;1S '- .:PACiii-b - - - "- - - ; - .... ; ,..-.. --. .r.j , -y i . '. ! I i: ' ' ' -------- - i " niniwnli Wll. WU U ; ti i TWfci.tw liimmtti, -. ..- tNEWyl mm ul nmiunui-i nwuvwiku iii . - t. in i V J ip i T i tf iTf' jiii j lit 1 ifJ 1 i laisetiucnon in Miiing L i : t 1 'i 4 IV.-' ) ' OOGIAL & CP PERSONAL "Brazil" will -be the subject of the B. Y. P. U. lessotf.bf the First Bap tist church this" evening at ;8 pclociii. Talks on thi topic will be made by Miss Myrtle Stephens and Mr. B.-V. Sunofsky. Miss Cornelia Foster will render a piano solo. Everybody is cor dially invited to attend this service. Railroad Officials and Chamber'svCom- wittee Will Confer City's Right Rate Matter Is Estab- V tablished At a meeting last night of the Cape Accepting the opinion of. Assistant fMtv Attornev Geo. L. Peschau that the municipality has a righ to-fix the switching charges on the "dummy Fear Country Club, Mr. W. A. Dick, ime within the city limits, the City the president, presiding, the board of Councii in special session for an hour to the amount of $16,000 to be secur- yesterday . afternoon, deferred action ed by mortgage on the club property, in the matter . of alleged excessiye the purpose being to pay off an indeb- rates charged by the Atlantic Coast tedness of $12,000 and use the balance Line for switching cars from the Clyde for improvements. The meeting was Line wnarf. Action was deferred at held at the club house. the reqUest of Mr. J, Allan Taylor, . i cnairman pi iii iittiuv tuuiuiuiuc . v me Home acience uepanmem M the Chamber of Commerce, who stat North Carolina Sorosis will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the rooms at the library, and in order that the members may attend the exhibit of the. Art .Department of -Sorosis, from ?, to 6. at the home of the chairman, No. 422 Ann street; it is urged upon all members that they attend this meeting promptly at the hour named. ed that he would rather have the Question first threshed out between the commercial organization and the railroad officials, Mayor Smith presided . and in at tendance,-were Councilmen P. Q. Moore and B. C. Moore; also Capt Thos. D. Meares, city clerk and treas urer: Geo. L. Peschau, Esq., assis tant city attorney; Geo. B. Elliott, as sistant general counsel of the Atlan tic Coast Line, and Mr. James W. Tomorrow the annual Washington Birthday "golf tournaments will be held on the links of the Cape Fear Country Club. avujuuu xUl u.n mington tousisbiiig - ui mu nU e!, " . .- I explained that he brought to the atten start at 10 o'clock. At 2:4o in theL..l , T,r.Dj KiCI ,T reai Perrin, general freight agent of the The mixed foresome T T,.ra wfi. Councilman B. C. Moore afternoon the 18-hole handicap for men will be playetLs As five prizes have been offered . in, each match, a coniBiderable aiumber of entries is ex- pected."" ':-" '' LADIES' AID SOCIETY WILL ENTERTAIN TONIGHT In Memorial Hall of St Andrew's Presbyterian church this evening, be ginning at v8; 30 o'clock, there will be an entertainment; under the auspices of the Indies,; Aid. Society. The ad mission trill be 25- cents. The ladies tion :Of Council Wednesday morning the fact that statement had been made at the meeting: of the Chamber of Commerce last week that the A. C L. was endeavoring to freeze out the Clyde Line and thereby destroy water competition, and knowing that there was an old ordinance giving the city authorities . power to fix the charges to be made on the "dummy" line, he had asked that the assistant city; at torney make an investigation and 'ire- port at a special meeting to- be held yesterday. The ordinance to which he referred was adopted in 1901-and tat han -hlS SS to.c.tt!L.J4ttJ home-made candies. The programme is a very attractive one and was pub lished a few days ago. GILBERT-ANDREWS WEDDING WEDNESDAY EVENING Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the manse of S. Andrew's Presby terian .church, , Rev. Dr. A. D. Mc Clure officiated at the marriage of Mr. Robert W. Gilbert, , of this city, and Miss Lottie Andrews, of Sloop Point. A company of intimate friends accom panied the young couple to the manse to witness the. happy event. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert are known to a wic; compensation for transportation ? of both freight and passengers over what is now iVaown as the "dummy" - line, this in consideration of the franchise. Before the-assistant city attorney made his report there was a general discussion of the switching rates on the "dummy" line, participated; in by Messrs. Elliott, Perrin and Taylor and members of Council. The whole con troversy arose last week;, when Mr. J. Allan Taylor, chairman of the traf fic committee of the Chamber of Com merce, found a circular issued by Mr. Perrin advancing the rate for" switch ing cars containing certain ,commodi- nf f-io i,o o ties from the Clyde Line wharf to ttif- lerent points on me , oeit line. ie contended that the Coast Line had de- good wishes for their happiness. They will maie their home at No. 214 Mar ket street. - ' REGULAR MEETNG OF CAPE FEAR CHAPTER The regular monthly meeting . of Cape Fear Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, was held at the W- .L. I. armory Wednesday after noon with an unusually large attend ance. It was the first meeting since the term of the new officers began. Of ficers and committees made report for the past month. The wreath commit WHICH DOESN'T IS WORSE THAN WTEO What man hasn't at some time or othar owned a suit which wreckecl his pa tience every time he put it on because it did not fit?. You cannot look well or if eel comrortbie in a suit which sags arid drags, wrinkles and warps. I. SHRIER, tailored-to-measure clothes are smart as a whip and fit as real clothes should fit. ' ; V- ;.: - ; ';T:.'T" ' Look at my 5,000 beautiful samples, make a selection for your Easter suit, and have a distinctively styled and skilfully tailored suit made expressly for you. GUARANTEE. I guarantee every garment to be right. If it is not right , you have no right to take it. - - - i' .1' I HRIER THE LARGEST CUSTOM TAILORING ESTABUSHMENT IN THE SOUTH. Northeast Corner rbnt ain il'w 'f- 5.!-Jt t: III IKE PtTWIN INNrVERSIRY liberately raised the-rate without giv ing due notice to the shippers so they could be heard. In discussing the mat ter, Mr. Perrin denied.that the A'. C L. had any desire or inclination' to "freeze out water competition" by in-. creasing the switching rates from the Clyde Line , wharf. After Mr. Peschau gave "his opinion that there was no doubt in his mind that Council has the right to fix the rate to be charged for transporting passengers and freight on the "dum tee reported that it had sent a wreath mv" line within the xity , limits, pro- to be placed on the grave of Mr. Gar rison, a Confederate veteran, who died on February. 18th. The wreath committee for the pres ent month was named, as follows: Mrs. W. L. Smith, Mrs. Mat Martin, Mrs. W. R. French, Miss Sue Mc Queen, Miss Taylor. vided the same was not less than five cents for each passenger ; and $2 for each car, as provided in the ordinance, Mr. Taylor asked that the Council not take any action at this time, but give the commercial organisation an op portunity to confer with the Coast Line officials, as he believed the whole Standing committees for the year matter could . be amicably adjusted. were announced, as follows: Membership Mrs. J. Hicks Bunt ing, Mrs. P. B. Manning. Mrs. W G. Whitehead, Mrs. S. W. Sanders, Miss Bertha Steljes. Memorial Mrs. Junius Davis, Mrs. Gaibriel Holmes, Mrs. E. E. Sprunt, Miss Margaret Prince, Miss Lillie Brown. Museum Mrs. W. L. DeRosset, Mrs. S. P.. Adams, Miss Louise Bunt irig. Miss Mary Post, Miss Edith Pritchard. Relief Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, Mrs. John James,, Mrs, W. B. Cooper, Mrs. Walter Sprunt, Miss Minnie Brown. Ways and Means Mrs. Walker Taylor, Mrs. E.' K. Bryan, Mrs. P. Q. Moore, Miss Lena Beery, Miss Louise Vollers. Entertainment Mrs. A. M. Hall, Mrs. John Hall, Miss Leonora Cant well, Miss . Bessie Gore, Miss Augus ta Wiggin$. Auditing Mrs- R, W. Hicks, Mrs. John James. The officers for the present year are: President. Mrs. R. C. Cantwell; first vice president, Mrs. F. L. Hug gins; second vice president, Mrs. W. L. Beery; third vice president, Mrs. Jtacnara .pricey recording secretary, airs. M . G air. iuuiott ana Mr. perrin bath ex pressed similar views. . Members of Council thought that the Chamber of Commerce and Coast Line officials could easily come to some satisfactory agreement and in order to give them time to settle the matter action was deferred. If the Coast: Line and Chamber fail to agree upon switching rates on the different commodities, then the Council may come in and fix the rates under the authority of the ordinance giving the franchise for the use of the street by the railroad. This matter out of the way, Council continued the reading of the new or dinances that are being printed. (Continued from Page Five.) So Thursday night helped the Wood men to hew. He was very sorry his wife was sick, So Friday night went to the Juniors right quick. He loved his dear wife, her he would please, So . Saturday night joined " the wise Maccabees. , . The man lay dying- with the sorrow ful heart, . Said, 'Dear wife and children from you I must part, i But ere-I do leave you before I am gone, Let us all sing together my favorite song. He tried hard to sing, the words stucTi in his throat, Again with the Masons he was riding v the goat, Good times with the Pythians came back to his mind, The link with Odd Fellows he once more would bind. The jolly -old Woodmen were hewing down trees, Helped by the Juniors and wise Mac cabees; , And he laid back and died with just ono regret, f . ;,. There would be no more lodges inlb which he could get."" If mm V 1 4 l ft I ml; fI v.t. . a On Men's, Soys Gbildfen's Siiits Over- 7 'g coats and? Pants. !t-j"l-. 'Phone 673. Next to the Bijou. . j : "n " 'i "i " ; . hi lii mi I., i i n in ..i 1 1 , i. Shoe rnces Worth While Give it a Thought that there are Some Clothes and Some Better Clothes? We handle the Better. All Fall and Winter Suits, Overcoats, and Pants of This Season's Styles. .;;r--. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. O. Bowden, of New York, is in the city on a visit to relatives. Messrs. H. A. London.; Jr., of Charlotte,; and W. II. Pyke. of South- port, were guests at The Orton yes terday; :C ' - - ' Among the arrivals at the South ern Hotel yesterday were W. H. Jen kins, Richmond; J. P. Maroney, Phila delphia ; ' P. J. Ryan, Baltimore ; J. M. Shipman, J. L. McKory, Whiteville: T. T. Fennell, Kerrr N. L. Tatum, D. M. Tatum, Wihitloek; H. E. Hood, Lum berton; A. S. White, Shallotte: J. W. Wliggins, Goldsboro. Work on Apartment House Work is going on rapidly on the large apartment house being con:. structed by Mr. C. D. Gore on Ninth street, between Dock and Grange. It is to be a three-story structure, of concrete construction, with CO .rooms, the cost being placed at about $14,000. The schooner Benjamin F. Poole, Capt. Williams, arrived yesterday from New York light, for cargo of cross ties' from Messrs. G. T. & W. J. Flynn. The Poole is a big four-master and Saunders;, corresponding I made the passage in the record time secretary, Miss Bessie Lodor; treasur- OI two and one-half days. Messrs. eE, Mrs. J. F. Woolvin; registrar, Maffitt & Wood are agents for the ves- Mrs. Martin Willard: nustniiinn Mrs sei. Wm, Parsley; historian. Miss Hettie James;, assistant historian. Mrs. M.-L. ring-bearer and flnww ?iri woro hoo'n. Stover; leader of Children's Chapter, tifully dressed in white lingerie, with M;rs,:. Cutbbert Martin i' ' - ' MR. J. DGAR PEARSON WEDS ;-' MISS. EMILY M'MILLAN BONEY The home of Mrs. M. A. Boney, 314 Red Cross street, was the scene of a , beautiful wedding last evening at G o'clock when her daughter, Miss Emily McMillan Boney, became the bride of Mr. J, Edgar Pearson, of this city. pink ribbons. Little Miss Lonsrfellrvw carried the ring on a pink satin cush- ine home was lovely in its deco- lon. rations of Southern smilax, palms, car- uaiiuus, yiiiK ana wnite, with a pro fusion of white candles. An impro vised altar was made of carnations and ferns studded with white candles. While the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. AIay n -Mofiuro A9; ine.,.w,euuiug iviarcn was sung by Mrs. Longfellow sang a' solo "Oh the quartette composed of Mrs. W. H. Promise Me.". After the ceremony Longfellow, Mr. William O. S. Souther- the bridal, party left the parlor to the land, Miss , Julia Post and Mr. Frank strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding R Harrell, accompanied by Mr. T. S. March, played by. Miss Madge -South,- France,-the bridal party came down erland, icousin of the bride ! after the lstairs s through the. double parlor, which they received the happy con- Miss Blanch Underwood with Mr. M. gratulatiohs of their friends: Thev Mv Sellars Miss Chrissie Boney with then departed for Key West and other MivJN "Hdiidirsblt; Miss Lena M. Southern cities: A large number jf beautiful presents in silver and cut glass and other articles were received,, showing the high esteem Aa which the couple is: held by many. The bride is one of the city's most attractive young ladies. The groom is a popular - con ductor on the Atlantic ; Coast Line Railroad. Their miany, friends wish theni a long, happy and prosperous life. ' . - .,:.;t, --.:yc: - Among the relatives and friends, who came to the city to" attend the event were Misses Madge Southerland,' Lula Boney and Gertrude Boney,' .of Wal lace ; Misses Pauline - Flowers ' and Lena JkL , Pearsontof :1 J31acle Cceek; and .Mrs. E,: F. Mallard, of Shallotte; ' , - . - 1 ' Pearson with". Mr; Dayid W. Loriner. and, the mad 'of? honbr, Miss Flora Boneyi sister of the bride. Following were, the flower, girtlittle Miss Dor othy Oldham, and the rfng-bearer, lit tfejMisff; Nellie.iG..Longfellow. Then dame the bride - with lier brother-:n-law,- Mr." ' RV E. McCfary, who gave hV away,, followed by the groom with his best man,- Mr R T -. Clement. The bride was handsomely gowned in a coat su&.& Mu'r'.4th .fiat and gloves to, match, ? and carried shower . bour cet of Bride roses -and lilies of the yj11v. Thp bridesmaids were rtressea in white Marquisette over white silM tinns.'''; The! The, British steamer Atbara, Capt Clyde, cleared yesterday for Balti more, light, after having discharged cargo of fertilizer materials here. Mes srs. Heide & Co., are agents for the vessel. ...... . , . "The Stein Song" This one is by Bullard and it will ce sung by Mr. Marion Hood at the Grand Theatre today. . (Advertisement.) 'ffi'H- V ill ?4- 3 REGULAR PRICE. Childrlffs?i-ffls-W J . ,-Rfl a;0L K V & C O. Any Lady can take -her pick" from any pair of " ; " SHOES In our stor tbat sold for : $4.00: at $3.13; $5,00 at $3.98; $3.50 at $2.69. and so on down the line. We could .make a larger reduc tion by marking up the price and offering a supposed cut,' but we do not do business that way. , Our special lot of 200 pairs odds and ends sold from $3.00. to $4.00, $1.98 ;, And we guarantee "the above" shoes." The biggest moiey's , ..worth in town. - . . .''' ) One lot Men's $4.00, 44.50, $3.00, narrow widths, sizes, 5 to' C arid 8 to 11, : - ' shoes : , . JDnly $1.98 : i Men's $0.00 shoes at $4.98: $5:.tO; at $4.4S; $5.00 at $3.98, and $4.50 ; at $3.48. 1 ' ' j We do not want to carry over ; a single pair of these shoes; i shown . In patent, gun -metal and tan, These goods won't last long af priv'es quoted; don't wait until 'your size is sold.-; ; No tickets given. " ; ; v, 98c. - - ; Air, Ladies', .pelt Slippers, : No. 24 Ndrth Front St. : . -: ' ;:-:v :ll O n E-Prt 1 6 E C LOTH IERS RNISHERS MASONIC BLD& TION - Or GAFI b FEAR (Continued from -Ejige ftve.) Senate mu Act, II. 1. 2si80, niiiktug appro priations for . the -.:onstructioat4:epny.' aiid preservation oi certaiu dudiic worKs on rii vers aud barbors.JUDrt foi-othe.r-purposes, which provides, on "page 19. lities 1 and 2, tor improving Capt? I-ear ICIver at and be low Wilmington, North Carolina, complet ing imprpvemeut, S3.j2,U40. The pueseut depth cf water at the Quar antine Station wharf, tir'fhe 'ape Fear ver, near Sonthport. is only 2( feet, as com pared with 20 to 2S feet in the river t-hau- uel all the way from the Cape Fear Itiver bur to Wilmington, and it is indispensable for the good of the commerce of the port that the water at the Quarantine Station should be made -equal to-the depth of the river channel proper.. . The. Quarantine Station is well and niodemlv enuinned. but under present conditions it is impossi ble for incoming-vessels to dock there on account of shoal water, necessitating their beiug fumigated or 'quarantined while in the stream, which obstructs' 'the narrow hanuel and in some, instances has resulted in the vessels-. .going ashore, wi,th conse quent large expense for lighterage of car go, delay, etc. - - s We therefore strongly.-urge .you to have this unfortunate, condition remedied, at no Increase of cost to" the Oovernihent, by hav ing hues l and 2,o Act 11. I. 2S4fO, refei' reil to above, amndel tiS real a follows: I Wilmington. North . Carolina, completing' Improvement, $352.940 ; provided that not exceeding two thousand dollars thereof may be .nsed for providiug a channel , to and from Outirautine Station with a depth of water equal to project depth of main river chaunel. JAMBS SPRUNT. ' Chairman Board Commissioners Naviga tion and Pilotage. U I B.f- - : ' 7- ;R" Mr. Kenan Appeals to Court. Yesterday Graham Kenan, Esq.; against whom Justice Harriss render ed judgment for $18 in favor of Di. N. A. Culbreth, in a suit for dental work for which Mr. Kenan had stood surety, appealed to Superior Court, The work was done for a colored wo man, payment being guaranteed byitfr. Kenan, It was stated. In the trial the defense said the' bill would be paid when the work was finished, but as the woman refused to return to the dentist's, it could not be completed, and the justice gave judgment; for ?18 of the ?24 asked. - . Lizzie. Sidbury, the aged negress who overturned a lamp at her- home Sunday night during a convulsion and set her clothing on fire, being serious ly burned, died at the James Walker Memorial Hospital Monday as a result of the injuries, v We have the largest .assortment we 'have'' fever carried.''"'" Tan, Gun Metal, Patents, Canvass and White Nubuck in high andv low cuts. . ; : . A pleasure to .show, jptj "Save your cash checks." they ai'er worth 5 per cent, to you. . j A Jee Shine iAny Old Tim V'l I ' - i-:. - k - . - : - -. - -. -.- . ; . . : .... - e- Hie Store Ahead." t - '.tA Tabid Cooking mi lilt -l Xtitiblmete not for table ils but it is tfie best cookin fat for PS and fng. K'ate using biitter in your ;EfffiSii.yiwi'ii;are:. paying at least twice as much as necessary to secure the same resutts V : r fiie Pf economy .s tnan you would of butter or lard CMplene is a ciqaii, purejpduct and mMces wholesoinei, healthful; di gtible food, because it is a vegetable' and not an animal felt v - .',v --? . C 4r Maderonly by lvmrcniso n Wilmmgtdr N. C. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $i,350y6oO 00 : 7,000,000.00 Bank 1Q?H a:), t i ASSETS ru-j Every possible facility furnished at all times to customers and de positors. - . - 5 - P'esWent."-'-' C.-'iGRAINOBR'CBiiler'':- J. GRAINGER, V.-President, ? M. v. a t.t.tcm a rJVF; J. rw. YATES, V, Presldto.:-;; W.:6. JOHNSON; AssT cashjer. TRY THIS RECIPEs FRIED FISH Fry TrouU Perch,. Herring and other small.pan fish whole. Cut-large fish in 1 Inch thick slices 2 or 3 inches square. Remove skin and bones from sliced fish; wipe dry, roll in.: bread crumbs' or fine, meal. vthen in - beaten eeres, , then in I- crumbs, and, fry, in deep Cottoletie hot enough to orown a bit of . bread while you count Ssixty.-, Drain -well before ' serving1, or umplr cover with seasoned meal and brown ,,00 ,- each side in hot BED PERFECT FUEL FOR' ALL jQASOLINE ENGINES MORE POWERp " ; MORE RUNNING HOURS FOR LESS MOfEY US A CARD If: yoa -operates. a GasoDne Iinfline and .uye. wn.how you- how to 84iye Money ' ?orv,your Fuel bill. ; v , v Keroseiietf,;GatolIne ancf Lubrlcatlna Olicr THE MORNING STAR PAlEL POST'MP COUONi c S j '' '-:' " ' '-" " 'f.r j Clip six consecutively dated coupons cbmmencl 1 . iuig:itntiis date, and brmgb Star Office, wira expensepomis or -.7-. vt-rtrtBiiiAkw iaJM -.iLi mam 1 mm 1 3 -VEST If sent by Mafc. ? : Po&j&x - 1 1 '1 . -1 '... ' - . Jit 1' . ' f '-b r 1 m "V- - ! I - r - '"