' - t. THE WEATHER. 1 - Generally fair with rising' tempera BOOST WILMINGTON mT space at once In The p& S4a B,9 Progress and " Prosperity. Edition.- Out 'about "June ture Tuesday and Wednesday. - t yr.. Ill ry 9 it n 1 1 inin iiii h ,v , inuiii vviltuiULL "S. STIR I coin nmnirn x vim LLunL uinuLcni Democrats Lauded Bill and Republicans ancL Pro gressiyes Attacked ; 1. PAYNE HOWLED CALAMITY Special Interest Champion-Painted Vi vid Picture bf' Ruined tndustry and y-ooverished Labor!' Y d$ Colonel ; Washington April 28 .General de- bate on the Democratic tariff bill in the House wound up tonight in a final outburst of oratory. .. Democrats speat the day lauding" the measurV$rhile al ternately Republican ; and 5rJrogres sives attacked Its .provisions. - -The House, wearv? aftpr. j. Vxfov tariff oratory, did not produce a nu merous attendance t and most of the speeches of the - day .were- made to empty benches. However, Represen tative Payne, of New York, the rank ing Republican member of the Ways and Means Committee and the father of the present tariff law, had a good sized audience on hand to listen to his denunciation of the bill. He painted a vivid word picture, of ruined industry and impoverished labor which he pre sented as the inevitable -result of the Underwood bill. Republicans vocifer ously applauded vwhen he declared that ine reduction in the cost of living promised by the Democrats as a re sult of theJ;ariff revision was a fal lacy. - Mr, Payne 'criticised the Ways and Means Committee for putting wool on the free list while leaving on the duti able list the hair of the Angora goat, intimating that It was - th work ; of Representative .Garner,- the Texas member of the committee. "There are S.COO.OOO goats' raised in the United States," he said, "and that 2,999,999 of them are raised in Texas." Representative Murdock, the Progressive- leader .criticised the tariff poliey of both the Democrats and Re publicans." He said the Underwood bill was an '-"unreliable, chaotic ium- ble" and urgedvthat the tariff be plac-J iff commission."- -,; Representative Ralney, of Illinois, Democrat,, declared the bill. represent ed a new era in the government's fis cal policy, "making lighter the bur den of taxes . upon . the. consumers of the country and compelling , great wealth to contribute" its fair share to ward paying vthe government , exp enses." . ' - . He pointed out that no government that had adopted, an income tax sys tem and given it a fair trial -had re pealed iL - - . - ' "We make the tax highest, upon the great incomes arid lowest upon the small incomes, taxing 425,000 in all, and expecting' to collect from them at least $70,000,000." . He said the tax would reach 126,000 incomes, that amounted ta between $4,000 and $5,000 a year, from which the' government expects to collect only $630,000 an average of $5 per income, and would reach 100 incomes, amount ing to. more than-$1,000,000 each per year, from which a collection of near ly $6,000,000 is expected, y Mr. Rainey said he knew of no swol len fortune which has- not been made possible by the favors of government, and that a protective tariff conferred upon protected Interests the right not only to levy axes,-, but to collect and distribute the -dividends to the hold ers of watered stock. He declared that the revision would end the al liance between the protected woolen mills of the East and the wool produc ing states of the West, - "This," he continued, "is not a free trade bill, but it will fail of Its purpose ir it does not bring about a freer ex change between the products of ; this and other countries, each nation, each section producing what it is best adapted .to- produce, and trading its products for the products of other sec tions ana nations." . . . ' Representative ' Payne defended the Payne-Aldrich tariff law. and declared the Underwood bill as a tariff for reve nue measure "a signal failure." v - "If this bill becomes a law as 1t now stands, the next four years will be weary waiting," he said, "that the pro posed bill is a' revision down ward;- I frankly admit," Mr. Payne -concluded. Representative Murdock, leader of the Progressives, criticised the -Under-, wood bill as "unfair, unscientific, un reliable, chaotic and jumbled;" "If this bill masses."; he said, "be fore Christmas, Jts sponsors -will be offerings amendments. '-':.;' ''; ' The Bill In the Senate.- Chairman Simmons- today, divided the Senate Finance Committee into three sub-committees to consider the tariff bill. Senators ; Stone, Thomas and James were assigned to the metal, erthenware, -wool and silk schedules, and the free list, not connected with any particular schedules; Senator Wil liams, Shively and Gore to sugar, agrir u.tural and flax schedules, the in come tax section and administrative features of the bill; Senators John son. Smith, of Georgia, and Hughes to ne chemical, cotton, wood, pulp and paper, and sundries schedules. - Representative Chandler, , of New I ork, Progress! Ye, advocated the re duction of certain tariff duties and rppliej to Representative Heflin, of Alabama, who he .. Bald, had ; called ' neodore Roosevelt "the Wild . Man "om Africa," and in the same breath nad invoked the spirit of Andrew Jack ?pn to guide the deliberations . of a democratic Congress.' ' - Jackson once killed a man named UtarlP Dickinson in a duel " said Mr, -handler. "He-lireatened to hang Supreme Court of United States Ren ders Decision Which Justice Lur- - ton Pronounces Alarming ( ,v -Affects Railroads Were Ordered to Evacuati Scutari With Briefest ' DelayV .Washington, ADril 28. Tn v , s slon Of momentous importance eape- ttS to railroads,: the Supreme Court today laid down the general principle that a creditor of a corpora tion, not. a party to its re-brganiza-tion may, hold its successor for his debt. . . - ' v In this specific case, the court fi vi ! uwision wnicn Justice Lurton, who dissented, denla fpfl "was alarming," held the Northern Pacific Railway Company responsible for a .uj,uuo judgment against the North ern Pacific Railroad Company, which it succeeded, despite the fact that the court : expressly stated that . no moral wrongdoing was to be found ift tWro. organization - ; : 4X)rDOratlOn lA.WVcrre -whn Viaii v. I nAArtoniTior- XT .,v.n- i x. j;Qj" j "com me i , w i.ui me 11CB litis UBtJIT HtfhZnZZ "tJilA blow received of Esaad Pasha's exploit in mtionVt the situation at Saloniki or escape payment to unsecured credi- ls difficult to understand PROTEST FROM MONTENEGRO King Nicholas' Army Has Marched North,. Leaving Few Batteries Behind Powers Will Take . . - Command of City - " London April 28 . The "mystery surrounding events in the Balkans is MOEN1NG, APRIL i, 1913. EARTHQUAKE SHQpK COUNTRY it Montreal, ottowa ana Northern" New - York in Zoneof Disturbance ' Ho One Killedi-Alarm General ' " SPEECH FOR WAR -": SUBS '-THE' -HOUSE ISiss on to of Mississippi Wants Resent Japanese Interference tors, its effect they thought would be far-reaching. - . ' - The. principle, as laid down by Jus tie. iLamar, was v stated in this language: Corporations insolvent or financial A dispatch from Saloniki of cur rent date confirms the report that or ders . were given for the Bulgars to evacuate all places occupied by the Greeks, v but that later these orders g SiTThei? skj TeiguS rtsmrntermande,d ?nd that 9mciai stock issues with an agreement to con- a"femPts were made , to pretend that duct the same business with the same tney never , were given property under a re-organization. This 'A Bucharest dispatch dated April i i. T lu piiva.ie zutn, to the Daily TeieeraDh exnrpsspi contract between bondholders and the firm conviction T t hat imoHitt stockholders and thmih th mnnr. SSr ' 1l:1lon ,tn.at. immediately ticm property is thereby transferred sa?eWoldeyitrsaft e betWeen ?e" Bulgarik and rXhr laAeBU"fem SSJ stockholders from fh(mlvP tn thAm.- VZZ- RHP118 of opposing selves cannot defeat the claim of a adds he hafe heard 1 trim reliable "r0.- b' sources mat considerable fiehtins has him, the sale is void in equity, regard-1 alreadv acenrr nrt tLt Z! Yf less of the motive wtth whifti t w lrT and that three im- - hvm w. mimm I Illll I M III UIIVJI VUTnan D ItTAWA ivh I a made. For if such contract organiza- wek . onnnomin., u " tion was consummated in good faith UroU h a a V, '1,? ' eV?lt and in. ignorance of the existence of scribed fighting with iossea on both the creditor, yev when he appeared sides between the Bulgarians ahd Ser and established his debt, the subordi- vians to the northealt on Monastir J nXr" -nr. n.APru and fighting between the nvuau. j""-'j-- i uuiganans and the Turks the hands, of ...the reorganized com- The Daily TelesraDh calls attention rYiln the factUhat. whereas a few weeks V-'10 " xD. y ago tne Servians: were endeavoring to feeing effectuated by private sale, is defeat and capture Dvadjid Pasha's t ' .army, xnese operations appear to have ARE RIGHT Alabama Representative Contended f.- That States Have Right to Pro tect Their Civilization Dan- ' ger of Concession. N EW YORK PR i SON CHARGES.' f ceased and -suKsrests thai the eaaAt.ion of th Servian; attack ia connected with ussaaa Jfasna's coup. - : - - ; BrutaJity, Wast and Incompetency in I ference in London today-postponed its . V oo Av'-' oeciBion until tne next meeting-which Auburn, N. Y., April 28. Charges of is set for May 1st . prison brutality, waste and general iiv- The coup referred to was mention competency in connection - with, the ed in a Sunday dispatch from Cettinje. majiagement of the Auburn State pris- Montenegro, which stated that Essaad on, which were made public last night, Pasha, the defender of Scutari, who in the report of Governor - Sulzer s spe- surrendered the city, to the Montene cial.commission or investigation were grins , and who was permitted to de charactenzed as made for political part with his troops, has moved into effect, in a statement given out today Albania and pronounced himself King, by Warden George W. Benham. - it is he has 2noo trnnn and ?t The glittering statement of waste is rumored that, has a sPt in commissary cannot carry great sig nificance," he explained, "when it ls standing with - the Montenegrins. lxraaon, April 28 . "There - is a- l"cl6 wpiuvu9i cause for, pessimism even now." This for feeding the inmates during: the past eight years was about nine cents per day. It is not strange that the investigators obtained large figures, when it is known " that to produce them it was necessary , for them to weigh the soup left In howls at meal time and other ! refuse. As for rec ommending my dismissal, this must appear humorous, as my resignation has been tendered several times dur ing the last two years, and even with in the past two weeks. was the ; only official utterance that could be obtained . regarding the re sult of the momentous conference of the Ambassadors of the powers on the Balkan situation today. - The conference, lasted more - than three hours and another arranged for May 1st indicates that the dmlomats Btill expect to find a peaceful solution of the problem caused by - Montene gro s defiance of the powers. The rep resentative of the Montenegrin cov- ernment in London received instruc- . Montreal, Can., April 28. iA slight earthquake shock was' - experienced here, shortly after '7 :3Q o'clock; this evening, ".but - no . damage is.v reported from any section, though the inmates of a hospital inx the west end of the city, .where .the movement was .- mnvt pronounced, ; were , considerably excit ed... . K' .: i f '. . . : , - Ottowa, Ont, 'April 2Sl-An i earth quake shook was f elt - here tonieht. Houses were badly Shaken, but no one was killed or injured, according to early reports." .: t . g , Houses Jared -Syracuse, N. Y . April 28. Earth quake shocks were feltj in several - vil lages in Northenf Nevs York at 7 30 o'clock this evening, causing consid erable alarm. At Canton, -St. Lawrence- county- the ' shocks for a minute Houses were -inmH I Californiaanti-nli and dishes, rattled on tfce shelves but ed in the House today by ReDresenta- - People Ran to Streets ... ux1&so- Mississippi. . , , Odensburg, N. Y.r Abril - 28.- The If we must have war or submit to heaviest earthauake evfer p.Ynertiu. this indi ttsurii&ii'j&rs$h fx,;1; wivb? peopie ot cai- followed bV innd nimhUnS "ornia in their efforts. to prevent these Buildings- shook-. so badly that people 1 aliens fTom acquiring land." ran, into the streets in?fear thnt -tKovI r believe." would collapse.- non-resident aliens hn.,H i nnr, c;NrRFcc im Roiee - to hold a single foot of land in the ter COMGRES5 INBRIEF ritory of the TTnitPrt Stotoc m.f , I""' -- would Washington say m answer to proceedings' In Both,- Seriate and the question, war or submission? What House Might Session of Latter yould, Jackson say? What would Washington." Anril 28 Snat- Mot ' Cleveland say? What would McKin- at n-oon. - -. , V' ' - Committees on Education" and La bor agree to favorably report nomina tion of Charles P. Neill, as commis sioner or labor, statistics, s Washington, -April 28. A "war speech" in Support Of tht nmnnaA WHOLE NUMBER 13,310 MEXICAN REBELLION GROWS! Government Troops Have Refused to - right Rebels and Seized Their Commanders Insurrectos . . , Overrun Mexico. " ei Paso, Texas, April 28. Ex-rebei Secretary of - State Bryan's Conference With State JLegislature v troops under- Gen. Jose Inez Salazar mutinied today at Casas Grandes. re- iUBixig xo proceed in the camDaien against the .constitutionalists of Chi huahua State. Salazar with his staff officers is reported to be held prison- er Dy nis own men. The .troops,- whose leader had ae cepted the Huerta national govern menti- were ordered tn Mte-etJf2,.5! active campaign California. Has Right to Bar Oriental TALKED WITH CLOSED DOORS against the in the fatate. capital from the south. The wiuci wueu given Dy aaiazar met with refusal by a majority of the men: pri vate advices relate. All Federal troops Grandes district, center: of an exten sive American -lnmhorincr n-.- ,u"6 me aieiico iMorth western Rail But It Would be Against Earn est wish of President Wil son Situation. Sacramento, CaL, April 28. Califor- niacin the .fullness of her right as a line. Traffic on the Northwestern has 7rZ , ' . & iana mw Darr been annulled and -thi til55 ins Orientals from ownership, but train returned here. I . . such action would be against the earn- If the mUtineprs chniil.1 o-. n. t. Let nrfsh V.- XT4.J 1 jt4. Sfahp10118 sid?' Juarez, Chi- tion.. - , huahua City .and Parra will v.l- - ; . i:--. only points on the border held by the 8 is the substance .of the mes.' fUer?ta fovernment. The adjoining sage William Jennings Bryan,, Secret alreadvrfratLPn and Sono" tary of State Personal representa. o? the6?oSsSy- Hre m COntro1 tive of President Wilson, delivered to. uay io a secret conference attended ' ley say? I resent the efforts of Japan ii .u suuinu to ner demands." EASY SHERiFF LOSES OFFICE. Let. Prisoners Attend Races and Base ball Ga'me Albany, N Y., April 28. A hew sher- only by Governor Johnson, Lieut. Gov ernor .Wallace and the 120 members of the California Legislature. J oecretary uryan arrive- in Saom. mento at 6 o'clock this morning. With pLLiffoQ,iou!ty; wa? named by his consent, plans were laid for an Im- Mr- -C4 1- C- " 7.. . UClUO the Japanese Tgovernment ii U?,T. f.thal; a man o'clock thefirst session of the confeV: against alien land leeislatlnn """"5 "18. Vri.s.oners to attend nce qegan.; . until the-doors of the .Rimrtrv mvif Annw. i' i..- : ueavonng to exempt its citizens from I hnM oiwii ' tt . 1B Ul ? I Trilr. were : ciosea - ana T, k: ;;oV:7"!"!'e: tne operation of the laws 6rsteV- in X.i Wi'S,. soJ announced euW?cretary .yan refused to rw-rtv.yrAXttliiaiX muiwu. auiiuuuciUK i "Tka Tmr1A rt...x7" T- I 'A"1"' ivici Vine ili. rnRrl : nri I Kive an 1I1K til .1. - 1 rv ti a aw4P7l-12 tr . ho WmIh "no nr,, X? j . "6 u President v and Secretary of nntAT; 7? i3 y Arusn,.ana s" ounung oi-ais message to any at next meet hS " fo00",deratlon State," said Mr. Siston, "should onfy ??sPSO?ted D' Henry Brown as nis suc" netand .en jat the conference he .LTt; -,.,1,-. assure an alien government that the C?tLm ' ' ... : 5P.e ,onX after legislators had ex- jation of West Virginia coal - strike as reported and( will be up Thursday. Considering Tesolutioa? calling for an Senator Kern's reaolnrfon fhr ir. S""1" a" anea government that the -Invest! satinn of ,h.0 niaino f ,i V "J?"?" "5 f ttt4. !.V r.r mwjukj 01 tnat alien nation would ho n.ni, i" r asuut i . uwruwuc ueiuaua; lor : Iw5 -vuismia- eoai smKe dealt with fairlv in accordant vrith thl f ii,- . L " uuvenior aeciared, showed aiien iana legislation that - brought was reported and, will b up Thursday, law 0f the State - otw nnStffiS' hf tne escaPe from jail of a woman about the .present isituation. '. Oonsiderinsr -rslirHnn?'niHn fi. I i. , . uts. Any otner position i nrisoner nn tho Hot, .,. iri; I Thnon -'i- w official -analysis of political graphical composition of consular ser vice,) but deferred action' until next law vi me late. - AuT- nrhpr nrninnn i ni. ii. , numou - - m.fv,u.koiiuouuu.: would lead to thett SJt Those who .expected Secretary Bry- menf o oi-,- . j.: . ,a . i " " c iu careless manaepmpnt i an 10 exDOunn a tipw tnam-v nt Qfafo'o ""1,5 wul iuui unuer me laws i Tlie KamA wnmar. . "?:rr" lo-, . "".rrrv were war. of the States, the citizens T of another I tiirt f JKm,'Jfei Bayswaa- enter-1 "snts were disappointed, ; as j .- ir.lV v-iLiieus Ul auoiner I tamed at Thanksp-H-ino- rtit.nn u I thnao -ajhr. DTno,.0J Ai . iictnuu. cue an citizens or aliens resi- ohariffv i ? : 1 -" I V v , --iv,!, cun;uuua ul war rioM in cii.r- 1. ? .4 rebi snerirl s apartments ' while lowoiw f I Advice -In tho hams nf praouon -nm : Chairman; Simmons divided Finance to its laws!' and ZlmZ?lKlU.t her-sas redeemed from- a pawn san was all-Mr, BryaiThad to offer; -ind ,m"?e give him privileges , over and pRi ' . . lnel?ara?lountt u?sMon ere tonight W"4 i""-.... ' i above those accorded to American oiti- rr,, . TV? Mveraor s statg- xiiur suca aa vice win overcome United States f!iTVnlt illHo-o ,frwi PmirH, I tJU!L--.i.l, J: -.V .Z " i .V. the . testimony that- nriannaro c-m-rr?n I tiOTl - rf tho Prnvroeoivn . T)nn..1.i. ; -Conarmed Iseveiaf fpotliaasteVaHind H.r S . Beckenrida:e aa Assistant- Sec- retary ; of War. Passed iwpnt rifi. ciency bill as -passed by House. Adjourned :02 until noon Thurs day. . House: Met at 11 A. M. Resumed general tariff dehate whinh scheduled to close tonight. uepreaentative iiamey spoke in fa- nrnnortv 1 " . stauie some Gis f otrerjf , ryaji-re-amrmed the rights abroad, and that MfSisson was 1 hor Xf T JrXiau; ana also f0r tne k 's ngnt to 1 m ' manner it saw. a waraen or turnkey. - Thpetr nt, dui-suggested several alturnativaa, . i t ot. . j "r v0"- i auu luese nnsoners. -aetinjr aa auens lneneime to rlffKAnahin" - h. Pie of CaTltonS hadThe Vignt to pPass tended TiSu' th ,Prison JnS his reasBns on the' bfoaTf ouda laws regarding alien IrSdinM -nf policy-. Briefly, these al as in their judgment seemid " W they vnr nf ; foriff . T.., t- I .i . . oucmcu uni, lore at Dasehall e-amoc iiioD Were RllP'fPQtoil urn no - . iicuicocuiaiivc ravutJ i wueu sucn laws nin nntmwncra nnnn I . , -. - " -""jouu Uj JU. --r- --0 o iuiin, 6- T J , ,., . . v 1 ii.. -. u uuian 1 . 1 1 1 1 I 1 . vr. Tn'jr iV ITT Ml 1 . .ft-!tj4V fill ITIUII I 'J T II QflTinii AtIjI n I .reuerai constitution. imnnea.Hi S . a, l t1Vii, ml i . . . i . . . . a I isson discussed at length nAWS Ti r.."i0,"usu.isu sucn prison- owjie ueuaruuem to try to ac- i i i-'TV-v ""in reyuiauie cinzfiiis": i - -f juuiuuiisa tne enoa iesiri Mr mannc against it. Kepresentative Sisson .delivered war speech" siiDDorting !nrnnnse1 I nf internntinnni law immi t. .u. California anti-alien law. ' dispute and deelarprt that foiifu Recessed -at 6:SS P. M. until 7rSfl I was p.nrtp.sivnriTt- tn An. r-.ni-.. mv.n t Pii. - 1 ; - a v.iijr nuai. Jijjp M. i ... Ian had alreadv rinnp "If JaDan tinw thniolano nn trrrn. 90LLISION OF STEAMSHIPS. war what would she do wherf millions I Of her Citizens have aormiroH lomi ir i . - wv "J m 1 wo vessels uadiy uamaged on St. our country? ' ne said Johns River. THE DUNBAR CHILD. ! of a new treaty with Janan. i 2. Delay immediate, antlrtn nnH on. lucnuncaiign uompiete by Physician. -jpjwi- ui aiien iana ownership and niinuyea oy Mmaieur uetectives. f ".y"jutiuu wnn tne iTesldent uueiousas. la.. Anril 28 Menti fia. M" securing reiiet. ' tint! if tha f ttw vt .U 1 i I 3 " 4- 17!nQf O linr nfvi4lMte IV lU . i. x iwui-jctti-uiu uuy, recenuy I . ; itV1' . ".i-u iu tue siat- J-ainoun as high as Haman; tried to rsowhip Thomas Benton; challeng w General Winfield Scott to a duel; overran Florida, and had two emi nent British gentlemen hanged, there-, "y nearly .bringing Us into a war with reat Britain and - Spain, and- when Resident, broke tip his cabinet' by own, head-strong violence. i Thi3 The warden made no specific reDlv I n at . ni..-- j the charge's of brutality In connec- J to protest formally against thp dprnand tion with . which Governor Sulzer's k pieii?ia"yln.!t V- ?f SnerdTornSe S2?iSS ?f .dLi52'??fi I Montenegrins, which is describd - by "r;aiea ,,fi;o.' y v ""'' tne government or King Nicholas as careless and .unfeeling. . .. "uniust and cruel." - uniust and cruel ' The demand -of the Europ&an pow ers is couchea m the following terms: - "Wn Vin,r:4-V.n Tmnn Ann1 1 Caroltnas, Virginia and Maryland Are fectivelr to the Royal Government of ADDITIONAL CIRCUIT JUDGE. Concerned. Washington, April .28. The Senate today passed the bill authorizing an additional circuit judge for the Fourth Circuit with an amendment present ed by Senator Cummins abolishing the judgeship made vacant by the remov al of Robert W. Archbald, who .had been, assigned to the Commerce Court. The fourth circuit includes the dis tricts of Maryland. West Virginia,. Vir- Montenegro that the taking of the fortress of Scutari does not in any way modify the decision of the Euro pean powers relative to the delimina- tton of the frontiers of Northern and Northeastern Albania, and consequent ly the city of Scutari must be evacuat ed with the -briefest possible delay and must be handed over to the European powers ; represented by the command ants of the International Naval forces ginia, North Carolina and South Caro- j lymg , (before the Montenegrin coast. KILLED BY TRAIN" Was Standing on Norfolk Southern . Track at Norfolk. Suffolk. ;Va., April 28. Henry Grady Stevens. 23 years old,, employed by the John L. Roper Lumber Company, was struck by a Norfolk' Southern . train this morning and died several hours The Royal Government of Montenegro is invited to give a prompt reply to this . communication. . The Montenegrin representative- "in London, . to whom this - demand was cabled back from Cettinje, said today: "I have been ordered by my govern ment to protest formally against this unjust and cruel demand, and once more to ask the uiuropean powers to examine -in an equitable, manner the vital question of Montenegro s future. later in a hospital. Stevens was stand ing on the track talking to his. brother amj to jlace that nation on an equal and did not notice the approaching fnntine with the other Balkan allies." I TT. I- ' . . I ram. nei was - uiwaeu uunu aim Trnnnc H9VK FvaRUMort when picked up was unconscious. He. J : Vienna, April 28 .Crown - Prince died from Internal injuries. - . : . manilo of Montenero. and his troons. have marched out, or scutart toward is the mild-mannered man-whose SDir-1 the north, according to dispatches re it Is invokied in this House' by a Dem- celved here today. Only five batteries ocratic Congressman m the samelof Montengrin artillery remain in the breath he f employed to - denounce city.1 Roosevelt- as a rica.' - Hous Wild Man from Af- 'Night Session Government circles in Vienna re gard the movement of the Montenegrin troops from Scutari .as equivalent to xxTncTtnrnr ' Anril OS Tli a ' Heha to I ava u a t rm nf . th a f rrtrps rtemnndprt - 'TV aDUiiigtVUl-Al'IU y v . . , w w " - finally closed at a nignt-session witn Jpy tne lauropean powers. a lively defense - or tne unaerwooti bill- by 'Representative -. Harwick, or npfrs1a. and a short statement " by Leader Underwood, after speeches by Representatives Burnett, of Alabama; Dunre. of Louisiana, and McKellar, of TonnMSftft. Democrats: i owner, . ui BRIBERY 'CASE, HALTED Member, of Legislature Charged With Afrn.inn iMR.nfVl - Charleston, W. Va., April 2'8f Thej trial or ueiegate . u . Knooes. tne Iowa and Farr, of Pennsylvania, Re- first of seven members of the West mihliVflnH and others. - Virginia Legislature to be brought be- - Mr. Burnett, 4-ef erring to 'the Bur-1 fore court on charges of bribery grow- nett-Dillingham Immigration Din ve- mg out or tne recent senatorial eiec toed by. President Taft, Tead a tele-tion; was halted today when his coun- graphlC report Ot tne proueeuixifta ui isei eiiieieu a pica ui auaicuieui uu tue the Vice- Commlsslon of Illinois, of ground that the grand jury returning 'April - -25th, regarding conditions at tne indictment nan Deen improperly the Springfield factory of the Inters drawn. ; Arguments to sustain the con national Shoe Company which he said tendon-u were not completed -today, showed "that the Republican party Is Delegate Rhodes is, allegedto have re not only lirpartnerehin with the trusts ceived $15,000, to vote forColonel Wil bnf in Dartnership with the white slave liam Sevmour.Edwards for the United traders" . - - . J States Senate. - - - 1-1 J!. . " -Jt -VVlH,V ... . !, . . . . . . f i Ak i .. laKeu irom w. i - wmtprc itinPMTit i iu Illinois, wnicn nermita si.ono uunu liiu urtJiicisiTinn mar on i ii.i.. . . . - - "wuui, ( . . . . . -.. ' iii . ; ; . i niiKer ar. flmmnia uioo n n Dh. iu uuiu iann -inr a nonnn im aTM. s Jacksonville, .tlaApril 28-In a col- borrTwXi Dunbar, son of C.Tnbar : of this ? years" and applies alike to all aay Dy a physician ' , . v. ' . i, e,s iviuieau, ul me van ateam- Ampriran farmer tha rih7V , w 110 yeriorniea an operation upon the "- a law simiiar to. the Fed-- ship ComDany. and the British stpam- iu? fVi1erlca.ntar.mer tne right to own DOV Drior tn th tim ha , " eral statute governfns- lunii nwnoMv? rnhnici -,.i j a' -iie sun ul our country witnout comne- ,:. v. ,r. " B"c6 LU i v. rvi.j"-i-:. rr vr1""' made it necessary for t edxinto this port. The collision is he lieved to have been due to a mistake in reading. signals, v v. , - The , .Morgan, carrying passengers ana ireignt,, outward bound , for Mia . .ai.nauiiilllB, nil., Auril i ID. a COl- I nun VA.r. ..,n..i j i. i- ' I uuuuar. SOD. OI U f llimhar rvf thia 111 S BiJ lision today in the St. Johns river, the fcrmtn made today a"hysiclan steamers Morgan,-of the Van Steam- fht AlnJ performed an operation unon the A ? b British steam- Z 'ir l"lvlJL.l"&. V6"V l" "wu boy Drior to thp timo ho 1 an0"4A erai st I damage which ttacKVhlclT woulddown" his tJ 7 PL Columbia,; which is. 1 Vi. , u , ard of living. I would not surrender it I a auuoance is being ex-1" r"1 wjiub to an auens. - enll.Qfnn to ho. I T, . " . "uuu "ut uri euuer. It 1 neripnopd hf mamhai.o u ta..i I . Of these altprnotivpo U mnir ,pi- K1!86.??? tne las.t drop of famny f" rv7' Bald acordin in iX' uiuuu in American man noon ann m. , . r. mui uU , h . ., , .... ---r-" poverished our country for a hundred TpUn ieCv."ve! J? i"J? SLSS.0 generation " I VP -euiyiuyeu on tne case, one detec- V1 l"c iucbuuu,,, ufiauy jjemocrats ra .m - . I tive who sain ' ho waa oiririiniro w vor turning the matter nvor t mi, had her wheel house and rail torn k.,S; Department, while the Prnpr- away and the-deck ripped. The wheel tinned sKnA'a ThiVnoiftiV n fisted upon watching the boy eat 'The TO -Republican majority apparentlr aiso was baaiy damaged. Damage to tion:is far-reaching and important in mll3r nas considered the advisability renLam 'nncnanged in its support of the Ethelstan was confined laro-Piv to hu tfr re5c.l"5? an.d L111?0".111 of reauestine -thA j.nthnrip0 r., a Mil that would aDnlv its rpRtrirt.nn the bow steam and rail. Surveys will inauisitive stranrr to "Orientals alone.. . ! v, ,T, TT S?:''5M tomorrow to ascertain aliens in refef members of the household nJ?e6 rBry the exact damage to both steamers. NINETY-SEVEN DEAD REMOVED Funerals of Victims of Disaster Coal Mine aliens in reference to acauiring real XT , . . " cBLaic. ineaiijr every state nas some limitation. This Democratic. . administration should announce with no uncertain tone to the world the doctrine that uongress proposes the right of the became so alarmed by the actions of lSn s.erved to show the breadth of the tnree - snaaowers'? lurking in the vi- ,B,Tl"Jul. m iavor or. an alien land cinitv' of thp resi.iono that ,t4 I law that shall be effee.tivp in haHno'- , --yv, iuch, ,v. T , r r " were caiiea upon to drive the "sleuths' i" vayaaiest. ana umnese immigra- awu v. - : . 1 ? - . uuu. nuucu ui iiitirR nonarnra : ann Assemoiymen declared the DeoDle of OSBORNE SWORN IN. Jtne state were almost a unit in de- ; r : . -. ' j maiiuiUK sucn a law. ann it. wnn throa.. Greensboro Marat Last Inducted Into I SftSfii'JJli8-,?' ' utnee Notes. hr W'r11"!,,28 -rrAn.other people of , these States to determine SSSl astn 'ron the Cincinnati who shall own land within the States, Vtp onr"c'ttive5"; vmtea statesgovern- -'V' y' '"2nQW? mi at this time, the matted hs Finleyville, near here todaybringing makin'g such laud laws as they see fit W (Special Star Telegram.) en. AS,??,,?" and Ba8S- the -total 'dead to date 97' no nf Ui,h o"i rrirfji1: Washington. D. C. Anril 1 ft ni ed by the people themselves. ; . .uio wuuuucu uuimg tue uay ana ea states. . - . ' - -; 1 '--,-" i auu emereu uu-1 a 75 4 r evidences of the disastrous pvnins.nn ?f thJ fW.iAnt c-i on the duties of United States Cnm. Secretary Bryan seated with Governor of last Wednesday are gradually dta- cornmJt t.hniMif ZTS misslpner of Internal Revenue. Sev- ""fSS.?8"?'- ?. Young of appearing. Investigations nn th nart 1 1. TOm 1,. TfciAv- eral hundred people, including apnre-1 l"f.,ir,?f.1uljr 011 .ine Piatrorm. Bec- r1 (rniiammimt Dt.i. I 1 j ii n i, . . ,7 .T I tarV Or I.nA IrPflRlirv MpAiIvi Cnnnlm. fW 4Jija.ii of the Federal government, the State home and international complicatibns nJL LJenry McAa?. Senator D stetement aked nf ana local authorities were, started 'to- and1 meddling intoour domestic af i an(j nnnh'tnn ewftenf?o5iveif to tell him the exact situation. - rrr: ' ; s ; iana occasioueu oy tne constant com- rmi- v"-" j;" . "I-was sent to OUTLINES I plaints of .the alien land owner to his own government. . "1 accord to , the JaDanese all the equal rights with ourselves. -1 would las quickly resent a demand from our mony. Representative Godwin, Sacra mpntn at tha who has nfcquest,Sf Presid?nt Wilson," said Mr. been in his. district looking over his frra-JP0 08,11 1-wth. the Governor:; , farm land, - returned to Walhinon diS e in5mber1, of the Legislature today. " 7 sluu on the pending alien land legislation. H. E. C. Bryant. Washington cor- i 'f1"1 irsiea in tne methods . . j - - ValliUia aiin lVOnnfirn IPW Vnrlf o-r. I o-nvarnmant iinTi Tonon nAm n n I perienced: an earthquake hock'ear XericttS m taid "in Japan, srpohnQdent ewI, anl1 attaUieT I wSSlf Si2f.iS'K-i?-; last night . - .tT r . contrary to the laws of Japan, as Fdo -I?-ri,?Jef.'du.ote ail heasuggJstions iton? anr ?r tnl? hl " ' Ninety-seven dead have been rpmnv- not rppnt .Tflnn'1! offnrt oiiii pf his time in the future to the WaA-Al.IlJIrV---0 V e- World. ea tirom tnecoal mines in which an us to submit to her demands. I think explosion occurred near -Pittsburgh it the duty of every loyal citizen Of all last week . - our States to stand for California and 'Former rebel troODS , in Chihnnhlia. Ihpr rls-hts in thin fiffht fnr hor nwn ffi. Mexico,-have mutined, made prisoners zens and their descendants." of their commanders and refused to About half the : membership of the Dattie with, the forces. , House sat -in amazement while -Mr. The Powers yesterday served for-I Si ssf on. immediatplv aftpr the spssinn mai notice on Montenegro that her began, took the floor. Wearied with New York P. R. A. MOUNTAIN FOREST FIRE. Licking Up Everything Above Linville Falls, N. C. Senator " Bovnton, - ndminfafi-o floor leader, thanked Mr, Bryan on be- ' hair of. the Legislature for . his . visit. He then outlined the RitimtiAn fm. th visitor, saying in part : .1 "At the time President Wilson tel- Charlotte w o AnHi o C61dlu, WttS receivea last week, an- ville 5?5f .Zisb to -!d Secretary artllV, mnot OMonota Sntoi-l. Dftn. a .nrnolr nf .nK4j.oi tn.iff 4nh.tn ' iv nn i tTOUS ' forest irp has huctl raoHncr..At t .'-..i.i lO - COnter , With . thlS r-x1 IT-rrv r rr ? : ' l "A ri. t .in vino mt 7. ; Bisiaiure. tnere . were two ; bills on out. - son's arCTimpnt nni his snppph was I that the loss to timber.-fencing, galax I . fit x . ? .i116 TILLMAN DIDN'T FIGHT. The tariff debate in the" House lns-1 freauentlv interrunted bv annlause ea iast ; nignt in a nooa of - oratory; Democrats lauding the Underwood .hill and Republicans and , Progressives howling calamity , . v , Secretary Bryan yesterday conferred with .California legislative : leaders as and berry bushes I thousands of dollars will '' run T m Intn o.. , "fPicui iui mB people Ot Will run. UD intO I the Stato ouiu . ... . a - iiv:nViv.miuii6iji m isvor 01 tne " - ...-'". I pnart-mout 'nf n n nitn. j -1 . j Most : of ' Forty Nominations of Presi dent Were Confirmed. The fire reSeto T,,, 11 J e.natm??i".f an alien land lawV and ?0afdJShere tt haS n0t beeu bre in ed iffitlOT TS It was' so rtrv at thi, t-tunt t lM.1 telegram from the Presi WasbwVnn" Anril 28 -nesnite the Mund made of vegetable mould, bum- rrtwlSOT JfVQRea to the anti-alien law, admitting Call- declared intention of Senator Tillman f' ?efL-of two inch-es in places, untiL Mr. Bryan '. could '(T w TnrniQ'a iioih nnnvnv nn n..nM..i. i. 5 ni,..i. i uic ucni was - nil trrpa t a a t no nre i i -. ; Wilcnn'a anmhot nnoira hn f l r xt.ii .P nfn , I BWept ; UD the mountain It lib Prt nn I s T-. - . ;....' ' - . . sis- ' : - tistics, the Senate committee to which Pe? vhiemlck in places with a Bryan to polit out SDeciflcllIy the ot "Representative Sisson. of Alabama, th e nomination, had been referred, to- Feat crackling roar, shooting to the iertion s nf th0 m,, E!?!. 92 .. . 1 r , . . ... :., ... ' . . 1 r.nns nr rrooe 1 tr. inn f hwi.- 1 - . - Bur uiiicu.1. uiuuc a.. wn aiewu m vuugi esH .yes- uay agreeu 10 report ti lavuiauij. i, : --. -T- - I anu ot Japan to the Denning measiirpa torlor tnlrinn V. rriAn nlS I If i. Al, . .. 1 .1 - ... I I .1 . . v yvuumB vwi uu,j , winiiig oivx ui mi;, KjAVlr I - . iUUsk ul LllB 1U iiuuuiiiXitiriiB LJ miiivi ! fornians : who want to legislate i the I postotfices -held by Republicans of the M-I-MI XIMI I I and to give his reasons from a diplo- uianu .. -siaiiuDoini wnv i:allfnrnl . J.I Bnoiun nnr pn a rt onnh n in .Tiru C :.-rV.- I 7i V.i.l !. ' f - ' i . ... 1 r '"- Ut3U. - - i K i tuuav iu eAuciiLivt: sessiuu. uujec- Auueisuu. s. t .. Ann yx mXm i ivir. nrvan rpmsjinod ci an mn. New. York -markets: Money on call i tion was made" to several 'otr Presi- Passengers arriving here todavAl bers of the maioritv Tiflrtv lirp-oH him" .v lo i Der . cent, runng rate jin i oenr. wiison s annomtmenis to otner i xeDort a ha r ; nrh :snnw fail j. i ro cnmniv. with tho nn,,t,t closing bid 2 3-4, oifered at. 3; cotton minor posts and they were passed over 4 Sunday on the. Blue Ridge I Camlnetti, - Democrat, suggested that uu.cu, j.i.iu; uuux - ..ui ui wntjai iNo. & i uuui ma oeuaie s utAi ttssBioii,,-n. --.o. iiuuniains near wainaua, -, u. Bmau- group or members from both- icu-, iiuimuai; corn stwauy ; . - rosin i urecKenriage, or .iveniucKy, ,was cqu- i : ' i,-'-;,,-.: , z.rnouses to be selected to hear Mr Bry- "'"uuj , iiu ucuimc cosj . ui iiicu o.B aaiusLauk ecu ciai j ui . v ai i A"ii"i"i im wm tiiiniminn (Continued on Page ; Eight) ':'s-:- -: l

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