- I j - I ' - ; THE MOBOTKG STAR, WtLltorGTOK, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1913. PARE T ... . :-. - ' ...a ..rir-r- r manctal and ereal STOCKS ON NOMINAL BASIS SECOND BIB6ESI COTTON CROP TRIMS IN COTTON PET V c Liquid atio dustr 3eclin id Amona There Were Today. March tie In. I I Crop of 1912 Amounted to 14,295,500 oaies, According to Report Is sued Yesterday Com pari one With Other Years. iuujus ill UtBt W asllintrtOU. Mnrpli -JO Tl. ..! i, .,o.,.ll. A . "... . IT.. ' .. - V" uouuii.. uguie must jpromi- New York, stocks, which uently in tne marsec, was on almost, a nop- J 14,295.500 equivalent 500-pound bales in- ' t - ...... i l -MJ LUC A. H Final Report of Census Bureau Ginning of the Season Created M 5 Verv Little Fresh Interest in the Market. - on THE WEATHER. United States Department: of Agriculture Weather Bureau. i March 21, 1913. Meteorological data for the 24 hours end ing at 8 P. M. yesterday : I Temperature, at S A. M., 60 degrees ; at 8 P. ML, 62 degrees; maximum, 74 degrees; minimum, 59 degrees ; mean, 66 degrees. 1 . Rainfall for the day, .07 ; rainfall for the ttnnnth. tit date. 4.74. " ? Stage of water in Cape Pear river, at Fayetteville, at. 8 A. M., yesterday, 20.9 feet and falling. V Weather Forecast. For North iCarolina Rain Friday; Satur day, generally fair and coldeg. Port Calendar Mar, Sunrises ... . ... .'. New York,. March 20. The final report of Pt torcon crop ever grown, amounting to th rvnn Br0,n nn o-in,,inr nt Kp aPn was published at the opening of the among the industrials, which have recently,?." of the United 1 States -durfig 191 the V0" mar1 tH!S moN,W seewea io iveen subjected to severe pressure. ndJenwUS, Bure announced today, in lts create very little fresh Interest, and trad there were further declines. Rumely was P m y of tne totsd production ing was generally quiet, with the close stea most prominent of those stocks, falfang to jjatipg as turned by glnners and de- jdy a thei net decliae of 3 to 7 points. . r.Zimll The number of runniu bals MHnB The market opened steady, at an advance.- early In the day, reacted six points from il?"081 ba?es' and Including linters, ,OVo; 3 points in response to relatively its high price. New Haven, after Us long A . '"ijL jsteady cables, but prices almost immedi- ideuds The cpming of a holiday WSft!1tr in 1908 1 1595,498 In 1903, over the holidays. No important pressure ... r was respohte for the short coring fiw-.C?Sra-iiCo?8oto 0t ttn- fievebped. but offerings became a little by traoers, wnoitt . not care to leave con,iinr; the middle of the day, fol- traets open until next week. Call money touched 5 per cent., although there was an easier tenaency in tne ..tune money, mar- Kot. Kates ior. lowing ' reports' from Memphis that spots were ottering a little more freely, ana prices at one time showed, a net loss of from 5 to txans.i statetnei naffiSp rutinn 5" ra.Oroa BaKim siuaner gi ou eh gross Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec High. Low. Close. 11.37 11.34 11.34 11.38 12.24 12.04.1 11.88 11.82 11.80 11.70 11.41 11.36 12.30 12.22 ii!95 ii86 11.87 11.71 11.47 11.41 11.78 11.67 11.41 11.33 11.41 11.36 11.37 . TRfi PORT MOVEMENT. Galveston QOiet, 12; net receipts, 4, WO; gioHs receipts. 4,90; sales; 100; stock, 351,461; coastwise 4,556. New Orleans Qnlet, 127-16; net receipts, 2.009; gross receipts, 2,011; sales, 1,200; stock, 103,450; France, 3,221; continent, 1, 112. Mobile Nominal. 12 3-16; net receipts, 23; gross receipts, 23; stock, 15,367; coastwise, 19 Savannah Steady. 12 : net receipts. 17- 130; gross receipts, 1,310; sales, 1,375; stock A Charleston Steady, 12 ; net receipts, 43 ; gross receipts, 43; stock, 31,148. Wilmington Quiet, 12 ; net receipts, 196; gross receipts, 196; stock, 15,284. Norfolk Steady, 12 5-16; net receipts, 814; gross receipts, 814; sales, 5l7; stock, 59,196; coastwise, 1,075." i Baltimore Nominal. 12: stock, 7,654. Itew York Steady, 12.60; gross receipts. 712; ales, 3,000; stock, 118,019; Great Brit ain. 468; continent, 534; coastwise, 282. Boston Steady, 12.60; net receipts, 25 i gross receipts, 534 : stock, 2u,oo7 Philadelphia Steady, 12.85; stock, 1.764.. m . . .t.. i . .. n 1 t . . mpts, 2,044;, stock, 25,4X3. rTr Brunswick Stock. 7,666. Jacksonville Stock. 1.710-. Aransas Pass Stock, 351. Chicago Galveston . Jacksonville Memphis.. . iu sue south, xoiiowing cue severe sioriusi . ... , of last week, probably checked offerings l:.'".i to some extent, besides which business was ( ,.,,, " doubtless restricted by ttle usual holiday M considerations and the market rallied a I Charleston". Ia L i1"" " u K S L VI; I Charlotte growth for the season of 14,0i 6,430 bales; against .16,109,349 last year, with , this sea son's figures including 605,704 bales of lint- tt r-j ...... mi... a .. n ......... . . . : 1. ...... ...... i .... .. I and seemed, to encourage bearish sentiment io.,t, in some local clrels as Indicating sufficient J y" (Totton tj i go around, while the bulls maoe ' rr, . . n the record -"breaking proportion puVLV,0,? of Unters, and claimetl that With an allow-if ".lf"rg' atffce for linters and hollies, thef. 'orttp .ot-: r,?- splnnable cotton . was considerably ftnder KjSli' expectations. The average gross . weight ''S YnKi,, of lales this year was 507.8-pounds, against w'0Jhir,tW 504.4- in 1911-12. The government'a ftBtl.J wasnmgtou mate of the crop last December called for 13,820,000 bales. Of ooo pounds gross weight excluding linters, and today's census re port showed, a-growth excluding linters of about 13,471.000 running bales. All three of the big contract markets from today until Monday J906, and 13,679.310 in 1904. ' r The. DeDartmtt of A Minnie money, mar- statistles on Dertihfr W fiLri Vh,at one tlme showed a net loss of from 5 to feercaa tile. paper stiffened Sfei firhtion lo.' matei he Points. Predictions for unsettled weather tbtfeths at 6U ner cent. The 1?.. S?5"on -f : .crop, not in- ln".th Solirh. fAiiAwfnff the severe storms ilSfR1e-BBn- or .iBKMiin' WMftMurersi. :ax w.sot.uw. Dales of 500 lof f .t ttOtra& Vhik Hn.rs tnttnl in the position ifS.U--'.' agutieSare 1,528 for 1912; 101,554 for 1911; $12,887 torlOlO; 242,305 for 1908; 268,219 for pW, and 296,151 for J904. . Sea inland cotton produced during 1912 amounted to 73,641 bales, compared with bales iP: 368 in 1910 ; 112,539 n 1903; lO4317S904; 104,953 in 1002. Lipter bales included in the total amount ed to 605-.7O, -compared with 556,276 for The average goSs weight of the bffle fofc the crop, counting rb'tind fis half bales, and mtMBiKr tmi 10 ok. o . cuuiparea witn pounas ror iio; nnang gulf, 12.85; sales. 3,0001401; nnnn1o nQno w a ' 1 ss"5?r-w-' ' Ginneries onerutert for tli Tftl2 rrnr num. b'ered 25,2G7. comoared with 26.349 for 1911. Production of States, in eauivalent SOO- pound bales, including linters, with com parisons for other years and the Depart ment of Agriculture's December estimate, which does not Include, linters, follow:. Ala Damn Tot.! nrrulneH.-m 1 aw.T.'a? bales, comoared with 1.757.507 linles in will be closed 1911; 1,223,285 bales in 1910; 1,049,776 bales; morning in 1909, and 1,374,140 bales in 1908. Depart ment of Agriculture estimated, 1,330,000 bales, exclusive of Haters, Arkansas Total Taroductlon. 825.169 bales. compared With 972.296 bales in 1911: 847.- K74 bale in 1910; 734,084 bales in 1909, and i,UD,Uty bales In 1UUS. Denartment of Aerioulr.tiir pstimated 854,000 bales, exclusive of linters. , jnot1da--TOtal production, 53,874 bales, corona red' with KvARI Ttnloe Sn 111 1 Aft ftl bales in 1910; 54,947 bales in 1900. and 63,- American Linseed 551 TmIpi m lonaj nomrtmm.t nt k rrrwui i . American Locomotive ture estimated 68,000 bales, exclusive of American Smelting and lief . linters. Amer. Smelting and Ref., pfd -Georgia Total nrodnction. 1.849.303 bales. I American &ugar Kenning ebmniaHKl' wlfF'itfn 7WI "hnlmi In -mil t i :Afflerican 820,010 ii 1S40: 1.853,276 bales in 19h and 1,980,077 bales, in 1908. Department of Ag fiifuttere estimated 1,701,000 bales, exclusive of-linters. T.onisinna Total nrodnction. 3ft3Jtl4 bales, compared with 403,482 bales in 1911 , aitimore and Ohio IS95,733 balr ta; 1910; 264,676 in 1989;; 486.-1 Seniei!emT FS i..i. ...i wii ftm? i.-.i.. ;.. ,r.T rriOKivn t.:r tiki Department of Agriculture estimated. 435,- vwf oaies, exclusive or linters. ; Mississippi Total production, 1,092,552 bales coninn r1 - with 1 5f5 S55 hjiles In H911: 1.306.668 bales iu 110: 1.120.876 bales Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul llhH909. and 1.704.972 hales in 190S. Denart- Chicago and North Western t or Agriculture estimated i,iw,ooo s. exclusive of linters. ssouriTotal production. 3.319 bales with some weekly reflected that instf Februar in today. showed Ss ly. Alth the ndvah d reports began to coma pre and Ohio's statement un In net than recent earnings tose 1530.006. net; Was nnlv S'?S(1 nnl no- tO eniargaa isxoenaitures for maintenance and tranaorton. The stock exchange will be closed tomor row and Saturday. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value. Sl,440,O0O. U. S. 3s and 4s and Pan ama 3s advanced on cafl on the week. Total sales today, 237,000 shares. Spot closed steady. Middling uplands, 12 . ou ; bales. Futures closed steady. Month : Open :: im .. ..12.30 . . ..12.08 1 X . . . . . .11.87 .. ..11.87 .. ..11.77 .. ..11.46 ..11.42 .. ..11.42 .. .;11.42 Sun sets Day's length- .. sj " i ' t ':,t3 . Wilmington . . Southport . . . Masonboro Inlet 87. .G114 A. M ..... . 6;24 P. M . .. ... .12 hrs. 10 min Tides. 4r.W: High water. A.M. PM. 8:57 9r20 6:47 6:18 5:10. 12:34 6:41 12:05 WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. . . March 2a 1913. - Temperature : bBi , " . S . ' : . ...'.' - STATIONS: fa2 . . gtf 00 . f$ fa- a S -Ho K j ? Abilene . Asheville. . .clear cloudy .foggy pt cldy .cloudy .raining . clear raining raining cloudy . clear raining cloudy .cloudy .cloudy . cloudy ' cloudy clear clear Cloudy raining r.r? i, i . cloudy .... clear 58 62 60 68 66 58 64 66 50 68 80 70 TO i 78x 80 58 7as ,4S 44 48 52 56 54 42 58 52 50 62 58 60 62 56 58 54 26 54 54 56. 62 38 52 ' jjj BKBI HNBa. 'BBBaeW MM BrtNF I1H iliBav jsr- I ea sr f "Low water. A.M. P.M. 3:53 4:21 1:02 12 :33 .0 .16 .04 .0 .14 .:i8 .0 .08 .04 .02 .58 .0 .44 i .01 .02 1.58 .26 o -24 .0 .02 .0 .38 , CLOSING STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper .. American Agricultural American Beet Sugar American Can ,.. .:. ... . American Can, pfd 1 American Car and Foundry .. . . . American cotton oil Americau Ice Securities ...... . BE fob in ftwles 532 Tel and Tel Americau Tobacco . . . Anaconda Mining Co . Atchison ... ... Atchison, pfd .. :.. .. I Atlantic Coast Line .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit j Canadian Pacific ... I Central Leather ... ... Chesapeake and Ohio .". in Chicago Great Western Colorado Fuel and Iron Consolidated Gas Corn Products . . . 67 52 . 25 29 .120 : 1! . 23 J 34 . 65 100 .111 .131 .239 35 .100 .99 122 .100k . 33 . 87 223 . 24 . 71 14 THE Has- Shown REVIEW Important Market Change During the Past Week and Trading Has Been Quiet. Crop Report. Tacomarr-Ne receipts, 112; gross recerpts, pincers pared with 101,189 bales in 1911; 62,1 59 J Delaware and Hudson In 1910 : 47,070 bales in 1909. and 64,-iienver auo io t,ranae ... bales , in 1908. Department of Agricul-1 Denver and Rio Grande, pfd ttnre estimated 59.000 bales, exclusive of Distillers' Securities 112; Japan, 112. Total today, at all ports Net. 11,536: Great Britain, 408; France, 3,221; continent, 1.646; Japan, 112; stock, 949.579. Consolidated, at all ports Net, 72,577. Great Britain, 15;026; France, 3,251 conti nent. 27,804; Japan, 7,699. ' ' ' Total since Sept. 1, at all ports Net, 8, 669,044; Great Britain, 2,949,339; France, tme.oSS; continent, 2,780,088; Japan, 249,909 ; Mexico, 4,850 INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houston Quiet, 12 ; net receipts, 2,366: gross receipts, 2366; shipments, 2,040 : sales, 212: stock, 127,733.' Augusta iSteady, 12 ; net receipts, 110; gross receipts, 224 ; shipments, 973;- sales. 758: stock, 73,865. Memphis Steady. 12; net-receipts, 520; gross receipts, 2,371 ; shipments, 3,904 ; sales. -',toU; stocky 140.1WO. St. Louis Quiet, 12; net reeeipts, 124; gross receipts, 5 734 ; shipments, 660; sales, 14: stock. 30,149. - 1 Cincinnati Net' receipts, 774 ; gross re ceipts 774; shipments, 1,062; stock, 1,823. Little Rock Steady. 12: net receipts, 181; gross receipts, 181; shipments, 117; stock, 33,504. Greenville. S. C.Quiet, 12. Total today Net receipts. 4,075: gross re ceipts. 0,650; shipments, 8,756; sales, 3,631; stock, 431,224. . CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Chicago. March 20. Unwillingness of sliorts this afternoon to face possible de- velopmeuts oyer the holidays caused excit ed buying of wheat. The close was strong at a net gain of to c. Corn was to c. up at the finish. Oats ended the day at a net advance of to c. . Provisions scored a net. improvement of 7 to 20c. ' Cash grain : J" Wheat No. 2, red, 1.011.07; No. 2, Iiard, 8991; No. 1, Northern, 888f ; No. 2. Northern. 8788; No. 2, Spring, 86 SS: velvet chaff, 8389; durum, 8590. Corn No. 2, 51; No. 2, yellow, 51 52. ' . . ti, Oats No. 2, White, 34CS35; standard 33fg34. " .' "'losing prices: . - Wheat May, 0; July, 8989; Sep tember. 89t. -" sr 53',;. July. i49s(g-4y2 ; P" Erie i. Erie, 2nd pfd . ... ..; . General Electric ... . . Great Northern, pfd 3reat Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central : Interborough-Met j North Carolina Total production. 891,-iErie, 1st pfd oaies compared with i,ut4,78i oaies in '1911; 726,850 bftles fn 1910: 615,562 bales in and 663.167 bales in 1908 Department Agriculture, estimated 878,000 bales, ex si ve of-lfnter8. ' Oklahoma Total nroduction. 1.074.149 bales, compared with 1,062.096 bales in 1911 ;! Interborough-Met., pfd i58.95. bales in 1910: 566.069 bales in l'.KRl. , inter-Harvester all u in,oiti uuiea in xno. itcmil uncut ui Agriculture estimated 1,039.000 bales, ex-- Eclusive of linters. V South Carolina Total productions, 1,21, 973 bales, compared with 1,684,096 bales in 1911: 1,191,929 bales in 1910; 1,126,049 bales in laoa, and jnpso bales in lwuos. depart ment of Agriculture estimated 1,184,000 bales, exclusive of linters. Tennessee Total production. : 299,538 New York, March 20. The cotton market has shown no important change during the past week and trading has been quiet enough to suggest a disposition either to await a narrow view of the crop or the re stricting influence of the Easter holidays. The severe storms of last week were fol lowed by threNTor four dayw6f dry weather in the belt, hut contlit ions - became unset tled again before ea of the week, threatenihgTrmber"Helay'Tn farm work, and also inspiring some few complaints of washed-out fertilizer. Generally speaking, however, the siasonjtis nqjfyet far enough advanced to modify3ej-peatious as to the start of the new crw, upei which so much is supposed to deHSnd iti determiniug the future course of was market. Meanwhile, neither the census report on supply and distribution, which was published on Mon- .108 day, or the final ginning report of the sea- . .1.13 ;son, issued at the opening this morning, . . 31 teems to have-altering prevailing sentiment ..130 as to the merits asfb the bid crop situa . 10 tion. .157 The supply anddistribution figures show .. 18'1 a continuance of record-breaking activ . . 32 ity during February, and indicated a do . . 16 '-nestle mill consumption ol, 2,867,000 bales . . 23 . for the first six months of the sehsou. thus . 43. suggesting a total consumption for this sea . . 33 'son of about 3,734;6o6 balesVstomparing with ..136 5,267,000 last season. MiTl stocks ' as of AT YOUR BEST there is life action and a subtle play to your expression. These pieasing characteristics are caught by our fast lenses and reproduced in our portraits. FOLTZ & KEXDRICK, 'Phone 734. 607 Southern Bldg. Seed Potatoes V boles, compared with 479,145 bales in 1911 ; ! National Biscuit Inter-Marine, pfd . . ..' .. International Paper .. ... ... International Pump , .. Kansas City Southern .. Laclede Gas Lehigh Valley .. ... LouisvMle and Nashville ... .... .. Minp- St. P. and Sault Ste Marie Missouri, Kansas and Texas . Missouri Phciflc ..125- . 33 ...121 16 ...57 ..104 .. 16 ; . . i V .. 24 ..100 152 2nd pfd National Lead Nat, Rys. of Mexieo, few York Central . . New York, Ont. and Western Norfolk and Western North American ty.i Northern Pacific . . ... 349.4T8 bales in 1910; 259.719 bales iu 1909 and 359,859 bales In 1908. Department of Aaric n-lture estimated 280:000 bales, exclus ive of linters. - . , R iiitexas- Total production, 5,120,252 bales, febmpared with 4,447,648 bales in 1911 ; 3.- W.488 hales in 1910: 2.607.492 bales in 1909. Cahi 359.859 bales in 1908. Department of .Pacific Mail AgTicuilure. estimatea 4,jvu,uuu uaies, ex- i jcuusjriviiuin .. cltfeive of linters. x IPeople's Gas . . L Virginia Total . production, 24,385 bales, Pitts burg, C. C cpmpareo witn j,kii oaies in ivxi; iBiairiusiwr voai bales in 1910; 10,00 bales la 1909, and 12,- 326 bales Iu 1VOS. Department or Agricui- fture estimated 24,000 bales, exclusive or inters. ;- A11 Other States Total nroduction, 16.- Oftflj' bales, compared with 24,417 bales iu 111; lTiTflT. bales in 1916; 5,891 bales in 1909. and ,.43!t ljales in r.w. . The Census Bureau announced that ,tb tstatistieS'- of this report for 1912 are sub ject to slight corrections in tne run Teport to be puljiished about May 1. .128 24 .. 36 .114 . 23 .101 29 .103 75 March 1st. on the other hand, were report ed of 1,857.000 bales, against 1,542,000 last year, and the"ahowiug as a whole seemed to be without immediate influence from ei ther a bearish or bullish standpoint. The ginning figures were somewhat similarly received. Indicating a total growth of the season, inclnding llhlifrs.-o 14,067.000 baits, tbey weie just "abet in.?lwe with expec tations, and 'while some regarded them bearishly on he ground that they indicat ed nearly as much cotton' remaining iu the IRISH COBBLERS. RED BUSS, WHITE BUSS, EARLY ROSE. Above Varieties now in our Warehouse. Send your or ders for Prompt Shipment. D. L. GORE COMPANY Wholesale Grocers and Importers. WILMINGTON, N- jC. LADIES Will never need dress shields again. Odorono keeps your arm-pits just as fresh and D R Y and natural as the rest of your body under all condit- m-v - - e i ' 1 ions. ino more faded or soueo and no more odor. Get a bottle today from your Toilet Dealer or write the ODORONO CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sold by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, And Other Leading Toilet Counters. DA VID'S 133 1 South as at this time last year, when the fcrop was 2060,000 bales larger, others were Inclined to emphasize the larger propor tion of linters as reducing the supply of splnnable cotton to figures considerably under the estimates' ot last December. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. and St. Louis WILMINGTON MARKETS. Corn May, tember, 55. i Nats May, tt'mher, 33. Pork May, her. 19.77. Lard May. 3333 ; July, 33 ; Sep 20.60 ; ' July, 20.30 ; Septem- 10.70; 10.70; 10. iam.iv. i; jui, S-ptember, 10.67. -Kibs May, 18.7o18.77 ; July, September, 10.62. . -'. . r NEW YORK tBOOIJCE MARKET. ; ' .-. r. New York, -March' 20. Flour Quiet. . ? Wheat Firm. No. 2, . red, 1.091.11; No. 1 ;- Northern Dulnth, 99. . . " ' Corn -Firm;. 56. .... ' ' .-...:' heese Steady. . - Butter Unchanged. Hides Steady.. I'etroleum Steady. u ooi steady nice steady. M olasses Steady. -ugar Raw, steady ; refined, quiet. ' free Spot, quiets Rio. No. 7. 11: San f No. 4. 13mild dull; Cordova, 1517, 'loiuinal. Havre, net, c. higher to d. lower. Potatoes Quiet and unchanged. f'ea nuts Quiet and unchanged. l ifights Quiet and unchanged. ' Phages Quiet and unchanged. . . f'otton Seed Oil Higher on light offers "it's of crude, huying for Western account, "vering over the holiday and in sympathy 'lth the strength in lard. Tenders, 1.060 " rcls. Closine Drices were 2 to 4 points '"t higher. Sales. : 13,300 barrels. Prime ''ude, 5.305.33; jdo. Summer yellow, 6.38 '' . i:; March, 6.40; April, 6,41; May, 6.44; '"He. 6.45; July, ft.48; August, 6.50; Sept.. 1 Oct., 6.37. Prime Winter yellow and u miner white, 6.50 bid. . STAR OFFICE. March 20. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing do ing... , 'K - - v i 5ROSIN Notning doing, 1 iTAItpFirm. 12.20. ' CRUDE TUKFBNTlKK-rirm ; a.w per bhnek for-: hard: S4.00 per barrel for dip; S4 JDO pel1 barrel for virgin. . Quotations same day last year : Spirits truporitint ,4SU rosin, 6.00; tar. 1.90: crude turpentine, 3.50 per barrel for hard; 4.50 for dip; 4.50 for virgin. , .. . Receipts. Spirits Turpentine ltosm ...... ........ : ' ... - . . ...... Crude Turpentine ..... Receipts same day last year, ox tat; 14 barrels crude turpentine. K ' .COTTON MARKET. Market Oniet, 12; - . . j aama..rtnv liist Tear. 10 5-16. ' Keceiots. xvo : sanie, uuj iaai - j cai, i, iupt, . bales; , ... ' t . Total receipts j since sept, ist, , ajw,a bates: - .- . - .; ' - - Total receipts same time last year, -.4 u, t8 bates. ,- '-t - ? ',vj -- hi ''' THE DRY GOODS MARKET. New York Mrch 20. The cotton goods irkets are quiet and steady. Anact ''isinesa 1b holnor Anno in Tnasnh raw H f"i- mixture with cotton goods. In men's barrels tar. .JILL. 6a barrels tar 'par circles trade isuulet Yarns arefesy.4 Total-lW bales cotton, 28 barrels tar ...() ....28 -..(-) barrels (Quotedby W. J. Meredith, March 20.) CORN Firm, 75c. per bu. . . , . POTATOES -Irish potatoes, 85c. to 90c pea bo. Sweet potatoes, yams, 60c. to sue. ti:fi0 jfco $1.60 per bu. BEEF Dressed, sc. ser lb. ; dry, Pressed Jttecl Carrt.. PnlTman Talaee Car . . . ... Reading ... ... Republic Iron and Steel . . ... ... Republic Iron and Steel, pfd . . Rock -Island Co ,, Rock Island Co.. pfd ... .... ... ... St. Louis and San Fran., 2nd pfd . Seaboard Air Line .. Seaboard -Air lane, pfd ... Sloss-Nheffield Steel and Iron . . Southern Pacific . . ...... ...... Southern Railway ... Southern Railway, pfd ... . Tennessee Copper . . Texas arid Pacific ... ... ... ... ... Union Pacific .. .. .. Unihh Pacific, pfd .. ... ... United States Realty United States Rubber United States Steel ... ... T "nlterl Stares Steel nfrl .. Utah opper . . . . . Virginia-Carolina Chemical .. .. .. Wabash Wabash, pfd . . .. . . .. Western Maryland ...... ... ... Western Union ... ...... WestlnghOuse Electric Wheeling and .Lajfce Erie? . ... ... Liverpool.' March '20. Spot cotton, quiet : prices, steady ; American middling fair. 7.47: .114igood middling. 7.13: iniddlng. 6.91: low , . 24 I middling. 6.73: good, ordinary, -6.39 ; ordi . 11S friary, 6. (J5. Sales. 8.000 bales, including 1, .109 000 for speculation and export and included 96 6.000 American. Receipts, rfS.OOO bales, in cluding o.200 ; American. tf . Futurtes opHd q,Uiet"Sa4a ' steaidr and closed barely steady. March. 6.60; March and April, 6.58; April and May, 6.57; May and June, 6.56 ; June and July. 6.53; July and August, 6.49; August and September. 6.38.; September and October, 6.23; October ad NovemhCM 6.14; Novem ber and December, 6.11; December and Jan uary, 6.10; January and February, 6.09. 19 2t .155 . 2 . 83" . 20 35 . 24 . 18 : 43 . 22 . 98 . 24 80 33. . 18 .147U 83 . 8 . 59 59 107 . 50 31 3 . 10 . 40 65 . 6 5 New. York. March 20. Turpentine, steady. Machiue barrels, 41. ' - : HTdsin Nominal. Strained, common to good, $5.50. .j! ; ' im.il Savannah. March 20. Turpentine, arm, 37; sales, 62; receipts, 151 ; shipments, none. Stocks. 14,!94. Rosin Firm. Sales. .84: receiDts. 6o3 : shipments, none: stocks, 108,052. Quote: A, R, C. D, 10, 4.90; F, 5.00; G, 5.10; H. " MARINE. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessels Now in Port at Wilming ton. North Carolina. v . . " Steamers. ' i Str. Providentia (Qer.),rl,904 tons, Schar hlsH WpTirV Whvte V , ' : THE FINANCIAL MARKET. New York. March 20. Money on call. firm, at 45 per cent.: ruling rate. 4; closing bid, 5 : offered at 5. Time loans. easy;.. sixty and ninety days, 0 per ceut. Six mouths. 0. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at 4.82 for sixty-day bills and. at 4.8730. for demand. Commercial bills, 4.82: Bar silver, 58; Mexican dollars, 47. Coverhmeut bonds.; strong. Railroad boflds, irregular. WOOL Burry, 10 to 14c. per lb.; free of butr, 20c. per lb. ..... HIDESOreen,' 11c. 4. 1Qn nor IK ..XJr, A, nor txt . 1 4 rn' Hums 1ft to 17c. ner lb. ; sides and shoulders, 12c to ttq-terVh: ,K BEESvvaa. u irm. -F01" Fallow Firmv4Jc per p. . POULTRY Chickens, good demand. Growh 45c.; Spring cnicxens, ioi.xn.. P head. ' Turaeys, ou f EGGS very trair, tiac. to t BY RIVER AND BAIL. schistt, Henry Why te tr. CalliSto f Dutch). 2.281 tons. WIebes. Heide & Co. .- ., 'Str.- Vetmont (Br.),v 2,723 tons, Laurie, Helde & Co. '-.. Schooners. Schr. Stephen G. LGud, 195 tons, Graham, MafTitt A Wood. "'- " Barges. '-'.- .Barge - J. -T. -Hooper, 697 tons, Dewitt, Maffid & Woodf ' " -- - - : WILMINGTON PEANUT MARKET. (Quoted by J. S. Funchess l Co.) Wilmington. March 17. Market Steady. North Carolinas Farmers' stock prime hand-picked. 75c.; machine picked. 70c. Spanish Prime hand-picked, $1.20; machine-picked, $1.15. Virginias Prime band-picked. 86c.: ma il ine-picked, 80c. PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. Receipt tt Kaval I Stores the nTi!m(nTtnn X C. March 20. iiL...u. -rf rim. ia hales cotton; 28 (Reported by Rodgers, McCabe & Co.) Petersburg, Va., March 8. Spanish Mar ket. steady. . Virginias 3c. for Jumbo; 3. for FStfacyr 3c. for Extra Prime; 3c. for Prime: Sc. to 3c. for Machine Picked; 2c. for Shelling stock. ..... Men's Oxford that fit and wear. See fte.wlett & . Price. . (advertiseiiieat.) NAVAL STORES. .! : i, W G, 7.00 25; K. 6.25; M, 6.50; N, 6.75: W W, 7.40. BURETT H.STEPHENS ARCHITECT SS-39-4S GABRELL BUILDING. WILMINGTON, N C. Leland Creese CREES Dr. Di, Lillian Crees E & CREESE. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS AND NERVE SPECIALISTS. All forms of Disease successfully handled ee per cent, relieved by our method. We ft and Children's Diseases a Specialty. Consultation Free. S2-8S Garrell BLDG. 'PHONE SOS. RESIDENCE 'PHONE. . . 181 as in-tf. : " ' H. oeW. RAPALJE CONSULTING ENGINEER. Room 611 Southern Building.. WILMINGTON, N. C. Miss Florence Turner and Leo Delaney, in Tbp One Onnd Turn. The Priest and the Man. The Grassville Girls Comic. TODAY. SCHU05S THEATRE CIRCUIT Saturday, March. 22nd . MATINEE AND NIGHT Jos. M. Weber's Production "ALMA, WHERE DO YOU LIVE?" Popular Price Matinee 25 and 50 cents. . . Night Prices $1.50 (few seats only), $1 and 75 cents, with 50 cents general admission- . j Seats on sale Friday at Plummer's. mh20.3t . :l - - i&h SCHLOS5 THEATRE aRCUIT All Easter Week Guy Johnson Players In Popular Price Repertoire MONDAY NIGHT "THE STREETS OF NEW YORK" 10- 20 30 Cents Free ticket for a lady given with each of the first 200 reserved seats purchased 'at Plummer's before 6 o'clock Monday afternoon, j Seats on sale Saturday. mh21-3t . THE "grand parade" jn Easter morning is a time when most men, and women, put on their best and newest things, and go out to look their best. It's a good idea, too: it fits the spirit of the day, to be new and fresh and smart. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are made for the 'men who want to look their best; and the men who wear them do lcok their best. The new Spring models are particularly smart and stylish; we want all of you men to see them early. We have frock suits for those who want them; sack suits; overcoats in many snappy styles; models in suits and overcoats Tor men and young men; there are no better clothes made. NEW STYLES IN HATS Our hat department is ready with the very latest styles in soft and stiff Stetson hats; new colors and blocfes. NEW SPRING MANHATTAN SHIRTS The new weaves are very at tractive; many handsome .pat terns in blue and brown, helio trope and other good things. LATEST SPRING NECKWEAR When you see our display of neckwear you'll find so many things you want that we'll leave it for you to pick. Copyright Hart Schaffnel & Marx THE A. DA VID COMPANY This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes The Murchison National Bank Wilmington, N. C. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,350,000.00 ASSETS : : : : : 7,000,000.00 Every possible facility furnished at all times to customers and depositors. EL C. McQUEEN, President. J. V. GRAINGER, V. President. J. W. YATES, V. President. C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. M. F. ALLEN, Asst. Cashier. W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier. "MURA-LIKE" The only perfect Flat Oil Paint for Interior Use. San itary and Durable. V ' SOLE MANUFACTURERS: Atlantic Paint and Varnish Works tl MARKET STREET. One Bottle DEN, with MARY GAR each package TREN1TNA TALCUM, for 25 cents, while it lasts! MISSION PHARMACY 5 North Front Street. - SouthewaA f Map Company WILMINGTON M BOOM 512. 'PHONE 813 LUE- PRINTS SOUTHFRN RUTLDIN-O W. H. JAMES Contractor and Builder All Carpenter Work Done Satisfactorily. Call 'Phone 1334. ENGINE GASOLINE PERFECT FUEL FOR ALL GASOLINE ENGINES ' . DROP US A MORE POWER MORE RUNNING HOURS FOR LESS MONEY v. : , r. .... - If you operate s Gasoline Flnglne and we will show you how to Swo Money on your Fuel bill. CAPE FEAR OIL CO., Wilmington. N.C. Kerosene, Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. . -A- . . ri'i i -y CO r-H Gi I 1 I CM i i THE MORNING STAR PARCEL POST MAP COUPON. Clip six consecutively dated coupons, commenc ing with this, or any other, date, and bring to Star Office, with expense bonus of If sent by Mail Postage extra, 6 cents i.