'A.-' '.A f ;THE?MoM TrfREE BURNED TO DEATH l!l CRADLE .GHAPUllli Infant at Raleigh Perishes in Flames Dp. joyner in Robeson Oth er News Notes From Capital. SPBItlGER LEAVES AFTER 12 YEARS: IfJ IflDIA u hearin (Special Star Correspondence.) Raleigh, X- C, January 23. Last evening the infant son of Mrs. L. C. pesiam was burned to death in some i nac countable way in the home on i a i't i n street. The mother had left the child in the cradle, as she thought, .. cafe distance from the open fireln rate. wneu sue i ciui,ucwl mum any outcry at all sha found the littie Leuj ""'" f ' pirion and the cradle well-night burn--p. and a hole was burned in the t;cu'-'- . -; rf ' r1 Cornoration Cctnmlssion- has ordered tne -soutnern ttaiiway at lleLeansburg, eight miles eaiSt Greensboro. . rUmincv for Cleve Daniels. perause Governor Craig believes the prisoner's mind was. so bfe- n nled bv the use of dope that he V', incapable of the premeditation ... deliberation necessary to consti- first degree uiuiuci, 6"ui -v Daniels, oi. uurnam couuij,. a from aeam sentence - tu just t;o! 0 rate Cleve .....-.iiirfit ,nn i'lectrocuted in February. The xom iMiuation was recommended by Judge ,,oaaff and Solicitor Gattis. ' Dr Joyner in Robeson. nr I Y Joyner, State superinten dent of public instruction ,has gone to Vhiladelphus, Robeson- county, to take ' in the opening of a fine new pub '"iVh chool building that takes the ,Vof one burned last season. Bonds v ere voted to erect a much handsom er and larger building. ; . Charters Issued. ; i rharter was issued today for the :S $50,000 authorized and $13,000 Icribed by J. H. Stone, K C. ct'one E. Ct' Stone -and others for. a General knitting mill business. Other Outers are to the following: People's Motor Car Co., High Poinl, ranital v-0,000 authorized and -oo llibseribed by J. A. Barker and iithers for automobile and garage bus- JI1The Caoarrus Laundry Co.. of C6n errd capital 0,000 authorized and subscribed by J. L. Cannon ai Th? Person County Fair Association, Roxlrcj. -apttal $20 000 "lorizd and $",r,0 subscribed by L. M . CaTl tVin and otuers. The Gattys-Martin Lumber Mann fictiiring Co., Zebulon, capital $25,000 SSized and $6,000 subscribed by V. B Gattys and others: . FAYETTEVILLE MAN RUM ?- DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE. Resigns iFrdni Government Service anA Goes .to ' Pennsylvania South- i port Wewa Notes of Interest. ' C C. McAlister Severely Injured, But Condition Reported Favorable. (Special Star Telegram.) h Favei'-eville,' N. C, January 23. c C ;cAlister, treasurer and gen eral manager of the Southern Timber and Lumber Company and one of the most prominent lumbermen m North Carolina was run down and severely Sed on Hay street tJhis morning when, attempting to avoid a bicycle, he stepped before the motor car of Malcomb McNeill, of . Raeford. When Mr. McAlister was lmocked do Mr McNelfl lost control of . his r achine and the car, lunging to on,e side, followed Mr. .McAlister, passed over his body and .crashed with its lour passengers into the show window of Y E. Kindley's store. Mr McAlister was taken up, uncon- '. ith cnih wounds, and car ried to the Highsmith Hpspital where lie later recovered consciousness. iy r.iaht his condition was said to be ta- orable by the physicians at the ios- The accident was. said to have been caused by poor regulation of traffic, while Mr. McNeill, who came from .Hoke county, had no license number. ( Special - Star ' Correspondence.) "Southport, K. C. , January. 23, Chaplain r and Mrs. R W. Springer left today for their new home at Car lisle; Penn., where a fine commanding pieceof property' has been purchased and aJ beautiful' dwelling erected The chaplain, has resigned from the . gov ernment" service, after being actively engaged. foir; nearly t wehty years, serv ing at posts in -Kentucky, New York andiiortnAarolina, the last hieing at Fort Caswell., ; Mro Springer . also saw more? active service in the campaigns at Cuba and 4n the Philippines. At parlisle,, Mr. Springer will pursue more t vigorously his literary nd sci entific itudies, as well as further in- ; Mrs. Springer, who leaves here this week for her" new home in Pennsyl vania, has' been the recipient during the past' week of a number of social honors, given complimentary to her. It is with regret that many have said good-bye-to -Mrs. Springer, wishing her added hap pine,ss in her new home. The bald-head eagle, while not so often' "Seren .hereabouts, is notextinct by any 5 means.- Your correspondent saw eight of these noble birds Hying near together a few days ago, the largest number he remembers ever having seen in one group. r Shipping Catfish. ' The catfish, familiarly termed "pus sies," while an edible ' fish here, is seldom eaten by white people, that i3 few care for it; he-" colored people seem to relish it. --However, as an ar ticle of export to the northern market, this fish is found, to tea: profitable one to handled: bringing ten cents a pound. The cat is usually caught by standing or set lines, with hundreds of baited hooks. " The lines are visited at intervals, and fish removed, the hooks being freshly rebaited. An old-time: spelling bee" was held here: last. Monday night. The old blue-back speller Iwas the authority for the occasion,: and the latterrday snellers went down on easy words, be cause they tried . to spell according to fun a-plenty for. the spectators. ;-: " - Planting Gardens. Early gardens . are being planted, and soon; there , will be seen "green truck." which everyone is glad to see andeati With, favorable weather, the early ; trucker -makes the first gooa money of the: season, for price is sec ondary to the" person who wants the vegetables. " : " Services at St. Phillips. Sf 6st interesting services were held at St. "Phillips Episcopal church last Sunday, conducted by the rector, Rev, J. S. 'Moody. It being the season of Epiphany, the rector deemed it fitting tn snpak nn the subiect appropriate to the day, at the morning service tak ing up the Message of tne House oi Bishops, a document recently present ed tn the Triennial Convention, as- comhiprf at Mew York, portions of this were read, and more fully treated. At niirht th F'east.' of Lights was the ov.o,.t aWv treated, and heautifully visibly emphasized through the church illumination, wna eietuit auu yaum. light effects. There was also a. short missionary talk. A laTge congrega tion i was present. , -nor ' TH WIFE MURDERER. RESIDENCE DESTROYED. Prof. Bedfern Suffers Loss ,and Per- cnnal lniurv. (?nrcial Star Correspondence.) , Wilion. X- C, Jan. 23. The resi dence occupied by Prof.' J- E Red fern, principa! of the Btlley school, was destroyed "by fire and verv little of the contents was saved. The origin of the fire is unknown. While making an effort to save some of the household effects. Prof. lern was struck by a fallingtimber and as a result he will be -disabled, for several days, : although - not- seriously injured. ' ';- j, ' .Mrs. S. E. Woodard died yesterday morning after a brief illness,.' v Mrs. Woodard lived 'at Green Hill and was 27 years of age.-'She leaves a hu3 hand and several children. Elder J. Farmer conducted the funeral ser vice and the xemains were interred in .Maplewood cemetery. " , ' Jlis? Etta Lancaster, of Greensboro, "ft as married Wednesday evening to Mr. James H. Wray, of this city. The ceremonv took place at the residence of -Mr. L. H. Wray on Nash street and the vows were taken .before Mr. W. R. Wood. - But-Negro Arrested at Newport Seems . x - one orirriiricii. iSnecial Star Correspondence.) Kinston, X. C, January 23. A ne- trm earned either Charlie Murphy or John Williams, when arrested at New port. N. C, last night by officers in cluding Sheriff A. W. Taylor, of Kinston,- f or ' the i murder of a woman at t5tiV Hsrll this county, a year ago, proved to be the wrong man but con- toe con in . m rouiustuu iuai 11 ronton in nreene county for crime Tl HUftW - - . esm tnesswiffft to tne snerm a rffino here that John Holloman, col nA months affo at Pink Hill aftectionately took his faithless wife i Viia arms stirf noiainc ner auoui uic waist, cut her throat, was employed at o lumh&r mill ST NRWIWIl. n (iiori anrf Hnlloman escaped. When the officers- surrounded the man's home at ; Newport they waited ;n tha Hartness until Dast midnight 1 II v. . 1 Mo evide.ntlv was SUSPICIOUS, ior lie ap- proached'the Douse at iz: su o u t at n-cafp distance until x o tiutiv, c " . . . j m.n Vick ventiiren in ana was uiujuui.- y arrested. Excitea, ae aemeu uu.il he was Holloman dui aaiuiucu he was Charlie Murphy;tsought by the -1 -,itvi authorities at Snow UICCllO VV" - - T, TI Til Hilk He bore tne name oi juiiu vy - iams at Newport, wmcn uiacc is an Tnnoa frnm nere. me suenu "i Snow Hill states that .Murphy shot a negro man there, cui nis wuc a ia-, not fatally, and assaulted another per son with a deadly weapon. HeisJ Bad character in general. An officer came for him after Sheriff Taylor had 1 . 11 i. ir...nn'Tfac Tint satisfied himseii xnai wmj Holloman, tne w ue sifjr. - - UNUSUAL ACTION. In SMALLPOX Towns in EPIDEMIC. Wilson Section Action Is Taken. ' Special Star Correspondence.) Wi'son. X. C. Januarv 23. Be- anse of the fact that smallpox is epi demic in some of the surrounding towns and further on account of . the discovery of two cases here in Wilson the Co.intv Rnarti of Health and .the Count Commissioners held an imikf iant meeting last night to take steps y i.revent the spread or tne aisease The Atlantic Coast Line has order ed sates for the Nash street crossing ;md they will be installed within tlu? i "x :: davs. The crossing is dange.r- and several narrow escapes have 'n recorded recently. The railway oniijciny has nlaced a ' watchman at Herring street crossing. . FOR $50,000 DAMAGES. of Action by Ma ior itv Stockholders Tarboro Cotton Factory. (Special Star Correspondence.! .y r Tarboro, N. C, Jan. 23. Action has ieen brought by the majority stock- ' Oiders of the Tarboro Cotton Facta iy for $50,000 damages on the ground abuse of legal process againstvthe -Macclesfield Company, Dr. L. E. Ndr !'et. Henry Clark Bridgers and J. M. -Norneet. Judge G. W. Connor recent y consented to the sale of the prop ' -:'y by three commissioners, . said f mmissioners to, he " appointed by nnnsei. Counsel, however, was un ' ;' to agree and thus the filing, of 'iiu suit. The-defendants have not ' ' ed an answer to the complaint as This is one of the largest suits r instituted in this county. v- Pants free at U. S. Woolen o. jo;) Princess street. . ' (atlTerfisemnt.) MiUs Mr, R. D.'McKenzie, Painter ffor lln- . K dian . Royalty, Visiting Friends -; at Faison. (Special .Star Correspondence.) Faison, N. G, January 23. Twelve years intimate association with na tive princes of India in the remote States of the empire of .mystery, spice and Oriental . charm,: is an experience any . Westener would : relish, i but tto have : with the experience the- ability to oommemorate i it in. form and color is a combination of fortuitous circum stances: and personal achievement that come to few. Such was the experience of, Mr. R. : D. McKenzie, . a British painter of Scotch "descent, who was born . in . London, reared in America. largely at Mobile, where he - spent much of his childhood in the home of the s Turners, and ; is now visiting Mr. and - Mrs:v James D .' Irelatid, his child hood friends,- at their - place, ("Erin Home," hear Faison.- ' j So intimate was Mr. McKenzie s understanding of the life and man ners of the 'rajahs of the Indian prov inces and so true was his brush in conveying to canvass the breath of the Orient, 'that -when the Indian govern ment sought - a painter to' commemo rate the splendor" of the Durbar 1 of 1903, he was the choice. In executing this .commission, Mr. McKenzie spent 18 : months, in visiting the capital ; of each native-State whose Prince took part in the' great triumphal entry to Delhi, drawing from : first hand the Prince of each proyince enthroned on the royal elephant; in all his Dunbar elegance. .The result of his efforts was a great color impression 11 feet high and 19 feet long. At the solicitation of the sesame Club, Mr. McKenzie very kmdly ex hibited some' of his work in the Orient, with a delightful lecture, to an appreciative audience at the Acad emy Friday night. On Thursday at 6 o clock dinner Mr. ana Airs. Mar shall Williams entertained Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, with Miss Bessie Ire land, Mrs. A. H. Witheriiigton, Mrs. C. E Weatherby. Mrs. U. C. Phil lios.. of New York: Mrs. R Hicks guests and Miss Georgie Mcl. Hicks as FOR COMMUNITY UPLIFT. in Series of Meetings to be Held Edgecombe County. (Special Star Correspondence.) Tarboro, N. C, January 23. The first of a series of community uplift meetings by the county educational, agricultural and sanitary forces will be- held 3 in Tarboro. February 5th. Speakers " representing these three State departments will deliver ad dresses at the meetings which, will be conducted- throughout the county for two weeks. Better homes, better farm conditions, better education, bet ter sctfbols and better health and sani tation will be the topics discussed. The schedule includes February 6th, Laniers; February 9th, Conetoe; Feb ruary 10th, Speed; February. 11th, Leg getts; February 12th, Battleboro; Feb ruary 13th, Dixie High School; Feb ruary 16th. Crisp; February 17th, Macclesfield. NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERING But Husband, With Aid of Cardai, Effects Her Deliverance. Draper, N C Mrs. Helen Dalton, oi this place, says: "I suffered for years, with Dains in my left side, and would often almost smother to death. Medicines patched me uo for awhile but then 1 would get worse again. Final ly, my husband decided he wanted me to try Cardui, the woman's tonic, so he bought me a bottle and I began using it. It did me more good than all the medi cines I had taken. I have induced many of my frierlds to try Cardui, and they alt say they have been benefited by its use. Therr nergr has been, and never will be, a medicine to compare 'with Cardui. 1 believe it is . , - , t j. . a gooa meaicme ior au womaniy uuu- For over 50 vears. Cardui has been re lieving woman's sufferings and building weak women up to neaiui ana sirengui. tli voa are a woman, give it a fair trial. It should sureiy neip you, asu nas million, others. - . . - Get a bottle of Cardui to-day. J-. ,- , .' Writt tor Chattanoort" Medicina Co.. Ladies' Xrttricrtfw' Torb nr(-lrT Tpnn frxr Instructions on your case and 64-page book. Home Treatment for Women," in plain wrapper. N.G. 1 26 Hall Chadwick Shares Estate With DMhr and Sisters. fSpecial Star Correspondence.) tA Tsi r. .Jan. 23. A com- mendable t action was that Jby Hall W. Chadwick, eldest son or luc "L j rr rvi a Hwifir superintendent oi the Carolma.&.Kinstonr roads, wno aiea luesuajr. y" -and;his wie fecently came from Bir mingham, Ala.-, and were here when the father died. By the will of bis late grandmother, valuable residence property ibfiKing street was left to m W iawick his lifetime, to go at his demise to Hall W:.chwi- Since the deatn or me giauumuu. several children were born to -E. w. Chadwick by iiis seconu uc, uu these are the half-brother .and four half-slsters , of ,young Mr. Chadwick Yesterday a deed was recoraeu uei u.. n-t. .ii Uaii w i naawics auu voluntarily, deeded to the .five a five sixth interest in the estate, naming o or.n?ripraiinn "natural love and affection for the infant brothers and sisters.' " v . REVERSED .DECISION. Favors South Carolina Committee 1 rjf s, r.h M?L9tior. iaw. i r.nnmha s. C January 21. Re-: versing-lts'-decision of a week ago, tne o fv, nini-ara Ma afternoon decKieo, IOUUUUluIlitl - . .. -, , . . ji i to report aavtjiseiy -"";..". ii years. The reversal, came as the Je suit of the second hearing on tne uiu niarine- it. would work-a hardship on the children: of .the mill village v Jrtuili RbnMO OtllNINE." T'iVAfv - teOMO .QUI- 1 uab s ' J if , - - -f-j MI ...T rnlr i fnr th Pi - SI ZnaXUre OI - ill. w . unvE iiiintpsSa Cold - in- une f.- rwAri in Tarrt-rijiva. ' 25c, $3.50 Recipe Free, for Weak Men. Send Name and Address Today Yoti Can Have It Free and he Strong " and Vigorous. We haven our possession a prescription for nervous debility, lack of rigor, weaken ed manhood, 'failing.-memory and lame back, " brbn'gBt- on. by' excesses, unnatural drains, . or.; the follies of youth, that has cured so many worn ana nervous men right in their own homes without any. aoomon at help .or. medicine that we. think every man who wishes to regain his manly power and -virilltvi- auicklv - and quietly, should a copy of ;the prescription tree of charge, in it plaia-rdinary sealed envelope to any man who-wui write us ior it. : . This nrescriotion comes from a -physi cian who has made a special study of men and we are convinced it is. the surest-acting combination for -the cure or aencient man hood and ""ti'roT:Iailure vever, put together We think we owe. it to our fellow men to send thean. a eopy Jn confidence so that any man;.aiiywnexe- wno -s wean. auu'.uiBcuur ased with reDeated faunres may stop drug gingw himself with. . harmrui patent ... medi cines, secure what we believe is the quickest acting restorative, .upbuilding, SPOT TOUCHING remedy ever ; devised, and so cure himself at home ,ouietly and .euiekly. Just-.drop us a line like ithis : interstate Remedy Co., 4163 Luck Building. Detroit, Mich. and. we will send you a copy of this splendid " tcelpe in a; plain, ordinary: en velooe. .free.-of .trharge. -A great manydoc tors would Charge a.uu to oaJu. ior mereiy writing, aut a prescription like tnis Dut m sena jt-enxirejx iree.. , v,r :v?, Jm3 RAYO Larnps give the softest,, steadiest light for work or play, for young or old. No straining of the eyes. A constant com fort to all the family. Solid brass; nickel-plated. Handsome. Strong. ? Easy to clean and re wick. Lighted without 'removing chimney, or shade. - At dealer si everywhere, or 4 write for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. u a flbeEome of Hart Schaffiier & Marx TRe high cbt of living doesn't get any lower by 4 low cot of clothes; cheapness in 4 clothes usually means inferiority rather than economy. 'If you pay twenty-five dollars for a Hart Schaffner & Marx overcoat you'il get much more than the difference in value, than if you buy a $12 or $ 5 coat. We make a special featufe.of the $25 price because of the value we know is in the coat at that price. Others at 18 to $40. Boys' and Children'sSuits and Overcoats at very at tractive reductions. The A. David Comp any ATLANTIC COAST LINE , arrivalt a liurtvie THdiii at Wilmlnrtoa; , , JCffectlve UbU , tt , IttS. - i-Xr-liziiv.:. - Ttmm Kt.'OiuMaa3es4. L I .- ' ' - : . - ' '"y ' - !'..' : - j .' - . . :." ;: " : ' . DBPABTTBKS :. " TO AND &1VliMi . r ; , : ' Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Stat : - ' .ern North Carolina points. Connects at ; - ' No. t0, . Goldsboro with Southern Hallway an4 .1 - 3 tM JLM. Norfolk Southern -Bailroad, No. 91 leaves IBM AM, .Norfolk 13:20 P. M. and Richmond UO0 - i - . '-nr ... -,.v'--..-.."r iv,.--.;-,; --r :- Chaaboarn, Conway, Florence!- CharlesUn, A - : Savannah, Jacksonville, -Tampa, : No. U. ; Myers, Colnmbia and Ashevllle. - Pullman Ma, It. .. . v - -- Stoepina: Cars i betweea ...WUmiastoaaad -j-ii : " - IdlAJIL Columbia, opa so receive passeaarcrs at "1MMAM. ' - WUmiaston at ani after 10:eo'P. ML, v.v''-..--' and may eeeapled .until 7:0 A Bl. . - .. ,v, i... . . No.04, Jacksonville. rNewbern mad Intermedlat . .'.'I'o.ttU -, I 1:50 AM. , stations.; ;Uj - . 1 I 'M P JL , ' Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Waah- vr-..-;- .'- No; 48. r. 5 ingtoat Fnilmaav Parlor , Cars -between - Jlst.s)l. 4 - y- - . . Wilralaittoa: and Norfolk, eonneetlna: at tl'iili' . . . iSQ AM. -1 - Bockr.Moont with New York trains wits : ? fill FJL . v . y :. .V-PalIinaii;v8erlea.r'-,s rs .. . ;.-"-. C ' . " , . ' ; ' ;..,:.. , .'-. .1 ";. n , ii .., eU . - mmm .: - rNo.M,' SolM t train between WUmlneton ani Mt ' "'ftfJ&it' '' : 8:4f AJC. ; Atti via Fayetteville and Sanfor. , -OePJl. i - f-, iU-rlS. 't --- -- - i-- ii . .i. i . r ''... 1 1 . i i ) 1 1 u 1 1 1 ' .ii jt . Chadbouzn.s'Couway, Florence, Charleston, . jfi'. , . . No.tt. Savanoah,' All. Pletida .Points, Columbia, V Net. . Asbeville and the West. Pnllman Sleep- -.ZIL 1 0 PM. lntc - ars . betweea Wilmington and Co- I'M PJC -t lunabla. " , .; r ' H. -'-" . . " i ' . . i i. , , i i i j i r gsm . No. 62, . Jacksonville. Newbern an4 Intermediate ..No.,;' ' SdSPJC stations. 12U50PJI. ' " ' ' : .. , . . . . ... No.iw. Fayettevllle. Sanfptd and Intermediate . ,J'mtyi. 16:30 P.M. , stations. , llOilSAjkl. i - .. -.. . 4" ' . ; . . Goldsboro, Richmond. Norfolk, Washrng-- ton and New . .York. - PaUman Braller, , - ' . ' No. 41. Buffet SleeplnK Cars between . Wilmlna- Na.fl. - i.iipui ten - and Washington, eonnectins; with 19:99 AM.:' ". l.ttPJC New yPk trains, with Pnllman Sleeping w ""Tr ' Cars between Wilmington and Nortolk. V' No.e7,i Chadbohrar Florence, Con way and Inter- No. IS. : , I7KX)p!m. mediate statipns. 1 9MAM.' - : ; ., .,' ' : 1 Dally. 1 Dally except Sunday, b Sunday only, a Dally except Monday For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc., call 'phone 100. I'-.-. V W. J. CBAIO, . ' ' T. C. WHlTK, " ' -" - Passenger Traale . Manager. - General Paasseagar Agaat. - . ' - WIUtflNOTON, K. O. - - v.- SPLIT YOUR MIDDLES WITH THE LATEST IMPROVED TYPE Syracuse Middle Breakers. Chilled wearing parts,, steel beam and braces, malleable standard. PrQvided with rudder or fin, attached to shoe in rear, which can be thrown in or out of use. - Perfectly balanced Moldboards with long easy turn, making very light draft plows.: Can also be used with special narrow share, thus converting it Into an . excellent sub-soiler. - If your merchant can't supply the Genuine Syracuse, send to us. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY T' 10: and-' 12 South Front' Street. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE Winter Park, WrighbVille, WrighUville Beach and Inter- mediate Points. EASTBOUND. WESTBOUND Xeave Fronfc. and Princess for Winter Park. Leave Front and Princess for Wrlghtsville Leave Frdnt and Princess for Beach. 'V:&Aj& "-fctt"""" 8:00 " " 8:30 M " i6:6o"" " " 11:30 " M 1:10 PJkL x 1:55 " " x!2:35 M M 3:00 " 3:30 " " x4:10 " " 4:30 " " x4:50 " " 6:30 " 6:10 " " :40 " " 7:15 " 8:30 " ' ! 9:15 " 10:00 44 " 11:15 4 44 fl :30 A.M. ''6:55'4V44' 8:00 " 44 8 :30 44 44 "io-oo4444" U :30 44 44 1:10 P.M. xl:55 " 44 "3-00"2,44: 4:30 44 44 "iVso 6:10 44 44 6:40 44 44 7:15 44 44 8 :30 " 44 ! 9:15 44 44 10:00 4 44 11:15 44 44 6:30 A.M. "io-oo"4444 11:30 44 44 1:10 P3. ............. "a-oo44"" 6:40 44 44 's-ao44'44 Leave . rWinter Park for Wilmington. Leave . Wrlghtsvllle r.for-:- ' Wilmington. 6:28 A.M. 7:36 44 44 ! 7:56 44 44 8K)1-''-4 44 8:41 44 44 9:36 44 44 110 :31 44 44 11:06 44 44 12 :36 P.M. 2 :01 " " x 2:36 44 44 x 3:05 " " x 8:50 44 44 4:06 ' 44 x 4 :30 44 44 x5:10 44 44 0:36 44 44 6:11 44 " 6:51 44 44 , 7:45 44 44 8:06 44 44 9 :S6 44 44 ! 9 :56 44 44 10:41 44 44 lli5A.M. ftilSAJl. 7;25 " 44 ! 7:45 44 44 7:50 " 44 8:30 44 44 :25 !10:20 44 44 10:55 44 44 12:25 P.M. 1 :50 " " x2:25 44 - "h'tii'""""' "b-m"44"44" 6:00 44 44 6:40 44 44 7:30 44 44 . 7:55 44 44 9:25 44 44 1 9:45 : 44 10:30 H 44 11 -.45 A.M. Leave Beach ' for Wilmington. T7:35Xr7.r 7 :40 " " a B-.15 10:45 44 44 12 :in PM. o 1:45 " " '"i'M e 7:20 44 h vrr.4 SPECIAL FOB SUNDAYS. Leave Front and Princess S,treet rery half hour. 1 Leave Beach, every half hoar, from 2:45 to 6:45 P. M. from 9 ltd to 99 P. It. except Sunday. Daily, except x Superseded by half-boar schedule Sunday afternoons. This car goes through to Sea Gate; returning, leaes Sea Gate at 1 P. Kv o Leaves from Station No. 3. '. ; FBEIGHT SCHXPULK. Leaves 9th and Orange strets daily, except Sunday, 8:30 P. M. Freight Depot open, aauy, except sunuay, x.av to s:au tr. M. CLYDE LINE TO NEW YORK AND GEORGETOVN, S. a " New York to Wilmington. Steamship Navaboe. Friday, Jau. 23rd, 1914 SteamshiptCherokee, Friday Jan. 30th, 1914 Wilmington to Georgetown. Steamship Cherokee Monday Jan. 19th, 1914 Steamship Navahoe, Monday Jan. 26th, 1914 Wilmington to New York. Steamship Cherokee Sat. -Jan. 24th, 1914. Slpnmshin Navahoe. Sat. Jan. 31st. 1914. Through bills of lading and lowest through rates guaranteed- to and from all points in North and South Carolina. CLYDK STEAMSHIP CO , . -C 3. BBCKEB, Agent. -. - Wilmington. N. C. M. G. SMALLBONBS, Commercial- Agent, Wilmington, N. C. : General Offices : PJer 36, N,- B, New York. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE ' RAILWAY OF - THE SOUTH.; Schedule Effective January '4th, 1914.,' MORTGAGEE'S SALE. 5 By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage executed by D. D. MeLaurin and wife, Annie, McLaurin, dated June 19th, 1913, and recorded in the rec ords of New Hanover county, in book 78, page 50. the undersigned will expose for sale for cash at the Court House, door of New Hanover county, on Thursday, Febru ary 5th, 1914. the following piece of real estate situate in the city' of Wilmington, State and county aforesaid.' bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the line of the east side of Anderson street S3 " feet northwardly from its intet- "sectlon with the- line of the north side of Miller street, and ruunlng tnence norjn wardly r with said Ifne of- the east side ct-pppf S3 fppt. thence eastward- iv xwirallel with MUler street 165 f eef; thence soutnwaraiy anu parauci wuu street 33 feet ; thence westwardly and par allel with - Miller street; 165 feet to the be-triTi-nincr ca ma ' heiii c- .the northwest one- ouarter'of lot 5,in block 255.. according to tne official pian oi we --iiy ""f ELLEN P. GAFFORD, -i -. Mortgagee. : Bv John-W. Gafford, Attorney. ja4-30d, ' ' r " ' . . ANTHRACITE -i-.X.-'it, - ...... . ..-- ' . .. mm BITUMINOUS BUYERS' SUPP1JES. Lime. CemeiiC Plaster, Etc. Prompt Service, Satisfaction Guaranteed. A - a : are curable. All kinds mean - suffermflr and danger. The CAUSE is, always internal. Dr. Leonhrdt'i urM.Qoin tableti pivlce amazing- results by attacking the INTERNAL CAUSE. The piles are dried up and permanently -feured. -24 days" - treatment, fjl.OO. T)H I.RO"WH A Tvr TO-i, BfTiJcN..'Y".frwioo Sold br B. Bellamy and all druggists, QUICK CARS pi GUARD -, UUUUKIln l ine. BLEECKER CO. day Awri wir.HT RERViCi?. STEAM HEAT.-5-11 North Third Str. . - a a a w see- - - -;; . t . BURETT H. STEPHENS ARCHITECT 81-3 GARRELU BUILDING wiLMINGTONr- C. southern I jlap Coopenyl SLUE- . ;.'-; -'1 RAlLJE & LOtiGtiLIN T. I ... . . ... SODTBERN oLWti. ' VILMKSCTON. N. C TRAINS LEAVE WlLMlKGTOJf -No, 195 A. M. : arrive Hamlet 9 :00 A. M. Leave Hamlet, 9:20 A. M.J; arrive Charlotte, . 12:10 P. ii. Coqnects. at .Hamlet with trains No. 4, for Ilalelgh, Norfolk and Bichmond, and all points. North, and. with No. L for Columbia, Savannah. Jackson, ville, Tampa, and all points South. ' At Monroe, with train No. 29,. for. AUaauL ' Daily Sleeper on no, i, tor Charlotte ana ntermeaiate Jf oints, open at xe o'eieea Mr, n, No. 133:45 P. M. : arrive Hkmlet. ft r30 P. M. Leave Hamlet. 8KJ0..P, Mr; arrive Charlotte, 11:10 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with through-trains for Atlanta, Binning-. Bam,;: Columbia, Savannah.; Jacksonville, Tampa, also Norfolk. Bichmond and All Points worth. . ? ' . ' . y. Pullman Chair Car Betweea ; WUmlagiaa y.. ..- and Cbariotte. : No. 23 5:35 P: L; arrives Hamlet SJJ43 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with trains Xor Raleigh, Norfolk- and Bichmond, and all points north. , . :-.?wi v . : ' TRAINS xABBITS WILMINGTON. -No. 20-42:10 A. M from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. i'-,-.,.' . "' : No. 2410:00 A. M4 ' from Hamlet and Intermediate points. - - No. 14 11:50 A. BL. from Charlotte and Intermediate points. . . - - ' For further information as to rates, re servations, or folders, call on, or 'ohooe 1T. J. F: DAVIS. C. T. A., HT E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A.. E. E. -HUNTER. I..A.., Wil mington." N C. J. T: WEST, D. P. MA. , Baleich. N. C. : ' - . aa,.Terkw Qnlckeat and . Best Una Wt i . .r mm Mat.'- - Block System. vKoek BaJlast. ' fUW. Balls. Schedule in agrees Mari.wwj: . Lv.Norfolk . .- . . 8:3d .m 6 tJn. irir . ; . - . n. WUD. uv iv dja 5 :80 p.pa, S:S0 am. 6j25pjn. ?'S p.m. Oaja. 8:30 a.m. Lv. Petersburg; . , . .JlL-OP g. L. Lynchburg. . . . 8:40 p.m. Ar. Cincinnati . ... .1 7uajni Ar. Columbus . . .. .1 945 a.inj A Phtrasro . . J..- .I6i000.m. Ai St T.nnia . ' . 1 6l32 D.m. - Close . connections maaa ior . eaiue ose Fraricisco and All Western points. Pullman' sleeping - and parlor cars, i ff and. W.. Cafe dining cars-Kaoioment And uMra ntniidnrd of excellence Blue Bidge and Allegheny mountains crossed at most - Time tablesw descriptive Utiwsjbr ; jfli lnioraiation - X!h, BOSLET, :D, P. AiBichmoftd. .Ja. Time tablesv ueacrptlve - nteraxu rs - asa iformation free. -J Correspondence iMtaa. r. B BEVILL, Pass. TraL T'Mgr . . , ti CL 8AUNDEBS. G. P. A-Jfcoaaoke. Ja. DR. L. G. ALLEN OSTEOPATH 47-48 TBIJ&T BUILDING Offlce-. Hours i TefeDhone . Conaecttons. 27, Z Grr;ll pulldlns. : ; (advertisement.) V r DOiv i" r4.w54"--,1111-44ss---- .Jc:-- .v