II I I ERROR IN JUDICIAL DISTRICTS THE MORKHTO StfAB, WILMINGTON, K. r, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 113. s .it? page a Courts in Eighth District Not Speci fied, but Another, Act Cures De fect Freight, Rate Case General News. That remarkable musical comedy, (Special Star Telegram.) , Raleigh, N. C, Majrph 20. There is an error in thje :3jac -.. prescribing the! courts for the 20 judicial districts that would prove ykr serious but for the fact that a companion act includ ed a feature that cures the matter, it is thought. .;Vv' The act, No. 1512, specifics the num ber of each judicial district and the counties composing it and then speci fies the courts for each of the counties. The paragraph that should specify the Eighth district composed of New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender coun ties is left out, the. courts" for each of the counties is left out, the courts for each of the counties being given without reference to what district they constitute. However, Act Nov. $00 spe cifically names each of the 20 dis tricts and the counties constituting each district. 3 Members of the Corporation Com mission and Attorney General Bickett returned today from a four-days j3tay at Washington attending a hearing be fore the Inteir-State, Commerce Com mission involving the matter of the extent to which1 the Inter-State Com mission will, gran exemptions in the application of the Jong and short haul principle in freight rates. The North Carolina casesj, were, not involved in the cases being argued, but the prin ciples are so. similar that. it was deem ed weir worth while to hear the argu ments in prepajUon for the most ef fective prosecutibh of the North Caro lina cases. HoWever J!tJKe commission arranged for the . North Carolina cases to be postponed until after the termination of the efforts . of the special legisla tive commission and the officials of the railroad comnanies to reach an agreement eliminating as far as possi ble discriminations against North Car olina shippings points . compared with Virginia cities since a number of the matters at issue in the cases before the InterState Commerce Commission are involved in the legislative negotia tions with railroad officials. In the meantime the Corporation Commis sioners are going ahead with their preparation for the Inter-State Com merce cases and at the same time aid in every way they can the work of the legislative commission. - Manager Earl Mack, of the Raleigh team of the Carolina baseball league, arrived today with 13 players whom he will try out in preparation for the opening of the league season. The practice work is being done on the old A. & M. College diamond in the edge of Pullen Park. In .the meantime work is progressing finely on the new base ball park out near the Soldier's Home. A charter is issued for the Richard-son-Jariies Co., (Inc.), of Star, Mont gomery county, capital $10,000 author ed and $3,000 subscribed; , $1,000 by oah Richardson and $500 each by W H. James, L. tZ Richardson and W. L. James.' Another charter is for the Southern Crown Milling Co., Asheboro, capital 150,000 authorized 1 and . $25,000 sab scribed by.W. P. Redding and others. The 23rd annual convention of the North Carolina Baptist Woman's Mis sionary Untoh-- eotrvehes with the First Baptist church, of this city, March 25th, continuing through March 28th. During , the past year this or ganization raised $38,000 for missions. There are 1,200 local societies under the auspices h of Baptist . churches throughout the State. The officers are Miss Fannie Heck, of Raleigh, preli dent; Miss Blanche Burras, RaleiA, corresponding 'secretary. ,Tw' officers died during the year, Mrs. H. L. Grant, Goldsboro, vice r president for tfce Neuse Atlantic Association, and Mifcs Josephine Lane, Hendersonville, vice president for the Carolina-Associatkili. There will be memorial services for these two ladies in connection with the convention. The annual sermon will be delivered ' Tuesday ' evening oy Rev. J. j. Hurt, of Durham. The Traveler' Protective Associa tion for North Carolina is conducting a vigorous campaign to bring the mem bership in this State up to 1,200 by the time the State convention assem bles in Green so oro in5 May. They are now just 80 members hort of the cov eted number, but are confident that the goal will be reached. Dr. Len G. Bfoogbton, the distin guished Baptist'; minister, now pastor of Christ Jchuroh, London, England, spent several; hours in 'the city today on his way from his former charge, In Atlanta, to Lon?Nariiaving been in the former city a- couple of weeks attend ing the great Bible Conference he es tablished there some years ago. He stopped by Raleigh, the place of his nativity and' early life, to greet old friends and kinspeople. He is in bet ter health than his friends here have ever seen him.-'. ' . Believed to Have Operated Extensive ly Two Deaths in Lenoir (Special Star Correspondence. ) :. .Where Do You Live?" that : Dxn March aJT pxayea a last season on Broadway thr fmm hrA nn tho Nnrfnik at Weber's Theatre, comesvto the Southern, when he attempted to enter Awwemy or Music tomorrow, for matt- tne depot just before mianignt, ana Jfcee and night, and seats tor the even- ld Mm, unU he sheriff and depu- jna no,f. . lies tuuiu cillive in till auiuuiuuuc. iuc ing .performance -are now selling at pri80nav a negro named Waiter Fai- fiuinmerB. The matinee prices will sen, 'alias Andrew Wflliams, is b63iev- bftcf ithfe popular- price type 25 and ed tovrbe a much-sought storebreaker 50 Cents to a5iy part of the theatse lwno as operated on an extensive The melodies of "Alma" are regard- 8Cal recently In Jacksonville, N- C., ed as the real, musical find of-many Ktnsta and . Goldsboro. He -claimed season's, and haying been splayed by Newborn to be. his home., -When he the larsffe mftafeil niti. attempted to enter the freight station throughout the 1h that it is already w little country depot; Faison was yypuiar ana ramiliar to the ear The L u yittuteio, wuu racyuuucu particular musical hit is-the' "Alma" Sneriff Taylor. When the officers ar waltz, and its lilting strains have won rived his captors had him under guard for the composer a position second to in tne road- The sheriff thinks sev none. "Alma, Where Do Yon Live'" eral burglaries -recently j- -mainly of 4s a particularly pleasing performance 1 hardware stores, can be traced to him. ana should Win instant favor with its Two prominent men of Lenoir coun audience. Miss May Latham who nor- ty died yesterday. William E. Askew, trays the very difficult role of "Alma," a well known farmer, died at his home ..TheatricaL NEGRO ROBBER CAPTURED. fThe Gold Dust Twins' J Philosophy Kl is charming in both voice and personal ity.: sne nas a iresn cultured voice rarely heaixl off the comic opera stage. When in the title role she seems to in Vance township, of diabetes. He was about 50 years of age, and died on the place on which he was raised. He was prominently connected, and was a have ben moulded for her part, and ; progressive planter R; Edward L. is said to he a wonderful successor to jRhem died at his home on Castwell the beautiful nnd captivating Lady street in this city, of cancer of -the Beresfpjid, Mtss Kitty. Gordon. . face, from which he had been a suff er- The east .also includes Miss Aviia er for two years. He was 48 years Sanchez, who was seen-on- the local! of age, and is survived by a widow stage last season in the famous inter national success, "Mine. Sherry," Miss and one child. . Mr. Rhem was born at Sand Hill, near here, of prominent Sanchez is of the Spanish type and parentage. He was brother to J. Frank ifacvvery clever dancer besides dob seesing a beautiful voice and being a handsome type of-the Spanish bru nette, h , Popular Prices Next Week The Guy Johnson Players will open $r week's engagement at the Academy Rhemr of Lenoir county ; Joseph Rhem, of Kinston; Mrs. J. W. Taylor, of Kinston, and Mrs. L. W. Dawson, of Memphis. Tenn. Haywood, Jr., the small son' of Mr. Haywood Ham, a well known Snow Hill man, was seriously burned while A -X r - . 1" . . . -ni v . - I - - next Monaay nignt, presenting rne , playiiig 'with matches. The boy went Streets of New York," one of the best Hato the yard of his father's home with farcical melodramas of the season, ja box of matches, and set his clothing The play is replete with startling sit- on fire. His screams attracted other uations ana exemng climaxes. inermpmhers rif n fnmiiv hut -hafnro scene f . action fs shifted from New .York cir to- Colorado, which allows a they could reach him the little fel low's right arm and side were pain- touch of Western effect, to add va- !fuuy turned and the hair singed from riety to the story. The play while new jhe side of his head. here is one of the most successful 1n . wti , , o f Aj 1 producfions of its kind. It is particu- n e gS2?5!fffS larly adopted for repertoire and until fre. soon to.b,f reduced to nine fol rentlv has been used bv traveling lowinS an act by the recent legislature cSaiSes Perhanr no phase of wnich abolished Willow Green, adding Ai! iifroS o torflo?fl its territory to Ormonds, of which it American life allows a greater field yVjV, V, V , ,, . . . f t,mot. was formerly a part. The abolished to draw from the multitude or types t e found in our great metropolitan cen- KSPt&S In1I ters. In the "Streets of New York" i county adjoining Pitt, and is one of there is a story of unusual interest in Greene's most prosperous sections, which is interwoven the most eccentric j . of these from the striving young clerk jNeTw neR , nnanaA to the human leper of money mart; I. . Jj- Sefl&fli Sll from the Shylook to the rolicking Bow- th J ew store at No. 815 North ery girl; from the good Samaritan toourth !SL2ft the thd the Pride of the Force. The Company. !5hScW KSffSJ comes here from Winston-Salem.lrs De ng a Warsaw and Clinton, where they proved so popular thathe firm Is outfitter for men and wo- " ' tHrht it nflv,a5,himen and by buying in large quantities toxoid th A record for the three stores, they think they of eighteen weeks at Newport News, re in posiuon to save tne puonc mon ey on the class of goods they handle Elsewhere" in this morning's paper is their advertisement, announcing the opening of the Wilmington store. Ladies' Setin Pumps, all colors. Hew lett & Price. (advertisement.) and judging from advance reports an enjoyable week is assured at popular prices. At The Bijou The Rijou, the. home of ali joy and the favorite spot of Wilmlngtotf amusement-lovers, will offer an exceptionally strong show today- The romantic ac tor, .James. Gordon, of the Edison forces, will appear as the trapper in the gripping dramatic, "The Priest and the Man," which is a powerful tale of the great Canadian Northwest, and will?carry a thrill with it from the very first moment it is flashed on the screen. The role of the priest will be ?H"2 Thought, at Times, that She Would AWRIL THOUGHTS QUICKLY BANISHED THE Village Sewing Circle met to gossip, in their littie set, but one opinion seemed to hold despite the tendency to "scold." When vexing problems, such as say, "What shall we do on Cleaning Day?' confront the Housewife, she may feel that Gold Dust tackles; them with zeal. The Envied Housewife Staid matrons told of what a bore it was to scrub each dirty floor; young house wives thought that dishes claimed more t worry than some others named. All uni formly took a ' 'bit" from household work and argued it, while all in turn were loud in praise of what a part, their Gold Dust plays. Those tasks which, anyway, are mean, decrease with Gold -Dust on the scene. Those "Cost-of-living" puzzles put the chairman of the club on foot. Said she: "The Cost-of- Cleaning," too, should mean a ! mighty lot to you. If all of us com bine, to buy, those goods that have a "REASON WHY," ere long our FN. husbands nee dn t fuss, i hey 11 ? leave financing games to us." The Mop is Mightier than yWn WM ArrlTals and Departures of Train at Wilmington. Ttm Mot Qoaxapto. COAST LINE v January 5, 1913. DEPAHTURBS: The pennies count, as ym must know, and cleaning makes the pen nies go. If Gold Dust cuts the toil in two and makes economy come true, whynot adopt the "Cleaner way" and join the "Gold Dust Club "today? The Independent Ice Go. M. M, 1 8:40 A.M. North Carolra points. vOnu Qoidtoro with Southern Norfolk Southern Railr lea res Norfolk !3 : 20 P. M. and Richmond v - - j - s Chadboorn, Conway , Hot savannan. wacaaonT Myers, Colombia and SlecplBS Cm Beti Col am Ma, open to WUm'i rton at and aftr M (v P. h occupied Mill 7:M A. m. No. 64, 1 8:60 A.M. No. 48. 8 :30 A. M. No. 53. 8446 A.M. 4 i:' Is fully equipped to supply the neighborhood and sur rounding country with High . . ... Jriii .i.t- Grade Sa nitary made from "Condensed Live Steam." Purer ice cannot be made, Oii prices are exactly right. Our service is the best out, and we are always on the j thisi i . . i - il; . - . INDEPENDENT ICE COMPANY mirrrX'' .-r TELEPHONES : 68, 94, 221 1913 MQDEXS 1913 Laura Sawyfer will appear in the stel lar female role. The other particular star film for to day is the "Vitagraph's "The One Good Turn' and it is strangely pow erful and strikingly fascinating, with Miss Florence Turner in the principal tole. There is also one of the bright est of all fun pictures on today in Es- sanay's Tile uassviiie viiris, letting of h6w Tom Carver and his pais re turn to town eftified, CON NOR, J-YOt, NE WiA N DS One Judge and Twp. Solicitors Appoint ed by. Governor . Craig (Sptecial StarTelegram.) Raleigh, -N. C, March 20 . Governor Lraig anhounceflr this afternoon tne appointment of Hon, J George; Cohnori Hpeakei of the Hoase .of Representa tives, as judge for the hew Second Ju- i ciai districts the rfriends of Mr- HJon nor winning" the appointment for Mifi against strong competition in the in terest of State Senator T. T. Mbfne If Mr. Connor accept's, as "he no doubt will, there wiU .be a vacancy of Speaker of the House of Representa- Tives when the Legislature reconvenes ' us Fall or next Winter for the spe f ial session to prepare the constitu- nonal amendnfepts "to, be submitted to l"e people for ratification. Just who will stand for this place is a question Representative Ray, of Macon, was a candidate far" Speaker as was Rep "esentative Koohce, of Onslow. They will doubtless be in Ithe race for the appointment and "there will certainly be others in the contest. !'Ov. Craig also '. named today , two solicitors H. V. oh for the Eighth Judicial district' that comprises New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus and fender counties, and Tom H. New iands, as the solicitor for the 16th dis- inct that includes Caldwell county. Die Saves Herself, Also Young Girl Whose Troubles Were Similar to Hers through, and attempt to have sport at the ezoense of the country lassies, I Clarksville, Tenn. Mrs. H, L. Ma son, of this place, writes: "I want to write you a few lines in regard to your through and medicine, Cardui, the woman's tonic. Before my marriage I lived in Evans- who, however, turn the tables on them, vme, ino. i sunerea very mucn wnn Big Feature at The Grand womanly trouoie. i tnougnt, at times The Grand Theatre aano"hces for to- tW I would nearly die with pains in day one of the biggest moving picture ' ,tomach d backache j features .it has been tne pleasure. - " i, A' a X oct W jf UU1 1 1 1 c u i v, 1 1 1 c ci va e i uacu auu sent and got a bottle. The first bottle helped me, and 1 haven't been bother- of the management to present in some time. It is a two-reel, special release Kalem film of "The Last Blocknouse, . ' j. i i . ; - n -k ana it is sure lo pruv . u.fe d wite any of my Dld troubles since, tion. The spirit of daring and forti-, -v-..-. ' 'i i . . tude which settled our Western! After. tny marriage I lived m Mt. frontier is vividly portrayed in this Vernon, Ind., and one of my neighbor's spectacular production, based upon 'giris suffered like I did. I told them to historical occurrences. The thrilling . . r.ra. thfi wnman'R tonic as drama presents a series of tense situa-f u tio Wodaeed amidst the grandeur it would help her, and it (certainly did, of the Verdugo Canyon, California, it right away. is oOuna to prove oue ul me y sensations of the season. Whilaithf will be a great ravonte -with Grand patrons today there will be a rip-roaring farce comedy, caugnt With , The, Goods," This is a Cines film and 6 right up to the moment. Then Harry Harris, tne Doy singer, will be right ttf he front with an il lustrated ballad. ':,Oh, What a Beauti ful Dream." This is a favorite witn the- talented young singer and you should be certain to hear it. M. M. HOLMES FUNERAL OF MR Held Yesterday Afternoon from Brook lyn eaptiitt, Church The funeral servieer.- of Mr. Mun ford lVTcNeillOIolmes, who died in At lanta, Tuesday mornteg, were held yes- xeiuay ttiLciowtB v "v"" w -t Rrnoklvn BaDtiSt church, pf which the deceased had been an active member during his Residence in this city, ine servieeC were -conducted by Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastor, assisted by Rev. W. L,. Rexferd, pastor of -the Bladen Street Methodist church. Interment was in Bellevue. The pallbearers were Messrs. C. C. Rice, J- A- McDougal, Wm- Oterson, H. E. Payne, E. E. Biggs and p. D. Whitlock. Baseball Scores At Alexandria Va.: Holy Cross, 2; Washington and Lee, 1. JLt Athens, Ga.: Boston; Nationals, University of Georgia, 0. At Chapel Hill, N. C: University of North Carolina, 5; Penn. State, 1. At Gaihesyille, Fla: University of Florida, 11; Mercer University, 5. At Greensboro, N. C: Trinity Col lege, 2; Princeton, 7-. r At Columbia, S. C: LaFayette Col lege, 4; University of South Carolina, two. ' I wilL surely recommend Cardui to all women, for I think it is a good med icine for all kinds of womanly trou ble." r ; If you are suffering from any of the ailments peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, sideache, ner vousness, sleeplessness,' etc., we urge you to give Cardui,- the woman's tonic, a trial. It should surely do for you what it has done for thousands of others in the past half ; century, who suffered with similar troubles". , Begin taking Cardui today. Your druggist sens it. N. B. Write to: Chattanooga Medi cine Co.; Dadies' Advisory Dept., Chat tanooga, Tenn., for Special Instruc tions on your case and 64-page book, "Home - Treatment for Womsn," sent fn plain wrapper, s . Advertiaeiept. Spring and Summer Display of '.23 Strouse & Bros, and B. Kup penheimer & Co. Suits Spring Styles in Knox and Stetson Hats It's a pleasure for us to s you through our stock! J. M. 'Phone NcPsTt! SOLKY & CO. rice Clothiers and Furnishers. rr Masonic B uildin g. No. 56, SOS P.M. No. 62, 3.-28P M. N. 59, ! 6:30 P. M. , , , Ho. 6:45 P.M. No. CT; 1 76.P.M. to JlNd jraoM m r .i i. i.i -m in r in tt r Mr r . ine, ram pa, n. ABheTllle. PiUmM ML. mm JaconTllU. 8Utio. . l : . . i i i Qoldiboro, Bickmona, Norfolk aa lngton. PaUma Fmrlor Cmr WUmlgtM ud MvrfcUL, RocJet Xout wUk Utrw Trk PdlgMI Boll train between Wilmington an MX. Airy, Fayetteruio ana Banior Cnadbourn.'. Conway, Florence, TrVTV Kfl TTm rVn H tm All ITIAFIAa 1 lumbla, Asbeville and the West man Sleeping van and ColnmbU. Cb- JacksoDTllle, Stations. New be m ana Intermediate FayetteVule, Stations. Sanfor an Intermediate Goldsboro, Richmond, Nottolk Washing ton , and New York. Pulluutn BroUer, Buf fet Sleeping Cra between WUmlngton and Washington, connecting with New Tork trains, with P oilman sad Dining Car Service. PuUman Sleeping Can he tween Wilmington and Norfolk. Chadbourn, Stations. Conway and Intermediate V ARRIVALS; Mo. 91, il:0 1H . S . No. W, 12:20 A. M. - No OS. P t No. 49, irliPlL No. 8:06 P. M. 1:40 P M. No. 12:60P No. 6Q, 110:16 A.M. . No. 41. 10 .-00 A M. ! 8:16 A. M. Daily. 1 Dafl except Sondny. a Pally except Mpnday . For folders, reaervaUona, rate of tana, etc can 'phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, X. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic r WiXMTNGTON, N. C. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Effect October 2. 1912. ... .... Winter Park, WrighUiHe, Wrightevillc Beach and Intermediate PoinU. EAST BOUND. Leave Wilmington for Winter Park Leave Wilmington :0UFY WiHghtsvUle Leave Wilmington fbr The Beach Leave fW inter Park, ' ' XDr 47 Wllmtagton WEST BOUND Leave sville Wilmington rWOmlnfton The Leave 6:30 8:55 s'o' ! 8:00 8:30 ! 9:30 10:00 11:30 t:00 KX) :30 00 30 O i 0 610 6:40 7:10 8:30 10:00 11 a$ A. M. tt M P. M. M n m 6:30 A. M. 6:55 " " 8:00 ! 8:00 8:30 9:30 10:00 11 :30 o im 2:00 P. M. 6:30 A. M.h 6 :27 7:37 .8107 842 9 37 00:12 12:S7 8:66" 80 10;00 11:30 o 1:00 3:00 C m-m, 4:30 5:30 fl:J6 6:40 7:10 830 IfcOO. u M P. M. , . 4:30 ; 6:40 8:30 2:i 42 it 3 :10 X 3:45 4H)7 t. . . . . . ....... t fto? " owe r 7 :42 " m i A. I4. 6 :15 A. M. 7 35 " " T:55 " -8:80 :? 1 8:55 " M &X26 M " now " - 10 5 " " . 12:25 P. 11 Jl sW: 44 " . x 2;30 M M li . P. M. I'M " - B:45 ftilK M a v m'm a a mm m 10:45 - f. Uf:15 P. M 1:46 " " kp5H 6 . -00. 14 " 6.-40 " t f:30 ' Mm 9:26 mm 3:46 " "eiio"""" "ia"i,"it' tat SM&jritft't Special for Saturdays and Sundays. Leave Wilmington 'every half honr from 2m linfll B00 P. K. Leave Beach every half hoar from 2:45 until 6:45 P. UL Cars marked () do not run on Sundays. by half -hour schedule Cars marked (!) run Sundays only. (x) superceuea c Cars marked In v Cars marked (o) leave at 1:10 P. M. Saturdays. . -A" Saturday ana Saa Freight Schedule. Dally Except Sunday. . '-..... .. Leave Ninth and . Oraoge;Streete .3:60 P. M. . , Freight Depot open from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. I 3t THE ATLANTIC INN Convenient to the Traveling Public. LAkGE ROOMS & GOOD RESTAURANT SERVICE .,: Opposite Union Gieschen Bros. Props. NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. StenmshiD "Cherokee." Fri.. Mar. 21, 1913. Steamship "Navahoe," Fri.,"Mar. 28, 1913. WILMINGTON TO NEW YORK. Steamshlo i "Navahoe." SaU Mar. 22. 1913. Steamship "Cherokee," Sat., Mar. 20, 1913. WII.MIVfiTON TO GEORGETOWN. Steamship "Cherokee," Mou., Mar, -24, 1913. Steamship "Ktivahbe," Mon.,,Mar. 31, 1913. Both Ships Carry "Passengers.. Throujth bills of tadingr- and lowest through rates guaranteed to. and from all points in North and South Carolina, For freight, apply to , H. G. SMALLBONES, Sun t. Wilmington, N. C. H. E. MAYNARD. , - Freieht Traffic Manager. H. H. RAYMOND. vice-Pres't and uen'l Mgr. General Offices ; Pier 36, N. B New- York. that thumpety- Absolutely. Nd acetanlide no cocaine no morphine. Yet it's quick and pleasant to take. ' BROMALGINE. "A rapid headache and neural gia, cure."; . 10c, 25c and 5Qc bottles. 5c at Soda Fountains. For sale by PAYNE DRUG CO. Wilmington, N. C. COME AND SEE OUR SANITARY MARKET : We a3waV carry, a ;f ulJ line tf Dressed Poultry and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. Also HaSfs sand Bacon, Fresh Eggs, Sbr ' ' ; We appreciate your patronage, and will always try to please you. HOPKINS, DAVIS & H1NTZE "' FRONT STREET MARKET. ,m: . &rtONES: 141 Side. 128-32 North Side. v r PORTLAND CEMENT Just received by Schooner "Edward R. Baird, Jr.r" 2, 500 Barrels Portland Cement. W. B. THORPE & CO. mmmffikt:E AND RET Al TO NE W YORK '- AND . GEORGETO WN, S. C. SEABOARD Air Line Railway Schedule Effective January 5th, 1913. HARPER LINE STEAM ERS. Steamer will leave Wilmington daily for Southport and oFrt Caswell 9:3ft Be 8 tf. ; ,: I: m 1 F. LEITNER 1 AoruiTrr.T 'PHONE OR WRITE - TBAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON : No; 455 A. M.f arrive Hamlet, 9:05 A. M. Leave Haflnlet, 9 :25 A. M. ; arrive Char lotte, 1240 P; M. Connects a Hamlet with trains' Sfs. for Raleigh, Norfolk, Rich mond, .'anil Ail Points North, attd with No. 81, for Columbia, Savanna!, Jacksonville, Tampa and all points Siput.; At Monroe, with train No. 53. for Atlanta. DAILY SLEEPER ON NO. 5 TRAIN FOR CHARLOTTE. !FOR OC CUPANCY AT 10 O'XjfcOCK vP. M. No. 39 3KB P.. M., arrive Hamlet, 7. '35 P. MV: leave Hamlet, 8:00 P. M. ; arrive Charlotte; : 11 tOO P. M: CoiTuects at Ham let with through trains tar Atlanta,, Birm ingham, Columbia, savannan, jacitsouviue, Tampa. Also Norfolk, Richmond and All Points North. iuumau coair car uetweeu Wilmington and Charlotte. TRAINS AUH1VK WtliMluru. No. iff 12:30 P. M. from Charlotte and intermediate points. Ko. 44 12:10 A. M. rroni unariotte auu intermediate points. For further inrormao, can on or tele phone CLAUDS' MURRY, Union Ticket Agent. 'Phone : 1294. ' F. A. FETTER. C 'Phone 178, Orton Hotel. - JOS. R, COOKE, 1 City Ticket Agent H. LEARD,. , : ' DIV Passen ger. - Agent. : rrfJ;: ' Raleigh, Quickest and Best LLne Wt and Nortl . . .west. : Block System. Rock Ballast. 85-lb. Ralls ?i : W Schednle in Effect -May 12, 18t; 3.apm. , 7 :20 a.m. 6 :45 a.m. 50 p.m. 6:32 p.m. 8 :0O p.m. lO'rlOp.m. pzm p.m. '2:30 a.m. M r25 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 7:30'a.m. 8:3b a.m. i.v Xorfolk ". . . . . 8:30 a.m LV.'Petersburjr . . .-".1110 a.m. Lv. Duriam . ... . .. 7:twa.m Lv. Lynchburg Ar. Cincinnati . Ar. Ceiwifcbns . At;ChICuf0. Ar. St. IjOUIs.. Close connections made. tot. 'Seattle, an FJ-ancisc: nd all Western points. Pullman sleeping and parlor cars, N. and W. Cafe dining cars. Equipments and se vlce standard' of xcellence. Blue Ridge tfil Afidfcfteny -moiimtain crossed at most plotureOe pftlts. Time mbles, desrfriptfve Uterature and information free. ; CorsreflpfMience tnntea. V. B. BBVJIjL. Pas3, igrai. Mgr. W. C. SAUNDERS, G, P. A,. Roanoke, C. H, ROSLEY, D. P. Aw' Richmond, Va. About Sis S. C. White Leghorn Breed ing Stock, Hatching Eggs and Baby Chicks. Also dealer in Incubator and Poul try Supplies, v: PINE GROVE POULTRY FARM. ADOLPH G. AHRENS, Proprietor. WILMINGTON, N. C. Phones 18581357. . ..... , - . . . ... .. v J. B. McCabe, Local ad- lioag uistanw , -Managers :- ': Stne- y V - : ' P "-mm Carolina Audit & Adjustment Company, Hcensed. Accoantants and Anditors, Room 405 Southern ; Bldg. 4-- Wllmingtoo, C. Audits. Accounting Systems. lno3-tf I I I

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