TXT T 'TO PAGE 2. THE MORNING STAB, WHiMiyGTOy; N. C. SATURDAY, AUG CJST 24, 1912. THE GIANTS WfN TWO GAMES HANGS: up a new league record. I 3TV SPORTING EVENTS New York Takes Double Header From Pittsburg and Increases Lead on Chicago Cubs Were Not Scheduled NATIONAL LEAGUE. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Rsalta Yesterday. At Pittsburp, 1; New lork. 2 (10 In nings). Second Pittsbnrp, 2; New York. 3. Clnb: Chicago .. Pittsburg .. Philadelphia Cincinnati .. Kt. Louis .. Bostou Brooklyn .. Won. Lost P. .80. 33 .70S .73 38 .84 .07 47 .587 .54 57 .496 .53 62 .401 ..50 64 . 438 ..32 SO .28K .42 72 .36S TCnnHs Yesterday. At Philadelphia-St. Louis (rain; two games today). At Boston. 5: Cleveland, 1. At Washington, 8: Detroit, 1. Second Washington, 6; Detroit, 4. At New York. 2; Chicago. 4. Club: DETECTIVE BURNS ILL Suffering From Ptomaine Poisoning It Is Said Some "Suspect Plot Chicago, Aug. 22. William Burns, the detective, is' sick at a local hotel, suffering, it is said, from pto maine poisoning. No one is allowed to see him. except his physicians and nurse. A report gained circulation here that Burns had been the victim of a poison riot, but little credence is placed in the rumor. Even a tax collector would be ready to start a revolution if any of it were happening to him. Coat the under side of the edge of a heavy rug with shellac and it will not curl. DEMOCRACY HOST BE r3 : A WORTHY MSB People Trust '-It, SajvWoMro Wilson, and It Must & Male Good. ' Se Girt, N. J. Woodrow Wilson at the "Little White House" at Sea Girt is daily called upon to demonstrate bis ability as a ready speaker. There is not a day passes but what he meets various delegations who oaH to assure him of their support. In speaking of political machines to the Brooklyn Democratic Club Gover nor Wilson said: "Machines are ba4, but an organization may be very es sential. For instance, I have been surrounded by an organization here. In New Jersey while doing my best work. A machine uses its political opportu nities for the selfish ends of its mem 'her. No members of our organization would ever think ol doing that. Pub flic opinion in New -jersey has drawn the distinction. It has killed the ma chines, and it is going to keep the or ganixatlon going. It seems to me that we are stand , Ing in the presence of something high er than allegiance to the Democratic 'party. The country has been, disap pointed in the Republican party, and it Is turning to the Democratic party. That party is willing to show the way toward those things which must be realized. "Some gentlemen seem to find it easy to make personalities out of poli tics, but it seems to me that whenever that is done politics is debased. I "Men who are In search of reform jare now resorting to the Democratic ; party,, because,-or-my. own part, I do (not know where; else they will turn to expect the results. There is no dis counting the strength and serviceabil ity of a united party, and the splendid part is that the Democratic party is united. "Speaking seriously, nothing affords me more genuine pleasure than to re ceive such greetings from men in Jer sey who have at least tested my quali ties. Because you have known me at close range and if you will bs kind enough to vouch for me perhaps the rest of the country will be crednlous of your report. "I have spent a great deal of time since I became governor of New Jer sey defending your character. It was supposed in the old days, when th board of guardians was in charge ot the state, that you were all of you disposed to give the most monopolistic trusts of the country a great ringing welcome in New Jersey. "New Jersey was known as the mother of trusts a very troublesome; and questionable family and I had to spend my time outside New Jersey as suring the people of the Union that It had not been the fault or the disposi tion of the people of New Jersey that there were certain gentlemen who had undertaken to carry the Republican party in their pockets and to adminis ter independently of the rank and file of Republicans in the- state. "New Jersey is progressive, but the United States is progressive, and we have here merely a delightful sample of the people of the United States. "Now, these.people are-not bent on destroying anything but tbeare'bent on setting everything In. order; they are bent upon justice; they are bent upon seeing to It that the people in general are partners of the govern ment, as I wasf trying, to show the other day. And the Democratic parCy is now -placed under a peculiar respon sibility. It has to prove that it Is the worthy instrument of that zeal m the part of the people of the United States. If it does not prove it now It will never be given another chance to prove it. No. party that proves , un faithful to that, ldeai will ever again be trusted by the people of America. And therefore we1 are standing at a. turning point in. our political. Wr must make good or go out of business. Ia the vernacular; It is cae of-put"p or shut up, because w.ordsj re going to "be di scounted. , Nothing will. "be hon ored except the actual- carrying out of such programs as sensible men may" nlte in for. the common, benefit: Washington Philadelphia Chicago.. . Detroit .. . Cleveland. . New York.. St. Louis .. Won. Lost. P.C. 81 3fi .003 . . .! . .74 45 .$2-2 (R) 4 .600 .... .50 57 .509 5t 5 .43 iW 5 .414 40 75 .."48 37 79 .319 7 7 John Urn Washington, Aug. 23. Washington defeated Detroit today in both games of a doubleheader, 8 to 1 and 6 to 4 Walter Johnson in the first game scored his 16th straight victory. Cash- ion was wild in the second, but effec tive in tight places. In the ninth inn ing of the second game Ty Cobb hit a home run over the right field fence The scores Detroit 000 100 0001 Washington . ..013 003 Olx 8 DuBuc, Works and Stanage; son and Ainsmith. Time 1.45. pires Egan and Evans. Second game Detroit 011 0IQ 0014 9 i Washington ... 200 100 03x 6 9 i McGehe, Lkke and Kocher; Cash ion and Ainsmith and Henry. Time 2.05. Umpire Evans and Eagan Boston, Aug. 23. The Red Sox pre pared themselves -further against Washington and Philadelphia pen antward by winning a game from Cleveland today, 5 to 1. Bedient was in Eood form, keeping the Cleveland hits scattered except in, the fifth when Ryan's triple tame on top of Adams' single for the visitors' only run. Boston scored all its runs off Steen. who started for Cleveland. After setting one run in the first on a pass, a hit and a sacrifice fly, the Red Sox added four more in the sec ond on four successive singles, a pass and Sreaker's hit for three bases Baskette. who succeeded Steen at this nnint. held Boston to two nits ana without runs for the rest of the game. Boston 140 000 OOx 5 8 Cleveland . ... 000 010 0001 8 .1 Bedient and Carrigan; Steen, Bas-v-ptte and Adams. Time 1.55. Um pires Westcrvelt and O'Loughlin New York. Aue. 23. Not a New York batter reached second base to- dav on Cicotte until the ninth inning, when singles by flaniels and Pad dock and Hartzell's double were good for two runs. Fisher was fairly effec tive but made severaly untimely er rors. Collins drove in three of Chica go s runs. Chicago 000 021 0104 8 New York . ... 000 000 0022 7 Cicotte and Kuhn; Davis, Fisher and Sweeney. Time l.o8. Umpires Dcneen and O'Brien. CAROLINA ASSOCIATION. At Oreensboro. 10: Anderson. At Spartanburg, 4: Winston-Salem, O. At Greenville, 1; Charlotte. 1. Clnb: Won. Lost.' PC Anderson CI 40 .001 Winston-Salem 58 43 .574 Charlotte 5! 41 .5!0 Spartanburg 50 51 .VX Greensboro 4S 5t .471 Greenville . .:C 73 .3t MARITIME RATE WAR. Suez Canal Reduces Rates on Account of Panama Free Tolls. Washington. Aug. 22. A rate war which might involve all the maritime nations cf the world and which would revolve about the Suez and Panama canals, was precficted today in Wash ington by officials who have watch ed the development of world interest in the Panama Canal bill now await- ng the approval of President Taft. According to the report that reached the State Department today, the direc torate of the Suez canal has decided to reduce rates through that canal. In official circles this notice was regarded as the first retaliatory step against the free tolls provision for American ships through the Panama canal. The announcement of the proposed reductions through Suez ap: peared in inconspicious notices in American newspapers. The notice which aroused so much interest was to the effect that after the first of next year the transit dues in the Suez Canal will be reduced 50 centimes, bringing the toll for loaded ships down to 6:25 francs. This is the precise equivalent to the $1.25 maximum tolls which the Panama Canal act pres crlbes for vessels passing through that waterway. Professor Emory R. Johnson, whose exhaustive investigation of the finan clal aspect of the Panama Canal, as a special commissioner for the War De partment formed the basis for the ac tion of the Congressional committees in fixing the toll rates on the canal, held that if the Panama project was to be a success financially and com mercially its toll- should be lower than these of the Suez canal. This was on the basts that the Manama route would secure at least a minor share of the shipping moving between Eu rope and the Pacific coast ports or Asia. Even lower tolls at Panama, he held, would not draw away from the Suez canal a large part of the oriental trade, because of traffic opportunities, th nrioe of coal and other supplies which have a determining effect upon the selection of routes. Pittsburg, August 23. New York today took both games of a double header from Pittsburg by scores of 2 to 1 and 3 to 2. Both games were close and exciting. The first went 10 innings. Cole relieved Robinson in the10th, and Crandall was put in the box in the sixth by New York in the place of Ames: wno was hit for a single and a double in that inning. In the second game O'Toole and Tesreau were opposing pitchers and both did fine work. O'Toole was re lieved by Cole after the seventh in ning. In the same inning the locals had men on third and second and Hy att was sent in to bat in place of O'Toole. Pittsburg tied the score in the fourth inning. Byrne went to fir3t on balls, Carey sacrificed and Byrne scored on a, wild pitch. The New York team won in the eighth', Tesreau scoring the winning run. He went to first on balls, to second on a sacrifice I by Snodgrass, and home on a two- hagger by Becker. The scores Pittsburg . . . . 100 000 000 01 8 0 New York 000 000 001 12 11 1 Robinson, Coie and Gibson ; Ames, Crandall and Myers. Time 2:08. Um pires Klem arid Orth. Second game Pittsburg 000 100 0012 5 1 New York .. . 010 001 0103 7 1 O'Toole, Cole and Simon; Tesreau and Myers. Umpires Klem and Orth. Time 1:56. -. . . - Tl " ' ' ! S' ' At Albany 5; International' League At Montreal 3; Baltimore 6. At Buffalo-Jersey City, rain. At Toronto 4; Newark 3. At Rochester 1; Providence 2". Southern League At New . Orleans 2; Memphis 1. innings, rain.) At Mobile-Nashville, rain. At Montgomery 2; Atlanta 1. At Birmingham S; Chattanooga South Atlantic League Macon 9. At Columbia 3; Jacksonville 15. At Savannah-Columbus, rain. American Association At Kansas City 1; Toledo 3 At St. Paul 12; Louisville 4. At Milwaukee 3; Columbus 7. Appalachian League At Knoxville 1; Johnson City 0. At Asneville 4; Bristol 7. At Morristown 3; Cleveland 11. Virginia League At Roanoke 1; Petersburg 3. At Richmond 3; Portsmouth 2. At Norfolk 4; Newport News 5. WALTER JOHNSON. Star twirler of Washington, American League team, who yesterday won his 16th straight game. RAILROADERS ' VS. DELGADO (S Interesting Base Ball Game Schedul ed For This Afternoon' at League Park Keen Rivalry Exists The Line Up. ROLLA WELLS IS EARLYONTHE JOB Democratic National Treasurer is After Small Contributor. THE PEOPLE ARE TO HELP There Is to Be No "Tainted Money" Used in Electing Wilson and Mar shall. New York. A small, smooth shaved. middle-aged man with a coat of tan that gave evidence of much outdoor life recently came into the Waldorf I Sutterlough carrying a suit case early in the after noon and registered as "Rolla Wells, St. Louis, Mo The smooth shaved little man, who Is to be the watchdog of the Wilson campaign money from now on, was Baseball fans are looking forward with interest to the game scheduled between The A. C. L. Champions and the Delgado team this afternoon at League Park. The game will be call ed- promptly at 3:30 o'clock and it promises to be one of the snappiest and" most keenly contested of the sea son. The teams are playing for a purse of $50 ancf in addition the win ner takes 75 per cent, of the gate re ceipts. It will be remembered that the two teams met some., time ago, when the Railroaders shut the mill boys out. Since that time Delgado has been an xious for a chance to get revenge on the Coast Line and they have been practicing with that end in view. Tney have made a number of additions to their team and they claim to have in creased its strength greatly. The A. C.! L. lads have been work ing hard to get ih condition for they realize that the contest this afternoon will not be a Walk-over for them. (Ireen and Corbet have both been limbering up their arms, both realiz ing that the result is probably uu to them. - . The Mne-up of-the two teams is as follows A. C. T . c Starritt ... Corbet and Green . lb Terry 2b Emerson . . . 3b Shaw ss Taylor . If Hines . . cf Orreil Farrow rf Duls Mr. C. E. Taylor, a former Wake Forest star, will umpire the game. Cars will be run every 15 minutes, and it is promised that there will be no delay in geting to and from the grounds. Admission will be 25 cents the city authorities from the city treasury. The rats havo- grown so bold that they have killed chickens in all parts of the city and they xire so large and fierce that cats and many dogs are afraid of them. Thirteen Hebrew or Yiddish papers are published in New York, three of them being dailies. Grand opera in Yiddish in the East End of London is the latest operatic Experiment. i The birth rate in Scotland fell last year to 26.65 a thousand, the lowest recorded rate. P Delgado Watson . . . Holt ... Parish Ansley . . . Sutterlough Foyon ... . Carr The Southern National Bank INVITES THE ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, FIRMS AND CORPORATIONS. EVERY FACILITY FOR THE HANDLING OF YOLK ACCOUNT. AVE CORDIALLY COME YOU. WEL- The Southern National Bank The Gdumn Without SFDE9? "OKIE" Quick as a flash the phone will be an swered, and if you'll give your address, a messenger from the Western Union Telegraph Co. will be sent for your BUSINESS LOCAL. Pay him For each twenty-five words or less for each time you wish the ad to run, and one cent for each word in addition to twenty-five. We find the finders of values and tha losers too. We find ser vants for homes, , clerks and managers for offices and offices for clerks and man agers; tenants for rooms and houses and rooms and houses for tenants; a purchas er for that piece of real estate and real estate for that purchaser. Moon "FinE" "OlSlE" a Fault RALEIGH NEWS NOTES asked for vital statistics, whereupon l it is expected that the attendance will it was learned at first hand that he is I be large a banker and ex-may Qr of St. Louis, s fifty-six years old, was graduated at Princeton in 1876, or three years be fore Governor Wilson was graduated: that he has two sons who are Prince ton men and a grandson who some day will be a Princeton man; that he had no notion of seelne New York Charters Issued Minister Is Slashed Wharf Rats Being Killed (Sprcial Star Correspondence.) Raleigh, N. C.,i August 23. A char tor was issued today for the Southern Realty Co., of Newborn. The capital this summer until the Wilson organ!-1 ia $100,000 authorized and $5,000 sub ztion selected him as its treasurer I scribed by T. D. Warren, W. B. and that just at present the on. thine Blades and others. There is also an that stifira nut in tho nnnintmt I amendment for the charter of the DELAWARE GETS PENNANT Effj- Big Dreadnaught Wins Battle ciency Flag of the Navy Newport News, Va., August 23. Lying at anchor in Hampton Roada, surrounded by 19 other ships of the Atlantic fleet, the dreadnaught Dela ware today was officially presented with the battle efficiency pennant of the navy, won by the big ship In -the recent maneuvers and target practice. It testifies that the winner is the most efficient fighting machine in the Amer ican navy. Captain John Hood, standing on the quarter deck of his ship, with officers of the fleet and the entire crew of his own vessel, grouped around him, re ceived the pennant from the hands oi Assistant Secretary of the NaVy Beek man Northrop, who came from Wash ington on the Resident's yacht May flower to make the presentation. With Secretary Winthrop were Rear Admi ral Hutch I. Cone and Lieutenant his mind Is that the new job cut in se riously upon a most beautiful vacation which he and Mrs. Wells had been en joying in a camp at Little Traverse bay, Michigan. Coca-Cola Bottling Co., of Rocky Mount, changing the name to the Fleming-Cromatie Co., E..F. Fleming, president, and A. A. Cromatie, sec retary. Last night at his home near Wake Mr. Wells believes in getting at his I Forest, Mr. D. Bryant Harrison, a prominent farmer ot the county, cut Rev..C. R. Sorrell twice with a knife because the young minister, a student at Wake Forest College, had assisted in the runaway marriage of Mr. Har rison's daughter. Miss Evie, and Mi- Bennett Wall, whom Mr. Harrison objected to as a son-in-law. Rev. Sorrell has been making his home in while getting he helped the desk at o'clock 4n the morning. We are going , to raise our , cam paign fund through the small contribu tions," said Mr. Wells. I am sure that a large part of the money will be raised by popular sub scription. "The people have confidence In 1T7 3 -ITTM . ., ... . rvyuxu V t,WUww hmbuu, ana mey will give I the Harrison home wnai mey can or their means to elect through college and sucn a. man president. , f young . couple in their runaway to I am a gr,eat believer in mibllshine iSmithfield-, Wednesday night after he broadcast, before and after election, I had-been Warned by Mr. Harrison to the various contributions made ' have nothing to do with the threaten- There are men who n -w-j tea. runaway, sorroa is me yasior oi w vmu tfcii aiiiiiii i - - to B-ive the rnmittn a Mr. .Harrison's churcn ana Mr . ".uim,3. .VUU. OUt 1 I : . . 1 lt A want to assure the ,hH rl8n nas ail along Deen mucu mieiwi not oin to havo rZ t TV- ed the-efforts of the young man to n Tpi115 to hav.e an7 tainted money. cet his ministerial education. Sorrell we are appealing to the DeoDle. and I h ho WariHsnn homa w? are relying on them to help elect after the runaway as though nothing Wilson and Marshall. had happened and Mr. Harrison or- "I have two boys who have been dered him from, his place and made graauatea from Princeton, nna on I the attack on him. Mr. Harrison has years ago and one seven Rut it to f I given bond in the case against him because ours la ti- . Iforf the attack on the minister. The that I like Governor wn, . I flatter is cut across the cheek and on great ble mnn 9h v 'IT. Ithe neck, neitherT)eihg very serious. should havo i "Zu",,.fr Inai wp h In the crusade against wharf rats ""v- Hie. that -haa . Vioro" fnr ievppal rrv ' , . . LWBeiiB WltU OU IU LJl "CO UUC1CU "J ine combmpd waicrhf t v, t r i x 1 -J i, - t. iivi'ufc- mirril T r, H, e miicll who were I number killed through the effdrts Of The hrinl J0'o?UZh is 765 Pounds I an rsbtf mrIng August, there; have oou pounas. , l.already been over 700 rats turned e. " lover to the authorities. The indica- auauie Hinh...l o,i it - i 11.1. ii Toe . r , . --'i o vMixer., luons are tnat alter u experimental suits rnii' , " a r ui 1 buuLCB), id yyer, lueie win lc auuiuci - v, cuudy. . m. SQiky & I series of prizes toward which there Made From Solid Timber and Guaranteed Not to Crack. Made By -'4 1 f --..-. .1. Column Co. Wilmington, N. C. WRITE FOR PRICES. anl3-lmo 500' Bushels New Rye. ! 300 Bags Rice 500 Bags Oats 300. Bags Meal 2000 . Kegs Nails . Also'arry other goods usual Ty kept In a Wholesale Grocery; store.' St iLiftEClllil Wholesale Grocers and Importers. Wilmington, N. C. CUTLERY STOVES 1 Li V Now is the time to purchase your Fall and Winter slock of Winchester and U. M. G Ammunition, as well as your slock of Winchester Rifles and self-loading Shot Guns- We also carry a full line of Lefever and Ithica Shot Guns. J. W. GUiiirchison & Co. WHOLESALE TINWARE HARNESS Inauguration Wilmington - Greensboro Pullman Parlor Car Line The ATLANTIC' COAST LINE RAILROAD takes pleasure in an nouncing the inauguration July 1st. 1912 of the following daily Pullman Parlor Car Service, between Wilmington and Greensboro, via Fayette ville and Sanford: Westbound. Lv. 8:45 A. M. No. 53 Wilmington Lv. 12:40 P. M. No. 53 Fayetteville Ar. 1:40 P. M. No. 53 Sanford Lv. 2:18 P. M Sanford Ar. 4:45 P. M Greensboro Eastbonnd. .Ar. 8:05 P. M. No- r'2 .Ar. 4:45 P. .M N .Lv. 3:30 P.v M. No- .Ar. 3:20 P. M. .Lv. 12:50 P. M. Thereby affording comfortable accommodations for parties visiting seashore and mountains. Above service will be discontinued Sunday, September lr.th, 12. W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C T. c. wmTH, General Passenger A.nent. - ' - "i Our, New Line is Now Open We have them at any price you want, from $1.50 up to $7.50. RdBtjrfT G- DROSSET BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, -32 N. Front St.- - -- - .r - ti- - - j King's WliH-W Wall Plaster ; 4 FOR HARD WALLS. "TIGER BrUND?; HYDITED for FINISHING x$, m. f iRr crW P e & c o ! " ; . . :. . ; j 5 ' 4 PHONE 789 j -

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