THE MORN I NG 'STAR, WILMINGTG 'N." SATURDAY; JANUARY -24, "1 9 A v -. . . CIV m ; - - 1 ' I I I I!' . - ' - . 1 '." ' a. J s MEN'S UNDERWEAR. ..8 c -s $2.50 Underwear at. $2.00 Underwear at. $1.50 Underwear at. . $1.00 Underwear at. , 75c Underwear at.... 50c Underwear at. . . . "8 60 n t .a STRICTLY CASH. Hats at Prices $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Hats $4.00 VelouT at $5.00 Velour at T3 4 . to US u - S no o o O e MEN'S AND BOY'S SWEATERS. $5.00 Sweaters at... $4.0Q Sweaters at $3.50 Sweaters at $3.00 Sweaters at $2.00 Sweaters at $1.50 Sweaters at $1.00 Sweaters at... 50c Sweaters at. . . ITT n i l In Society Mrs. C. E. Wood 'and daughter, Miss ; Ellen Wood, left yesterday for Burgaw '. to visit friends and relatives. ,." r Mr. and Mrs. "H: Moseley Hussey have as their guest at their home, No. 102 North Fourth street, their mother, Mrs. C. E. Hussey, of Wallace. " Mrs. W. J. King left yesterday for Teachey's to attend the funeral of her relative, Mrs. Wells who died Thurs day night. a Mrs. Caineron MacRae has returned - from a visit to 'her brother in Balti more, Md., and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. A, Parsley, No. 231 South Fourth street. - -iv ' The L'Arioso German Club will give . a 'dance in the ball room of the Ma csnic Temple on Wednesday evening: January 28th. This will be given com plimentary to the Wright-Gilchrist wedding which .will take, place Wed nesday afternoon. - Yesterday's Charlotte Observer: . "Miss Mildred Smith, Of Wilmington, rill arrive in the city within the next few N days from Washington to visit Miss Alice Haughton, at her home on East : 11th street." ENJOYABLE RECEPTION V - AT GRACE METHODIST. An enjoyable reception to the mem bers of the congregation and their friends was given in the parlors of Grace Methodist church yesterday af . ternoon and last evening. From 5 to 8 o'clock the children were entertain- - e"d and the older members of the con gregation attended from 8 to 10:30 o'clock. The occasion -was delightful ly informal and was in the nature of a "Better Acquaintance" affair. Light refreshments were served. MRS. MOORE ENTERTAINED YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. --Mrs. Thos. J. Moore delightfully entertained- a large number of friends at her home, No. 226 South Fourtn street, yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock complimentary to her cous in, Mrs. Guy A. Card well, of Mont gomery, Ala., who is her guest for a . few days. The handsome home was beautifully decorated with ferns, Southern smilax and carnations, the : color scheme being pink and white. Refreshing punch and a delicious ice course were served. ' The charming hostess was assisted in receiving the guests by Misses Florrie and Helen Grant, Margaret Nash, Julia and Mary Post. Mrs. R. - A. Parsley and Mrs. W. M. Peck pre sided at the punch bowl. Those serv ing in the dining room were Mrs. Al- -bari Pleasants and Misses Lizzie Bell, "Ruth' Lynch,. Lossia Cotchett, Dorothy Nash. Bessie Loder, Eva Parmalee, j 'Msly Wright Taylor and Anna Grant. A SENATOR'S HEALTH. Baltimore Sun Forgives South Caro linian for His Recovery. (Baltimore Sun.) SMonday's'Sun contained a picture of Senator "Ben" Tillman, of South Caro lina, headed "South Carolinian Now ; FighMng Erysipelas," which seemed to indicate to the editorial mind that this famous Southern war horse was in a . critical condition. The picture was ac cordingly -made the text of an edi torial, which frankly discussed the - ' Senator's career, not entirely in obitu- ary style, but as close to it as was delicate and-decent under tne circum Btances. Wlhat was our astonishment to note in yesterday's edition that the -, . Senator was so discourteous and so little appreciative of our kind words ; rthat he has turned up in Washington, 'after, his holiday visit to" South Caro Jina, more robust, than he, has been ror years. And to add insult to injury, lie boasts that he has been feasting - t vdn hog jowl and collards while at 1 home, and is all the better for that . therea! diet. Some papers after such an editorial. rnxht refuse to let a sick man get ': lp&'t-- so " quickly in its columns, and ' Bllgti insist m ins lemaming 111 long nou'feh to justify its remarks. But though we are disconcerted by the ' Senator's giving us so abruptly the l"merry ha! ha!" we will magnani Tnously. forgive him and even congratu late, him on -hi1, powers of digestion. And we'll wager an' Eastern Shore jhog Jowl and a' big dish of collards on the ,sidet that there is somebody who feel's more disconcerted than we do by the Senator's Sudden and impolite re covery; and "that" is his fellow South - Carolinian. Governor Blease. And if "hog. jowl and collards will prolong the .Senator's health and. strength, we will - cheerfully subscribe to a fund to keep :2iim constantly supplied with these . 1 powerful restoratives and rejuvena-tors.- ; '- ' : Athens' , Jan. '23.-A severe earth i ouake today at Lepante , almost de stroyed every house in the-town. The fortress was partially .;. wrecked, but ..nobody was injured; -Lepante, of Nau pafctosC is . a . seaport on the Gulf or Oorinth with a population of about .2ooo. . .. . . . , TEN ...$1.75 .. .$1.55 ...$1.20 80c , . . . .55c 43c That Appeal. at . V; .77. :t.-$1.15 ...v. .... ...$2.50 $3.50 o 5- Q .$3.65 .$2.65 .$2.40 .$1.90 .$1.40 .$1.20 r..70c ...41c PHONE FAYETTEVILLE HASN'T i AWARDED CONTRACT. For Construction of Municipal Electric Lighting Plant Report Denied. (Special Star Correspondence.) Fayetteville, N C, Jan. 23 Two members of the public worlds com- and H. J. McBuie, deny the truth of the statement that the J. B. McCrary Company, of Atlanta, had been award ed a $50,000 contract for the erection of a "new municipal owned electric light j)lant" contained in a dispatch sent from Fayetteville to a State news paper by some one other than the paper's regular correspondent. The J. B. McCrary Company was employed as consulting engineers by the public works commission, but no contract has been awarded .at all. The new plant which is to be built will not replace : the equipment now being used, but will be an addition to the city's present electric generating and distributing - system. The combined capacity of the equipment now in use is approximate! 350 horse powers while the new plant wil ladd 400 horse power. This will give the municipals itqy 750 horse power, when the new building is completed and equipped. The employment of this represen- utative firm of engineers, in an ' ad visory capacity, by the commission is generally conceded to be a wise and expedient step, but there is no hur rahing, here over the new plant's b ing built on "profits fro mthe old," for this is not so. The money that will buHd- the new plant was bor rowed on $35,000 of bonds authorized by the Legislature at the special ses sion. No 'site .has yet been chosen on whichto build the paint. A. M. M. FLORENCE SKYSCRAPER. Drawing of Proposed Eight-story Building on Exhibition. Florence, S. C, January 23. The drawing for the proposed new sky scraper that the Bank of Florence will soon build -on the site of their pres ent bank building, on West Evans street, is now on exhibition in the lob by ;of the Bank of Florence, and it presents a mighty pretty view. The drawing is by Architect Wil lia mJ. Wilkins, of this city. It will only be a short time before the plans and Specifications will be handed out, and then the bank will have to begin to pay out something like $150,000 to some contractor, to be in turn dumped in trade channels cf the city of Flor ence. Besides the Bank of Florence's new building mere is to be quite a number of other new mercantile buildings go ing up in 'Florence this Spring, among them will be that of W. H Waters' new furniture and undertaking build ing to cost $.i5,000: the new building for Mr. John M. Timmons, toliost up wards of $25,000, and some more, so that with the half hundred new resi-r dences and fifteen or twenty brick mercantiles on the way there's going to be-"some work" going on in Flor ence and "some money" spent in building in 1914. RIDER TAKEN OUT. Assistant Postmasters Remain in Civil Service. Washington. Jan. 23. A point of order late today struck out of the an nual po3toffice appropriation bill the "rider" to exempt the country's 2,500 assistant postmasters from the civil service law. This provision had drawn emphatic disapproval from President Wilson. The House adjourned without final action on the anpropnation bill. The' measure probably will be passed to morrow. During the debate today Represen tative Moon, of Tennessee, chairman of the Postoffice committee, again at tacked the President and Postmaster General Burleson for their attitude toward the "rider." "I hope," he said, "that the Presi dent has not descended to the point where he will demand that men in this House shall vote according to uts will instead of their own will.. "When matters have progressed so far that members of the Rules com mittee of the House shall go to the Postmaster General and take dictation from him, men in my party have eone a little further than I think any Dem ocrat should go." "? Norfolk, Va., Jan. 23. The wreck ing steamer 1. J. Merritt. and bsrke F. R. Sharp, have gone from. Norfolk to the assistance of the three-masted schooner Levi i3v Andrews, from Phil adelphia, to Savannah, with coal, which lies beached abreast, the Larra more life saviner , station, north of Cape Charles. The Andrews has 500 tons of coal aboard. - V Milwaukee, Wis . January 23. Ad. Wolgast. of Cadillac,. Mich , former ligntwo'ieht chamninn. had the better kf Joe Rivers, of Los Angeles, Cal., in a iast ten-round bout nere tonignt. ; DAYS ONLY. INVENTORY In order to reduce our immense stock of Clothing, Hts and Furnishing Goods preparatory to taking in ventory, we will, commencing Monday, January 19 th, place on sale For 10 days only, the goods quoted below at prices that will appeal to all for good, dependable merchandise. STEIN-BLOCH AN!) GRIFTOR CJLOTHING $27.50 Suit or Overcoat . . $25.00 Suit or Overcoat : . . $22.50 Suit or Overcoat . . $20.00 Suit or Overcoat. . . $18.00 Suit or Overcoat . . $16.50 Suit or Overcoat . . $15.00 Suit or Overcoat .'. $12.50 Suit or Overcoat. . $10.00 Suit or Overcoat . . $9.00 Suit or Overcoat . . Hi- 673 LOCAL DOT Lucy D. Sampson, colored, charg ed with perjury, was tried before Jus tice Harriss yesterday afternoon. Pro bable cause was found and the case was sent to Superior court. - She was required to give bond in the sum of $100. It is alleged that she testified falsely when she said that Fred Smith, colored, choked her son, Ed ward. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. P. E. Seagle, of Raleigh, Ncrth Carolina' representative of Ginn & Co., the well known publishers of school text books, spent yesterday in the city on business. Mr.' Seagle was formerly principal Of the High School, and has many friends here- who were glad to greet him again. DONATIONS OF FOODS FOR RED CROSS SANITARIUM. Citizens Desiring to Helo Worthy In stitution Can Aici Greatly. Contributions of imperishable foods and kitchen utensils for the Red Cross Sanitarium are especially desired by those having charge of the affairs of this institution at this time as it is nof planned to open it -within a short time and it will be a great helo if it can start out with a full larder. Meats, flour, meal, coffee, sugar, molasses, baking powder, lard, salt, pepper, can ned goods and other imperishable goods can all be used as well as cook- ins utensils of all kinds. Those wishing to help in this way should send their gifts to Mrs. J. C. Mynds, corner Ninth and Market streets, before - Thursday of next, week. Mnny have already sent in contributions of this nature and . the indications are that the sanitarium will have a full supply with which to begin. For the present the only source of supply for these necessary materials is the general public and an earnest request is made that the contributions be as liberal as possi ble. ACTION TO BE TAKEN. By Grand Jury on Deportation of Chas. H. Mover. Houghton, Mich., Jan. 23. Action on the deportation of Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Fed eration of Miners, and Charles Tan ner, it is expected, will be reported by the special grand jury tomorrow. Circuit Judge O'Brien was ready to re ceive a further report from Ihe jury today, but George E. N:;chols. the spe cial prosecutor, asked for .more time. It was announced that the jury would make ,somc report on the convening of court tomorrow. " South -A frican Premier 1 giem DOTH CaeTTd Witt; -South Africa, Jan. ZZ. Three mounted troopers, were wound ed by a .bomb explosion at Benoine. Several . railway strikers were arrest ed, rescued by their -comrades and then seized 'again by-the troops:-'.The Transvaal Railway is; moving some trains, with food and fuel. The bak ers are . working, but they - refuse to make bread -for the police and milita ry. The -miners, too, have refused to join the general strike Ordered by the labor unions throughout - the Orange' Free State and the Transvaal.- Mar tial;law went into full force In South Africa: by order" of the premier,- Gen. Botha. : The use -of such epithets as "scab"., and "blakleg are prohibited. Any attempt -to intimidate, willing workers-i- is j., f crbiddenr "Newspapers are warned " not to publish' false? or alarming reports calculated -to foster ill will. The strike region is divided into nine "districts, each, controlled - by an officer vested with absolute power, as- in time of war. . All" strikers are forbidden to leave their homes. FLl " I" J IT - CLEARANCE ! . i . . DAVIS TERMS STRICTLY CASH. 3d f rp, a -i1'' .ir"'wn ffoV The Academy next week will offer some fine attractions ana: will start the ball rolling Tuesday night when a superb dramatization Known uook, .Macaria, -win ue uuei - 1 - . t 'ill 1 .CC I ed for one performance. ... This attrac tion will, rib doubt, prove exceedingly popular and will be greeted by a largo audience. Seats, for the ...engagement will go on sale at Plumm'er's Monday morning. "Macaria" has been made into , an interesting, exciting play, interming led with a superabundance of deli cious comedy and tells the real story of the struggles of the Southland m the soul stirring days that preceded the great struggle ior Southern rights, ihe company 'presenting it is made up of players of sterling 1 and well Known ability and the production is scenically beautiful and" complete. "A Modern Eve." Heralded as me greatest musical success of the decade, and boasting of the most prosperous summer wit nessed in Chicagarirf' years, "A Mod ern Eve." announced"" as the attrac tion at the AcadenfJV next Thursday, matinee and night,, promises to be an event of more than . usual interest . to the music lovers. Cliicagoans have been reveling in its ' swinging music all season, and was loath to permit the Berlin Operetta, to depart to other triumphs. "A Modern Eve" was first staged at the Neues Theatre, Berlin, where it remained for two years. Its success was immediate'. and emphatic, arid it speedily' became,- the talk of Berlin. Mort H Singer, ; who was visiting the German i capital, was de lighted with the offering and was greatly impressed with the popularity of the music in the various Berlin cafes. Assuring himself of the libret to's adaptability for. the American stage, he secured exclusive rights ,to it on this side of the Atlantic. Vic tor Hollaender, who wrote most, of ihe music score, is flanked 'as the best composer of light -music in Germany, and his collaborator,, Jean Gilbert, a younger man, is distinguished as an author of "The Polish Wedding," which, ran for two years in Berlin. Among the song hits now heard are the alluring "Good-Bye Everybody," waltz; "You're Such a .Lonesome Moon," "Rita, My Margarita,' "Every Day is Christmas When You're Mar ried," "Won't You Smile," "Excuse Me! Certainly," "Hello, Sweetheart," and "Is the Girl You Married Still the Girl You Love?" Edward Hume as the Modern Eve's husband has a comecy part that fits his peculiar methods perfectly, even funnier than his brilliant success of last season, the -chimney sweep char acterization in; TThe Heartbreakers." Saturday: at the Grand. Truly, the jozy, , handsome Grand Theatre has a; great melange of fine things for today in the way of films and also music by the great orches trian now a daily this popu lar theatre. .Not only will the films be the latest and best,f!but; they will present some, of the bdggest of mov ing picture favorites. For instance, a star photoplay .on today will be Edi son's "A Proposal from the Sculptor," being the third story of the delight ful series known as "Who Will Mar ry Mary?" Then there will be the freshest and .finest of, the "Broncho Billy" series, with the "popular roman tic actor. Mr. G. M. Anderson, in the title role, of Course. It is "Broncho Billy's Christmas Deed," and it is a gripping story that all will like. The latest Biograph is also a star. It is "The Detective's Stratagem," and it tells how bank thieves really save the cashjter of the institution from becoming a thief and of the slick work of a noted sleuth. ;. . . i A fourth Wg photoplay will also de light in the Vitagraph's "The Face of Fear." It is a .story of the West and it is a thriller from start .to finish. Indians play a big and startling' p,art in the. tale. The Grand is, or course, comfortable ' and the ' price of. admis sion is back' fto: 5 cents7 H ! Week-End at the Bijou ; 'This week-end is going to be a! roust er at the popular Bijou," and, of course, the favorite theatre will be. packed both afternoon' and niht. Four great films will lead the Bi jpu's show, today ' and the film9 were especially seiecteu to fill the 'requirements of the occa sion, so as to please - both ' old and young, and 1 so- delight those midway. Besides these films and' merry ;tnusic; the- Biiou offers ereat attractiveness in the way of Solid comfort, which s much to- be; desired.- .' '.' - ;'. i Today's swell film list , is headed by The Rinenbf Sorrow." ' It" is an in tensely dramatic;. 'being an Italian 1 sto ry, with all the deep hate and raitntuti love Of that race;-: There's a trio 'of nne tun xuctures today, tnat win ticKie ) every;, rib, and laughter is the thing these Mays. ; A- Keystone comedy,- "Wine " will lead the Joy ride and it's- a scream from the very start.- v. . tww . .,'it ' -. : ' n - la , .- a-xcal win tome a sweu ystai- iuu hit; "Girls Will be 'BoV$" and it is an other novel, story in-the way of. a big biuiie . -picture. unen. ' tnere- is tne prince of ill fun photoplays in "It's a ouaiue to rake the Money. oe:ng tne StOry Of an lrnt "nnw " whn finallv is TKeatrieai bested by the son-be -doesn't want to get. married;-' v v -' The ma'tbnees at the BJiotp are prov-s' mg especially magnetic to jthe ladies and children, : and particular efforts . - - . . ' . -' . . TEN DAYS ONLY. SALE ; : $19.75 . : : ,$i7.6o J . .. .$15:50 ..,.$14.00 ....$13:00 . . . .$12.00 , . . . .$Hs00; .. . . "i ; r$825 . , B$7:00 . . . ". !i $6.00 u COMPANY NEXT TO are being imade by. the Bijoa mahagei , ; ' Baby Zelda 'to Receive I Besides, its big ior matinee this afternoon, the alert, enterprising - management of I the Victoria Theatre, ,vne hm& Qf Reith vaudeville, has ar- j ranged to "pull .pit" something delight- lul in the way of an innovation of the welfjjAViil De a public reception grven hy. :!mmBnn Th, rfiVftr i,ttift Miss, who - iS so immensely pleasing at the Vic toria, is anxious to meet the little girls and also boys, of course- of this City, especially in view or ; the Dig greeting that has been accorded : her in Wilmington, i -iSo, following " the matinee . ' performance this afternoon, Baby Zelda will hold a reception, and on the stage of the Victoria, too, which will give the . ladies and. child ren chance to see behind the scenes of a big theatre. Baby Zelda wiil noti only shake hands with the children and chat with them, but she will pre sent them with souvenirs. - , It s-going to be an awfully delightful event.' The present bill at the Victoria will close tonight, with the usual two per formances. - The show now running has scored an immense hit. It is high class, refined and superb. . The act presented by the Reed and St. John Trio is beautiful and a swell musical act, being high class and novel. The Two Lucifers are also stars and their acrobatic act has been flatteringly re ceived. Of course, clever Billy Morse, 5 the black face comedian, is a favor ite. There is also a fine musical pro gramme by Prof, urown's Orchestra and two new photoplays. . T The matinee this afternoon starts at 3:30 o'clock, the doors opening 30 minutes earlier. For next week the Victoria has some great acts for both jthe first and last parts of the week. CONGRESS IN BRIEF. - 7 Summary of Proceedings in Both Houses Yesterday. Senate: Met at noon. '., Still working in the legislative day Of yesterday, resumed debate on the Alaska railroad bill. ,-'., Democratic leaders continued con ferences over, the trust legislation pro gramme. Final vote on Alaskan railroad bill deferred until tomorrow. Adjourned at 5:3a P. M. to noon Saturday. House: Met at noon. " " House Mines committee continued hearings on proposed withdrawal of radium lands from the public domain. Secretary Wilson, of the Depart ment of Labor, wrote Speaker Clark recommending legislation for the ex clusion of Asiatic immigration and proposing standards. Arthur W. Brady, .of the Indiana Traction Lines, protested, to the Com merce committee against haying trol ley, lines 'included' in the proposed en forced use of steel cars. 1 - -Representative Moore asked Naval committee to hear Philadelphians who wanted a new dry dock located there.' Indiana boy corn raisers appeared before the Agricultural committee. : Adjourned at 6:11P. M. to boon Saturday without acting on Jthe post office appropriation bill. ; ; . STATEMEN1 REGARDING . . - SMALLPOX DENIED. Reports Have Been Exaggerated - Ac cording to Chamber of Commerce;'" s 4 - - . (Special Star Telegram) ; Qoldsboro, N. C, Jan. 23. -No truth in current statements regarding small pox in Goldsboro, N. C: Within the city limits there are 41 cases and in the suburbs 20, a total of but 61 cases in 35 houses, and of these 19 are about to Joe released. The . houses are. all quarantined. Active measures have been taken to wipe out the disease. Strict surveillance and active work by Dr. BIzzell, city health officer, and fir. Ginn. R. L. MARCLAY, Secretary-Goldsboro Chamber of Com merce. '. :' .'.-1'"; ' With each suit goes an extra pair pants free at, U. S. Woolen Mills' "Co., The $15 Store. - : (advertisement-) Peredixo The Most fiifective ,T6ileXCrbam on the Market: "RMllvf- cleanses, whitens and preserves the skin. vCalJ. 55;ijif; you: wantquick servi;; HARDIN f?S 126 SO. FRONT STY.- ;i ALBERT Public i Accountant and Auditor " "AUGUSTA, .GA. . ' ; '.Established 1908. Accounts Audited. System Installed. Prominent Local . ; NIGHT SHIRTS "METE'S PAJAMAS $2.00 at.. . .. $1.55 .$1.50 aV-i-- .-$1.20 .$1.25 at ... ... $1.00 '''" ''-f'-V''"- :':''V'VV 2.jf"v?-'f" '" $ 1 .00 at . . V . . . . oOc V ? . ,Ufia $7.00: Pants: at, -, -v -l s $6.00 -Pants at. i $5.00 Pants at "i . . . $4.50- Pants rato - i , $4.00 Pants .at .... f - t '., $3.50 ; Pants 'at'. . v $3.00 Pants, at. ........ . . . i:S0 PflTit5 at" . . : " .r.?. : I . , . S 6 BOYS' SUITS $12.50 at $10.00 at $9.00 at' $8.50 at $8.00 at $7.00 at $6.00 at $5.00 at $4.00 at $3.50 at - $3.00 at . V. . No Goods Sent BIJOU GOV .HODGES PLEADS FOR 'us-- REGIONAL RESERVE BANK Chief Executive of Kansas Argues for Kansas City. - Kansas City, Mo., January 23,- Governor Hodges, of Kansas, and for mer Governor W. R. Stubbs today ap peared before the Federal reserve or it ganization committee and urged- the establishment or . a reserve panic at Kansas City. Governor Hodges told 1 Secretaries McAdoo and Houston that if there was any delinquencey in the State laws of Kansas preventing ;Btate banks trom coming into the reserve system;- the- next Legislature would remedy it. H.e sai dKansas had shown a normal in crease of business last year of $2.40, 000,000 and that most of this business had been done through Kansas City A number of Oklahoma bankers said they favored the establishment' of a reserve bank at Kansas City. Secretaries McAdoo and Houston left Kansas City tonight for Lincoln, Neb. .where they will hold a hearing tomorrow-. , , WAKE FOREST WINS. Defeats Charlotte Y. M. C. A. In Bas ketball, 48 to 8. k (Special Star Correspondence.) Wake Forest. N. C.. Jan. 23. In an uninteresting but a clean game of liais-' ket ball tonight, Wake Forest easily defeated the Charlotte Y. M. C. A.. the score being 4& to 8. Wake" For est ran in several scrubbs in the last half. ; There were no particula rf eatures. Davis Cor Wake Forest played prob ably the most consistent game. Mr. Utley, of carson-JMewman. omciateq. , How Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-V ' e table Compound Carried Her Safely Through - Change of Life. Cedar Rapids,Iowa, ''Atthe,Ghaiig:e of Life the doctor said I would have to 1 give up my work anrn take m y , 1 ed ; ' f 6 H '. it . T some time as were :j was no help for me-" UUl LO US BUlJU-i!-- took Lydia E. 'Pinfe ham's Veer etable. III! Compwmd and kept ui tip my . work and now I ant over the Change and tht: Ul' all I took. It was better for me than all the doctor's medicines I tried. ; Many people have no faith in patent medicines but. J know this is good." Mrs; vEX'; RICKETS, 354 8th iA venue, West," Cedarf t : j t ' - . i ' ' ' I Such warning symptoms as sense1 of auiFocation, hot flashes, headaches, back- aches, dread of impending evil, timidity sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregui larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizzin'e -are promptly heeded by intelligent wih men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. ; ; ' ' ' ' Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable. Com, pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism arfii builds up the Weak-i ned nervous system. It 1 "icajried many women safely through this srisis'v If there aire any complication i you dlon't understand write Lydia, . JtnnKbam medicine Go. (confi dential) Uynn, Mass f iv p'rA 2 f Inn rftx'i PHARMACY H. MARSH t!orresnondenel- ooncicea: .T ' n Reference Given.- mrA W.1AN TELLS OTHERS 11 A 'Will ? .f'-rrli: STRICTLY CASH. fB PANTS. .5.5.00 .$4.00 .$3.65 .$3.25 .$2.90 .$2.35 .$2.10 .$1.75 & OVERCOATS. .$3.75 .$7.00 .$6.00 .$5.50 . . m' i ' i i ..... . . .$5.00 .$4.75 .$4.25 .$3.65 .$2.75 .$2.25 .$1.90 v f Out on Approval. DISGOVERE A few' boxes of 'S Prickly Heat Powder, will be sola at retail only at 26 cents. " What's nicer as a Xmas pres ent for a gentleman than a handsome-Parker Pen? Nothing. r:.: .". - ,; What's better for a youth or young lady? Nothing. The Biggest and Handsomest Line of Fountain Pens ever brought to Wilmington is now in our store and we will take great pleasure in showing, them to you. The Parker Fountain Pen ana the Boston Fountain Pen range in price from ?2.00 to ?25.00. We are sure to suit you. A. Beautiful line of Cigars in boxes of 25 and . 50, and in price from ?1.00 to $7.50. , J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY f ;":Fy a new process we are now in position to free your . Cylinders from; Carbon Deposits in a very short while at very little expense. Thimethod is endorsed by the best automobile manufacturers and e guarantee it in every way. Let us explain, or better show you. pur? 6ervi6e Department is right on the job and a trial at our shops wiir!make you : a permanent cus tomer. ;Wt D MacMillan, Jr. m - Phone i .Nos 345 and 1654-W. 109 North Second street. uvl 'Start the New Year Right. If you "have machinery of any descrip tion to purchase come to us, we carry a full stock of Boilers, En glnes, ;,: Pumps, Shafting, Boxes Pulleysi Etc. ' ' Was-good thanks th our customers dhringVtne year 6t 1913 and we are going to give you a unsurpassed service in 191 in our Boiler, Coi- per, Pattern and Machine Shops. Com$98ee . usi.'. We' are the lea.J -rs.;M ;.:-,.- . . Wilmington Iron Works The Iron Men.' W. H. BANCK ' - " Civil Engineer. Municipal, Sewerage,. Drainage, Wa terworks, Dams, Power Plants, Brits es and. Roads. Estimates ana nau. :fot all Engineering- worK. , PJ5 Box 579 ' ' .a ' TerePi?one 57' CARREUl. BWILWinu. u Wilmington, N. C. ' Our Business iii '.''.. ' V-V;. . - 1

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