Ne- 1 TECB MORNING 'gTAJS, .WJP C., TIT A&DAY, AXJGrTTST: V , 1913 PAGE 2. k ! f : HI - ! $ j . . Hi"-'- M '1 1 1 id. - i - -3' ' r i. - ! 1., Li . i ! -iV . I . : s :N -.t. ; f , - . 1: - 'i - t "4 t 1 t n i I 1 : " " t - - ' . . - . ' ' " - - 5-j;" ..... . .... vj . j ? 'je-'' . f I 1 liisr world p sSjiS 'MM1 , P4SBP4f,l - YACHTING - fEW1? - gQL M6 Mf i SENATORS LQSET0 WHITE S0X lr, , . ..,s,ifi? Pi! -r - III . I. Score Five to Three , in Featureless Game Yesterday Tjr 'Cbbb Has Costly Muff for Tig ' : Naps Lose f Opening a series of four games on hp honii rounds 'with CIlallan's White Sox, th Nationals, in a fea tureless exhibition yesterday lost by a score of five to three.1 ': Joe' Engel, the former Mount St. Marys lad, open ed the game lf or the Senators," giving ud three runs in the first inning while the opposing btabman was Rus sell thft sensational left-hander of the White Sox. While Chicago gar- mered but fotir hls-td the enabrs ten'" thB1 Weak was Jthe other' wiay; sending homeward a bunch of sad faced Washingtonlans. The Yankees won- handily from De trdit vesterdar"1)r therore of' 6' to 4, after throwing away mxnf chances to score by-Doors-. base? running, the win having -been'" clinched in the sev- made a muff that let in four of five runs chalked up in that inning. Tha leaders met prer in Philadel phia for the. beginning of a series that resulted in 4the l)reakidg brthe luckv streak5 f the Naps-therthletlcs plac ing rings i all aonnd their;: opponents and . winning by -jrvpcore or.7 to J. This serteof to diminish. cQnsiderably the 'Nap stdck; havltcgIn foxrrlaying days the past week clinched three double-headers and -a ingle1 game without- resting defeat. - Through the seven-game String of Tic.tories, Cleve land1 made" a point1 lea toward the pennant ". v u " " -The BptonrStv Iuls game was ble-header f or todaj. . - . . Tr- Senators Drbp Another Washingtoai . AtignsK1 -1-CWcag9 defeated . Wasiiingtonere itpo to three. . r - .. r:; Chicago .. '.,..3d0 200 OdO--S 4 1 Washington -";-. OfcteMO 00-3 10 4 Russell, Cicotte and S chalk ; l Engel, Hughes -miAmsmitn? Tinie -2r25. UmniresAEtans isatf' "H&debratfd. s Costly 'Mdff1 Sy? Cobb New Yqt$? August5 -A -Nw York won from Jtroirtbday 6 rt&4. T 'New York thrgw. awajr iftany1 cfiahcesi to score by v pdbr tiase running, nt ' a muff by Cobb enabled them to win in the seventh when cthey : Scored, - five runs, four. . coming in. af te r Cobb's duff. 'v.'-v r. ' V- rt -t -F.'-Ar- Detroit. ''I ...002 000 002 4 15 ;3: New York y . :000 001 S0- 14 Of Willett,' Pubuc and MdKee, Stanage; Fisher and Sweeney1. ' Time 2 :40. Um pires, 'pL6trgMin and Sheridatu ' Naos break . PhiladelpAQgnSifGlevelands winning trab! wsrokM4ierfr to4tcaaS dayr Phiiadpiptiia.utpiayg tne-nsr-j tors. Hi alr-barttWWnfah and wiAsimrl 7-tn 1- ' Vr5 -f -n Cleveland rQlO OOO 006-1 2 2Y 'jaiB3enDeTg, 'janier, jjasnner ana Carisxi hy Kruegert-Shawkeyand' Lapp. Time 'ZO." XJr9rr'e3,: Cohnollyt-and Ferguson.- - , HERSEBTslONES1' NUPTIALS. CharntingWfedding Splemnlzed ai'k u 'nansVtlfeJ paptiit Churth. 1 '' (Si?etial t-OTfesdndehce:) ' Kehahsyille;' N.': C rAiigr : 5. Very beautiful - in Its" pharming- sfniplfcity was the wedding 1 tof Miss Myrtle' G. Jopes4, Kehahsville. and Mr. W. G, TT 1 - V. . ... . t . . t mi : t neroen, oi iNeweerry, o. u., inursaay afternoon, JkH 24th it 7:306clock, at the Baptist church - " J: ReV. WLt. Oliyer iof Mount Olive, per formed the ceremony? in the' beautiful ly decorated, church, the eoior "schemp of - the defcorations being5 whfte and green? candles adding a soft glow" to the scehe.?-"' 'Just'hef ore thercerehioriy Miss Fannie' Gray -Farrlei" sang the last- stanza of i'Lov's 'Old? ' 'Sweet Song' followed .'hy Surrender,'? with Miss ' Susi6'?6ulJi6riaiid at ' tfie tfir- gan". The bridal party entered JiO-1 nengrnos- weoamg'Marcn.- The nsn ers were MessTs:- Ckrr and -Heath, mho icameftt-i followed? by Misses Bess Herbert of Newberry and' "Lila Grier 'of xTdorTisvllte; SjC rMeSsrs. Fit : HnghValjace and Leroy- Jones, of Kenahsvffle, -'Misses .Lilrle Carter, of Wallaee and sBettle Sdutherland, of KenansvilleV Meskrs. Wt PW5alkr, of Tinlmot8vlre'.vl5.,, and William Joh s,-of .Kenansville.-TollowingvtheBe came the dame of honorvMrs.i William Buck, r-of iRowland, tNi CL, and then came the maid of honor, "Miss Celeste Ilughson, of Sumter,- S. C. t Immediately; preceding . the bride came; the Tihg bearer.tJittle'Margaret Jones. The hride enteYed 'upon. 'the arm of hfer father, Mr. 'had Jones. She was daintily gowned in white and carried bride roses; She was met at the altar -by . the grdotn' and his .-best man, Mr. W. W. Herbert. After the impressive ceremony, the bridal party left the.tjhurch tQ the. strains of Men delssohn's "Shedding March. ? . Aireception was heldi:at the spa clons honje,of the bride's parents, Mr. and "Mw.-, Herbert lft iearly . - in the :-Als. Herbert" is the accomplished daughter of ?Mf. and MrsiThad Jones. The Mmmpnsvill. High School, S.iCI, has been fortunate 'Irt: having her for two yeare in charge ptJlie music Se partmetot v Mr. Herbert has been in the teaching ptfot ession for, several jrearB. aau assupennrenaea .tne. Tim muuoiiuo omwi ivnui luaxnea success for.the:iasttee yeiars.t. '4Am6ngt.tnef 6re-nlhrlal fivpnfi ,wk a aniscHaheous Shower for; the bride by:. MisssieTaid - Bettie Souther land. 5iopvof.Mrg. JhbA,'4Ga vinj: Sr:'was beautifully dfecoraterf In yellow. dfl4iS fhd myrtle. ".Vocal anfi instrumpn&f SDjds; weiiev . enjoyfed ' and an appropriate reading frdm ."Hiawa thai' : -Thte bride-to-be, pfettily gowried, in -7 yellow -crepe' de" chine, 'was then led to a throne , whose decorati6hs carried oufT.Ihef vcoior scheme.- - Dur ing the" reading"kr the "Airship Hohey moon," sh was jmysteriously shower ed with itHimetous ifts faf the -waving ot her wantfifsBghtfui refreshments werehservd.' -?t.J 'r- 't. -'Monteorice.'- : "- Burtlail-fsiittlSlna,,- tonidrrbw.! Mhs1c;,;-dahcirig; -sauar6 dances. -sirrf bathing; irtilH water- hathihg, fishingJ Spend r. the day;'at pnina.. Tables prptidea wtaptixuL? for ipicnlc? : par ties;5 Su'?-;if -'5 (advertisement) -: -:. - L? ;: 1 - WHm ington . pol Ice Excursion. at Euaiinattomorrbw.'' Don't . miss it (advertisement.) " - CRACKERS During the years that they have been ' "on the market, millions - of packages ' have been consumed an3 the output is daily, increasing. National Biscuit Company praham Crackers are" a revelation in mess. . . They, are not only nourishing, but! delicious. Try them. Always in the protectiing package that -keeps in their unique goodness. Always look for, the In-er-seal Trade Mark. 10c STANDING OF. THE TEAMS - AMERICAN LE AGU E Won. .'GO .. . 56 . 53 . 46 43 3 ; .41 . 32 Lost. SO' r 39 43 51 51 r 63 P.C. ;en- .61S .5Mi .510 .474 J,4(R .:flr .337 Philadelphia Cleveland . . Washington Chicago .v .. Boston . Detroit . . . St. Louis . . New lork . RESULTS At Philadelphia 7; Cleveland 1. At Washington' 3; Chicago 5. At New York 6; Detroit 4. "'At Boston-St. Louis, rain.. .( Two gainei "today.) if V .WHERE THEY lcagot;Wasfilgtdn. . , lii i T-PUIS at Boston. I .. :Oetrbit-at New. York. ' Clevelahd'at Philadelphia Virginia -League. - , At Norfolk Sj-Rbanoke.l.' At Newport News 5; Petersburg 4; (star innings, darkness.) At Portsmouth 2;Richmond 2; (9 innings, darkness.) - ' l! American Association. At Tofedtf 5; Columbus 4: -At Louisville 7; 'Indianapolis 5. At Mhmeapolis'l; Milwaukee 0. Ctarj three games 'scheduled. ' South Atlantic Leaque. At Savannah 3 ; CoiumiHis 1. Albany Charleston 2. Macon 2; Jacksonville 1. International League. At Buffalo 1; Baltimore 3. At MontresCl 7; Providence 6. At Toronto' i; Jersey-City 2. 2nd: Toronto 2;-Jersey City Southern League. At Chattanooga "2; Atlanta 5. At Nashville 5?; Birmingham 6. v -Appalachian League At Johnson 'City 3; Knoxville 1.'. At Morriston T 14 ; ' Middlesboro 4. At Rome ?S; Bristol- Sy ' " London. Aug;. 4. Bombardier Wells. the- English ? heaWweieht fighter knocked out Pat O'Keefe welterweight cnampion or Ireland m the 15th round of a bout held in the Black' Friars dis trict - ! . ' i ..1, t i -. - :l: REPORT TQ GOV"; CRAIG. ' Cprporatipri Commission Submit 1 katTmeW - 'tin at ? " Raleigh. dCAttk. i.tfhi Corpo ration Commission .will nrnkft its- re- fcort tomorrow to Governor" Craig on the; result 'of "the rale conference te- ceniiy neia .: at-; uw r. foint a v ijpmrort with the traffic managers of ' the-sev-era railroads.-'. It is believed that the tnattpr'niay be settled -tip without ac tion' ' by - the ;'Liefeislatiare:. which: J has been called- to-naeet;invSentember. r A, cnarter has -been - issued to the National- Mica Comoanyi. -of : Macon coimty. with $100,000 authorized 'capi tal '.-and $6M90 subscribed by Edwin a. snepnera; of Michigan, and r. b. Beabow and H. Q. Robertson; : of franklin county. , :- FINAL ACTION? PREVENTED. ; Democrats Fail o-Attend Conference ! Arr.l&t roti ' Currency B11L 5 . v ., ' 'Wa'shint6n. Au'e:r- :f. -Failure1 'of Democratic - '-members 6f-the' House Banking and 'Currency -' cfothmttted to Attfehd a coMerehce tealledr-' fof ' today prevented ahy actfoin!'6h:'hefadmiiiis-' enceVas called fdi. tomorrow' affer- noon Hvhen'if is fexpected the Demb-1 V-X O.XO TV It I. l(UtO XJkX LUC UICODIUV AO VsSXJLL- pleted at last'- Frtday tonference. Several- sof Hbe Democrats 'wilt' rote again a favbrabfe 'report oh1 the bill. Etf elthn? 'tai i AhY 4iEdward ;0. Criwifdrd, "'a .millionaire- oH operatbr ; nere, was . instantly . kuiea ana Mrs. Crawford and three ? women friends were 1 Injure'd "today -when " their 'autb mobile went , bveri a "30-foot embank ment ',t' 'yj-T Follow the Crowds. Wilmington police . exoursion at Jiumina tomorrow, (advertisement) - . ; ' - " - " ' -'.T v x NATIONAL LEAGUE;lI.L.i..I..i..I; Won. "m . 58 . 52 . 49 .43 . 41 .30 .40 ,- P.C. .7di .624 .520 .510 .402 New York, . Philadelphia Chicago.. . Pittsbnrg . Brooklyn . .. Bostons-", i. . St-.-Iionls'.'". Cincinnati . 20 33 48 47 5 55 (Ml .62. .427 am YESTERPAY - H : At Pittsburgh 1; New York 2. At Chicago' 1; Brobklyn 7. At Cincinnati 14; Boston 4. - Af St. Lbuis 3; Philadelphia Sunday Games At Chicago 12? Brtoklyn '5: 'At Cihcinrfatl S; Boston 5. At Philadelphia 5; St. Louis 3. 6. PLAY TODAY ; $imA?Zw-h:i New York-at Pittsburgh. PARPlINALEApyE .- ""-"' : V; Reaulta Vesterday Ai Charjotte 0; Greensboro 6. At Raleigh 4; Durham" 2. , At Winston 9; Asheville 4. - Clob: -Winston . . . Durham . Asheville . Ilaleigh . . fireensboro Charlotte . Won.: Lost. P.C. . 52 37.' -5S4 48 41 .."W8 .40 42, ..r-'3 .47 41 .534 . 87 52 .416 .34 53 .301 I. W. W. IN CALIFORNIA Soldiers and. Strikers Clash in the Hop ..,'; - : Fields f; ; Sacramento, Cat., ' August 4. Five companiesvof the California Natibnal Guard today- are policing the hop fields of Wheatland, in Yuba; county, where four met death and eight were badly wounded yesterday; in a ciasn between striking hop - pickers- end a sheriff's posse..-"-;, - ' - ? -The strike led by Industrial Work ers of the .World organizers; still are in an ugly mood, but Adjutant Gen eral ;.-E . cA'. Forbes expressed the; be lief that if he ;could prevent a meeting of the striliers and some of the bands of armed pitizens who last night were intent Uponsvengeance - there; was not likely to be further demonstration: : The news of the death of District Attorney B. TvManwell and De-Duty Sheriff E.; Reardonr and the wounding oivSheriff George Voss ahd others of nis, posse spread rapidly through tne f atming country ldst night an4vot- unxeer posses nurriea rrom every com mnriity tor take'ft -handt - - - - ' ' The ntilitiat idid not reach the scene until nearly daybreak and in the meanj tim& several hundred armed civilians had poured in from , every direction. Y E N EZ UE LA N : rfOSTfLITIES Army. B?lng ijacbuized . at jMaracay for '. Caracas, August 4 Ah arm v of W- H erans and some thousands of recruits is "Being mobilized -at-the tdwrf of Ma racay; 50 miles southwest of the Vene zuelan capital: These- torces afef' ex pected to attack Coro itt the State of Falcand drive-out ClprianotCatrO; They -will procee'd there ' in two"1 divl sidns by :lahd"and 'sea ! - v- v ! Aaothetarhiy;; is being assembled -at Barquisittrete, 'capital ol the State of Lara 165 .miles "southwest of Caracas". This force -will endeavbr to cut off Cas tr&B "escape into : the interior. fJ? ' "Although business here has "come to ;a- fetandstill and sto-fck values have gorte ohj the' people express bofcfK flence that' the irtWTfir,ait ATI! WoMn tqsupprees the rebellion "m . ciixuiut saneo ior ; v-enezueia 'co day aboard the"trnited States cruiser yes Momes to Hake charge ' of tfiej f1 legation at Caracas' tinder instructions from' the Stat-'Department -'The pes 'Mdihes will stop- :at if?54anxasmo en route ' to LaGuaria, her . destination,; . and -will .remain : in Venezuelan -waters) to protect' 'Ameri 1 can interests. -.-'i-' :-.?v-Jro?X ?V v Wilmington Police. V: ; w CUrsioh ; aX : Lnmitta ---. tomorrow. w't,dani,n; square dances, surf Jig'T.stlli water bathlhgfislilng. 55 Jh?. at . Tables tiL " ttt Jumma tor picnic iti&r- Us DEfjWHEE'S GREAT -PIPJIiG i' ...... Enabled " Giants to . Continue :. Their Runaway in National Circuit7; : ers Beat cuds. "a it- Si'- n, XT. Alter, Viree .games m the National League circuit Sunday ' in which the Cubs .won from the Dodgers 12 to 5, the Reds Tfoiii' the Braves 8 to 5, and the Philliea from th Cardinals 5 to 3, the Giants continued their runaway for the pennant yesterday through Demafee s great pitching, , winning from the Pirates two to ohe, While the D1d T- n -Trim J 1U T-vl -1va-v.3 ..tvl Reds ." hammered the hall hard and took a one-sided affair from Boston 13 to 4. Brooklyn defeated Chicago 7 to 1 and the Phillies added to their pennant aspirations by defeating St -UJUIS 5 to 3. Demaree the Boy Pittsburgh; August 4 . Demaree's great pitching, won for New York ffom Pittsburgn this afternoon 2 to 1. New York . . . 000 ;001 1002 7 0 Pittsburgh . . .000 1000 010 1 3 1 Dematee,i:Marq'uard' and Meyers, wuson; Cammtz. McQuillan and Si mon, Gibsonv ! Time v 1:47. r Umpires, U Day and Emslie. i Dodgers Defeat Cubs Chicasro. Ausru&t 1 4 . Brooklyn de feated Chicago 7 to 1 today by hunch ing hits oftt Moore and Pierce. . LBrooklyn ;..102 000 310-7 12 2 riKIAA in-t AAA AAA 1 A -, uiuagu . . . . ;uui vuw vuu x Allen andMiller; Moore, Pierce and Bresiiahan, Needham.' Time 1:59. Umpires,-' Jsrennan and Eason: Reds Hammered Ball Hard ; Cincinnati. August ,!. Cincinnati hammered the ball to all corners of the'ldt and won a one-sided' game from Boston today 13 to 4. , Boston V ....120 000 uOl 4 7 1 Cincinnati . . .040 202 23x 13 19 T Rudolph, Noyes and Rariden: 'Anws, Johnson and: Kline. Time 2 plres, Rigler - and ByrOn ' Becker's Home Run oi- t .j ...t- a tUi uuuis, aususi t. xca Dcinci o home run for Philadelphia in the sev- ehth ihning started the locals to - de- teat today, the final score being 3 '?' . " , : " at. inis . . . -.021 000 0002 7 0 yJ I Phllnriolrvhia nnft 000 409. H-lfl r? Doak, Harmon and ,WmgO; i Mayer .'tiUiUty.-.ra- 'TTw;idi' v ZV&u yJ11' JtrT: -7Y- -.-7.4 r.r - 4- WITH THE MOVIES t Inlei ri t-i ?ni c i rpnm ct n nppc t n o nnn. --o- - t- ular Bijou made a glorious maugura t09.E;4t weeO(eailer9a. Tbe hill'wft? aTnimmer. hVrfeVinted?ii. the.-? .Bjjou stpsual faultless mannerj -A,. , y l , .I,. - - - 1 tfaev.Bnou snftna.1 fiHiiT.Iesa manncrJ and large audiences vwere; on hand . to enjoy it. Besides the great show the audiences also enjoyed -the great com fpr of the spot .arfd this is one 'of itft, sweiiest ieati:esr;;The air Is ai ways' cool and thefnl-ilati oh :l is per fect," thus- insurrtghealth and assur ing, solid comfort; . " Today's bill ' is heded,5by a film' nat' will grasp the hearf'"with iron hand, bht yet will, in 'every thrilling scene, cause" some beautiful thought and will" preach a wholesome : lesson. It is the: story of a midnight burglary on Christmas Eve and it is entitled "In God We Trust." "Love is another T strong' dramatic. being Pathe's tale ot the" love of an old man and a young soldier: Fun will also play a tremendous part in today's offering and the films of this type will be led1 by "A Ten Acre Gold Brick", which' is a lauehable'stoty of how land sharks try to swindle a countryman. and "are bamboozled themselves. An other great laugh -photoplay on today is; "Lucky Cohen," telling-, of the ad ventures: of. -a. peddler in the rural district: - x.- h'- The Grand's Offerino. Ifnur fefs- .Tnitri-poo .-will - f tiTra tVio Grand's svvien? biUi-tbtlay, and there will .be plenty of new music and the usual solid Comfort" of this favorite amusement Spot. Leading the great photoplay bill will be a filni of. great power, "The Trail of Cards" depict ing, in vivid and thrilling way, the cnase a revenue omcer - nas after a band of smueelers.v Melie's ! 'Honor mw. 1 is . j T 11 : 1 1 iJ jt xujr iuuuief., is anotueF'iiii liniig ura-matio-, f or-!h!ife? thetitairaph's '.'The Wirong Pair", is a roaring farce com edy. ' It tells of ( a chase, an irascible owl man nas waiter iniaraaugnter, wno has eloped; A great educational; or travel ' nim is also a feature today in The Grand Canyon.' It ; is not only instructive,- but -highly, entertaining. ThesceneTy is beautiful and "willbe appreciated' by all CONVICTED FOR 1300KMAKING. New1 York Woman May1 Serve Sen-1 - tence for the' Offense. J- New York. Aiie. i Wright, : 33 -years old, today was con- yicxea'ior f"makIng a book"-' on horse faces. She was "placed punder- proba- j uon . witn a warninTer- rrom tn ' court that ft" retetitfoB of- thteoffense woulii result irAamtefiayMentence.- This is' said to be thd first instance of. ;a W6mah. beingconvicte(Lfor bQOi-mak- ng jn- NewjYbr& CltyC-- -'. ! ; ' lit OleaflTh . froi -T.ifnov 1 .Mlaa earfully declared that she hersett was a '.Victim Of hnnlrmakArs ..TCAni-lv nil pi; ner wages-for the, past, she said, naonyeemipst in bettpg -yW. P races. 24- t, ii-twv:y'svii,'rj.,V''-'-' -Police excursion : at- Lnrmina tomor- E?Wvf AusiQ,' dancinMtquare dances. imornjijgffeQd-afterno6jiJr Moving-tiier a uiariajae) ai-tnigni. t -f . ssiTaavertisemiint. EVERGtAfiE CAFE -vS ' Ooen TlaCr and Ninht . i'UokfthJNamNeaff Street IU REGULAR MEALS: ' 107-'ir: 35 cents .BiL;.)tteaJaM;vi-25KiSt sea foods carried. AH -other things'in season. ;LaTgest ahanost ttp4ate cafe lnfcifyr -.'-.x.r - MSARC! El5QTHERSt;; -. .-; -. .. "ProDrietors. ', v,..-"' -'-. . Phone 1SS 13 Princess St. J XBUSTKES SAIJB. -" tender and by virtue of x the power con f erred upon me In a deed of trust execut ed on the 13th day Sf June. 1911. by W. Sfmpkins and wife and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds - for New Hanover County in Book of Mortgages; 64. page 427, and at the request of the holder or tne note aescnoea in saia aeea:or trust, l will, on Wednesday, the 2Uth day or An gust,' 1913, at 12 o'clock, M at the Court House door at Wilmingtdn, North Carolina, sen ror cash to the nignest Diaaer tne roi lowing described land: : - r - , First tract. Rctrinnine at the South east corner of a tract of land now in the possession of Mrs. Mills, on the North edge of the old Newbern. road, and runs thence Eastwardly with the Northern 'edge of the said old .Newbern road about zua reet to the Southwestern- corner of a tract of land now or - lately m tne possession pi wrg. Oldenbutt.Ie. . and- thence, with said r Olden buttle's Western, line North 3 deg. E. 2,090 reet to a ' staue ; juence . bouiu sa ueg. ? yy, aboufc 209 feet ta MUls' : line ; thence with miiis' line soutn a aeg. Wi to tne oegia nin g, containing 10 acres, . 2nd. "tract. Beginning in the dividing line, between Oldenbnttle's tract and the tract of D. N. Chadwick,"- the same being i tract oi u. iM. jnaa wick,-tue avuiv ueiuj I tBe western line f a-tract of land convey f:tieT ?4lly-''H-- B;01lenbSttI5'- 'IS1 Steven W. Noble and wife, by deed dated the 27th of October, 1891, and registered the office of the Register of Deeds New - Hanover County;.- in '- Book-- 8."-age 422 et seq.. . and i corrected .by deed dated tne ard day or May, i&b, ana recoraea in Book 13. at pages 344-et seq., of . the re cords of the Register of Deeds of ' New Hanover County, at a point where said dl viding line is. intersected by the Northern line of the right of way of the connecting 111 1 1 u A. 1 ITTII! O XT 1 . line between the Wilmington . & Newbern Railroad, and the Wilminjrton & Weldon Railroad, and the said points beine 6O0 feef-Northwardly fron' the ? old -Newbern dirt road, and runs' thence .Northwardly with said dividing line about 1,500 feet - to the Northern line ef the said tract; thence Eastwardly with the said Northern line 209 feet to the Eastern line of said tract thence Southwardly with the said Eastern line to tne nent or way or saia raiiroaa : thence Westwardly with said railroad to tne beginning, tne same being an mat pU"t or a tract of land conveyed to tne spud Lilly M. it. Oldenbuttle by Steven W. o ble and wife as aforesaid, which is now lying North of the said connecting line of railroads, botn or wnicn said deeds, ror more certainty of description, are j made part hereof. . . - - r.. . . . 3rd tract. Beginning at W. ' H Mills' Northwest corner of the Hardwick tract. 20O feet Westwardly frofn the- pine stomp marking tne old Hardwick line, ana rnns thence Northwardly 4 deg. 30 mln. East 746 marking the Hardwick line, and runs feet to a stone marked D.JN. C. ;'thenee South 88 dee. E. 1.034 84-100 feet to a ston marked D. N. C; thence S. 4 deg. 30 min west 886 feet to a stone marked u. JS.'C" Wentzenstein's corner: thence , North 8 deg. 30 miri. W. with Wentzenstein's ba?k line, and the hack line of D. N. Uhadw-Wk 62613-100 feet to a stone In W. H. Mills1 back- line: thence. North 4 des. 30 min East 146 feet to Mills Northeast corner, and thence North '85 deg. SO-'nun. West 408 71-100 feet to; the beginning, contain ine 20 acres, more or less. 4tn tract. Beerinninir -at a ditcn nanK at W. H. Mills' and D. N. Chadwick's' cor ner "or his 20-acre tract, a stone marited D. N. C: thence North 40 deg.-West' 5 chains and 37 links to a stake" Bear a: water S!". "2F Sar"f" . 1 to -a Biase on a cart roaq ; tnence aorta 176 dee. West 11 chains and 96 links to I stake near a' cedar- tree on the East side of a neighborhood road: thence along. the uasi eage- or saia roaa iNorca xw aeg. mast edge- or said road rsortn iw aeg, 45 i min. East 30 chains and 82; links to t cy Dress knee on the bank of .the South: sidi of - Smith's Creek ; thence up the ; varions P0r8eaJ1? Bfd creek "lrf? cypBa tree -a little above a woodland thence dne I enm fr: thence due South 32 chBihfrand w, "nK!lT t( , a etKe ln W JS- wick's Northern line of his 20-acre trac thence wifb said line North 88Meg. West chains and 68 links to a' stone marked : D N. C, a corner of the said. P. N. Chad wick's 20-acre tract : thence wlth aid Chad wick's line of said tract Sooth 4- deg. west 11 chains ana i nnKs. to tne oegtu M 2 r- in - 1 - All of said land hereinbefore described being the same conveyed to w. A. ' bim- 1 iieeus or new muuvcr m duvi rr. . t . T. AO TO Jnre.. a. SimpKins and wife to ;P 1 off; and discharge the indebtedness ,'desefi Said sale la maa e in saia deeft or trust. tto-i.tiuk . .1 Tial5tH day of .ily, 1913; ' 1 Trustee, 1. iui ,a., . n ... Drt. Ni'M. CtiLBRETHfeSvl-l: ALL AGES COME HERE for first-class Dental Work because our reputation has put us in the front rank. - we are practical Dentists with thoroughly up-to-date f methods' 1 We practice every branch of the. business and xcel in-' all--of 'them.' Grown and Bridge Work, and Filling are special ties witn us,- as is aiso painiess -ex- traction.! ?ur.thargeS are ?positivy low. r ?Zt '' t-i-fr,' 't? t. f?fM" Crpwn and Bridge Work "a" specialty. ORS. CULPBETH &, CULBRETH Front and Princess Streets. :,V Before startintr on your vacation let :-us supply ydu -Ith'yoUf i toilet articles'. - ; Everything nelrahxt np dateil With everv ;twentv-flvor eent package of Williams' DentaMJrean; we give a nickle-plated tdoth brush holder 'free.'-' v' 3 ' ? " "' ' r; Vote for the Pony Contest giv- - ' - ..- . - - -.' v T7 en : with every purchase. --- - " ' ' Special attention given bur Pre': scription DepartmenL .. :,; ; : ' Telephone 248 ? Garrell' building. "Second and ? Princess ree$s.r 1913 Road Map sfinv'-Sv. '. r i v..-. r - . - fir1 1 ATLANTIC ArtUmlm iri IKpMtMM f Trahaa t . r;-- - ' -u;.-;. - Time Xot DBPABTUltfla; ; TO ANft FROM gHi?lLr- L"-.." - ' -";;' GFoldsboro. Bichmond, Norfolk and C&itorn North , Carolina points; Connects at Mo. N. Goldsboro wit Southern Railway and H:tL I t-MXM. Norfolk Southern Railroad. No. II a 1:1 aS .1 lTt-. leaves Norfolk 13:20 P. ML and Richmond 14;10,P. - Chadbonrn. Conway, Florence, Charleston, '" .. .Savannah, U Jacksonville, .Tampa, FL Ho. fl, ' Myers,' tJoldnibla: and AshevUle. Pullman II. M, Sleeping jar Between Wllmlnrton and T: ". ;! AJ. ' Colambla, open to receive 'paafrenffers at l:lr)A.J. WiUntnrton at and after 10:t P. and may be occupied until 7:0t A. K. '' Mo. 4, Jackaonrlnaj Mewbera and Intermediate No. a, . IldMAJi. ,. SUtions. itdiPJt. - - . Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk aid WA. Mo. 4$, v - Ington. . PftUmaa ' parlor Care etwean M. , .. ,9- WUmmrtott 'and Norfolk, eoaneetbia' at :0 AM. Bck Mount wiU New York Trala wltk a P.M. - ' .Pullman Service. ... :- -.-.t.: . . ,....,,! f ...... i i 1 . I . No.RS, Solid train between WSlminrtoa aad Mi No.Bi, . , 8:46 A.M. Airy, via Fayette vllle and Saafordi l:tp.M - - kteV?-' -' - '''" ' - Cha1)o'urn, C6nway,' Florence, Charleston. . , : Ifo.H, , tSavaonalw AU -Flortda Ppinia, Columbia,, ' Asheville and the West Pullman Sleep. ' " IdlP.M. '5 tea" Oar between-Wilmington and Co- 1:40 P.M. ? - ri- . huabla. " fli.vrir . ... .-. ... " No. 82, Jackapovnie, Newborn and Intermediate, No. 69, FayetteVille. Sanfori and Intermediate No. 60, l:30P.M. fitati0tt;7, " 110:18 A.M. ' - -r- '-'.- r Wy ?" : : --; Qoldaboro Richmond. Norfolk. 'Waahih ton i-ana He - Jerk. Pdlfman' Broiler, Mo. 41. Buffet "Sleepinr Car between Wllmlncv Mo. 41, k-i)tM. ton id,- Washington, connecting with lt:MAl, : Ntv Y?rk trains, with PnllmaT Sleeping . Car -otween Wllmlagton and Norfolk. - tNo. 57, ..- Chadbdrn, i. Conway : and Iatermedlate No. 68, LJOP.M.. StatlonB. ; ' '' 'i 18:16 A.M. 3- : ..- .. ktL" -iJ i o j; . r., t- In of Dally Tor folders, rerorrationg, SAtei of -r Paensr Traalo Manager. Qntekest lin'Best Lint WMt i4 Nwlk Block System. Bock Ballast. 85-IK KeU Lv. Norfolk, 8:30 a.m. :06 p.m Lv. Peterahnrg Lv. Durham' . 11 KX) ajn. 10:40 l.m Jjf. Tjynehbnrg Ar, Cincinnati ; . Ar. Colnmbns . Ar. Ghica Ko . :40 p.txL 2; 0S25 D.m i :au a.m 0 :45 a.m ,:t5 p.itf 5X) p.m. 1 :90 a.m Ar. St. IionlB. 0 :aa p.m-i :su m Close connection made foe Seattle.' Francisco and all Western points. . Pniinma sleeping and parlor cars. n. ana W. - Cafe dining cars. Equipment- an3 gen vice standard ot excellence. Bine Rldjgf and Allegheny mountain-'crossed at mod picturesque parts. - ' J- . -"' Time tables, aescnptire literature an Information free.' Correspondence invited w. B. BEVIDIi. Pass. rraf. Mgr. .TiT;tf.:J . X'.., S'-Jt.: J ; l-. HcMtefast Qf Vital Interest The above hrelraKnn .13P fromTlife shows an ordinary piece enameled ware being struck -with a piece ol Onyx Ware. lower ulostration shows tneresult The ordinary oiece is dented and disfigured, thi enamel coat ins: cracked. . shattered and tlu steel base exposed' WhicR will -Quickly rast anc become unfit for usej The, piece o Onyx Warj ts pqeitRve-nnnarxnea. -y f; -en . ? -;S ' --iii'' . i e mU - ' -'i t. A?V. t il' Aso. r rx axe nq :naiice3ir'.xemnq or your oeaer?- . It will satisfy Ton sa san as ware. With rrrdl narr nsase it IB Bverlasttnit. Heat will not affect it n Onyx .vessel may boil dry on.a BOK Same and Uif lied with cold water without feing damaged.' ONYX VABB lS:mad' Witn' HEAVY STfTEL BASE perfectly cob tod nrhth-tougli vitreous namel and Cret in onr improved furnaces at 800O Fahrenheit: We oat two base coats and separate- firirtga with a third oj aeoorative white specuea coating on Drown. ONYX WARB wlth Jts beanttfnl. pmooth. Onrz hard Biirfaoe i? sanitary, easily, kept elean.;ad doafl dent and corrode like tin. steel, aluminum or jptfeey inetal wares. It outlasts all other enamel wares. - labeU-ONYXtWAKK IB made in styles and size for every, kitchen requirement. . ; i- v. .ixvoK ior vfx. x a. icaaemarK on Be sure and oome in today and ee our full line. . . . -,i :12 SFroatt St. Get Your Votes for the Pony contest. 3SSfeoS3 4-Ti rf"'!f 1 ".ijt-r BURET! HSTEPHEfJS '-'- :' OMtfK ':.-.... ? -a -5; COAST LINE Wllmlnrtom. XffaoUr HUI. Guaranteed. . int, fares, etc caU 'phone 160. General Pa Ag4. IS T i TP THE. BEACH! SUBURBAN SCHEDULE Off ttjrFBCTC MAT L 1U1. WEEKDAYS. Leave Wilmington: " . Leave Back: :3aA.M. and ewry naif bemf thtvaffi nnHl ': C :05 A.M. thereafter until 7:10 A.M. 7 :45 A.M. half hoar 10 :00 P.M. , -UiflOP.M. and 12:00P.M. -! .' 6:15 P.M. thereafter uutil f 11:45 P.M. Express Trains 'vtop only at Wriglitsvilli i . and at Stfttlofis on the Beach. FBEIOHT. Leave Wllmlngtoa: .-9:30A.M. f : S:BP.M. " " 7:0ffP.M. Leave Betfii 7:15 AJtf. 12:15 P.M. .0:15 dM. 8:15 P.M. Freight' Depot open dally except Sunday, rrom 80 A. M. until 1:00 P. M., to. from 2.00 P.'-M.- until 7. -00 P. M. FREIGHT DEPOT TEllEFHONE! NO. N, NOTSl Unpacked: Ice will be handled oil; s :' ' On the '6:00 'A. M.rtrlD. : SUNDAYS, Leave Wilmington : Lave Betck; Ta5A.M. 7:45 A.M. T :00 A.M..' 8:S0A,M. and every aalf homt thereafter an til 9 :15 A.M 10:00P.M. . .. aai every half kour '' ,;.-".-'; r A 5 thereafter nntll 110P.M: '' ' i-- U:45P.M. 12:00 P.M. Express Trains atop only at WrlgbtsrUIi ana at (stations on tne ueacu. FEKIQHT. 11:00 AM. 110IPJL Frelfht Depot open from 10:00 A. M. to '-lfiOO A. M. ' FBKIQHT DEPOT TELEPHONES NO. K TELBPHONH 667 for Information about train movements and matters cooocctN with the Balrwaj Department. , .1' .. iir.i .i i' imi . - . i CLYDE LINE NEW1 YORK GEORGETOWN, S. C NEW TOBK TO .WIUMtlNGTOK. Steamer 'Cherokee."' FrU July 11. Steamer, "Navahoe,v. Fri, July 18. 1913- !WIMINOTQJf TO NEW YORK. Steamer VNavahoe.'? Sat, July 12, 1!JS Steamer "Cherokee," Sat, July W. I-15- ' . WmffltNGTON TO GEORGETOWN. Steamer ?'Cher6kee." Mon, July 14, MJJ Steamer "Navahoe,"; Mon, July zi, rlVei Both Ships Carry Passenk-ers. Thronah bills of ' ladln and U threva-h xffates 'aruaranteed to and frm polats la North and South Carolina. 'CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO. ;G J. BECKER. Agent, WilminKton, 'm O. BMALLBON:S, , '3. ' Commercial Agent, Ji. Wilmington, N. y. eeneral Offices; Pier 36. N. It.. New STEAMER' WILMINGTON A. SCHEDULE. . i--. - - . . for irollna Leaves Dafly (except Sunaayj i"f V.'agffell, TT.J aAMv..w: an1 1 Oft v- at-8 A. M. . ,,icrfoti ' tort 'Casweri for Wllmlngt'jn M Leaves aouthport, i- J Heaci, Leave 12:00 Leaves Wilmington tor c.u- 0D re. Pier atv2:45 P. M, and leaves a w o a u- hi . ann iea cij ' tnro. Jat onw p. m. ! Sunday scheiv"v Bef? Wilminrtonfor Carolina p Leaves Pleret 9:00 A. m, t n NOTICE i - i. MAsnl wrtll he D9ld "or. rauon wno sew ui-w-. --j - coUni7 my:larl8 In- tilfl or any 0TtheAncRB. a2(F 'N. 'Water Street. - Korth Carolina. ---rr J i i 1 LEITHEB 'ARCHITECT ljeavea eomnpon, m ..PS raron A. M. and 4:45 P. M. .e, ... M. eachier. at 12:45, 'x, ?72? Garrell Building Xadvertlseineiii) 1 ... ( . 7 ''-.HP'. 'V!;;--

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