a-V.- S ' THI3TAIOIIKIN& STA1J, WILMmGTOiN, 3T. O, PRIEAY, OCTOBER 3. MW3 PAGE 3 THE STATE CAPITAL NEWS v - Covernor - Issues Pardon 1 for.: BoyAt torney General's Salary Other Notes of - -Capital City. X . (Special Star Correspondence.) f 1 . Raleigh'; N. a, 'Oct. 2.--rGoYernor Craig granted" a pardon today for Shelt Stamey, - serving, four- mqnths' sen tence on' the Cleveland county; roads, for larcenv. The Drisoner is only 15 years old and the . pardon is on 1 ac- count of tne youtn or ine onenaer, and some, mental deficiency that it is said accounts lor. his crime. ;The trial judge and prosecuting, witnesses recommend the pardon.-" ' " : - The Raleigh city commission has al lowed, the past several : weeks, a .dis-. count of 2 per cent on all city taxes paid by October lst, until which date the taxes were not really due. The result is that more than one-third of ail the city taxes were. paid by tha date. The- actual tax receipts to uc tober 1st, aggregate $54,199. r The Judiciary committee of . the Serr ate has- decided to recommend that the Nimocks bill to, require the attor ney ; general to devote his entire time to his official duties, abolish the office" of assistant attorney general and in- crease the salary of the attorney genV - eral to $4,000, be carried over , to the -1915 session for consideration. This is for the reason that no change in the status of .the office could affect the present attorney -general's "term; Attorney General Bickett appeared before the committee and explained that all the attorney ; generals ofUhe State have made it a practice o ao a civil practice in addition to their offi cial duties and that , he - could not maintain himself without following the . precedents in this respect. He opposed the proposition to abolish the 'place of assistant attorney general. Charters are issued for the McReary Co.; Asheville, capital $25,000 author- ized ,and $1,000 subscribed by , P. S. Moale, Wt ,S: McReary and others for mercantile business; The Waynesville Lumber &, Timber Co., of Waynes ville, capital $100,000. authorized and $10,000 subscribed by C. Y. Mayo, J H. Anderson and others; and the Com mercial Realty Trust Co:,, of- Ashe ville, capital $50,000 authorized and $1,500- subscribed by J. F: Glenn and others. r : A note to the State Department of Education from Prof. C. C. Wright, su perintendent of.,the Wilkes -county schools, is to" the effectrthat the' estab lishment : of an additional local tax district gives Wilkes 44, the largest number of any county in the State. He writes that he has just held the first county teachers convention for- this term and that the attendance was 144. Mrs. WL M. Mann,, wife of the well known grocery merchant here, died at the Mann home, corner of Wilmington street and Newbern - avenue, after a protracted illness.- She was 63 years old and was Miss-Phoebe Howard, of Oxford. Her husbad and one daugh ter, Miss Eleanor Mann, survive. The funeral will be held Thursday from ill residence. When the Southern westbound train due here at 8r& o'clock backed under the shed " at" union station this morn Jng it came with too great momentum Kand crashed against the abutment at nine end r of the track,' tearing it up sf considerably. Fortunately the cars 3were not injured. And no one was Siurt. .. . .-. t Superintendent Alexander Grant of haie United States ' Railway Mail ser- irfice, spent the day here inspecting Conditions witn a view to aeienmning vhether or not Ralejgh shall be ehos n as one of the 40 distributine points . -.iifor pareels post-service to-c be . estab lished throughout the country. ci ' - m STILL AFTER CONVICTS. a t : won Efforts to Capture the Seven Le haS noir Escaped Prisoners Unavailing. st (Special Star Correspondence.) alV Kinstoh, N: C.j' Oct. 2. Up to this . s;iorning : all efforts to capture the re- iiainin&-seyen of the ten convicts who ounday.tescapea rrom tne Lenoir conn- ing.1-"The-local-officers, exhausted af ter ( the strenuous1 search during the .past 80 hours, are irow certain that all of the seven are out of the, county. Nestor Whitley, the leader, and two others of the' gang who mutinied, beat -a . guard and . escaped, are believed to be somewhere between Newbern and Chocowinity. Henderson - Williams was , arrested there . Tuesday, ind. Whitley and the other two are sup posed to have had warning and gave the police the slip. Two short-termers were captured several hours after the uprising., Howard Faulk, a car robber, who was doing a sentence of three years, and 'three other men are gone and there is no trace of them. Faulk is the brightest of the fugitives, and the authorities believe that his knowledge of the -railroad routes "has enabled him to make good his escape. The Cincinnati Times-Star is pre dicting that George Suggs, Egan and Bates, admittedly 'three of the Reds" best men, will be traded before the beginning of ; the 1914 Tjaseball sea son, for one reason or another, and the friends of Suggs here are much in terested."" Speaking- of - the "Kinstor citizen," the Times-Star says that no one can deny rthat Suggs - "has rthe; goods," but a jinx attends the pitcher on the Home grounds, and it happens: that most of his victories -are won away from home. It seems almost impossible for the Reds' big man, last year their star, to win a game at Cin cinnati. There is no doubt that he will be a welcome addition and a vap uable one to some other team. Al though Suggs will certainly not be'aK lowed to leave the big leagues, no idea is expressed as to what disposi tion will -be made of him. Yet a young man and with a creditable record des pite . the losses chalked up against hkn, Suggs. is believed by the Reds' manager to have a big future in store for him under different environments. While the- Times-Star's prediction: is not- based "on : anything -authoritative, the rumor' is not .the first of the kind this ' season. 4 " Suggs friends here think that he may be traded to a cluh Vin tne Amerlani- jeague;; He was for? merly with' tndl Tigers under Hughie J ennings, but "it is not t known If the Detroit manager again has ah eye out for him. f " ; ' GATHERING DATA. Chilian Army Officer Touring World ' Studying Coast Defenses. . Washington, Oct. 2. Gen. Dari, of ;the Chilean army, who has been tour--ing Europe' . to , gather data on; coast defenses, ' is in t thev United States on a similar .mission, and today rwas pre - sentedr bysMinister Suarez;.io .ecre tary-tJaTrison at the War Depatment:, Gen. Bar! left - tonight for Port Mon ! roe, Va., where : the defenses at that point will be "shown, to .Mm by' r Brig Gen. JS.. M .Weaver, ehtef of the coast I artillery. ' ; ' ' :: -' V' : - Own your own home. We will help you. Subscribe NOW: to the Third Series of Stock. Orton Building & .Loan Association, which opens Satur day, October? 4th, at -- the " office .of James & James, Orttfn Hotel building; Thos. 'Kl' Cooper, president; Wm, G. James es, secretary and treasurer; 2t V - -'-!! , ' . .g.; .. ' --- - :- i : :;: y ." "J? , -? ,- - '' ' . - ; -1A saving of one-third in fuel over any lpwef draft stpye of the same size, with soft coal, slack or lignite. 2T That the Original Vortex Hot Blast will use less hard coal for heating a given space than any base-burner made 3 That the rooms can be heated from one to two hours each morning with the soft coal or hard coal put in the v .stove the evening before.; ... . -i- ; - '"' ; 4 -That the stove" will hold fire with soft coal from Saturday night until Monday morning without attention. i5!-A uniform heat, day and night, with soft coal, hard coal or lignite. , . 6Thajt every stove will remain absolutely air-tight as, long as usedi " VThat the feed door is; and will remain, smoke- and dust-proof." . 8- That the anti-Duffiner draft Drevents tiufF inff. Skyes You 16 to $25 in ,Made in 2 Styles. . 'i.:mv Jaeobi Hardware Company SOLE AGENTS. WILL REVIEW CAVALRY. Largest Body of That Department to 1 be in Washington Since" War. p Washingtoni October 2. Prepara tions are being made for the review by President Wilson, one week from today,; of the -largest body of cavalry troops assembled in Washington since the close of the Civil War. The or ganizations which' will pass before the President, Secretary Garrison and Major General-Leonard Wood, chief stafff tile army, are the Tenth and Eleventh Cavalry and two squadrons of the 15th Cavalry, now on their way from Winchester, Va., - where they have been m camp since mid-SummeF. They are expected here tomorrow. Alta Vista, Va., Oct. 2. The plant of the Frazier Lumber Company here was destroyed by fire early today with a loss of $25,000. MOTHER MIGHT NOT BE Lady Tells .of Mother's Troubles, Whicn Almost Resulted in Death, V and How They Were' Vr'" Overcome. 'Cumberland Gap, Tenn. 'I don't believe my. mother would be" living tor . ,, - i - day," writes Mrs.. Sarah I.- Owens, of this place,; "if it had not been for Car- duf," the woman's tonic.' I (She suffered dreadfully for years with . womanly . troubles ; smothering spells," chills, fluttering of the heart, and xweakhesSi 1 : . r r 'Finally she" was advised by a friend totir'Cardui, the woman's tonic. She 64ght afibottle, . and could notice its good effects from the first. She bias now taken' six bottles', ' and is enjoy ing very good health. It has done her more good than all the other medi cines she ever took. - - ' p H We Uiink- Cardtoi is worth itsvweight in gold." . . - "i; ' .The very best , endorsement any preparation can? have, is that of peo- ple who have tried it. They rf know yht.itwrAcwl' Judging, from the thoHisahdsblE-letteTs we receive each yatnfilar6 the above," it is easily possible to believe . in the good that Car4.uib.as done for Buffering vvomen tn its past halfvcentury of wonderfiil: success."--" - . " ' : Cardui is-coxhposed of, purely vege; table ingredients,, which, act -in a gen-' 'tie natural manner on the weakened womanly - organs, J f thereby building them back to nfew strength and health. , You cannot go wrong trying Cardui for. your, troubles. , ; , ' Get a bottle today. : ; 1 .' ;. feBvVeChat Med icineC TJaBies: Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Tenn., . for Special In structions on your, case and 64-page booky .JJome Treatment for ,Women," sent in plaini wrapper..; - .-.,f -, - ? (advertisemeiiL) . . .. . j- , NOTrCE." f $25.00 reward' will be paid for evi dence to convict any person or .corpo ration who sets lira, that burns any of 4 my lands h in this or any other county 4iwSisaStatel D. LvGOBEi r KteWajterf ,; Street,; i Wflmington, LIVING Fuel Each Year. Can Burn Wood as Well as Hard and Soft VISIT THE DAYvOR NIGHT Be on Hand Today,' and See Three of the Best and . latest Films Ever Shown' on the Screen; EDISON'S "MUTUAL. UNDERSTANDING." .. ESSANAY'S "STONE THE WOMAN." AND SELIG'S .GREATEST WESTERN FIL.M EVER . PRODUCED. Bay a Book of Grand Theatre Tickets 12 for 50c. You Save 20 Per Cent. Aliee Joyce, In "The Christian. "The Accidental Bandit"-"-Comic. "Two Too Many'' Comic.; We Lead, Others Follow, at the THJH TODAY. rt to The steamer Wilmington will make another delightful trip to Southport, iTort Caswell and out to sea as far as the Black Fish grounds oh Sunday. Those who take - the trip are advised that- there is no heed to take a lunch and. they can get a dollar meal for 0c at Miss Kate Stuart's. The -fare for the round trip is 50c; the distance 75 miles. , . : (advertisement.) oc2-3t . . BURETTH. STEPHENS ARCHITECT IHHI CBlAHRELL builbinol : . .J' '' WILM! NTON. S. . ' STATE-..OF ; NORTH i CAROUNA, COTTN- ty-of New Hanover': Having qualified as administrator . of the estate . or . Matt. J. He.Ver; deceased.X late of this : county, I hereby. notify all persons indebted to -said estate to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against' said estate . 4J 1 .. . 71. .. . 1 i . nr.. w uie same wuu uie uu ot oeiore xae. zoin day of September, 1014, or this notice' will be" nleader in bar of, recoyerv. . - i . Dated and published this 25th day 4 or Orandlheatre 5 Cents Southpo Hot Blasts 10 Wheii' It Comes to Using The Independent Ice Company f - i. without doubt offers in all respects the be& Ice I to be had in this , market. The water used is drawn from deep wells and Is clear, pure and cold; it is distilled and double filtered, then reboiled making it ab solutely pure. It is then frozen at a very low temperature making Ice of the highest sanitary quality. . S , - The best authorities on analytical chemistry prove our , claim that ' no purer Ice than, ours! can be made. Our Ice cuts clear and sure thus avoiding the waste In using "so noticeable in other makes of Ice; therefore, careful and dis criminating consumers will make no mistake in calling for our Ice oh the grounds of purity, economy and' general satisfaction. Our delivery service is of the highest efficiency, combining certain ty withcelerity early and late, and all the time on the job. " Our. increasing, sales prove in the most conclusive manner that we are serving the public with the real stuff. - . .' . . . ' . ' - Very truly yours for good, hot weather, The Independent Ice Company Foil! MONDAY TUESDAY 4 Deposits made on either of the above named days draw interest from October 1st, at . FOUR PER CENT. You are cordially invited to call to see us. HOME SAVINGS BANK 1 ORTON BUILDING. FOR CAFE FEAC ODL CO. . .. . - 'PHONE 873. . . . . WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA. il Coal. We sell the 4 sizes. AND 12 SO. FRONT ST. 1 Days WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SALE ATLANTIC Anfvmla ud Dvpartwaa ! Trains 1 DXPisTDBJES : TO AND TBOM - J.' iim&ITAUt " Goldsboro, Bichmond, Norfolk and- XMt- ' J .": era t Nortm Carolina points. Connects at - . : : . 99, Gold sboro with Bonthern Ballway and - V.tL - I 1:4 A. Ma ' Norfolk Southern Railroad. No. 91 leaves - OJI JuMi - - Norfolk 13:20 P. M. and Richmond ' - . - -;" P. M. - -.rr : j. -?; r' :. -:;::. . . r -i Chad bourn, Conway, Florence, Charleston, T '"""."'I' . 'L 1 1 w Savannah, JacksonvlUe, Tampa, .Ft. ..w-. ., - .Ill Myers, Columbia and Asheville. PoIIniM VavBli . ' . Bleepln Cam fcetween Wlbmlnrton ud .v. B SlA.Ia, Colombia, open to receive paKengvra at UJIAlf, " " AVUmlnirton a and aftr 10:00 F. SL, ' , and may be ccBpld natll 7i09 A. M, . . No.M. Jacksonville, .Newbern an Intermediate Ne.CS. . - IIMATm. stations. 1. :. . - - . I'fajJpTW.'- 1 i. .j u 'T ' " - jm . '--m Goldsboro, Bichmond, Norfolk and Waak- .. T - . Ne.48, ington. Pollmaa Parlor Cars - between ' Ho.it, - --Tii I" Wilmington and Norfolk eoaneetlngr 4 ' , ,."":, 1 9MA.1l. Bocky Monnt with New York tralaa with , . IfllP.IC, Pullinan Service, ' - ' Solid train between Wilmington and Mt. -WL . Airy, via Fayetteville and Sanford. Pull. No. R, :4iA,lC. . man Parlor Cars, between Wllmlnston "tittPlK, and 'GoldBboro. ' : . . . , . -v , - J ' ' ' ' ' " L f t I , H O ' ' - Chadbonrni Conway, Florence, Charleston, "... Ne.il, Savannah, All Florida Points, Columbia, . Mo..mL i w i. ABhevfele and the West. Pallmaa Sleep- ' mm 1:11 P.M., ln Cars between Wilmington and Co- 1:40P.M. - -- . lombla - . :. "' ' - II II I- '" I - ' -.?0'- Jacksonville, Newbern and Intermediate No. W, 3:25P.M. tatiooB ; 12:S0P.Mt. . - Sr Fayetteville, Sanfor and . Intermediate No. 00. - ! 6:30 P.M. stations. . ; ? ' 110:15 A. II. " , - , " t . - i Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washing- r ton and New York. Pullman Broiler, ' . N0.4S, Buffet Sleeping Cars between Wllmtng- H.C l:4IPJi. ton and Washington, connecting- with 10:00 A. M. New York trains, with Pullman Sleeping Cars between , Wilmington and Norfolk. " i' . y . ..... ' ... , . ; , r ., , m , No. 67, Chadbotirn, Mnlllns, Marion, Florence, . . No. BS. ' 17:00 P.M. Conway and Intermediate stations. . 19:45 A.M. . Dally. .1 Dally except Snnday. b Sunday only. a Dally except Monday. For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc call 'phone 16a ., . W. J. CBAIG. " . U. C. WHITK. , . " ; " Passenger Traffic juanager. , - ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Air Lf no Railway 1 ... Schedule "Effective April 27th, 1913.' TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON: NoM9 5 A. M.T arrive : Hamlet : 9:00 A. M. Leave Hamlet, 9:20 A. M. ; arrive Charlotte, 12:10 P. M. Connects at Ham let with trains Nos. 4 for Raleigh, Norfolk, -Richmond and All Points North, and.with NoJ 1 for Columbia, Savannah, Jackson ville, Tampa and All Points South; At Monroe with train No. 29, for Atlanta. .DAILY SLEEPER ON NO. 19 TRAIN FOR j CHARLOTTE, OPEN FOR OCCUPAN CY AT 10 O'CLOCK P. M. 1 No. 133:05 P. M. ; arrive Hamlet, 7:30 P. M. ; leave Hamlet, 8:00 P. M. ; arrive Charlotte, 11:00 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with through trains for Atlanta, Birming ham, Columbia, savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa. Also Norfolk, Richmond ana ah Points North. Pullman chair car between Wilmington and Charlotte.1 TRAINS ARRIVE WILMINGTON. No. 14 12:30 P. M., from Charlotte and intermediate points. ! No. 2012:10 A. M., from Charlotte and intermediate points. I For further information, call on or tele phone . - JNO. T. WEST, Division Passepger Agent. Quickest and Best Line West and North- :-" - - - - west;1 : - ? - "' ' : Block System. Rock Ballast. 85-lh. Ralls. Schedule in Effect May 12, 118. Lv. Norfolk .... .8:30a.m 8)0 p.m. Lv. Petersburg '. . . . ll :00 am.-10 :40 p.m. Lv. Durham ....... 7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Lv. Lynchburg. . . . .1 2:40 p.m. 2:30 a.m. Ar. Cincinnati ..... 7:20a.nT :25 p.m. Ar. Columbus .... 6:45 a.m. 6:55 p.m. Ar. Chicago ..... 5:00 p.m. 7:30a.m. Ar. St. Loais ..... 0:32 p.m.L 8:30 a.m. Close connections made for Seattle, San Francisco and All Western Points? Pullman sleeping and parlor cars, N. and W. Cafe dining cars. Equipment and service standard of excellence. Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains crossed at most picturesque parts. - - Time tables, descriptive literature and information free. Correspondence invited. W. B. BEVILL. Pass. Traf. Mgr. . W. C. SAUNDERS. G. P. A., Roanoke, Va. C. H. BOSLEY, D. P. A., Richmond, Va. 500 bags Land Plaster 300 bags Rust Proof Oats " 100 bags Scratch' Feed 500 bags New Crop Rice 100 bags Seed Rye 800 rolls Wire Fencing 5000 kegs Nails 400 Spirit Casks Full Line of Canned Goods Prices Right. B. L. GORE WHOLESALE GROCERS APPLICATION FOR PARDON CHAS. B. SEXTOtf. , ' Application will . be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Charles B. Sexton convict ed v at the Eastern District Criminal Court on September 25th,. 1893, in New Hanove'r County for the crime of murder and sentenced , to peniten tiary for a term of 30 years. All per sons who oppose' the granting of said pardon are invited to forward . this protest to the Governor without delay. ". This 26th day of September, X913. se2G-2w . RAPALJE & LOUGIILIN . CIVIL ENGINEERS " UUNICITAl. IMPKOVEUENTS' ' , .. TOWN I'lJVVNINO j .' SOOTHERN BLDO. WILMINGTON. N. C. BLUE PRINTS Scnxth&pa Ma Company WIMNKOTOM m and Plaster CO AST-, T JTSJF. r : Wilmington. Effective BeDt. M, ,'mt. General Pasi TO THE SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Effect September IS. 1915. " BEACH I Leave Wilmington: Leave Beach: 6:30A.M. ' 6:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. . 7:10 A.M. 7 :80 A. M. 7 :45 A. M. 8:00 A.M. 8:15 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 8:45 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. IdOP.M. 12:15P.M. 2 : DO P. M. . 1:50 P.M. - 2:30P.M. 2:45P.M. ' 3:00 P.M. 3:15 P.M. N 3:30 P.M. 3:45 P.M. 4:0aP.M. 4:15 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:45 P.M. . , 5 .00 P. M. 5:15 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 0:45 P.M. , eaOP.M. 6:25 P.M. . i6:40P.M. 6:85 P.M. 7:10 P.M. 7:25 P.M. 8:30 P.M. 7:55P.M. 10 :00 P. M. 9 a5 P.M. 11:15 P.M. 10:45 P.M. 12 :00 P. M. 12:00 P.M. Dally, except Snnday. , FREIGHT SCHEDUUB. Daily Except Sunday. Leave Leava 9th and Orange nta: ' : ' . Lumlna. :3WA.M. .i . 1210 " . M. 3:80P.M. 0:15P.M. Freight Office Open 8:00 to v9:30 A. M. 2 :00 to. 3 :30 P. M, ; and 8 :00 . to 6 :30 P. M. BUNDATS" Leave Leave Dth and Orange eta. Lumlna. u:uo A. m. iz:4or.JH. . Freight Office open from 10:00 to 11:00 CLYDE LINE TO NEW YORK ":' '";: AND ' vr'""v' ; ( GEORGETOWN, S. C New York to Wilmington. Steamehio. "Navahoe." Frl Oct. 3. 1913.. Steamship "Cherokee." Fri., Oct-- 10th, 1913: : Wilmington to Georgetown. ' ' Steamship "Cherokee," Tues., Sept. 30, 1913. Steamship "Navahoe," ' Mon., Oct. 0, 1913. Wilmington to New York. J Steamship "Cherokee.'? Sat., Oct. 4, 1913. Steamship "Navahoe,' Sat., Oct. 11, 1913. Tli row srh hills of lndlne -and lowest through, rates guaranteed to and. from all points la iNortn ana oouin carouna. CLYDE StEAStSttIP CO., , C. J. BECKER, Agent, Wilmington, N. C, H. G. SMALLBONES, . Commercial Agent, 7 Wilmington,, N. C. General Offices: Pier 36.-N..K., New York. HARPER LINE STEAMERS ' For Southport (Scuidule1 Effectived" Sept 29 1913.) JStCamC VV liiuiuLUU . let 1 va ,fnu- mington .9:30 A. ; M, : ?. .; , Steamer Ella leaves : Wilmington 2:30 p.;m. . . . ; , . ' ; r : ' Freight receivea jrom 10 A. M. MILLS. . ; ; COTTON MILLS OIL -MILLS :j-x-':t-.r-X FERTILIZER MILLS STEAMSHIPS' YACHTS-. and all machinery owners! We have it or can make It or pair itv Machinery, Iron, Steel, Copper, Brass, Babbitt, etc Come to us ; at once -we always remedy the trouble. Business Is good with us : and it is a pleasure to serve you. ' ' - - t Wilmington Iron Worlds ; 'The Iron Men." - Manufacturing Plant: Foot of Orange StreeL Marine Railway : On Eagles Island. Machinery and Storage Yards: Lingo City. : NOTICE M.AJ t H 1 ;fe..i!AdmJlnistrator.ife , - V '"1Y