.J QOCIAL & u PERSONAL AUl O. lVU&Ci WAV, .wa -w - VA A A V AAA r v - , s -ThP annual meeting of L.' Agile Co . tillon Club will be held tonlgnt at n'ilnnt i-n tt a Ufa Crvn1 T'PnTnlft. SGV' eral matters of importance' are to be f considered.- . . -K vSstprdav'a Durham Herald: "Miss Anna Ellington, of Wilmington, spent . 'If M 1 1 f 1 f t iwriuu 111 IUC LlkJ -1 "WJ sh was ptttou f ft to Chapel Hill wher6 sue win visit. ' Mr. T. M. Pridgen, a member of the "local staff of The Evening Dispatch, Is taking his vacation this weeK. tie will remain in the city until the lat ter part or tne weeK wnen ne eipetis - to take a snort trip out 01 own. Tne Housenom niconomics uvumi ment of Sorosis will meet in the Pub lic Liibrary this arternoon at i o ciock. The committee of the Better' Babies contest will meet with the .department Fine Arts and Industrial iuxhiDit to be held in November. The Christian Endeavor Society of trie First HresDvterian cnurcn win have its regular monthly business and social, meetine tonight at 8 o'clock in the church oarlors. As officers for the ensuing year are to be eiectea a full attendance of tne members is ae sired, and all young people of -the con gregation are coraiauy mvitea to at MISS FLORA SMITH BKlUt OF MR. KENNETH MERRITT. ' 'In the presence of a number of f I 1 " IS .1. If on1 liVn iriCUUS, ML. XVCii.lHri.li iUCl 1 ILL CLlftU iuioi) Flora Smith, daughter of Mr. W. R. Smith, were united in marriage at the home of tthe officiating minister, Rev. W. Li. Rexford, pastor of Bladen Street Methodist church, at 8 o'clock last night. .Following the ceremony a reception was given tne young coupie at No. 419 Bladen street, vhere they will reside. lueie were a large uuuiubi ui uui-Vof-town visitors here yesterday to wit ness the presentation of Thomas Dix on's Leopard Spots." at the Academy of Music. The following are among those from nearby points who were registered at The ) Orton, most of whom were here for the play: W. L. Bvrd. Wallace: Joseph W. Bland. Bur gaw; W. W. Perry, Topsail; JflrB. Ste vens, Southport; Mr. and Mrs. B. P Smith, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bland, Burgaw; J. T. Yarborough, Mullins, S. C; W. L. Ketchum, W. H. Home, W. E. Sabiston, G. J. McMillan, Mrs. E. W. Summerrell, Mrs. E. A. Pettway, Jacksonville; S. "Wi. Stanly, Fort Caswell; Mrs. A. B. Jones, South port, and guest. Miss Minnie Kellam, Norfolk;, Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Clark, Rosindale; T. L. Gibson, Fay etteville; , Elkton; Mrs. H. B. Thomas and Miss Maggie Williams, Miss Maggie Mur phy, Mrs. R. I. Durham, Burgaw. MR. EUGENE E. GORHAM WEDS MISS ANNA MALONEY. -Fay etteville N. C, Oct. 16. Miss Anno TWorm VT olnnov aHronf ivt AUU iUUl A ATA CA A J AA J y l,AA UlU O.VVl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ma loney, and Mr. Eugene E. Gorham were married at the home of the bride's parents on -Diok street last night at 9 o clock. The -marriagff was very quiet and only intimate relatives and friends of the two familfesfc'were present. ' ... The ceremony was performed"? by Father J. S .. Galagher, pastor Of St. Patrick's Catholic church. The bride's wedding dress was of white crepe de chine, with pearl trimmings and Irish crocheted lace 50 years old, which was worn by her mother at the latter'g wedding. Her going-away costume was a blue tailored coat suit. She entered with her father and was attended by her sister, Miss Bessie Maloney, as maid of . honor. . The bride groom's best man was Mr. D. A. Williamson. Miss Jennie Maloney played Men delsshon's Wedding March. - The house was. tastefully decorated in a scheme of green, with many can dles, ferns being the plant used in the decoration. Refreshments were served after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Gorham left on the Florida and West India Limited at 10:30 for New York. After a bridal tour in the North they will be at home here. PRETTY HOME WEDDING AT oCOTT'S HILL WEDNESDAY. One of the most beautiful weddings ever solemnized in the Scott's Hill community took place Wednesday ev ening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Edward N. Edens, when their attractive daughter, Miss Leola May Edens, became the bride of Mr. Franik C. Branch, of Wilmington. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. A. Brwton, of Scott's Hill. The bridal party entered the attrac tively decorated-parlor, where the cer emony 'was performed, to" the strains of the Wedding March played by Mrs. F. L.. Brown. The bride's sister,, Mrs. J: F- Swann, was dame of honor, and Mr, Swann acted as best man. The other attendants were Miss Bessie Edens and Mr. Luther T. Edens. Ferns and: evergreens were used -very effec tively in the decorations. ; Following . the ceremony and after the. 'bride and groom had heen show ered with the felicitations and best wishes of the . friends assembled," the bridal party and other invited guests repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous supper - was served. 4 The . large, number of beautiful and costly wedding presents received at test the popularity of the young cou ple The bride is one of Pender coun ty . uiubi vuaiiuiugAuu uyuuiiu vuuue ladies, while the groom is a popular young business man of this. city. He connected with the Cape Fear Oil Company. -. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Branch ' W Ul' JilOrAO- VA1V1A "1 A L-AA IUC Ul O sister, Mrs. J. F. Swann, No . G14 Al iOiU MAM A f AT DURHAM THIS WEEK. a-uurnam, is . v., uci. io. two weddings-of State-wide interest were sol: 1 rtl J n i : emaizea nere mesuay. xne nrst was nat or jviiss uiiise muns, oi mis city to Mr.; Nichdlaa Walker, of Raleigh. ' The' - wedding took place at Trinity church at(k30 yesterday afternooii. Th church had been artistically deco rated in ft coloi;-scheme of green and white. Stately lVpaims ana tne sort ffinw of many r canares maue an enec 1 . j.i . tlVO " DaCKgrounu ..iui ; iub unuai ystriy. Immediately preceamg tne cere a Konntifiil musical Broeramtne wa rendered. To the accompaniment nioirui nn the ftrean nv. misb Alice - Bailg i,nu tr; ------ t . f n r. 1i rl - 1 ! n 1 1 I ; V fMl 1 :si TT1f3 , i To the strains; or ' jwenueissonn s Wflddine March the bridal ; party ad- Wo fTnnrifer from onnosite mroMreUijhnsrm. McDonald and Thos. C.Denson of Raieign ; J ames i; via relli . of Inchhurgs and; Gilmer. Kerner, of rWinston ? Ane- Di iuesuioiuB, vu(; 1 andv carrying large bouquets ' of pink ' fthrvsanthemums. - '' followed. They ' were Misses Virginia Rawls, of Nor folk ? Kate Jenkins, of Winston: Katie Lee McKlnnon, of Maxton, and Emily Walker, of Raleigh. Miss Louise Glass, of' this' city i. the maid of honor, wore pink crepe meteor and carried pinjit chrysanthemums. The little iiower girls, Misses Sallie Lyon and Mary Washington Stagg, preceded the bride. . The bride was exquisitely gowned in white meteor and princess lace en train. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. She entered the church with. her: brother, Dr. Ed win Mims, and was met at the chan cel by the groom with his best man, Mr. Louis N. Dibrell, of Danville, Va. Rev. R.-C. Craven was the officiat ing clergyman and the ring ceremony of the Methbdist Church was used. Immediately after the ceremony tne party went to the home of the bride's mother on Trinity Heights, where a buffet suDDer was served. Mr. ana Mrs. Walker left the city for the North on the 8 o'clock' train. The other marriage or mucn mter- pst solemnized here yesterday was that nf Miss Mamie J. Roberts to Mr Theodore T. Chesson, formerly of Ply mouth. N. C tout now or tnis city This marriage was performed at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. EUza- hpth Roberts, on Mangum street, yes tprdav evenine at 7:dU ociock. Miss Clvde Kearnes. or tne boutn em Conservatory of Music, played the sextette from Lucia wiiue miss iur- rlpr rendered a deliKhtful violin odii cate. after which Miss Annie Whit- mnre sane "Sweetheart." The brlda nnrfv tiwppdefl - hv little Miss Dor- " . . t; - iu. othy Brignt carrying tne rmg m me heart of a big, wnite enrysantnemum, entered the parlor to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding Marcn. Mrs. w H. Llellvn. sister of the bride, was dame of honor, while Mr. Dennis Sit- tprsnn nf Norfolk, acted as best man Rev. R". C. Craven, of Trinity church, officiated. . . The bride is one or tne most popu nr vmme: ladies of. the city. She is a blonde of the purest type and is con sidered one of the city's most beauti ful. vnunfiT women. She has a large cir rle of friends both here and elsewhere. All her life has been spent m Durnam, with the exception OT a tew years snftnt at colleee in" Virginia. c . . i i a r n r i. Mr. cnesson is an oia a. & ivi. siu- dpnt. After finishing tnere ne tooK a course in business training at Mas ssv's Business College at Richmond He is a very promising- young busi ness man and is connected witn tne Smith Manufacturing Company or tnis city. . Immediately alter tne ceremony mi. and Mrs. Chesson left on tne west bound train for. Asheville and other points of interest in the western part of the state. ERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. A. H. Corbett, of Ivanhoe, spent yesterday in the city on busi ness. - ' - -Mr. J. R. Newkirk, of Willard, was n business visitor in the city yester day. Dr. D. P. High, who recently un derwent an operation at the James Walker Memorial Hospital, his friends will be greatly gratified to learn, has been able to return to his nome. Representative " Woodus , Kellum reached home yesterday morning. He reraained-tfn Raleigh a few days after the Legislature adjourned to appear before : the Supreme Court in some cases on appeal, in which he is inter ested. - 4V : ''tli;:-: cww.-w. J'- ' LOCAL DOTS. W. S. Glenn, white, who was ar rested Thursday night on a charge of trespass, in the Recorder's court yes terday submitted to a cnarge or being drunk. He was fined ?5 and costs. The British steamer Fitzpatrick cleared yesterday morning for Bremen carrying a cargo of 14,300 bales of cotton from Alexander Sprunt & Son. The value of the cargo was one mil lion dollars. . ' r Capt. L. D. Potter has sold his launch, Dart the 11th, to Mr, Hardy Fennell. Capt. Potter made a record breaking run last week with -the Dart from Southport to Wilmington, mak ing the trip in an hour and ten min utes. Capt. Potter has purchased an other launch which he is using off the bar at Southport for fishing. He has secured the services of two Scandina vian fishermen to man the . boat, and they are having great success. i , BROTHERHOOD LYCEUM COURSE. First Attraction Announced for Friday, uctotxr zh eiee- ciud. ,-. The Lyceum season is at hand.. The course under the auspices of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew's Presby terian church will have its opening number Friday evening October 24th, at 8:30 in the MemorialHall of, the church. The committee wishes to assure the public that the high standard of last season has not only been upheld but will prove superior, and' that the at tractions this season will be even more entertaining and upbuilding than those of last year. The initial number to be given on October 24th is the Chicago Glee Club. This club has been before the public for 15 years and has retained the pres ent personnel for 13 ' years. In addi tion to their vocal numbers they will introduce a trombone quartette. They come highly recommended and the committee feels . no hesitancy , in pre senting them to the Wilmington pub lic. The numbers to follow will be announced in due time. j The committee still has a few season- tickets which may be had from A. C. Boney; or may 'be-obtained at the ticket office on the night of the performance. ; 1- ma . u . " fr. in r t -r nut' . iiiHiiiiik BggggL,,! 111! Hm"-T - : . ii Illiimit-' : """"Hia F . r':. fl,"iHimint ulllllltll'i fqjjjHM ' ("""""""miiijjji f ur - ...uiiinu -ft !SUiJ!!V This is the Cook family happy. that makes the ' food Which makes the whole the shortening that insures digestible food Makes ht foods lighter. TRY THIS PIE CRUST (Written especially for the Cottolene-Cook Book by tfira. Lincoln) Mix 1 scant half-level teaspoon salt with 1 1-2 stand one roll on end, pat it fiat and roll to a cups pastry , flour. Chop in, with -. knife, a round a little larger than the pie plate, cover scant (Half-cup of chilled Cottolene. When piaie ana nu. witn pie material. Koit otner well cu . together, , mix in very gradually 3 tablespoons milk, mixing- evenly. Dq not knead with, the hands. Sprinkle some flour on molding board, flour rolling pin, roll dough into rectangular shape, roll up, cut inTtwo, half of paste in same way, malrincr it 1-2 inch larger than plate, make several incisions' in topcrust, lay it loosely over pie, wet edge of lower .crust and press the two together, mark ing with- m fork. Marking keeps crust from puffing and helps to keep in the juice. While ! you ' think of it, drop a postal for HOME HELPS, this FREE Cook Book, written by five of America's greatest 'cook-' ing experts. It also tells, : clearly how to" use Cottolene Successfully.- in Lie. recipes--you have always used. - :' ' jTHEN.K. FAIRRAIK COMPANYl CHICAGO ' .V: I I .......... tft!trr9'i 'IHrrntrrr!T ,m,,,,hhm,,,,,m I Hill II i iiHiP U v 4 ' -- . - - k III iHU!iiinniiiiiUH3uijniaiBwiuiiM R 11 IH u TtislWSfe mmtmmm - "I'-"'"' ''. : . n . , - . . " - 'I' '.'jfrTT.J - ....... . .. , j -st. - , . B, i : ' . . r , . i . . BIG MASONIC REUNION ENDS Week's Work in Scottish Rite Branch Finished Last Night With Higher . Degrees-r-Enjoyable Banquet. Real Estate Transfers. .. ' -' Deeds were filed for record yester day as follows: Nina Joy ner and hus band, J. W. Joyner, to Annie S.-Wes-sell, for $100 and other considerations, lot on northwest -corner of Seventh and Swann streets,' 41x60 feet in size; Geo. A. Bachmann of Toronto, 1 Cana da, to Norwood Orrell, for $100 and other considerations, lot 24, block 21, Carolina Place; W. (Howard Peden and wife of Pender, county, to Wm. P. Webb and wife,1 for $600,, 8;6 acres of land, being a division of. the estate of W. 1. Webb to. Annie 1 Peden,: same being on Rock Hill avenue; Har ry Webb and W. H. Peden and wfe to Wm. P. Webb, for $1 and other con siderations, 9,1 acres of the Rock Hill tract; Wm. P. Webb and wlfe to W. H. Peden and wife, for $1, 9.6 acres of the Rock Hill tract. ' Will Get Schooner Qff Bar,. Capt. L. D. Potter will go down to Shallotte this morning to . get the schooner,: Greenleaf Johnson; off " the bar .Where she is 'agrounJ. : 'Powerful pumps will be used to get. the water out of her in order to afloat - her and get the boat into the harbor at South- port Capt. Potter recently floated the scnooner Jonn Twohy,. which was aground on the bar at Southport. She was towed into the harbor and the tug Castor will go . down this afternoon with wrecking apparatus to,, get tter The higher degrees of Masonry, the 31st and 32nd, were conferred upon a large class in the Masonic Temple ast night for the firsts time they have ever been given in Wilmington, mark- ng the close of the Fall reunion of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Valley of Wilmington, which began Monday afternoon. The conferring of the . higher degrees followed a most enjoyable banquet which was held In the banquet hall of the Masonic Tem ple. ; , , . ' A team from Carolina Consistory No 1, Charlotte, had charge of the conferring of the 31st and 32nd 1 de grees, which were given in full cere monial and in a very impressive man ner: The Charlotte team consisted of W. S. Uddell, 33rd Honorary; F. M. Winchester, Grand Master, 32nd; ,Daj vid P. Byers, 32nd, K. C. C. H. ; R; L. Erwin,- W A . , Nesbitt, J . . Ross Tihgsley, B. W. Barnett, C . E . Barn. hardt, W. H. LAmbeth, Wade Mont gomery, j. L. DeLianey, G. D. Helse- man, R. P. Black, all 32nd degree Masons. r ; .The following is the class of candi dates taking the Consistory degrees: J. H. Mitchell, H. W. Colwell, M. B. Mintz, W. H.. Stansell, E- L. White, C. B. Barrus, B.-G. Fortner, L. Clifton, D. C. DeVane, Chadbourn; L. D. Hollingsworth, W. R..Surles, Proctorville; E. Fleet Williams, - H. S. .McGirt, S. J. Ellis; C. L.. Terry, W. A. McGirt, H. R.; Gardner, I. W. Cooper, Jefferson Xanthos, W. P. Mc Glaughon, James Howard: P. -G . Rose, J. L. Becton, J. W. Stormfeltz, W, A. Martin, E. E.- David, G. C. Mc Intire, M. M. Caldwell, E. L. Hart, W A Whitney, H. A. Huggins, J. W. Solomon, A. S. Holden,. L. A. Scott, J. L. Croom. v , ir - t .The banquet began at 6 o'clock and proved one of the most delightful so cial events of the season in Masonic circles. Mr. Joseph P. Leitner was toastinaster , and he .-filled .the -place with ease find grace He is the-Master of Kadosh of Wilmington 4 Consistory No. 4, which-18 the youngest consis tbrv in the-". Southern Jurisdiction. Among- the speakers -yere P. M . Wiii Chester MAster of Kadosh of Carolina Consistory,: and ; also Most worsnipiui Master of Masohs of North. Carolina; W.. H. Liddell, of Charlotte, and E: B. Stevens, of Southnort. 'both of twhom are 33rd degree Masons, the lat' ter being the oldest member or u ental Consistory of .'Chicago r C. B; Newcomb, 32nd". degree, Venerable Master of Johnson -Blakeley Lodge of Perfection,' Wilmington, and others.. Practically all the Scottish Rite Ma sons in the city attended the banquet. f ' The . reunion which iaa1 just -closed was a great success in every way, in the number of candidates, in degree work and ' in ' the interest' and attend ance of local : and; visiting members. .MEETl NG HEALTH OFF ICE RS. are only- ten -; of these officers ' in the State at the present time though there are several counties which will employ officers within the near future. The State Health Department has. made an investigation which reveals the fact that North Carolina is the only State in the union that has county health officers who. devote their exclu sive time to looking "after health inter ests, many States, howeverj have mu nicipal health officers. , The conference, at Raleigh was call ed for the purpose of considering health problams-, and. more especially for fixing some system of standardiz ing the work It was found, however, that the conditions in the different counties, ; were so diverse that it was impossible with the present experience of the officers in the work to d6 this. .- The State - Health Department : had also expected at this meeting to estab lish some standard of grading - the efficiency of the work in the different counties tut after discussing the mat ter thoroughly it was decided that it would be an injustice to the newly appointed officers to do this. The matter will be taken up 'at some fu ture meeting. 7 On Tuesday afternoon and Wednes day morning Dr.- Rudolph Ezdorf, of the United States Public Health Ser vice, gave- an account Of malaria sur veys that have been made in'different parts of the State. He instructed the officers how to make these surveys, and also how to examine specimens or blood in order, to determine carriers so' of malaria. : - -. " I It-is probable that Dr;' Ezdorf will be in Wilmington within a short time for the purpose of making a study of ' . T" ' 1 : Funeral of Little Son. Many friends in Wilmington where. tne family roTmeriy resided, will ten: derly sympathize with Mr. and Mrs; T. Moody Ellis, of Durham, in the' death Wednesday of their two-year-old son, Samuel Berry Ellis. The ody was brought to this city and the fu neral -was held at the grave in Belle vue cemetery upon the arrival of the Atlantic Coast Line - train from the North last evening, conducted by Rev. Andrew J. Howell. The bereaved pa rents and other members of the family, accompanied the remains. 1 Dr. Chas. T. Nesbitt Returns from Con tjt"' . ferenc in Raleigh , . ; iSOr. Chas. T. Nesbitt, county su perintendent of health, returned yes terday ; from. , Raleigh - where; he spent three days in attendance upon a con ference of. the whole time . county health officers of the State, There ingly attired In pink crepe . de; chine Ma shape again - .; ... ' , ; -r . 'cealth offl of tie Statev There Come In And See Ready cash doesn't make. any. difference at this store; you don't need money" to buy these . up-to-date, guaranteed gar ments.; Your promise to pay is all that is necessary. ; - ' FOR WOMEN i-' . .See thpse smayteiloredmaniiish suits; also . the new sjbrt coats the very latest. i: JNew, iriillin6ry, waists dresses and everything' you need to complete your tali outnt. : FOR MEN Up-to-date suits in all of the very latest weaves .ns ' ; and patterns, lopcoats ior cpox' aays; rain- . coats for stormy weather ; overcoats lor the cold days ;. nobby hats and "sEoes.: ; - v..:': ...f V A - Copyright Han 8c ba fiber St IteS ' OU probably don't like the word 'classy' any more than we do; but somehow we can't find one that comes so near to describing the appear ance of a man in Hart, Schaffner & Marc clothes as that word. If you want to know just what we mean, lok at our illustra tion. : Special young men styles; late,; new, different ideas; full of smart fashion. btyies tor older men; sizes for all men' of any. shape. Big suit values at $25.00; and other prices .; from 8.00 up. t Suits made to order by Hart, SchafTner;& Marx, frbm a Special Line of Samples. , The David Comp any This store, is the home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx VA A 'IB ffl' ii3-u F'B h The Capture of Bad BrownComic. Mr; Dippy Dipped Comic. Retribution. A Good Show All the Time 6 Cts. today: STATK OFc NOBTH CAKOLINA. NEW , Ilanover Connty. In Justice's Court, be fore George j Harriss. J. P; ; to the Sheriff of '. New " Hanover County ; Whereas. Lately in th .TusMpp'b fonrt in, and for-the County of New Hanover, .tt a session of said court, held on the i4Hi day of October, .1913, in the office of the Huaersignea, in tne city or Wilmington, N. C:.' Judgment Nisi for $200.00 was ren dered in favor of the State against John W.' Steers and his security, to wit. , the sum of i $200.00 deposited , as bail, according to the provisions of an act of the . General,' Assembly, condemning bail foj: the per sonal appearance of said John W. Steers at; Justice's Court, in the matter of the State against John W. Steers, then pend ing in . saia court, ' I therefore command ou tnat you mase, Known to said John W teers to be and to' appear before the nn- TOgueu.flu me saw aay or uct 1913, ft o'clock A: M.; and show cause, if any he'- has, why the $200.00 deposited -by him for ins uuuariiu(.-e ax sam 4!onrr rvn tno nth day of 1 Oct., 1913, should not be condemned and paid over to the School" Fund of said Cdunty, and - why flnai- Jttdgment' should ' not be . entered aeainpt-him.--under said undertaking? - Andr the' imdersisjned hav ihr been apprised of the 'fact that the said John W. Steers having fled the State Of North Cnrnllna to nvnfil at iis notice is ordered to be published in The Morning Star, a dally newspaper pub lished in New Hanover Conntv. notifying im? iuu ueteaowu jonn-vv.' steers to ap pear before m at 9:00-o'clock: A.v M.. Octo- per and; answer said notice. k This? Oct. 14. 1913. . - . , ocla-lOt ' GEORGE ItARRISS. J. P. STATE; W NORTir CABOI.INA, COUN tr OI- New Hnnnwr- . TTnvinir miaKfloil as aflmtaistrator . of . the . estate of Matt. J. Heyer,i deceased. J Ute ; of , this county, 1 hereby, notify, all Persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and all persons having1 claims against said estate tot file same with' me -oh or before the 25th ddy of September 1914,:1 o this notice will ejpleaded in- bar ofc jre:rovery, -; - - uiM ana .puwisneu . tnis. itn day or a4urem Der, ' ivia. .' :t-i uifi Hi . UKxiSH,

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