'f i - i I - if ; PAGES. as It is now it is made a crime to charge more than the "legal rate for money advanced .upon household and krtchen furniture only. House 38th Day Speaker - Connor convened the. House ' at 10 o'clock . Prayer by Rep resentative Stephenson, of Northamp ton county. - Petitions were presented for a chair of poetry at the University of North Carolina; for appropriation to vthe maintenance of the Oxford Orphan age: for six months schools and com pulsory attendance; increased,, appro-j priations for the State School for Feeble-minded; for stock law in Samp " son. . The rules were suspended and the bill regulating the schools of Eliza beth City was put through immediate passage, coming as it did from the Committee on Education with report without prejudice. The Committee on Public Service Corporations reported favorably sub stitute bill for putting electric power companies, gas companies and public service corporations under the control of the Corporation Commission and the bill for uniform bill of lading. Enrolled and Ratified . Joint resolution to pay expenses of - the sub-committee to Morganton; joint resolution, to pay for clerical hire by - the sub-committee on judicial districts. Bill relative to the name of the Branch. Banking Co., Wilson. To in corporate trustees of a church in Buncombe. Change name of Wicca- ian creek to Wioeacari river, m Hert ford. Reduce minimum capital of the Southern Assembly. Prevent public drunkenness in Alamance. Raise ed ucational standard for practice of medicine. Tax dogs in Durham coun ty. Allow Selma to elect school trus tees by vote of people. - Freight Rate Commission Representative Justice filed the re port of the special commission as to the conference. Wednesday with rail road officials da. the question of relief from alleged freight rate discrimina tions in inter-State commerce and the desire of the commission, consisting of himself, Senator Council and Hon. N. B. Broughton with (Governor Craig, ex-officio, for the powers arid scope of the commission to be enlarged so that the railroad, officials can be treated with as to the whole scope of freight rates and rate-making. There was also resolution to this end and providing pay. for Mr. Broughton of the commis sion, who is not a member of the Leg islature and, therefore, had no pay provision otherwise. This resolution was passed arid sent to the Senate. It calls for investigation and conference again with railroad "officers February 26th and report in full with recom mendations as early' as possible. Legalized Primary " The special committee for the. re vision of pending legalized primary ibill for all parties made report through Representative Page . and the commit tee bill was' ordered printed and dis tributed at once. Mr. Page stated that it retains the preferential clauses - hut leaves optional with the counties the matter of including county officers in. the operation of the act. It must apply in all counties as to National, District and State officers. The bill is set as a." special, order for next luuisun. .A joint resolution by Speaker Con nor appreciative of the services of Hon- Kemp P. Battle in the prepara tion of his history of the University or - North Carolina was put through lm mediate, passage and sent to the Sen ate. ' ... New Bills Introduced Mull: New' charter for Morganton Jiynum: Permit Dr. H. A. Denson to" practice medicine. Rodman: "Establish 'special crimt nal court in Bath., township, Beaufort county. Miller: Relative to increased school tax in King's Mountain. Allred: Authorize Johnston' to pro vide .township meeting places. Jtodman: . Relative to organized militia. Clements: For road improvement in Halifax:. Rodman: Incorporate South Creek, Beaufort county. t Bynum: Prevent (lulling squirrels in .Chatham. Wike: Relative to fees of clerks of court of Jackson. Bynum: Relative to tax collections in New Hope township, Chatham. Fair cloth (by request) : Prevent . sale or., intoxicating liquors near cer tain churches in. Sampson. Martin, of Cherokee: For good roads in Cherokee. Killian: Amend act passed Janu ary 31st, 1913, relative to highways in; Lincoln. ' '. ' ' Wilson: Relative to pensions to .-Confederates. Clement: Relative to salaries of cer tain employes of insurance depart-' ( ment. Mull: Relative to Morganton grad ed' schools. , Mull: Further amend s charter of Rhodkiss. Koonce: Amend charter of Rich lands. , , Cox: For bridge elections in Pith , Faircloth: Protect quail and fish in Sampson. . . Murphy: Create lein on certain goods for storage. : . ' McClure: Relative t6 roads in Clay. Bynum: Prevent trafficking in quail for two years. Porter:1 Appoint justices for For syth.. .'; Clarke: Legalize primaries in Pitt. Hymore: Establish graded school districts in Surry. 1 j Martin: Incorporate Murphy Me mortal" Hospital. ' " Allred: Incorporate Selma, Laurin burg arid Northern Railroad. Pattorir For relief of, trie clerk of coqrt; In Henderson". ' ' '"."', ' Roberts: . Relative tp cdmmission - ers of' Buncombe. ;'-" - - Gibbes: Tax dogs in Pamlico. McNair: Protect landowners of the f State frdrii livestock running , at large.;-;! -n:.- " . ". ' i Deaver: Authorize " bond election for Transylvania. ; (Perry: Abolish"' stock, law territory in certain district in Pasquotank. Murphy:? Establish and maintain chair rof 'forestry ttr Uniyersity. - Whitford?7 For a! certain bridge in Craven td be built by the Roper Lum toer Cof Put through immediate pai eage arid sent to Senate. ' : TiAaa' - Val Mate certain bonds. 1 Phillips:" For" road,- bond ' isiueTin Graham. " v i OrtMte-: TouS;of IKmett: r Confer on SU- period ur:addl;iurfsd Bumgardner: Amend charter of Wilkesboro. , Senate 38th Day ; The Senate was called to. order at 10 o'clock by President Daughtndge and the opening prayer was offered by Davis, of Carteret . .-.Senator Council submitted the re port of select committee appointed by the . Governor under the resolution of the General Assembly to confer with the officials of railroad companies con cerned regarding the State's policy to ward the inequalities in freight rates from which North Carolina towns are suffering. ,The report, -which was signed by -Representative Justice, Sen ator Council and Mr. N. B. Broughton; recited the substance of the confer ence held and asked for wider powers to be granted by the . Legislature, to be, exercised at a later conference to be held February 25th. After some discussion as to the proper disposi tion' of the report, a motion by Sen ator Hobgood that it remain on the calendar pending action on a .result ant House resolution prevailed. Many petitions were received asTi ing for six months school, several for compulsory attendance law; one from friends of Guilford for vital statistics law; from Mecklenburg ana Alamance for search and seizure law; from Rop er and Wilson, for increased appro priation for Oxford Orphanage, ana, from Pitt and Bladen for the Institute for the Feeble-minded ; N from Pender for State-wide' stock law, and from Sampson against it. Bills Introduced Council: Protect landowners from livestock running at large. Hannah: Amend compulsory school law for Bryson City. .Hannah: Amend acts relative to graded schools' of Waynesville. - Hobgood: Kegulate licensing in surance agents. Studdert: Amend act for. special court in Plymouth. Ward: Permit Roper Lumber Co., to construct bridge over Upper Swift Creek in Craven. Studdert: ; Amend primary election law for- Dare. Pharr: Authorize Charlotte to buy stock in Charlotte Fair Association. Lbvmgood: Protect public health in Andrews and Murphy. . Parsons: Authorize Rockingham to issue bonds for-graded school debt. Mason: Incorporate Bessemer City graded schol district and allow, vote on bond! issue. Weaver: 'Amend charter of Weav erville. Peterson: License peddlers in Samp son and increase tax. Peterson:' Change boundary lines of Garland school tax district, Samp son. Brown (by request) : Allow Spen cer to issue bonds for waterworks and electric light plant and enlarging grad ed school buildings. Grant: Amend Revisal relative to probate arid registration of instru ments to which clerks of court are parties. pistol-toting Bill Senator Nimocks' bill restricting the sale and use of concealed weapons was laid before the Senate with fa vorable reports from the committee on .Propositions and Grievances and. Ju diciary No. 2. oenatoTv xvrmocits spoke at some length for his bill, saying it was prac tically the New York law. which had been found to" operate well. Senator Coffey offered an amendment to maie the limit 21 instead 6f 1C. Senator Pharr wanted it to go over for exam ination- Senator Parsons feared it would put top much power into the hands of public. officials and. while in full sympathy with its purpose, was afraid of the idea of requiring permits to carry firearms, even if concealed. Senator McLeod thought it might be a little hard on the dealers, but Sen ator Nimocks explained it would not go into effect until July. Senator Wakefield did not think it would ac complish much. ' Finally, in deference to the wishes of several Senators, Senator Nimocks agreed not to press final consideration until tomorrow, and the bill was pass ed on second reading only. " t Widow's Home Bill ; Another bill that went over fon final reading was the measure appropriat ing ?10,000 for ,a home for needy wives and widows of Confederate vet erans. It came up. with favorable re ports from the corrimittees on Pen sions and Appropriations andf while au .senators wno spoke declared them selves enthusiastically for doiner ev-v erything possible for the old ladies. Senators Ivie, Council, McLean, Evans of Pitt, and others wanted a little more time for consideration, being un der the impression that some other means of assistance could be devised for , reaching . more successfully a greater number of the class to be aid- ea. -, senators Thome, Nimocks, Pe terson, Weaver, Evans, of Bladen. Hobgood and others pressed for im mediate consideration and argued eio cuently in behalf of the bill as beinc the wish of the women of the State, ror wnom tne state seldom did any thing. Senator Bryant questioned the wisdom of building a home for 25 wo men and leaving the remaining 5,-975- without help, and declared that only , those 1 with influence- could eret into the .home. .. Senator-. Davis -made his first speech of the session acrainst postponerhent. Senator Evans, of Pitt, lodged a motion for postponeriient' un til next Wednesday at i o'clock. The vargument waxed, long ; arid ' rather warm, "steam .roller" and "railroad; Irie"v being cried. Senator Lonsr. the '6nly Confederate veteran in' the Sen ate, said an apporpriation.'for the wo nien at' home, or' an increase in the pension; would not work' well. At laM Senator Thorne moved the pre vonia question, and the motion to post polr was lost by is to 18.- - ; Sriator; iviewante to express his Sintlments . on a "question of personal privilege, btrb was ruled out of 1 brder. The- bill was then passed on second - a , . - ?. ... : . -. , . . reaamg witn ja iew negauve votes. Objection was heard to third reading, andi a motion kto, suspend rules was declared carried. . " in ' the ; midst of a Wt'tle ; parHariientary -; tangle, during which Senator . McL6an tried to ad journ tfi" Seriate, Senator Pharr mov ed to p&Stpjorie iritll tomorrow. Ckr Tied hf S5 to 4. : j; - Privileges" of , the floor were extend ed to C. 'B. Watson;' Of Forsyth, and Geo; M . Rose, bf Cumberland, a for mef" Speaker of the House; ' ' t ": Senator Ward's bill to permit thp a. bridge over the upper Sjvit. Creek in, Roper . Lumber ' Company t& build a THE ItOElONG STAB, ing upon suspension of, the rules.. I At 1 : 55 the Senate adjourned until t 10 Saturday. , - .. - v EXTEND FRENCH TREATY Secretary 'Knox and Ambassador Jus serand Agree to an .Extension .Washington, Feb. IS. Secretary of State Knox and Ambassador Jusse rarid today signed a convention to ex tend for another period of five years the "arbitration treaty: between the United States and France, which will expire March 12th. r " This is similar! to the -British arbi tration convention which expired by limitation June 4th and which it was proposed to replace by the general ar bitration treaty now awaiting ex change of ratification. . The treaty, the life of which is to be prolonged if the Senate approves, was originally negotiated" by Elihu Root, when Secretary of State under President Roosevelt, with Ambassador Jusserand. It was the first of the treaties of that character .providing ! for, limited arbitration in accordance wiith the recommendation of The Ha- gue convention to which the fJnited States. became a party. mittee on Commerce today concluded The treaty between Great Britain J its consideration of the Rivers and and the United States covering simi-:HarDors appropriation bill and that lar grourid was signed nearly two I measure will be -reported to the Senate months later. Probably if Sir Edward tomorrow by Senator Nelson, chairman Grey's recent offer to exchange rati-of tne committee. As it will be pre fications on thei general arbitration 'sented to the Senate, the bill will car treaty between the United States and ry ari aggregate of $46,572,958, which Great Britain as one means of bring ing the Panama canal tolls contro versy to a settlement is not reached. one of the first acts in the incoming jj . : i. : ; 1 1 u l-il fn. the extension of the original treaty of 1908, providing for limited arbitra tion as was done today In the case of the French treaty. 'This treaty is brief, consisting of only three articles; The first provides for the arbitration by The Hague Court of any differences of a legal na ture not affecting "the vital interests, the independence or the honor of the contracting States and which do not concern inieresis ui iuuu paim;o. xuv second prescribes the form of special agreement covering the matter to be arbitrated, which must be approved by the Senate, while the third limits the life of the treaty to five years. RAILROADS CONSOLIDATED. Extension From Pink Hill by Chinque- ' pin -Funeral of Mr. Swain. (Special Star Correspondence.) Kmston, N. C., Feb. 13.-Two rail roads running out of this city, the Kinston & Carolina and the Kinstoh &. Snow Hill, will be turned over by their owners to the new Carolina Rail road Company Saturday. A party of the stockholders in the new corpora tion, which is believed to be a sub sidiary of the Norfolk Southern Rail road Company, were here lasc night going over the preliminaries. The Carolina Railroad Company was in corporated early, in December, with an authorized capital of $175,000, and the,' incorporators were W. M. Hayes, of .Kinston; C. I. Millard, J. C. Helms, Jr., M. S. Hawkins, R. A. Black and H. Manly, of Norfolk: M The Kinston Snow:HilLJ:6ad;43WXxed by Hines Bros. Co., pfthis,city which,-. with a track age of about -16 miles,-operates be tween Kinston and the Greene county seat as a common carrier and log road, and the , Kinston-Carolina- road, from this city to Pink Hill, are leased to the Carolina Company and 'will be "op erated as one system. W. M. Hayes, general "hianager of the Kinston-Caro- Una, I will be general manager of the system. The consolidation of the two roads into a ' single line from Pink Hill to Snow Hill, by way of Kinstori, is viewed with approval by lotal busi ness 'interests. An extension will be built from Pink Hill to ChinqSepin, in Duplin county. Several of the new company's incorporators are stock holders in the Norfolk Southern, .and it is believed that the present change is but a step in the development of that system. About 35 miles of track are comprised in . the Carolina line. The body of L.v S. Swain, an insur ance man who committed suicide in Vashirigton, N. C, Monday night without apparent reason, by takin? carbolic acid, was brought here this morning for burial. Swain married in Kinston, and his wife, who was Miss Ida Sutton, arrived from Wilmington this morning. ' AGED-MINISTER PASSES Rev. Benjamin L. Beall, Dies at His Greensboro Home V Greensboro, N. C , Feb. U.Rv Benjamin L.. Beall, D. D., died at his tiome here , this mornin? asred 80. Dr. Beall is said to be the oldest. minister in the Southern -Presbyterian Church. He Twas educated at Oglesthrope and later attended Princeton University. He was. ordained as a Presbyterian minister at tha age of 20 and for GO VOQra nmn nnI.rln- .1 j a iroo fwjtiveij trugaseu m minis terial work. He had been in failing health for the past several years and was not .-actively engaged -in- the work at the time of his death. " $3.50 Recipe Free, for v Weak Men. Send Name and Address Today You Can Have. It Free and be Strong .r and Vigorous. V'j;v" : i r have In my possession a prescription rtr nervous dchiiitv --i.if.it nt ed manhood.- fniliiiir hack,; lrought on by excesses, , nhnatiiral drams, or the follies of" ' vnnHi thf i.a: cured so many worn and nervous men right J 1," owu "wea witnout any addition al help or medicine that 1 think every man who wishes to regain his manly power and . virility, quickly - afrd quietly, should nave a eofly. : ;-.sa X have determined to send ? copy of the prescription free of charge, in a plain, ox-dinnry sealed envelope to auv man who will write me for It. ? " auis prescription v comes 'froth a.' nliVBi- hood and viiror - fulthn.- oVot- n,if .:i... I think I it.tr Yv foii. send thenj a copy in confidence so that anv .ui ui yviiere. wlo Is weak and discour aged with repeated failures may top dru utui Liuieu meai actin.r8 1 beliOTe 18 the quickest acting restorative. : nnhniMin i atrrj cmp h?fi remKdy ever rtevised, and so Tust rtrS f h,.me liey ud qnicklyV UroD me .a'line hke this:vni-7 a irt Mich ihij f 'jtV i U"U1UK. uetroit, -I "1.. you a copy of. this IvUUlllSOl) 4.1R-t T nnl. t,..4,j, . . j-. . rdtTM-W cofiy .ofthis jeidpe. fi.dhi? tv?rr1tiuL?ocl?a"ree Keret I like this-but ijl nam. oroynary en f ..,,Iul, ,imB ll upec-iai stnoy of men. oomMV ,,0"l"ed tt is the Mirestactiiig comllnatioii fur fh r.t 7XAj...i...i?:. J WIItlXGTOy. -fr. CU SATURDAY, EEBTTABY 15, M cDonald DURHAM HOSIERY MSLLS. Six Per Cent. Non-Taxable Piref erred Stock. I have been trying to buy some of this stock and have a cus tomer that is anxious for TEN SHARES. I thought I was of fering a good premium when I triiejd to buy at 02 Ato IN TEREST. As this does not bring it, I wUl GIVE (103) ONE HUNDRED THREE AND INTEREST for 10 shares. C; C. McDonaldfStocks a REPORTED TO SENATE TODAY., Rivers and Harbors Bill Will Leave Committee With an Increase. -wfiootiinoktr . VaW 15 After addihc numerous amendments the Senate Com is an increase of $5,700,000 over the amount carried by the ibill as it passed the House, and about $20,000,000 more than the lasfc year's bill. . The following are among Nthe more important; additions to the; 'appropria tion: Harbor of refuge at Cape Look out, N; C, 1,100,OQO; $500,000 cash; channel fromGalveston harbor to Tex as City, $1,600,000, $500,000 cash; York Spit charineTT Baltiinore h"arT5or,'$205, 000. " "" ; : . - -, Nonr Vn Frvl, 1 A T Tt Poll olmypic vt&kri Giistave'Fduciard, t, fn.in....t,. w.,u To- rill Hall avca taeirplacesjntba fourth round of thNatlonal indo6c?lawn ten nis championship today. Pelf defeat ed D . R. sBesenbaunv by the score of C 3, C-0, and Touchard .disposed of Temsen Scheneckv of the Park Slope Club, by the score of C-3 G-0.V Of course, a legalized primary might prevent some Democrats from being nominated by Republican votes, if that is an objection. Durham Herald. . Light Sometimes in the kitchen or elsewhere you need a lamp held high, , w.here it win flight the whole room, and be out of the reach of children. The Rayo Bracket :rJamp is made for exactly this purpose. Itos v one of the famous Rayo Family the best kerosene lamps made. .V A clear, white light, steady, diffused. A strong, substantial, bracket, easily affixed to the wall. The lamp is inexpensive. Economical. Lighted without removing chimney or shade. Rayo Lamps are made in various styles and .. for all purposes. s At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY . (Incorporated in Mew Jersey) . . Newark, N. J, ., ' Baltimore, ML Subscribe Orion Building and Loan Association New Series Opens Saturday, Feb. 15th. THOS. M. CppPER, Presideijt. KENAN & STACY, Attorneys. E. L. MATHEWS, ; ... ; 4 j. b. rice, ; - . rJ JNO. R. MURCHJSON, THOS. E. COOPER, v DR. ERNEST S. BULLUCK, GEO. HONNET. ; j w w l nvp ' ; J. HERBERT STONE. 115 1-2 North Front Street, Orton Hotel Building. JAMES & JAMES Insurance and Real Estate Office. i feO-lw The Miirchisori " :: 'p ';) c jiWilmington, N. Ci : n ;, : v ASSETS : : : : : 7,000,000.00 Every possible facility furnished at ail times .to customers atfd ;de "p06itors. C' ' i -k :r.,v:iv"5':i:':V .., H. C. McQUEEN, President . J. V.. GRAINGER,': V, Resident J: . W. YATES, V. President. mm PERFECT FUL FOR ALL GASOLINE' ENGINES ..-.-.'r. MORE' POWER " :'' ..''' 1 V 3ti cWORE RUNNING HOURS .;::;c.;-V ,FOk LESS US A CARD lC APE-Flili W Ol L:" G Cl W Imlmnnff fci i Kerosene, Gasoline and Luprlcatlnfl Ofle. . J s Specialls Wool Seds r-. v. :v Our New Descriptive is fullv un-to-'date, givine descriD- tians and ivfil information about the best, and ; 1 rhofst . profitable seeds to jow.: .. It tells all about and Clovers, Seed drtaioeSf Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soji Beans, The Best Seed Corns , - ;and all otber- itlarm and .Wood's Seed Xatalog has long been1 recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. , Mailed on request; write for it. ?T. W. WOOD & SOIS, ; SEXDSMtN, RICHMOND, VA. And Still They Conie! Yesterday was another big day,, and The Star's Parcei Post Maps will not last many days. Better start clipping today' if you want one, and tell us to save it for you. with a 1 to Stock In DR. ERNEST S. BULLUCK, Vice President. W. G. JAMES, Bracket Lamp . Sec. and Treas. DIRECTORS- HERbERT BLUETHENTHAL, V V. I. BAXTER, DR. J. C. WESSELL, J. HAUGHTON JAMES. L1NWOPD D. LATTA, HORACE D. SPRINGER, . JAS. S. WILLIAMS, National Bank C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. :' ' M. F. ALLEN. Asst. Cashier; ' v. o. ! yni ouin , assi. vasuier, ,j MONEY If you operate a Gasonne nng!n antf we. will showXyou how to Sav Mony ot your Fiiel bill. . ; ' ' 1913. si To Everybody , We've got the location. We've got the store," We've got the goods. We,'ve got the service. ;.,;"v:." We've got the Prescription ists Registered nad Ex perienced. We've got - the drugspure and standard. 'Ve've got the big, wide, mid . die, handsome ..' entrance to the stpre, and we want all of our friends and cus tomers o come therein, and when they can call in, to 'phone, us. X Use Rubright Liniment. , J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY The Real Quality Drugstore A SHANKING GOOD TIME is at your command whenever you tell us you 1 want it. This livery sta ble is prepared to supply insfantiy any kind of a rig you require. While in your service it is as much yours as If you owned" it. The difference is that you pay only for the time you us it and not for the time it is stand ing in the stable. That beats private ownership air hollow. City Livery Co. .. C. W. MILLS. Mgr. .NOTICE OK SI M.UOXsJ. William T. Brown, Plaintiff, vs. Wasti . ington Loftin ; John Lcftin and wife, Esther Loftiu ; Fred Loftin and wife, Ag nes Lof tin ; Iredell Lioftin ; Louis Hines and wife.-Tempy Hines : Columbus pranks and wife. . Mildred .Franks ; Fred Hines; darkstou Hines. and Einma Hines, De fendants. - . . , -Washington Loftin ; John Loftin and wife. Esther Laftin; Fred Loftiu and wife, Agnes Loftin ; Fred Hines : Clarkstoli Hines, and Emma Hines, defendants in' the above entitled action, will take notice that on the 10th day of February., 1U13,. smnniou were issueii against all the de fendant herein" above named by- W. K. Har ri.ss, Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, State of North Carolina which summons were returnable before the. said Clerk at his office in Wilmington on the 15th day of March, 1013, at ten o'clock. The defendants aforesaid will also take notice that the above entitled action is inr. stitnted for the purpose of sellinir- land for i partition; and let the snid defendants take further notice that they are required to appear at the time and. place mentioned in said summons, and herein above set out. when and where the said defendants shall auswer or demur to the petition or the re lief therein demanded will be granted. This 14th day of February. 1013. W. N. IIAltniSS, C. S. C. of New Hanover County. L. J. I'OISKOX. Attorney for Petitioner. ' fel5-law4w EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. State of North Caroliua. County ' of 'New Hanover. r Having qualified as executrix of, the Inst will and testament of Georsre Honnet, de ceased, latcof thQTounty and State above: written.- rnis is to notiry an persons - Hav ing claims against said estate .to exhibit them to tlie undersigned executrix, on or le fore the 15th day of February, 1014, or this notice will be pleaded in bar cf their l'ecoverv. . , - j ; This 15th day of Februaiv, 1013. . . MAKY' HONNET. Executrix of the last Will and Testament of George Honnet. deceased. LOUJS GOODWIN, - Attorney, fel5-la w-0w:T " , j;s ;. v, u ': Special; ST wJ ; Keels-TH Ways of TOstiikyi Max Gets the Rewm-d Comic. : . ' ll' TODAY. " y- . SCHLOSS THEATRE ORCUIT i: ; Wednesday, -February 1 9th : . Matinee and -Night "; ; . Werba '& Luescher Present , ' THE SPRING MAID- , 'fi Company of 70. : Special Orchestra. . , Special Matinee Pricey , Orchard Seats n Salebhdak' F T-r i . - - T. Trt ..... T; Peanut Seconds 4jOOv Qags Peanut The above is for hog fed. Also we have all qua!ties and quantities of goods usuaifef kept in a wholesale Grocery Storol and we will sell them as cheap as anyone elsev weight and quality, ciisidered. D.L GORE COMPANY Nos. 120 to 124 North Water St. t WlLlVIINGTON, N.lk 4 fl XHJS ncxujsis is Siir Iilpa of su?fessfiii:i nortralt. This means a study of the Epharacter and mood of the sitter as twell as of salient features and' the-facilities for interpreting them. s. M ! If this is your idea of a portrait, you will appreciate our work. i FOLTZ & KEXDRICKf . 'Phono 731. 607 Southern Bids. ' FORECLOSURE SALE OF KEA& ESTATE By virtue of a power of salelcontalned in a 'certain mortgage made bjf! Annie B. Gillicau to Furney J. Gooding, jdated 28th February, 190G, and recoroexi .at page 108. in Book '47 of the Records in the Office of the . Kegister " of Deeds of " New ' Hanover' County, N. C, I will at 12 o'clock M.. on Monday, 24th February, 1913. sell at Pub lic Auction, to the highest bidder,5 for cash, at the Court House door of said County, all the lot of 'land described 'in and conveyed by said mortgage, situate in the City of Wilmington, N. C., and described as fol lows: Beginning at n point in the Western line of McKae street 135 feet North of the Northwestern intersection Of - MeEae and Mulberry" or Grace streets, 'and running thence Westwardly with William Duguid's line SC feet and 6 inches, to Kverett.'s line, thence Southwardly and parallel with Mc Kae street, along , Everett s line, ... 40 feet; thence Eastwardly . aud parallel with Mulberry, or tirace. street so leet !tnu 6 Inches, to, the Western line of McKae. street, and .thence Northwardly and along the Western line of McKae street 40 feet, to the point of beginning. The same being a part of the Eastern part of Lot 4, in Block 210, according to" the Official plan of the said City of Wil mington. . , .. Dated and posted this 18th day .of Jan uary, 1913. v IDA -II. GOODING, Assignee, of Furney J., Gooding, Mortgagee. jall)-30t V . . . - ; : OCCONEECHEE FARM POULTRY DEPARTMENT ' Offers for. sale from BEST BLOOD LINES EGGS FOR HATCHINGS and - :. . Day Old Chicks. Eggs, $1.50 foi Setting of 15 Pay-old Chicks; Leghorns $1.50 for 10, or $12,00 for 100. , . ' . Other Breeds: $2.00 for 10, or $17.50 for 100. '.,' White PekinVand Indian Run ner Ducklings $2.50 for 10; $22.50 for 100. , j Duck Eggs for Hatchings 10 for $1.50. - , ' . '...j j 'Address: v J. OCCONEECHEE FARM ' - HILLSBORO, N. C.. j j. mm D our advertisirigr money to the ' i ers. Help the farmers; all tvfll he benefitted. Help them makel this kind of advertising pay' by Ibuy ing drugs, .toilet' articles and diinks at"-, y : .. ;:;'v" :' w ,tT MISSION PHARMACY 5 .North Front Street. H deW R APALJ E CONSULTING ENGINEER! . - , . . . j j Room .511 8oathern ' Building. WILMINGTON, N. C Dr. Xjeland Cree ,r?-JDt i I4111an CrMM CREESE & CREESE HBRVB SPECIALISTS. . All- forms ' of Disease successfully handled MW pet cvat. reliTed nr metbol. Wo man's and Children's Dtsaaaes Spedalty. CoasHltatlon .Fiee.- - f i 82-83 Garrell BLDG, 'PHONE 868. UKSnNCB ' TUONE. . .1981 v- " '.' ' r NOTICE 4 $25.00 Reward will be paid tot evi dence' to convict any person or corpo ration .who sets fire that burns any of my- iands in this or any other conmty my, Janda in this or any other cemx In this State. v'. D. I." GOKB, ' Wilmington, 200 Bags Pops 1 i arm '1 'r