J PAGE 2. THE MORNING STAB; WlIiMJCNGTON, NC. THURSDAY, J ATS UARY 9, 1913 1 r -f 1- if : I "X l! HEALTH REPORT FOR YEAR f Dr. NftWttaamwy rbf Work - DoVe'lnHlDpament In 1912 i -Cd.UtfoiI Weil vPleated A summary of the 'salient . features of the work of the city health depart ment for the year, 1912 -was contained " in a report" submitted to City Council yesterday morning by Dr. Chas.'T. Nesbitt,ahe "superintendent. 'His re port was very 'igraUfyibi torttiembers of Oouncil who itf receiving the docu'-. mentvgave"him Havtdte. of thanks ;for the achievements during the year. i V:: Much?.of the Statistical im&ttergiven ' in the ,repbrt wjis ; published , in The Star some days ago. The death rate is shown to havebeen 21.40 for 1912 as compared with 29.43 in 1911, a de crease of Jf-97, .which, is, due in a meas ure" to .'the "successful Efforts of the health department, , .,, The report in full follows: "To the Council of the Ciy of Wilmington.- - , ; "Gentlemen: In addition to the regu lar monthly report for December,. 1912; -I "desire o submit : thedata ;:e.hiDOdIed i in dar'cojnpilationof tatistiis tot jthe calendar year of ' 1912. . ! "In presenting this data . I desire to disclaim any disposition .on. the. part of "the health department to appropriate to its credit an undue proportion of the reduction fau death -rates and amount of illness shown In the records of 1912 over 1911. It must be remem bered that 1911 showed the highes death and morbidity rate in this city ffpr a number of years past. It is a nances are' put into full -effect and are rigidly enforced. Well in advance of any such probable epidemics la-e health department-desires to clearly and positively- define the limits of its respon sibility, ( ;.."One of the .most important fea-. tures of the work of the health de partment, is the care of the : indigent sick of the city. During 1912, 467 eases were, sent fromlthe city to the wards in" the James Walker Memorial Hos pital maintained from the public funds.- Two hundred and twenty-nine of these cases, were sent from the. First ward, '30, from the Second ward. 17 from the. Third ward, 38 from the Fourth ward and 153 from, the Fifth ward. - But 19 of the entire number died,' which "was 4.07 per cent of the entire 1 number. - .Of these cases sent to the James : Walker Memorial HosT pital -17 were cases -of typhoid fjSer, Of these but two died. The percent age represented here, - namely. . compares most favorably with the ty phoid records of the 'other municipal hospitals in the United States. In fact, it Is a little below the' average. ; "I desire to state to your body and to the public at large, our sincere ap preciation of the services of Dr. Jo seph W. Hooper, the present superin tendent of the James Waiter Memorial Hospital. His management of the hos pital has been marked by a ' great diminution in the number of com plaints received at this office with ref erence . to , the care and ' maintenance of the indigent sick. He has co-operated with the health department in-every possible way and so far as 'this muni cipal government is concerned he has discharged his : duties and . maintained his most difficult and anomalous posi tion in a highly praisewjorthy manner. The statistical data quoted above wih reference to his care of the indigent - - - the .-control - of smallpox ' proves- con- been prepared -forthe 'event 1 by Hen 1 t il. . i n , - .. . : ciusiveiy mat mere can oe na - real control of this disease without , the com'bined.use of quarantine .and vacci nation- ' t . - -r "The organization of the scavenger 8ervk for daylight work in cleaning the sanitary can closets was begun on.; December 1 J.th, and has continued since that time - with a , minimum of offense and a- maximum of economy. The plan upon : which this . work is performed is identical to that plan pro pesed to the Council in June of lsui, by the .superintendent- of. health. Our experience with "this plan has demon strated that Tit cuts in -two the s ex pense of the scavenger service. Just half the number of men and teams are "required "to do the worjc under this plan cs is required to do it during the night. . . If the sanitary closets had been installed ; throughout the entire city .by September 1st, 1911; and this pIanof scavenger service been install ed at that time as anticipated by the sanitary closet ordinance passed on June 2Cth?i 1911, the enormous waste of the publi; funds. . which was the result of the non-enforcement of this law,: would have been saved, and the citizens of the Fifth ward and. "of the other .wards of the city would have been saved the great amount of ill ness and death which was preventable and unnecessary, which they "have suf fered since that time. . If the continu ance of. this waste, of public funds and .human life and . efficiency . is to be stopped, definite steps mus , be taken at once by your honorable body to ward carrying into effect these ordi nances and. plans, the" value of which have been ' so positively: demonstrated in the experience of your own admin IstraticnJi , '.. "In concluding this report in whkh I shall not attempt to cover all fea- siok is sufficient 'and conclusive . proof i tures connected- with the work of the that he is rendering to this community j health department,'! desire to call your professional services of . the highest well-known fact that :. the illness .'and , 2utlity." aeatn raie vanes .m UmBiBuw.o u In the care of the indint Bick in respective of .efforts at sanitary con; their homes a most iinportant and use troh The Positive fact remains, ; how-; ful work ha8 been performed by Dr. ever, tharboth illness aJhorate John Thame8f the asstatant superinten .'are always very much 'fiy dent of health. During the past year hich sanitary methods are pract ced,- Qe flaa treate(J 7C3 caseg 0f these the xthan .where .they are. not, ticed Ffrgt furnished 72 The oecond 4uch of the I'ediion swne ward 17. the Third ward 9, the fourth reports must be credited to .fortuitous Wftrd and the p.fth ward j ndiUons, yet a close study of the tQ caU your attention' to the statistical data which vf, TOil0e enormous preponderance of cases of ed shows poatiyeprpof that the sanl- Illness amona. the lndient in the Fifth tary work- dope y 18 ?ePf ward, and to offer these figures as been productive of-great good and that further evidence that resistance to thn vrjitAr "6art of the reduction in ,,i1i .. i i the greater part oi m re " public, health measures is always and the mortality nd morbidity rates rom L; koU o.,r. prevemauie ing.; upon those who encouraged and r be accredited to the work of this de, orsanized the oppogitioa : . to public i .:. artmen,t. a , : health work among the citizens of the - - "The total death rate for 1911 was war(J mugt regt tfae ful, res J:.-.: 29,43. In 1912 it was 21,46. The death siDiHty, for this terriole loss in illn;iSg rate in 1911 for the white race was death hugh statistical data 19.94., In 1912 this rate was-14.99. so voncluslvely shows. - .The death rate for the colored race in f.In connection with professional ; 1911 was 34.78. -In 1912 it .was.28.5o work done by Dr. John Thames among v A comparison of these . the indigent of the city I desire to call Bhowa the influence of some change the attention of your honorable body in conditions which operated alike on tJe Mic at , to the if both races. It is at least reasonable to Ing result gnown in th(J death rafce credit ' it to -the eenerabie enort at . 8aniUUen.. The. deaftrateT from ty- of ?63 patg treated by him during I 'phoid in 1911 was 100.9S..Brilt.hR . . ,w W1u hut STV , was reduced to 35.64. From May -1st deatns three white and tnree colored. , tp.December 31 191Vthere were 310 TMs repre8ents percentage of deaths . r cases., ot typhoid pewrrtog mtte.city, t0 cageg o 078 per cent ?.Tne8e cases 36 or which were black and 274 white, Included a1 medical, obstetrical and N, r the proportionjjeing. about one black nonK,perative cases, .whiclx , were, not )y jas& to eight white .cases. . -sent ' to the James Walker Memorial j there .were , but -83 case, of ; typhoid Hospital. Many of these cases were ' fever in this city between January 1st seriously ill and -rould not be sent to S and . Decniher -31st Twenty-one :.oi, the hospital either because of the rules these; cases were among Be of the hospital which excluded them!, a,J" race and. 62 among thr whites.; The nr hM,.l1lt. nf h Hosnro nntrflL bere almost d - nrirvrtnrMrtn JUl fftn h lainlv Seen WBS . xeduced. ;to, one black. case to "ef themselves - of hospital treatmeiit. whitest -This;jreat- change .indicates These results show a very high-grade the greater, effort among the ..white o service rendered by Dr. Thames, people to . inaintaM - sanitary prptep- who deserve8 the gratitude of this mu. . tiraiagainst.the rdisease.ThU nicipal government and of the pubb'c augmented and - greahelped by the at . large 'Exclusive of "Dr. Thames municipal control ijPt typhoid es- salary which is totally disproportionate ' creta which we instituted in April , of to the amount and quality of service Iastryear dyre till, continuing., Qe has rendered the treatment "arid The-analysis ofhese typhoitt case.scare of these 7G3 es hag cost the attention briefly. to the financial aspect of the changed1 health conditions in Wilmington. , Using the basis for the capitalization human life and . health devised by Prof n Irving Fisher, we find that the citizens of Wilmington sus tained a loss of ?C2.000 . through ty phoid fever alone in illness In the" year of 1911. In'1912 the loss from this di sease in, sickness was but $ia,G0O; This shows a' net" saving to the citizens .of $45,400 tfi one disease alone. The loss sustained through- death from typhoid fever alone in 1911 was $39,000- .: In 1912 this loss was $15,000. The net gain in this single instance was $24 000. In the matter of total deaths there were 157 fewer deaths in 1912 than in 1911. ,i Reduced to a' financial eouivalent this amounts to $235,500. The saving on typhoid illness ; and deaths added to this sum gives, a to tal saving on these three items of $304,900. If but half of this saving can be credited to the work of the health department we feel that the money- invested by the city In -carrying forward oaf operations has brought a sufficiently gratifying return. 'Respectfully submitted, v "CHAS. T. NESBITT." ry v . av its w. f - ' '"The Merry;. Widow"" , has , not yet been superceded as Jkhe queen of the Viennese operettas; i It was the . first to come to this1 country and it imma diately set -new standards - in the eiy tire afield of (musical comedy produce tion.. ilt has no rival. In theicast as sembled for the new ; production, . Mt. Savage has spared no expense" and has succeeded in getting many of the origi- jials together. r Mabel ;Wilber will again sing Sbnia. She has rested a season, after several arduous years in "The Merry Widow,'' and :.after t studying several - months is now better, equipped than ever : for. the proper Interpretation of" the delightful Lehar music. Others -of the" the origi nals who will be here !are i Charles M eakins,. O scar Figraan, - Arthu r Woo ley, F. Jr " McCarthy. Then there will be new and attractive Maxim girls.: As usual, Mr r,. Savage will have with the company, the special ."Merry ; W;idow" orchestra;r.selected j f rom the grand opera- :qrganizalions which . he has trained for the nast seasons. v Bunnv at the Bttou. Foilr Tiims today at the Bijou. Un der the usual : faultless Bijou condi tions, too, and which are made up of new and merry music, the best method of presenting films and the solid com fort of the theatre. This solid comfort is really one of the big features, and bids defiance to the bleakest kind of cold wave. In other words, it is always warm and cozy in the Bijou. And today's' 'quartette of , bie Dhotc- plays will be headed by another real J uunny film, the . bes t one the enterpris ing Vitagraph people Tiave yet turned S This is -a Date's Mixture - Umbf effa Mi I s&ssmxm&xv and deaths Ay wardsgives e jen :hvre city but.tl 86.27, The cost per patient conclusive ?Proof the value of san wask: therefore, about twenty four and tary work and , the efficiency of the nnwvr : iwork- done. During .1912 there occur-1 .Ma,h of nr. Thams' mRH iktt rea in. tne xiibiw-q wt I pendent upon the arrangement in tai nurooer r w vogue for supplying medicines to the lever, lour indigent Prescriptions are written 12 colored. Tiree of these cases died, I w one white and two colored. the Sec- individual patjents irrespective of ni!Uie awwiW" vm; cent: aliove actual cost. In this way case, - a cwhite person, no-raeaxn-ithe Dhysician is in no wav limitpd nr V;Z TC - TTiwXT7hi lMeiment are sure.oi, receiving with avjieaths :tathe?F Ih' the; matter of smallpox, control, r.-. Theatrical.. I At thc' Academy tomorrow"night one of the most" 'potent and delightful at tractions of the season will be offered in the .deliriously humorous farce. initio .vxiss, urown," : which comes irect from a six months' run. At tho 4Sth Strpt Thonfro in Mow) York - . i .: ' - : ;i 'only; is th.e patrpn ensured full value rtVr ,i . . . for his or. ber money, in the pictures Little Miss Brown" is the latest and music, but nowhere In. the South work of Philip Bartholomae, who won is athef e. a moxcuaelightful ' auditorium, fame over night two seasons ago with always cozy and comfortable and per-.- i ii tectly ventilated, whfch alone ;.from a his first farce aptly called ' Over hygienic, standpoint, is a big thing. -Night." "Little Miss Brown," however, f I Whether the mercury be ud Or dowri out. It Is called -Wftb Stole Bunny's Umbrella"? being the story of how this clever, fat comedian, John Bunny, loses bis umbrella and suspects var ious people of having taken it. j One of the best of all dramatics is also a headliner in Edison's "The Bank Cashier." . ' In vivid. v stirring manner is set forth the love of two young Dank employes for the banker's daugh- A y-v - , - . ... ifciv Kjue is nonest ana tne otner a crook. Two scenes especially are thril lers. Still another dramatic, one de cidedly put of the ordinary, is offered m "The fsew Squire. It tells of - a handsome, rich young Englishman's love for a poor girl and how he won her, "At. the Dog Show" is the fourth film star, and it is one of the best and most- interesting of all. Ladies and children especially will delight in t. j Four Pictures at the Grand. ? Four great pictures, a new song T5y Mr. Karp and special music by the Grand orchestra will make today one of the most brilliant of the week at vvumingtons favorite theatre. Not Whether you smoke Duke's Mixture in pipe or cigar ette, it is delightfully satisfyin. i E choice of men "who want real, natural tobacco. '" - " where the citizens organized and .ac- tively; resisted, the pnbUc health ordi- Dr. Thames qUaranUne officer, tfe ' n4'e?&J?- 8eryes.especial credit. Smallpox i con- tion of : violans .of iper "ovt, i-nV inS e compulsory vaccination oM910 27 of-which werewhite ands ored. In the Fifth ward there were n .. .. ' seven deaths, four white and 3 colored. nh dQT the excuse clause of the resoiH. . " tlon these were supplied Jtiy their-fam ' ?noi,, utirri 'fZ&Z il? iPhysicians with, certificates alleg- iii ;j?i-,wv7 jjggome.cauge or other why they there were more whitecaSes occurring sbould not be vaccinated. A very in this ward. than in alKtherest; of the inucH;4arger.- number of the ' citizens r city, andin, addition thaV.70; per cent remained .'exposed to smallpox infect of the deatiis irpm this disease occur- tIon- bece there was no effort, dur red, in the, Fifth ward. - Np inore S- ing the- period of compulsory vaccina- r nificant : evidence, could :be,v obtained t t verff r 8uccessful vaccination, of .thealuefanitaryworkne ihjniediately upon : assuming . the ; prevention of. illness and death than dutieg of quarantine officer Dr.. Thames - is stated in the foregoing The above, began the systematic yaccination: of stated facts show conclusively that op- eyery; unprotected, person .with whom . position to: sanitary regulation and the he ? caane. in Jcontact. . In ; NovemW; refusal to: profit liy public health work 1911 the Council reinstated quarantine - ust ;beypaid: for with the terrible aaist smallpox i which, bad been . prjee of human life and suffering. . .- abolished hy .statute on - March ,lst n ;this ccnection l desire to .state lajThe leases of 'smaUpox -occur-1 tycmr .honorable body that the heal department believes that its work as ere f0uDd to be for 'the most part .showtteoncluslvely thatfreedom from amonOpeopie who came from adjoin - typhoid ;nd other filth-bo , depends absolutely , upon the elimina- of, thoae who remained unprotected && f . tTon of the rfece privyj and the-re- afscribei above- By-me tlst of 'May; fuse, dumpsithin the city limits.rI J9i2,iihe -endemic- coiuiition.of . small . bejgr to call TDhr . attention to the Jfict ppj, was definitely r terminated . The that? the rrdinacecompeUincon- pest. house was closed on April -22nd iiectionlwlththii , pTiblic,?sewer-, within ahd.has.not been in usetby the city the -i sewer e4::)area:. d ?. the'raholitibft Since that -date. Since-May 1st, 1912, 91 jua wf"v i ea tm-1 out f ave 5 cases ; et . smanpox nave oc er-with the ordinance definitely 'pre? scribing; the " tprm.iofi isanitary privy for use outside ? the sewered area - have . been prepared5 and 'ready "for passage jby your fcody, or the past three months asd vthat-ARvjrthesejrdinances have aioiibeejnJ)ase.4 ' inaiterd n: the:- jnjitter of , proyiding the iineans ;ot"ioestroFin by; fire r the trash -. ang i putirescible; Waste; of - this 'city insures for, the: followingjSununer rthe .condUlbhs-lavprable te: epideihlos k jtyphoid jjidi othen filth-borne ; di-. ' ceases- - In spite of aUvthat has, been done and i maKi-onei.iy .-.this de- cartment . there;: wilV,ergreat? ianger curred Mn the? city. H-Qfie case occur- rih& in. :May ; came," to this town frbni Penderi county. Two cases 'occurring in 'July contracted - the disease while vorking : in ;6runswict?iccntyi:0.nier csase in , August i'contracted the disease f rom. t nursing- one r of the' July cases Thls ;voman : was ;vaccinated j as : soon as it was inown she had been "exposed, but the, disease . developed,, before the vaccination ;coutd render . protection: As is usual in such cases ; the; attack was yery ;ligkt i One case occurred in September which.was otracted 'in Brunswick 'county.! No . cases ; have oc curred during the ;remaJnderof 1912. Is conceded to be even a more amus ing play than "Over Night." The scenes, three, in number, are laid in a! hotel,; and the action of the three acts happens in twenty-four hours. A it is always comfortable and pleasant at the Grand. Mr. Karp is taking the town by storm and he will have for his song "Come-a-Back Marguerite", an Italian song that will be a great ope. 1 his Is said to be one nf the - -..v.j u.a nous iuo viu P nvai-acf ' toHnn Annn- . 1 ul AkcicAcLix auxxc,o ever Wilt Lrl) hnSL"01"000113, the Grand orchestral "will 'feature & 'f mistaken for a married day a programme of Sam Fox Pub- oman She is shown to the suite re- iifehing Company's music including served for . the married. woman and af- ThA Amn ..i" " ter she. has retired the woman's hus- vr- - 'C:n. "u. 4: band arrives. He is told his wife is ttTX:. ' " "aiL"' asleep, and he proceeds to occudv an- . " iius-imiiuics win jwiuuk a great double Cine. ".The. Uon Tonic", a freak picture . that Is ridiculously and re freshingly . funny, and rPicturesoue icauan jscenes, showing some of the most beautiful spots in Sunnv Italv. Anomer great feature wil be a Pathe The Doctor's Band Child", beinsr th dramatic story of two families and the hnai. return of a daughter. . The fourth picture will be equally as eood and all tae nims will be put on with specia effects. " ' In eacb 5c sack thof e are one and a half ounces of " choice Virginia and North Carolina' tobacco pure, mild, -rich best sort of granulated tobacco. Enough to make many good, satisfying ci-arettes the kind "that makes rolling popular.- "And with each, sack yon; get a present coupon and a book of cigarette papers free. ' . ' i - Get an Umbrella Free TTip ronnons can hft fTrhfl.nrel for all sorfa nf vnln- table presents. The list includes not only smokers? articles but many desirable presents for women and children umuruias, cameras, toilet articles, tennis rackets, catcher's .-gloves and masks, etc. Dliritlf January an : Febrnary only we . . .., tvill send our illustrated ' catalogue of presents , FREE to any address. Ask . for it on a postal, today. -,. - v Coupons from Duke's Mixture mar be assarted with tags from HORSEL SHOE. J.T.,nNSUEY'S NTU RAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST; coupons from FOUR ROSES HOc tin double coupon), PICK PLUG -CUT. PIEDMONT CIGARETTES. CLIX CIGARETTES, and other tags or coupons issued by us. ; -. N Address Premiam Dept." f Jjt?SfdfiAO ICM Cot, 1 tfXi' SUBSTANTIAL GIFTS! For every member of the family for Mother or Sister: v ' . Shoes, Evening Slip pers to match their gowns , -all colors, $3.50. Felt Slippers, $ .00 to . $1.50. For; Brother or Father: .Shoes, Hunting Boots,; Rubber or Leather : House 'Slippers leather or felt, $7.50, Shoe Trees, 50c. and $ 1 .00. - Doll Shoes, , all. colors, 25c. HEWLETT 8PBICE 24 NO. FRONT. 4 yhM ::' 'r 11 0 ysa&: JUDGE ARRAIGNED IN BITTER TERMS (Continued from Page One.l Archbald, by- reason of this assistance irom .iieim iJruee,'was able to con vince tho court that their first decision was wrong and compelled themlo re verse it We are impelled 'to-the conclneimr otner room of the suite. In the morn- and I am inclined to .think- w'd ingthe real wife arrives, and the com- wrongfully1 -deterni 5 npri-i-tn hntro that . I - - . - v ' v"-- pucaxions. wnicn follow are aid to be I case, decided in favor of the Louisville . auiusiug luitu auy wnicn navei axasnvnie Kanroad ween presented in a farce in years j "LJTTli,5:: MISS .-BROhwS.'r-1 - ; Scene FrAm Bf Comedy 'Attraction, Acad- 3ne. title role is in the hahdsbf Geor Guest of Local Commandery. .Y'V', ""v - wtts mst seen nere m I - w. james u. Braswell. of whita- f- 1-T- At fJ . - ... . 11 . - - u ' ' . '' "'Vircus. as tne demurefKers, is. tirand Commander of the .- .iiot JJiTIX. 111H Jiri 1 S - T n CTr 1 VII Hilll jf) 1 L) 1 1 1 X.TI rl ArW nf ti nft h Tnnnlfnn f;mfnt ofJOod; humor and spon- Knights' of Templar, was the ' guest the oent she last night of Plantagenet Commandery, v,Tow" - - a ciose. DonaoiuNoi, or tnis city. 'It was Mr. Bras, SwT f1?" Gf the : footlights; the- local pbmmanderyr-One"; eandi Another laueh maker in WUIIom -n: ldati v?ao 4rrio - -L..J- t-: i hSilJ6?? a4seen;aChtt Tebple 'and 'there were ax number of, arirreibTa piou'lited Snkh plahriMtfl'. Vii.ii'1 .'--j I w L s.-. .-?. io-v i ..:i-5iw-...fw t-ho sr ... Dvitup,-. kuu i "hwu, vu jviduy warrants. r' v .'i,, " : - - ; - .lmauu, icuiorea, ror .whom thpv had , Seats are now on t sale : at ' Pluni been IoOKine since kSS k ti "The MfrrvWMu. : . Dcnn ..wt-u j.. v r" lur. oettttt" the nsatibnal operetta of ail the - nations will -be the ; attraction , at. the Academy next Monday night, J anuary 13th. ATLANTIC ; COAST LINE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR ; . - -TO : - ii SU.&lJ.CJtVr ULILJCl. OllU J. 1U1 1UCX Via the Over-Sea Railroad pver the Florida! Keys, is Offered at a Comparatively Small Cost. The Cruise will be on the New Steamship Evangeline, of the P. & O. S, S. Company, (Length 364 ft.; with 262 staterooms), sailing: from Key West January 7; 1913. Other Sailings: Jan. 21, Feb. 4 and 18, March 4 and 18, April 1 and 15. ' - For. full information the approximate cost of the- trip from any point desired, and for. schedules and reservations on trains and on the ship, address tho undersigned, who will accompany the party. . - f. m: jolly, - P Traffic Agent, Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington, N. C. . Havana Office : Jan.-1 7 to Midsummer, Prado 61. 11 win oniy cost a costal uard worth Orte Cent to set me particulars. 1 -1 Post Drug Store - .: -We ;are;lally prepared to take care of all the Parcels Post busi ness that is sent to us, and read ers of The Star are cordially invited to make use of our fa cilities. ': v , ,. ...... All orders are. shipped the day that they are received, unless, it should happen to be due to CAUSES BEYOND OUR CON TROL. . -: Come in and ask us about the Parcels Post and we will cheer fully give ,you all the informa tion at our command. With the Improvements we are making in our store room it Will not only continue to be the HANDSOMEST . DRUG STORE IN THE SOUTH, but it will be . THE. BEST ' EQUIPPED and with'oiir Improvements now un der way we will be able to han dle a greater volume of busi- . ness. ' - - So, come to us for anything you. need in. the drug line. Prompt service 'in and out of the city, ' x s J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY The Parcels : Post : Drug -u Store. Wilmington, N. C ' ii - - 'i - ,"- v -;- ... .. . ..- ... '. ... 1 ' : ...-,r-,. 7 l . 1 '" ' ,' , " II A Change oil Weather Must Mean a Change of Wearing Apparel 3 And to get the Best for the money is something else,:, and the place, where? 11 L J. Wi. SOLKY & COtllPANY One-Price Clothiers and Furnishers. Sole Agents for the Best Men's; Boys' .and Children's Clothing, Underwear - and Hats such as Strouse & Bros, and B. Kuppejiheimer Clothing, Knox an Stetson Hats, tne noted Norfolk and New Brunswick and Dr. Deimel's Li nen Mesh Underwear. - " V . Phone 617. , you can't hide ; The imperfections of your teeth. Do you know that : the ' first thing that you notice when introduced to anyone, is, their mouth? Isn't it a I source of embarrassment If your teeth are bad it should be? ; Why not start the New Year by com ing to see. us and have us fix up your I mouth ; as It' should -be ? . Our prices are as low as can be, when you con sider what you get. - The Cleanest Office in the Carolinas. Graduate Nurse In Attendance. DR. J. W. POWELL, Dentist Phone 1634. . Garrell Building. Masonic Building." Fancy Dressed Poultry Chickens, "Turkeys, Etc. Extra choice. Beef, Veal, Country Pig 'Pork,' ' All-Pork Sausage, Fresh Eggs. . . ; HOPKINS, DAVIS & HIIITZE -FRpNT STREET .MARKET ' 'Phones -141-128-32 ; Polite; Serviee and prompt Delivery .Tanimmr i on. . . ., ins- w o w xouu, go- -T7 '-. 5 riu's tomorrow assault with a deadly weapon, one for carrying concealed : weapons; and ohtj lorAShootlhk In-. .?' v vii Robinson, colored; one of two negroes Muweu. ieaa that night in .the 1 swore out tfiie warrant for as FOR "ALV. GASOLINE MiNGI NR mZ'1 More 5 powerJ&'I - MORE' RUNNING HOUR3 : . ' . 1 ; fOR LESS MONEY ' r ii you operate a Gasonne llnaln ami t we show you how to ,Sve Money on , your -uei , wu;-; r. . Our , 'service to ypu is, what we know t It ought to hewhat you want it to he and what you will he. delighted to experience. Cour tesy, promptness, willingness to :ive iyou. Just:, what; you i want as quicklyr as - proper attention will -permit 4hese are pointy in a ser- tice that',We know will please you and that We are proud td offer you. PHARMACY . meiee. swore oiir-fKo. nrarvont ii . -t--.?vi.;..:h-?- ........ i. --..., ,;iv. - nr ( : a :- t ii i iirAiAii - t r f I

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