.'AS i deports of Aa gvproyed I Spot Demand Causea ovnse wt...- to 1. PointlowkWaSsFlrmigJ Covering of Shorts -v :v-.- Now lor. January cotton mair, Chicago.; Jaaxiiu-y , 13Wheat eorb o, showed a generally teadifer, ton ground -an active market today, particularly :iy on reports of an. improved . spot de-j In the las.; hour, wheir they advanced I Kiml and cloaed-flrmta ot "2 cent and agisted la boosting oats and pro , u points, oldfrosmons being from .,! to 1-1 points net higher. - e tenlng '-2 cents.' :' : ' . -' . steady, at an advance of one point on April, but generally jun.chanjEed f to , tlree oiuts and lower under . overnight selling rders ana reports mat interior .ol.lers were beginning to show : sighs of ii vt.:1kness. or were hedging their holdingsi? ,v sales of futures. ctiye; months 8aW;4!3SiC' " 'f standard, ;,, t; points net' lwer right after vthe call, I Closing . prices f '! -:-.':'r V .nt offerings were very well absorbed by feaAiax July; 9102; Sep- .11! UfllVtr UCWttUU . VUVffrilJJP I ,it old s lions tm a reueweu aentano. irom trade houses. This buying soon steadied tlu market, while offerings . became : less .i-itressive as prices worked higher . Re ports of an improved : spot "demand and renewed steadiness in the interior, stimulat ed the demand somewhat later,-and "while trading was much less active on the ad vance than its had been on, the " recent t.reak, the market ruled very steady late in the day. with, the ;lose only aT point dr two off from 'the best ' The improved tone of southern spot advices was considered the feature of the day, , but. talk around the rinr reflected little change .in the general average of local sentiment, and many -attributed the bulk-of the day V buying: to covering of shorts. Private reports of a steadier spot situation however, were con. timed to some extent by official advices showing t he Southen . markets , generally unchanged to C .higher.--: Liverpool at tributed the relative steadiness there to continental buying and a - more favorable view of the situation-i .the Balkans. ,j Spot cotton, quiet v Middling Trplands, 1,5: do. gulf, 13.23. Sales none..' The cotton tutuies marset closetl firm. Month : Jan .. Feb . - Mar .. Apr . . May .. June .. July .. Aug Sept . . ( ct . . Nov . . Dec .. Dpea.- High. Low. Close. .12.55 12.70 12.50 12.70 ,..r ,12.22 12.06 '12.26 ..12:0 ..12.12 ..12.13 12.26 12.25 12.20 12.00 12.26 . 12.21 12.04 12.21 11.95 12.10 ..... ,11.60 11.38 11.48 12.07 12.21 ..11.96 11.97 . .11.55 .. . ..11.4.T 11.48 . j 11. 43 . , . . .s . .11.4S 11.44 . 11.44 11.48 THE PORT MOVEMENT. Halveston Steady. ,12 ; jet teeeipts; 6, 153; gross receipts, 84 ; sales, 1,988; stock. :5iiX.'.Jl ; France, ll,27u coastwise, 325. New Orleans -Steady, 12; net ret-ertps.j ,!m;l'; gross receipts, 3,026; sales, J,8a; stock, 1S0,879 ; Great Britain ; 12 ; - Ftanee, coastwise, . 1.060. Mobile Steady, 12; net reeeipts.v 334 ; gross receipts, 334; sales, 300; stock, 32,573 ; lireat Britain, 1,371 ; coastwise, 881. ..--. f Savannah 4Juiet. -12 ; net 'receipts, 2, 382; gross receipts, 2,582; sales, 3O0; stock, i:;7.32: oastWise. 2,042. . , : . Charleston Quiet, 12.; iiet recelptsSS gross receipts, .350 ; sales 100 ; stock. 33,290. Wilmington Nominal ; net -receipts, 125; gross receipts, 125; stock, 13,974. J - Norfolk Quiet, .12f .nef receipts, S03; gross receipts, S03; sales. 87; stock, 71,828 ; coastwise, l,0i9. . - - - Baltimore Nominal, 13 ; gross receipts, ; stock. 7,331. ' - " - - , . t New York Quiet, 13; net receipts, :87 ; gross receipts, 6,871 stoek. 115,305; coast wise,4.sr?o. '.. : --" :'.:-.-) "' Uostou Quiet, 13; net receipts, 620; gross receipts. 5J945; stock, 35.05U." . , l'liiladelphla-Stehdy; 13.25; stock;' jf,794. Texas :ity Net receipts, 5J19; gross e-i-eipts. 3.219; stock,...29,762 ; continent, 12, 7(3: coastwise,729i -r "v - : I Bninswiek Stock; 92i. ' - : v J.uksonvllle-45toc3-.,1.885. - r - Ar.mfs Pass Stock, 781. -r' . '" . .- V. Seattle Net . receipts, - 2,721; . gross ' re ceipts. 2.721; .Japan, 2.721. - - . . - Total today. -at- all ports Net, .22,367 ; !reat Britain. L496-; France, 1679; conti-4 aent. 12,703; Japan, z,tzi: stock, NJ.W2.3lli Consolidated, at all ports Net, 110,068; Oreat Britain,-62.473; lYance, - 16V532 ; con tinent. 65,526; Japan. 9,477. . ' Total since Sept.-1. at all Iports-Net, T 43ft.:s6; Great r BritiUn. 2.549,196: ; France, XK.549; continent1,- 2,207,643; - Japan. 144,-'-'; Mexico, 1,600. - - - , INTERIOR MOVEMENT.'- Houston Steady, 12)ft; net- reecipts,, 5, Ji2!: gross receipts, 529: shipments;-7J57; sales. 1.823; stock, 153,156. . - : : Augusta Steady. . 13; net r receipts; 669 ' gross receipts. 813; shipments; L2l? sales, HH); stock, 113,065. - : . '- ' , - " Memphis Steady, 13; net iwscelpts, , 1, ''M; gross receipts, 4.645r shipments, 5,352; sales, 3,100; stock. f 172.146. ' i St. Louis-Dall, IS; Bet reeeipts, 3"6; gross reecipts, , 4,431 ;" shipments, 4J29 ; stock. 24.989.: , . - - '.. ';' '. CMneinnati-Net receipts 78 ; ! gross -re-' eipts, 678; shipments, 2.104: stock.' 2338. Little . Rock Qsiet. 12;. net . receipts. 2(1: gross receipts, 201; shipments', 70S; stork. 40,341. Total today-iNet receipts, 9.139: gross receipts, 16,697; shipments, ; 20,775; Kales, 5.W3; stock, 531,235. . , - ' COTTON MOVEMENT ANALYZED Movement of This Year Compared With Last arid Other Years : New Orleans; January-'15.- Secre tary Hester's analysis .of the cotton movement for the fourVxnonlhs of. the season from September 1st-to the close of December, shows that " compared with the crop jriovmerit last year the State ol Texas has brought into sight this season' in round, figures Itt.OW bales more"; other Gulf .States Which include Arkansas, Louisiana, ' Missis si P pi , Tennessee. Mlssotirl. Oklahoma. California, etc.; haVe marketed 89,000 Jess, and the group of Atlantic Statef, wnicn includes .N.orta.and South car ol i na, Georgia,' Florida, "Alabama and irgmia, have. Baarketed."-7X7,000 Jess, making the net increase in the amount marketed 78.000 . ':. Ur4&.-i; , -Mr. Hester SbpV.8 xtaaowmitt i 'ought into sisrht 4y ieroups Of States lor the four months f this seasonjats 4'.. 1 1 . umiows: : ;. . - .. . Texas, 3.409,111 balesinincTeaie opr last year 'of 727,573;" ali tricrease over the year before fast tf t t)f 1.215,849$ '-Febroary; 0.12; : iittunlw -.May, 6.21; June, te:ame: 63Iairust..6.30:- srime W ana an increase over the Other Gulf States 2.410,61. ..bales; a decrease trader lait year ? 8975T ? 'Jecease" ; under yeart before last ypt r 7,fi84, and an increase '' over - same ime in 1909 of 4S3.442; ' . :- . ' va ,4 Atlantic States, 3,748,425 bales, adei f rease under last 'year;' of 71C,536;an 1 ncr ease over year, befqre, last of 47,r '1?. and an increase over "same" tim4 in 1909 of 351,483V : ,KfVV5i;:i Total crop in sight plose2 Deeemberj "-,089,150, a decrease under' list yea? f 78,438; an increase over year feetore ast of 1,205;338 knd an" increase Over tle same time in';1909. )rtjfti2s flS' The groups of ! Stat)eV''ra:fh1sh6'dl'Viii lound figures of the ertops' of last yehr "nd year before last: ' From the State rf Texas, last year, 4,327,000 and year Ijeiore last 359.000: other Gulf States 4,1 74,000' last year and 3.7dS,006 -year last von - J r- i rr yiAn V.tr.vtS j -.ai . 2f.au SiaiS. Th Cereal Advanced a Cent In. Last Hour and Helped Boost Oats and "vWwiftange;iie'arly ; . T' r v .Venn vv. . - " Cash grain : '- r- - "' ' '" ' V i!il!l.l3 : No.-' 2, spot-$9fiM). T ' ' r0- 29.r M0. 2. white, and 2fo.J firff T:' . '"'k'I "": ' iOTn- -Maj 52 n JnW 'SHOftmsaai. : c: fember, 34. ' ' " ' ' "" tembe1&:34; 0ly' M. fif i-orx January, 18.20; May; 18.55. ' fird 'Tanai-y, 9,75; May, 0.92. ir , Wbs January, , 9.77? May, 9,95. , r:.i: MARINE. ; i '1; . Clerd. . ' I. : Str. Ovidia (Swd.), 1,820 tons, Norderi, Newport News, Heide & Co., ; v ' p-i''"- ij' 1 i; v ; .;. ; :.- MABINE DIRECTORS. '. : .-- : . .-: ' . . p' Ust ef .Teasels Now ia Port at Wilmlair ' North Csrotlns. .. v p. .r . Steamers. Str. Westhampton (Br.), 1,162 tons, DeW; Huelva,- Alexander Sprunt & Son. i Str. MeldOD Hr.. .1 57 tn.no TTanVv whyte. ... r";-, 7r : ! Str. Romsaalen (Br.), 1,632 tons,. lis gram, Henry Wbyte. ... . Sehr. Linab C. Kaminski 421 tons. Chris. tensen, MaffiU & .Wood. , ' - i Schr. Brina P. Pendleton, 827 tons. Trim, -uauiti u 00a.- " , : ' Schr. . . Edith H, Symington, 881 tons, Thurber. Maffltt & Wood ; Schr. Victor CARecords, 263 tons, Grin? th,: Maffltt jb- Wood, y r. fi ; y,.: , . '-44 :';-;'-; WILMINGTON MARKETS. '' ti ' ' STAR OFFICE, January 15. ; SPIRITS'TCBPESTINE Steady. 38. ; ROSIN Steady, ?4.90 per barrel of 280 poanas. . . : TAR rirna. $220. - ' -': CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm : ?3.00 per barrel for hard; 4.00 for dip; $4.00 for virgin. Quotations same day last year: Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin, nothing doing ; tar, nothing doing; crude turpen tine nothing doing. Racelots. Spirits "Turpentine , Rosin ... ... ... 2 Tar .. ... ... ... ... Crude Turpentine . . .i 16 : COTTON MARKET. ' Market Nominal. .., -r Same day last year, nothing doing. Kecelpts: .12o; same day . last year, 1,1-5) hales.. ' . : - ; Totals receipts since Sept. .1st. 301,012 Dates. " - - Total receipts same time last year. 3S5J- . ...... ... (Quoted by Wi- J-.- Meredith. Jan. 15.) ; j CORN Firm: S3 to 4J0c. per bu. roTATOES Irish potatoes, zc. to joc. Der bu." Sweet Dotatoes. yams. 75c. . . fEAS UDlI. WMte. S2.10 tO 52.0U ; COW peas, SI .50 per bu. t REEF1 On font, vcfv dnll. M94c. n'er lh dressed, no sale. POKK-9lle., WtOIi Burry. 13 to 18c. per lb.; free of urr 25e: per lb; - ' -'. H1DKS ureen.-. 11c. Der lb.: dry. 1368 16 2-35. oer lb. NOKTU CABOLINA BAC05i Hams. W, 1920c. per' lb.; sides and shoulders, 13 BEESWAX Firm, 2728t per lb. : TALLOW firm, 45C. per lb. ' POULTRY Chickens. uood demand. Orowo, 4O50c. ; , Spring chickens, - lS35c, per neaa. 'xtseys,- on root, ami, zoc. EGS Dull; 2526c ; x '- iBY BIVE AND KAIL. Receipts of Cottom wd Naval Stores ' . Pert of Wilmington. ' , ' :' ', " Wllminertari K. C:: Jan. 13. Atlantic XToast Line 125 bates cotton;; 2 casks sni rits -1 ur Den tine : 16 barrels tar. Total-125 :jtmles ; otfon ; 2 casks spirits turpenteji;16iJMffrels,-tar. . . WILMINGTON PEANUT MABKEL (Quoted by J. S. Funchess & Co.) ,- Wilmington, Jao, 3.' Market Stead v.: . - - 1 " - North . Carolinas Farmers' . stock : Prims hand-picked, $1.15 ; machine-picked, - tl .12, - SpanishPrime hand-picked, l. 10; ma chine Dicke; $1 .05. v - , - Virginias Prime hand-picked, r70c. ; - ma chlne-picsea, boo. . :. .. r ; i, :.t " iEW f"TORK.-PRODUCE MARKET;? Moor -Ynrlt: jnnflr 15. Flour-MJulet, f Wheat Firm- No. red, 1 .081 .09 No. 1, Northern lulutb. l .. -T . Corn Firm. ' '. - . - Hides--Steadyi ? ' : v Petroleum Steady. V - ' : . i Molasses-Steady. .jRlce-Firafc :' ,:' - . . Weoi-Quiet. . I Sngar-rRaw. steady ; refined, steady. . Butter Firm, !( t: ' -.f---.. V-:::.:' Oieese--Steady.' , , . " ; Coffee Soot- steady : ' Rio.:, No. ,7, ',13'A SantosANo, 4, i5; mild quiet; Cordova 1 Potatoes Steadier.. Florida, - 2.004.00; IMaineba, 902.0o; .Western, , bag, 1.40 & '85; tiprtm Fairly '.'.iacaTe,' witn lnrices hiaher on scarcity -of crnde . 'offer .tngs, ;rf6Verlibf;:shtort4,:-iuyla;bycottba houses and support from -refiners. Closing prices were 5 to 8 points net. higher. Sales, 11,600 htftrelS. -xi me crude, .fLS33.0(i do; Siuniner yelloV, spot, 6.126.35; January, 6.12;' :ivnirch.vu; - A-prii,- ne. -6.20; ; uiyi .2; Winter , yellow, 6.25 I-LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET; i'V . ' ' --Hu -.-. Liverpool, January 15. Spot cotton, quiet and- easier.- American middllng,"7.37; good rtilrMHn tr .1 middliftC. .6.83: low mid d liiiR- .5: . Eoott" ordinary. JS.25 :: ordinary i 9. VI. x ntyien .oi uie ua ..jvtw i,uuw imfcn, of which 1,000 were ror speculation ana ex ort and included 5.100 'American. f, Re eelptis, :3,100. 'ani 'AmetJcaiii. ..Futures -togeni Id ftuiet and closed steady. Jatthary; 6.65 iaauary 4 and 1 Februkey, 662V j : February; and Jktarch. J.ei.;; Mach and .April, 6.60; April au dMay,. 6,58 V May and. June. 6.57; June and July, ,6.55 July and .August,! .32 jr Augtist andSeptember.v;6.4l &ep: fember and October, v..27.i Oqtoher ami. No, vemberp A 19 November and : Decemheri 6.16; -December, .jhd .January.v6.15; Janu-: ary and Feb.rtiary;6,.14.ti ,r - .-- lj I' " DRY -GO .-'-' ,'. ' ..:- v ? DRV -GOODS MARKET. New Xork. i januaey. 'U. iw -.cotton a-oods markets .- were , quiet ana steaayi .v .? 1 GOHII . AGTlVEidOST- STOCKS . STILL WEAK By' 'Comparison With Two Previous Days, However, the; Market Gave A J3etter. Account &t itself ..' if -:- !- "Contradictory : - v;k.?- ' '. 1 New Tork, January 15. By comparison with the two. previous. days of. weakness. the stock market gave a better nccount pf Itself today, but . it '. nevertheless, cfontinued to reflect the disordered state' of speculative sehttment - The : market 1 was nervous and irregular. with Contradictory . movements among various issues. .' i.. : ' . .. Some stocks sold, below yesterday's ; low point, although the range ot prices -was much narrower, and during a large 4 part .oz ...the. day. many of the leaders snowea small net; gains...v - i.-; .-. iteaoing, . . lemgn vaitey, . ana ouiueru Pacific were weakest of the more promi nent Issues, while metal shares developed streneth.f . . -: -; . - .. The .market was most, unsettled during early trading, and as the session advanced grew-.steadier until in the late .afternoon it made a fair showing of strength,, with, a dumber or gains' of a point or more. . . Various "matters operated to check the decline; j There, was evidence of determined support during periods, of weakness, which Lrestricted operations On the short side. The posmou of the European markets was an other favorable Influence and purchases of stocks by1-- Europe were the heaviest iii some 'time. It was estimated that Eu rope bouarht 40.000 to . 50.000 shares, Lon don taking chiefly Steel and Uniou Pacific, and Paris Amalgamated. : Traders - with heavy commitments on the- short side showed some uneasiness and. covering op erations were carried : on extensively, . par ticularly in the metal stocks. Political consideration again figured promnently. All 3 Wall Street talked polities , today and ap parently little headway was made toward dispelling, the nervousness which has been reflected in the week s dealings. ; .. Bonds were under slight pressure.. .To tal sales, par value, $1,927,000. Panama 3s advauoed on call . .Total sales 'today, 501,400 shares. . Closing stock list Amalgamated Copper ...... . .. 72V& .. 54 .36 .. 27 .,113 . 52 ..52 , 21 American 'Beet .Sugar . .v . . j " American Can . . American ' Can, pfd ; . -American .Car -and.. Foundry. ... American Cotton (il . ; American lee Securities L . , ... American Unseed . . . .. . American Locomotive : . 1 ... . ... jo - .., American. Xmeltina and Uef ... " .70 . ..105 , .115 . 413414 ..270 . . '. 37 5 . .wl04 ..;101 . -:.120 ...104 .. 36 . . .. 80 ...242 .. . 26 American' Smelting. and, Uef., pfd American Sugar. Itefinlng ... . . American Tel and. Tel J.. . American Tobacco ... , Anaconda Mining Co Atchison-.. . .. ... ... Atchison, pfd .. ... .-. Atlantic Coast Line : ;. Baltimore .and Ohio Bethlehem Steel ... ... Brooklyn Raid Transit Canadian Pacific."... .. Central Leather . . . Chesapeake and Ohio. . . . . .-75 . .. 16 . ..112 135 31' ....137 . ..13 ...162 ....20 .- . 37 . 19 . .. 30 .40 . . &i . . ..182 .. .127 ..-38 . ..127 17 ... 60 ..'.-.103 .. ..18 .. . 11 . ..-X4 ... 25 1 ..102 ...159 . . .150 -. ..138 ... 26 Chicaaro- (Ireat Western "J dilcairo. Mi . and St. Paui rChicago and North Western Colorado -Fuel and Iron Consolidated Gas ... ', . . Cprn Products . Delaware and Hudson . Denver -and Itlo Grande I ... Denver and Bio Grande, pfd Distillers' Securities . Erie .V. ... ... ... ;.. ; Brie. 1st nfd ....... Jirie; 2nd pfd :. . ; . . . 1 . . . General Electric ... Great Northern; pfd ... !... Geat . Northern ; .Ore Ctfs. Illinora Central ...... ... IhterhoronghMet ... .. iaterborouirh-Met.. nfd ... . inter-Harvester ... ... Inter-Marine, pfd . .' .. . . . international Paper ;.. International Pump .... . .. Kansas City Southern . .!. . ijacieae uas . . . . ... Lehigh' Valley ...... . Louisville and. Nashville Minn.. ,St. P. and Sault Ste Marie Missouri. Kansas andvTexas ... Missouri Pacific .... ...... ; ; 9 t AT Nationar Biscuit .-. ... .1. i4. .. National Lead-... ......... ... 51 -: .. 25 ..100 ... v .111 .. ) ..118 ...-! ...l:S' .100 - . . ..162 Nat-.Rys of (Mexico. 2nd pfd . . New York Central .. .j New York. On t. and Westen NorfolK and Western North American ... . Northern . Pacific pjclflc Mall-... ... .. Pennsylvania ... .'.. People's Gas ". . . ; . Pittsburg, C. C. and St. Louis Pittsburg Coal . . . ... ... ... Pressed Steel Car ... .... .. ... Pullman Pal.ice Car v.. '.. J.'eadLig ... L. .. ... ,.J .. Bepublic Ircu and Steel .. ... ... Republic Iron and Steel, pfd 1. . Rock Island Co r.. it: ,. ... .. Rock -Island Co.. pfd i. . St. Louis, and .San Fran.,, 2nd pfd Seaboard .r Line . . .. i . Seaboard Air Line, pfd ... ...... Rloss-Shetrield, Steel and Iron .. . Southern: Paefl:&V:: i-.f .... . ; Southern Railwa v . , . .162-: '..40 i ...22 . . 40 . . 27 .:. 194 ..45 .. 41 ; ...105U . .260 ...79 34 ...21 ...157 . . 80 73 -...64 ... 63 ...109 .. 54 ...41 -. 3 2 . . 30 ... 71 . . . "73 ... 7 Southern Railway, pfd Tennessee Copper 4 v Texas and Pacific ... -Union Pacific ... Union laclfle, pfd . . .". -. i . United States, Realtv .. United States Rubber ... United States-Steel . : . : i: United States Steel, - pfd , Utah iCopper ;.... Vlrginla-Cardlinai Chemical Wabash ... v.-. i,:-. Wabash, pfd; .. .-,,- ,.. .; Western Maryland Western Union ; -. . ' '. . . ' Westingbouse Electric . Wheeling and Lake Erie THB FINANCIAL MARKET. i- - i. :.i)'.v,.'v't--V ' " ''' -..VV. C, J-J' - New York, January 15. Monev on call, steady, at 23; per cent.; ruling 'rate, and closing -bid, - 2 goffered at 3. Time loans,..'flrm.; ; sixty , days, ,a4 per cent. ninety days, 44; six months; 44. Prim mercantile paper, 45. Ster. ling exchange; firm, with actual business iir - hankers llls at 4.85 for sixty-day bills, and at - 4.8710 for demand. Com mercial bilis4.82. - Bar Silver. -.6U-: ' nr i lean' dollars. :?49.; . Government bonds, flrm.- IVUUluau. WUU9, UKilV). 1 , - 1 - i "-7: NAVAL STORKS." - rXe - NewvYork January 115. Turpentine and rosin, quiet. - - r - ,- Savannah January. 15. Turpentine, firm at-. 39. Sales. 460; receipts, 351r-ship-ments, 710; stock, 30,901. J Rosin Firm. Sales, 1,517; receipts, l, 4ft5; shipments, 450; stock, 151,127. Quote: A, B. 4; 905 . 35 C, , D, E. 5.25(5.35 ; F, 5.355.45; I Q, 5.405.45;.H, 5.45; I, 5.70: K. S,7ii ;;M-snd NfI 7;15; W' Gj 7.20; W W, 7.25 1 1 cf r: J; PIHS.HU RST ; GO LI? Matches J it ; Actvertisers' Tournament " inehuxst. ,N ,-.", ,. January '::1'5:1 " matchefl2e:Adv ier goii tournament toaay resulted In Jfollowinr .WrVivIhg .for .further icon- test jor nrst division honors;: .-- A . - K. OUveT, AHeghanyr D. &L PaHer, ; Gar den CJityi I 4M: Purves, Woodland ; I. S . Robeson, ; Qak Hill; W'. J . . Mac Donald, Caldmet ; George C. Dutton, Oakjeyj Marshall Whitlach, Oakland ; Hldrlajer;;Fbx Hills. jfV:; v ' . :y -II; .'"' '"'-.-'- ".V '.' ": '-' .'...:.' Hear Mr., Karti "Ha , . Newf s6ns Hyy GrailS7 aydrite so- Cnlted States IbarieSt of ; AgricuUure, .. 4 v .- . weatner Jtrareaa. . - if- -"V-" ' k ' -v; January "16. 1913. ; Meteorological, data far the 24 hours end-f ing at 8 P. JVI-yesterday: -; , Temperature ki. o .va. o uegrees ; ai o:: P. iM., 56 degrees ; maximum,; 60 degrees ; minimum 'Jo . aegrees ; mean, 4S 'degrees. : . Riiinfnli for? the day, .00: rainfall for the month, to date, 1.34. i , i r Stage : 01 - wacer u vpc c ear ; river, , at FayettevlHe, at 8 F.:M., yesterday, -j3.9Jeeti ' i-- .?- '' ' ."Weather' Forecast. Vni- Vnrth Carolina Fair : warmer Thurs day ; Friday; local ruins. - . ; .';! ,y Port .Calenda Jan. l. V; Sun rises ., .V'.V. .7:17 A. 1. Sun sets .. ' 5 . . ' . . . h . . .5 V27 P. . sf , Day's length ..10 hrs. ic mini ;. I Tides. ; . . High water. Low water; " '- ''hi.', A.M. P.M.v A.M.: P.M. Wilmingtou ... 4:20 44 H:51 11:49 Southport f i ': ; 1 ;40 1:48 8 :09 -8 :22 Masonboro Injet ,, 1:11 1;10 ,Ji:40 7:5 WtATHtH bUKAU RPOfttd i January 15,. -1913. - . ; fremperst are. STATIONS! -a CD is p s AS Abilene. . - Ashevllle. . . -Atlanta.. . -Augusta . pt cldy . - .clear . clear cloudy . ' .clear 68 - 56 56 56 62 44 60 . 52 44; 62 64 62 64 62 . -68 42 62 m 56 62 68 52'? JS0 48 . 28 : 34 36 42 28, 32 ; ' 54 . 52 ' 46 :.48 J-40 50 28 40" 36" 30 ,44 50. 34 24 . .O .O .0. :o .0 .0 ; .0 .0 - Ji i .O .0 .O .0 .0 .0 .0 .01 . .0 .0 .0 .04 .0 Birmingham . Boston.. . . Charleston . . Charlotte . . . Chicago.. ' . - .cloudy 1 . cloudy " cloudy : cloudy , clear . ' clear .cloudy . clear . .clear . dear . .clear .cloudy raining cloudy ,,. cloudy ;. clear: .cloudy clear Galveston . . . Jacksonville . Memphis . . -Mobile.. ...,'' Montgomery . New Orleans 1" New York , Oklahoma . Pittsburg Raleigh . Savannah .t;- ; Shreveport-'; l St.tLouis . Washington". STATE ELECTORAL, COLLEGE. Unanimous .Vote for. WiJon and Mar' . shall Mr. . Daniels. Raleigh, itsf. .C, Jan. lr-The North Carolina, Electoral College met in the Senate chamber at noon; today, and each of the twelve members cast his vote for Woodrow Wilson for' Presv. deqt of the United States, and Thos. Jr; Marshall -for Vice-President. B. R. Preston; -of Charlotte, caucus chairman, called the meeting to order and called to the chair G. Elli? Gard ner. N)f Yancey. The college effected psrmanent organization with Elector Garner as President and Geo. E. Hood, of Wayne, as Secretary. The oath of office was administered . by Associate Justice Wm. A. Hoke, of the Suprems Court. ' ; ' . The speech nominating Wilson was made by former Lt. Gov. Francis D. Winston; of Bertie, . who iiaid high tribute to North Carolina and her .part in picking out thee Presldentielect, and in glowing terms voiced the fitness or the party's successful. : nominee as shown In his record;. -Brief seconding speeches were made by P. C- Harding, of Greenville,' ando Geo. E. . Hood, or Gold3boro., ' ' -. "' Gtfv. ThosJ R. Marshall, of Indiana, was nominated -bv J. A. Brown, of Chadbourn. and seconded by P..H. Harris: if 'Northampton. . '- H. M. London, otPIttsboro, was the unanimous fcholce f the college for messenesr. to scarry the vote to Wash ington. and he1 intends to start on nis mission tonight, iri5 the hope of being the first to arrive with a State's vote. The college adopted -x a resolution, introduced by 'Mr., Londcmp requesting tho Pros5dntwlc to abooint . Jose- nhbs Daniels a member -of his catimet, ja copy of this resolution to be carried by u the messenger' and -'delivered in person to Presidentelect Wilson The members of fhe college were in vited by the Citizens' Inaugural tjpm mittee to join the Escort Committee to meet Governor-elect Locke Craig at Greensboro : tomorrow and escort him to Raleigh. ,lfine expressed their intention of accepting this invitation. There was a fair attendance of vis itors in the lobbies and galleries . to witness the ceremonies, and there was some mild, applause at times. FIRE ATt GIERSCH'S. ...;--c,fa.- . ' '.oi Rafelgh Has Early.Mornintf Hotel Fire. Damage : Probably : b,uou. Special -Star Correspondence.) Raleigh. N: CJ. Jan. l&Fire broke out in the basement of Hotel Giersch Sunday jnoniing about 6 'o'clock and completely gutted the' basement and street flos ", containing the kitchen and' heating 'plants in l!he ; basement and; the office; lobby and cale and pri vate dining rooms' on ' theJstreet floor. The upper stories were badly damaged by. smoke and ; otherwise: It required three hours !f 6 get the fire under con trol owihe td the fact that a big lot of stored soft coal became ignited. The fire started from a' hot water heater containing coal ' fire. - -Many of the guests had to rush from heir rooms in their ; night clothes and -' gain the Street through the densest -sort of smoke and coal gases. A big, force of workmen began repairsr today and the kitchen and cafe will be open again in a couple of days, although it will re quire some j.time anfl probably over 5,00Q to completely restore the - hotel to normal equipment. n '-,.'. , r TOTHEPUBUC. The repoVt bf ihe -auditor employed -iby ;the "Bard : of Couhty :i &rnmiioher , has been prmted; in, pairnprIet form arid any lone: ihteresfed Us 1n tTtetf'Jjtb "call ft HthemiSf sibners' offiice and 'receive a copy. ' iTJiiS" report, contains ftitl statistical tnf ormatibn;in regard to .the financial; affairs : of the county. Wi-f :W$ , t MS., WILLARD,t ft 1 Ghnin. . B . of Go. Cbni. - jai,su'3'i.-;;f 'Txt"0S Cure in 1 to S Ar nnaaturaldiscnarge. I banuuna no potaon and jnsybeiisedallatxeBst!i abolatly without fear. Guaranteed cot to atiicture. Frerenta contagion. WWTNOTCURE TOXIRSEXF?- X At J0nisi8ts.pr we abn express prepaid upon I ceceipt 1$1. Full particular mailed a xeaucst. f At: rece U.L. GORE Cfl Mr ArlY 1 1.1 WHOLESALE GROCERS Offer to, the ' COO cases Sweet - Potatoes. :-f .1200 cases Salmon. ' , ; " 'V ; 500 cases Tomatoes. ; . COO cases Corn. ' , 7- -, ' "'. 20() cases Peaches. ' 25 cases Asparagus. . 100 cases Apples. 500 bags Rock Salt. 10000 bag's 100 lb. Salt; 500 Spirit Barrels. . 500 "bundles Hoop Iron. 1500 kegs Nails. , :; At prices to meet legitimate eomt petition. Prompt shipment guar anteed. :. : .: : .: ''; : STATEMENT CONDITION National Bank OF. WILMINGTON, N. t At the Close of Business December 31, -;. 1912. ' v. RESOURCES : -lioans and Discounts . . . .$4,59812.50 V. S. Bonds (at par) . . . S51.000.00 Bank Building: . . ... . . 75,000.00 Bonds and Other Securities 157,716.46 Cash and Dae by Banks . . 1,365,055.51 '- -; y: ' - . , ,80,747,0847. LIABILITIES: Capital Stock . . . s ..$ 8JJ.00f.O0 Surplus and Net Profits . , 515,000.00 Circulation . . ...... 550,000.00 Special . Deposit, V. S. Bonds 100,000.00 Deposits. . ... . 4,757,084.47 $6,747,084.47 DEPOSITS: December SI, 1908 . . . December 81, 1910' December 31, 1912 . . .$2,871,880.79 . 4,002.287.34 . 4,757,084.47 H. c. McQueen -J. V. GRAINGER J. W. YATES. . C. 8. GRAINGER . . . President .Vice-President Vice-President . . . .Cashier THERE'S PLENTY , OF STYLE about the rig you hire" from"his livery stable. Nobody could .tell it f rom that of a millionaire and you'll feel like one when you drive out in it. Just say the word and. we ..will send around an outfit '. that you will be proud to be seen in and will make your friends think you have inherited a fortune. C. W. MILLS. Mgr. NO ONE IS TOO OLD to be indifferent to their teeth. In fact the older the person the more ne cessary is it that the food be. properly masticated. . . . . . GOOD HEALTH AND GOOD TEETH go together. You cannot have one without the other. We supply teeth for persons of - every age andcondi Ition. ; All operations are painless and all charges are extremely moderate. Crown and Bridge Work a Spe cialty. All work Guaranteed. DR. CuLBRETH'S Dental Parlors ; - Front and Princasft Stre, H. deW. RAPALJE CONSULTING ENGINEER. Room 511 Southern Building. WILMINGTON. N. C. " Contractor and Builder, All Carpenter Work. Done; Satisfactorily. - Call 'Phone 1334. NOTICE $25.00 Reward will be paid for evi dence to convict any person or corpo ration who sets fire that burns any of my lands in this or any other county in this State. . - - D. L. GORE, 120 -N. ' Water . Streot. ; Wilmington. ;cCNorth;fTonn.,?::.;i"';;' fifi'tffi V,,,- ' , :- : . -. ; ''vfe:';.'i -y i'rSHEELV NGT0N:,,HOTE-L: W Convenient to the traveling public; good clean rooms' and beds; table as good as the marked affords .; ; .. . ' - Give US-a trial ; . - - ; .-FAIR BLUFF. N. C. The MtircKison U BSifW SUNSET PARSC WILMINGTON MOST BEAUTIFUL :,v':?'f .- . SUliDlVlSlbN x S ' s Beatitiful Entrances. GA3 ELECTRICITY I . Artesian Water . . . . . . J ..-4. YOU CAN BUY FIDEUTY TRUST & DEVELOPMEOT COMPANY a -14 Princess St;- 3C cni itucdm ' - - -I . ' ' Five Cars oh hand at the Write or call and see us, as WIUJ. E. SPRINGER & CO ; PURCELL IT A Change of WeatKer a And to get the Best something else, and '-. ' . - . SOLRY J. One-Price Clothiers and Furnishers ' " ts for the and Children's Clothing, . Underwear and Hats such as Strouse & Bros, and v B. Kuppenheimer Clothing, Knox and Stetson Hats, the noted Norfolk and New Brunswick and Dr. Deimd's Li nen Mesh Underwear. j ' ; - - , ' v j 'Phone 617. . i-'- - :v .'V - CHATT-A-NOOGA" Plow Plow the intelligent Farmer selects to suit his soil, as well as his employes, and when you satisfy the one who is i& use the Plow, you satisfy your Corn, Cotton, Tobacco, or what ever your crop might be, .:" . :: : iP'-- ;; Write for our prices, on the numbers below: 43, 62, 63, 70, ' j. w. muRcms0s0W) Wholesale Hardware, v ; .. . Wilrmngton, N. C. ll'.aitd 0 BUILDERS' Street Cars to Park in 6p days ; Granolithic Sidewalks 'm;vT;vw -sr.; TELEPHONE SERVICE : FREE! era . ON EASY TERMS i v nn n rrvriMP ' ...'' ' v did price..; It won't last lng. to price. I BUILDING. f ! : Mean for the money is the place, where? . i ' : 'j . ; a COIUiPANY Best Men's, Boys' Masonic Building. if you want to know which r anfes,. Structur-, .. al -Steel "Machine ,i?teel, Tool Steel, Cold Rolled Steel 7Uepaif. all classes of Machinery. ; , Rework v Stce-l,v r' Iron; Brass, op- peiuunimuiu. . , . ' Call and , .see us - work..iwc are tne IRON. MEN. and. appreciate . your , orders. .. ' Wilmington C '-'ltvri ' ' Staaufactwfiaif - "' -- Plant, : Ora'agre Water t. -. SUPPLIES. J IX. fit : i : ''..f ''!.'f'"' :r, '. . , mi i-1 ' i mm 5'i(;:JH..it M'-'S s-'-i".. ' ,;"' I It' -ri''.-s Is i' ;-'.i j.' " -'; -vU-l-3 ( i'lr1 I' ' ' 1. It .. .PpJVf H'H 11;: bf'3'i ?ast- Ot CUwhawS . jaio-iot : r? t r It If ,-'j ' .-Jvy,--7.i--...f-,-'ii-w! -.I-v.?.-, 'ir .- ' -....".-,'-..: ... ' t ' '.. "' r.-'v i-