt. . . . . .35 ' " . .33 : . . ...28 x. . . .28 .. .. r.23 IT . .. -.15 19 21 23 21 28 31 37 P.C ,648 .611 .589 .571 -404 .451 .354 .288 - BRYAN 'CHATS WITH T. R. a; Declines Offer' of Steam Roller Will Not be Needed." , T Chicago, June 16V-Willi&ni. Jennings Bryan was a centre ',: pt attr actipn n the reconvention scfene today, and though-appearing at the. headquarters of leaders of ?a opposing pajfty as,; a newspaper vreporteVras given a dem onstration by - the. vthrpng yisitprs end delegates. V- :; .-ifj -V; Mr.: Bryan had a personal chat, with Theodore Roosevelt late in the day after he had- Interviewed Senator Dixr on, the Roosevelt campaign director, and" Managing Director 'McKInleyy: rlpf the Ta ft bureau. As he -entered" the hotel lobby, el-j bowing jliis . wiy through r the crowi, some one shouted ; "Hurrah f or Bry an!" and the Nebraskan was' given a ufemoBstrativelwelfeome: ; ' :t He was cheered for..eeverarm.inutes and icdntlhuou s cries of - fSpeech! speech!" came from all ; parts of $he lobby. Mr Bryan waved' his hand to the crowd ahd remarked to those near him that he had come "merely as a newspaper reporter" and not seeking the Presidential nomination from, a Republican convention. ' , "I came to see youf steam roller," said Mr. Bryan, as . he shook, hands with Congressman McKinley. .."Is It anywhere in sight?" ' 'o, we have laid" it aside," said Mr. McKinley. "but would be glad, to lend it to y oU if you would like, to have it at Balttmpre. . - - "Oh, no, we Democrats do not need it." Mr. Bryan, laughingly responded "We are going-to hold a model con vtntfoh.' - ' ' . 148 NEW PHYSICIANS. - 38 Applicants Failed, to 'Pass State Health Officers Meet. Hendersonville. N. C'June 17. The medical .examiners of. the 'State com- ! Dieted their work today" and selected wooicr xveainer Tor ixe rew YiyDr. W.. VV. Mctvenzre, or aansoury, as Also Predicted. - . f presiaem so succeea urr n. ix. uuuauu, of Greensboro. H. K. Hayes, of ox CAROLINA LEAGUE. . : Beaalta Testarday: At Winston-Salem. 1; Anderson, 2. At Charlotte. 1; Spartanburg, 2. At GreenTille. 5; Ureensboro. 4. Standing- ot the Clubs: Club : . Won Lost Anderson .. - 29 14 , Charlotte .24 19 . Spartanburg 23 22 Winston-Salem 22 25 Greenville .20 26 Greensboro 16 27 P.C. .674 .558 .511 .468 .425 .372 THIS TO BE A STORMY WEEK-. . Gives ;a-Mbst Delightful . Flavor W A V : y ,.r. imparx:tO tooas ine. uau:tast? xnax so jrequenuy -rcsuus , from the use of baking powders of inferior quality. V Sold, by all ood Grocers. Insist da haTin Iti ): yA RSiiTr J.J B ROWJsf, O EAD Passed Alwayat Rocky"Polnt-4f II; Less ;:lCtSThan 24 HJWv- V; '; , ' v' (Special Star -Telegram.) ; , Rocky JPpint, J. :une 17 Mrs. Ida Blai -Broi,: ageC,23 years,- be loved wife cf Mr, Thomas J. Brown, passed away about 12.-o'clock Sunday after an illness of less -than 24 hours.' The sudden death of Mrs. Brown canie as a great shock to her friends, and her- husband and four little,, children have. thex deepest sympathy ;of the en-! tire community, 'tior to her. marriage Mrs.. Brown was Miss Black of Gulf port;, Miss .V U The funeral Vas held yesterday from Pike. Creek -Presbyterian church and conducted by Rev. W, , Mi Sikes, the paston Remains were-laid to rest in the Pike . Creek church cemetery. - The reefer .coats - of black satin are destined tb.be a distinct feature of the Summer,, Ssea&MU r. - "a - . . - Washington, .June 16. An eastward storm now over the Great Lakes and1 nnithar Hlatnrhanna trk rrnaa t Vi a rnnni try, appearing in the. northwest about Thursday, were announced in the wea-s ther bureau's week-ahead forecast tc-l nlcht The prediction was for showera ins the East and South the first part of the week with rising temperature and cooler weather until the latter part of the week in the Middle West and the Eastern States, and fair the next sev eral days over the Middle West and Far West. The next disturbance from the Northwest, prevailing over the Middle West at the close of the week, will be attended by local showers and. thun der storms and preceded by a general rise fh temperature. ' DEVELOPMENT tN SOUTH. Seaboard Offers .Unlimited Opportuni . ' ties. Says Warfield. ; Atlanta. Ga., -June 17. For the pur pose of .interesting Atlanta and other Southern capital in the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, S. Da vies Warfield, of Baltimore, head of the syndicate which recently purchased a controlling Interest In that road, conferred with capitalists here today. ' According to Mr. Warfield, the pur-. cnase ot ine seanoara is part ot the pians or tne southern Settlement & Development Association, organized several tnontDa s?n at RuiHmAra hv Governors of eight Southern - States. and, several score prominent business men. - ' "The Seaboard deal is the first ble step we have taken . in the develop ment work,- said Mr. Warfield. 'It will offer almost unlimited opportuni ties for 'the commercial evolution we have In view. ford, was re-elected secretary. Thirty- eight applicants', for license failed to pass the examinations, une nunarea and twenty-ione passed on written ex aminations and three on oral, there be ing 22 licensed by reciprocity. The State Health Offlcets' Associa tion met here today in its second an nual, session. Dr. J. W. Brown made the address of welcome, the response being made by Dr. W. S. Rankin, of Raleigh. Dr, L. B. McBrayer, presi dent, cf -Asheville, made a short, ad dress iwhich.. was followed by reports of officers and committees and num bers of brief speeches. J. Y. Joyner, Dr. Potest and others spoke tonight. Scores f of physicians . from various parts of. the State supplement the large number here today t attend the 59th annual session of the State Medi cal Society, which convenes tomorrow for a session 'of four days. , The State Health Officers' Associa tion tonight elected Dr. L. N. Glenn, Of Gastonia, president; Dr: George M. Cooper, of Clinton, vice, president, and ur.- w.- s. Kaninn, or naieign, secreta ry and treasurer. j;:U.i,l.M IX I I I I I i-i-j- - WHO IS L. B. HALE? ; 4 "When Mr. A. D. Watts left A Washington and came to A North Carolina to enter poll- tics he; resigned his clerkship , "4 to senator Simmons commit tee and ceased to draw a sal- "JL ary rrom the government. i ;To know 'how little impor tance may be attached to Mr. 4 L. (B. Hale s, letter in The Star Sunday, It. Is only necessary to know "who he Is. and the foV- v lowing card' published In' Fay etteville explains - this ; " ;.: "Mr. Godwin's friends are X 4-- using . the . argument that the X nomination of Mr.'. Sinclair 4- K would cause Mr. L. B. Hate to A lose a little clerkship- In iA Washington. 1 . 'Ts Cumberland "to give up the tremendous advantage of having a Congressman, to keep a'-Fayetteville man In a little sinecure . clerkship? Have Mr. Godwin's managers found him such a , weak candidate . in Cumberland that they have decided to 'drop him and run Louis Hale against Sinclair? JU With Sinclair in Congress ev- X ery one knows that he would mane good there as he has done as ' Solicitor and the. county and city would reap the benefit What benefit does 4. the county derive by having . X naie m tne ciertship? Mr. Godwin is chairman of the Committee ,on Reform In the Civil Service, and Mr. Hale Is cler to that committee. That .committee has not made one 4 . single report to . Coneresa" ..since Mr. Godwin has been Its chairman, and - probably will " M not as Mr. Hale has not ren- , dered any . .service v- since' , X March. For three months he X has beeh away from his post X X of 'duty, '; with Mr. Godwin's r X consent, - working, politics for Mr. Godwin in North Carolina. . 4 and all that time drawing pay XI from tne ; peoples' money ;in;v the-Treasury at the rate: of $6.' X per, day, - including t Sundays. v-;4' ;iuat is.rerorming.r.ne jryu ft service, with a ; veneeancel 4 ' WhichJ win be worth "more, to K' X v: -the . county': and? city Louis X 4 . Hale," clerk', of :. a' ' committee X fA that Jias nothing ta.report.and ;;4 t-uai. Qoes.no t,' even jequira nis t X "services or presence, 'draw- v 4 X Ing $6 per day" of the peoples? "4 4 - money, or- Sinclair, ( In .'Con-. 4 4 gres where' he will faake good v. 4 as he has everywhere ' else, -r, 4 'I and " will , see! that our people : ;4 'X 'xeit "what'thev want f and' X ; needr aY,'- ; I-H'W .;..m-:. -iim':H MEN'S SUITS FOR Hot WeatherVear -if 0 vyi ' (ns. a. s. i7. orr.y The mc fabric- that has .proven satisfactory in every .particular COOL COMFORTABLE , DRESSY Hold their shape well; jc " - Seldom need pressing "Raia Vtll lelther spot nor wrinkle them" Sold by your leading local dealer in up-to-date exclusive styles , ; v. . . Suits made by Hamburger Bros. & Co. . factory i . ' , '.Baltimqee, Md. . Kew York Salesroom i H. I; 40. Broadway . . ' who ire piooecr la nuking ; these Saits sa4 v ."KNOW HOW" t ' TJtts stam on in side of garment NeiPerfect . ::-. ion Oil Cook-stove It suits the most exacting French " chef. It suits die liousewSe. It is found in luxurious -villas in camps in farms in humble city homes.' ' Everybody uses, it ; everybody likes it. It U the all-round stove for all the year round. It bakes, brous, roasts and toasts as weQ as a coal range. , It is quipped with a special heating plate, and we sell the New Pet- .1 fech'on oven, broiler, toaster, and Pancake middle each sneeiaDv de -s signed for use with the - J ; - , . ection. mi The Old ( 1 ' HlLlW' Oaken Bucket uQil: Cook-stove AH dealers sell the stove. ' It is handaomdv tnikfeA in1 iuckd. snth cabinet ton. droD ... L. " ... 1 1 Free Cool Book with every stove Cook. Book also given to anyone sending 5 cents to cover mailing cost iTes, towel racks, etc Lons cKimnevs. es ' 'wTrt;''fr'"',-K,inra'M'T wkk l. 2 or 3 iburnga,., . , : . . STANDARD OIL COMPANY flnf.ornortfd In Nw Jfrnrv AH BALTIMORE. MD. iiiooq s iiwiog WIRE FENCINfc, NAILS, ETC. We arunlbading and distributing today the above in threeiStates North Carolina, South Carolina' and Geor gia: Twenty-Four Mowing Machines, Twelve Hay Racks; Twenty-Seven Hundred Pounds of Repairs, Four Hun dred Rods of Wire Fencing. Very fair one-day's ship-ment-rrdon't you think so? - ' We are doing the Business and don't you forget it. .Wilmiiigton, N. C. i , -r- ; f ' - if-- -' - lilliHi at Hot :Weather in apair of - - !wnga roo OKFORDS - on, the Stroud.Lastv Price HEWLETT & PRICE 109 Market St&iV n v n r r n. r n 55 xz f&ht& ?A Vs2.i,i.UX.-,,- . '- - !vK ..... - 'T taS . " - '"V -iA : ' 'Vj.Tk.-i OurNew Line is Now Open. : We have them at any price you want, from $1.50 up to $7.50 ROBERT . jGi DeROSSE? V ; v BOOKSELLER AND STATIONpR, , ' 32 N. Front iSC'' ;e 4 - "7 6,000 BaW Portland Cement: ! 3,000 Baes King's Windsor Plaster. t :600s Bags Hted lime; 450 BarrelslRockTjm 7; ' 500 Rolls 'Ro$)&:J ' PresV"Briclc, Fire Brick CdmmbnBrick. Sewer and Plue fyiKj&l Shingles; Latfs, Etc. vBeaney.j5tbveWo6dta PHONE t.v.. Filled to the brim with cold, clear purityno such water nowadays. -jfs uiiuuacft. tut um aays with a glass ot i It makesoneJ think of everything that's pure and wholesome: and delightful. Bright j spark ling, teeming with palate joy it's your soda fountain old oaken bucket. Delicious - Refreshing Thirst-Queribhing Demand the Genuine as made by, - THE COCA-COKA CO., Atlanta, Ga. .Whenever, you see an : Arrow think of Coca-Cola. ' -; Poa Our new booklet, telling of Coca-Cola vindication ' - at Chattanooga; for the asking. TC-TOU needn't - be jOl afraid to be seen anywhere wearing ; j HART SCHAFFNER &1 MARX 1 clothes; theyHl be a credit, to you wherever you go. We're glad' to have men whoni we" clothe travel around some; ..it's good advertising for the town.5 All - clothes don't do -ityt but these. do.' V. I a"'"'- New Spring Suits and Overcoats; in. the latest; j models and fabrics.' -1 : Suits, $18.00 and up.1 A New Line of Ward-; robe Trunks' and Leather? Goods just received : White Elannel Trous- efs, MohajrSuits; Silk and Madras Npo-TioW Qhirfc ; ' , -,;.''eViwr..Lv V""Conrricht Hart Schagher & Marx This store is the home of Hart,, Schaff ner & Marx clothes HIT JLVJL Co. One-Price Clothiers : and Furnishers. -v' ;"' It To iiOTiself "V- j TO HATS Vfor Meny B6ysJand:Crjildren assortment of ine reason. 5 fegl P MEN :in alf the Lafest the things j torwear for fieSi2thnie - . GRADUATING SUITS FOR BOYS. lnVash .Gopderges-and? Mixed Worsteds Wl -LYiL t! IH.-IM - II II . .- W - JB -W v jr.-ji ; ,f iiuilC'lU.- Ul. - Co Masonic Bldg. V1 i... AtlanticPaiht andWairnish EST AINT j. .'V" tfvf.Vf .;4i'jfffiV 1 - -'I ARTH iSPECIALIErniNG.'r vV A sPecia? : Mtjnfefef ?e of New gtihtB'f and executing c?ntract over the Northeast diu4ui:;tonsiaenng:oiner mailers tunuc there withaMati nmnerlv come ,uciuic diu ineeimja:. . -A . r x ! . -t-. v-i .t. ? . Chairman.