page; 2, resenting the telegraphers and agents of the Atlantic Coast Line, and F. O.. Cummins, in behalf of the Seaboard employes. ' The ; committee postponed action. . " ' ; Senate 23rd Day, Pres. Pro Tern. Pharr convened the Senate at 12 o'clock, and the opening prayer was by Rev. L... F. Johnson. Petitions were received from citi zens of Pitt for Increased appropria tion to -the Oxford Orphan Asylum; from Charlotte Sorosis for right of wo men to serve on school boards; from Co. C, 3rd Regiment at Henderson; -for' expenses to attend WiTsorf: fnau guratloni from Pitt, Guilford and Halt fax for six months school term and compulsory attendance law. Bills Introduced. Pharr Allow Charlotte Park and Tree Commission to sell part , of its Pharr Amend Sec. 423, RevisaL rel ative to venue of actions against for eign corporations. Pharr Amend act relative to hold ing property by trustees of Davidson College and exemption from taxation. Lovingood, by request Authorize issue of bonds by town of Andrews, in Cheroke. Cook Authorize Concord to issue bonds Cook Change fax rate for graded school of Concord. Weaver Regulate use of assumed names in partnerships. Hawes Authorize townships in Tu plin to issue bonds for a railroad. - Watkins Amend Sec. 2083,- Revisal, so as to prohibit intermarriage of first cousins. Bridgers Amend charter of Virgin-: la & East Carolina: Railway. Nimocks : Incorporate Stedman, Cumberland county. Leave of absence ; for: the day was obtained for Sen. S.tuddert, who is tak ing the examination, for law license. Sen. Daniel," who asked for the leave, expressed wishes for safe delivery. Bill Passed Final Reading.- j House' bill, authorizing Dunn . to is sue sewerage "bonds. House bill to in-j corporate DrexeT, Burke county" .'eii-i ate. bill to consolidate and amend laws relating to graded schools' of Wilson. Senate bill authorizing: bond issue for i Henderson graded schools. House bill revising charter of Elkin. Senate bill authorizing Huntersville school dis trict to issue bonds. House bill author izing additional road bonds for Frank lin. House bill amending act of 1909, relative to road bond election in Un ion. House bill providing for good roads in Rdbersonvflle township, ...Mar tin county. House bill authorizing is sue of street bonds for Franklinton. Senate bill to amend and consolidate road laws of Madison. House bill to validate election of highway commis sioners in Cherokee". ' The bill passed by the .House in creasing; number of judicial districts and Superior Court judges and solici tors to 20, confronted a Senate thinned by the absence of many members. Sen ators Nimocks and , Wakefield urged that consideration fie- postponed, but Senators Ward and Hobgood wanted it passed on second reading at least. Senator Bryant, who is expected to op pose it, gave notice that he would lodge a motion on third reading.- Fi nally a motion by, Nimocks that. it Jxe made the special order for Tuesday .at noon prevailed. The Senate bill extending the handwritings- used as standards for comparison in trials was passed on its several readings. At' 1:15 the Senate adjourned until 11 o'clock Tuesday. House 23rd Day. Speaker Connor convened the House at noon with a very slim attendance of members, numbers of them not hav ing gotten back from their week-end pilgrimages home. . ; Petitions and Memorials Presented Petitions from cotton mill operatives asking that no change be made in the present child labor law. Several for compulsory education and six months minimum schools. From the Winston-4 balem Board of Trade relative to thei enactment of the pending forest pro tection legislation. For search and seizure law. For appropriation to Ox ford Orphanage A'sylum. Against pro posed establishment of a State fish commission. ' New Bills Introduced. Dillinger To appoint certain justi ces of the peace in Gaston. Stewart, by- request Relative to uni form game laws for the State. "Hatchett Relative to a certain school district in Caswell. Hatchett Incorporate town of Mil ton. Weatherspoon, by request To place solicitors of the State on salaries of $2,000 for 15 weeks of court and $100 for each week of court additional. Hall To amend laws governing pharmacy. - Hodges Relative to the line be tween Avery and Watauga counties. Austin Amend public road law of Stanly. - Kellum Require all vestibules of street cars to be enclosed. Kellum Amend the law as to grand jurors for Spring and Fall terms of New Hanover Superior criminal courts providing that those drawn at the first Fall and Spring terms shall serve dur ing the remaining Fall and Spring terms. J Austin Relative to land titles. Noland Relative to Pigeon River graded school. ouuisarner-Amend Wilkes road law. - 'Mull Establish recorder's court for Burke. . : Hutching For relief of clerk of the Superior Court nf Vannov Stallihgs Provide for teaching ag- . jxVuiburc auu aomestrc science In pub lie .schools.. , - .ptSK-fielAtiye to graded school of Durham county. JSHSfeS "sh. requirement to iuod uro oiuw m administering oaths Bucfianan--Game law for Mitchell county.. V : Kay Establish a High School1 in Cox Prevent:, the spread of hoe cholera In PittW s ; Ray-Amend. tMacon county stock. ; law ;?;r.- : . ., ' Cox Beuiret ihe inspection 9f rail road XstaticmsJi'Tallway coaches and . hotels and ' cafes as to sanitarv rnniil. tlonsvBftls-. State Burleson Relative to the registra tlnri nf dflflirta-' ill JtverV. . Bnrleson--Establish.. chain gang Jn . Avery. ... i- ..f , ;- ; slons to Confederate veterans to their widows. " ' Newell Incorporate Norlina. . . Mull Bill relative to the Western Carolina Hospital for Insane. Mull -Place officers of Burke, on sal-? aries. ' . . '-' - '' Mull Incorporate Jacob's Ridge. Mull Amend law-tor; protection oi quail in Burke. A . ' - ' some days ago, .was referred y ester- Williams, of Cabarrns-Amend dog!.' Howell, Esq., referee tax law m Cabarrus. ) Among the Dills reported as. enroll ed for "ratification were: Authorize $250,000 road bonds In Orange. Em pl6yers liability bill as applied to common carriers. Amend charter of Salem. Provide additional support for public schools in - Newbern. Extend jurisdiction of recorder's court 6f Dur ham. Amend charter of Greensboro to require six months notice - of" suits against city. Change name of Greens? boro Female College to Greensboro College for Women. The, Justice joint resolution . for a commission to confer with railroad companies as to adjust ing freight rate discriminations. . ' " Passed Final Reading. Road law for Stokes. Bill for a school bond issue in Scotland. Order ed enrolled for ratification.. For build; ing bridge across South river by Samp' sOtt and Cumberland; ordered enrolled. To encourage stock raislngin Macon; sent to Senate.- To create office of county auditor for Henderson; order ed enrolled. To incorporate Mountain View Institute, Wilkes county; sent to Senate. To provide court stenogra pher for Beaufort and Washington;' "sent to Senate. Prohibit killing fish with dynamite In Graham. Exempt persons over 60 years old : from jury service In Camden; sent to. Senate. Wake county game bill; sent to Sen ate. . Bill to. protect citizens on tele phone lines; sent to Senate. . Investigate Railroad Company. Mr. Noland offered out of: order" a joint resolution providing for the im mediate investigation of the South At lantic & Western Railroad Co.; former ly known as the Transcontinental Rail road Co., by a special Legislative com mittee of three representatives and two Senators and report back to the Legislature by February 25th,I it be ing intimated that the-railroad com pany, which is using State convicts for which the State Is receiving stock in the road, is not working in good faith but is really blocking an impor tant mountain pass through which some others railroad company would gladly build a road speedily to serve the territory involved. A motion by Mr. Nolands that the bill be put on immediate passage was adopted and the resolution passed and was sent to the Senate for concurrence. The House adjourned at 1:45 o'clock until 10:30 Tuesday. ' -t . : , 4 STANLEY LEAVES CAWP Former Well Known "Blind Tiger Se- cures Conditional Pardon A mere shadow of his former self and suffering greatly from a complica-. tion or diseases that have made in roads on his physical being. D. N. Stanley, formerly a hearty, robust citl- TOT, A. jUtUUSUUVUUll) J U1M5 Ml. J in thr w;' 3 "5 s a in the grocery business at Second and aTTe' 8tt8. stepped - Jrom thelst sm, t , Jtl - , stockade atth convict camp in East WilmingtoirTesterdaT a free man, af ter serving about 'seven months of his la months sentence for selling whis key, a conditional pardon having: 'been granted by Governor Craig upon the recommendation of Judge Frank Car ter and a number of local citizens. The pardon is "conditional upon his being of good behaviour and abiding by judgment of the court as rendered In the case in which he has entered a plea of guilty and placed himself in its power for a term of .three years." Before he would consent to recom mend a pardon Judge : Carter had Stanley to enter, a plea of guilty in'ments $11,368.31; deficit February 1st,' another case for violating; the prohi bition law so as to keep him- In the jurisdiction of the court for the next three years. The pardon was sent from Raleigh to Sheriff S. P. Cowan, who telephon ed to the camp that he held the docu ment that granted Stanlay his release and asked that he be allowed to-leave the stockade. ; Groundhog Saw His Shadow. The groundhog was due to come forth from his den Sunday, that be ing the 2nd of February (-and. if he did, he saw his shadow and beat it back to the depths of his Winter home. This means that for six weeks to come, Winter will reign supreme, running up coal and wood bills and making things mighty uncomfortable all along the.iine.'7-i " - - Tca Thin Men and a Pound of Money Back in WEIGH YOURSELF USING BEFORE Weigh- yourself ( before commence ing fd use Samose, the , great flesh forming food. The -A'dnderful sain on this preparation since first introduced in Wilmington and the remarkable re sults following Its use have made. J picks' Bunting 'Drug Co.: such enthu siastic believers in the great Value of Samose that they give their I personal guarantee to -refund the money, if -Sa mose will not make thin people fat and restore strength and; health ' to those who use it . ' -. ;;' V This is a strong guarantee, but they have seen so many of their customers who a few weeks ago looked like walk- ine- skeletons become Dlumo ahdvwell solely through the use of Samose that; they feel they, cannot say too much to induce peopief to try it. ., -. ,. TMb marYelous ffesh-formlni food Is assimilated as soon as It Is taken into the .stomach, . makes good : rich-blood, t6n'e up the-: weakened system, helps to assimilate the food- and -makes, the THE KOBOTKG STAR, WILMIgTO,; C, TUESDAY, FEBBU ART. 4, 1913 LOCAL DOTS, Miss Amur Eliza McClammy has transferred to ! Thomas T, Smith and wife a lot on Seventh street, between OaHflfi and Queen, 66x165 feet in size: rhp nptition to declare the A. D. pi rnmnanv a bankrupt, filed with - ,;: - r-. i . th Fpdfiral Court here wtt Mb will nrobably take irtu"7th ''matter within the next " j . . - -The young people of Dock Street f!h4stir -church will hold a social meeting at the church this evening. Prayer services will be held Wednes: dayi Thursday and Friday, evenings, preparatory to the revival which be gins at the church, Sunday with Rev. E.' E. Violett doing the preaching. ' A meeting of delegates from the different Christian Endeavor Societies of the city was held last night at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church to fur ther consider the plans for ,a central body of the clubs. The committee' was enlarged, zation of . the the date of the organi central union - was de ferred. 'Much Interest was shown. Charlotte ! Chronicle : "And now Wilmington is organizing another building and loan association Let the good work go on. . Every share of stock carried in every association is evi dence that someone is paying for the home over their heads or is diligently saving money for investment or to lay aside for the proverbial rainy day." CITY FINANCIAL REPORT. Clerk -Makes Statement for January iapd foi Preceding Half Year. Yesterday Capt. Thos. D. Meares, city . clerk- and treasurer, made ms fi nancial statement for January and for the period .from June ,1st, 1912, to Feb ruary 1st, 1913. Copiers have been filed with the Mayor and Councilmen. . The January report shows a revenue of $25,587.50 from real estate, taxes, licenses-market rents, rents for buildings,"-pound fees. Recorder's court costs, surveys, plumbing permits, fu migation etc i and the receipts for the fiscal year to February 1st, 1913, were S121.875.73. For the same period a ear 8" the receipts were S108.995.38. frpm the same sources. Counting the receipts from .water, sewerag, operat ing accounts, street improvement fund, streets .and wharves, park fund, side walks, scavenger work, etc., the Janu ary receipts were $39,5lf790, and for the fiscal year to February 1st, were $213,652.19. The report from June 1st, 1912", to February-; 1st, 1913, contains the fol lowing facts and figures of interest: .General Fund June 1st: Balance on hand, $15,211.19; receipts,, $263, 700.20; disboursements, $250,379.86; Feb. 1st, balance on hand $13,320.34, Water.; and Sewerage Department (operating) June 1st: Balance on hand $9,387.46; receipts $31,217.29; disbursements, $32,554.88; balance on hand $8,111.87. . . . ; Water and Sewerage Department (construction) June 1st: Balance on hand $127,960.71 ; receipts $3,875.96 ; I;km.o.t. rt . Kilr,, Park Fund June:tlst: Balance on hand $805.30; j interest on deposits, $23.86; balance on hand, February 1st, $829.16. ! - , " ' ; , Street Improvement fund Balance on hand June 1st $158,132.86; receipts $40,560.62; disbursements $188,762.3 balance on hand February 1st $9,931. 15. j Sidewalks Deficit June 1st $6,398. 84; receipts $9,751.50; disbursements $14.4,59.45; deficit tebruary 1st, $11, 106.79. :. Scavenger work Deficit June 1st: $3,621.93; receipts $6,179.40; disburse- $8,810.84. Summary of Balances General fund $13,320.34; water and sewerage (ope rating) $8,111.87; wated and sewerage (bonds) $101,220.87; park fund $829.16; street Improvement fund $9,931.15; sidewalks $11,106.79; scavenger work $8,810.84; cash balance $113,495.24; total $133,412.87. Mr. Paul L. Cantwell Makes Change. Effective February 1st, Mr. Paul L. Cantwell, who has been with the Tide water Power Company for the past six years, resigned and yesterday, became associated with Mr. F. A. Lord, Insur ance and real estate, No. 120 Princess street Mr. Cantwell will handle real estate '.. and write, insurance. His friends will be interested in his change of business and he will have their best wishes for success inr:his new- field; . . i i ii i ' - i i '- ScrawnyvVomen Can Gain Good Solid Flesh Daily. Any Ckse Where Increase Your Weight. .HOW TO GAIN HEALTHY FLESH J. Hicks Bunting Drug Co., Advise , Thin Folks to Use Samose i While thinness may not be a di leases yet it is an reality a condition that ' needs attention. Under the nourishing power of Samose healthy natural flesh will soon be attained. ' ' This 1 remarkable flesh-forming food strengthens the .system generally and builds up tne nesny tissues so that gotifti Natural plumpness results. 1 An ounce of " flesh Is better than , a pound of thedry. J. " Hicks 1 Bunting Drug Co., jbelievo that . the best pbs e7jle demonstration- of the fleshrform-lir- iDowergr ; tf Siamosei is ' to have it tried by, their customers v and to in- $ic6 them tdf use it,- they offer ta pay for - .the : Samose In case it - does' not give : satisfactions No stronger proof than this given Of their faith it' (They have seen: hundreds who were1 weak thin ahd scrawniy, .become .nlumpv robust and H strong, solely through, the use of . Samose.) Ten days' r Better, Cough Syrup than xou van isuv : m 1 A FamUy ppiy Savin tana; 13 .N a ..Fiinjjr GDaranteed. -- A full pint oi cough syrup s mue11 aa you could buy for $2.50 can easily be made at home. You will find nothing that takes hold of an obstinate cough more qUicKlj, usually ending it inside of 24 hours. Excellent, too. for croup, whooping cough," soro' lungs, asthma, hoarseness anif other throat, troubles.. Mix one pint of granulated sugar with j pint of warm water,- and stir for-2 minutes. Jat 2y2 ounces of Pinex fifty cents' worth) in a pint bottle, then add the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. ... -. . -;; This jBTjust laxative enough to help cure a cough. ' Also stimulates the appe tite, which- is usually upset by a cough. The tasteis pleasant. The effect of . pine and sugar syrup on the inflamed membranes is well known. Pines is the most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract rich in guaiacol and all the natural healing pine elements. Other prepara tions willjiot work invthis formula, v The Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe is now used by thousands-of housewives throughout the United States and Can ada. The plan has been imitated, but the old successful formula has never been equaled.. . - A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, gpes withthis recipe. Your drugfnst has Pinex, or will get it for vou. If not, send to The Pinex Co.; Ft. Wayne, Ind. . (Advertisement.) AN INDEPENDENT IMARKET. ProDosltioft. to Establish ?New Meat I BusinissiVVith 500 StoCkhbiders. There , is a proposition afoot to es- talblish aw"independent meat mar ket in the city, with 500 stockholders at' $1 eacJL and subseripttons for stock were being' taken yesterday. These subscribing for dollar shares are not asked to bind themselvesllto purchase meat from such a majrkfci, but it nat urally follows that theyiwould if there is any appreciable lowering of prices. The avowed purpose of jUWB proposition is to lower the price; bf-meats in the city. It seems to be a kind o. co-ope rative affair. Co-operative stores have been estab lished all through England, the con sumers coming from' the ranks of workingmen "who own 'shares of stock They buy at usual retail rates? but re ceive at stated periods such dividends from the enterprises that they " practi cally get their supplies of all kinds at wholesale cost. The- movement has assumed enormous proportions in the British Isles, and the individual stores have formed huge co-operative whole sale stores, which buy lit great quan ties, and thus reducerthlii final cost to the ultimate consumerito a very at tractive figure. The idea has broken out in spots in this country but has not progressed ta a. degree that has at tracted inuch attention.l - ' - GAVE HIMELF UP Mr, W, ,Qr.3aldin,wWrfco Accidentally -- : Sh-ot-WOWanvr'Stirrenders Yesterday moming.Mr. W. G. Bald win, the CastJeiHaynes merchant who s j - a . j Kt.uiuemjiy snoc ana wcranaea a ne pro woman Saturday night, came to the ity yesterday and? surrendered to Deputy Sheriff A. L." - Kelly and gave bond m the sum of $500 for his ap pearanceat 9 o'clock 'next Monday morning in Justice Harriss' court. The merchant had a,, dispute with a negro oyer an account, and is said to have hit him on the bead with 'a file, but the' negro proved the stronger of the two in the struggle -that follow ed, and threw Mr. Baldwin to the floor, and ran. The' white man there upon got his shotgun and went to' the negro's house, the story-runs, and forced entrance. The negro had seen him coming, it is stated, and ran; hut another negro was in the house, who owed him an account, and another dif ficulty followed, in which the shotgun was, discharged, .the load taking effect in the leg of the woman, and making a .terrible wound. ' Progressive Building and Loan As sociation opens new series Saturday f eoruary j.Bt. j. m. oomy, yresiueni; Jos. J. Loiighlin, secretary. Office, A. W. Pate Co. (Advertisement.) 6L T Don't Forget to- reserve one -of The Star's Parcel Post Maps today. Clip .the coupons beginning Thursday, morning. ' i ' (Advertisement.) .: Samose Fails to THIN FOLKS MADE FAT Good healthy flesh can only be gain ed by the use of the, proper food, to gether with natural action off the .or gans: and Nine -people out Qf ten, in order to weigh as much as they. Ought and be perfectly healthy should use Samose, . ,tne .great flesh forming food and health restorer. Weigh yourself before commencing to use these: little -tablets - and -see how your ; weight increases from -week to week. Large. box for 50 cents. j Samose. does- not contain a particle of starch or pepsin nor is it' any naus eating preparation : such as is usually recommended to make people fat, and which does not bud Id up good, healthy tissues.' Samose J ha. valuable: fiesh forming properties, tcnes np and Stren.gthens-the whole' system,14 helps the food that is eaten to be' assimilat ed in a natumr rrtanrier and abEolute-4 ly restores health to all the organs If you;; are not 1 perfectly - satisfied with r the? results" from " Samose. J. Hick Bunting Drug Co: will - refund l''F!fT,!rgjiiL--1T-'' " MNOOTGE - A Great aaoring Opportunity ! On r Moatyv-' Febrry "the 3d arid uefda February 4th Miv GebHosick, an'epertipre sentative from the feat Tailoring house of will be with us,- to take orders for Spring and Summer clothes. We unhesitatingly recommend this high class make of clothing to the men of Wilmington. Satisfaction giiaranteed or no sale, is Smith, Gray & Cos motto. Prices, $18.00 to $45.00. GMildrenrS We have the largest assortment we Have ever carried. ! -a 1 Tan. Gun Metal, Patents, Canvass and White Nubucjt in high and low cuts. i :. ..; .i x, - A pleasure to show you. "Save your cash checks." they are wdrth 5 per cent, to you. V ' y-" ' - A FreeIShineAuy QW Timer V "The Store A CHange of iWeather a Change of Wearing Apparel ; . And to get &e Best for the money is ; ! . something else, and the place, .where?: ,f , ;: J. U. SOLKY '& COWiPAWV One-Price Clothiers and Furnishers. . Sole Agents for the Best Men's, Boys N and Children's Clothing, Underwear ; . : ; l, and Hats such as Strouse & Bros, and U::7 B. Kuppenheimer Clothing, Knox and i-. Stetson Hats, the noted Norfolk arid New Brunswick and Dr. Deimel's Li- , rien Mesh Underwear. ; ; , 'Phone 617. Masonic Building; I " rr jiSfc.- . -.f.WLt fT.UH FRONT 3T4MDAS0 S5TTMI6-., J : " THE Am ANTIG INN Convenient to the Traveling Public. LARGE ;ROOMS & GOOD RESTAURANT SERVIGE 1 ' I Opposite ; Union D.epot . i Ahead. WE SELL BOILERS Tanks,'; Structur al Steel, Machine Steel, Tool Steel, Cold Rolled Steel Repair all classes of Machinery.5 Reworlrv S t:e Iron, Brass, Cop pery Aluminum. Call and see us work.' Wc are the IRON MEN, and appreciate your orders. :; r- Wilmington Iron j. Works f -, ii -v i V. . Manufacturing.. Plant. Orange; & Wateristsv Giescheh Bros. ' Props. '--r 1-1 l:c;l - "A i " I 16-Button Tan All $3.50 Styles Reduced. -$2.9S-"-SEE OUR WINDOW HEWLETT aPRIGE . 24 NO., FRONT. STATEMENT , COND11 ION The Murchison Bank : OF WltMINOTOX, N. C, At the Cose of business December 31, 1918. .-. . RESOURCES: TosDH and Discounts . . . .$1,598,312.50 LV S. Bonds. at par) . . . 551,000.00 Bank Building: .' . . . . . . 75,000.00 Bonds and Other Securities 157.716.40 Cash and Due by Banks 1,305,055.51 $6,747,084.47 .$ S '.j.OOO.OO . 515,000.00 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock . . ' . i ' . " . Surplus and Net Profits . Circulation . . . .. . . . 550,000.00 Special Deposit, U. S. Bonds . 100,000.00 Deposits. . . ... . 4,757,084.47 - $6,747,084.47 .$2,871,880.79 . 4,002,287.34 . 4,757,084.47 DEPOSITS: 31, 1908 ... . 31, 1910 . . 31, 1912 . December December December h. c McQueen J. V. GRAINGER J. W. YATES. . C. 8. GRAINGER W. 8. JOHNSON . M.-Pi ALLEN . . . President .Vice-President Vice-President .' .- .Cashier .Ass't Cashier r.Ass't Cashier ;'T1IK IilVINO PICTUBK la out idea of ;,a sutt.-essfnl porttult. Thi means a study of the character and mood of the .sitter- a, well as of salient features-and tlie facilities for interpreting them. - - ' J. Jf this, is your idea of a portrait, you ;.will appreciate on r work. " POLTZ KKNDJIICK, , 'Phone 731. . 607 Southern Bldg. OCCONEECHEE FARM .POULTRY' DEPARTM ENT Offers for- . sale BLOOD LINES. from BEST EGGS FOR HATCHINGS and ; ; Day Old Chicks. Eggs, $1.50 for Setting of 15. Day-oid Chicks;. Leghorns $1.50 for .10,; or $i2.q0 for 100. Other Breeds: $2.00 for 10, or $17.50 for 100. i --f . White Pekin and Indian Run ner Ducklings, $2 50 for 10; $22.50 for 100. Duck Eggs for Hatching: 10 .for, $1.50. '. Address': . ' ' - r :' :l ' OCCONEECHEE FARM Y: : HILLSBORO N. c. Poultry Chickens,' .Turkeys, : Etc. " Extra choice-Beef, Veal, V Country Pis Pork, All-Pork Sausage, Fresh HOPKINS, DAVIS :.& HINTZE FRONT- 3T6 ET s MA R K ET , .Phones" 141-128-32 ' Polite Seirice and Prompt Delivery lie.: Intend Cre . , .v i ,, ' Dt; JLlIIian Creese - CREESE A CREESE cHiROPRACTjb triivsiciAirs and : NERVB SPECIALISTS. All forms of Disease i successfully hndled 99 pr cent. relleTed Yyf or method. Wo mea'v. jmd Children' .Dlseaaes Specialty. 12- to eiiis nal "tll "Btihg.-;Drttg 'Co:;vwm-refund I 11 mASnt iXl - .5Sl l.rtyouimonelfrfrfftn.: tHi- -- -. ' ' j 'im nut niiimn-. wfll nnn- rosv . : e treatment 5v;fntt 1 - ? A V' i.-3-?:tl

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