-' TSE MOBSnCSTGr STAB, WILlSIiyGTok, K, CM , TUESDAY, MABCH X1, 1933:1 ; i i- r fntMtA'fn:tHenilotae busi- down number of justices 01 loe pww t,aV IKSffia-' tffsiF 'thV bofira has in New Hanover. made arbitrary-gulations prohibit ing a large "ffuMber tif old pilots from , carrying on - their business. The bill, he explained provides that na one -directly interested 111 the pilotage busl tipss shall' serve" on- the board and opens the business to all of the former and' present-pilots. ' Mr Bellamy, ; of Brunswick, strongly, opposed the bill and the re-opening - of the pilotage question. - He urged that the members vote down .the, bill asjaot wanted, by any parties' at real-interest and insist ed that Wilmington -and the local board can' and does readily cope' with the 'situation. , ; , The Hotise biU for; pensioning disa bled firemen' in ; the service of Wilmingr ton, passed the Senate and was order ed enrolled for ratification;? . t 2 House-N ig hi Session I The House- voted t tTcfnlght. 50 to , 34 against "the establishment of a' State tax commission separate from.the Cor poration Commission but left open until Tuesday the' question of whether there shali simply remain the present State tax commission composed of the Corporation Commissioners or, as pro posed by Representative Justice in an amendment that he will offer,, the ap pointment of a tax commissioner to act in conjunction with the chairman of the Corporation" Cominisfidni '' JLreaving .this, .question ; open... the House passed on many of the subse quent sections of the machinery bill. Before taking, up .the, machinery bill many measures came .up. 1 The bill" from.' the -Senate ; to allow women v hold positions on: school committees and boards of trustees of educational institutions came up. Mr. Bowie moved its reference to the com mittee on Federal relations. Speaker Connor suggested the' committee . of marital . xelations- . Mr- Kellum . sug gested immediate passage. In the end the bill went to the calendar commit tee.; J . 4 31113 passed included i Provide for erection 4af assistant eottbri weighers; throughout the State.: - Change the tifle of, , corporation " clerk, to deputy Secretary of. $tate. Provide pay for Commissioners i oT Bladen: Allow chairman of Commissioners of Hay wood pay for Jextra." worfc ,,- -Chairman Williams, of the Finance Committee,, introduce! the machinery bill and "its -consideration was taken u immediately its principal new fea ture ibefng the proposed State tax commission- to supercede" the , Corporation Commission iri that "capacity. Chair ing WlliaifiS "declared; that not less thari; $200,000 was lost ".during the past year to the! State through failure to collect; Schedules B and G taxes, the inheritance tax and - others. The" separate commission and . cen tering of-duties and responsibilities in it. he believed -would be a good invest ment. . ., . . . Mr. Bowie estimated-that the sepa rate commission would' cost $20,000. . -He thought with the re-assessment knocked put, there was no use for the separate commission for ithe next two yars. Mr. Page advocated the sepa rate, commission. Mr.; Justice .gave notice of his proposed amendment for oiie fibmmissioner to be appointed to act with the chairman of the Corpora? tipn Commission. and the clerk . to. the Corporation Commission . ... This matter was1 left diteti a'fterf the definite vote, against full separate com mission 50 to 34. Y. ; iThe: House went into committee of the whole, after .10 o'clock tonight in anleffort to clear the muddle; in the machinery bill caused by voting down the first section to create a' separate State tax commission with the result that Sections 1 to 13 of the 1911 ma chinery act, including the Corporation Commission as 'State, tax commission and adopting for the remainder of the machinery bil the sections of the old 190&; act, that - has the eff ect of abol ishing the county tax assessor appointed- by r the State tax commission and;, leaving thV assessing in , the hands of the assessors and lister "ap pointed in the counties. In this" form the machinery bill passed second read ing near midnight"' "and took its' place on. the calendar -for final passage in both Houses tomorrow. JJuring the ."work in committee of the whole Mr, Justice charged that reassessment .was- receded from .be cause the members did jaot? have ; the" courage to vote;, for4 it and face their constituents back home, and that the Finance Committee backed, down un der, pressure from the -corporation .in terests. Chairman .Williams denied the charges and. poind out that what ever ..concessions had been made to corporations : hai: Tbeien . made on the floors of. the two Houses ahd not in committee. Mr. . Justice passed a sharp criticism tin -'members of. the corporation' Commission for being in the lobbies ; working, against any change In ; the present law constitut ing the commissioners the State tax commissioners. ; ,: ; .' . An important amendment to the ma chinery; bill " was ah amendment by Brawley, authorizing: city and commis sioners to make contracts with profes sional tax collectors'; ' v The . House worked until midnight on calendar bills. ' The Senate jtonlght passed the Jones-Grier bill putting' telegraph, .wa ter and electric ljghl and gas compa nies. underr the jcointroi ; of the Corpora tioCominlssipntpKith' the section that. ; would direct " the Corporation Commission - to - require ' physical' con nection between competing telephone lfai.es; strickien .outij It -exempts mu . nicipally-pwned.s plants. " Other bills' passed included:: The . Bellamv bill permitting 'County, commissioners . to . make deauction$ for sentences Of con - victs for.. good::tbehavior. The clause ajiowing.tne payment of money allow ance for the 'convict's tamily was stricken: pt. Allow widows todraw - pensions of'.'hushands for . one' year arter. aeatn, vxne I Kellum' resolution for a, commlssiph" to recommend to the next: Legislature as tp the advisability of- the State publishing school books for children .At cost; Amend the late atf to Jtlte:"liabHity;bfc stockholders in State -banish ? Amend the law as to lorms of life ,i insurance .-contracts. Amend'ith6 ?li, as to .polling; places and reilslratlbns. Repeal , the s law permitting the jise of saccharine. Al . loiv .the 6tatV treasurer to take up cer tain ' oid outstanding bohds. Amend the revisal relative .to taking, deposi ticmsr oP-no&rdjants. Require the securitiesjibf 1 inBtirance companies Whose ; stock is" being sold, at time of organizatioh ito' be '.submitted ..to the ccTiimissibneTVbrlhsurauc for ap- Ttilla tabled ; or otherwise defeated were: Establish reformatory for wo menii Penalize telephone and tele graph companies for failure, to deliver messages correctly and promptly;-Bill for i non-partisan school boards, . pro vide : for assistants pharmacists. Re strict the use of the term "trust in names of corporations. Abolish joint tenancy between husband and Wife . ' Toward the close of the night ses sion Senator Hobgood, in behalf of the ;assistantlc)erks, presented Chief Clerk Self with a handsome gold han'dled i umbrella,' and Senator Coun- KTieakine for the pages, bestowed cona nirfiadv had the law. Senator Peterson, saying he spoke for the merchants, opposed the bill, saying it would work a hardship on that class, and that only one State, Louisiana, had passed a similar ac,tv and It had not worked well , there Senator Nimocks spoke for it as pro tecting the bankers and as being simi lar to an act passed by the ; illnited States Senate and ten . other states. Senator Evafis, of Pitt, opposed on the Aground that it sought to make, nego tiable" instruments of sometnmg, tnat was materially different from, its" ac cepted legal definition. The bill fail ed to pass by 16 to 21. F; - By consent Senator Nimocks Intro; rinoori a rftsolution expressing the t . no P-h tHH pr a box of : thanks of the Senate, for the fair ana cigars which the - president of the courteous consideration shown by Senate said he appreciated as highly President Pro Tern Pbarr while in the as any gift he had received, notwith- Ichair.' Adopted by rising vpte. Sena standing the value of the bthers. f tor Pharr briefly expressed.his; thanks Bills .passed for an .inspection: tax : and appreciation. : !f.J 'i on liquor shipped into the State; i Another resolution by Senator Nim Senator Hobgood's bill extending im- ocks was for a committee, to investi munity from prosecution to parties gate the employers' liability And cqni testifying for the State in gambling ipensation act and report to the, extra, cases. session. . . . - - At 11:40 the Senate adjourned until Senator Hannah offered a resolution m nvwv Tnosrfi.T momfae. m oenan or tne engrossing cier ul House 62nd Day The House convened at 11 o'clock; nTAVPr ihv Rev. L: F. Johnson. The Senate and House and the enrolling clerk and assistants. ' v: Upon receipt of the message that committee on appropriations reported the House had failed to concur, in the unfavorably the resolution to allow Senate amendments to the revenue ti, nctmodpr t thA RttA House a fbill, Senators Cook, Long, Gilliam, bonus of $20 for his services during the' Legislature. He is paid by the Postofflce Department. The commit tee on Propositions and Grievances re ported unfavorably the bill for, a State Board of Examiners to license oar- hers. i Revenue Bill 5 The revenue bill as amended by the Senate, was reported to tne House. Representative Williams made the point that the Senate had, raised the tax rate on the people and cut con siderably the franchise tax on corpo rations. Representative Doughton moved" that the House do not concur in the Senate amendments to the bill. This motion was carried and tne Speaker was directed to s appoint a conference committee. ' The solicitors' salary bill as passed by the Senate, came up and Repre sentative Doughton spoke against it, making a motion that prevailed tnat the bill foe referred to the committee on propositions and grievances, the understanding being that there will be no report from the committee, the bill being "put to sleep." The House passed the bin to appro priate $10,000 for the State school for the- Feeble-minded at Kinston. This institution asked for $250,000. The House voted down the joint res olution from the Senate for a . special committee from the Legislature to in vestigate and report .to the special session on the advisability of North Carolina representation at the Pana ma-Pacific Exposition. Speaker Connor announced ' as. the committee on the part of the .House for adjusting the differences between the Senate and the House on the Rev enue bill. Representatives Williams, of r Buncombe ; Doughton, Wallace, Young, of Harnett, and Ross. The vote by which the bill was de feated some days ago. to restore to. the Indians : of Robeson - county their an cient name , fJ jf'Cherokees" ; was re considered and the bill passed on its readings. It gives these -Indians the name "Cherokees of Robeson." Bills Passed Final. Readings , Require railroads to provide shelter for employes at . division points. Amended so as to require t protection from, hot sun as well , as weather. Amend - Buncombe road law. Senate Barnes and Bryant were appointed on the conference committee. The substitute, bill allowing women to serve on school committees and as trustees of educational institutions, but not State or county school boards, precipitated some discussion. Senator Mason thought it was not a matter, of legislation - to declare what were pub-, lie officers', and Senator Jones suggest ed that the matter ought to be re ferred td the constitutional amend ments committee. ; Senator Bryant did not consider it so much of a con stitutional matter, arid favored women serving in such positions. . - Senator Hobgood agreed with Senator Bryant and submitted" the observation that women" did " Rave somewhat t6 com plaint of at the hands of men. Sena tor Nimocks also supported the billj. saying the militantsuffragettes did not want theser little places. ' .' Senator Pharr was bitterly opposed to anything that would t get .women mixed up in politics. Moreover, the House had already killed the bill. Sen ator Daniel considered that this ques tion were put up to the Supreme Court now, that tribunal would put its ear to the ground, as it often did. Practical ly all of the primary education of the State was entrusted, to the women: Senator McLean did not believe the 'women of the State were demanding this thing. If we passed this bill, in two years the women would came ask ing for the suffrage. .Senator Evans, of Pitt, , likewise denied that women were asking for it, and insisted, among other objections, that to have women on boards would cause friction. Sena tor Davis feared some Senators were seeing ghosts. - With two-thirds of school teachers women, they ought, to be represented on committees. Senator Council did not think the constitutional question eed bother the Senate, . for the Supreme Court would not declare, the act; uncpnstittf-4 J4onal, and be doubted the haxdihoqd of anyone to rafse the question any how. r, -.- .. , Senator Carson bore witness that in the West, the women had proved their ability to handle the school systems. Senator Scott quoted a few lines from the peroration of his graduating speech on "Women's Rights", apotheo sizing ner sway of home and affections bill relative to the election of- United Senator Peterson said he loved women too weji to vote for the bill. - An amendment by .Senator Pharr. that the bill do not apply to offices voted for by the people was adopted, and the bill was passed by 27 to 18 and ordered sent to the House. ' .Senate bills passed final reading: Amending Revisal so as to extend time six months for veterinary surgeons to obtain license, with an amendment by Senator Jones not to apply to veterl naries now practicing. Supplemental bill Introduced by Senator Brown re placing in the railroad shed bill the provision for protection of workmen on cars against hot sunshine as. well as rain, snow and- cold. Amending charter of n&en vAUQwIngchairman or Haywood commissioners extra pay. Providing for pay of Bladen commis sioners. Promoting, teaching of agri culture and domestic science in Wake ?A1U8 - uoss m vv ayne and making- uicui auujeuis oi larceny,' ; , I House bills passed final reading: wequirlng rate .making bureaus to re port same to -State Insurance Commis sioner fpr. approval. ? Approving bond Issue by. Belhaveh. Road law in Mag nolia township, Duplin. Amending cnarter of Tabor. Granting charter toi ouarysuurg. or special road taT in Robeson. Authorizing Brunswick com missioners to issue bonds for town ships. Relative to. stock law bounda ries Irt Haywood. Transylvania, Avery and. Pamlico. , Allowing Guilford com ."ISrato i establish .farm schools As to. fees of Madison officers Re quiring jburial of dead animals in Robe- tWZE&y?-: Stte rant; 319 ,to Jas. .-WJlIiS.v Regulating .hunting deer squirrels; ? and . wild - turkeys - in Hoke' Amendiii; Rotvan drainage law. Tax- ing apgs iin iuplin. ,j Amending Hav-2iw..ivIncoportInsit x 'jwaii .urcp..jBurnsville.- Em- X mloners to aid f??" -! nionumenf, t v.i.v -v" v.-.vi tomcers in if, ,;t Continued on Page 3.) . States Senators. Resolution asking aid in construction of - post roads. Amend Randolph road law. Amend charter of Asheville. Regulate . use of joads in Black Mountain? district, Relative to bond issue by Belhaven. Bond issue by Northampton. Amend charter of Concord. Relative to char ter of Raleigh Relative to sale? Qf certain.:, bonds j of the- Appalachian. Training School. . Relative to dog tax in Rockingham county. - Provide Tor election of 'trustees Henderson graded schools. Provide-a bonus of $10 to aborers serving the Legislature and allow them railroad fare to and from their homes. -Allow extra pay to.'S. W. Walker, janitor of Supreme, Court. For : repairs, public- roads in Wayne. For the relief of the sheriff of Madii Son. For relief of former Sheriff .De- Lapp, of Davidson. ; For employment of primary teachers . in ;Wake. - - Pro hibit sale , of merchandise within, one mile of certain ' churches in Vance., Amend laws controlling roads in Hay wood, between t Clyde and Waynes ville. Regulate use of traction en gines in Franklin.-, Amend, the game laws of Vance. .Relative to tags on fertilizer bags. Bill amending the health laws . of the State." Relative to registration of ancient deeds ' . Pro-, tect policyholders in , assessment com panies. Make uniform the crime of larceny throughout the , State. .-. The House tool? a recess at 2 o'clock until 8, o'clock , tonight. . . . Senate 62nd Day. . ; With most of the Senators? in their seats the Senate convened ?a.t,4i10 r. q'- clock; prayer byjRBv.fcT. W. Q'Kelly. The bill making uniform bills oflad: ing was called up . by ; Senator. DanleL who e-rnlniTip.il that it oatnnnprl a rail road "from: denying what i its : agents I w 4 law had signed, holding it hard and : fast to the recital: of facts in thehill . of lading, and also made i the bill of fad ing negotiable: that. it. was asked for by the bankers, and that several other. 4 IT LADIES Will never need shields . eain.' Odorono ; , keeps yaar m-pits just as DRYand natural as the rest under all cbhdif-' faded or soiled 1 no more' odor. ur Toilet Dealer or write the ODORONO COn Gncinnati, Ohio. Sold. by ' " ' ". ROBERT R; BELLAMY, , And Other Leading Toilet Counters.' v ' : X - -vil" . : AT J.f , H. FIICHS' DEP'T STORE t The American Art Tailoring Co. representative has ar rived with their full line of samples, aVd is fully prepared to take your measure for your Spring and Summer Suit, and it will be delivered to you in time for Easter. DON'T rMli TO SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY OF THE? SPECIAL $15.00 SUITS MADE TO MEASURE. II It L K DEPARTMENT STORE; 8 to 30 S. Front St. Wilmington, N. C. Shoe Priced While Any Lady cam. take--her pick from any pair of SHOES In onr store-that sold fdr $4.00, at $3.15 ; $5.00 at $3.08 ; $3.50 at $2.69, and so on; down tlje ;line. We could make a larger reduc- ; tlon by marking up the price and ; offering a supposed cut, but we do not do businessvthat way. ;. s . Our special :,; lot-' of 200 pairs odds and ends sold from $3.00 to $4.00, - $1.98 - And we guarantee -the-.:: above-, shoes. The . biggest ! money's worth in town. ' ' . One1-lot Men's $.08," $4.50, $5.00, narrow .widths, sizes 5 to 6 and 8 to 11, . SHOES. . Only $1.98 Men's $6.00 shoes " nt $4.98; $5.50 at $4.43; $5.00 at $3.98, and $4.50 ; at $3.48. We do not wan t to carry orer a single pair, of these shoes; shown in . patent, gnn metal and tan. - .- - These goods won'i; last long at prices quoted ; don't wait until your size is sold.' . ; : .. v No tickets given. : 98c. i. All.- Ladles!. Fel Slippers, HEWLETT & PRIGE N6.-24 Norm Front St I j II Si M?ana Dummer Hats and Furnishing Goodsr av IVE US A GALL T-DAVISGC). ' NEXT TO THE BIJOU PHONE 673.J -t. - : Prepkratiofi, King Cot EJxterhalS, bearings Prduaiyjhe sl' 6f Dubiir auuiovai, lesieu 10 iu.iiuiii, auu uercr luiuiu, wauune - aestrnvirif inflammation afid ;congestion when ' exti&rtiany applied, and wherovoT- introduced being unquatifledlyt endorsedt not too much to gy' that iGCJWAN has astoulidfed physicidns when applied - in ases - of lPneunlonia;, Pleurisyv;Craup; and-Colds. A bottle of GOWANS PRp. . PARATION in the house ' nieans R(nnrftv 'for i the" lovfed ' ones and T !"lVi t' peace of mind for. the ehtire house-V -A TinTd : Tnarveious ' and increas- :' ing grqwthto ;the Go wan Medical vompanymanuiacturmg. wus, renjj.. , a edy , And it : the King ofc all Ex, l ternals, i evidence sufficient; that ; U there is nothing 1'just ; as . good." I. - Oowan's Preparation':; was usedV on ; my child when it wds desperately, ;m with Pneumo- ond applicHtiou rmy Dhysieian called and -finding. 0 great an improvement ordered its contin- - nance.. TWe child : madftrapid rst.ery .ift ii few day?. 1 -;' fc.Ji,HECKLE. Druggist -At St., AlleghenS Pa. Buy TOtXAY-your , druggists has 11 taKe notnmg eise .aemaim - auu ::; v r insist oV having, GOWAJ-it; "do.es all that is claimed for it--or vmiV money cueeriuiiy. reiuuueu. -mice dh,m, jl.uu, ouc, zbc - ' --' -4 r- - 1 . . 1 .., The Best Equipped :: Machine Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Boiler Shop, Pattern Shop ahd Fdundry in this section; and as competent;, mechanics as money .can employ. Our Machinesare all Modern-and our Lathes take work from ' One Inch to Forty. Feet Long, 'and the Largest Locprno qi tive Driving -wheels iirpiameter ,: t v "': : - ' , " WE SPECIALIZE IN : T' Quick Service :First Class: Mechanics: fv i iSufeellor Grade Machines. Grate? v " GAPE' FEAR fvlttCHIfJE Pnonel3.:aJ'S:3 ' ,'J' rf Among the t45 styles and sizes' of "Pittsburgh PerfeA" Fence shown in oiir jSgyt albgde the ftncit:'iam;t ncv obtain fencing perfectly Mmtufm'pmficdt require nients.: " Pittsburgh Perfect is the most adaptable; portable ; durable and resultful Joi, aU Iwire jf ences,? and gives absolute ' satisfaction because, coupled with our ripened mahufaIhiring experience, it is the culmmation of ' close and exhaustive, study and investigation of farmers needs along lines' of up-td-date' poultry ah$l agricultural methods and equipment Open Hearth Wire lie' old" time iron wire is ' used exdusivety in " Pittsburgh Perfect Fence and is heavily gaTvanizcd with pure zinc. All linq ajid stay wires are at every contact point, which mafces it uncqualed (or toughness, strength and econorny . in weight and price. ' .y.;Z:s. Jr- i':-.-' :" .'.;'?';? .- '.-' ': I - Ever Rbd Guaranteed r the new Catalogue contains valuable information about wire fencing, , and illustrates styles and sizes adapted to every FIELD, FARM, RANCH, LAWN nd FOULTRY purpose, s?' " 4: i r :v ::' l:'- :..t:r'T ,.V"" ' ;lv"'V . Kin tl rc his on & go: Wholesale Hardware! Wilmington, N. C. THE GENUINE OUVER CHIUXR, PLOWS. Don't let" Anyone Make You Believe that Other 'Makes Are - -S t - .It-- as We are Agents or trie v V . --ClarkCut-Way Harrows, . Frank Beasley Discs, Planet Jr., Tools, Gem Guano Distributors. 4 ; v ' ;; , ; WrtlTE i FOR CMAtlJE D PWCES. PERFECT FUEL" FOR Ali 'GASOLiNE , ENGINES J?.V5S MORE POWER M i MORE RUNNING HOURS FOR LESS MONEY i :'V- v. DSMSCARD , It' ll you openkte . a Gasdn he Engl ne, ard We will show you how to Sve. MiMtey on your rU.Pb'Zir .. 7ilmicttQti;ii.G. Kerosene, Gasoline ana L-uDricating oua. , I:; J.I OUR FIRST SPRIflG OPEflltJG 1 OF KNOX HATS NOW READY. In All the New- est ' Shapes ' and Colors. KNQX Also Our Line of . . John .B. Stetsbti Hats,' !in Spring Models. All Winter Clothing f or.Men,, Boys and Children at 25 iOff Regular Prite. - t-. i. vne-rnce vioiniers ano rurmsner.r- Thone Nb 617 ' " si J 9 .- ,-'...,1 .. k INN Convenient totHe Traveling Public. lttBti!li f fSplBSgsd Bros.