BTAfiTS GOME BACK STRONG Won from Chicago Cubs Fourteen to Four Phillies Make It Four Straight Defeats--Reds and ' V- Cardinals Winners Their leader, tbje fighting Johnny levers,' benched fbr disputing a: de Cisfoir of the umpire in - yesterday's garae,"thevChicagd Ctcbs vent to pieces with the advantage of a four-run lead at' the beginning of the fourth inning, ddd the New York Giants baited oat It to 4 victory; scoring in six of their ame innings. The locals hit Lavender, Pierce and Ritchie for a total of- 22 hits, drew seven passes,' and 32 Giants reached the initial station during the game. .vV- .y ':. 'k ' ' u The Ptttsbnrgh-Pirates made a clean sweep Of the series, of four games wiWthe demoralized Phillies by tak ing the final contest yesterday after obH,, score seven to two. The result was sever in doubt, the Pirates piling up a four-run lead in the-- opening frame; -;-, f :t v -" v 'RubeTBentoli' carae- "back again testeraay-afld pitched -stiut-oot ball for the Cincinnati Reds up to the 8th asnfng when three hits were used hy the Brooklyns'td tuck away as man j rmrs. Yfnglingwas batted dot of the o In the fourth inning, replaced by Stack. ...r.;'--j 'The St Louis Cardinals put across another win from the Boston Braves, wlo eeem 'unaMe to stand the pace of gahie-wfnnlng long at a time. Miller Huggins, manager of the St. Louis team, wa Mtron the head "by a ball in the sixth inning and rendered uncon scious, and ; will; probably be out of the game for some; days'. ! " : 4" Johnny E vers ! Benched 1 New Yorto, July II. New York over whelmed Chicago today 14 to 4. The focal hit Lavender; Pierce and Ritchie for 22. hits and --Jre'W seven passes. Thirty-two New Yorkers reached first base. Chicago i started With a four run .lead but soon fell to pieces after Manager: Evers was benched in the third for disputing a decision. Chicago . , . . . ; 022 000 000 4 8 6 New York . , . 00? 422 2 Ox 14 22 1 Richie, Lavender, Pierce and Bres nahan;Tesreau, Promme and Wilson: Meyers, Hartley. Time 2: 32 - Urn; pifes; Rigler and Byron. T ' , ' - v , i!Pi rates Made' Clean Sweep , Philadelphia, Juiy 1L-Pittsbiirgh made a clean sweep 'of the series of rour games nere, tne -visitors winning i today 7 to 2. The affair, was devoid of i interest owing to the Pittsburgh team getting a lead of four runs in the flrat! inning. - Hendrix pitched in fine form. Pittsburgh . v .400 001 1107 9 2 Philadelphia . ;00O 001 Of 0 2 7 3 Hendrix and Simon; . Marshall, Rixey and Howley. Time 2:00, Um pires, Brennan and Eason. - - 1 "Rube" Benton Agaf rY : Brooklyn, July 11. Cincinnati win ning today 5 to 3. took all four games of. the series with Brooklyn.. . Benton pitched shut-out ball up to' the eighth Inning. In the . fturth Tingling was replaced by- Stack; Cincinnati . . .012 200 000 5 13 ? 2 Brooklyn . . ; : poo 000' 030 3 8 3 Benton and darker Yingllng. Stack and Miller, Fisher;. Time 1: 40. Um pires, Quigley. and Bmslie. y Cardinals Won Agafrv i Boston. July.ll.rTyler, the,Bpstort pitcher, had one bad inning" today and St.. Louis won'6'to .4: In the sixth in nlng Miller Hugging Manager Tor -St: Louis team; was knocked out when' hit on the head by. a ball thrown by Ty ler.; He quickly, revived Jbut" left the game., A doctor.advised.l'est but Hugi Fms insisted upon, going, to -Philadelphia with his team tonight;' ' St. Louis . , . - .000 014.010--5 8 0 Boston . .. . V. :200 002 C00-4 6 5 Burke, Sallee and; Win go; Tyler, and Jtariden. - Time 2: OO. - Umpires ,Klem and Orth. , - - .: . .. ' - - " V- - CITY LEAGUE .TODAY" Two - Interesting .GamesJ on ' ' parsley uiamonaat HUtoa.Fark The, management of t tha t City: Lea . gue . promises the.pu.blic two interest ing and- snappy games of baseball, in the regular' series at Parsley diamond, , Wittrm Pur fir. this, if triwioni.';:The: first game will , be called-at 3 iFclock and the second at 5 o'clock". Eaeh -teem will - put ;forthi its; strongest -battery and the fielding has naw been ferought down to a fine point, with an tne teams. ' TVAr of r.leanl fast SDort - can hard ly afford. to miss these ;ames.There is no Admission charge and .'.everybody; especially the.Madies is cordially in vitdd. t ars aruax wnuiu ; a - suort uis- tance of the grounds. , V Box f six pairs men's 25c hose .'for. K9c ' Gaylord-PlattfCo.'s One Article Sale. ... . ,;.-. (advertisement.) . STANDING OF AMERICAN LEAGUE I"M"I' I..III"I"III. .MiM Won. Lost. P.C: . 56 20 . 737 . 40 -31 .613 . 44 36 .550 . 43. i .38 , .5."51 .-38 " 37 . 507 . 33 52 .388 . 32 52 ; .381 23 . ; 52 , .307 Philadelphia Cleveland . Washington Chicago . . Boston.. . . SL' Louis . Detroit . . . New York . . ..f RESULTS YESTERDAY At Chicago 1; New York 11. At Cleveland 5; Philadelphia 41. At Detroit 2; Washington 5. . At St. Louis 5; Boston 1. WHERE THEY Boston at Chicago.. Philadelphia at Detroit. -. New York at St. Louis. Washington at Cleveland. IN THE MINORS South Atlantic League. At Macon o; 'Charleston 1; (10 in nings.) . At Jacksonville 6; Albany 7. At Savannah'l; Columbus 4. - Southern League. At Nashville 2; New Orleans 3. At Atlanta 9; Mobile 6. At Chattanooga-Montgomerv. rain. At Birmingham 4; Memphis 4; (11 innings.) ' Virginia League. At Petersburg 4; Portsmouth 1. 2nd: Petersburg -4;-Portsmouth 0. -At Newport News 1; Norfolk 0. 2nd: Newport News 1; Norfolk 0.. ' At Richmond 2; Roanoke 4. Appalachian League. At Bristol 3; Middlesboro 6. - American Association. ' . At Milwaukee 8; St. Paul 1. No other games scheduled. - Internationaf League. - At Baltimore 12; Jersey , City 8. 1 At' Rochester '2 ; ' Buffalo 5. " . At Toronto 5; Montreal 7; (10 in nings.) . At Providence 6? Newark WILSON TOBACO MARKET. First Tobacco Cured Market ' Opens . - August First, (Special Star Correspondence.) ; Wilson, VLC, July 11. W. S. Land of near Stanton&burg, -; leads in this county he reports the first tobacco of ' the season cured this - week. It seems to be of fine quality ' and in splendid condition. The market is scheduled to open August 9th. . i ue lunerai service in memory oi Mrs. Marv DeGarmo was held this' af ternoon. Rev. T. W. Chambliss con ducted ' the1 service at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Homer, on Spring street." Mrs. De Gafmo died Thursday at ,tne borne of her son, Mr. Frank Mower- She was over 93 years of age and - in remarkably crood health , for one of her age.; .Formerly a resident ox ; Detroit, Mich., Mrs, De Garmo came here to live with Mr. and Mrs. Homer a few-months ago. -r' The - local police landed on Andy Goeford yesterday with a search and seizure., warrant and he was held for the, - heit ses'Bion , of the Superior Court. He had too much whiskey in his -possession, but he claimed that it was not his property. ' , The fc last session of the district meeting of the I. 0. O. F. held at Wlhitakers was attended by Messrs. Calvm Woodard and W." E. Barbour; of t Wflaon and they secured the next meeting for the "town that's worth while." 'The 'meeting win be in Oc-. tober.- ; - ! ;,Last Monday night a cow fan wild for several hours. The animal died later and Dr. Herring sent the head to Raleigh for examination. Yester day, he received a telegram ; stating that the cow died from rabies. result in the election for bonds for the building of the Virginia &. -Eastern Carolina railroad shows that only .one vote was cast against the: bond, issue and 26 of -the register ed .-voters did not cast a ballot. The issue carried safely. . s Tjur sold coupons. There will be 14 gold coins of ?10 and $ 5 denomi S?Hon .enaway during Gaylord Platt Co.'s One Article Sale. (advertisement.) 12 yard bolts .of val and round thread lace, 13c per bolt. Gaylord-Platt Co.'s One Article Sale. ' (advertisement.) THE TEAMS .. NATIONAL LEAGUE - Woo. Lost P.C, . . .'50 24 .076 . . . 41 30 .577 . . 41 37 - :5-M i . . 38 38 .500 . . . 35 37 .481! . . . 33 42 .440 . . .32 45 .410 . . . 31 . 48 ' - .3!)2 New York Philadelphia . Chicago j. .v . Pittsburg..'- . Brooklyn . t Boston.. . . St..:LiOuls . . Cincinnati At Brooklyn 3; Cincinnati 5. At Boston 4; St. Louis 6. At Philadelphia 2; Pittsburg 7. At New York 14; Chicago 4. PLAY TODAY 'Cincinnati at New York. r-v Chrcago at Brooklyn. St. 'Louis at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at Boston. CAROLINA LEAGUE Results Yesterday At Charlotte-Asheville, rain. At Durham 9; Winston 1. At Greensboro 6 Raleigh 2. Standing of the Teams Clnb: ' " Won. Lost. Wirwton . . . . - 37 28. Darham.. 3 il Itafeigh.. . . . . - 35 32 Abbeville.... . . , 33 .' 31 Charlotte. . . ... . 29 3.) Greensboro .... . 27 4( P.C. .5(B) .53T .522 .510 .453 .403 WITH THE MOVIES frlM. .M..H..M. .i..ii..1.i., The . Grand has arranged a glorious Saturday's bill with which to greet and delight. its hundreds of devotees today. The Bolid comforts, for which the theatre is justly famed, will hold forth, and the price of admission Will remain a fixture at 5 cents,' afternoon or night. A film of great human in terest, the Vitagraph's "Tricks of the Traded heads today's big and won derful show. The .flash and crash of war -will be revealed in Kalem's "The Wartime Siren," which is a story of the War Between the States.;, Selig will also contribute d a powerful dra matic today in "The Girl and , the Judge.'' - It is a story of modern; life, with a big moraL It is a woman's wrongs, which later are righted in a most dramatic way.- ; The-Bijou's Week-end -i-. The Bijou, that; peculiarly f popular ioy spot, is ready to end a big week in whirlwind manner today. It will present a week-end bill that will be a rou&er and that should not be misa ed. ScOres of electric fansi keep the theatre delightfully, cool and a perfect ventilation system keeps it healthful. The price of admission is always 5 cents. The Vitagraph's latest star is one of today's leaders and isT "Tho Heart of Mrs. Robins," which is a beautiful, dramatic. "The Star" is a big comedy production of stage life: It. is . something new and novel ated deals with the J fascinating theme of the footlights. It should be:-laughed at by all - Wilmington - amusement goers. Another swell ; filni for- today is "The Portrait," 'telling a tale of ar tist life in France,' It is also' a big novelty. " " , BLUE RIDGE HIGHWAY. State. Board of Geological Survey Asks v , - Federal Aid. - ' -(Special Star Telegram.) Raleigh, N. C; July ,11. The State Board of Geological Survey adopted resolutions urging '.that, the United States forest Service, construct ''the link of the' Crest : of the Blue Ridge Highway, iwhlch .crosses 'the govern ment reserye in this State". Another resolution urges that since flaanyt counties and; ; townships have voted -. during the past -.four, months bond Issues for road building to the extent of two. and a half million dol lars, with other ;bond Issues Spending, and 40 :. of 'these: counties 'and t townships- have asked for engineering as sistance froni the Geological Survey, the approachfng -session of the Legis lature to-' take up 1 as ' an Immediate and, vital necessity, the question'- of adequate appropriation for State aid in this matter, - t r.-,.j'-, . ; ,-, .-" ,,. ' Get your gold coupons; There " will he 14 gold coins of $10 and $5 denomi-nations'.sgiven-away during Gaylord Platt' Co.'s One Article Sale. ' (advertisement.)..-,'., si, ATHLETICS WllllllfiG AGAIN .'J ; ; u ; ; Took Yesterday's Final From the Naps Senators Won With Boeh- Unq Yanks Won Second. ' Browns Also Winners. ! The Athletics after their defeat of Thursday, came back strong in yes terday's game and defeated the Cleve land Naps, making' it two out of three for the series. , Big Chief Bender held the Naps hitless until the seventh, when four hits, put across as many runs. Kahler, for the Naps, was driv en from the mound in the sixth. ; Boehling won his ninth consecutive game for the Washington, Senators yesterday, Detroit's errors aiding him in lengthening his long string of wins. In a farciai game at Chicago, the New York Yankees slugged their way to a victory over the Chicago White Sox, their, second' consecutive win for the first time-of the season. Cree made a home run in the , sxith with the bases crowded, tallying four runs. The St. Louis Browns easily won from the Boston JRed. Sox by a 5 to 1 scored " " ; AV ? . ' ' ' ' ; ; . . ; . . 1 Athletics Come Back. Cleveland, July 11: -Philadelphia made ' it two out of three today, de: feating Cleveland 11 to 5. Bender bad Cleveland at his mercy until the seventh, when he eased up and allow ed four hits, which scored five runs. Kahler was driven from the box in the sixth. ; ' Cleveland , . . . : . 000 Q00 .140 5 8 3 Philadelphia . . .130 005 020 11 15 0 Kahler, Blanding and O'Neill; Bass Ier, Bender and Schang; time 2:00; umpires Connolly and McGreevey. Boehling's Ninth Straight. x Detroit, July. 11. Detroit's errors helped Pitcher Boehling to his ninth straight victory today, Washington winning the last game of the series 5 to 2.. Willett, who started pitching for Detroit, was ineffective and retir ed in 'favor of House. Washington ... .013 010 000 5 8 1 Detroit 010 010 000 2 6 4 Boehling and Henry;' Willett, House Lake and Stanage; time 1:5a; um pires O'Loughlin and Hildebrand:, J; ' "Farce at? Chicago. - ; . Chicago, -July 11. New York play ed a slugging': -game-today and defeat ed' Chicago ll to,L 'Buck Q'BTien, formet; Boston' twirler, made his debut in a Chicago 'uniform: &nd was driven from the ou'nd..wWith; White pitchv ing the game became a farce. Cree made a homer with -bases full. New York .003 :017 00011 17 0 Chicago .010 'GOO 000 1 5 4 Keating and JVS'mith; O'Brien, White; C..a Smith and' Schalk and Kuhn ti me 2 100 ; umpires Evans and Sheridan., "" . ' '. . '"Browns' 'Also" Won, -' " i. St. Louis, July It. St. Louis took a lead in the first inning that Boston could not overcome and - won 5 to L The visitors' lone tally in -the first rei suited . from singles . by ..'Speaker and Lewis and Hamilton's error. .St. Louis drove Bedient off the mound in the first. " ' , Boston '. .MOO- 000 ' 0001 7 I St Louis 400 000 lOx 5 10 2 Bedient, Leonard. Maloy. and Car rigan; Hamilton and Agnew; ' time 2 : 05 ; 4 umpires Dineen and Egan. CONGRESS CONDENSED. Washington, July 1L Senate: Met at 2 P. M. s . . Tariff bill formally reported., , Diplomatic nominations received; , 1 Lobby committee j continued taking testmony; :!- : -Adioi4idS-53 ;P.'M.J- to 2 P. fJf. I Monday, '-. r '.j . ' ' House: Not in session. Meets Sat urday. "AMATEUR' ATHLETICS: ? Te n tati ve. R e g u I ati ons f o r G ove r run en t v . t of International Contests. ; 5 New ork, July 1L Secretary Jas; B.i Sullivan, of the Amateur Athletic Union,1' today received the tentative regulations governing international amateur athletics to be discussed in Berlin August 21st' next, at a meet ing . of the proposed ' ' "International Amateur Athletic Federation." --..The communication is from J. S. Edstrom, of " Sweden, president of the provision al committee appointed at Stockholm July 17th, 1912. to standardize and controls the world's" amateur athletic events;- - - -; -' . The functions' of the international federation will be restricted ?to three activities, namely : - - - ,i- "To draw up and agree to rules and regulations for international competi- tions in athletics.' " , "To register world's Olympic and National records. i". 1 i - ' "TO' draw up a common amateur competitions.' - V definition fo International athletio competitions, , . , , THE FIELDING RECORDS Leaders in Double' Plays as Basis of Fielder's Speed - - . Fans are not in the habit of ruining their eyesight in studying the fielding records or, tne major league prayers, and. there are f few members of the Baseball writers' Association of Amer ica who cund up teature stones re garding the defensive work of the pas timers. Eddie Collins,; guardian for the White Elephants of the middle cushion, is .'acknowledged by , all- exf- perta ; to be the keystone king of the American League, but when any au thority sets out to prove that the! Co? lumbia graduate is the peer of his contemporaries he never rushes to the guide books for statistical information on the subject. ; " V -iif; : A good way to find out how swift s fielder is, some - persons .think, is to take ; the number of - double plays a man starts. Up to July 1st the Ameri can Leaguers had rid their systems of 380 dual killings, the man, who started most of them being Collins. He took the initiative in 16 of -his team's two-ply massacrees. t-.:'fyf- The Johnsonites' swiftest shortstop, according to ihe performances in the doable play league; is Rayi Chapman, of the Naps. He inaugurated a dozen plays that resulted in, the retirement of a pair of runners. In figuriAg Chap man's speed as an inaugurator of .dou ble plays, it should' be - remembered that he has been often absent from the Naps line-upecause. of 7 injuries and it is possible that had he played all season long, as has Collins, he would bow have started just as many two ply killings. The third basemen who have start ed the greatest number of double plays are Frank Baker, of the White Ele phants, and Irvin Olson, of the Naps. Each man has inaugurated six. George iStovall, of the ' Browns, shows the way to the'first-sackers, having been the pioneer in seven dual ' massacres. In the battery department there is a tie for the honors, Catchers Schalk, of the White Sox, and Agnew, of the Brown Hose, each, having started four. So have Pitchers Eddie Clcotte, of Chicago, and Walter Johnson, , of Washington. , Tris Speaker, of Boston, who won .the Chalmers American League tro phy in 1912, and Ty Cobbr f Detroit, who secured the car the two previous seasons, generally are considered the two smartest outfielders in the-junior league, but thus far this season neith er man has made nearly the number of double plays that Bert Shotten; of the Browns, has to his credits -Shotten has taken the initiative in eight two ply killings, which would indicate that he has been making just as many sen sational, catches . as the , high-priced fly-chasers, of the. Detroit and Boston clutos.' Bert started two double plays in the same-of June 10th, Duffy Lewis, leftfielder of the Red Sox; having earl ier in the -campaign done the same thing. : J . Gladstone Graney, ' 6f the Naps is 1 the . lone American League outfielder to pull-off , an, unassisted double - play, he having accomplished this feat on June 1st.- , The Browns just at present are -leading in manufacturing double ; plays', with the Washingtons-.a close . second and the 'world's": champion. Red Sox last. - ' - 1 - , -. Get your gold coupons. There will be 14 gold coins Of $10;and $5 denomi nations given away diiriftg Gaylord Platt Co.'s One Article Sale, "(ativertisemetot.) - ' . - -i Children's 50c hats, selling 14c each Gaylord-Platt Cb-'s One Article Sale! i .- (advertisement.)3.' EVERGLADE CAFE ? V: .Open" Day and' Night. t . "Look, for ;the- Name" At ' Street . ( , .Car, Junction. ' 4 ". I REGULAR MEALS: - Dfnnec' . . 1 i i 35 cents Supper hreakfa&t. . ,,V3, cents All sea .foodsf carried. ' All other things in. season. Largest and most inclty, . .r 8HEPARD BROTHERS, Phone : 13- Princess SL l' (In other words, Dramatic Order, Knighto of Khorrassan), w - , . yf ill meet inr Wiliningtoii.' in - August pf ovided 40 , candidates will ',. signify their willingness to becomes members by advising Past Chancellors J. W. Smith,. C. JB. Haskett br W P: Mc Glauehon and "couehine- nn" J!l 0 ' ' jyii-3t ..-. ; ' - ';,t:;v, 1 i m IL J- "ii ' r TJftiwiT -r. '.I... ......!!LL; " ml 1 The Beasley Disc is a farming tool every truck' grower and farmer m this' section should. own.- It is cheap and durable. - It can be attached to any. make of cultivator. . We, are Sales-Agents for agents in an becuon. ; .11 'juut uciii uicicuau.uuwo nuv handle, write us.y: WME:-: SPRINGER- & -COMPANY; I? U , . 1 r ,r.- - .7 r 1 ' .nn. 1 r " .r . i 1 f - - - " f- ' . ' ' 1 r ' ' -1 ' 1 ' 111 ' " " ' " '" THE INDEPEtJDEIIT OFFERS THE PUREST and the highest grade obtainable from any source; '. It is made from deep Well water, pure and cold. .This water is converted . into steam then condensed; after this It. Is reboiled twice . and, filtered through Charcoal - andv gravel-thus absolutely insuring pure ice." ; a Our Ifte. has, been passed upon; by the highest analyUcal chemists in the country and pronounced" absolutely pure.. ' Fiirthermore our ice is the most economical to. use of any; to -be had because it does, not waste 'In cutting and breaking. Our delivery service is, nqted, for its certainty .'and, celerity, always on time giving full weight o-younmqney refundedroule'. baCouQlspany --1b.?AI-pf eclated is -proven by the -fact th'at'v our- sales are 20 -per oent greater l ilt HjUtrtuU -U . - M- "MURA-L1KE" The only perfect FlatOU Pkirif f of Interior Use. , San itary aM:Durablerv:;v., ; v . SOLE MANUFACTURERS: Atlattf ic r Paint and VdrhisK Works Urge Stock Aft,. f.v-,;wv 7 ..S RubbeTSoofingrieTwfe an& Tbreely; L.i T. "If it's BuildingMateriali e "have it.' ... 1 East Carolina ami have sub- , , . v-.'-. ..-.i tT - . 4 -j.'ii -jji: ICE COMPANY til I llit liUiVifANY -1 j M