-.. -; .. "'W GKTOjF SATUKDArY,- PAGKB T MARINE." THE WEATHER. IN GOTTOli MARKET IRREGULAR Less Active Yesterday RedoeV fri Afternoon Reported Lock-out ...'l;Jn Lancashire Affected . ' Conditions. ' .V New York, Oct 10. The cotton "market was less active today and flue- tuations were", irregtriar. enough txf.ht&'i gest that tdingi waS . eh jefly inr the j way - of - evening :;iahvctmnutmeIftflr'Toi?, over ha .pachahoSdys,i.?:.: v' 'JLAtWkBlr6Nneit af centi i ; aV pound a good1 pririof today's-trading was supposed to be profit-taking by recent sellers. Some bull support was also encouraged by reports of a better demand from Southern spinners, ap prehensions of unfavorable weather ixt the-South west and rather? a bullish view ot the week-end figures,; but ra lies were hot maintained and : the close; was barely steady het unchanged to - three "points lower under renewed liquidation or local pressure and labor reports from Manchester.. Indifferent Liverpool - cables ; and favbVkble weather-reports from the Eastern ' belt caused - a renewal : of yesterday's sel lings jnovement during the early- trad ing t and -after . opening ;at a decline of 2.iq 5 points active months sold about to 1K points net lower. October and December : contracts . made new low ground for the movement but a fair demand developed arounti 12.9(1 for January and the market steadied up during- the middle of the morning. A possibility- that : a lowers temperature-: for ; ' the Southwest might : turn to a threat. oL frost over Sunday and.'unfa-v. vorable crop reports from .Texas help eel the rally and prices during the mid-, die bf the afternoon ruled abbot 10 to 14 points net higher with Jantfary cot ton . selling t 13.12, or 22 points above the low level of the morning, j The huying was mostly in small lots,;how ever, with little or no indication of aggressive bull suppc-Tt and - fush soon as demand - slackened, prices turned easier ' under realizing by earlyv buy ers for a turn or renewed pressure encouraged : by reports that & lock-out in the Lancashire, mills on . October. 2t5h was considered more likely. - Spot cotton, quiet. Middling uplands, 13.10;. do. gTilf. 13.90; sales, 290. x mures ciosea steaq v, Month: Oct .. Nov ' . . Dec:;.. Jan.' i.. Feb ., -Mar. Apr. May ... June . ; . July f . . Open. High. Low. Close. ..13.3tt 13.-HT 13.24 13. a - 13 10 .-, f ..13.12 13.2S. 13.05 ..12.96 13.12; 15.90 13.13 13.16 12.98 12.98 13.08 13.O0 13.03 12.98 ..13.10 13.19' 12.9?; ..13.20 13.20 .12.92 12.99 ,.12.91 13.09 12.98 12.92 12,90 12.97 - . THB PORT MOVEMENT. GatrtsrohrQttiet. 13 : uetT redftipta; t?. 8S9; gross receipts, 17,889; sales,. 2D0; stocte 138,482;. Great Britain,- 15,063 jV-coastwisiv 1 289. " " ' 'New t)rleansSteady,13 9-16 ; net receipts. 3,754; gross receipts, 4,132.; sales, ,1,080; stock," 59,S73 Great Britain 1400 rconti nent, 2,733; Coastwise, 233; Mexico, 1.. ; Mobile rFlrnji 13 3-16: net receipts, . 3, 225; gross., receipts. 3,225; sales, 425;; stock, 05,772 ; coastwise, 598. Savannab-r-Steady 13 : net receipts, 18, )31 i i gross ' receipts; 18,931 ; sales, 6,864 ; stock, 142,296; : France, 5,266; coastwise, 12,691. - - :r- Charleston Steady. 13 ; net reeeints, 4 053; gross receipts. 4,053; sales, 500 ; . stock, 793; coastwise,. -L039. . ., ., i .- .... . , Wilmington Steady, 13 f net receipts, 4.593 , gross receipts,- 4,593 stock, 42.474. Norfolk Steady, 13&; liet receipts, 4, 249 ; ; gross" receipts... 4,249 i sales, 1,042 ; stock, 20,066; coastwise, 1.774. Baltimore Nominal, . 13$5"; net '.receipts, 3,750; gross receipts, 3,750; stock. 3,4 60; coastwise, 213. . . .- - . New York Quiet; 13.70;- gross receipts, 8,499; sales,, 290; stock,' 16,255; continent, auo; coastwise, 6,Oi. -- ; Boston-Quiet, 13.70; gross receipts 1, Philadelphia Steady.' 13.95; net receipts, 279 r- stock, 2,476f continent,' 200. b - -BrunswicK wet receipts, j.4,mz; gross receipts,-. 17,352; stock, 17,149; coastwise, .1,363. - ,. .- - - -r'- - Aransas Pass--Net receipts, 1,2284 gross receipts, 1.228; stpck,'.'5,940; icoastwiae, ;153. Texas City Net receipts, 2,997 ;: gross ,re- ceipts,-a,997 t'Stocnt.a8,4o9i:. r-. Jacksonvllle-Net receipts, 1,94a; gross receipts, 1,945; stock, 1,130; coastwise, l, .110. .'.-.-'' Newport News Net; receipts, 896;. .gross receipts, S96T coastwise,." 896. ' - Total today, at - all ports Ket, 8462 ; wreac ttncain. kk ; rraute, ,im;.CTuu nent. a.l S3-. Mcxliv. l: stocks 596.419, rnnsolirtated.' at. all oorts Net. 408.709 : Great Britain, 89,458 ; France, 31,198 ; con tinent. io,T44; jjapan, a.TKWf Biexico, Total, since' Sept: 1, at; &U ports-Nietr V .851459 ; Great- Britain. 491,294 ; France 1?3,- 754; conttnent, 530,114; Japan, Jiex ico, 5,788. . INTERIOR MOVEMxTNT.. TTonstrin Steadr. 13X4: inet receipts. 24. 327; gross 'receipts, ,24,327; shipments,. 24, 763; salesr 2.42S-; stock, 99,837. s " Augusta Steady, 13 3-16;: net receipts, 2.146; gross receipts, 2,863; shipments, 3,- 7'!U oalou .V'tfn- twt -59.4fi2. ; ' - Iemphi Steady . 13 ; net 7 receipts, 5,- 244; gross receipts, smpmeiiw, 260; sales, 3,350; stock, 47,742. - St. Louis Quiet, 134 ; net receipts, 86; gross receipts, 633; shipments, 1,072; stock, 3,506. " -. - .-"- , Cincinnati Ket receipts, 307 ; ;gros. re ceipts. '307?' shipments, 278; stock, 16)96. Little Kock Quiet, 13 ; net receipts 1, 476 ; gross receipts, . 1,476 ; . shipments, 361 ; stock, 15,864. ' ' " L6uisville--Firm. 13: net receipts, 844; gross receipts. 844 ; shipments, 99 ; ales, 645i 8tok, 300. .. ; , . : , ; -- Greenville Steady, 130. , s.- f!harlotte-Stead.vJl3. ,. . .. Total today Net receipts, ' 34,430 ; : gross receipts, 1 37,543; shii 8,686; stock, 213,707. snipments, ;aie, -.-V.' COMPARATIVE COTTON ' STATEMENT. New York, Oct. 10, For the week eliding Friday, Oct: 10: : ', i-' - Net receipts at all U. S. ports during week 408 709 - v - - r Net receipts at all U. M. ports same s week last .year, 415,633.; : - Tefal - receipts-, since - September:; 1st, Total r receipts to. same.; date last year, , Exports lor the week. 201,Iwl. , . -? Exports ?fdr same week' last year, 2T3,-r Total exports , since' .September- 1st, .1,- "Totai' exports same datelast year, t,146i'- 23v " v- '...:'." $ trJV .'-i.-' -f " Sttick .at .all United "States, portsa6,419. Sfoek" "atk all Xriflt3: State "ports same tIme-last..year,2O302. r " ,. ,,,,, . '..-. : Stock" at aU Interior, towns;x323,437. . .. -oclc at il? interidf towns same time last year, 304.818. ; .l . Stock at Liverpool; 404,000. : J Stock ' at Liverpool same time last year, 4S9 O0O '- '- - ' ' ' ' "';'-:...'- .7 ' ' -'J ' - "stock of American afloat for Great .BriU .. i ... Uma loo- rani SdS NIO ' i.-V . . ui oaui ..." j , - ' ; . LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKETi Liverpool, Oct. .-i-Spof" cotton fair demand, prices easier;, middling: fair $7.94; good middling 7.64; middling 7.52 ; j low, middling 7.30; good ordina ry 6.64?. ordinary 6.30. Sales. 8,000; including 700. American and 500 for speculation and "exports Recpiptsf : 4 OOOindnding. J.00 Amecaiu-p Puturesr closed quiet:? October 7.19r "October and November 7.07. '1-2 ; No? ' vember and December 6.99 ; -December and January 6.98 1-2 ; ; January and February 69; February5 and .Marcat 6.99; March and April 6.99; April ana May 6.99; May; and June 6.99 ;x June and July 1 6J96 ;?Jfily ;and August. 6.93 1-2 ; - August- and September 6.77 ; 1-2? . September and. October.6.54;,l-2; Oc tober and November 6.43 X-2, -; - . i '-f v'-V'-Ji.J- 3 UlU REVIEW OF eoTTOU . ter . Weather in. South Some : V Varylrig Estimates Spin- v '' .; oners'. Takings Large. -,' IewY6rk, v Oct! ' 10. The cotton market - has been generally unsettled durinfthe iast week with prices sel ling off nearly $5 per bale from the high rfecbrdSf established just i- before the-;publicatfbn of the last govern ment crop : report. ; Bette? weather in the outbj i ten dency to revise some of the small; crop estimates- circulating earlier in the month, , and an easier turn in the Southern; spot, markets have! : been partly responsible for the selling while after an advance of nearly three, ients a pound since the middle of last Au gust, there was naturally an accumu lated -speculative long, interest 'whiclf his doubtless been much: reduced on the reaction. ? Unfavorable trade ad YiceS .from abroad and continued talk of -lahor. roubles m Lancashire have also encouraged the more bearish ay: erage of sentiment but judging from much of the talk around the ring and the.; published ; opinion of many local houses the selling has been more on the expectation, of-a' bettervbuyng ba-" sis than in : the hope of a permanent decline. -The tendency toward Increas ed, estimates of ; the. crop has been en couraged to some extent "by a. 'private estimates of r 15 J500.00 hales;, including linters, and the favorable average of crop news from the Eastern belt. .There have been other estimates; however; ranging from only 12,800,000 to 14,550,000 and there have been lit tle or no improvement in the charac ter of . scattering crop1 reports from west of the river which at the end of the -week was threatened with 'renew ed ' showers;; and .lower .temperatures, southern spot markets have eased off in. sympathy, with the decline in. fu tures, but bulllshly . disposed - traders claim that offerings ot Jboth spots jurd contracts-have -been absorbed on a scale down by trade buyers and-that the .liquidation on the .break from 13,83 ;toi '12.90 tor January : contracts has placed ; the , market in a stronger technical position.;: Spinners', takings for - the "Week. Were . again largely in excess of last year and so far but lit tle cotton appears to xe reacning New York from the South, as the certifi cated stock here is still but little over the 6,000 bale mark. " ' fi I i .1 " 'i 1 'i in I WflEAT MARKET STEADY. tclafd'acf: 10". Taninr off In rMelDts at primary terminals gave considerable bony ancy - to - wheat. Largely In conse quence the market closed steady, at a net advance of ; to . Corn showed a gain of to 31-over lant niifht. and oats a setback of a shade. - In provisions, the outcome7 ranged from ..unchanged, to ngures or vzy decline Cash grain: Wheat No. 2, red. 9393; No. 2, hard, 8GH87 i No: 1, .Northern, 8787. - : Corn-v-Nd. 2. TIS71r: No. 2. whltei SI 71 : No. 2..Tellow. 7i(S72. , VOatsNd.2, r Jwhlte,4242t stantlard,- v. ueiH lWTJiuiwr, oo": may, vfi.? 2VCorh December, !B969; May. 71 u.i . . i nia May, 91. i; July, ii'A. Oats December, 41; May, 4444. . Pork January. , 19.67: May, 19.80. "' Lard November, 10.62; January, "10.51 Ma v.- 10.75J- liibfcr-October. 10.77; January. 10. 10.42; May, 10,55. COTTON RECEIPTS. " 3Se wl.Y6 'kV' Oct. 10. The f ollowln g J. a re tne' total net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1st: uaivestoa .714.896 NewlOrleatis .. .103,438 Mobile ...... Sarannah .. . Charleston Wilmlngtri ..' Norfolk j.' . , Baltimore . . JNew York ... . Boston .i'.ii1''.-. Newport t News San . Frapcisco Brans vick- Pensacola -. . Jacksonville Texas' City, ... Seattle' ... ... Ta co in a ... ... Aransas Pass. . . 72.217 .,469,58( ..141,410 .'. 93,894 .. 44.119 . 9,982-i 1,002 .. 1.652 ..17,076 . . 75,904 ,. 8,153 . . 4,361 . 61.292 .. ,5,025 .. - 925 24,179 , .Total bales.i..,;,vA,,:.!;i. .1,85L159 NEW YORK PRODUCE. (MARKET. New iYorkrOctr 10. -Wheat firm: No. 1 Northern Puluth 96. Corn Firm'79 1-4. FlOur Quiet. Hides and . Petroleum Steady. ; Leather and Rice Firm. Wwl'Quiet, . . : . . Molasses-Steady. Butter-Weak. Cheese Barely steady. . , 'SugSpr-Raw easy; refined 10 points lower: risv- sv:-:;- Cbfee--Spbt firm; Rio No 7, 10 7-8; Santos rNo. 4, 13 1-8. Mild Steady; uoraoita is to ib 1-4 nommai. .. .. Potatoes Weak. - .. jRahhagea i .and v Peanuts Dull and tmchangedi7 -? y;v- " rreignts--steaay. -' ...... .-a-.t-u -i O.nttnn SoArl nil Olilpt in flhseniRR 6f xmtsidfttrade,. ; prices, held , steady oh" local professional support -and in sympathy with cotton. Closing; prices were 1 tb ' 5 points 'net higher; sales 6,00j0. , . Prime crude 5.66 inominal ; prime - Summer' yellow 6.90. to 9.10 ; Drime.WInter yellow 7.20: prime Sum mer white47.1Q; October 7.00;Novem 66.90 MJecember 6.92 J January 7.00 February; 7.)6;' March ;7.16; April 7.22; May v.34. v,'... s . -,yr-J-,-i ; THE ORY GOODS MARKET; W New - YoHc ?!'Oct. V 10l Cotton eoods were quiet today, with prices barely steady v on' gray i . sroods. Amoskeag flannelettes for the chtting trade have been priced .at 10. l-z cents for--i9Zi, o ; mca-gooas; ior xue :,p au. season ol 914.. . Fine..-caruet mills are restrict ing -prbductibn fri fin ti oipation of ' free" wool. Yarns were easier. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ha vinar vaualified as administrator of D. Archie v .Bulluck,--. deceased, tlate . of - New Saaoyer CohntyJ North . Carolina,4 this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of ald deceased to exhibit them to" the undersigned on or before , the 10th di ot October. 1914, or this- notice will pe pleaded'- io bar of : their recovery.. All gersons Indebted to said estate wm please f make Immediate1 payment. . " : ' ' t; M ebnest s. BULLrucii, u ? jrrr r? --f " . Administrator. 'This 11th :day. Sf October, 1913v : ": ; NO MARK ... ... ... ... . NOTICE. .;, .i : Hatlna'uallnedas exeoator of the. last trill -and' testament ;of Miry ' Honnet, de? ceased, late .of the County of New Hanover Snd State or- orrn ijarpuna, tnis is io no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before: the 28th day oflSeptemberv;i914, or this .notice. will be nloaded in bar or their recovery . . VThis 20th day of Sept., 191X - ,v se27-laww . ; . -Executor, STOCK MARKET DEPRESSED Bear . Traders Singled" Oaf NeW for Attack Yesterday Amalga mated Conspicuously Weak. ' ' - Bonds Easier; New York, Oct lO.-'-Bear traders singled out a new target for their, at-tack- tbday. Jn: place Of Steel 6f Vnion Pacific on which selling has beep con centrated during:: the recent decline, Amalgamated :was the conspicuously weak stock among the, leaders, . ' Fluctuations again- were uncertain, but "the movement as 'a whole was downward. -After? a slump An- the morning which? i. depressed s. leaidirig stocks 1 to 2 points, the list picked upon short covering, but the advance marked - no1 - -genuine-: accession of strength and another decline c&me be f ore the ..close American ; Telephone securities resumed their decline - ana the stock" fell two points to 1.22 1-8, a new low'record: since 19Q8.:i . ' steer maae tne pest snowing oi any lof . the leaders, remaining above yes- 1 terday s low point. it was not artect- ed unf avoraoly- by tne' montniy report of unfilled" tonnage; although a further faiUng"43ff Was revealed.. Owing large ly to: heavy, payments by the banks to the sub-treasury for customs duties; in cohriectiony with, the release of goods held: in bonduttil the new tariff law became operative, Lit is probable . that another loss ihcash will be shown. on the ; week! . Forecasts of . the banks statements pointed" to a shrinkage of $3,000,000 to 14,000,000. Liquidation ;5 of speculative - bonds imparted an' easier" tone to the bond market. Total sales, par . value $1, 2TO.00O. United Stater 3 coupons ad vanced i-Vahd the registered 4 s l-8c on -call. Total .stock sales 318,700, in cluding Amalgamated Copper 45,900; Am6rican 'Tobacco 100; A; C.- L. 300; C. &. Or 3,000 r Lehigh Valley 1,00ft r L. & N. 800;. N. & W. 100; Reading 56,200 S. A. L.-100; do preferred 100; Southern Railway 900;. do preferred 100; Tenn. Copper 200; Union Pacific 30.700; U. S. Steel 61,600. New York, Oct. 10. The unfilled tonnage of the United States Steel Corporation: on September 30th total1 ied 5,003,785 tons,; a decrease of 219,683 tons over August . ;VJ--: . CLOSlNCf STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper .. .. .. . American Agricultural American,' Beet Sugar American Can .. American Can, pfd".. . . . American Car and Foundry . . . . American. "Cotton: OIF... .. .. .. . American tee Securities . . . . . . . . 72 . .. 43W ; :: . 39 -.. . 21 merfcan Linseed . . . . . -8 ... 30 ... 64 American ijocomoiive - . ; .. .. .. Atner. Smelting and Kef Amer." Smelting and- Ref., pfd . American Sugar Refining .. .. American Teljpd Tel .. .. . . .. American Tobacco' .". .. .. ..' Anaconda Mining Co .. .. .. . . Atchison .. .. .. .. Atchison" pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore and Ohio .. .. .. .. . Bethlejiem Steel . Brooklyn Rapid Transit . .'.' .... . Canadian Pacific . ...... Central Leather V. .:. V. .. Chesapeake aadObio . . ., Chicago. ,Oreat western .. .. ... . Chicago. Mil. afld St. "Paul .. .. . Chicago , and. North Western .. . Colorado Fuel arid Iron . Consolidated Gas ...... . . . . . Corn Products .. .. .. .. .. .. . Delaware and Hudson . .. .. . Denver aiid . Rio Grande Denver and RIO" Grande, pfd . . . Distillers Securities .. Erie .u. .... .- Erle.lst pfcL ..'. Erie, 2nd Dfd . General Elecmc.-. . . Great Northern, pfd Great .Northern Ore Ctfs .. .. .. . Illinois. Central:., . .. .. . .. . Interbo'roujfli-Met .'. i. .. .. .. . InterboroughMet., pfd Inter Harvester ' . . .... Inter-Marine, pfd ... International Paper ,. .. .. .. . International Pump. .. .. .108 .. .122 .. .223. .. . 34 ... 93 . .. 9S5 . ..117 - . . . . . .. 86 . ..230 .. . 20 ,.56 . 0- . , ..128 ...28 . .130A . ..104 18 ,, . .. 13$ . . . 27 .. 43W ... 33 . ..142 . ..123 . en . ..108 . .. 14 , .. 58 ...105 .. . 14 ...... 6 Kansas City,. Southern .. . . t- .. 24, 98 Lacieae uas Leblgb Valley Louisville and Nashville V. .. Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste Marie Missouri,. Kansas and Texas ... . Missouri Pacific... ..' National Biscuit .. . National Lead ... .,. Nat. Rys. .of Mexico, 2nd pfd . . New; York . Central New:York.Ont. and Western .. . Norfolk-anti-Western ..- North American' . . . . . . ...... Northern Pacific . . . . Pacific: Mail ... .. Pennsylvania.... .. ..153 .133 .132 .. 19 ..28 ..120 , .. 44 . 12 ..95 .. 27 .. 71 ..108 . . 19 .111 . .124 People's, Gas ... Pittsburg,. CtCi.and .Sf. Louis . 90 - nttsDurg uoar . ., . . . .v ,. ..: Pressed. Steel,Car . . . . . Pullman Jalace. Car ... . . ' 1 Reading ."..V-.. . . ? Re;poblfc , Iron and Steel Republic4 Iron .and Steel, pfd Rock IsTahd Co ..' V.'i . . .. Rock Island' Co.. nfd : . . . . 20 .. 24 ;.i5o ..162 . . 19 78 .. 13 ... 20 St Louis' and San Fran., 2nd pfd Seaboard Air Line .. .. . en.,WA...I Al. T Inn w,1 ' OUUHC I4U .. .. .. Sloss-Sheffield Steel and ' Iron .. ..-46. . 29 .. 89 Southern Pacifie Southern Railway I. .. . .. SbXithern Railway, nfd , Tennessee XTopper. Texas and 'Pacific .. .... V;-rr . luion. Pacific , . ,. , Union' Pacific,-pfd .. .. .. Unitetl Statesj. Realty ...... ... United States ' Rubber .. 21 .. 12 ..152,- 82 . . u7 .. 62 . . nr ..103 United: States Steel . . .. . .. . . . . . ., . united States steel, pid Utah .Conner .... .. i. 31 29 itv. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Wabash ; Wabash, pfd Western Marvland .. .. .. .. '....' WesternJUnifffi . . . ... ... ... . . . 35', .. 60' ,f. 67 . 4 .'.209 ..115 .166 ; ..113 Westinghouse Electrie .i . Wbeenn g and Lake Erie . . . : ; ; . ti. and fti . . .... .. : L.'nnd'M!., pfd . ... ... ... ... Lorillard . ;. . . .... ... . Lorlllard, pfd . . . ... . BUSJNE$S IS GOOD. Sb! ;;Sasrafstret!;THoughL Not so ' J'' . &bdd !d .Week Before. - ew -yprk,:.(?Ct, ;10.-Bradstreet's to morrow, win say:, -v.. ' ;- - "Cross -currents in trade .matters are noticeable:.' However, distributive; trade sentiment - is "ODtlmiatie. thft -in fluence of crop money is being felt in agricultural districts demand . for pramot: shipment of textiles is a pro nounced feature of-a scantily supplied market, nuviner oi stame articles is Jiberal; v;;' ; , ... . tffi Most reports indicate that trade generally is ahead of last year, when jobbers and manufacturers . were en joying especial activity, collections continued to mend, demand for money tor ' mercantile purpose is good- and car shortages are in pr0spect..ri ; ;: T W u is, proDanie mat trade is?., made less active than-last week, this rret; u is, prooaDie mat trade is?a j oeing one to an intermingling or var ious laciors. voangea lann: conm-tions,-believed by many to have been t discounted, tend to restrict buying pending! clearer views on price: trends and4 effects of withdrawals -from band ed 'Warehouses , and unseasonably warm" weather, has worked against free distribution -;.. - - "Business failures for the week ehd ing October 9th were 314. v Wheat, including flour; exports from the United States and Canada for the Xwea&t.. aggregate ,148,848 - bushels agajnst;Wl,25l iasteariv Arrived.':- . ' ' .jl Schr. Joel Cook,- 319 tons, Ray, Jersey City, eargo salt, D.'L. Gore; vessel to Maf- fifit & WOOd. ..'.;'. :": ."- - r -Str. DupUn Stokes, Smith's Bridge, C. P, Love. ,v j. - V- - ;::;;;MiiRJra-lTjBECTORY.v: : List of Vessrfa in Port at Wilmington, North Carolina. ..Steamers. Str King eorge (Br.j, 2.4S0 tons, Bur nettt Alexandet Spruit '. & Son. ; . ' v . Str." Edernlan (Br.), 2.2S4 tons, Thomas ; Heide & Co. - ' -. Str. Gtefarale (Br J; 2,009 tons, Blair; Alexander Snrnnf & Soa '-. f - ; Str. eardijifaD (Br.J- 2,69r tons. WlUiams, Alexander Sprunt & Son. Sir. , Mariner; (Br.)," 1323 tons. Morrison, Alexander Sprunt & dB4 Str. Cdroy (r.), 2,280 tonsr, Prince, Bue nos Ayres, Alex. Sprunfc-'& Son. Str. Fitzpatrick (BrA -2,838 tons, Rob son, New York, Alex. Sprunt & Son. iStr Ince, Bank (Br.)V '2,162 tons, Mayne, Boston, Alex. Sprunt-. Son. - ' Schooners.' -V .SSchr. Joel Cook, 319 XfSn; Ray, ; Maffitt &; Wood. . : a ', - ' v Schr. penj. F. Pooled 1,098 tons. Cole Maffitt & Wood, -u.; . i-,T&U" ' 1 - . i; j f 1 1. . i . 1BT RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Cotton and Naval Stores at tne Port, . Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 10. . Atlantic Coast Llne 3.440 bales cotton. (Seaboard -Air Line L152 bales cotton. Clyde uine 1 bale cotton. Total,593 bales cotton: ' . - WILMINGTON MARKETS. . . " , STAR OFFICE,' Oct; 10. , -SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady, at 381,4: cents per gallon. . . ROSIN-rSteady, .$3.30. " r , TAR s-Flrm, at $20 per barrel; ia casks 10e. per, gallon-. - - .. : , V P ; CRUDE TCRPENTINEFlrm,' $2.00 per parrel for hard; S3. 00 per barrel for dip, and $3jQ9 per barrel for virgin. . . -Quotations same day last, year Spirits turpentine, , 37 rosin,, $6 . IS ; tar,? $2 . 20 ; crude turpentine, firm, at 3.254.75 te $4.75. ; w , V : Receipts. Spirits -Turpentine .. ( ) RjOSin . yt-j . O . i . r fy v.. ...... ... - Taj. .... . ..i . .' . .. . ( ( Prude . TurDentlne ... .';..-'..... . . . ( Keceipts samenay tasc year- . spirits turpeBtlaep 18 -casks proain, 8 barrels; tar, 7 barrels crude turpentine, 10 barrels. ! ; -:f - V ' COTTON MARKET. ' MarketSpotj steady, at 13 cents for middling.'--- ''' '- 1 Market' r-' Same day. last year, : firm, at 10 for flalddling. Receipts, 4,593. Same. s day last year, 3, 979 bales.:.'1 r , : 'tTotal receipts since Sept. 1. 96,886 bales. -Total receipts same-. time last year, 83, 703 bales. : - '; -: ;-: PRODUCE 3IARKETS. ; (Quoted by W. J. MereVlith. Oct. 4.) -CORN-r1.90 to $1.95 per sack. r POTATOES Irish potatoes, new crop, 85c. per bu. Sweet potatoes, new, 70c.; dull. PEAS Out of season.' " BEEF Native, dressed, dull, 8c. . ; PORK Small. . ll12c. : WOOL Burry, 11 to 12c. .. per. lb. ; free HI DJBS Green salt. He; dry' flints, 14 lScy 'per lb. - - - . '. . . . . tb 22c. per, lb.; sides and shoulders, 13c. -BEESWAX Firm, 272 per lb. ; TALLOW Firm 4 jto .4 per Ib. :'.T .7 ' G'rowny 40.. to 43c.; Spring chickens, 15 35c, per head; - - EGGS 26c. Good 'demand. , 1 SHEEP--Old Sheep, 75c. t - $2.50 per liaoii ra . . Ttmtvq $1 fiO to. 2.30 -vUu I. 'T ' . T per bead, i f , .: r . . TURKEYS Lire, on. f9pt, ?0c.: j)er lb WILMINOTON PEANUT MARKET. -;v.:.-h. '.. yiii . ... . i ...: :- r, ? CQuoted byJ.' S.-Funchess & Co.) '";-----i.'WUmlpjfton,--NCH Oct. 4. Market Weak. Nothing doing. . ' . North Carolltfas--NO." 1, prlme , hand- v Spanish-rPrimev hand-picked. $1.00 ; machine-picked, SOe. - V: . Virginias Prime hand-picked, 7oc.; machine-picked,. 80&! - A SECRETARY H ESTER'S REPORT. Of Cotton'- Crop New Orleans Cotton ,, X. - EXCHANGER - New; Orleans,- Oc . 10. Secretary itesteir's statehienv bf the5 .-world's vis ible,: supply, of Q ,catton issued today shows the total visible to be 3,093,376, againstv2,81?,505 lasf week, and 3,287, 147 last year. ... , .; ; Of this the total of American cot ton 1s 2,161,676, against 1,919,505 last wdek and 2,596,147. last' year, and of air other kinds, including. Egypt, Bra zil, India, etc, 933,000, against, 893,000 last-week, and 791,000 last year. Of the wbrld's visible supply of cotton there is now afloat, and held:in Great Britain and continental Europe 1,624, 000, against 1,127,000 last year; in Egytft f' 154,000, 'against 110,000 last year; in India 410,000, against: 398,000 last year, and in ' the - United States 906,000, against 1,752,000 last year. New Orleans, Oct: 10 Secretary Hester's weekly New Orleans cotton exchange .. statemeni-i . issued today shows for the ten 4ays of October ..a decrease-inrthe totals" under last: year of '; 62,000 and a decrease under the same peripcLyear before of 75JOOO. For the torty fds&s of ilairfea? 130,000. The amcwBt brought?inta.!sight dur ing ther$4lst;?welc has been , 544,642 bales, against 557,751 for; the- seven days; ndiraK, this d't9 last year and for . th'e days : 6fIOctober it has been 790,8. agains 152,498. , . ? The hrtrvement since September 1st shows receipts at all United - States pbrts-150,645r against 1,742735, last year-? Otsetbtod across tSse Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac rivers to Northern mills and"Canada," 35,927, against 2 8, 954 last year. Interior stocks in ex cess: of those held at the close of -the close of ;tbe i commercial year,- 218,201, ootitnet 99i Rfls Tasf vpa r.e Southern mills' takings,; 306,000, against 283,718 last: year, "-j -'.'- - i. .".''. -r Total; movement for -the;: 40 : days of tlna sasenn frntii' Spntmhr r lst': tO date" TAmTtp against ' 2,280,272 last year, ; 2,4-67,603 year ,: before last; and 1,63,449 the same time iniiu. ; tinmlim mrnnrts fnf -.. t.Vi-: wpfik Have beenOl.SO.vagaln making the total thus far for. the sea- sotu 1,257,119,. against i,iiu,uoa ... iat t nritt'nfk irH&' nvH'rteaii'- mills. Korth; . South;; and Canada,; thus far for i' the , season have - . been 647,357, lagaihstrpmpiastHyea-..:2! - Stocks at; the- seaboajed-and , the; 29 iadriino' Smifhorri intftrlriricfinters have bales, "agalnst an ncise during . the oorresponding. . -perioa! last seasou t 203,277 : and;! are inow:-tK,061-smallei: thait-at thalate toilM-X.v -"J: khd ; interiorrtowns front the last crop and the maffber or, oaie:prougnt mio ; oio-Kt fTiiii ?Tn. from tha-nftTurroD. the supply , to date, is 2,737,190, against 2, J644.985 forjthe- same period last year. " riNANCIAi. : MAgKET. ; - ' New York 6ct,; m -Money m' call; fttmi at- 30lZi ruling rate, r qlosing. bid, ninety days; -5 six: months, irime mercantile i,ijcr,-. u?-nmv vcui. Sterling-Exchange, .steady.; at. 4.850 f orv de- yer .'00: Mexican . dolla rs,v 4 . , y - f nav4l. storks. ' n4w Tofki Oct. -lO.TTurp'entiBe, easy, : f Jtoslu Steady. ; - ' -. -Savannah; Oct, 10.Turpeatlne steady, at 39. - Sales, , 455 : receipts, 724 ; ship- ments, .aii;fsipc,. ' : : ' KOgln iilwr. -wiTrn,. 1,11.1, tT.-cnic" . "!.. shtpaMWf st '-I40r iSfbrtts,- 151.".. 1. i a Deparlmleni' 4kt Arrlcnlture. -: Wwtbet Rnrean. - , , ' . ; v October II. 1913. Meteorological dtji fnr the 24 hnnra ending at 8. P. M., yesterday: j Temperature at 8 A. M.. 69 degrees; at 8. P. M.." 71 degrees; maximum, 7S degrees minimum, 68 degrees ; mean, 70 degrees. llainfall. for the day. 2.22; rainfall for the mouth, to. date, 6.72. Stage of water In Cape Fear river at Fayettevllle, at S A. -M, yesterday, 5.0 feet. . i ; Weather Forecast. For North Carolina Fair in west, show ers Saturday in east . nortion : Sundav. cloudy ; cooler in west, portion. The Port Calendar, Oct. 11. tt:14 A. M. I Suu sets .. . . . .. ...... .o :d 1. M. . . . . .' . .11 hrs. 31 mln. Tides. i High water. Low water I A.M. P.M. . A.M. P.M I 71 . 7:29 1:54 2:15 . 5:18 5:32 11:25 11:50 , 5 :07 s-; 5 : 21 .11 :05 11 :30 Day's length Wilmington . ; . Southpdrt . . Masonboro Inlet" WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS., October 10,. 1913. . . : ... United Temperature: STATIONS: S 00 c Abilene . . . cloudy . clear . clear -. clear . cjear raining . .clear . cleirr .raining .pt cldy . clear . cloiidy . . clear . clear . .clear . clear . . clear . cloudy . clear .cloudy . .clear pt cldy raining . cloudy 84 70 .0 80 ' 54 .0 84 66 .0 84 60" .0 8(5 - 64 .0 60 W .02- 80 68 I .0 80 66 .0 ' 82 64 : '84 I 78 .06 88 . 68 .0 4 70 .0 : 82 68 .0 ' 88 I M .0. 88 " 70 .0 74 64 .0 80 1 70 .0 : 88 70 ..0 r 84 62 .0 72 70 ,50 . 84 66 .0 j. 88 72 .0 " 80 66 -02 . 72 J 64 .0 : Asheville V . Atlanta ' . . Augusta . . Birmingham . Boston. . . . Charleston . Cliarlotte . ' Chicago . alveston . . Jacksonville . Memphis.. . Mobile ... Montgomery . New Orleans New : Tor k. . Oklahoma . . Palestine. . Pittsburg.. . Ualeigh ., . Savannah Shreveport' . St.. . liouis . . Washington '. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, Eastern District of. North Carolina, at Wil mington. In Admiralty. . Southern Menhaden Company, owners of the Steam Tug "Frank Perry," ; against The Dredge "Erin-go-Bragh," her tackle, apparel, furniture, etc., her . owners and all persons claiming an Interest therein., j In obedience to wurrant of seizure to me' directed in the above entitled cause, I have seized and taken Into r my possession the following described property, to wit : The Dredge "Erfn-go-Bragh. her tackle, ap parel, furniture, etc., for the causes set forth in the libel now pending in the Dis trict Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, at Wil-i mington. I hereby give notice to all per-! sons claiming the said described property, I or ; knowing, or having anything to say ; way tne same snoma not. De eonaemnea and forfeited and sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed according to the prayer of the' libel,-that they le and appear be fore the Court to be held in and for the Eastern -District of' North Carolina, at Wilmington, United States Court Room, In the City of Wilmington, on the 15th day of October, 1913. at 11:00 A. M.r if the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, where in on the next day of jurisdiction , tbere- o-fffti". thiiTi nnfl thprp intpptwisp si l!iim on the same, and to make their' allegations in .their behalf. - CLAUDIUS DOCKERY, - - ' V U. VS. Marshal. f By C. O. Knox, Deputy Marshal. ocll-tt ,;. : . . , We ar closing 'em but, ev ery last of this seasbh's Sum me Stock, , to make room for Our Fall Stock, soon to arrive. Women's $3.50 : ' -t - s-vfi-la-i ..4'-' "vl . One of Our Many Bargains and be cbnvii 24 HO; FRONT STl 9 We are unloading this !weelc cargo 11 ,000 bags. ; :z 1 VSehd orders and let us ship while bags aire nice and clean. ' "a': y '--v J': Pi ' ;: - Can put in Pocket Salt 'Ice Cream Salt and Rock Salt. W '-. WHOLESALE' GROCERS: 4 21& llAMOKi JffRlND. uiotrir sx J9nr wrattriM tor . fllia in Btl Md Gold metallieS Nxs sealed -with Blue Ribbon-' IVryrrUU AkftwCHIHT;s.TER 8 rear knowa as BestrSafcst; AImsRHIaiih SOLD 6 DRUG(jI5T$VERYWER& v-if: ' ' '- A -' $2.19 HEWLETT a PRICE CHICHESTER Tpi - ' TI C HP'S r" '': " -t-ja-v nl; "-.' .v-v PECK & HOLLOW AY Get Yoiir. Outfit Before November 1st. We are District Agents for the "Southern" American Field Fencing. Have a large stock on hand. Can ship promptly. , .; ' . , . -: ' Send.us your peders. e . : . . . , WM. E. SPRINGER & COMPANY it :4i n.. " Jr- l .4? eild (if tlie m Magic Hoodoo Paper- never" fails to drive the Ants away. Absolutely. Guaranteed. Will not harm children, dogs or cats. v. v . X-'. v,. . Made in Louisiana ; Guaranteed and Sold in Wilming ton, N. C., by Exclusive Agents: x hic bun Bunting's Rat and Roach. - lVely. ' :: - V. :-rr Opera House Box. The Lovers of Skye, by Frank Waller Alien . --n The Gay Rebellion, by Robert W- Chamber. Guinevere'a Lover, by Elinor Glyn. -The Valiants of Virginia; by HalUe E. Rlrer. i John O' Jamestown, by Vaughn Kester. -Andrew tixt Glad, by Marie Thompson Darlea. Roast Beef Medium, by Edna Ferber. i - '- J 7 :: Sefen iteys to Baldpaite, by Earl Derr Blgori.' Bobbie General Manager, by Oliver Higgins Prooty. Bookseller i' 1M CMFE 'PHONE 873. WILMINGTON, NOTICE v We, havet purchased all of City- Li very r Co. Horses, 1 Wagons, ulgjliei have been used,, but I in. good 'repair, ., Which we will close out at; low prices. "t Also have: full lme of Ne w Wadris, Carriages,. B uggies, Etc4o'seil:atlw;Pri(:es : SfcW-OSSi BEAR & DAVIS CO.f r ?PKMe24ff K30-ta,tb,!jaJ6fei LUMBER f - Long and Short ;4 ;-' . Leaf, Rough . and Dressed. - - C. F; Prom0V0eHverl Yard and Office: Cor. .Water, ac . v-r- . '..;..' .''.''- -::: ' .-''.i' ' : GUNS AMMUNITION THHERMOS BOTTLES AND buXBAK And kampit -.... - V r v"?" .F"- ' f I I fl GLOTHINa ; - f"1 VH ' cb. Paste will do the work effect- y :;;;;-: ? Sheet at Our Store. r and 8tatlonr. 1 ' T 'A NORTH CAROLINA. Market St Goldsboro Flint Arrow Good Grades '. ' i 'Phone: 1287. NOVELS DeROSSET CO BRICK SLATE - 1 ' ' - " " .', '' :- !,' v-:!i . -:; i :".V.i ' ; i . -, it . V f ;: