V IS FEBBtT AB Y 21v ; 1913 i PAGET If 00HOI1 Ill IRREtBUU.n WHEAT r.lAO After Nervous Dayhtt Market Closed Steady on CQV0rln fpp.QYerthe j Holiday andF Showed Srtialt . 'Net AdvahceV w York, "eb. ;pi.ton&tapkef ;s very nervous and irreuta: today, bat il,.scd steady on covering for oet tbe bojl; ihw, "ith last prices, showing 'a net al-. iiice of from 1 tolpolnts.- mo market opened; steady. at a decHue 'p tioiuts. and old four to even points above llso closing figures of last night during the culv trading. Tliis was tn response t9 m'.m'ewhat better tiiverpoof: cablese than -e Ld ana.steaay -over-nigni spot vaayrces friHl Lilt PUUIU, V ; 'i iwii-iu uuj - inc as well as coveriag-: by aborts but there was no aggressive support and "the he-irNU average of local sentiment as evir leiued "bv the talk around the ring, soon found a "reflection in . Increased ... cfferlngs, I'rU-es weakened in consequence rnd.. da r iuu the early afternoon active months sold nioiiT S to 9 points net lower, following mitiors of, a les favorable .turn :in-.tbe Southern spot inareis. ureniLj cair me MOVEMENT BeyiyalfExpprt ,Pemapd ir .West orMae2aer'ao! Oats Were Lower. Mcajgo, ;, February - W-lviyaJ -f;, ex, portdtimand'Jn" the' west foif shipments by way f .e:.gnlf gate the wheat market to day an upward slants. .The close was nerv- ous.sa a shade tb..c oyer last night. .jCpm made a -erfcjifgain - of to r ftOO oats-fiL 1-16 .to . In nrovlsinna theyeuteotne "varied from 5ju, decline to a rise of 24. . Cash grain: ,.Jp - VV'heat N. 2.s?edv 1.031.07; No;- 2, uaru,:-wui4's:wA" o. l, iortnern, yyv&ea ro.- i, .isorxnern. I- tom-r-No. 2, yellow, 40 ; No. 2, white, Oats No. 2, white; 3335.- Standard, 3333H- -r Closing pFices: - i l lWhet-May, 92 ; July, 91; September, Corn May fa 32524; July, 53; Sep- WicTe; Chhnges Were Restricted to the , $r "Less xActlve 4iiea- Favorites , 1F Showed Little4 Changes' Dull and Heavy. M- ....New, York,; February . 20. Wide changes of the' day in the stock market were re stricted to; the less aetive stocks. The fa vrjte; issues moved within a, narrow range and! .Were ..dull, end heavy, Ampog the Jess actiye 'stQck . declines were larger, in some cases running up to ft or 8 points. Lini dotloli, of inactive stocks has been a fea ture i iof the- recent decline- in the general matket." -i The spirited : buying movement which .was in progress when the market : No. 2. Snri'ns 'closed" yesterday was not followed up . to- ket ' was subjected to no severe pressure, and few of the prominent stocks moved, as modi as a point-below yesteraay s ciose. Voioa . Paclflc, Ueadlng, Kortn -acinc and , Smelting were . most susceptible to pre.ure. -. . . ; - - ' ; .1 . Sentiment was bearish and little heed was given., to such favorable factors as the outlook . for - peace In Mexico, the more k& : Tip WETHER. v United States Department ; of Agriculture, Weather Bureau. I . . February 21, 1913. Meteorological data for the 24 hours end ntr nt A p. M.. yesterday; . Temperature at 8 A. M., 57 degrees; at 8 , Al. at flegrjees ; x uegrees; minimum, 50 degrees; mean, 58 degrees. Kainfall for-the day, .18; rainfall for the month, to, da ts, 2.42. v : f5ta"ge' f ..water in .Cape Fear river nt Fayetteville, at 8 A. M.,' yesterday, 8.C feet. .' Weather . Forecast, i For North Croliua Local rains Friday and probably Saturday. . v! ? Port Calendar-r-February 21. Sun rises ... ,.0:50 A. M. Sun. sets - i . -0 :01 P. M. 'Day's length - .11 hrs. 11 miu. Tides. High water. Low water. A.M. "P.M. A.M. P.M. Wllmkigton ..t. .-. . .10-JiS 10:27 . 5:04 5:34 Southport . . ' . . 7 :57 . 8 :22" - 2:16 1 :42 Masonboro Inlet .. 7:28 . 7;53 1 :13 . 1:47 ' WEATHids ' BUBEAlf KEPORTS. . , February 20, 1913. ber 34tfS!34U. ' Porn May, l.7T19.80; July, 19.65. Lard May. 10.60: July. 10.62: Ren tern - active around thes6 figures and uV4Kxf, ;a W tw -.a o ber, 10.55. , nriees into newilow ground ' for uioveuient;- wUhMa chtracts . selling at ,i u or about 27' "points under the high lpvel 'of Wednesday morning. Covering be ...ha more active around th the marKei faiura rawwr suarpiy iroiu the lowest during the last hour. Liverpool ittrihuted the relatively-steady sbowing.of the market tnere-to-'better-trade-demaad, but some unfavorable advices were receiv ,.,1 from the eoatiuen.t; A pryae. cable from Bremen said that the German spin--iiiHg trade..waa- depressed and ; declining, md" there was also a cable from Augsburg, which stated that spinners werej put of. the market -with yaras aad? cloths quiet-Early ifternoon advice from Newy Orleans and two or three pofnts In the Eastern belt, iu ..iiiHinsr Savannah, claimed that, spots, were nfferillir a litUe.:more.freely. One of these! reports said that 2.000 bales were offered it HuutsvHle, -Ala., - at- the market." The foreifrn buying here was believed to, b ehieflv in the way of straddles, and it was reported that some of the leading local old crop longs were switching into the new crop mouths. " . . , - Spot closed quiet.' rMiddllng uplands, 12.50: middling gulf, 12.75; no sales. T. Cotton futures ciosea steaqy. K Ots-tay.-3434;, July, 34 ; Septem-L heerful feeling abroad and an excellent Sfr? CftyTof Fayetteville. Core. Favette- vIlle.:.S. M. King. . : , Jhr. Benj. F. Poole. 1.099 tons. Williams. New York, Maffitt & Wood. - "v :. Cleared. tlmorft. Helrtp . A- - fn. Str. City of Vayetteville. Core. Favette- fille,lS, M. King. . - MABLNE DIBECTOBY. Mouth: Jau Feb Mar Apr May Juue July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec- Open. High. Low. Close. ..11.41 11.43 v 11-42 1143 ..12.06 12.15 12.01 12.12 12.01 1196 11.8 11-87 11.77 11.54 147 ..11.95 12.01.. 11.84 ..11.81 ..11.86 ..11.72 ..11.48 11.90 11.75 11.78 11.67 11.48 11.48 11. 4& 11.48 ,11.40 .Hi 4T a ..11.46 11.50 11.42' 11,48 THE PORT MOVEMENT. - (lal'veston Steady, 12 9-16; net receipts, 0.959: gross receipts, J9.959;: stock, - 24725; coastwise. 5.170. " .. New Orleans Steady, 12 ; net .receipts, 2.903; gross receipts, 2,903; sales,; 2,363; stock. 11S.(H)S. . . ' Mobile. Quiet, 12; net receipts, ??; gross receipts, 77; sales, 25; stock, 22,584; coastwise. 26. v.. - - --si. A? . 's-. Savannah Quiet. 12; net. receipts. I,o60; cross receipts, li560risale325;sto;k,f96,T 137: coutinent, 56; coastwise, 40. - 1 CharlestonNominal, 12 S" net receipts; 5ti: ?ross receipts, 06; stock, 20,80J. Wilmington- Nominal ; net receipts, 22 ; gross receipts. 622; stock-H245. r -y Norfolk ih"aty- ia p iwt eeeiptsr-i-J-KKi; :toss receipts, 1,10U; sales, 202; stock, jo.2."1 : coastwise. ."ilS. " - Baltimore Nominal. 12 ;. jtock, CJ74-, -J New York Quiet, 12. o0; gross receipts, 1.3S4; sfxk. 123.999; Great . BriUln, 3,160; coastwise. 1.2!G. ' ?. , V Boston Quiet, 12,50; net. receipts. 52; f.'ross reeipts, 0,003; stock, 22,080; Great Britain. 274. Philadelphia Quiet, 12.73; net receipts, 20: Kross receipts. 75; stock, 2,2(JD. Arausas Pass Stock, 994. Brunswick Stock, 9,155. Jacksonville Stock,' 1,822, ' - Tesas City Net receipts, 511; gross re ceipts. 511; stock, 21,994. r , . Total today, at all jjprts--Net, ::, 16,865; Great Britain, 3,434; continent,' 56; stock, 7II,S10. Con solid (ireat Brit tinent. 46.9S5: Japan. 5.076 Total since Sept. 1.. at all ports Net; 8, 210.2!7: Great Britain. 2.853.947; France, Sft2.5H;; eonrtnent, 2502,840; Japan, 194,929; Jiesico. 4.1OO List fef Vessels Now in Fort at Wilmlng- ; - -;- tan. North Carolina. , :-f ' -. - Steamer a. Str. Narva (Ger.). 1,334 tons, Helde & Co, Str. Albereen (Dtcb.l. 1.096 tons. Waar. dens. Alexander Sprunt. & Son. V --i.- ".--.- Schnoaen.-.. .. ; Scbr. Beiii: F. Poole. 1.099 tons. Williams. Maffitt A- Wood. Scbr.-Bayard, Hopkins, 212 tons, Harri son- Maffitt & Wood. Seer. Calhoun K. Ross. 37o tons. Conl- burn, Maffitt & Wood. Schr. Nellie W. Craig. 468 tons. Brand. Maffitt & Wood. Schr 'Granville It. Bacon. 339 tons. Ben nett, Maffitt St Wood. 1 ' Wilmington markets. " r STAR OFFICE. - Feb. 20. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady 42. KOSIN steady; $6.05 per barrel of 2S0 pounds. - - - :'- XAK Firm, . 9Z.20. CBUDE TURPENTINE Firm r $3.00 per barrel for hard; $4.00 per barrel for dip; $4.00 per barrel 'for virgin. quotations t same day - last year: Holiday.; .-.j, .. ..... -' . Receipts. Spirits .Turpentine ... ... ( ) Kosia ... u..-...- ... t I Tar ...... ... .. .. .- ..90 Crude Turpentine .. ( ) Betjeipts sOjUie day last year: Holiday. - COTTON MARKET. Market NominaL T Same day -bst -year :, Holiday. : lteceipts, 022; same day last year: Holi day. Total receipts, since Sept. 1st, 310,841 bales. Total receipts same time last year, 428,- 182 bales. - - IVTERIftR MOVEMENT. Houston Quiets 12 7-16: - net- reeelits. 5.C3H; gross receipts, 5,639 ; -shipments.-. 7- o31: stock. 138J507.-- Augusta Steady. 12; net receipts, 329; gross receipts-. 442; shipments, 523; sales, 496; stock. 86.736. - Memphis Quiet; . 12 : net receipts, t ISi ; gross receipts," 2,679 ; shipments,: 3,417 ; sales. !XX; stoi-k. 150,305. - ri-; St. Louis Dull 12 ; net receipts, 693; gross receipts, 1,354; shipments, 795; stock, Cincinnati Net receipts, 439 gross re ceipts. 439; shipments. 71; stock. 30,718. i Little Rock DulL 12V. :: net receipts. -158; -ross receipts, 158; shipments, 226; stock, Total today Net : receipts, 8,447; gross iweipis 10.711: shipments la.zi; saies i, KK); stock 475,326. LIVERPOOL COTTON -MARKET. and oVtober 6 October and No- X Nov 2. -Shelled Spanish. Sc.-per lb. fni nd Dpto virginiaslaietrv. strong. Jumbo, 4c. blr aarya12;a1S l&SJ Liverpool, Feb. 20. Spot cotton in fair demand; prices easier. V American middling fair 7..J0; good middling 6.96; t middling '71: low mddling 6.56; good ordinary 6.22; rdiuary 3.88. Sales 10,000 ba)es7 including !.HiO for speculation and export and inelud- "iK .xi American. - Receipts 4,uuu Daies irn luding :j,900 American. . , a-I i'utures oneued easiet and elosed bare ly steady. February and March; Maxcb and April; April and -May ; May and Jaue .: .nine and July 0.4 ; ,Jiy ana .Au- -if t.r'; August-ana 'Septemer o.m; wep vctnber (,..:: December and January uu eoroary. OAl. . v . . THE FINANCIAL MARKET . Vv-s.. .... New York Feb. 20-Money-On-call stea l U to W, Ber cest.: rnllne. rate 3 i clos- i'i-' bid 3V4;: offered , at 4. i lme- .loans t isier; 60 and, 90 davs 4 to-4 per cent ix mouths 4. L Prime meeantilei-: paper 'per cent. Sterling exchange- steady at .-a "Ictliiif. with ontnal hninoia; in bankefs' ''Us at 4.8323 for'HO dav hills' and at 44f40 for demand. Commercial bills 4.8254. uver 61 5-8. '..Mexican dltersLS.i.'GeT ernmeut bonds steady, r Railroad bonds, ir rc-Kular. RIVERS AND HARBORS BLLi4 Present System of Improving Wafer ways Extravagant,- Senators ..SaytL Vv'ashineton. Feb. 20. EUtravagattce (Jt the present Systenkof; Impro-Ylngi- terways and the need: of closer co-ope- rauon between States and the Federal government was emphasizd in the en ate today in a fight ovef certain provi sions of the annual rivers and harbors appropriation '"bill Senator "Nelson, t uairman of the Senate Commerce ' 'ommittee, said ' better results could "e secured in waterway imprbvemgnt-! " congress should appropriate a lump sum of moneyld .leaVe the details of river improvement to a commission oi army engineers. Both; branches of Congress struggled with appropriation measures throughout- the day.j the House devoting its time to further de bate over the $113,000,000 Sundry Civ il bill. - k .;.:;Cs' statement for January of Baltimore and Obio, - the first! of the large1' ranroaaa to maker Its reDort. - These conditions appfr- f ently; .were-HOUtweighed by - the. importance given, to the proposal to double the btate tax" oft stock transfers. There was an easier tendency in the money market. An other Vsmall gold engagement for South Amerjea was arranged today. ' : H Boqds . moved narrowly and irregularly. Total, sales, par value, $2,000,000. United States . bonds, unchanged on call. . .TotaJ sales of stocks .today, 215,900 shares. Abilene. . . . Asheville . . Atlanta v. Augusta Birmingham. Boston.. . . Charleston . Charlotte.. . Chicago.. . Galveston:.;, , . Jacksonville. Memphis. Mobile.. Montgomery: 1' StrCAtbara7(Br,), 1,774 tons, Clyde,' Ba)-Amerj:a'; Ca !.-' i .s4;iXSIN STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper ,. .. . r .. . . American' Agricultural .. .. .. Ameracan -Beet Sugar .". PRODUCE MARKETS. (Quoted i by W. J." Meredith, Feb. 20.) COUN Firm : 85 to 90c.- per btf. POTATOES-! rish potatoes, 85c. to 90c. per bu.- Sweet potatoes, yams, CO to 75c. fjais you. wmte, xz.iv 10 s.uu; cow peafi. 4150 veT,imi . ?. - ; RRRITnii fnnt. vtrx drill. Hfft4e. tier lb.; dated, at all ports 'et. SJeggSe,., . itaih. 44406: trance. 16.8o7; con-1 ponK 97r11r - - v wooifr-Burry, 15- to isc. per id.; rree of butr. 22c.-per lb.1-:. HIDES -Green;' lie. -per id. ; cry, 13 10 2-Sei er lb.- - " ' . . ' NOBTCAROtlNA;BACON--Hams, old, I920c -per in.; ,siaes anu-snouiaers, 14e: per Ibg-- - . BEESWAXrFirmv: Zif&ZBC 'per ID. TlT.Law-.Ftra. tVtfegOc. oer lb. -' POULTRY Chickens, - good demand. Grown, 45c; Spring chickens, ;1835c." pet bead.. Turkeys, on loot, uuh, isc. EUGS Steady,-oe. : . , Br BiVEB AND BAIL. Receipts of Cottoa and Naval Stores at the - ' fort of Wilmington. ' '- Wilmnffton. N. C. Feb. 20. Atlantic Coast' Line 622 bales cotton ; 90 barrels" : tat. ?'.' ' y " Total 022 bales cotton; w oarreis tar. - , ,J . ' i . ' v . " - ' . W1XMXHG TON PEANUT MARKET. (Quoted by J.: S". Funchess &. Co.) rri- ? '. Wilmington. Feb. 15. nrrtt- iW;3iker - e North CaroUnas Farmers' stock prime hand-picked. 80e. macnme-picKea, oc. SDanish Prime' hand-picked, $1.20; ma- chlne-pleked,J1.15, .- , , - , Virginias irime nanu-piciteu, wt. , twf hlneplckeo-.80cr -: .---. -. j; r PETER8BUBO PEANUT MARKET. American Can, pfd ... ... ... . . ; American Car and Foundry .. .. AmerlcsinCotton Oil . ; . AmericanIce Securities .. .. .. American Unseed-;.;- ... ....... American Locomotive . . . American Smelting and lief . . American Smelting and Ref., pfd American Sugar Itefining American Tel and Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Mining. Co . Atchison .. -. Atchison, pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore and Ohio Bethlehem Steel .. . . Brooklyn Rapid-Transit Canadian Pacific ... , Central Leather'... ... ... ... .. CbeSipeake and Ohio .. ....... . Chicago Great Western . . . . . . . Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul ... ... Chicago and North Western .. . Colorado Fuel and Iron Consolidated Gas - Cora , Products Delaware and Hudson Denver and Rio Grande Denver and Rio Grande, pfd .. . Distillers'. Securlies Erie v;; ... Erie,. 1st pfd-.. ... ... . Erie,- 2nd pfd . ... .V General Electric .. . Great Northern, pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs .. .. .. Illinois Central Interborough Met Interborough-Met..' pfd Inter Harvester Inter-Marb'ie, pfd ... Imtemational Paper . . . .'. . InJeru.atloual.Pniup ............ Kausas City Southern . Laclede Gas ... ... Lehigh Valley Louisville and Nashville Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste Marie Missouri,' Kausas and Texas Missouri Pacific Natioual Biscuit National Lead '. Nat. Rys. of Mexico, 2nd pfd .. New York Central ... ... New York. Ont. and Western .. . Norfolk and Western . North American Northern Pacific . Pacific Mall .. - .. Pennsylvania People s Gas .. . .. Pittsburg. C. C. and St. Louis . . . Pittsburg ' Coal . . ... Pressed. Steel Car Pullman Palace Car . . . Reading ..; ... . Republic Iron and Steel Republic. Iron and Steel, pfd .. .. Rock Island Co ... ... Rock Island Co.. pfd . St.- Lonls and San Fran., 2nd pfd Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Air Line, pfd Sloss-Sheffield Steel ana iron .. . Sonthern Pacific ... Southern Railway V. - .. Sonthern Railway, pfd Tennessee Copper .:. Texas and Pacific ... Union Pacific ... Union Pacifle4 pfd United States Realty United States Rubber United States Steel ... United States Steel, pfd ... ... . Utah Copper ... ... .i. ... ... ., Vlrgiuia-Carollua Chemical Wabash Vh;isll nfd' . .. fWestern "Maryland Western Union Westingbouse - Electric .. . Wheeling and Lake i!rie ... ... (Repotted' bjf:-Rodger.' MeCabe & Co.) - Pr.t.iirtrVVA.. Jannarv .27th. 1913. iuinish-Market.' firm. Farmers- Spanish, $1.30 per btt8bel Jnmbo Spanish, $1.25 per tExtra Prime, 3;e; tov3c. per lb.; Prime, per iB-T aneiiingococ, ic,iu;vn.. . vVWHmirigton Clearing House V-i Association. -w. fatSrda.-ebniary:: 22nd, , 1913 be iV Washington's -Birthday,; a legal hoL Kdaythe biks of this : city? will ot e-open;iori3isues8, , : - t Advertisement. ; . - iTTiumpty-thump? : ) ! ,;i -i'At:last.l'."'..i.;..v r K-hiradaciie1 remedy that's quick, nleasanU ; Contains; no heart -de ' " " pressant; no acetannae, cocaine, rtr? -s w enioraii .no-morDnuie.- 51 cents -t all soda fountains 10c, 25c and ,50e. bottles. - -F(jr 8ale by ; , . Payiffe V Drug Company. Wl roinatonv N. C. ...67 . . . 51 ... 35" .. :J9 ..I23y2 ..50 . .49 . - 22 ... 9 . . 36 . . 69 . .104 ..115 ..13214 ...2oO . 35 ..101 . .101 . . . 125 ...100 . . 35 . . S8 . .230 .. 27 . . 72 .". 14 ...108 . . 34 ...132 .- 20 . . 16 . . 28 . . 43 .. 35 ..120 ..122 ... 16 . . r8 . .107 ... 17 ... 11 .. in ..214 ..101 ...155 . .131 . .134 ... 25 . . 37 ...112 .. 49 - - 23 ..105 .. 30 ..107 .. 78 . .. .113 .. 25 ..118 ..110 . .. 98 ... 20 . .. 30 . ..158 ..137 24 ... 84 . .. 25 ... 18 .. 45 , .. 36 . .100 .. 20 ... 79 . . 35 ... 18 ...136 . - 87 . . 70 .. eo ... 01 . .108 . .. 50 ... 31 .. 2 .. 9 41 ...67 , . 09 6 STATIONS: Temperature: T atss a. u a a oS JS 03 C-l . clear .cloudy raining . raining . cloudy . cloudy .. raining -.- raining -. cloudy ,. cloudy . pt cldy . cloudy pt cldy 7 nt -trtv f " New Orlejius. . .clear New York .,M cloudy Okbihoma .' . "raining Pittsburg clear Raleigh. . . w cloudy. Savannah ..(w1.pt-chly Shrevenort. . r"r'r clear St-Loujs ..cloudy. Washington . .ciouny 54 42 t .0 50 40 .:) 54 48 .52 02 52 .SH OO 50 .72 J 00 32 .0 m- 56 2.20 , 52 4 .3S 42 38 .0 00 54 '.0 72 ) .0 06 52 .0 74, .J - 56 .0- 54 t 2 .01 70 54 .0 56. .if 34 .0 34 ! 32 .52 62 46 .0 00 44 .01 70y:;58 1.44 -72-452 .-0 40 rL 4( .O ; i0' 32 j : .0 Everybody We've got the location. We've got the store. We've got the goods. We've got the service: We've got the Prescription- ists -Registered nad Ex ; perienced. , - We've got the drugs pure and standard. 'Ve've got the big, wide, mid dle, handsome entrance .. to the store, and we .want ; all of our friends and cus tomers to come therein, . and when they can't call in, to. phone us. - : Use Rubright Liniment. -IN, J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY I Tne Real Quality Drugstore Made to Measure, and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. VWe are fully prepared to have .your Spring Coat Suit made specially to your measure. We have just received by express one hundred patterns in all the hew Spring styles. Call in and make your selection, and your Suit will be lilre fcy Easter. - : ,iU ? v a u u a DEPARTMENT STORE, ; r 28 to .30 S. Front St. Wilmington, Ni C. I 1 JT- y - w . , . - r JfEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New Jl.08EJtT. R. BEULAMrJt Improvements to our Plant Made in 1913: ! 1 C o-inch Swing Latest Improved .Wheel Lathe .for turning Locomo tive Tires, etc. 1 32-inch '43 wing Quick. Change Screw Cutting Lathe. . 1 Pair 'Alligator Shears. Cuts 30 cuts per minute. 1 Pair Angle Iron Cutters. 1 Pair Channel Iron Cutters. , 1 Drag Cut Power Hack Saw. 1 Steam or Air Tire Machine for i putting on and taking off Locomo ( tive Tires. 1 Large Air Compressor for run ning High Speed Drills, Hammers, Clippers and Cutters. . 1 Oxv-Acetylene Machine for Welding any Metals, broken parts of Cast Iron, Steel, Wrought Iron, Brass .and Aluminum; . also, new process of making Castings, free of Sand! and Blow Holes; also the improved Herring Bone Grate Bars. They create a ratural up-draft that ikeeps them from burning out. Why not send -your Iron and Metal Work to US? We are the Iron Men... Call and see US .work. We huy Old Iron and Machinery. Wilmmgibnlrpn; Works. Manufacturers & Dealers. Tflat "Ariiatite" Gravel 4i . f.:. "t- "Everlastic" Rubber also full stock of "Tomb" Deadening Felt, Slaters Felt, Sheathing Papers, Roofing Tin, Valley Tin. HsurclwareGb N. Jaeobi 10 AND 12 SOUTH FRONT STREET. The world has been waiting for PAINLESS DENTISTRY NITROUS OXIDE GAS Makes Dental work a pleasure. Absolutely ho pain in . filling teeth, or in Crown and Bridge work. Cleanest offices in the Carolinas. Graduate ,NUrse in attendance. DR. J.W. POWELL, Dentist Phone 1634. Garrell Building. York. February 20. Flour Quiet. Wheat Firm. No. 2, red, l.OOMiGfl.ll; Kovil;; Dnlwthj 1.01. Corn steauy. Hides Firm." ' . Leather Firm.- s. Petroleum Steady. -Wool Steady. ; Kiee Steady. 'Morasses Steady. - ; Butter Easier. . Cheese Steady, Sugar Raw and refined, steady. -Coffee Spot,-steady ; nio. No. 7. 12; rSantos, No. 4, .14 ; mild, quiet; Cora ova, 1317.- nominal.' . " r Potatoes Steady. . - y CabbagesSteadjpr . 'T v . ; : FreightSr-UHclHmgred. s :. ; ; ; PeanutsirUxfehangedv - ' " ' Cot ton' Seed rOil-Easler for tbe .nearer iipHvirlpiilrr'-obsenee -: of consumption de- 'toandi. while?;vlhte!' m5ithsf ; were H generally steady . on V bnytni? ?Dy cotton nouses unji liirhfr erode 'offerings., Closing prices were a n-t niMhtsi- net rlower -tor:. near and.1 low- ter 'for; late ' months.' , Sales, 15,200 . barrels. pilule tiuuc,-u. oa.to.iT.v. . -.- v . u . . . spot, tf.Zaoe.W J eurqary; o.oy , iin-ij nd April. &30 f Siayy-- 6.32.J -iJnne. 6:35; July. ''0.40; jAusrut,"' 6.:43 September, 6.43. Prlmei Winter yellow, 6.43 bid ; do. Sum mer wlilte,t.407.OO. v . ,';S' - .. irnrffT-' "' ' . ..." ' . i NAVAL STORES. .. '', NewS YorkD February- 20. Turpentine and rosin. steady. - '.-"'. ' Savannalk February su. xurpentine. nrm, a- 43 V. sales. -78; receipts, 203; shipments, 20: stocks. .:.'.:..:.' ...:,.'.--'--'--. J - Rosin Flrnrr'; sales; -, m i a receipts, . i : shipments." 621 ; r stocks. 121.041. Quote; Ai B, 6.27 ; Ci -Pi -30; E, 6.33;. F. 6.40; 0, 6.43; H. 6.53 ;vL j6.70 ; . K. 60 ;,M, 7.00 ; Nr 7.03; w 0.;1fc.lo;-vy,.;:AV, 4.wi.au. U "'".':, DRY. GOODS MARKET. v Dr.1 CreeMr ti. IJlltaa CreeM ' emwmtKtirrCt rlHTSIClA AND 111m ntiMi br our method W ;.'$.; ", '. 'V CBstitirtlr 5"'Lli-- ' m io-tt r Now ? York. '; February ; 0 The : ootton gijidds -markets' are;.8teady, . with trading of moderate, volume. . - Jobbers ? are doing .an nnHrp business in wa8hi fabrics. Yarns are ilng offered more freely by spinjoers, ? M Hiamii Salni(rd.-BMk-)M-mt)tecr fVf. DR. B. M. WOOLLEY, -N, Victor I Saoitano Aoaan, veori. Baby Chicks Hatching Eggs, Baby Chicks, .v, 2.00 forV'iO; Daold Ducfiings, : 4 2.50 for: 10; ; $22.50 per 100. You can buy "Baby Chicks cheaper , than you can , hatch them; ' . OCtONEECHEE FARM " ' HlttSBORO; N,C. ' - : 'PHONE OR WRITE AHRENS . About hia S.- til WJilie ieghora Breed ing .Stock, Hatching Eggs 'and-Baby Chicks. ,.';,')- , - ,vi:-i".L' Also dealer in Incubator aha -Poul try Supplies. 4;, Rn - PiNE Gf?OVe POULTRY FARM. ADOLPHG: AHRENS; .' . . Proprietor iiRr. VVILMINGTOWW v Phones 1 358-1 3574 ' , WH. JAMES - Contractor and Builder All tearpter Work Done ; Satisfactqniy. WE POINT OUT TO YOU merit in the work done -here. An ex amination of teeth is niost important, at least . about now. Who wants to pass through the whole of his life with TEETH THAT ARE IMPAIRED? You don't, and neither does your neighbor. See us and have needed dentistry done, so that you'll enjoy yourself and not be ashamed when you-open your mouth to . talk. Best dentistry and low prices are both uaranteed. , Crown and Bridge work a specialty. DR. CULBRETH'S Dental Parlors - Front anid Princess Street. THE GENUINE OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, Don't let Anyone Make You Believe that Other Makes Are v Just as Good. We are Agents for the ' -Clark's Cut-a-Wav. Harrows, Frank Beasley Discs, Planet, Jr., Tools, Geni Guano Distributors. V -: WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. WW E. SPRINGER & CO. Office SillplieSl The New Year brings increased demahas for your of- Start right by investing now. Let us talk Over any off ice problem with you. ROBERT G DeROSSET BOOKSELLER: AND STATIONER. A ROADSIDE MEETING with a - wealthy . acquaintance : will keep our service as nearly , as possible cause Ty6u no embarrassment ,lf ;,yQUu are riding or driving a horse from our livery stable! .We make it a ; pomt, to up.id thei standard of ra private;; sta-blel- i The result is that on the road you'll meet .no one you need take off your hat to. ' - : X . C. W.r MILLS. Mgr. H. deW. C0NSU LT1N GEN Gl NEER.i -Room Bit Southern Building. , WrLMiNGToW, c; , NOTICE s $25.00 Reward will be , paid for evi dence to convict any person or corpo ration who sets fire that burns any, of my lands in this or any other jCouniy in this State. . 12 KT-Waier "Street; North Carolina. ' L. GORE, Wilmington; ATLAIsTTIG INN Convenient to the Tratelifti.Public;- LARGE ROOM & GOjplu) RESTAURANT SERVICE Ldppbsite Union Depot f t. "MURA-LiliE only perfect Flat Oil Paint for Intenbr Use. The itary and Durable. . . . :'- SOLE MANUFACTURERS: San- Atlantic Paint and Varnish Works v Zl MABKKT 8TKKIT. ':r.- ;v - ' '' 1 r-1 ''J;:f :