r 6. THE MOEOTG SOCIAL & PERSONAL B. a C. LINE SEEKS ENTRANCE Baltimore Steamship Company Wants Co-operation of Wilmington Business Men. V Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Rivenbark, of Burgaw, have been spending a short while in the city visiting Mrs. Riven bark's sister, Mrs. N. Humphrey. ml. rf-m j . a. -v T l e. y . "nL lfTA v ,t Steamship Company will put on a arrived Sunday night from New York ( r. tX..,,, i with the followins Dasseneer list: iolcu"CI "Cl"ccu up"iwu o" That the Baltimore & Carolina Messrs. George Deniio, R. J. W. Tay lor, A. Anderson, A. C Chestnut and Mrs. A. C. Chestnht. The younger children of the First rresuyiermu cnurcn are lnvueu iu a, social this afternoon from 3:30 to 5 o'clock in the parlors of the church. Each one who attends is requested to bring some present for an orphan at the Ejarium Springs Orphanage. 1 There will be a social meeting of the Ep worth League of Fifth Street Meth odist church tonight at 8 o'clock in the lecture room of the church to which the public is cordially invited. There will be special music as well as several other features that will be of interest to those who like an evening of pleasure and fun. Those who attend, are asked to bring some donation - tor the poor of the city on Christmas day. TQ CELEBRATE THEIR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Kinston, N. C, Dec. 15. Cards reading as follows have been sent out: "KCS-I913. Fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of Dr. Richard Henry Lewis and Eleanor Mildred Betts t AVoodside, Halifax county, Virginia, December 23rd, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, Kinston, North Car olina, December the twenty-trd, nine teen hundred and thirteen'.. There is onjy one person who wit nessed the Lewis-Betts wedding, the union of old Carolina and Virginia families; now alive. Three sons of the aged Kinstonians are in various parts of the country. One. Elisha B. Lewis, is- private secretary to Congressman Claud Kitcmn. Anotner is a major- doctor in the army, and the youngest is a sergeant cf the coast artillery stationed at Fortress Monroe, ur Lewis is Kinfiton's ablest and most revered citizen, and was formerly a leading physician. ROYAL ARCANUM OFFICERS. Carolina Council, No. 1874, Elects Last Night for Ensuing Term. At the regular . meeting last night in Arcanum hall. No. 213 Princess street, Carolina Council, No. 1874, Royal Arcanum, elected officers to serve- for the ensuing term as follows : Regent William Hamilton. Vice Regent A. Fred DeVere. Orator E. F. Grossman. fitting Past Regent W. J. Mere dith. Secretary H. M. Bremer. Collector M. F. Allen. Treasurer -W. J. Toomer. Chaplain J. E. Hatch. Guide J: H. Campen. "Warden J. W. Robertson. Sentry L. E. Thomas'. Trustees H. E. Bonitz, J. T. faw and J. E. Bunting. Representative Grand Council J E. Bunting: alternate. H. M Bremer These' officers will be installed at the regular meeting of the Council on the evening of January 5th, 1914, at which time refreshments will be serv ed. This will be a social as well as a ousiness meeting and an enjoyable V"1? 1B anticipated, ine council nas ouring tne past year added 14 new members to its enrollment and two have been re-instated. The year has m every way been most successful timbre, if they are assured of suffi cient wharf facilities and the proper co-operation was one of the interesting items of news brought before the Com mercial Club at its meeting last night by Mr. John R. Turrentine, Jr. The matter was referred by President Chas. N. Evans to the transportation committee of the club for their imme diate attention. Mr. Turrentine received a letter last week from Mr. Mason L. W. Wil liams, general manager of the Balti more line, asking what had been done here in the way of securing patronage for the line, if it should put on a vessel between this port and Balti more. Mr. Turrentine wrote him Sat urday that he would bring the matter betore the Commercial Club at its meeting last night. Mr. Turrentine in a brief talk last night before the club reviewed the history of the negotiations which have been in progress between him and Mr. Williams. He stated that he was in Baltimore the latter part of Octo ber when he called on Mr. Williams asking him as to the prospects for his putting on a steamer to this port. Mr. Williams was pleased with the idea and Mr. Turrentine immediately wired Mayor Moore. Through a misunder standing as to the wording of the -telegram the negotiations at this end of the line was held up for a time. Mr. Turrentine stated that this line now has three steamers operating be tween Baltimore and Charleston and Baltimore and Georgetown, S. C, these vessels making weekly trips be tween Baltimore and these two ports. This line formerly operated a steamer to Wilmington but the service was discontinued several years ago. Mr. Turrentine stated, however, that Mr. Williams was sure that there was enough business to justify putting on the steamer provided he could be as sured that the Wilmington business men would give it their patronage. He said that the line did not want one cent of money except in payment for freights. He said that arrangements had al ready been made fcr a temporary wharf which could be used until a per manent wharf could be secured for the use of the steamer. Mr. Evans thanked Mr. Turrentine for the efforts that he has put forth to secure this additional line and as sured him that the Commercial Cluo will take it up at once. He referred the matter to the transportation com mittee for immediate attention. "''II..' , - . - .1 L l I I I .J rnk " 1 i XMAS GIFTS! X I met VMl A 11 I 1 Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Recognized everywhere and hy experts as the very highest grade of baking powder superior to other brands in purity, leavening strength and keeping quality. Made from pure cream of tartar, the product of grapes, and the most healthful and useful of leavening agents. Its use insures the bread, biscuit and cake against contamination from the cheap, improper or injurious ingredients from which lower priced baking powders may be made Lock APPEAL IS DISMISSED. Hicme wourr uives uecision in Ashe vi He Case. Washington, Iec. 15. The Supreme Lourt today dismissed an appeal on contested counts in the indictment of John H. Carter, president of a bank ax Asueviiie, N. C, charging him with misapplying the bank's funds. The court dismissed the appeal for want of jurisdiction and the case now re mains as decided in the lower courts, with Carter awaiting trial on other counts. The government avers that the low er court decision be reviewed under the criminal appeals act. which gives the government a right of review where the dismassal was based on a construction of a Federal statute. It was asserted, that if lower court Judges did not state reasons for their action tney would deprive the govern ment Of the richt to anneal Chief Justice White today said that there should be some means of reme- jiufj me situation, presumably re ferring -to legislation-.' FINED BUT NOT GUILTY. Was Cheaper to Pay Fine Than to .- Continue Suit. V ashmgton, Dec. 15 Frank B. Hfyne and W. B. Brown did not ad mit they were guilty of violating the Sherman law by trying to corner the cptton market in 1909 when they pleaded nolo contendere in New York haturday, according to statements they gave out on arrival here today They said that to fight the govern ment suit would be a tedious and cost ly proceedme and they would rather fitigation aS a fine and end 1116 Both of the cotton leaders said they behoved firmly they would have been a5.ui!Led in tQe end, but that it would cost them much more to fight than td make the plea they did. .Bron and Hayne, with Morris Rothschild, of Mississippi; Eugene Scales, of Texas, and Col. Robert M Thompson, of New York, pleaded nolo contendere in Federal court Saturday to the anti-trst suit. James A. Pat ten indicted in the same connection - ' . ; i SERIOUS EARTHQUAKE. Six New Crater Formed and An Old - One Collapses. -Melhourna, Australia, Dec. 15 Dis patches from Noumea, capital of the French colony of New Caledonia re P0rt that great destruction has been wrought by a volcanic eruption at Ambrjm Island, of the New Hebrides group. Six hew craters were formed on the west coast December 6th. The next day Mt. Minnie collapsed and many villages were overwhemed b streams of molten lava. - The majority of the inhabitants sought .rgfugev in canoes and boats and a steamer rescues 00 of thein. No casualties are reported among the white population whose numbers are small, but it is feared that many natives in the interior perished. Am brim Island is about 50 miles in circumference and is somewhat sparsely inhabited. Crowley, La Dec. 15. Dora Murff whs sentenced here, today to prison tq a term lour years for her con nection with the killing of J. M. Del haye. her former sweetheart. Her step-father. J. M. DuVall. found guil ty 01 muraer witnout capital punish LOCAL DOTS. .. Theatrical..) "Paid in Full," a play which deals with the domestic trials and troubles of an everyday young married couple, was presented last night at the Aca demy of Music to a small audience. The will of the late B. Goodman iThe cast of character wns wall Vfl nffi r n - . . has been filed for probate in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court. Practically all of the estate was left to members of the family. On account of the absence of the chairman, J. O. Carr, Ksq., from the city there was no formal meeting of the board of education yesterday af ternoon. The meeting will likely be held later this week. Buildmg permits have been issued to Robert Tucker, Jr., for the erection of tour dwellings or three and four anced and the acting was strictly first class. The play deals with a theme which appeals to the average Ameri can and is so well written and so splendidly acted by the company pre senting it that there is little room left for criticism, even by the most fastidious. Edison's Big Wonder Tonight. The Academy of Music tonight and feature of today's show. It is a merry jumble all the way through. "Twee dledum Insures His Life." is also a rich laugh-producer on today and it will be a scream for all who see it. Tweedledum insures his life and then tries to get kflied, but he can't. There is also a big Powers star film on to day in "The Painter's Ruse," It is a dramatic that will grip the mind and stir the heart. RED CROSS SEALS. rooms each, the estimated cost being aKa n tcmoirov'' afternoon, at special $i,t00 for the four buildings. Two matinee, ana tomorrow night, will of will be located on Howard street and fer the wonderful Edison talking Die two on Bradley street. itures that have proved the sensation The Star has with the compli- ! of the age. The genuine talking pic ments of the Passeneer Deuartment tures, in all their wcnderfulness and of the Atlantic Coast Line copies of presented on a most elaborate scale, its annual calendar, which is exceed- will be offered the Aph ingly well gotten up and calls atten- these two days and, no doubt, large tion to the Atlantic ooast Line as the audiences will greet the remarkable "Standard Railroad of the South." .1 attraction. Nothing like them have Mr. H. Lacy Hunt. Col. John VanB. lever been seen in Wilmington before Metts and Mr. E. P. Bailey left Sun- na .Manager Tomes, of the Academy. aay night for Washington, D. C, ;"TS u,m3eir exceedingly rortunate where they went to appear before the in being aie to afford the Academy secretary of commerce yesterday to ratT.ns 8llcn a rare chance. Seats for present Wilmington's advantages for lolVsn1p can De reserved at Plummer's locating the government lighthouse au,(; Jhe runs but to 50 cents, depot for the Sixth district here. They 1 J h'c? ,ls 9nsidered exceedingly low. will return to the city todav. Special prices will apply to the mati- The following deeds were filed in 1 SLJS"1 lX JH"erno?n Deln.S iff the office 0f the Fegister of deeds yes- fs LUl anu cents tor viiie avenue; Mr. James a Bonner JfeirnfiinSAZIX W NMxttepieiwa ? S1? ywo? TOW w.ife' SSmwVIStuSel adtifch i for positions on thepolice ouu iu Luc vny iu e '.ueparimenc. There were ten of these. The results of the examinations will be announc ed later. The examination papers will oe 1 graaed and those making the re Sale Will Start in Postoffice This Af. ternoon Leads All. It will be a pleasure for many peo ple to know that beginning this af ternoon the Red .Gross Christmas seals Wlll be on sai in the lobby of the Wilmihgton posfcotnee iso that all .1- V A n h A 0 - - - 1 i I . t . , uu aic unsijaiuuinx unris'. .as mail will have an opportunity of using them and thus helping in the fight against the Great White- Plague. The sale in the postoffice will be conducted by a numoer of young la dies chaperoned ; by the ladies of the Wilmington dratoclj of te National Red Cross Society. The ' courtesy of placing these little emblems on sale in the postoffices throughout the coun try is by special permission of the department at Washington and it is hoped that the public generally will make use of them. In this connection it will be inter esting to know that Wilmington is again leading the State in the sale of these seals as will be seen by ref erence to the telegraphic columns Of a ue oiar mis moraine-. last vear A CHRISTMAS GREETING. Supreme Chancellor of Knights of Pythias Felicitates Lodges. At the regular conventionof Stone wall Lodge No. 1, Knigms of Pythias, last night, the lonowing very pretty Christmas greeting trom SuDreme Chancellor Thomas J. Carling, of Ma con, ixa., was read m verse, the origi nal being prettily done in colors deco rated with Christmas bells: Brothers: The fro3ty air is ringing with child ren's laughter clear, Hearts everywhere are happy, for Christmas Time is here. Even though the year just past has brought us grief and pain, Some blessing was sent down from Heaven to cheer our hearts again. Undaunted then, should Pythians march bravely down life's way, Prepared to fight all evil, and be vic tors in the fray. Renew your vows, my Brothers, and maKe our Urder grow, Lnthusiastic you should be, though otuers may De slow. Men everywhere are needing our t-rincipies 01 gold, Endeavor then to reach them, and Drmg tnem in the told. -are should be taken, Brothers, to practice every day Hospitality and friendship to the stranger, old and grey,. And every child and woman should feel they had a claim Not only on their friends, but all who sold 90,500 of the seals and this vear they are going to make it a round 100,000 as they are thoroughly com mitted to the idea of going forward not backward. Civil Service Board Meets. A meeting of the city civil service commission Was held last night at the Z2?-2FZJZ E&ZrS7X3 mXi OMfttttoMsMiiftii; and with such " x o-nu uiuei uuusiuerauonB, lwO I disstinotrioce that tKk i tracts of land in Federal Point town ship,, adjoining the sound, one contain-, f07m .ngf eJ- corner of the theatre. inc three acres and the nther eieht ',x,r Inu8,1' Bee idsse taiiung pictures to acres eIgnt , believe them and to know that the old A case in which Mr A Mc- SSaP A?. f.?"'."38 'quired standing will be eligible for -no. n-- il 'ICTSCL: 'rrr W! SW tuo. mere sifinn. no thav nriiii. wuiu its ouiiiK tutj ruuman ar i ,nin - 'are nr. fnm n-o.-a aKn,,f ; m.:... - " v. l ' ' u n . uwu 1 1 . . 1. 1 1 1 r - ,1 nun QnH -tho Wootom TmV tii n ... . " . . 1 . . uuiuu icic- uictures miiftr lie seen tn graph Company for alleged failure to ciated. ue appfe- j 1 . , ueuver a leieerram wmcn ne save a Pullman conductor while on a train near Bolton to be sent to Jacksonville, I Exceptional Days at the Grand. Today and tomorrow are eniner to be exceptional occasions at the cozy, Fla., was tried before Justice Harriss homimi. n0x .1, ' ItvII ion 0f dmages week is one of special offerings at "ggLfi 200. Mr McGowan is rep- this theatre, which has annoimced ?hwiiLJT-A: McNorton, Esq., and that four big feature pictures will be the Western Lnion by John .D. Bel- presented everv dav this week. To- lamy, Esq. Justice Harriss reserved his decision until today. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. L. E. Thomas has cone to Bal timore on a short trip. Mr. D. H. Lee. nf the A f! T. has returned home from a business trip South. Mr. Harvev Fisher. of Rnrbv Mount, traveling auditor for the A. C. L., was here yesterday. Mr. W. J. Blitchineton. fnrmerlv with the Coast Line here, has removed with his family to McGehee, Ark. Miss Amies Chasten has returner? home for the Chrl the Boston Conservatory of Music. Cant. S. V. Rnntlnir Pullman superintendent h ere Vint nn-aj of Orlando, Fla., is in the city visiting relatives and old friends and is being cordially greeted. Cant. Conklin. a. frvrmor flvrfe Line commander, but now with the united States Eneineeriner rieimrt- ment down the river, spent Sunday in the city and was warmly greeted by his old friends. Mr. Charles Klrltl auditor for the A. C L.,'with head quarters in Waycross, Ga., is in the city. Mr. Kirkland is a former resi dent of Wilmington and hf very pleas antly remembered here. Rev. J. r. Rim MetbOdJSt ChuVh loff loct nlrhf f Nashville. Tetin tn attonrl o ml!nr of the missionary secretaries of the Southern Methodist Church. Mr. Bun oy was elected missionary secretary of tne rworth Carolina Conference" at its recent session in Oxford; Pfot.fta ic tha lv kni . u i. in SenSatiOn St the ftranrf Thaatro Wnesday. December 17th, beginning day's quartette will be of great rarity, while tomorrow one of the most aston ishing and wonderful of all film sen sations will be offered in startling, somewhat weird and at all times spec tacular "Protea." It is a brilliant nov elty and is in five reels. It is one of the most costly offerings ever made. Today's strong programme will be headed by a photoplay of the very sec ond, "A Yankee in Mexico." It is a stirring dramatic of th nresent Mex ican trouble and, therefore, will pos sess additional thrilling zest for all Americans. It 4s a swell Pathe. Lubin' "Locked Room" is also one of today's good things, -exceptional things, and it is a powerful dramatic. It is a story of a liusoand's suspicions and wrong accusation. There is alBo a delightful comedy on in "Lillie's Nightmare," while Pathe will offer ope of those famous travel films, "The Petrified Forests of Arizona. Tnere is also Pathe's latest Weekly on today, depicting eufrent events in most interesting manner, and endine with a comic picture of "Mutt and Jeff." ' Holiday Spirit at Bijou. The holiday spirit has already struck .the popular Bi fbu and patrons of the modemly appointed and handsom amusement resort are finding . thiags most festive these days. The Bijou today will be to the front with flags fiying. Offering five reels of films and the quintet inemdes & special Bron cho feature, which is on a par with the-grfeat Warner features, the Bijou at extra expense, havift obtained the exclusive rights for Wilmington to these two big special features. The Broncho healiner today wiU be "The Reaper." It is a thrilling, elaborately produced story of the early West ft shows the gO'd fever days of '49 and flehts with the Indians. There is a stfrrtng plot and beautiful love storv to those in need: Eject all thoughts of selfishness; sti fle the voice of greed. Long life to you, my Brothers, and may life's skies be fair; Lest any harm befall you, 1 pray the Father's care. On every side, in all life's paths, true Pythians should we find, Rich in Gods greatest gift to man, a neart ootn orave and kind. THOS., J. CARLING. A Merry Christmas and a Happy ; i3W X tiitr. ; German silver mesh bags and vani- es irom oc lO fi each. At H Fore & Co. (advertisement.; TH$ ANSWER THE M aJ HASH uve Pleasant to Take Quick in Effect Cures Neuralgia. Headache, Backache, Grippache The modern instantaneous pain relief. On the market for 15 years and still growing. No doubtful results. 10c, ic and 50c bottles. at Fountedna. BROMALGtfJE CO., Geldsbcro. N. C DONT WJMT TO TALK LIFE INSURANCE? Perhaps not but, if you are wise, and love your fam ily, you will Whea jyou are sick, you want the doctor. If you are not an insurance expert, you need the agent. We.ofer you expert advice on life insurance matters Contract made to suit your particular need. ATftNTKS LIFE INSURANCE GO. James & Jam Dittiict Agents, Wilmington, N. C W. C Woodard, Jr., General Agent, Rocky Mount. N. C. Christmas Goods Illustrated Books. All the late Novels. Books for the Boys and Girls, Leather and Brass Novelties, Pictures, Xmas Cards and Calendars. ROBERT DeROSSET SPUGS" is a Society for the Prevention of Giv ing Useless Presents. "Be Spugf - - and come look at our stock of Useful and Suitable Gifts for your loved ones and friends. Aluminum Universal Coffee Machines & (Percolators, $2.50 to $11.75. Aluminum Ware. Boker Pen Knives,, (In individual cases) Boys' Axes, 75c. Bird Cages, Brass, 1.00 and $130. Blank Cartridges. Brass Cuspidors, 50c and $1.00. Brass Fire Dogs, $5.00 to $7.50. Brass Hd. Fire Sets. Brass Jardenieres, $1.50 to $2.50. Cake Chests, Extra fine, $2.00 and $3.00. Stag Carving Sets Ivory Carving Sets. Pearl Carving Sets. . . In beautiful satin lined cases, $2.50 to $12.00 a ret. Casseroles. Crumb Trays, 75c. Desk Sets, Jery cheap at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Dog Collars. Enamel Ware. Fishing Reels. Food Choppers. Hunting Coats. GUNS Light 4Mb. double-barrels guns for bays. Our spe cial Hammer! ess at $15.00; single bar rel breechloaders 12, 16, 20 and 28 ga. at $4.00 to $8.00. Oil Stoves. Oil Heaters. Pop Ouns, 25c. pen Knives. PERCOLATORS . Universal. Razors 1 pair in Mo rocco case. Razor Hones. Razor Strops. Refrigerators. Revolvers. RIFLES Hamilton, 1.50. RIFLES Air, shoots shot 25c. 75c, $1, $1.25 and $2.00. "Little Scout'f $1.75 Repeating Riffles, 15 shot $6.50 to $12.00: ROASTERS Savory Nickle plated, blue and white,JitU steel Safety Razors. Shaving Sets. SCISSORS SETS Some beauties at 81.50 to $330. Silver plated Knives and Forks. MANICURE SETS (Real Bargains) for men and women at $2.50 to $7.50. Loaded Shells. Leggings. Silver plated Sugar , Shells. 'Silver plated Butter Knives. Si Iverplated Child ren's Sets.. Knives and Folks, best grades and latest patterns. Table Knives." Thermometers. Thermos Bottles, $1.00 to $5.00. Thermos Carafes, $3.50 to $6.00. Thermcs School Kits, $3;50. Thermcs Workman's Kits, $2.00. Tools for Boys. Watches Silver and Gilt, 98c. Washing Machines, and many other things. We will be Glad to Show You. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. 10 and 12 So. Front St. AmmV B Slaughter S ale OF- TOYS Having furnished all their wholesale customers with their Xmas Supplies, m close out during this week to the Retail Trade all the immense stock of Xmas Goods left on hand at WHOLESALE RATES. Dolls and Doll Carriages of atl kinds, Iron Mechanical Toys, Tricycles, Bicycles, Velocipedes, Wagons, Drums, Horses, Etc. Brassware, Christmas Bric-a-Brac, Xmas Ties, Hose, Suspenders, Furs, Gloves, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Etc.. We are holding a Special Christmas Sale of a selected lot of Ladies' Coat Suits, and they are Wonderful Bar gains. TWENTY NEW CLERKS will help us out this week, and every one win receive prompt attention. BERT H. MARSH c Aountant arrf Auditor A, UA ed 190S A JJ12 TTOm . ; re,4S a!B& g, great Majestic com. - 32 N. FRONT ST. wenoins wrfCeUtr; Correspondence Solicited. in Given.