the jM:QTOJgrg sTAB,.5y jgutfiKqTofo, q., ;vtepn:esea? , December 3, 1913 8,934 Added to Membership During Last Year , North Carolina Methodist Conference Meets Today at Oxford for the Second Time Bishop t McCoy Presides. (By Mamie Bays.) - The North Carolina Conference, of t he Methodist . Episcopal TJhurch South, convenes at Oxford in its 77th annual session. It .will be the sec end time that it has "been held in that town, the first time ""having been in 1S49, when the Conference wasonly 13 years old. '" "At 'that time the Con ference had only 21,110 white and 6,- 518 colored members. Now, 64 years later, the total , membership of the conference is 82,213. The member ship is composed entirely of white people now, the colored members having transferred to churches for the negro race. This is one of the oldest conferences of the Church and while jt has not grown so Vapidly as some of the conferences the growth has been steady and substantial. and from witmn its territory nave come some of the strongest men of .the church- During last year there was added to the membership of the church in this Conference a total "of 8,934; of this number 4,149 were added on profes sion of faith and 3,785 on certificate. The removals in the membership dur ing the year,' by death and otherwise, amounted to 3,785, .leaving -a net -in crease in membership .of 3,026. There are in the - Conference '493 pastoral charges, hence the net increase of members on- -each 'charge -was about 16. During the year 1,073 infants and 2,293 adults were baptized. Average Per Member. The average contribution per mem? ber in the North Carolina Conference to the various financial claims of the church was a little more than $7 last year. The amount contributed Con ference claimants was $8,500;- to" for eign missions $18,530.50: to home and conference missions $10,240; to church extension $9,641.96: to the American Bible Society $1,200.49; to church ex tension $9,641.96, to bishops'-fund $3, 320.59 ; to salaries .of presiding elders $18,780.56; to salaries of preachers Sn charge. $165,342.32.- The number of local preachers in this Conference is 90. ' ... Interest in both foreign and domes tic missions has made rapid progress in this Conference .within . the past few years and last year, the amount contributed to specials.. forT missions was $3,296.33, and in the Sunday Schools there was contributed for missions $4,018.54. iiThe f Sunday Schools -also contributed ;$2,,330:89 oh: children s day and at otner times, for other objects of the church $28,896.1 3 making a total of $35,158.48 for the year from the Sunday Schools. The number of Sunday Schools in the Con ference is 693. The number of officers and teachers 5,684, and the number of scholars 63,894 - Epworth League.. The Epworth Lieague, with a mem bership of 3.691 contributed - $345.09 for missions r;nd$3J.4Q,3S ittSt tittm 4 objects, making a total of $4,210.58 to all purposes from "this organization for the year. The total amount con tributed by the Women's Foreign and the Woman's Home Mission societies was $32313.42; of this amount the foreign missionary society gave 1 $18, 652.05 and the home mission society $13,661.37. The Juvenile societies, rith a membership of 3,212 contribut ed $3,025.97. During last year . j, the" Conference gave to its orphanage at Raleigh $31,008.01... The number of children in the orphanage at that time was 160 and it is probable a larger number will be reported to the Conference this year. 7 v - .. -" , - ; There are nine districts in the North Carolina Conference and it is estimat ed that the value of the church wop erty of the Conference is $2,089,193.50. Total Contributions. The total amount of money for all purposes contributed by this Confer ence last year was $57.7,080.76, the largest amount probably that it has contributed in any year of its history. The Conference session ; will con vene on Wednesday, December the 3rd, and Bishop James JH. McCoys of Birmingham, Ala., will be the presid ing officer.-. ... ... xw - -riM-Hipf JK" TO -PERPETUATE HUOSTICE Governor Craig Says This Is the Effort of Virginia Cities in Interfering In: Rats Fight. . . PAGtE 3 YWO SERIOUS "ACCIDENTS. Colored Killed Boy Man Shot and ' Loses Eye. ' , (Special Star Correspondence.) Kinston, N. C, Dec. 2. A series of accidents, two of them " serious 'and one fatal, are reported in this city and vicinity today. At Woodington; a few miles from Kinston, 'Jesse Lofthij a very old colored man. was' shot and Instantly killed by the '.accidental dis- cnarge of his own gun. . Loftin, .who Is said to have been nearly 80 years of age, and a ssmail grandson were hunt-; ins; in the woods the venerable negro carrying a gun and an axe in quest of 'possum. He was kneeling on the ground with the muzzle of the sun res tin g ..against hi s breast when n the axe slipped from his shoulder, striking the hammer of the gun. A gaping hole was torn ln'.his'breast and he died instantly. A small son of Joe Turner, a carpenter of lilast' Kmston,- was a victim-of an unusual accident at - the home at' Orion and Chestnut , streets. The boy, about three or four years old. was playing in -the yard with - a knife. While tunning he stumbled 'and fell, sticking the point of the knife in one of his eyes. The sight of the eye was destroyed and he. may be blind in both eyes. WANTS COURT HOUSE SITE. Special Star Correspondence) Asbeville a few hours on his wavtn AsheviUe'a fe 'whours on his way to Hot Springs,.-Ark., for treatment ' for rheumatism, Governor Craig was ask ed, what., direct Virginia cities would haveVInattemptini to prevent putting into -effect' the lower- freight-rate wmcnnave recently f been secured for . North ."Carolina,' He replied that ne did;, not think this movement bv the Virginia cities would seriously de lay our getting reduced rates. "As ,you know," continued he, "we have secured ''from ' the common ear ners uoing Dusiness In North Caros; lina an agreement by "which they are to reduce rates on. inter-State freight. Wlhen these reductions 'go into effect we will then not enjoy as low rates as" do these Vire-min rioe w then pay' the common carriers more for the same service and even more for a smaller service than th . ir- ginia cities pay - for a greater 'service. x uat is, alter tne reductions go into effect, we will Day more on freieht. that is stopped in North Carolina than the Virginia cities pay on the same class of freight hauled, thrnnsrh NTnrth Pnrn- lina to the Virginia cities. These pro posed reductions will not relieve us entirely against discriminations that have heretofore been practiced by the common carriers against the people of North Carolina in favor of the Virginia cities. .... "On - account of - these discrimina tions the Virginia cities have been en abled to "grow ''at' the expense of the ciues 01 lMortn uaronna and tne peo- paeJM .wortn Carolina nave by this wrong been forced to be tributary to the cities of Virginia.- : "Thev are tn nernotuatA the full' measure of thfa; They are attempting to prevent the people of North Carolina from obtain- uTRvlower. -freight s rates a.llhoueh thevl 1 a themselves are enjoying and have en i - -- - -. - joyed for, more than 20 years lower,' -. . , . " ' . rates, 'than the proposed reductions fiTOWingr Cxllldren need .'."This action bv the cities of Rich-. 1nt tct fit and itrrYUKt mond. Norfblk, Petersburg and Roan- , - . oK.e surely cannot be endorsed by tne Do gOOU. Jefferson Standard - Offers Guilford County $150,000. . (Special Star Telegram.) Greensboro, N. C, Dec. 2 The (Jef ferson Standard Life insurance Co., through its counsel, Hon. A. . 'L: Brooks, tnls afternoon tendered tne county commissioners a bid of $150, 000 for -the county court house and lot, accompanied by a certifledTcheck for $15,000. The bid must be adver- Used' for 30 days auring which time other bids may oe maae. If the Jefferson Standard were ; to buy, it' would erect a 12-story office building. Other parties, are said" to want it for a hotel. - The county will not sell until it has another site. That the property will ' be sold soon is cer tain, and a splendid 'new court house will be erected.' G. Li. Stansbury,: of this city, was elected coroner to succeed Maj. - W. W.' Wobd,-,resigned. r 1 1... - : !-:- Cotiole e I? they do endorse it. we have here- tof ores : had : an erroneous estimate of the - standards" of the . people of the Virginia cities, - It is time that the rep resentative people of these cities were repudiating, any such . action. .viilnDrecedented Act. . 'i .i. tnA ui t "I do not think that we can find "iC . Ai5iii-xioiia ,ui In? thehistory-ofvthe-United States an the C are fill mother anxlOUS tO act in.the class of this that is now at -L. -.-. . - uia tempted by. the Virginia cities. Aside give the youngsters plenty Ot from tne consideration of .right &nci trnru$ nrarrihmtr fnnd and wt wrong, tue feeling that must neces- ',.r:o . ww .rr'.j. sarily arise would be unfortunate. I. sometimes Obliged tO think OI is but natural and right that NortJ Carolina, should bitterly resent this in- COSt. ,! terference by these cities. This State f-MMrwi rlntiffKnuf-Q nnrl rn- has contributed in no smaU degree niiarcn Iilce aougnnuts ana pas te the prosperity and profitable trade tries. These really, are whole- rtt TVTnftll,- " Uiohrnnnil - Totorchilr(r . i J j: 1 1 ? f J Za-L- Lynchburg and Roanoke. Our People, p.-.i . t? oil - Ar - fnw have helped to build these cities. Now Cpttolene. FOr all deep - trying fcey. turn upon us and attempt to de- Cottolene is superior and most pl2TeuUSK 0f a Porton of -the Privilege? economical because you use it enjoyed.l-dq t jot believe., that the again and again. Mt!rtlCWmmi!rcerfommiBsion -wHI Tfirrf9r(rn7MTVs" sustein their plea. . We. will not .only a "ere arc recipes get these reductions, but ultimate!? w buuu uuuBo the peopte of Nortn, Carolina must be placed .on , a uasis or aosoiute equii: with the people of Virginia. . , "The city of Lynchburg nas not ye oined in the movement and I 'hope . . . . . ... . "The Vmrinia cities realize that the; uwt pronosed - reductions will be of great HELPS. Drop advantage to the cities , ana tne peo ple or JNortn uaronna, nut we are jusi- V- entitiea xo tnese aavaniciges, auu more. . An attempt to aepnve us , 01 this, right an attempt to thrive on asisterJbtate, tnat. nas aiways ueen thie iiest of her neighbors and customers.-- Is this the spirit of modern Vir ginia?; :?tf k ... v.'.-..-" Governor Craig: Is accompanied on Iris trip to Hot Springs, Ark., by Col. T.. 6. Arendell, of Raleigh, wlio, after week or two "boiling out at not SftrMBfirwill "take a business trip to Oklahoma Citynd neighboring points. you and .your children will like, in our valuable FREE Recipe a postal for your copy. Order Cottolene from your grocer. ITHE H.K. fATRBANK COHPANYI CHICAGO SKYSCRAPER FOR GREENSBORO. FORT BARNWELL'S OWNER DEAD; Mr. John Biddle, One, ,of., Craven's Leading Citizens,!1. Passes. (Special Star Telegram.) ? A J Kinston, N. CTBec' 2. Mr. John Biddle, one of Craved county's - best known citizens, died 'at his farm fioMe near Fort Barnweil Monday atliO in the 65th year of his age. The cause of death was Brighfa disease, and for 1 days prior tor hiSTdemlse-Mr Biddle had been confined to his house, p Mr. Biddle was a. large. land holder and one of the leading plantersDotjthe section. Among his holdings is the site of old Port Barnwell, an historic soot where early in the 18th century a decisive engagement between , white settlers and Indians occurred. It was at the old fort that he was born. Active in polities. Mr. Biddle held important positions in the Federal service in this part ot, the .country under the Taft administration. He was collector of customs . at Newborn at one time. ; t: '',r, Surviving are Mrs. Biddle an"d five children. The funeral was. conducted at the family burying ground at ' Fort" Barnwell at noon today. MINISTER LEAVES GOLDSBORO. T.we!ve-story Hotel -With 175 Rooms 5(Speclal Star Correspondence.) Greensboro. N. .Ci. Dec-2. Greens- fioro ts sdon to' hate a modern 12-story hote,lk witn 175 rooms,. locatea in iue center of ' the business section of the city, the same to be : erected, by the heirs of the IateWalter McAdQo.'Mr. William JXJ McAdox tas the manage meat ot'the estate. He has already had plans made for the building and w&fcfcegtorwork 'cm it ks soon, as some MJtha, lessees of the present buildings on the- property can be persuaded to give up their contracts. The hotel will be m cjonstructed that other ..additions can be? made to it- The lot on which the hotel will be erected is "at the cor ner oL East Washington and Sduth Elm streets and is covered by a part of the present McAdoo Hotel. Hothar's To Her Daughter AillalLive Doll to Fondle ft Woman 'Greatest Happiness. : .1' 1 Rev. V. G. Smith Resigns Pastorate of First Presbyterian Church. (Special Star Telegram.) ,' Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 2. Rev. V. G. Smith, who has been pastor of the, First PreRhvterisn church of this city for a number of j. years, has accepted jt 4'.One oftB"? most iMportanfmatters sboat which - women ' concern themselves Js their future, status a a grandmother. And she Is ' wisdom ltielf who-- Imows of or learns f that famous- remedy. Mothers Friend. the r.ootnoA r? fh. mc i-vni- at . whi tlsan external aoolicatloa for the Portsmouth " V- to-fch Sol he amttnaj M-H?$mtiK& soon ec T to assume his new chirge t1 ta wonderful fluencelllays ;al e;eganti? entejtainea . at-fencofiragemeHt ' to the young, expectant home of Mr. E. U. Kendrick Saturday motherand permits her to go through the evening with a course dinner. Pres- period happy in mind, free In body -and ent besides himself Was the boartl .or ,-hua estluedL to. anticipate woman' great- Castex, W. C. Munroe, A. J. Brown w. w. Faison. A special .Tarewell service was held - by the Ministerial Union of the city Iif the First Presby. terian church Sunday . afternoon ' at 4: 30 at which . the beautiful ceremo nies were exceedingly, touching and impressive. ' f - Greensboro, N. Ci,- Dec 2. Secre tary Forester has received; "a letter rom Senator Lippitt, of Rhode Is land, enclosing a letter he had written Secretary Daniels to name the cruiser now called ."North Carolina "Rafter Greensboro, as this city bears the est happiness as niture Intended she should. , The action of "Mother's Friend, makes the muscles free pliant and responsive to ex pansion. Thus all strain, and tension: upon the nerves ,andUlgamentsi Is avoided, and. In. place of a period of discomfort and con euent dread. It is a season of calm repose and joyful expectation. , .There ' Is , no , nausea, . no morning sick ness, no, nervous twitching, none of that constant, strain .known , to- so many,, women,, hence Mother's Friend Is really one, ;of ..the greatest blessings -that could be "devised. 'This splendid and certain remedy can be had,xf any 4ruggist iati1.00 a bottle, and is sowi.toiirove.,At inesmable value, not only upon ie mother, but upon, the health and future of the child. Write to Bradfleld n ... . .. .. . t . 9ft , T Tlllfl. A ,I..4m I 11 "x ui ine iamous uenerai rsaiuaoi , v ",rrrzZ'r'X1:' I .tno. D. POTTS. G. r. A ' T?n, of nhode Island, - , - ,-. J w wc vv w -v i . -;. - .p,. a, . ByBicbmond.ya, I -( imam V 5CHU0SS THEATRE CIRCUIT Academy Thursday Nigh.$ (This Week) E. H.'.Jones' Renowned ALABAMA MINSTRELS. - World's greatest coldred organization Magnificent First Part. 1 &-rBig Vaudeville -Acts 8 ' Seats now,' selling at Plummer's Con fectionery Establishment. . del-3t - SCHUOSS THEATRE ORCUIT ' ONE NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5. i MABEL and EDITH . ..TALIAFERRO, In a Sparkling' New, Up-to-the-Minute Comedy. "YOUNG. WISDOM" , : : by , Rachel Crothers ' Management Joseph ..Brooks Prfces,; 25c to , $L50. Seats on sale Wednesday, December 4th. del-tu,w,f-3t . - ; UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE, : Eastern District . of North Carolina. ?sBy virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the United States District Court for the Eastern ; District f North-Carolina, -on the 28h day of November, 1913, -notice is here by given that I will sell by public auction, for cash,, on Wednesday, the 10th day. of December, 1913, at 12 o'clock M., at West Door of the Post Office, at, Wilmington. N. C; the Schooner John Twohy, her engines, boilers, machinery, boats, tackle,, apparel, appurtenances, and furniture, as she now lies at Southport, N. C. " CLAUDIUS DOCKEEY, s5- - ' - United States Marshal. i By C.?0. Knox, Deputy Marshal, r no29-7t v . i Chesapeake and Ohio Railway ; CXNIO.BOUTK TO THB WK8T. J Twt: Fnt yeatlbale Train With Dimlag Cm Service. ; Thronfh Pnllinan Sleepers f XtontsvIII clnetanstt, Cbtcsre and St. Lioala. Lv. Richmond .J 2:10pm 6:40pmll:O0pm l f . - .1 mm . ... 11 :0Oamf 8:20am 5:00pm ;t :ipm tor 10 :20am 5:00pm ! if it 7:18pm 7:45am all point Ar. Lonisville Ar. Cincinnati Ar. Chicago.. At. St. Tinis Direct . connections and Northwest. Quickest and .'Beat Route. Tbe line to the Celebrated Uonntala aorta of Virginia. For descriptive, matter, cbadnlM Pnllman reservations, address i 7:30pm mm ''X"' A I Where A , .jJmfc The raft. : -;jMMjijr Vv'a : EziZS- The' most perfect, draft Itver 1 MlMlMiniin'- disaovered isthe' patent Hot '"'. IU'jM'''''!''? r Bkst Down Draft of the Wilson ' ' 4 -TotM ' Heater! The.,pnTy draft that ' ft UM vy Q?jnlli I - .secures perfect combustion and I lift-- nnn ' prevents waste. ... r V iC TJus draft ia found only in the QdDDQ The air enters at the top,"drives the combustible gases into the fire where , they are 1 burned prevents the escape of sheat up the chimney doubles the heat ing power of the fuel., : . Iu other words, only half the amount of ..fuel used inordinary heaters is necessary. The Wilson is air-tight, making perfect com bustion possible and a fire can be held 36 hours, . ... We seU Wilson Hot Blast fcteat rs for either wood or coal. PE6IC 'Phone 6l!2. & HOLLOWAY ti. 109 N. Front St; ATLANTIC COAST LINE Arrlvala and Departures of Trains at WUmlnrton. Effective Sept. - - ... lime mot una DEPABTUBBS: - TO AND FKOM, ABBiyALS: Gpldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and East- - ' ern North Carolina, points.- Connects, at . N.o 90, Goldsboro x with Southern Railway .- and No. 01 i I :40 A.M. Norfolk Southern Railroad. No. 91 leaves a X-OSAJC , ..Norfolk 13:20 P. M.. and Richmond 14:10 : , j . Cfaadbonrn, Conway, Florence, Charlestin, "'' ! e Savannah, . Jackson ville. Tampav 1 Ft.; , .1: No. Bl. Myers, Colnmbia and Asheville Pallxnaa HO.BO, . w i i Sleepinr Cars between WUminrtoui aJKl iLJ' V" . eaSAJL - Columbia, opn to receive pasaenrera l at "1230AJO. - I Wilmington at and after ,10:00 P M , . ,1 and may be occupied until 7:00 A M. , . -M ' . Slififri. Jacksonville,, Newbern -'and Intermediate. NJ&,A i . : I 5-fiOAM. stations.. ie5PJUL.- Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Waab- ' , f " No. 48. ington. Pullman Parlor Can between , .No.O, WUminirton and Norfolk, oonnectlna; at t , ,f 4 8:30AM. Rocky Mount with New Xork trains with COBPJ1. r.r...... Pullman Service. - . . mwamm"mmmm,mmmmmmmmmmmmmtm mmmmmmi i. mimwhiii i h mihbh Ma m mmwmm mmmmm ""aaawanpaawa3anj : No. 53 Solid train ; between Wilmington and ' Mt '-'-No.62, - 8:45 A.M. Airy, via Fayetteville and. Sanford. 8rt)5PJkL ' - Cbadbourn, Conway, t Florence, Charleston, ; No. ,55, Savannah, All Florida Points.. Columbia, No.6i. CV, L.w.-m.. Aaheville and the West. ; Pullman. Sleep- 8:15PJd ing Cars between - Wilmington and Co- l:40Pi. J?0. , Jacksonville. ' Newbern and Intermediate ' , Noi3, . 5:25 PJn stations. 12050PJd. No. 59;. ; Fayetteville. Sanford nd intermediate s No. 60, . - : Goldsboro, Richmond. Norfolk, -Washing- . ton and New York. - Pullman BraUer, 1 -; JNO.42. Bnffet Sleaplna-' Cars between .WUmlnar- No. 41. 8:45P3C ton . and Waehnon, - oonnectln . with 10:00 A.M. New York trains, with -Pullman Sleeping: Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. 1 1 : " ill. V) 111 - jj - No. 57, Chadbourn, Florence, Conway 'and Inter- ' No. 58, ' ' ! 7:00 P.M. mediate stations. ; ' ' ' . ! 0:45 A.M. ' " Daily. 1 'Dally except Sunday, b Sunday only, a Daily except .Monday . For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc. call 'phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, -.-- . , - T. C. WHITE, - - Passenger Traffic Manager-. General Paaasenger Acei. ' I-" '" V ' ' ' lit WClkf li-.nv Everything from Foundation to Rock Lime, Cement, Plas ter, Hydrate Lime, Brick, Shingles, Laths, Slate, Terra Cotta Pipe and Fit ting, all sizes. Drain Tile, Asphalt Roofing, Deaden ing Felt, Slaters Felt, Building Paper, Etc. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings. We carry!:' tVe largestr and most complete stock of ..Mantels. -.Tile and Grates in; the( State to select from. Write for catalogue and prices. le'CBuiicers, Supply Go. Nos. 7 and .9' Cheartat 'Street Wilmington, N,. C. Tl Co) Slhoes Hiuiiftflno RUBBER AND LEATHER BOOTS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE FOOTWEAR. LADIES' SATIN EVENING rtJMPS. CARL F. STRUNCld CO. 12S 130S; FRONT ST. 'PHONE 800- v J The Murchison National Bank - i v ? -'- r r . A - j. CAPITA! AND SURPLUS 00. H. C. M'QUEEN President : J. V. GRAINGER, Vice President. J. W. YATES, Vice President. C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. M. F. ALLEN, .Asst.Ca8hlerw W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier. I. " I WE HAVE RECEIVED by this steamer: - Seedless1 Raisins, Prunes, Dried Peaches, Currants and all kinds of Spices for the housewife. . Alsb have the Baby Educator Crackers for teething babies. t , Anything you may wish In groceries. Best Line. " - .J HOLMES & ATKINSON . : , Watch Our Ad,; Watch, Our .Windows. ; DON'T WANT TO TALK LIFE INSURANCE? V", Perhaps not, but, if you are isfr, and love your fam ily, you will. , . 'r n When you are sick; you", want he doctor. ; . If you "are hot an insurance expert, ybu heed the agent. ' , 1 1 .. We offer you expert advice oh life insurance matters Contract made to suit your particular' need. : -I ATL ANTIG : hWE: JNSUKANCE CO. Janies & James. Dbtrict Agents. Wilmincrton. N. C I W. C Wdodard, Jr Geiienl Arit, Rocky tlcuGt, IL C SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCTOBER 6th, 1918. ' v Winter Park, WrightoVille, Wrighteville Beach and Inter- mediate Points. EASTBOtJND, Leave Front and PrlncesB for Winter Part. Leave Front and Princess for . x . W'rAgtsvllle Leave. Front and Princess for Beach. 6:30 A.M. '"6:55" 8:00 " " 8:30 " :i6jO0"" 11:30 " " inop.M. x 1 :55 " M xl2:35 " " 3:00 " M 3 :30 " s4:10 M M 4 "30 " " x4:50 " f 5:30 " " 6:10 " " 6:40 " " 7:15 " 8:30 " M t 9:15 " " 10 :00 " " 11:15 " 6:30 AM. '"6:55"'" 80 " 8:30 M " 'idroo'"5 " 11:30 " " 1:10 P.M. xl:55."M "3:06'4'V 4 .-30 " " "8: 36"" " 6:10 " " 6:40 " " T:15 " " 8530 " ! 9:15 - u 10rf " " 11 ;15 " 6 :30 A.11 I 6 :55 " ". 16:66'" " 11:30 " " 1:10 P.M. "'3 66'"'" 6:40 " " "8:3d'"""' Leave a . -. winter Park ror 6 :26 A.M. , 605 A.M. Wrlghtsvllle for - Leave Beach : ' for 7 J3fl " " 1,7:56 " " 8:06 " " 8:41 " " 9:36 " " 110:31 " " 11:06 " " 12:36 P.M. 2:11 " " x 2:36 " " i be 3:05 x8:50 " " 4:06 " " x4:310 " x5:10" 6:36 "-" 6:11 " " 6rf51 " " 7 :45 " " 8:06 " " - 9:36 " " ! 9:56 " 10:41 " rf 11:56 A.M. 7:25 " - -I 7 :45 " 7:55 " 44 8:30 " " 9:25 " " !10:20 " 10:55 " " 12 :25 P.M. ;, 2;00 44 " x2:25 " " '.'b:65 "'.;" 0:25 " " 6:00 44 44 ; 6:40 " " 70 " 44 .7:55. " 4r, 9:25 44 44 1 :45 44 " 10 0 44 44 11:45 A.M. 7:45 A.M. "9:i5"44" "10:45"'" " 12:15 P.M ,10 ", " ....... .i, "3:45'": "6:15""""""" "7-26'"''v" 9:15 " " SPECXAJ. FOB StJIOOAx-S. Leave Front and Princess Streets every half honr, from 2'M to 6 :00 P. 81 Leave Beach, every half hoar, from 2:45 to 5:45 P. M ...)--,.-- ... .. , Daily, except Sunday. ' s ! Sundays only. - ... " x Superseded by half-hour schedule; Sunday, afternoons. . II This car goes through to Sea Gate; returning, leaes Sea Gate at 8 P. M. - FREIGHT SCHEDUUE. t -r. Leaves 9th and Orange strets dally, except Sunday, "3 :30 P. M. Fxelght . Pepot. open, daily,, except Sunday, 2.30, to 3:30 P. M. ., .- CLYDE LINE TO NEW YORK AND . - CTORGETOWN, S. C. " v . New York to Wilmington. . Steamship "Cherokee," Fri., Dec. 5, 1913. Steamship "Navahoe,'' Fri., Dec. 12, 1913. w Wilmington to Georgetown. Steamship "Navahoe." Dec. 1st, ,. 1913. Steamship "Cherokee." - Dec. 8th, r 1913. Wilmington to New York ! Steamship "Navahoe," ;Sat. Dec. .6, 1913.. Steamship "Cherokee 'jSat. Dec 13, 19J3; Throush ; bills ' of lading - and lowest through rates guaranteed to and from all points lp Nortn ana soutn warouna. ., CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO - C. J. BECKER, "--Agent. , Wilmington. N. C H. G. SMALLBONES. Commercial Ageat, ' -Wilminzton. N.-C. General Offices : Pier 36. N. E., New ..York; The Bufgaw of our business haa, been, consoli dated with our Wilmington store, where we shall be pleased to see our customers. -Our stock Js large and, varied. . Quality and. pjrices Al ways satisfactory. : If our repre sentatives do not call soon,, write or wire us for prices, if you can hot call in person. 1 A.B.CR00r,l,jR.,G0. !226 Ko. "Water Street. ' s Vilmrngton, Seaboard Air Line Railway Schedule Effective November 30th, 1913. TRAINS tEAVE WILMINGTON . No. 195 A. M-. ; arrUe Hamlet, 9 :00 A. M. Leave .Hamlet,' 9: 20 A. M.; arrive Charlotte, 12:10 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with trains . No 4,r for ItaleighV ; Norfolk and r Itlchmond, and all noiata North, and with No. 1, - for Columbia, Savannah,. Jackson ville, Tampa and all points South. At' Monroe, . with train. No. .29, ,fpr; Atla,nta, Dally Sleeper on Noifi. for. Charlotte and Intermediate Points, opn at lO.o'clock P. M. So. lS-S: P. .M.: arrive "Hamlet, f 1:30 P. M. J Leave Hamlet,' 8:00 p7I. arrive Charlotte, 41:10 P;M Connects at Hamlet with through trains for Atlanta, Birming-.' ham; i Columbia, savannah; -u .Jacltsonvllle, Tampa also ' Norfolk, -j Kiobmond and 'All Points 'North; . :; -;; ' ' rrJ: Vj :'JX . :r ; ; ; Puilmaa' Chair Car Between , Wilmington Ko?:f29r'-Pv;.M; ; rarrJv' P: Sf. CannnrtM ' niL TTnmlftt with- train "fai 1 "Kafetgh Knd Norfolk; t it r x BAINS ABBIVB .WttMIflOTON.i . KoSO-rl2:10.A-.;M.,,frooi Cia4ott aa. Intermediate Points. - - - -t, j- No; 24r--10.-0p.: A M frOnt :Hmlefc $n4. intermediate points. -v ,-v--: '4 l . . : -, No. 1411:60 A. M., ' from Charlotte ' aad Intermediate-pointa;- -r , i - , , r-Por further information aate Mt, Gf servationf, or folders, call a ha 1$. 3. f. Davis. . J .': Citr Ticket Agent, - T ' - 2, Wilmington. N. C . H.B.PLEASANTS, Traveling , Passenger Agent, - Wilmington, N. C. E. E. HUNTER, ' Division Freight Agent' Wilmington, N;. -;-' JOHN T. WES.Tr- t -- " , Division Passenger Agent, p.-" - -;'- .Raleigtf'N worn smile Sbo bags. Rice; ill grades. t 200 bags, Greer. Coffee,,,-.. . (Bought before the advance.) Prices arid Sarhrjles furnished - on application.1 , Sam'l Dear, Sr., & Sons Arl OLlESALE. GROCERS. - NOTICE. .$25.00 reward will, be .paid foe erl- dence to, convict -anyv person, or corpo ration wno sets nre mat Durns any or my lands in this or any other cotintyj in tnta Btate -. -r- tiu. in. uuuii ; N. Water , - Street, Mi fllmlaztbit Quickest and ; Best Line .West . auad North- -, a 'r "'wnat."1 Block -JSystem. .Book Ballast. $8-lb Balls, acaeamm in juaecv way 1?, ittiz .1 8:30 n.m 111:00 am, 7 :uo a.m. 2;40p.mJ 1 :w a.m. fl :49 a.m. 5 :00 p.m. 3:aapjn. 8.-O0b.m. 10:40 p.m. 9 :30 p,m. 2:30 a.m. 6:23 p.m. tl :S3 p.m. .7 :30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. MNorfolk Lv. Petersbdrff . , -Lv. Durham . . , . . Lv; Xtjr&chbnrg. ; -. , At. Cincinnati . . . : A,.. UlUUiUUB . . . .. . . . , - Close-connections made for Seattle. San Francisco and All Western Points. : ?. ..jruiLraanv sleeping' una panor . cr .ri and W. tCafe dining ar. Equipment and service standard-of excellence. 'Blue Bldsre and-Alleirhenvmountalna crossed at most " picturesgae- parM.i'.v) - v'- v ; Tlme nablesi descriptive tnateratnr - and ihformation tree. ;-Correspondence lorltad. W. B. BEYILLi Pa$a, iTrafi Mgr. : r LW.-C. BAIINDEKS, Q. P A Roanoke, Va. C. H. BOSLEY. D. P. A KlCbmond,. Va. NEW If ,' ' t i ' " ! ' ' ' 1 ! J 4 - If - f 1 -;,H' :

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