DAY'S DOINGS III BALEIGH Pardon to Madison County MarH-Mr. Young to Philadelphia Gotds boro and Durham Enterprise ' - Chartered Rates. -(Special. Star Correspondence.) ; :-' Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 10. --Governor Craig granted a - pardon today V for James B . House, of Madison' county, serving a sentence of one year on the roads since February - for selling whis key The' pardon is conditioned On good behavior and is 6n account of the crippled condition of the young man, who is totally unable to work. He has been in prison more Chiafri 12 months," counting his imprisonment be- roro conviction. - Commissioner of Insurance James R. Young has gone to Philadelphia to attend the annual session of the Fire Marshals Association of North Amer ica, of which he is-a member. He is to deliver an address Saturday on in spection T work .for the prevention of fires. He will stress especially the duties of inspection by the State, the local authorities and by the represent tauves or ; tne insurance companies, three methods, of inspection in force in North Carolina. ' -A , , Two new corporations were char terea today. The Bromalgine , Co., or Goldsboro, capital $100,000, authorized and $1,300 subscribed for drug and chemical' business, wholesale and re tail. The, incorporators are P. J. Bor den," Leslie. Weil and others. The North State Knitting Mills, Inc.; Durham, capital $24,000 authorized and $4,000 subscribed by J. S. Carr, Jr., C. McD. Carr, W. F. Carr and W. J, h Berry for a general knitting mill business. f The most serious pickpocket -loss 4ri cident to the immense crowds here yesterday and last night for the cir cus was that of J. B. C. Hokett, of Johnson county, who. reports to- the police the loss of $32' that was lifted from his pockets while he was board ing a street car at the intersection of Martin- and Fayetteville streets. Just a minute of two before the : money wasstplen he had taken the roll from his pocket in search of some change and 1 h&; thinks the pickpocket spotted him then as . a possible victim. "THERE, It IS OVER: GAM IS BUSTED" ., (Continued from .Page One.) about him happy in the' thrill of the moment for it brought anticipation of the final step that will open to the world a short waterway between the Atlantic and the Pacific the dream of centuries. ' ? :While the?cne at the White House was a happy one, at Johns' Hopkins hospital, 40 miles away there lay at the point of -death the man who would have ;givfrr still more to witness the destruction of Gamboa dike. It was Lieut. Col. David DuB. Gaillard,- the engineer who directed the. excavation of Culebra cut, one end of which was blocked . by. the Gamboa dike. Col Gaillard 'is suffering-from a general breakdown--as. a result of his long la bors in the Canal Zone. " ; r Engineers now are looking forward for the 'final dredging of the great ditch with the hope that light draft vessels used by the diggers will be able to pass through the entire canal in a few weeks.. Panama Rejoices. , ; Panama, Oct., 10. The Gamboa dike, the last artificial barrier to actual communication between the At lantic and "Pacific oceans by way of the Panama canal, was rent in twain -by the hand of ' President Woodrow Wdlson at 2:02 o'clock this afternoon. Between three and four thousand per sons from various sections of. the ca nal zone journeyed to the ..scene to witness the destruction of the barrier. Complete demolition- of .-the dike to day was hot carried -out because of the fear that the concussion might flam age the railroad trestle crossing the cut heariSa Miguel 4ocks: The two remaining 1 sections will be ' dynamited later. The spectators lined the banks Ot the-cut;0ccupying every- available ""vantage point," As the hour approach? ed when President Wilsonwould press the '.button to explode the numerous charges of dynamite in. the dike a hush of expectancy fell over all. Then sud denly came the. muffled roar of the discharge of 1,600 pounds of dynamite which sent a;-shower of water, mud" and rock high ;into v the air. It was considered among dynamite experts as a remarkably clean explosion. A section of the dike 60 Teet wide was lifted bodily from its bed and its component parts scattered far and wide. . " : . Water Pours Through.' As water began to pour - through the Tent rriade'hy the explosion whis tles were tied .down and. the crowd sent up -a great cheer. All the heads of the canal depart ments : were, present : for the- epoch making event. It was Colonel Goe thal's day and the chairman ' of- the Panama Commission was the recipi ent of a shower of. congratulations. The first boat to enter the cut from the lake, was a "native canoe manned by two Americans. If the water cov ering the rent is deep enough a dredge will be passed through into the cut next Monday. ' , ' u The Cucaracha slide, that huge mov ing mass y of rock and earth covering acres in extent; is now the only barrier-in the;, way; of the passage of a vesserfrorrV'Ocean 'to ocean.- ;.WitL NQJRUSH EULUr Democratic Leaders and.( :Pre"5idefi'ft Washington," Oct. 10. Conservative expressions by Democrats known "to be in close- sympathy with the admin istration today led to" the general be lief .that the pathof the currency bill has .been; smoothed outs at least-for a time. . Apparently there is to ' be no. attempt to hurrv the Senate unduly in its work unless conditions should d veloD in the Banking and Currency committee that threaten to defeat-pr J greauy aeiay legisiauou. . While President Wilson wants ear ly action on , the; Glass bill, close friends of the administration are mak- illg Xlr VlCai 14. V V tJCVV .Jl UVV VA an , arbitrary line at -December 1st, as the date dot its- passage. - - Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, to day said the -passage of the bill in January wjoaid be as much an -admln--istratioh victory , as its enactment in November, and the same. view is. held by many other Senate Democrats. ; Whenever You. Need a 'General Ton Tc " Take Grove's . The Old Standard XJrove-'a .Tasteless chill Tonic ia,'iequally, valuable as - a General Tonic iecause ft contains t&e well known torrlc properties of QUI' NINE and IRON. Drives out Malaria, AnvlAKoa. RlAArt Rnilrla .Jin tho 'WholA BEGIIHIIUG OF END : : 111 LEGISLATURE li ., (Continued from Page One.) drawm ; Ward's amendment as to the long1- and- short , clause was . defeated. Ward's amendment exempting roads tnat nave built 2o miles of road with in a year in linking lines was adopted over the protest of Senator Jones, wno -cnarges., -j,t was exempting the Norfolk Southern, as it was admitted to ao.- -. --, y-Senator: Bryant's amendment for ap pointing a special commission' to in vestigate, when the roads present cases as to? unreasonableness of the rates;-1 anct nrovidinsE $1,006 for exoens' es-of -the. commission, "oassed. 39 to .ft Then- the bill oassed second reading oy a similar vote. t Bryant 1 offered another amendment, on third 'reading, providing for more than" 60 days' time for investigation of a spe'cmc case where tne special com mission teemed additional time neces . rni r n i-. oaiy. luiii was auuyicu. Senator . Jones objected to " final reading. -The rules were suspended, and the. hill passed and was ordered sent to the House for : concurrence in the amendments. ' - 1 itaieign, n. u.; uct, iu. rne aenate spent much time today on the 11th proposal to amend theJ constitution as to tne taxation system for the state. 'There was debate especially over tne clause of tne proposal tnat reads: ''The Genera Assembly may, consis tent with natural justice and equity, classify subjects of taxation and all taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of property within the territorial limits of the authority levying , the tax," provided that no income shall be .taxed when the . property from which- the income is derived is taxed; and consistent with natural justice and equity, the General Assembly may separate subjects of taxation for State and local purposes."' . Senator Mason ottered an amend ment to strike out the proviso that no income be taxed when the property from which the income is derived is taxed. The income from real proper1 ty "should be more taxed he insisted than that earned by one's" intelligence. energy and industry. He opposed the proposed method of . separating the property for? taxation. Senator Ward argued for the pending proposal. Sen ator Ivie and SenatoriGrant,' both, of whom were .members of the Constitu tional Amendment Commission, ar gued for the proposal. ?-y senator Daniel offered an amend ment to strike out all the" paragraphs under discussion : except that provid ing for separation of .property for State and local taxation. Senator Peebles proposed to put separately the questions; of classifica tion, exemptions and incomes from property taxed and segregation. He offered an amendment embodying this idea. - The discussion went on for two hours with principal speeches for the paragraph- by. .Senators Grant, Ward, Gilliam, Council and others and against it by Senators Phillips, Evans, or flit; and others. Jn the end all proposed amendments were voted down and the paragraph was adopted by . a vote of 29 to 10. Proposal 12 to substitute war be tween the States" for "rebellion" wherever it occurs in the constitution was? adopted-.without discussion. J&$4, Proposal 13 was adopted. This pro-; vides , that, 'no Corporation shall . be chartered nor its charter extended al tered or amended by special .act of the Legislature except corporations for charitable, educational,-, penal or reformatory purposes, but the General Assembly -" shall provide general laws for chartering and organizing all cor porations and for amending, extending and forfeiting charters and the Gener al Assembly shall have power to re peal the charter of any corporation by Bpecicii act. Proposal '14. ' -makine the public school terms six months was adopted. The machinery for ratifying the amendment proposals at the polls was adopted without chance and almost without discussion. :' ? .Among bills passed final .reading were :i: Empower the police of Wash ington' to "make arrests for violations of ordinances, as they do for viola tions, Of tate laws: provide stock law for Pender county: authorize bond -is sue for .Bidden county. The Senate , voted down a bill by Senator- Evans,' of Bladen, to require tne.,otate: treasurer to pay to the man agement of the State's prison $1 per day for each convict furnished to rail road enterprises and other projects. The House today practically marked time while the' Senate waded throueh the., proposed amendments to the con stitutfohii K: V "-,:,:-. After refusing to exempt any county from its provisions, the House passed the. bill to give Superior Courts con current jurisdiction with the courts of recorders and police justices when these courts fail to try offenses against the law. Superior Courts. however, : may hot take up the cases until after 90 days, this provision sug gested by Mr, Weatherspobn, being in tended to give inferior courts ample time to prosecute. , A. bill to srotect the public at mo tion picture shows passed to apply to Wake. New Hanover. Carteret. Per quimans, Vance and Buncombe coun ties. It would cause all picture shows hereafter erected to provide fireproof booths for the operators. A bill' to authorize a second sale of real estate, under foreclosure of mort gage, sOthat the mortgager 'mieht avail himself of ah opportunity to get me nrst Did raised," was passed with out, discussion. Among bills ? passed were: .Appoint an-additional State bank examiner. The revenue act was amended ,sov that; the auditor will set tle with, sheriffs, as formerly. THE' KENTUCKY RACES. floss vBk Defeats Anvil in Free-ofr-'AII Good Races. v Lexington,' Ky.. Oct. '10. The Oc tober., prize for free-for-all trotters to day-proved a surprise when Ross B. owned by J, ;H.. Richford, defeated AnvH, the heayy favorite, winning the second ? and thrid heats after losing the -first to tthe favorite. . - , The 2 : 12 pace, unfinished Thursdays went six heats. Hydric, which had two heats to his credit yesterday, cap tured' the sixth and decisive heat. Don Labor, , driven by "Mr. F. . C- Jonesi'Twon the 2:08 trot, amateurs drivingrin straight heats, and the 2:20 uaee:aiso,'ra straight driving heat con test.- wwent -to- Grot- Scott. - - enampionsnip stanion staKe was a -two-norse race, oniy t urerast ana Tillie Tiptop, starting. The latter was an easy "'Yiotpr; . ; . - - A. BLESSING IN, THE HOME " GTood; honest, woprietary medicines IJke Foley Kidney Pills succeed be cause they are honestly made of pur drags, that. but heal and Cure ikidney and bladder-ailments and itrlnary irregnlarities- They are . a blessing in - many homes, and a help that cost- little ana aoes muen. jno others so good as Foley "Kidney Pjlls Try them. R, . R.. Bellamy.-, 1 MACKMEfJ TAKE FOURTH GAME IN WORLD SERIES (Continued from Page 2.) SUMMARY: Two base hits: Barry, 2: Burns. Three base hits : - Oldrinjr. . Shafer. . Home run: Merkle. Hits: off Demaree, 7 in 4 innings; off "Marquard, 2 in 4 innings.?. Sacrifice; lilt : Strunck: - SStoleir ,-, bases :. Collins, Burns, Muri-iiv. - Left .on bases: t New . lork, 4: Philadelnhia. 7. .First base on balls: off Demaree. 1: off Bender. 1: off Mnrauard. 2, Kirst base on errors : Philadelphia, 1. ,Hit bv - nitched ball - bv Betider. - Murray.) Sturdy out : by Bender, 5; by Marquard, 2. I'assea uans: McLean. - Umpires : At plate, Ejran ; on bases, Klem ; left Held,. Connolly ; rifrnt neia, .lugien AT RALEIGH NEXT. Daughters of 1 -Confederacy' Conclude Sessions - at - Tarboro. '- (Special Stah Telegram.) Tarboro, N . C . , Oct. 10. The 17th annual convention of. the North Caro' lma Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, became part of history today : with the selection of Raleigh for the '1914 convention; High Point and Wilson also made strong bids for the next meeting- but Raleigh won easilv on -the first ballot. Before ad- iourniner the Daughters completed the $2,000 endowment tor; tne JMortn yaro- lina room m the uontederate Museum, Richmond. Va.. this placing: North Car olina" -as- the i first v State . to complete its-, fund. The Daughters also sub scribed $200 . to the t Carolina , and Southern Cross., -the official organ of this - division. . Mrs. Anthony Walker, of Richmond, honored the State presi ded: MrsY Marshall Williams,' and the State - recording secretary; -Mrs. i'Thad W. Thrash , by the . presentation of each a small flag bearing the Virginia coat; of arms. , Mrs.-Jobn - Thorpe, or Rocky , Mounts was elected . honorary first vice president of the North Car olina division; Mrs. Henry, Thorpe, wife of the only living survivor of the Bethel heroes, was honored by the pre sentation ot nowers trom tne iangn ters. " ' . $3.50 Recipe Free, f of Weak Men. Send Name and Address TodayYou Can Have It Free and be Strong and Vigorous. We hare in our Dossession a Drescrlption for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weaken ed manhood, . failing memory, and lame back, brought on by excesses, unnatural drains or : the follies of youth, that has cured' so' many worn and nervous -Inen right In. their, own homes without any addition al- heli 4r medicine that we tmnt every mdn who wishes to regain his manly power and virility, quickly and quietly, snouia have a cddt. So we have determined to send a copy of the prescription tree of charge, ma, plain. ?ormnary seaiea envelope 10 any man who wm write usr ior it. This prescription comes from a physi cian- who has made a special study of men, and we are convinced it is the surest-acting combination for the cure of deficient man hnAfl nnrt vicnr failure ever nut toffether. We think we owe it to our fellow men to send them a copy in confidence so tnat any man anywhere who is weak and discour aged with repeated failures may stop drug ging himself with , harmful patent medi cines, secure what we believe is the quickest acting '- restorative, . upbuilding, jSPOT- TOUCHINO remedy ever aevisea, ana so cure himself -.-at home quietly and quickly. 1 r . .1 ,s . 1:1.. AUtn. 1.. mSv"Hroi) us a uue t&e iniai luieismie Remedy Co.? 41(53 Liuck nuiiaing, uetrou, Mich.v and we will send you a copy of this splendid recelpe in a plain, ordinary en velope, free of charge. A great many doc tors would charge $3.00 to $5.00 for merely writing out a prescription like this but we send it entirely rree. VISIT THE GRAND THEATRE 5 Cents DAY OR NIGHT. TODAY: WATER RAT," BICi TWO-REEL SPECIAL. RELEASE. THE THE "LiONEXY PRINCESS," ANOTHER SfAR PHOTOPLAY. THE NEW MUSIC AND OTHER GOOD FEATURES ARE THE BIGGEST OIV EERINGS IN THE WORLD EOR 5c. 11R. G. M. ANDERSON O. M.r Anderson, In "Broncho Billy's Conscience." "The Desperate Condition of Sir. Boggs" (r)nmii.V . - ' . . "TherDoll for th Baby" Western Drama. We Have ALWAYS Saved You 2Q Per Cent. . . Bay, Book. is n ijj ;n TO" -.- ' - TODAY.. I.. . SCHLOSS THEATRE CIRCUIT MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH. . :.The Distinguished Actress ; MISS ANNIE RUSSELL And Star Company In a Revival of "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER." ' Seats on sale at j.' Hicks Bunt ing's drug store Saturday, October 11th. Scale from 25 cents to ?2. (Box seats $2.50).' - oc9-3t . ; W. H. BANCK . Civil Engineer! - v Municipal, Sewerage, Drainage, Wa: terworks Dams,- Power Plants, Bridg es and Roads. . Estimates and Plans for All Engineering, Work. -. :jL P; O. Box 579 . t . Telephone 572. u GARRELL:BUILDfNG.- , Wilmington, N. C. - ' ' -www " ' ' K S a' 0ji Acade my Tuesday, October 14th THE PLAY OF (By Jack A Startling Story of Lif e in New York City A Glimpse Into the Underworld Excellent Cast Special SceneryV SPECIAL PRICES rib, 20, 30, 50 cts. Seats on Sale at J. Hicks Bunting's Drug Store, Monday, October 13th. T"v --- rJ'' - - tx -:.,:..-. -:v.;,.. ., , 4; --u r u , . . i, . , ........ ,:...,...., t. -I ,: , Cold Storage Vfftii 111 ' Now oh hand and ready to deliver. ' - ' Two cars-butter in tubs, 10, 30 and 60 lbs; also in pound prints. Have only the Very Best. Two Cars Cheeses. v Daisys and Flats. . r - Nothing but full cream. Don't handle skims in any shape or form. Tennessee Fresh Eggs Receiving one car per week. Have sold since April 3,000 crates of these Ridgefield brand of eggs. And still at it. Five cars New York State Apples. The finest brands we could buy. No nubbins or windfalls. Four cars Green Mountain Potatoes, Selected. , ' 5.V- - . Phone 221 and 222 Main office, Second and Campbell streets, Wilmington, N. C. lheVlurch ison Offers its Customers every known business facility. Large resources. Progressive in business. Conservative ip methods. Dealers in Foreign Exchange. j,,-. Depositary for Public Funds tif the United ;.- - States, State, DON'T WANT TO TALK LIFE INSURANCE? Perhaps not, but, if you are wise, arid love your fam ily, you will. ' When you are sick, you want the doctor. If you are not an insurance expert, you need the agent. We offer you expert advice on lif & insurance matters. Contract made to suit your particular need. ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. James & James, District Aieriti WilmihgtpM Nc G. W. CWoodatd, Jr.; General Agent, Rocky Mount, N. C HOLMES & Always to the front with the We; are, now receiving full line of Hotel Astor Coffees and Teas, the York, which is noted for its good Green Peppers and Tomatoes for Telephone: Watch Our Windows. ; The only perfect Flat Oil Paint for Interior Use. San itary and Durafile. - BOLE MANUFACTURERS: Atlantic Paiht and Variliili Works 11 jKXT The Wilmington Furniture Co. The old, reliable hom'e furnishers continue, to offer Special Inducements . to ihose who are beginning to hdusekeep, or those needing only a few new pieces. Better. Goods,; Better Prices Better- Treatment, has ;niadethisiirn;.thevTrusted:F ClLWIXB 25 PRINCESS Sj : 4iof Music THE HOUR: J, 3. 9 9 Gorman.) J County and City. best line of Groceries to be had. Fall stock, making a specialty of same used by Hotel Astor, New coffee and tea. Also are supplying pickle at special prices. 252253 Watch Our Ads. -LIKE" iT-oaex. -Zf - .-.fA "t . S!-. v -- J- "it ,-r Bank ATLANTIC Arrivals and Departures of Trains at Time Not DEPARTURES : TO AND FROM ARRIVALS: ' i i i " i " , i , Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and East- . em North Carolina points. Connects at : . No. 90, Goldsboro with Sonthern Railway and No. 91,- ' ! 3:40 A.M. . Norfolk Southern Railroad. No. 91 leaves . a 1:15 A.M. ..Norfolk !3:20 P. M. and Richmond S4: 10 P.-M. ... j " l ..i - ' r t' . i i i. i 1 1 ii . Chadbourn; Conway, -.Florence, Charleston, , , Savannah, Jacksonville,- Tampa, .' Ft. ' - - No. 51, Myers, Columbia and Asheville. 4 Pullman No. 50, . ,r n- . Sleeplngri Cars between Wilmington and . - 5 :35 A.M. Columbia, open to receive passenrers at '12:20 A.M. Wilmington at and after 10:00 P. JU,, ' and may be occupied until 7:00 A. Mi - ...W:J: . No. 64, Jacksonville, ' Newbern and Intermediate No-.65.-i ! 5:50A.M. stations, j ... J 6:25P.M. Goldsboro, Richmond. Norfolk and Wash- , I No. 48, inKton. .Pullman Parlor Cars between . No. 49, . k . Wilminjrtott' and Norfolk, eonnectlngr at V 8:30 A.M. Rocky Blount with New York trains with 6:15PJI. Pullman Service. , -j - - - - . ! . - 1 1 Solid train betweenWilmQgton I and Mt. 1 - -.n No. 53, Airy, via. Fayetteville and Sanford. J- Pnll- No. 52. . 8 :45 A.M. man Parlor Cars between- WHhalngton 8:05PJVr, " . " and Goldsboro. ' . - j ; . 1 ; ' J: Chradbourtf, Conwayf Florence, Charleston, . No. 55, : Savannah, All Florida Points, Columbia, ; No. 54, . - Asheville and the West. Pullman Sleep. ' ' 3 :15 P.M. ins: Cars between Wilmington and , Co- 1:40 P.M. . lumbla. - t : - . 1 " ' --- No. 62,' Jacksonville, Newbern and Intermediate No. 03. - ' 3:25P.M. stations. . ,1 . 12:50P.M. . ?5' Fayetteville, Saflford . and Intermediate .9-G?' 6:30 P.M. stations. 1 j i-, U0 :15 A.M. 1 1 r ! ' V ' " ' ' - . mi ... , '. -s. -.:-':- .'-'.. '.. ; ;-.! 'I' ' ' Gbldsboro,-' Richmond, ' NorfolS:, Washing- - ton and New York. 4 Pullman Braller, .;.:' No. 42, Buffet Sleeping: Cars' between Wllmlng- -No. 41 6:45 P.M. -ton. and Washington, ; connecting with 10:00 A.M. New York trains, with PuUman Sleeping ', Cars between Wilmington and i Norfolk, r - - - ;). . . No. 57, Chadbourn, Conway and Intermediate t No. 58, ! 7:00 P.M. stations. r j ! 9:45 A.M.' H - Daily. ! Dally except Snnday. . For folders, reservations, rates of fares," etc cal , 'phone 160. ' r W. J. CRAIG, '.'C.tW.HiTK,''v --i'' - r"-- Passenger Traffic Manager. General Paassenger Agent. SUBURBAN IN EFFECT OCTOBER 0th, 1913. Winter Parky Wrightsville, Wrightsvilie Beach aiid Inter- mecGate Poihti;; - ' eastbouXd. Leave Front aud Princess for Winter Park. Leave Front Leave Front and Princess for Beach. and Princess for Wrlphtsvllle 6:30 A.M. 6 :55 " " 8:00 " " 8 :30 " 'f 10:00 " " 11:30 " " 1 :10 P.M. x 1 :55 " " 6:30A.M '6:30A."mL ! 6:55 " " "8:30"'" 10:00 " " 11:30 " " 1 :10 P.M. 6:55 8:00 8:30 it 10:00 " " 11:30 " " 1:10 P.M, x 1:55 . r.r. a a x 2.-35 3:00 tt 4t It it M tt tt 3:00 r 3:00 " " "4:30 ""''" "6:46'"'"" "8:36'"'y 3:30 4:10 4:30 tt tt 4 :30 " " "b':W"""' 0:10 " " 6 :40 " " t:15 " " 8:30 " " ! 9:15 " " 10: 00 " " 11:15 " x4:50 " " 5:30 6:10 6 :40 tt tt tt tt - 7:15 8 :30 tt it tt tt ; ' 10 :00 " 11:15 " SPECIAI. FOB SUNDAYS." Leave Front and Princess Streets very half hour, from 2 :00 to 5:00 P. M. Leave Beach, every half hour, from 2; 45 to 5:45 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. . i ! Sundays only. ' "f " x Superseded by half-hour schedule Snnday afternoons. i--- II This par goes through to Sea Gate; returning, leae Sea Gate at 3 P. M. FBEIGHT SCBtEDUtE. . Leaves 9th and Orange ,strets daily, except. Snntday, 3 :30 P. it. - Freight Depot open, daily, except Sunday, 2180 to. 3 O . M., f CLYDE TO NEW YORK AND GEORGETOWN, S. C. .New :Tork to Wilmington. Steamship "Cherokee." Fri., Oct. 10, 1913. Steamship "Navahoe,'' Fri., Oct. 17, 1913. Wilmington to Georgetown. Steamship ' "Navahbe," Mon.; Oct. 6, 1913. Steamship "Cherokee," Tues., Oct. 14, 1913. Wilmington to New York. : Steamship "Navahoe," Sat., Oct. 11, 1913. Steamship "Cherokee," Sat, Oct.. 18, 1913. Through bills of . lading and lowest through rates guaranteed to and from all points in North and South Carolina. CtYDE STEAMSHIP" CO., 1 C. J. BECKER, Agent, Wilmington, N. C H. Q. SMALLBONES. Commercial --Agent, Wilmington. N.-C. General Offices : Pier 36 N. B., New YoTk. WHILE THEY LAST MURHAM.T- lUPLEXj 5AFE RAZ0R j. " . 'and. a . . v W I L LI AM Sf 8 HAV ING STICK' all for 35 cents,:rA' If it Is not convenient to: call just telephone 248, as our superior -bi-,cycle,deliveryt:niakes; us.Must One Square from : Everyvyhere.' t i.- Second and Princess. RAP ALJE & LOUGHCN CIVIL ENGINEERS MUNICIPAL lUPBOVEMRNTS r. . . TOWN PIJVNNINO ; i ; BODTHEfRN . A LtfQC-'y, W JU INOTON. N. C. NOTICE. - $25.00 reward will fed paid, f or evi dence to conYict- any -pef son or corpos ration, who- sets' fire that barns any of my lands in this or any other county in this State.? - - D. I--. GORE, -120-N- Water , Street, - .Wilmington, COAST LINE Wilmington. 'Effective Sept. 14, 1913. Guaranteed. - b Sunday only, a' Dally eaicept Monday SCHEDU LE WESTBOUND Leave Leave Beach for fWintet Park Wriehtsvllle for Wilmington. for. Wilmington j Wilmington. 6:26 7:38 8:06 8:41 D:36 11:06 12:8 2:11 A.M. tt it ! a tt ! tt a j tt tt ! tt u j P.M.! tt i tt 6:15 A.M. 7V 25 " ' 7 '55 " u 8:30 " 9:25 " " 10:55. " " 12 :25 P.M. 2 :00 " " x2;25 " " "3:55'"'" "5:25'"'v 6 :00 " " ' 6:40 ( " " "'7:45A.M7! "'9:15'"'""' 10:45 " " 12:15 P.M. v 1;50 " " x 2:36 x 3:05 tt tt it tt ; x 3:00 4:06 X4:30. x5:10 5:36 6:11 6:51 7:41 8:06 9:36 ! 9:56 tt tt ; a tt tt tt ! tt tt i tt tt tt tt tt tt , tt tt it tt tt tt I A.M; 3:45 V it 5:5 """' "'ijo""'" " .7:53 9:25 U ii 9:15 ! 9 :45 " " 10:30 W M 12:10 A.M. 10:41 12:2i 12:00 M. SEABOARD Air Lino Railway Schedule Effective April 27th, 1913. TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON: No. 191 Ai; Sdf.; arrive" Hamlet; :00 A. A M. Leave .Hamlet, ' 9 :20. A.' M. ; arrive Charlotte,, 12 L0 P. M. Connects at Ham let with tralfiff Nos. 4 for Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond and All Points North, and with No,y 1 for . Columbia, Savannah.' Jackson ville, Tampa' and All Points South. ..At Monroe with -train" No. 29, for Atlanta. DAILY SLEEPER ON NO. 19 TRAIN FOR CHARLOTTE, OPEN FOR OCCUPAN CY AT 10 a'CLOCK P. M. No. ia-3K P. M. ; arrive Hamlet, 7:30 P. M.; leave Hamlet, 8:00 P. M. ; arrive Charlotte. 11:00 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with through trains for Atlanta, Blrming ham.. Columbia; Kavannah, Jacksonville, Tampa. - AIbo Norfolk, Richmond and All . Pnlnta Vnrth - , . . .-.. .. Pullman chair car between Wilmington and Charlotte.. - , TRAINS ARRIVE. WILMINGTON.-- No. 14 W:30 P. lLr from Charlotte and intermediate points h 'c . No. 2012:10 A. M., from Charlotte and intermediate points.--'. " - For further information, call en or tele- ' phonOi t.-'.-, . , r - - INO.CIT' WERT, - ' - '."-x Division -PaBseager Agent. Qolckest and Best t-im West and North j 1 ": ''.west."'' i .. Block; Tytnf. Bblt Banast. ' 85-lb. Ball. Schedola In Effect Alar 12.1191.. . Lv. Norfolk . ' . . l 8:30 a.m '8 :00j.m. Lv.-Petersbnrg . -4 -. Ill :00 am. 10:40 p.m. Lv. Durham . . i . .. .). 7:00 a.m. 5:30p.m. Lv. Lynchburg. .Ji i 2:40 p.m. 2:30a.m. Ar. Cincinnati ; . ,. .- ,1; 7:20 a.m. 6:25 p.m. Ar. Columbus 1- .,. fc45 a.m. 6:53 p.m. Ar. Chicago r . . ; . 5 :00 p.m. 7 :30 a.m.' Ar. St. Louis, V 4 6 :32 p.m. 8 :30 a.m. Close connections tnade for Seattle, San Francisco, and Alt Western Points. Pullman 'Sleeping land ' parlor cars, N, and W.'-Cafe dining-ars. JSquipmentrand service standard of: excellence. Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains crossed at most picturesquerr parts. : . , Time tables, s -descriptive literature - an Information- free. Correspondence invited. W. B. BEVILL, Pass. Traf. Mgr. , W. C. SAUNDERS, G. P. A., Roanoke, Va. C. H. BPSLEY.-D.1 P: A. Jtichmond, Va. HARPER ;LINE STEAMERS .For Southport. v. Ejteamer Wilmington . leaves' Wil mington 9 30 A. M i Returning, Leave Souttfport 2:30 P. M. Steamer -Ella leaves Southport 7 A. M-f leaves Wilmington 2: .0 P. M. v xTeignir-iWiu, ue receiveu uum to 9 :30A.;M. i L a-Mfli System. 50c.; .. ; .;,;..;-'. ..v -' (tfyertiMroent.) "i.u..