Fm 1 , COTTON ADVANCES 22 POINTS Continued Trade Buyfng; and Cerfrig of Shorts SentPricestUp Sharp- . lyClose Firm, 5 to &2 ' .-V Points Higher. New York, Jan. 22. There was a farther sharp advance In the cotton market today,' with March coutracts seUluj?. abont 'half a cent above Mondays low. level on continued trade-buying and covering f shorts, Reac-; t ions occurred duripg 'the aftefnobn, but the close was firm and last prices were 5 to 2J points net higher.. ----" "'--v . The market opened firm at an advance of j to 16 points, In response". to higher cables than due, bullish syernight spot . advices from the South, renewed covering- and "sup port from leading trade . interests, particu larly of July. Realizing by recent buyers t-uised some little Irregularity,; but the market worked generally higher until rices showed a liet advance of from 15 to S3 points. At this level the demand became less urgent and as soon as the market show ed a disposition to hesitate there was a re newal of selling pressure,, while houses withl Memphis connections also became rather active sellers- -Those offerings were ecom: pauied by private advices from Memphis, churning that the advance in spots was not hiinsrinc in any fresh demand and renorts .were received from New- Orleaiis that cotton- 'was still being pitted in some sections of Texas. The 'market eased off some 4 or 10 points In -eohsequence, but . rallied In the last few minutes on Jew . Orleans ' buying, renewed covering and local butt support, which seemed to be Inspired by reports that the Balkan troubles had been settled. ... . Spot closed quiet, v Middling uplands, i;5.00; do. gulf.'13.25 ; sales 500 bales. Futures closed firm.-. ; . " Month: - ' Open. Higlu-libw. "Close: Jan.. Feb Mar Apr May.. June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec .. .. ..12.67 12. TO .. ..12.14 12.14 .. 12.25 12.34 - 12 . t .U2.01 12.15 ;. . ..n.80 ..... 12.58 12.00 12U4.12.21 12.21'" 12.29 .:..TT12.09 12.04.rl2.11 ......j H.97 11.83 '11-99 ..11:87 : 11. .. .. ..11.81 11.S6 , 11.78 11.88 11.43 11.42 .11.46 1135 11.38 11 Af S 11. 30 11.38 ..... 12.40 11.35 11.43 ..11.38 11.38 THE PORT MOVEMENT. Galveston Steady, 12 7-16 ; net receipts, o,025; gross receipts, 5,925; sales, 700; stock, 2VS.8U0; France, 13,608; continent, 12J3ol.v . New Orleans Firm, 12 7-16; net receipts, 4.45l; gross receipts, 4,645;- sales, 2,875; stock. 173,368; GreatiJBrItain,' 6,300; conti nent. 8,550. ' ' " ,' ., Mobile Quiet, 12; v net - receipts, 620; rross receipts, 620 sales, -700; stock, 32,006; coastwise, l,4a,-,-.. :-s . . - , ' SavaunahSteady, 12 5-16 ; net " receipts, 2.73,5: gross ,- receipts.. 2,751: sales. 1.973: stock, 130,744; Great Britain, 200; coastwise, 2.042. . .. . i - - . . : Savannah -Steady, 12 5-16 ; net receipts, 2.(33 : trross receipts. . 2.ol : - sales. , 1.9 3 ; stock, 130,744 ; Great-Britain, 200 coastwise; 2.042. " .. ' :- r. ' - -- :. Charleston Nominal, 12 ; net receipts, 386 : srross receiDts. 386: stock. 2T.o24. : - Wilmington Nominal; net t receipts. ISO; sross receiDts. ISO: stock. lo.467. Norfolk Steady, 12;; .net receipts.' 700; gross receipts, 700; sales. 847; stock, 65,721; coastwise, 3.351. -.- - Baltimore Nominal, 12; stock. 8,563. New York Quiet, 13.00; net-receipts; 127; gross receipts, 6,114 ; sales, 500; stock, 124 412; Great . Britain, . 315; continent;- 10; coastwise, 4,058. . , - -. Boston Quiet IS'.TKTJ" net 'receipts, "82; gross receipts, 9,081 ; stock, 24,416. , Philadelphia Steady, 13.25; stock, 3.3S8. Texas City Net receipts, . 534; gross , re-i-eipts, 534; stock. "25,697; coastwise, 200. Brunswick-rStock, 12,054. . - . JacksonviMe-T-Stock, 1,800.' -f ' . Aransas Pass Stock, 781. ? ' Tacoma-Net 'receipts, 4,009;. gross -receipts, 4,009; Japan 4,009. . . . j Total today, at .all ports-Net, 19,o5; Great BriUin 1213 ;.raiice, 13,608;, eonti uent. 20.911: JaDan. 4.009: stock. 944(831. Consolidated, at all ports Net. 102451; Great Britain,. 45,472; France,, 23202; conti nent. 73,139; Ja pan.-ZJOGl ; fexlco,2O0- . Total since Seoti 1 at all ports Net. 9, i;i4.67; Great Britain, 2.021,628 ; France, NJ5.236; continent. 296,612; Japan, 149,983; Mexico, 1,800. --v - -INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houston Steady 2$ net receipts; 8,543; gross receiptsjSS; shipments, 10,665; sales, 3,799; stck, 148.446, Autrusta Steady. 1291: net , receipts, .502 gross receipts -S02; shipments, 2,231; sales, 3..J5M; stock, lou,7.. Memnhis Steady. 12 : net . receipts, , l: 245; gross receipts, 1,849; shipments, 3.0G7; sales. l.KK); stock lfiS.061. St. Louis Quiet, 12; net , receipts,- 309; gross receipts. 4,7Uo; shipments, 4,4j; stoci Cincinnati Net receipts, 1,740; .gross . re- eipts. 1.740: shimneuts. 239 stock, 24.65U. Little Kock Steady. 1214 : net receipts. 623; gross receipts, 623; shipments. 636; stock, 40,739. s . -' - - - Total totlay Net receipts, 12,962; gross rei-eipts, 18,022; shipments. 21,294; sales, 8, 403; stock, 508,194. . v LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, Liverpool, January 22. Spot cotton, mod erate business; prices, steady.- American middling fair. 7.34; good middling, 7.00; inifidlintf, O.SO low middling, G. 02;-, good onlinary, C.22; ordinary, 3.88. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 700 were for speculation and. export and included 7,100 American.- Receipts, ; 28,000 .bales,, in- ludinj,' 18,200. American. Futures opened steady and closed Irregular, and excited. January, 0.G3; January and-February. 6. GO; Kfbruary and March, 6.59? March and Ap ril. (5.58; April and May, 0.50; May and Juno. 6.54; June.jwd .-July, C52; July "id August,. 6. 48; AogHist and September,. ; September, and October, 6.25; Oc ')lpr and November, 6.16 ; November and December, 6.14; December and January,' ij .1:5 ; Jaiiuar and February, 6.12. v BELAND MX1RDER TRIAL Removed From Wiison to, Gbldsbdro Friends Quarterly Meeting ( Special Star Correspondence.) Goldsboro, N . C January 22, Su Perior Court is in session hereV with one of the largest criminal rloclcets tor a long time. : There are four feapt' tal cases. Three of thein are negroes nd the other is a white man, J. W. Iiland, charged with; shootinsr nis wif e n Wilson some time - last- Fall.-. Thig from- Wilsoni county bv t.h State on ' fonnt of ioor-t !ar feeling for Belahd. It will he? reif toenibered that Beland shot liis wifja ast Fall when he fpund another nan the rnnm -aritit lioV -'A VArilrft Tlf la ncired men has been summone41orrde4t.h of Mrs. W . E , Hobbs, at that the trial. The case came ud toda. The Friends' quarterly meetfrife.wiil b,J held in the Friends ; church. If ere, .iuuing Saturdays "i ne meeim&rvzi sIw-Am tinhv aIia". was hold- mond Binford; of GMlford College,' and' o" J ,rer noted speakers, will be in at ";ndance. The -tjuarterly meetings ure 'J'ays a time for a great ingathering of the Friends' people, and a largo (rewd is expected to attend the one this week at Goldsboro - r : - DRY GOODS MARKET.'..', " 7r York. Jnnmirv 22. Domestic' cotton 'Oils held ron ataotv orlth an odvflnclne if. .cy noted in colored yarn fabrics. Job- 'Jtis reported a satisfactory, business, . v -, nvaWU , WW .M- . -m . WHEAT AND DATS WERE HEAVY Cori-?-r and Pr wl vrn. inierrupteci j Pn,y ?!ceT-Casarjid Clos- v .- ing Quotations : v .v:'' 'V ChlcSgti., ;Jk22wiS:aatS weheaynljjhlly; loWer, today ;icorn firm andrtjBovislons nfaAv mkV.-Mil ited a urrry offirmness early on 'the born; strength and. on the estimate of an Europ ean authority, that the continent will re quire !,a: weekly supply of 12,800,000- bushels, but at no time did the price equal yester day's closeY--- -v. , . ... r .-. ... .. The strength of corn was interrunted 'onlv nce,;hen pit traders, following the early UUJ.US, oonj lu secure qmeK profits. This was near the close and knni-Vori nni,, off the top of the price. - H v5 . 74 ' y Cash :oats advanced to -'cent but fu-; tures eased off desnlte this. streagthi- Provisions closed a - shade nver yesterday: , . . ,- ... - Lah grain :-v'-,.;' .- : - . -.'r' o3oiea S ' 1101.14 ; No. 2, iard, 9195 ; No. 1 Northern, 9191 ; No. 2, do.' 889Qj;N0. spring, 88S?. J ' . ' ST4SrN0 2' Whlte 3535; standard, 34 . Closing pricesr,.. ? ' ' ,-l Wheat Mav -SS4:-"Jul v - onat- sn.iwiA te2ber7w5' - Jaly' 3434 Pr ork January, 18.57; May. 18.90. I7q,vd; JPary, 10.1010.12; May, Bibs aunjafrj, ld.02: lay, 10.15: MARINE. , rv f I Cleared;-. ; .; ; iir. UflivjlfioeL 1.278 tfihs ' Purtiir C!nnru. , ' ' - ; 1 " . town. ' '- . - SchnUrlna P. Pendleton, 827 tons, Trlni, New York,-Maffitt & Wood. r , : .h'-, -. ::' ' . - y..- ; .- j - -, r?. ,'- . .Exports Domestic. ' - New. - Tork Schr. Brina i. P.- Pendleton, 14j05 Dine "'Cross ' ties r rarira li v Tr T Windley ; vessel Tjr Sfaffitt ifc. Wbod. MABCNK DIKECTOBT. List, of iTessela Now In Port t WlUnlug- . u tB. North Cmroliasv i v "- . - SebooBer. Schr. Llnab C. Kamlnski, 421 tons, Chris tensen, Maffitt & Wood. Schr." Edith H. Symington, - 881 tons, Thurber. Maffitt & Wood, - . . j - Schr Victor C' Records, 2C3 tons, Griff-' tb, Maffitt;& Wood ; ? r , -; WILMINGTON MARKETS. f i STAR OFFICE. January 22; - SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady, 39. ..ROSIN Steady, -$5.20 per barrel of 280 pounds. - t TAR Firm.-$2.20. ? ; CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm: $3:00 perfErie, 1st pfd . uarrer lur uuiu; -t.w per oarrei lor uip ; $4.00 per barrel for virgin : Qnotatlons- same day last year: . Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin, nothing doing; tar, nothug doing; crude turpentine, $3.50 for hard ; $4.50 for dip ; $4.00 for virgin. .Receipts. Spirit Jw neiitlm? i"V v;rjs -17' Itostn. ... ... ... , ,.145 lf . trade Terpentine .lv. .'vi; . . !: spirits turpentine: 145 barrels ros'iu: 32 bat- re Is tar; 24 barrels crude turpentine. : 1 COTTON MARKET. 1 Market Nominal. ; r . - ftime lay fttst year, 94. 1 Receipts, ISO; same day last year, 1,521 bales. H ..- . . - t , - -.-.i " - ; , Total receipts' since Sept. 1st, 302,00! bales. hnk i Total receipts same time last year, 393,465 bales. Jl. PRODUCE MARKETS. . JCQnoted by W: J. Meredith. Jan CORN Flrni 83 to 90c. per bu., - POTATOES Irish potatoes, 85c. 22.) to 90c. pep bn. Sweet potatoes, yams, 75c. ' PEAS Dull. White, $2.10, to $2.50; cow Lpeas. $1.50 per bn. r - aiuutxoa-ioo very uuii, (c. per id.; aressed, no .sale. PORK-r-9llc. WOOLBurryf i5 to 18c.perlb.; free of Jjurr, 25c. per ib. . - HiDESrr-Green, llc: per lb.; dry, 13 16 2-3c. per lb." i ', : NORTH CAROLINA BACON--Hams, old, 1920e. per lb.; sides and shoulders. 13ft 14c. per lb. - ,- . i 1 . - 1 BEESWAX Firm. 27028c. per lb. ? I 'FALLOW-'-Flrm. 45c. per lb. - ; jruuiiXKi CDicKeas, gooa aemana. Grown, 4050c. ; Spring chickens, 1835c. per head. Turkeys, on foot, dull, 20c. iSUGS--very .dull, sac. .i BY RIVER AND BAIL. . Receipts of Cotton - and Naval ; . Pert of Wilmington. Stores at ' - Wilmington, N. C., January 22. Atlantic Coast Line 100 -bales eotton ; 1 cask spirits turpentine; 6 barrels rosin; 16 barrels, tar. ; f .-,' -'- -: . V-r.:- 1 . .' Seaboard Afr'LIne 71.-bales cotton. ' Whitlock0 casks spirits turpentine. . Lisbon 94 barrels rosin; 37 barrels tar; 10 barrels crude turpentine. 1 - lOeasks spirits turpentine; 45 barrels.gsin.Lw. . ' -' .- . : River 9 hales cotton.; ' - ' - - Total 180 bales cottou : ensks spirits toaTwn,tin45Mrrels' rosing 53 barrels tar; - . . 1 A... .. ' ... . -WILMINGTON PEANCT MARKET. fr: 'le (Quoted by J. S. Pnnchess & Co.) ' . - : . : Wilmmgton,-Jannary IS.. iTarket Norjh- Carolinas, steady; Span ish- and Virginias, stronger," .... : . ' INorttt Carolinas Farmers' stock : - Prim haad-ptcKed, $1.15 ; machine picked. $1,12. - Spanish Prime - hand-picked,", $1.23; ma chine picked, $1.20. ..; . : -' Virginias Prime hand-picked, 75c; ma chine -plckedOc 'rv V... w.; -.!:-:.r". - SUDDEN DEATH ? AT GOLDSBORO '31! Mrs. Hobbs Passe h THat City; i f llnterment at ' Magnolia i i JSiweinal Star Correspondence.) r Iagnoiia,iN, C,. .January 22 .--Our community was shocked Sunday even- fri when: the news was, received Here: trhm tioiasiboro. annDunciHK iu saa place. .She died suddenly, though sne haa been in railing neaitn ior pome tSme.v When death- came . she;. was : sit ting up. i She. fell to the floor ana upon .1,1 I V orma KYMIItlflTeiV ine 11L- in -"her iarhisV -Fortunately the lit- r1S rftiYwas ?only- slightly hurtThel remains Were' flight ;to . Magnolia Monday- and interred in the cemetery ner&j.yesierQay v r. C i Sell conducting. the burial service. nT unhhs was about 35 years old. She Is uryiyedi a hnspAnd ,ad. five mi:imW;frieiids and' .fHufea - The large, crow u .mat oncuuu,, , SirSiaevidence of the esteem. 5.705 wM ,Mrg; HObbB "WaS held. Jltt Oico w-,4 . STOCKS MADE FURTHER GA1NS Advantage ISi ned; purin :jj Diy's ; Upward Swinj" Maintain- 1 t W nDr!M MsrUarf I In in t , i Response to Bidding.. ; ! '" New .ork. January 22. -The advantage gained during . the - upward swing of the rkeCj'tja.' was maintained 'fir'iniy; , today and:: further ;j advances were maae. xraaers on tne long siae oi tne mar ket. operated more confidently. , TUere was further, covering , pf short contracts and; at times anting tne session prices -were mar&eu "up In 'response to spirited biddng. , ; .News of the acceptance by Turkey of the peace terms was received a few minutes be fore the close and was followed by an out burst: f active buying for both accounts, durjng which prices were . lifted to the highest "point of the day. In spite of the improvement in sentiment, bull traders showed no disposition to attempt extensive ventures and after the advance in the morn ing, trading the market became, dull,' witbj occasional reactions due to profit taking.?: Londori bought stocks here .on a moder ate scale. The clearing of the European po litical situation will relieve a restraining influence which has borne heavily upon the bourses of Europe and less directly upon t4ie: bond market. - 'Further engagements of gold for South America today brought" up the total exports for the week to $5,300,000, ' The- bond market was -irregular, with es pecial weakness In distillers' fives. . Total sales, par value, $1,830,000. United States bonds, on call, unchanged. Total sales, 323, 300 shares. j CLOSING STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper . . . . . . ... American . Agricultural .. .. .. .. American Beet Sugar American ; Can ... American Can;, pfd . ... r. . ... American1 Car and Foundry .. .. American Cotton Oil ... . American Ice Securities ... ... ... American Linseed ... .' ... .. ij ..52 . . 37Vj ... 29 ...115 . . 53 : 49 ...23 ...101 .. 40 .. 73 ..ao5 ;.iw ...133 . . .289 ... 38 ..105 , .101 ..129 ..106 38 ... 89 ..246 .,.28 78 r''i5? ...137 :. 3S ..138 ...12 . .165 .,21 . 36 :.. 17 ...31 ' American Locomotive . . . . ' Amer. Smelting and Ref .". .. .. : Amer. Smelting andvltef., pfd .. . American;. Sugars, Ref w,. ... ... .. American Tel and Tel ... ...... American Tobacco ... ... ... ... Anaconda Mining Co ' . . . Atcnisou ..i ........ .. v ... i Atchison, pfd ... ... Atlnntic Coast Line . .. Baltimore, and Ohio . , .. Bethlehem Steel ... ... ... Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... ..J Canadian Pacific Central: Leather ... ... ... ... .. Chesapeake and Ohio ... ... Chicago Great Western . . . . Chicago," Mil. and ; St. Paul .. .'. , Chicago- and North Western ,. . . .i Colorado . Fuel and I ron ......... Consolidated Gas ... ... .. Corn ' Products . i .T .. . Delaware .and - Hudson . . Denver and Rio Orande-. . . ... .. Denver and Rio Grande, pfd ... . Distillers, Securities; ... ... rie -. . ... .. 40 General Electric -. ... Great Northern, pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central ... .. Interfoorougb-Met .V ... Interborougto-Met., pfd 1. Inter Harvester. V. i i;. Inter-Aiarlne, pfd- ,'.1, .. International "Piner J. , ..142 ...12SA . . 30 ...127 . . eo'ji ..lOSr ... 19141 v.. nf4 ic; . . 2014 ..1W5V4 .,161 138 i . ..139 27 -.41 ..119 ... 40 .. 254- ...108V4 .. 325 . .112 . . 80 ..119 .. SO t ...122Vs ..114S .. 98 ...22 33 1 ...i(w; ..165 . 24 . . S3 .,. 22 ... 41 r .. 26 ... 18 .. 46 . . 42' ..105 - 27 . . 70 ... 34 ... 20 . . llGOft .; 00 72 . . 67 -... 65 . .109 . . 55-ld .. 37 .. 3 . . 12 . . 44 ... 71 , 74 .. 7 ta ' International Pumn i.. iatKansas .City (Southern . : Ljfclede Gas Lehigh Valley ... Louisville nnd Nashville .'. . . i- .. . Minn.,' St.- P. and Sault Ste Marie Missouri, Kansas and Texas .. . . . Missouri ' Pacific '.. .. National Biscuit . . .l''r. . . ... . . , National Lead j,;. .j. ... ... ... Nat. ltys. of Mexico,, 2nd pfd .. .. New York Central ... ... ... New York 'On t. and Western ... J Norfolk and -Western ,. ortj f,r e,an Northern Pnclfle . .. Pacific Mail .. ... ... ... Pennsylvania ... .. ... .. People's Ga s v .... ;i. ....... . . Pittsburg,. C. C. and St. Louis Pittsbnrg Coal .. ... ... ... .. Pressed Steel Car "... . Pullman Palace Car Reading .. .. .. . .. Itepnblic Iron and Steel Republic Iron arid Steel, pfd .. ,. Eock Island Co ... Rock Island Co., pfd '. St. Louis and Sanr Fran., 2nd pfd Seaboard Air Line ... ... .... Mention rd Air Line, pfd Sl08s-Sbeffield Steel and Iron - Southern. Pacific Koutnerto Hallway ..; ... Southern Railway, pfd .. .. .. Tennessee Copper .. . .". . : . . . Texas and Pacific ... .. Union Pacific .... ... ... Union Pacific, p0.. United States "Realty : United States Rubber Uuited States Steel - United . States Steel, pfd .. .. .. itt. n i:ihh .o(tper ... ... ... -.J. ,., . Virginia-Carolina Chemical ... '. .Wabash 4.-... ... ... ... . Wa bash, pfd ... Western iMarvJand ... ... Western' Union v.. .. . Westlnghouse Electric Wheeling and Lake Erie ..; NEW YORK PRODtpE MARKET. New ork, January 22. Flour, quiet . Wheat Easy, No. 2, red. 1.09110; Nd 1, Northern ;Dulnth, 1.00. . Cornrrin, 57. ; Hides Fh-ni. . Leather Firm. I - Petroleum Steady! . Wool-Quiet. , "f: . ; Turpentine Steady. " Rice Firm. Sugar Haw. barely,steady ; reflued, quiet Btit$er Firm. . ... - Cheese Steady. -' 'Coffee Spot, dull ; Rio, No. 7, 13; Snn t6s, No, 4, 15 ; mild, .quiet ; Cordova, 16 18.'; ; f--r - . l c. -Potatoes Steady and unehauged. spreigbts Steady; and .unchanged. Peanuts Steady and unchanged. abbages-r-Steady and .unchanged - V1 . Cotton, Seed Oil Higher on covering of January shorts, firmer crude markets local speculative buying oh:. the advance ; in cot ton and absence of bear pressure. Closinsr prices .were 11 points higher for spot and 3-jto" o points higher on futures. Sales 5 800 . barrels. Prime crude, 5.005.07; - do Summer yellow, spot,'; 6.31 6. 34 ; Jannarv' 6.31; February, 6.17; March, 6,18: April 6.18; May and. June. 6.21; J'uly, 6.267 Au gust, 6.27 ; prime Winter yellow, 6.507.25 do. Summer white, 6.357.00. ' - ,.-'.'Vi ' i . . : '' . THE FINANCIAL MAbKET. 1 ? Iew, e Janaary 22-iloney on call steady 22 per cent.; ruling xatcand closing bid,. aT; offered at 2. . Time-loans daysV per cent.; six months, 44. Prime merekntlle;paper.'45 per cent.; Sterling exchange, strong, with, actual business in bankers -.bills -at -4.8350: for. sixty day bills and. at. ,-4. 877 .. fbr demand. - Cn-m billsr82g.Bar ?ilferr 62 ? Mexican dol-: iarSj'S.-;.;:,'.,.;.,'', ;. ' , ,. . v U :.! t- : ' '. - -"'V : ' . ;.; 1 ... -."'. . NAVAL STORES. ::- NewiYork; Janriary 22. Turpentine, stea-i - Savannah. Januarv 22. Tnrwntino S-,"1 J49g-.A Sales,236frreceiDt;. 171: hiT. ments112; stocks, 22,111 , ," ,? iJW n T oft. w no. on ' ' ii&W- TlffiEHEFLf,:: ifkv.' United States Department of Agriculture, ivewner usrean. January 23. 1913. Meteorological data for the 24-hoHrs end Ing at 8 P. M. yesterday: & - ' - Temperature at B A.M. 46 degrees ; at 8 ' p. m., 53 degrees ; -maximum, 57 degrees ; . minimum, 45 degrees; mean,. 51 degrees, Kainiau ior.: n y uay, uu; rainraii ;.-ior the month, to date,. 1.34. ". . ' . w; Stage of water in Cape Pear river, at Fayetteville, at 8 A. M., yesterday, 3.8 feet. - Weather Porecast. - ' For North Carolina Cloudy and warmer Thursday; rain at night and Friday; mod erate east and southeast winds. - t v Port CalendarJanuary 2S. Sun rises., . . . - - . .7 :15 A. M. Sunsets.... ... .,5:34 E. M. Day's length ..' .. .. ... ..10 hrs. t19 min. Tides. . . x !"'' High water; Low.water. - J v A;M. P.M. A.M, P.M. Wilmington . .10:30 10:44 5:19 6:00 Southport . . . 8:19 8:42 ,-fl;39 " 2:42 MasonBdro Tiilet .. '7:50 - 8:13:: il:30 1 2:13 WEATHER BUR2-.U REFORTS 1 . ... . : January 22. 19J3. . . u. (Temperature. ,4 52 V - fr--o a h o . .38 .10: 40 .0 w 40 .0 54 .0 40 .0 26 .0 54 .0" 40 .O 22 .0 52 .14 62 .0 30 .0 48 ' .0 46, .0 50 v .02 26" .0 30 ' .10 24 .0 38 .0 56 .0 40 .30 26 .14 26 .0 STATIONS!, JS a) . o Abilene . clear cloudy .cloudy .cloudy .pt cldy . clear - cloudy .cloudy .cloudy cloudy . cloudy" cloudy clear .cloudy . cloudy .. :clear raining . .clear , cloudy . -foggy rainiug raining . '.clear 52 52 CO 40 58 52 38 62 74 50 72 68 60 40 40. 40 52 ;3S .48 34 "44 Asheville.. . Atlanta. . . Augusta.. . Birmingham Boston... . Charleston . Charlotte . Chicago.. . Galveston . Jacksonville ; Memphis . . . . Mobile.,-'.. Montgomery : New Orleans New. York... Oklahoma . Pittsburg., . Raleigh.. 't. ; Savannah?. . Shreveport ?. St. Louis -r . Washington WANTS MONEY FOR PARKS Taft AsisJ Washington Committee to '-'Maffce City Beautiful . Washini6fton,,.January. 22--President Taft told a special, park committee of the Washington" Board of Trade today that Congress had tetter, make up its mind to appropriate for park exten sions and for government buildings in Washington now than wait 10 or "20 years and have to pay higher prices for land. t . . "The people, of the country want Washington , to , e ...a beautiful city," said the President. . ; . "The money's here, the opportuui ties . are here, ,J3Q ..why delay ? The buildings will not. cost. any less in the future. ; What money. Js for is: to use." -4- FORECLOSURE. SALE OF REAL ESTATE it. "By virtue of a power, of sale contained iiGllllcan-to Fnrney J. Goftdfrig, dat?dl 2Sth February, 1900, and recorded at nape 108, in. Book 47 of thetliccordsiin the Office of the Register of Deeds 'of -'.New Hanover' doanty, N. C, I will 'st'.i1 o'clock M., on ODtip. .24th February, ioiseuat l'uu lie .Autd-ton, ortbe,hisheSti-WcWer,' for cash, at the' Conr doorrftsatd County.5 all the -lot of Iand.":descrfh'edvfn and conveved: kby said nafttfeageV situate1. 3h the CJty, oi Wilmlngtdu.yjIfnjC: tfhd aesevlbed as fol lowsvjtpy .a8lj .fi) j5 19i v . Begjnniug jrtfH)fBoint iB9tlH?- Western line of ifcEae" , street 135, . feet (, fCarjyr of the ItoVthwestern Intersection McRae and 'MnlwerVy or Grace streets; and running thence.; Westwardly with rWHliam IWgnid's line, 86 feet nnd 6 Inches, to Kverett's line, thenge Southwardly and parallel with Mc Rae' -'street, along-,- Everett's line, 40 feet$"J thence Eastwflrdly and . parallel wjUi, "Mulberry, or Grace, street 86 feet and 6 j laches, to the Western line of McRae street, and theuce Northwardly . and along te1 Western line of McRae" street 40 "feet, tqfthe point of beginnings I, a ' ;The same being a part of the East&rn part of - Lot 4, In Block 210, according to the Official plan of the said City of Wil mington. . Dated and . posted this 18th day of Jan uary, 1913. . - . - - IDA H. GOODING, Assignee of Furney J. Gooding, Mortgagee. Jal9-30t ...... . .: . ... . . . . our advertising money to the farm ers. Help the - farmers ; all will be ' benefitted. ; Help them make this kind of advertising pay by buy ing drugs,' toilet articles "and drinks at- - - .. . , MISSION PHARMACY r; Nprth Front Street." ' "." SCH LOSS THEATRE CIRCUIT ; THURSDAY, NIGHT, JANUARY 23rd. Werba; and Luescher : present Ameri ca's ..Prize .Laugh-Maker.' :..-:r-; ; .rV.,';-' DDIE FOY J ri . In His Smashing Musical -Success "OVER THE RIVER." See the original sensational "Cabaret" V.- . show ,., t. v; Original Y. . Company- Of 100. t . Seats are now. Oh sale: at Plummer'sl Scale from 75 cents to $2.00. Ja21-3t,. : '. .... ;. V, -5- .:,'' Chickens,. Turkeys,; Etc. Extra choice Beef Veal," Country Pig Pork, All-Pbrkj Sausage, Fresh -EggS.-.?w-?r- i!:-' i'h-?' 7 -''r- ' KOPKIIIS, DAVIS & HIIiTZE 'it ?RP HT JtTJ EETflM ARKET rPhones 141-1 28-32 -7- --' Polfte Selice'a'h om J. B. aCcCabe. Local ana Long Distance 'Phniu KTK Carolina Audit &-Adjustment Licensed " Accountants . and Auditors. &oom 406 Southern Bldg. - ; - Wilmington. N. C. 1 1 , , "fo - . ' Audits. ' .- ' ..- -. 4 AccooQting . Systems. noj-w . j f 1 mhii I, STATEMENT CONDITION ... Y Nation OF WILMINGTON, N. C, " ; At the Close of Business December 31, -. . -. ..i9ia. ' - - . " RESOURCES:' . Loans and Discounts . . . .$4,508,312.60 V. Si Bonds (at par) V. 651,000.00 Bank Building .5-. , v . . . -75,000.00 Bond a and - Other Securities - 157,716.46 Cash and Due by Banks 1,305,055.51 f 6,747,084.47 '. : . LIABILITIES:. " Capital Stock '. .-, . .' . .$ Surplus and Net Profits : . . Circulation ... . . .t . Special Deposit, V. S. Bonds 823,000.00 ,515,000.00 550,000.00 100,000.00 Deposits..'1 , ..... 4,757,084.47 $6,747,084.47 ". ' DEPOSITS: December St, 1908 . December 81, 1910 . . . December 31, 1913 . . , .$2,871380.79 . 4,002,287.34 . 4,757,084,47 ii. c. McQueen J. V; GRAINGER J. W. YATE8. . ' C. S. GRAINGER W. 8. JOHNSON . M. F. ALLEN . . , . .-President .Vice-President Vice-President . . -i .Cashier . .Ass't Cashier , .Ass't Cashier YOU CAN'T HIDE The imperfections of your teeth. Do you know tHat the first . thing ihat you : notice when introduced t o anyone, is their mouth? Isn;t It . a source of embarrassment if your teeth are bad it should be? Why not start the New Tear by com ing to see us and have us fix up your mouth as : it - should be ? Our prices are as low as can be, when you con sider what ydu get. , ; The Cleanest Office in the Carolinas. Graduate Nurse in Attendance. : i DR. J..VV. POWELL, Dentist Phone 1634. Garrell Building. 50 Bags Seed Rye. 300 Bags Texas R. P. Oats. 200 Bags Oklahoma R. P. Oats. 400 Bags Mixed Oats.. 2003ag8jMixed Cornl h. 2,000 Barrels Flour. 200 Bags Coffee. 200 Bags Ship Stuff. 800 Bags Rice. . 5,000 Cases Canned Goods. 300 Barrels Molasses. 2,000 Kegs Nails. 300 Bundles Hoop Iron. 500 Spirit Casks. We. also carry full line of Staple Drugs. , . Prices and terms - to meet legiti mate competition. . .. , . D.L. GORE COMPANY Wholesale Grocers' and Importers. CAN YOUR BOY DRIVE or ride? If so why not indulge him once in a whileV" Toil don't need to invest in a rig. tYou can hire one from this livery v. stable at little -expense. You can also, have a rig of -any kind for yourself any ; time you want it on equally moderate terms. . v.:.-r: City Livery C C. VV. Ml LLS, Mgr. A 6000 FACIAL EXPRESSION . , V,v-s V?v . is always lue .to an even - and . per fect . set of teeth. have lost several of your ; teeth, or. theyhave . i- possibly; developed unevenly, we can ; correct the fault, and make them as . they. should be. ' i.-v --i : ALLOW US TO EXAMINE r. your teeth, and we will tell, you just : ' how much we can improve hem and exactly what the cost wiu oe. Crown And Bridge work a specialty. A.Itwork:guaxanteed.,:f'fJi.-J OR, GULBRETH'S Dental Parlors i : - -" Front nnd JPriaceas Street. " IE! ''' "'TT' FIFTH NATIONAL Jan. 27th-Fek. : . . ' First Exposition THEORY plus PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE equals :,-;l:r;---: " - RESULTS. . Clearly demonstrated through competitive exhibits by corn-raising experts from various States, as well as United States government ex- hibit. .. . ;. ';: . . . . ' : . .;--v. Thoroughly, educational and exceedingly interesting,, as well as of vital importance . to the 'South's future farmers. ... ...;' , .-, ' A corn, education in one dayT avaluable asset for young and bid, - On account of this occasion the ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAIL , R0AI offers' Jiie above. attractive round trip rate. i. , Yy.ts .v A DATES OF S-E--Jan. 23, 25 and 270i; Feb. 3, 5, 7 RETURN LIMIT- To reach origirial starting point not later than Midnight of Feb. 12th, 1913. , W. J. RAiG, " - ' T. C3.'. WHITE, : '. . i v. Passenger TraflSc Mgr.. . General -Pass.Agt. . A Change of , Weather Miit Mean a Change of Wearing Apparel And to get the Best for the money v is something else, and the place, where? One-Price Clothiers and Furnishers. Sole Agents for the Best Men's, -Boys' and Children's Clothing, Underwear and Hats such as Strouse & Bros, and B. JCuppenheirrier Clothing, Knox and Stetson Hats, the noted Norfolk and New Brunswick and Dr. Deimelfs Li nen Mesh Underwear. . v , r ,.,'. . , ' 'Phone 61 7. - ' , Masonic Building. : '. fCHATT-A-NOOGA" Plow if you want to know which Plow the intelligent Farmer selects to suit his soil, as well as his employes, and when you satisfy the one who is to use the Plow, you satisfy your Corn", Cotton, Tobacco, or what ever vour crop might be. v : ; Write for our prices, oh the numbers below: 43, 62, 63, 70, 77, 71. - ;:;;;;, 'i; : rV J , SV1UR C H 1 S O m '& Wholesale Hardware. ',;;' .:" , Z, L I WUminigtoh, N. C. We have the largest assortment j we have ever Carried. Tan. Gun Metal, Patenfs, Canvass and White Nubuck. in high ' and ; low cuts. '""'. '. ' rS A pleasure to show you, "Save your cash checks." .they are Worth 5 per cent, to you. 3 ., V - . 1 ,-: A Free' Shine ' SPECIAL PRE-INVENTORY PRICES, fiKOur stock of Furniture at complete, and goods wilV be isDlrJ .at; Greatly Reduced Prices During the Next Ten Days,, in order 'to reduce stock before inventory. r - i? :- hliZ-:-:-w ' A Great Opportunity for inf.- tasv terms to kooq paiiie t-rm- THE WiLMlNGTiON lOlRNITURE CO; OPEU A8AIN V- :-'.We. wish to ahnouhce that biir-Studio -is now again oreh for business, as usual, arid we shall; appreciate a call from our jnenos ana me, FOIlt Z PIKE N M&tQ K;l, - "' ,'' -t ... """"""""TTlf Z'ZG AND RTURW CORN EXPOSITION J 8tly inclusive Held in Dixie i - 3 " Any Old Time - - and House Furnishings isiyery people just beginning. FOR A' BUS ESS " ' .' " . ' M--i-U-U mm :i j ,: III i-i i. ft. m4 A if: H -;H ? i 1 'liii' Tii'l !! -I! 1 "yy'y ZSi; Ml 'j.-.f ; f - 1 1 .' 4 V. A 'rf -J I.I I tr- ' ) -

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