-3: 1,1 S v. i 1 4 V 1 t SCHOO Children Gotten to Safety in Perfect Order Beard, Cumberland Coun ty, Wants to be Made Sta tionEnterprise. ' (Special Star Correspondence.) Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 14.--Fire broke . . . -i- ., . . out this morning in the 'basement of the Murphy building of the Raleigh Graded School system and -did $2 000 nr more damaKe The nlsVm of or more aamage. xne alarm of fire was given soon after the work of the day began and with all the rooms fill - cd with children. They were marshal ed in perfect order.and gotten out of ihe building without injury to any one. . Thn Coruoration Com m i ssl nn on 7-ri lOUttJ Cltiieus Ul 'llcanl. UUmuen&rirl county, insisting, ..that the : Atlantic Coast Line provide a regular station and station agent for that point, six miles out from Fayetteville, instead of the present , flag . station service. R. H. Dye appeared as counsel for the petitioners, Col. .G. M:Rose as coun sel and Superintendent Newell appear ed for the railroad company, insisting that the business at Beard did not jus tify a full fledge station service. A charter was' Issued, today, for the Caldwell, Barnes & Lee Co., '(Inc.), capital $50,000 by A. P. CaldweU, K. M. Barnes and others for real estate development and mercantile and other business at Lumberton. AGED MAN IN COURT White Man Charged With "Tigering" I n Wilson Do'mestitf Infelicity (Special- Star: Correspondence.) Wilson, TvT. 3. Feb: -14. In the Su perior Court,-, with Judge'JCline eh the bench , Jaeswenhite ; man of , over IM nmar: -In W3 appeal to 'the iudse FIRE IN RALEIGH ,or mercy Owen?. -tad that ho.had V&V" Jear net ordered ' whiskey ifpr ithe purpose in both cities f - " : of sale and when pressed to give a . -'Officer 666", is one of the-busiest reason for having in his possession pys presented in America in the more than 40 points of the jstufl ! said: ;pt. 20 years. . More correctly speak Jiy reason for ordering the whiskey "Officer '66 is a melodramatic was that I might have it for mfwife fdrce that makes of larce a fine to use m bathing. It takes about three Jits climaxes are gripping, its storv pints for a good bath and it is lots ugh compelling, and its plot a per cheaner than buymgi the alcohol. ' fect maze Gf -complicated situations Judge Clme smilingly accepted the ex- that present a riddteor-police inspec- 1 vrr . " " : ; ro wan tne -payment ci costs ana a bond for good behavior. Last December a negro girl, Mary Pnno t-q n qtx'QV pTrrm Vi nrn i n H m tt ried Lorenzo Barnes. The father, of the . girl, opposed to the marriage, went after the girl and after taking' her home, whipped her and has since kept her from her husband.- The case came up before Judge Cline and was fettled when the judgre ordered t:ie father to return the girl to her husf hand and in addition; advised , him to give her suitable clothing 'and help to start her in life. - The irate father vas also advised" to let the husband , v. and wife alone in the future. terday narriage of Miss Ximena Roberts and ra Mr. Alvis Patterson was made. The wedding will occur April -2nd.". Both of the parties are popular in the. so cial circles of Wilson. Mr. Patterson is at the head cf the Patterson Drug Company. BANK OF SOUTHPORT At a delightful reception siven . ye 15 -51ay,s 0l.cenii'-3artternr00n :nnt- by Mrs. Frederick -L. Carr, thej - oy a uiaest ana Largest in .erunswicK presentation today. The story is an County Annual Meeting .intensely interesting one, telling, how (Specf.al Star Correspondence.) a waif is adopted by a man, who, up Southport, N. C, Feb. 14. The reg- on nearing death, tells her of her real ular annual meeting of the stockhold-j 3 Dut he does no(. knQW her ers of the Bank of Southport, of this mother Then commences the search, city, was held on yesterday afternoon aMinAt hie-ortrfa in finrt h- n.nr and the attendance was very large, all but one share being represented. Mr. Thos. E. Cooper, qf Wilmington, 1 presided over tne meeting ana ivir; D. O. Daniel, the efficient cashier, acted as secretary. The stockholders J were very much pleased with the management of the bank and voted "to make an increase of .$10,000 in capi tal. The usual local members of the board were elected along with Messrs. W. B. Cooper and Tlios. E. Cooper, "of Wilmington. Mr. J. W:. Bfooks, a ery successful wholesale grocer of Wilmington and who is- well-known throughout this county, was elected a member of the board. Immediately after the meeting of the shareholders, the bc-p.rd of direc tors met and elected, the following of ficers: Thos- E. Cooper, president; E. H. Cranmer, Esq.,', vice president; I. O. Daniel, cashier, and J. Hoyt Carter, assistant cashier, A dividend of-27 -per. cent was de clared and is payable. The board was very much pleased" with the past-ear h ings and a vote' of thanks was extend ed to Dr. W:; I: Watson, chairman of the finance committee, and one of the oldest members of the board, for his excellent good judgment in his selec tion of good loans", etc. The people of not only Southport, but of Brunswick county are very 1 roud of the Bank of Southport which is the oldest and largest bank in Brunswick. SUIT OVER DOG. Snow Hill and Kinston Citizens Have Gone to Law. (Special Star Correspondence.) Kinston," N. C, Feb. 14. L. F. Davis, a citizen of Snow Hill, and P. IL Heath, of this city,; :have; gone to law over the ownership of a dog. This matter of much moment to themselves and more money to their legal counsel, it is said, came about because of the spots that spot a pointer pup . named" pot. Recently Mr. Davis catne t Kinston, bringing: the :.dog- with -him Il V WoQfli cam Vi r a ri Tim 0 1 QTlfl 1TT1 TY1 F. diately identified, him. as his propenyrr c laiming that - the .pup .had-; strayed away from him .20 :xnoriths ago. Ke demanded that the dog be turned ovef to hirn, but the Snow flill man refuse Pd, even for consolation money. Mr ilpath has inainaA no-iTiM i oirt Justice Robinson, of Cove, will hear the case. And Still. They Come! Yesterday was another big day, and The Stars Parcel Post Maps wiH , not last many days. Better start clipping today if you want one, and tell" us to avo it for you. ,- J.. .. . ; V.? t ". .. oajraung.-....-. operetta, -rue -LI Spring Maid"i which made local music on, better known to every man, wo lOvers last year forget all other musi- mai and chiMjn Newbern and raveii Ait v i. . , county as "Blind Johnson" was mar, cai shows, has been specially booked ,ried last night to Mrs.. Pattie Cahoot, lr& return date at the Academy next of Bridgetcn, who is also blind. Br. AVe'dnesday, matinee and nieht. Man-iE- T. Carter, pastor of the First Bap- ager Schloss, by arrangement with - w wm u iMuvavuui uao ou" ; t .cored the same superb company that ;ter- For years he has been engaged j captivated one of the largest audienc- In ihe" sale of dally papers, recently he es Attracted to the Academy last sea-, has opened a newsstand on one of the t fact, so great has 'been the ' principal streets ofthe city and is do-, success of "The Spring Maid" that in 'S well. He meets every train arriv-' nearly every town visited the capacity in the city and is known to every! , of; the theatre has proved too small toitraveling nian in the State. His wife : lacchmmnHoto , wuAAUVUUb vThe dainty love-story which forms the; plot' of "The Spriiig Miad' is per- haps the secret of its wonderful charm. Princess Bozena. the bewitch- 'inff heroine, who, poses as a Surine t t "uu x iu,c a;uiu is a fascinating figure fevery moment sne is on the stage. The music In this i famous success is its strongest appeal foiv high-class patronage. "Two Little Love Bees", "Day Dreams", "How 1 Love a Pretty Face" and the gems ; with! which the operetta abounds have been ; whistled and sung everywhere. Werba and Luescher will present the opera here ; with a notable cast, the famous beauty chorus, , a special or chestra and two carloads of scenery. The sale of seats for "The Spring Maid" engagement will open at Plum- rmer's jMonday moijilng. The matinee prices ,wm oe aeciaeaiy special, the highest price being'' but $1. r Big New York Comedy Success. .One ot the jnost-intensely interest ing detective plays ever seen . on the Anerican stage, is "Officer 666", a melodramatic farce by Augustin Mae Hugh, that will, be presented at the Academy next Saturday, February 22nd, for matinee and night. The tour of -Oflicer 666" is-beine direntnd hv k,. 13. T 3 -"'Lt f ... . tipn tnat is full of much mystery and many merry; moments. . At the Bijou. -This is going to be "some" week-end at( tne g'onons Bijou, which is made I more-magnetic and delightful this of -weather by" its -solid comfort. inoiciud' iue dijuu was crowuea, peo ple ' realizing that this popular thea tre "was the spot to seek in order to obtain warmth and cheer, as well as behold a big bill, which would fill one with brightness. Yes, no matter the grimaces of the weather the Bijou is comfortable, and no matter the" exi- Senes of the occasion, the Bijou nev. .f thf 18 hand-colored at that. Could there be a more brilliant offering to catch the eyes and hearts of the week end crowd? Well, hardly. The special release today is Patho's "The Ways of Destiny" and it is an ex pensive creation and is the very lat est, too, which must add charm. The film was taken on a stupendous scale and the enterprise of the Bijou man aerement ; is well pTpmntiflprt in it3 There is another . big star film to day in "Max Gets the Reward." It is another one of the famous Max" se ries; and it is a rouser for fun. It will well balance the scale of emotion today "and will tickle every onlooker. There will also be sprightly new mu sic at the Bijou today. Verily, all roads will lead Bijouward this after noon and tonight. At tfae Grand Theatre. As usual, the week-end offering at the Grand Theatre will be a notable one and Mr. Marion Hood, the singer, will lead off with one of the catchiest special matinee songs in his reperto ry. It is one of Irving Berlin's latest and the title is "When the Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabama." The orchestition for this song is very catchy and with, the effects by ;Mr. Ray Woodard, the number is certain to be the hit of the town. All patrons of the Grand are advised by the man agement not to miss this. In the pictures there is to be one spectacular feature. It is a strong two- reel production by Lubin, depicting the life of sea folk and especially in teresting in .seaport iown. An all star cast iS4 employed to put on this picture, wiiich, is entitled "The Guid ing Light".: It runs for 2,000 feet and the centralfigures are Peter Fife, the lighthbuse peeper at Casco Bay, his bQautifMdaihter'and Harry .Bar- bour ;whpl;. loves -""her. - There is ; the storyi of .-thie thrilling rescue 6 f a"fish- ing smak;; in which the girl, is thf heroIneTh'eri in- addition to this big double.4 special release, there - is still another : and .perhaps still another. The house is always comfortable and cozy. V-j , 1 FUNERAL..OM ; MR. SWA I N Bendy of. Unfortunate Young Man Inter red at Kinston, N. C. v (Special Star Correspondence.) . cNwberni N. C, Feb. 14. The bodypf S Swain,-the yoiing in s wa nee man who committed suicide in Washington Wednesday, passed through the city, yesterday en route, to Kivtiax 40T intermeiit; the plans. toL bury Obtai at his ibid home in Bruhs-! wiok bounty haying- been abandoned.; Aitscontpiinying the 'body were W: L. Swain," ot 'Shallctte', riS. C., a brother of the: suicide, and G. C. Edge, cf .ftlKtainirton:' C.i district manager t rsr itvio Amp.rif.iin National Insurance Company, with which Mr., Swain , was connected .'atiihiel) time ,ot his . death. Mr. Edge stated ; -that-youxLgSwains death was unaccountable. He added that-thti' youffff man wrote more iu- surahbe during the. time that he work ed' Washington than any insuran.ee ivgcriit Jiad ever doneiri the, samft timc iowc" isyeuiai iwo-reei release mm ana J. p. JOHNSON MARR I ED. Blind -News Dealer . in Newbern LVTar'- '. ries Mayor injured iNotes. .Newbern; N. u., Feb. 14. J. J. Jonn- tist church, performed the , ceremony. ;ls sn amnmn ishrn TniissipinTi nrtfl vsr? I -- . " 'DPular among acquaintances.' Both jQave been married before. j Mayor C. J. McCarthy, one of the' owners of the Newbern-Ghent : street Railway ' Company, was badly burned. uui,.iuc iolo auu uauuo uuo onci noon when : a demijohn . of sulphuric , acid which he had in his hands at the . time, fell to the cement floor in the company's car barn: The mayor had taken the acid to the-barn ' to be used I ini charging .one of the large batteries ; which run the cars. The wickerwork j around the. demijohn had become de-! cayed and a part of this gave way arid : let the - glass container crash to the : floor. The. Mayor wears' glasses and but for this fact his eyes would have j doubtless been filledwith the fluid.! As it was, his clothing and also his J face and' hands were badly burned. Anthony B. Taylor,, who has for sey-J eral years held a position, as flagman j for the Norfolk Southern : Railway i Company at their South Front street crossing- this cityi .fell dead late yes terday afternoon while he was attend ing to his duties, appoplexy being the direct cause of his. death. LONDON A CANDIDATE Endorsed for District Attorney Tar Heel Aides Appointed ' (Special Star Telegram.) 1 Washington,; D. C, Feb. 14. An other candidate for assistant district attorney for eastern North Carolina is H. M. London, of Pittsbdro. Mr. Lon don claims he has strong endorse ments. Senator SimmonB and Over man today appointed the five Tar Heelsi to serve as; personal aides to Chief Marshall Harper.of the inauguT ral committee. XTaey are: Frank A. Hampton, of Rocky Mount; A. W. Mc Lean, of Lumberton; L. A. Brown and Parker Andersen, cf Washington. P. R. A. Read. Stair Business Locals,. COUGH SYRUP Havo you a cold with a hacking or racking cough, hoarseness , bronchitis, grippe ; or an asthmatie or pulmonary cotigh with sore chest ? JlA3tho baby croup, voopmg couga or measles cough? SAMPLE, FREE Then test tho old reliable Ds. Buiii.'3 Coxran Stbup, free.' Write to . G. Meyer k Co.. Bal tiruoi -5, ild. Mention this paper. ttull sd one T had a Terr bnd cold and conch and one bottle of Dr. Lull's Cough Syrup cured entirely.- 1 ranees Joane, U ridge viile, VcL. REGULAR BOTTLE, 25 CTS. Djs. Bull's Cough Syrup contains no morphin3 or chloroform. It ia safest and best. 'PHONE OR WRITE AHR About, his S. C. White Leghorn Breed ing :Stock, Hatching Eggs and Baby Chicks. Also dealer in Incubator and Poul try Supplies. RINE GROVE POULTRY FARM. ADOLPH G. AHRENS, Proprietor. WILMINGTON, N. C Phones 1353-1357.' Fancy Dressed Poultry Chickens, Turkeys, Etc. Extra choice Beef, Veal, Country Pig Pork, All-Pork Sausage, Fresh Eggs. -1- ' HOPKINS, DAVIS & KINTZE - FRONT STREET MARKET I- 'Phones 141-128-32 Polite Service and Prompt Delivery J. B. IkTeCabc, , ; Local , a no Long Distauct Mnnauer. 'Phone 502. . Carolina Audit & Adjustment i Company, Llcengpd Accountants and AocUtors. . ltcfcm 405 Southern Bldg. - Wilmington. N. C. . ;. -.'AccountlojS And Its. Systems no3-tf. KOOSI 612. Pl'lfi i'3f E 813 BLUE- t Southern Mag:Cbpayl ;WlUMI6TON m2PZl HJAMES Contractors ami ouii All . Carpenter: Work Donc , Satisfactorily. - Call ? Phone 1334. ROBERT TUCKER, JR. CONTRACTOR AND ' BUILDER. High Class Woodwork a Specialty. Phone 702 P. O. Box 277. : ... - - W il mington, N C. DAVID'S 1 F you buy a suit now, you'll get it for a good deal less than it's worth; same thing is true of buying an overcoat. The money , saving is in getting more ' for your money rather than in spending less. You'll have the clothes to put on next fall and that may prevent us from selling you a new suit then; but we'll make a good, solid friend 'out 'of every man who buys now; and friends are worth allot to us. ' HART' SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes are worth. haying plenty of; at the prices we're making, you'd better have plenty of them. 35.00 Suits at $30.00 Suits at $27. So Suits at $25.00 Suits at $23.50 Suits at $22.50 Suits at .$29.83 .24.65 . 22.49 . 20.79 . 19.87 . 19.23 $10.50 Suits The A. David Company this Store is the I Iome of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Any Lady can take from any pair of SHOES hi our store that" poM for $4.(K), at ?3.15; $."i.00vat $3..)S; $3.50 at $2.tt ami "so 011. down the line. We "could make a larger reduc tion bv markinjrup the price and offering: a supposed cut, but we do not do business that way. .. Our special lot of 200 pairs odds and ends sold from $3.00 to $4.00, $1.98 And we tjjuarmifee tbe above ftj.ocs. Tlie : Wisest money's, worth In town. - lier pick I I .HEWL1TT: & PRICE No. 24 North Front St. 1 On Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Over coats and Pants. FLEET-DAVIS GO Phone 673, f " ' . - . - : - - . - - - ' f ;;' -.. - ...! - , I Office Siipplies ! The New Year brings increased demands for your of fice. Start right by investing now. Let us talk over any office problem with you. ROBERT C. DeROSSET u BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. H . . : . ,: We have the iargest assortment we have ever carried. Tan. Gun Metal," Patents, Canvass and White Nubuck in -high and v i t . .' low cuts. ' : a . ' ' ' " ' " -J'- ' A pieaauro to show y oil. "Save your cash checks," they are worth. 5 per cent, to you. '. v ' r ' -.' ,;' IFiee Shine aer I i vjrsyKrt-.x , . . ' 1 fX7 vi i i ... ak TJbJ b - m m i -m i w m mt has m w m -r mr mm mm w in m mm m rmmr m sense -$21.00 Suits at $20.00 Suits at $19.00 Suits at $18.00 Suits -at $16.50 Suits at $15.00 Suits at .$18.65 . 17.83 . 16.55 . 14.95 . 13.39 . 12.45 at 8.39 t. One let Men's $4.00, Si.50, $3.QQ, narrow widths, sizes 5 to G and 8 to 11, ' SHOES Only $1.98 Men's $R.OO shoes at $4.08; $5.30 at S4.4S; $3.00 at $3.98, and. $4.50 at $3.4S. ' ' We do not Mant to carry over a single pair' of these shoes; shown iii patent, gun metal and tan. These sroods won't last long at prices quoted; don't wait until your size is sold. No tickets given. 98c. All Ladies' Felt Slippers, Next to the Bijou. Any Old' t j 1 : LA ArrlTals and; Departures of Trains at . . J.i -r- ; ' - , .. GoVdsborb,' Kicfctaond. Norfolk and iSattcftft ' i N6rth Carolina' points.' r Cosaects Ut I N. f0, !Uoldboro with outbera Ballwa'r aai No. ,. 1 tiWAML Norfolk Rovtliero'' JrtpC-igSV-'--"'1 .I'sJL'M.' . , v v leaves. Norfolk J3j20 1V1L" and It&hmond , i -; . :- -,-.u . Chadbonrn,. Cctnway Florence, .Charleston, - .! Savannah, , JacksoindHife, r Tstmpa 'Ft. "T" No. 51. . Myers, Colnmla and AahftTme.' PbIIibm No. 99, Bleeplns Cars Bctweea Wltotd(ta Ui i S:3JL M. Culambla, opto l"f iw-(n pwArfi at 12:20 A. M. - WilBlnctB mi Md iter .liM pjt,M- aid ' I . , -.: J- , .' . ;." a-j Kwieiiiled MtU iM A. M. .- No, M. JackapDTtna, Sltwbarm aa Iattmalatt No li, -I-6-60A.M. station :.' :, - ' v v . i eor7k. : ,? Qoldaboro, Blcaasond, Norfolk MtA "Waal(r v 'r' :i No. 48. ; - ittgton. PallBMMa Twite Cwi fcwtne . No. v. . WniuljiCtoi mud NHUc, MUtctiaf at . .' 8:30 A.M. Bel.ia Ink Tnlmi wtih lai'fiH No. 53, Soil train between WUmlnjrton and ICt No. EO" 8:45A.M. Airy, ria" PayetteyUU and Sanfdrd 8.ij.S. : Chadbourn, Conway, Florence, Charles- v;4 :U No. 55, ton, Kavannak, AU Florida Polat, Co- No. M, . lumbla, Ashevllle .and. tne .West . PnU. . . r 3:15 P.M. man Sleeplnc Cmrm botweea tnindniton 1:40 P M. . s and Colombia. . L. . . - ,. , No. 2, JckBonyllle, Newbern and Intermediate I NS 3251' M. Stations. , . . . fl2:5d,M. , N.i3 Fayetteville. Sanfqrd and Inteirmedlate ' No. 0 ! 6:301. M. Stations. . C IIP da A. M. . ;. Qoldsborb, Richmond, Norfolk, Washing'. ! - ton.mnd "New .York. Pnllman Broiler, JBuf- No. 41, No. 41, fet Sleeplnar Cars between WHmlngton lOOA.M. ' fc , and Washlnson, i eonneetlns with New C :4a P. M. York trains, Wtth Pnllman and' Dlalac '.j ' ' 4 Car Set-viee. Pnllman "Sleeping Cars be- ' - tween Wttmlngten and Norfolk. , : ' -.-p- , Nj0-7',, ChRdbonrn, Con way and intermediate No.68, 1T:30P.M. stations. 1 8:15 A. M. Daily. ! Dally except For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc can 'phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, , T. C. WHXIJC : . k ,-- Passenarer Traffic Manager. ' General Passensw Agsas. x , WI1.MINGT02V, 3X. O. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Effect October t$. IBiX. Winter Park, Wrightsville, WrighUville Beach, and Intermediate Points. EAST BOUND. Ijeave r Ieave Leave Leave Leave" Leave Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington Winter Park Wrightsville Tbe Beach for - for for for for for Winter Park WrlghtsvlUe The Beach Wilmington Wilmington WtimilTigtoo 6:30 A. M. 6:30 A. M. 6:30 A. M. 6:27 Ar M. 6:15 A. M.L.. .6:55 " " 6;55 " " 7:37 " " 7:25 " " 8:07 " " 7:55 " " 7:45 V " 8:66 " " 8:00 " " i. 8:42 " " 8:30 " " ! 8:00 " " ! 8;00 " " ! 8:00 " " ! 9:07 " " 18:55 " " 1-8:43 ", " 8 :30 " " -8 :30 " 8:S0 " " 9:37 " ' 5:25": " 9d5 44 " ! 9:30 " " ! 9:30 " " .10:12 " " 110:00 " " ..' 10 00 " " 10:00 " 10:00 " " 11:07 " 10:55 " 10:45 " -11:30 " " 11:30 " " 11:30 " " 12:37 P. M. 12:25 P. M. 12:13 P. M 0 1:00 P. M. o 1:00 'P. M. o tt00 P. M. 2:07 " " 1:55 " " 1:45 " " 2:00 " " 2:00 " " 2:42 " " 2:30 " .....i .... x 2:30 ".' x 3:10 " " I 3:00 " " 3:00 " " 3:00 x 3:45 " " ...i....... x 3:30 " " 4:07 ' " 3:65 " " 3:4? " " 1 4KK) " ., .............. x 4:40 " ................... I ...... ... 4:30 "j 4;30 " " 4;30 " " ...i .1........ x 5:00 " -" x 6:15 ". " i-7 K-25 " " B'lS M " ........ . . 5:30 " 5:30 " 44 . 6:12 44 44 6:00 44 .....i. ....... 6-10 44 6:10 44 44 6:52 " . " 6:40 " 44 fi-40 " " 6:40 " 44 6:40 " " 7:42 " " 7:30 " 44 . 7:20 " 7:10 " 44 7:10 " " 8:07 " " 7:55 " 44 8:30 " " - 8-30 44 44 8:30 "- " 9:57 " 44 9:25 44 " 9:15 44 " 10:00 " " 10:00 " 44 .............. 10:42 " " 10:30 44 " 11:15 " 44 1 11:15 " " 11Llz 11:57 44 " f 11:46 44 " .....i...; Special for Saturdays and Sundays.' " Leave Wilmington every half honr from 2.-00 nntll 5:00 P. 9L ; Leave. Beach every half hour from 2:45 until 5:45 P. M. i . Cars marked ( do mot run on Sundays.. Cars marked (!) run Sundays only. Cars marked .. (x) superceded by half-hour, schedule Saturday! ant Boo days. '-' " . ' ! Cars marked (o) leave at ld.0 P. M. Saturdays. , . r Freight Schedule. j Dally Except Sunday. 'V. I '" ' Leave Ninth and Orange Streets 3;00P. M. j Freight Depot open from 2:00 to 3:00 P, M. Clyde Steamship Company to NEW YORK and GEORGETOWN, S. C. New York to Wilmington. Steamship "Navahoe." Fri.. Feb. 14, 1013. Steamship "Cherokee," Fri.. Feb.. 21. WIS. Wilmington to New York. Steamship "Cherokee," Sat., Feb. 15, 1913. Steamship "Navahoe," Sat., Feb. 22, 1913. Wilmington to Georgetown. Steamship "Navahoe," MoiiFeb. 17. 1913. Steamship "Cherokee," MjfrFeb. 24, 1913. Steamship, "Cherokee4" docs not carry Passengers. Thromgh bills of lafllng and Sf through rates guarantee to and froai si points In North and Soatk Carollaa. For Zrelgkt. apply to H. Q. SUALLBOMXS, Snpt WUmlnctoa, M. 4B. H. B. MATNARD, Prelght TraKle Manager. H. H. RAYMOND, V.-P. and G. 1C. i. HARPER LINE STEAMERS. Steamer will leave Wilmington dally (except ' Sunday) for Southport and Port Caswell 9, -30 A. M. Leaves South port 2:30 P. M,-' .86 8 tf. . .-. . .. -.v. LE 7-t-2f rrl Mfllnk BURETT H. STEPHENS ARCHITECT 4 38 : GARRELL. BUILD I NO. WILMINGTON, N. C. ITtJER PAGKE SU Gj LINEv:;S-;; 0 WnmLaigton- XfTectlve January iS,' 1013, Snnday. a Dally except llomii WEST BOUND. Air Lino Railway Schedule Effective January 6thi 1913.. -::. . : r- -.n :: T. TRAINS IiHAVB WILMINGTON. .No. 455 A. M.. arrive Hamlet, 9 :05 A M. Leave Hamlet, 9; 23 A. M. ; arrive Char lotte, 12:10 P. &C. connects at Hamlel with i tralnB Nob.66 tot Ilalelgh, Nbrfola Richmond and An Points North, and wlta No. 81, for Columbia, savannah, Jackson vlUe, Tampa and all points South. At Monroe with train No. 33. for Atlanta:" DAILY SLEEPER ON NO. 45 TRAIN FOR CHARLOTTE. OPEN FOB. O0 CDPANCY AT 10 O'CLOCK P. M.- '. v No. 39.-3:05 P. M., arrive Hamlct,; 7:38 P. M. ; leave Hamlet, 8 :00 P. M. t arrivt Charlotte, 11 0 P. M. Connects at Ham let with through trains for Atlanta, Birm ingham, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, -Tampa. Also - Norfolk, Richmond and All Points North. Pullinan chair : car .between Wilmington and Charlotte. TRAINS AUKl VIS WJli4UUlU No. 40 12:30 P. M. from Charlotte an Intermediate points. ' " , No. 4412:10 A. M. iromrcnauone ane intermediate points. : ; . ' For further information, can on or tele phone CLAUDE MTTERY, , t Union Ticket Agent Pkone: 1294. F. A. FETTER, C. A Phone 178, - . Orton Hotel; JOS. R. XIOOIvE, City TiCkef Agent H. S. LEARD, S . Div. Passenger Agent, '.. ., ' . . Raleigh.: N.C.::,. ; wis. & SR. Schedule In Effect Thursday, Sept. 8, ltl P.M." '': "; t A. Mi 3:15Lv . . : .Wilmington ., . . .Ar. 8:15' 4:05 44 ... Town Creek . " 7:20 4:20 " .... Bolivia ... . 14 7:l 4:55 Ar.' . '. . .Southport . . . .Lv. 6:3 - Mixed train operated dally except Sunday Leaving Navasso at 8:20 A. M., ajrriving Southport 10:35 A. M. .Leaving Southport' 11; 20 A. M., arriving Navassa,- l;15 P. Mi :' -v -: H- GOODWIN,,,; del-tl ..... , . xrauic .ajjiuntev. A. Qolckeat mnd BeatLine West ad Nwrtk-. i west...:, -j;': '. ffioek Systeva. Boek Bttltest.' M-lk. Man Sehedmle In Effect May IS, 191. Lv. Norfolk 8:304.m. 8:00"p.ni Lv. Petersburg Lv. Durham Lv. Lynchburg Ark Cincinnati . Ar; Cdlumbua" V Ar. Chicago . .411Oft.W.lMM9pm. 7 :00 a.m. I o:sy p.m 5:49 p.m.) 2:5a.m, 7a0.m.r.fl:25pin, TJ:45a.m.r5ptt 5.;00 p.m.f 7:) m.m : AX. fit. liOPV..' :3X p.tn.i BSHi a.j "Cloae connections "made for-SeatUa. Mi rranclaco jtnd aU western PPtnta. r A , EnUman sleeping and parIor cars N. W. Cate fining cars. Equipment and. tfr t : vlee standard -of excellence. ;Bler-jaigt and Allegheny ' moentalM JcrqM( ... ln.etbtee, iescripT. : ; InCAfntattAt ' fresbondeflci Mtltee WB. BEV1LL, Pass. Traf. .Mgr,. - ... .,. W. C SAUNDERS, O. P-,Aa Boanoke, J r j - C. H. BOSLEX. D P. A-Blchmoai. Ta mi r.i.' J -t fx 8!: s''t';, -,-..'.-1t TV': s ' i!

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