V . J. '- 7 J THE MORNING STAR; WILMINGTON, NC", 'SATURDAY; JANUARY 24, 1914. SEVEN ." FinancmhMfta Contmerepal COTTON MARKET LOWER Recent Buyers Seemed to be Unset, tied by Census Report Con siderable Liquidation. v.: ,7;i il. -Cotton was lower WW York, t.i.bl V. .iO billys grinned ton January 1& and n..ii. lie. CENSUS CflnOII STATEMENT The :Nlnth .Cotton IGinntng Report to J toward Close of Stock Market- Y&steV be Issued forxthe Present Season PRICES MINE UPWARD day Prices Swept to the High est Level. .Washington." Jan. 23. A Kecent buyers seemed fS "be nn- the. .Census Bureau today that ' 13 5S9 ni oaies or cotton, exclusive ot'linterR. hitf been sinned prior to Januarv ifitii Af flr-inii ly j established the fact that the 1913-lOlil cution crop is the second In ' stjie the country has grown. Liners ? obtained to r..uiy - x amounted to 396,934 balesj U,,U1U me total cotton ginned, as far aso?C'al figure? show to 13.986.105 bales; This amount will Oje fiicreasea Toy ginning durlncr the remainrioi. v ffi, ,,asa.n : .1 tn uflSfl11 show a crop of moreipieset by vigorous outside buyins' and it Au early loss was followed by rat hut prices weakened again " fn late ..Ih.o of from 12 to 13 points. ' , tp.-niiiii- eas yttt a decline of 0, to 13 points active months went 12 to l4 "point ioWer during early trading. Private ,",K,rts had suggested a gining.of about : vo.ti00 .bdi&jl to January 16, but while ,1h ,,'stials figures were only slightly; in s,.,.s of this ejpectation, they were'evi- i nilv a disappointment to recent buy ,'r The amount of cotton ginning for ll.,,'.1,t period was 236,000 bales compared wiili' a hunt 1S2.000 bales for the same , , ri(l last vear, which led 'some to au ii.h'iie that the amount remaining to.:be . in iel luisrht prove in excess of last year's n..Y,w or over 400,000 bales. Offertngs uftpii"s wei-e well absorbed on the early .le.liiif. however, partly through a good '(liiiml from some of the leading tra4e interests aud as, soon .as the firsti-nshof llin" ordrs had subsidd, tn marketMurn 4,1 ealier. ltallies of 6 Or 7 points fol , on reports of a continued active .,t demand in the South, but business tM 'iiie uiiu-li less active on the advance, Mui the market broke 'again undr liquida tioii people who Jiau evidently : carried tlu.ir e'otion over th early deeUnevi Prices n i liedthe low point of the day '"in the trailing and closed at practicallv that ii vel. Aside from the census report, there-J those years fololw -it. peered ro w iiu utriiujc m lilt? giicru i "ti-iracter of the news and- the week end frniies were about in line with expecta tions although th small decrease in the visihle supply of American mayj have pro- rioted some of the late selling.; spot cotton- quiet; - middling uplands " do sul fl3.15. No sales'.. Cotton iutures.: Ihe preliminarv ft announced until March 20th when the cei sus bureau will make its report showing the ginnings to Februairy 28th.' v In the f ..years ' the quantity of cotton fnSoQhW11-' 16th! and Feb- crop tha -average 3.6-of the entire i?' ?S to?J?anyf- W there had been flnpJZtip "ales, jor 07,0 per ;ceht of -J?- nESl oJ ; " that -date 14, date 1?,66603 ; bales, or 96.8 per Cent r . . r i viv: n-tt: : i. r: 1 IvtHt? f""" -"Wninj?s wereKT,oy 4 round, rbalesiif-pomnnrmt. r-nrin, ts aha k..i Kr75baJs?in ba el inJ$t 320 bales is 1908. t ,bt, numlex of Sea Island ?atton bales l-S-H?eA were 76.182- compared with 70,. 1SSI: jir'.3S9867 hSie sih 1912 and,i9l,baie-lTi 1909. f ? fmmags'prtdx w anuary:l6 b yStates. JTii5?ipa rl.5ons ,for last yeaiaUd v.'dther "r Wi t.ne:peirce:utage-of the entire cro ginned prior to that date in Month. Jan. Feh. Alan-it April . May" . . .Mine . July . . August Sept. .. October : Open. High. Low. Close.: .1239 1239 1231 .(1231132 ... .... 123f35 1263 1233 1253054 1240 1235 1233(3 1243 1233 12&3$34 .... 4 1230(ffi32 1238 1227 122Si!2!i 1215 1209 120781 09 .... Utfftftjfl 1169 11G0 116rxo6lJ ...1233 . :..1263 . ...1235 - .12.36 '. !!"i229 . ...1210 ....11715 . . . . 1163 PORT MOVEMENT. flalvesron Steady. Middling 13 1-16. Net receipts 17,132: Gross receipts 17,132; Sales $iX): Stock 339.031; 'Japan 4,220. New Orleans Steady.-Middling 13 3-16.' Net receipts -11,485 ; Oxoss receipts 11,486; Hides 1.0fs7 : Stock 293,575; Continent 786. Mohile Steady. Middling 13. Net re ceipts 149; dross receipts -149; Sales 350: Stock 5S,15i9. .- .f ; t savanna h Steady. Middling 13: Net receipts 5.957; Gross, receipts 5,957; "Sales l,.-,l.-: Stock 118,077; Continent 5,680 J Coastwise 3,328. ' - Charleston Firm. Middling 13f Net re ceipts 830; Gross receipts 830; Stock 42, lti: Coastwise 1,003. " . Wilmington Nominal. Net receipts 1, .VS: tiross receipts 1.528; Stock 30,323. Norfolk Steady. Middling 13. Net re-t-pipts 1.429 : (iross receipts 1,429;' Sales H4; stock 32,729; Continent 9,966 Coast wise 1.(347. ' " Ualtimore Nominal. Middling 13. Net receipts 209: Gross receipt JC; Stock 5, sOO: Great Britain 5,S99 ;: Continent 2,019. New York Quiet. Middling 1290. Net receipts 78; Gross receipts 464; Sales 500: Stock 103,070; Coastwise 1.550. i - i. Boston Quiet. Middling -1290. Net. re ceipts 11; Gross receipt sl,634; Stock 5,- States.' Alabama Arkansas 98.5 96.7 98.S 9J.2 87.8 93.5 97.4 93.3 - 97 2 983 95.1 98.7 98.5 93.9 98.3 94.8 t)0.8 95.8 9fii - 88,.5 96.8 96.1 90.1 96.4 97.4 97.4 98.1 94.6 89.8 90.3 97.1' 96.5 97.3 93.1 X2.2 -o'5 The ginrifhgs of Sea Island cotton, prior to January 16. bv States follows: t Tears -.. -JLt . Ga. . XL I'hiladelphla 5 s s steady Mlddltog 1315 ; I f 1911 . . . ..' F?'.r-I .39:340 ' " 65.577 4J)50 Florida . Georgia . . Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Other Stales year. ..1912 1912 1911 1908 ..1913 1912 . 3911 .1908 ..1913 1912 ' 3911 -1908 .1913 1912 . 1911 1908 ..1913 1912 1911 ' 1908 il913 1912 1911 1908 ..1913 1912 v 1911 WOS ..1913 1912 1911 1908 ..1913 1912 1912 1908 ..1913 1912 1911 1908 ..1913 1912 1911 1908 . .1913 1912 1911 190S rer ginnings. cent 1,475,642 1,307.736 1,638,699 ' 1,316,803 967,729 741,282 '797,597 931,133 ' 65,754 57,324 88,177 I 68,624 2,316,304 , 1,781.232 2,657,984 1.952413 420,094 369,076 357,758 458.762 1,176,626 952,520 l,0fil,a59 1.551,792 . 784,402. 875,493 996,988 661,669 ' 825,112 965,752 915.563 532.803 1.369.434 1,192,574 1,192,574 .1,192.723 358,297 ' 252,890 .386,293 321,727 3,718,725 4.509.22O 3,964.020 . 3,528,981 111,052 , 83,831 114,176 69,832 - New York, Jan. 23.-Toward the close of today's market prices swept upward to the highest level on the present movement. In a . few instances giini ran up to two pbiuts or ' mdre. Southern Pacific rf sold within a fraction of par and Atchison crossed the 100 mark. Trading was again inactive In both stocks and bonds. . Prior to the final upturn, the course of tbe?,riiarket was less snire. rrout 'taking' at times . caused. - "reactions.: :? The undertone was. ood however and the' jreneral ten dency upward. Professional selling was was apparent that the influences which gave , the recent ' upward impulse had by no mean lost their force. , Traders sold stocks .in the early ses sion, believing that the extent of the rise pointed to a . reaction. The administration's anti-trust bills, f made public overnight, were utilized by -bears, who contended that , certain features were drastic enough to cause misgivings. This view was not generally adopted. Prices moved back and forth within a comparatively : narrow range, until buying broadened sufficiently late in the; day to . make the upward movement, irresistible. ; : United States Steel was " helped by the higher: prices for some steel . products.; lte pirtsrf "better busine8S"'conditious - were not confirmed, however, by the statisc of idle freight cars, which showed a large increase in the first half of the month. December figures of domestic' expbrts re vealed a falling off as compai'ed with tho total for the last month of the preceeding year, which was unusually large but the L 1914 figures compared favorably with earlier years.- : " n - .-Another'- large cash gain was indicated by . known. movements of currency for the week. Estimates varied from $17,000,000 to $21,000,000. The advance on boiids continued and some issues gained as much as'. three points.-. Total sales, . par value $5,930,000. United States bonds were un changed on . call. Total stock sales 604, 900 shares including-American Can 32,400: American Tobacco 3,00; A. C. L. 500; C. and O. 2.200; Iehigh Valley 9,700; L. and N. 400; N. and W. 4,800; Reading 67,500; A. iu. i.uoo; do preferred 6.20O.; Southern Railway o,200; do preferred 600; Southern Pacific 37,800; T'enneflsee Copper I.:i00' Union Pacific 46,700 ; United States Steel 107,100; V. C. C. 500. : Cross receipts. 506; - Stock Texas CityNet receipts 2,121 ; G ross re- .etnts 2.121: Stock 42.H54, Brunswick Net receipts 1,095;- Gross re eints 1.095; Stock 7,186; Coastwise T46. Arkansas Pass Net receipts 23; Gross receipts 23: Stock 604. Newport News Net receipts 4,084; Gross reeeints 4.084; Coastwise 4.084. - - , Seattle Xe receipts 50; Gross receipts ."0: Japan 50. - ' ''- Total today, tt . all ports, Net 4S.062: Continent 18,451; Japan '4,270; Stock 1,10, :!Si . ' - Consolidated, at "all Sports, Net 253.5Q5; Creat Britain 73.981;- France 9,775 j Co tiiient 44.257 :.Japari 14,112. i ; , . ." . Total since Sent.- L' at all ports. Net T,- 72..1: Great Britain 2,202,968; France a . .... i i . . -is cm rti- . T . . .1 in 1.. IXTERlbKiJMOVEMKlfT. Ilnnston Stedv. Middling- 12: Net receipts 21,048 ; Gross teeeipts 21,048 ; Ship-1 inputs ii,(ii; sales Aisi; atoc - 0x110. Au gtista Steady. MiddHri g 13. Net receipts 727: Gross receipts-921 f Shipments !H: Sales 1,073 ; Stock 87,2(8. Memphis Steady- Middling 13 ; Net ceipts 1.369; Gross receipts 2.645: Shij nicuts .-,,19.,; Sales 2,644 Stock 230,434. -i, St. Louis Steady. Middling 13. Net rcieipts 1; Gross receipts 254; Shipments IT.!: Sales 31; Stock 31,765. - ' ("ineinati Net receipts, 780;; Gross ye- eipts 7S0: Shipments 919; Stock' 24,098. Little Hock Quiet. Middling 12: Net re ceipts 950; Gross receipts 954 ; Shipments r:.0; Stock 55,734. . . i: Uuisville Firm. Middling 13. Net re ceipts s:j9; Gross receipts 339 ; Shipments 1: Sales 183; Stock '210." ' ;- - : ' " Total today Net, receipts -25,218; .Gross r-eipts 20,947; Shipments 27,153; Sales 7,. 1S : stock 631,022. - - ' 1 For week. ending Frlda. yJan, 23. : ! . xew.aort,-Jan. 23.-et receipts at an U. & ports during week 253,505. . . Nelt .ttsoeipts-at all U, S. ports same time last year 162,008. - -Total receipts since Sept. l.'7,729,236. . Total feceipts same time last year ; 1r 674,549. - . . ' -- Exports for 'the week 142,125. Exports for the week, same week last year 198,352. TotaLeatports since Sept. 1. 5,868,029. . TbtaL exports last year 5,9S6,537. tock at all IT. S. ports 1,104,381. : tock - M all ; U. S. aorts same time last year 13,214. f S!lTkjli--ot'nn irttprlnr tannn 920.544;- Stocks; t ! all interior towns same time last, .year 7594)70. Stock at Liverpool 1,073,000. Stock at Liverpool same time last year 1,462,000. . -M- - - - !- - Stock of American . afloat for Great Brit aih-Mme time last year 260,000. 1UOYAXCY IK WHEAT. f'hicrt-o, Jan. 2S.Wheat showed tu4it ancy todav. notwithstanding evWence or tree realizing sales ort' each . fractional advance. Liberal export demand had much to do with sending prices higher There was a steady close at -a gain of W 1i to (dc compared with last (night. '"rn finished Vfilc up, and oats dearer to 14c, but provlsiofis 12: to- 17c down. " , Futures closing: . - .?. Wheat-May 93 ; July 88. . ' , 1 ' orn May 66-. July 65A. -.; Z Oats May 3954 ; Jul v 39. I'ork Mav 2170. May 1125; July 1135. Lard f ,.a. ' ,1.1 -Jiuv I 1 1 if i uiv .iiriTi. ' 7- ; -. Ilihs riv 1ito- 'Ti.iv HTrxllBP6rh rash 'Wheat No. 2 red 9697i No. 2 linrd :ilisffi: No. a Northern 9192; 2 spring 90lDl. - - - ' orn. Xo No.' 2 quotations. Oats ptand-' LIVERPOOL COTTO KMAHKEf,' " ? I.ivertiooL Jnn 9?. Snnt: moderate buslrr nf ss, prices unchanged middlin ' gfair t78S; -'t middling 7.49; blddling" 7.zr; wv; "ii.ldiing G.t7 ; good ordinary 6.21; ordi narv ."i.nT. . Sales 7.4MJO including 6,500 Americafi.!;alid .1i.1t for speculation and -exporti Receipts ) including 43.60Q American. , l-ut u res closed steadv , v January. 679; lan. 1 fiTfti ; Feb.-March : 6S0:. Marcb Apni CM'; April-May 680; May-June 6.80: June.. inly G75y2 ; July-Aug.- 671 ; -Aug.-Sept.. ''" j: Sept.-Oct. 40; Oct. -Nov. . 630; Nov.- ; ' 62V-i; I)ec.-Jan. 6.24; Jan.-Feb. ,624.. . Si - - J - 0CEAN0 REACHED PORT., Towtd into New York After Fjve Wteks' Battle With WeaiherJ ' w York, January 22. After fire wofcKs' struggle with storms- and winds, the Italian steamship Oceano l eached port today an tow of the Ger man steamer Elizabeth. Her coal mipr. Hy gave out, some of her boiler tubes w-"e disabled and she was badly iat-i '."'d. The Elizabeth picked tier up on 'j'liuary 14th, when she was in dire V'aits about 400 miles southwest of andy Hook. " . The Oceano was bound from Lisbon o Xew York with a "cargo of cork; 'Ps and cocoa. 1909 ... 27,888 51.072 13.231 - The final arinnins renort will be issued Frldar Ma t-cli 10, a t 10 - A. M., and wi 11 quantity or . cotton gmnea anhunee-.tlje quantii prlbr Febrliary 28. COMPARATIVE COTTON STATEMENT. ; . ; ; . cotton receipts. - v NeV; 'Eoky Jan 23.The following are the total net.receipt so fCoton at all ports since sjeptemoer . isi; uaiTOston New - )rlean . s . . .... , -. . r - Mobile,.".. v .... ... .... Savannah- r.l . ; . - . ; . . i ' Charleston. .-.. : ... . ... Wilmington ... . Norfolk "'.-. Baltimore, .. . . . . ... , . . New York . . .- . Boston . . i ... Newport News ... .... ..... . Philadelphia .'. .' ... ... San . Francisco . ... ... v.. . Brunswick ... . Pensaeola . .'. ... . . . P6rt ' Arthur.-- and Sabine Pass Jacksonville -. ; Texas City ... ...... ... Tacoma SeatUe . ... ... Arkailsas Pass . ........ Minor;Ports Totftf. ... J.. .2,412,747 1,219,490 327,333 .1,480,747 . 388,275 . 350,803 .412.863 . '72,942 4,038 . 11,242 . 54,050 -8 124,790 . 2:9,081 . Ilfl,927 . 25,124 . 27,117 . 361,615 . 27,350 ., 35.295 . 40,688 . 2,471 7,729,216 DEATH AT WILLIAMSTON. , Wrs. S. H. Ellison Passes Away, at h - Age of 43. - - Tarboro.-N. C, January 23 Mrs. Maria Weddell Ellison, wife of Mr., S . H . Ellison, died this ' morning at . 4 o'clock at her : home in Williamston, of acute indigestion, aged 43 years. Thursday - night she .had. been the gwestof 'a relative's home and re turning to her own home about.. 10 o'clock was isurddenly Btrlckened. Med ical aid was, summoned but the .end came two lioure after Mrs, Ellison had coirapsed from the second attack. ' Mrs Ellison was the daughter or the late Matthew, and Mary . Norcom Weddell, of thiB lace, heing aeon sistent member -of the- Episcopal Church and was" loved and esteemed by host r of friends throughout the St at el ' Surviving are her husband and one rTJiiifi-ritr ; Miss" Lanrie, and Cne brotn. S Mr. John A Weddell,of Tarboro Tho funeral services will be condacted from .the Epilscopal church, William tfton, .tftrda'y afrnoon at 2: 30 In terment ,wiU-he made- in -the family plot. f 'lntnbia, S. C, January 23.3en Jior Carlisle today "introduced In: the -eriate a bill providing for State-wide i" on tuition by a referendum yote by e people of the State. - . DRY OOOBS JttBKET. I-::, v -vni-v Tn 23- The primary cotton snWed" an' upwd tendency Some m, .VJ?.: 0ntlke0imket here6 bg frenes and molers. were Ur god" demana on ,u u. -rr-- - . i: Steamer : Wilmington- leaves i Sunday 9:3a A- M. for Souttiport and Fort CaswelL'4 Round .trip 50c. (adTeftisement. ; .J.:-.:. -v . ": . - ,. . ... .... - . .". ..; CtOSIN G STOCK tlST Amalgamated Copper ...... ... American Agricultural American Beet Sugar ... American Can ... r.. American Can pfd. ' American Car and Foundry . American CottQn Oil ... ... . American Ice' Securities ... ... . American Linseed ... American i Locomotive ....... ... American Smelting and Refining 75 56 28 -84 93 50 42 25 WH, 36i,4 t!9 American Smelting and Refining pfd.. 104 American Sugar Refining American Tel. and Tel. ... .. American Tobacco ... ... . . . Anaconda Mining - Co. ....... Atemson ... ... . Atchison jfd. ...... Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore and Ohio ..." Bethlehem Steel I. Brooklyn Ranid Transit Canadian Pacific ... Central Leather ... Chesapeake and Ohio ... Chicago Great Western ... Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul ... Chicago and North Western ... Colorado Fuel and Iron ... ... Consolidated Gas Corn Products . . . ... . . , ...... Delaware and 'Hudson ; . .. Denver and . Rio Grande ... ... Denver andRio. Grande pfd. ... Distillers' Securities ... ... ... . Erie ... ... ... Erie 1st ifd ......... Erie 2nd nfd General Electric . . Great Northern pfd. Great Northern Ore Ctfs. Illinois Central ; . . ... Ihterborough-Met Interborongh-Met pfd Inter Harvester Inter Marine pfd. ... international i'aper .. International Pumn Kansas Citv Southern ... ... . Laclede Gas .. .. ... ... ... ... Leblgh Valley ... Louisville aud Nashville Minn.; St. P. and Sault St. M. . . Missouri, Kansas and Texas ... Missouri Pacific ... ... National Biscuit National Lead ...... . ... JCatT Rys.: of Mexico 2nd pfd. ... newi'jwK venirai ....... ... New York Ont. and Yestern ... Norfolk and "Western ... North American ... ... ... ... Northern Pacific ... Pacific Mail .. Pennsylvania People's. Gas ... ... ... Pittsburg. . c. (T. an dSt. Louis Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car ... ... ... Reading ... '. . . Republic Iro nand Steel ... Republic Iron and . Steel pfd. .. Rock Island Co. . : .... ... ... Rock Island Co. pfd. St; Louis and San Fran. 2d. pfd: . Seaboard Air Line ... ... ... Seaboard Air Line nfd. . . . Sloss Sheffield Steel and Iron ... Southern ; Pacific ' ..'. . .. . . . Southern Railway ... ... Southern Railway pfd Tennessee Copper ........ . . -. . Texas and Pacific ... .. Union " Pacific ... ... .... ... ... TTnion Pacific nfd. ; United tSntes Realtv TTnlted States Rubber ... ... United ' States Steel . . . United Stsites Steel pfd. . . . . Vta h Copner ...... . . . Vlrdnia Carolina Chemical W abash Wabash nfd. . ... ... ... . Western Maryland . - Western Union ... . Westinghouse Electric ... Wheeling and Lake Erie ... ... New Haven ... .-. ..'. ... ... ... Tj. and M ... ... Ti. and M. jfd. ... ...... . . . . LortHartl . .. . ..; ... ' ; - .. "Lorillard pfd. . . , .. . . . . . . . . .108 .:::M'P 36H .... 99 . . '99 . ...125V :;:P ...211 . . , 27' ... 67 .. 341, , . . .106 ...1U !!;i37sy, ... 31 ..158 ...20 . .. 31 ... IS ... 32 ... 49W .... 40V . . .14( W ...129 ... H4 -.114 ... 15" ... 61 ...11.1 ... VW. 9 .. 9 ... 26 . .. 9714 ...140 ..33H4 ... 23 ... 29-ys ...126 ... 501, ... 11 . . . 94-V. ... 31 ...1049 ... 72 ...11.6V 21 ... 1 1- ...124 ... 89 ..21 ... 34, ...15694 ...171V ... 24 87 ... 16V. . . ?V ... 9 ... 19V. ...51V ... 34 ' ... 98 ...27 ... 82?5 . . 35 ' ... 1CV ...162 V ... 84 ... 54 ... 00 ... C5-V, ...11? ... R4 ... 33 ... 4V .. 3?V ... 34 ... 69 ... 6 V, .. :.-.2?2 ..115 . . . .11 ...110 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. ; v' New York, Jan. 23. Wheat strong. No, 2 red 101V; No: 1 Northern Duluth 102. Corn firm 70: . Flour firm. Hides, netrol- eum, vool5 rosin, rice, and niolasses steady,; jueatner, tiu-pentine, uutior ana cneese firm. . Sugar, raw, flrniv ; refined steady Spot coffee quiet. Rio" No. 7 9 ; No. 4 Santos 12. Mild dull. Cordova 1316.; , Potatoes, peanuts, -;friegh'ts and cab bages steady and unchanged.;"4 ' "Cotton seed oil : today was lower under scattered liquidation: Induced by the de dine in- lard. Sales 11,100 'barrels. Clos ing prices were 2 -to o points ... net lower. Prime -crude 600607. Prime summer yel low ' 706(725 ; JauUary 706i February 719: MarrcCh 725 April 732 ; May .744 ; June 750: July 763: August 773;- Prime: .winter- yel low' 740790. Prime summer white 720 760. ' - . I-.: NAVAL STORES. , " J-New York, Jan. 23,-RosI nsteady. Tur pentine firm. v Savannah, Jan 23. Turpentine firm 47. sales 19, receipts 14, shipments 481, stocks 21 829 J Rosin firm,'' sales 1,723, ' receipt's 2,062,, shipments ; 4,184, ' stocks .160.071. r . Quote : A. B. CVU.'E. F. 415: G. 4.17' H. I. 4.20: K. 4A5 to 4.60; M. 5.35 to 5.40; N. 6.25', V. G. 6.40 ; -W.W. 670. - . . ' FINANCIAL MARKET. i New York, Jan. 1 23. Call s money easier. 1S2 per cent, ruling rate 1, closing l2.Time loans weak; sixty days '2fa. 3, ninety days, demands ' 33, six months 4, Mercantile 4i44. . .Sterling exchange easy," sixty days 4.8360; demand 4J862.7?.si.'-Comme"reial bills 4.83 Bar Silver 57V -.Mexican .dollara 45. j Pants" free at TJ. S; W;oolen Co., 109 Princess street." -' : . v (advertisement.) - ; Mills MARItSE TOE WEATHER. Arrived,- ' 1 Str. Cherokee, Deveresiux. Georgetown, C. .1. Becker, agent.. ;;f , , Cleared. f, . , . , " 'j, " . i -'v? i-" ''- : Str. Hesperides. (Br.)t 2,164 ' foiis, Lee Liverpool, Alexander-'Sprunt and "Son. . Str. (ilenaeu . (.Br. 2.065 tons, Taylor, X".... Tfwi1 ami 1, . , . ,1 x Ul J, A J - ------ . i, ... . Exports Foreign. LiverpoolStr. Hesperides, - Br.) 11,- 7KJ bales cotton, valued at $823,000. Ves- i sei aiHi jt-itrgo i;-vjiuaer spruiit ana Son.. " MARINE DIRECTORY.;- 4 List of Vessels in Port ai WUminrton. . . Nortb Carolina. . Schooner, t ; . . Schr. Humarock, 399 tons; Benson, Maf fitt an d Wood. . - Schr. Crescent, 389 tons MeHa'ffey, Maf fitt & Wood. - - "Barkentines. Barkentlne Crimley, ; 698 tons Neeland. Maffitt & Wood. WILMINGTON MARKETS. STAR OFFICE, Jan. 23. SPIRIT? TURPENTINE Steady, at Hi cents per gallon. ... i ....... ROSIN Steady at $3.85. - TAR Firm, at $2.50 per, barrel; in casks, 10c per gallon. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm, $2.25 per barrel for hard; $3.50 per barrel for dip: and $3.00 per barrel for virgin. . Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine, 39- ; rosin $5.00; tar, $2.20: crde . turpentine, firm,- at $3.25$4.2o. - -V Receipts. Spirits Turpentine : ... ... : . . , ... Rosiu ... i. . ..... ; . . . ; Tar . .' . . . . ... .. . . . Crde Turnentine . . . . . . . ueceipts same aay last year spirits tur pentine ( ) casks; rosin 34 barerls; tar :!1 barrels; crude, turpentine ( barerls, COTTON MARKET. . 1 - Market Spot, nominal . for middling. Same . day last year, nominal. Receipts 128. Same day last year 436. Total receipts since Sept 1, 350,215 bales. Total receipts same day. last ;year 2S3,t 397 bales. ' ' I .j 4 145 143 20 '.. PRODUCE MARKETS. (Quoted l.y"V." J. Meredith. Jan. 24 th.) CORN $1.90 tc $1.95 per sack POTATOES Jrish potatoes, $1.00 per bu. Sweet potatoes, yams, 75c, good de uiand. ,l .'; PEAS White, $2.50 per bushel; godd de mand. ; BEEF Native, dressed, very doll 6 to 8c. ''.',.- - PORK Small, 910c. ' WOOL Burry, 11 to 12c. per lb.; free 17c; per lb.. . ., ' HIDES Green salt, 12d; dry flints, 14 16e. per lb. ' -.- . -r - :- NORTH CAROLINA BACON Old hams, 25c. per lb. ; sides and ' shoulders, 16c. per lb. ''' . : BEESWAX Firm, 28c. per lb." - TALLOW Firm, 4 V5c. per lb. POULTRY Chickens, good , demnl. Grown. 40 to 45c: Soring chid kens, 15S ,'55c : per hcud. very dull. EGGS 2425c per .doz. Very dull. TURKEYS Live, on foot, 18c per ID. WILMINGTON PEANUT MARKET. (Quoted by J. S. , Funchess & Co.) Wilmington, N. C, Jant 21 The Peanut market -steady. Quote: i North Carolina Machine picked, 85 to 90 cents per bushel. Spanish Machine picked, $1.10 to $1.15 per btishel. ' ''- " i Virginias Machine picked, 65 to 70 cents per: bushel. ; ):, ; BY RIYEfy AND RAIL. - -,. frrrrr-- Receipts of Cotton and naval Stores at the I'ort. Wilmington, N. C aJn. 23th. Atlantic "Coast Line-1.093 bales cotton; 48 barrels tar. , x i ' Seaboard Air Line 404 bales cotton. Clyde Line-r31 bales cotton. i?tr. Whitlock 4 barrels spirits turpen tine; 20 barrels rosin : 20 barrels crude turpentine. ; ; i- - Str. Tliclma 123 barrels rosin ; 93 bar rels tar.-, . : . t -,v-- ' Total 1.528 bales! x-oton 4 barrels snir- its , turpentine ; 143'. Arerts. rosin ; 143 bar rels tar; 20 : barrels: : Crude 'turpentine. : I 1 i .. ' r i . 4 PETERSBURG PEANI T MARKET. 4J- ( Reported by Rodgers, Plnmmer & Co. Inc.) Petersburg, Va.j Jan. 22. Spanish: Far mers Spanish firm at.1-33 per bushel. Virginias: Fancy Jumbo, 4Vac per lb. Fancy Hand Picked. 4 cper lb. Extra- Prime 3c per lb. ; ; Shelling Stock c3pfer lb. V DUN'S. REVIEW. Tangible Evidence! of iContinUed Ex pansion In Business. . New York, January 23. Dun's weekly review of -trade tomorrow will say: . -.-..'..:' .. -.-i m',-. "While there is tangible evidences of continued expansion in general busi ness, the betterment is not entirely uniform. Advices from leading cen ters are rather mixed, yet favorable reports outnumber those of an: opt posite character and sentiment i;; more confident. In the important iron and steel industry the' belief ! -is strengthening that the turning point has. about been reached V although it is not expected that the recorvery from previous- depression " wiil be rapid. -Labor, however,4sr more fully employed j mill operations" have increased ana even if there has been no advance in prices, further concessions are- not so frequent. The former policy of the railroads in holding back contracts is somewhat less pronounced, and or der sand specifications are coming for ward with greater freedom than here tofore. ;'''"C-"''";;'"'':Vl' " "Failures this week nuniTjered 450 in the United; States against S50 last year , and 48 in Canada compared with 44 o year ago." . ;-' " WO RLD'S .VI S I B le ; SO P P LY. Of Cotton as Shown by Secretary Hes ter's Statement. New - Orleans; -' Jan, 21. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's vis ible supply 5 of cotton issued today shows the total visible to be 6,145,585 against 6,108,949 last week and 6,105, 861 last year.: Of this the - total of American cotton is 4,515585 against 4,547,949 last week and 4,750,861 last year; and of all other kinds, including Egypt, Brazil, India, etc., i;630.000 against 1,561,000 last week and 1,355, 000 last year.--- -;... - -J',-.- - :?':- -:-' ' Of the world's visible supply of cot ton - there is npw afloat ; and held in Qreat Britain and continental Europe 3.W9.Q0O against: 3,497,0001 last year; in Egypt 374,0.00 against 329,000 last year; , in India.1 679,000 against 627,000 last year, and iri the United States 1. 984,000 against 11,653,000 lat year. N. C. PINE ASSOCIATION V ENDORSES RATE INCREASE. Five Per Cent ; Increase for Eastern Roadjs Agreeable.. . Norfolk, Va " January 22 . The North Carolina Pine .Association today approved the application of the rail roads for a 5 per cent." increase in freight rates providing such increase is demonstrated, to.ihe Inter-State Commerce - Commission by the rail road companies, to be necessary.- A committee ' was named to appear at the s lumber rhearing before the Inter State Commerce Commissj'on at Wash-s ington February ; 20-21 - to present the v ie ws of the Pine association. -Thi s committee is composed- of Captain ;N. O'Berry, of Goldsboro, N. C-r John M . Gibbs. Norfolk-, D . O i- .Anderson, Marion,-N. C ; j. Gamp, Franklin, Va.,'and C I. Millard, Norfolk. . t: Steamer Wilmington will make her usual Sunday run Leaves 'foot -Princess 9:30 A. !M. Round trip. -50c. . (adver,tiBewet.);.!ti'; . United States Department of.-Agriculture, .. . . lv earner .Bureau.: - -. January 24, 1914. , , Meteorological data for. the 24 hours end ing at 8 P. M. yesterday: " ; , -... Temperature at 8 A. M. 40 degrees; at 8 P. M. v58 degrees : maxluuini 58 degrees j minimum 37 degrees ; mean 4S' degrees.- Rainfnll far tlio diiv Vt f nihfall fni flio month, to date, .06. w. stage or water in Cape Fear river, at Fayejteville, at 8 A. M. y ester da.v :2 feet: Weather forecast, v ' v Rain Saturday, Sunday colder and generally fair,- moderate . -to brisk southwest and west winds. Tho Port Calendar, January 24, 114. Sun rises Sun Sets . ... Day's length Wilmington South port Masonboro Inlet Tides. Hisrh water A.M. P.M. 8:30 8:42 .0:35 6 :24 7:14 A. M. 5:34 T M T 10 hrs, 20 min: Low water. A.M. P.M.! 3:13 3:51' 5:58 ' 12:03 1:03 6:47 11:43 12:43 WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. . January 23, 1914. STATIONS: Temperature; m . OB ' a ? u QQ a o Abilene '. . . Ashivelle Atlanta f Augusta;.. . Birmingham. Boston ... Charleston . Chicago s . . . Oalveston . . Jacksonville Memphis . . . Mobile , : . . Montgomery New Orleans New- York Oklahoma Palestine . Pittsburg . Raleigh Savannah Shreveport St. -- Louis . Washington ..pt. . pt. - pt . clear cloudy raining raining cloudy cloudy raining raining cloudy cloudy . . cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy . .olenr cloudy cloudy cloudy cloudy raining cloudy, cloudy cloudy 66- 52 46. 32 54 34 54 50 66 GO 56 58 52 62 42 62 68 56 56 58 68 60 48 28 : .38 34 44 14 42" 26 00 50 50 50 - 42 , r6 26 :50 54 26 34 44 . 48 ro .o- .0 .08 ! .28 : .64 : .O .12 1.12 .64 : .so : .0 .0 . .0 ; .0 : .0 .70 .0 ' .O'i .0 ; thoughts Get to thinking, collect: your begin to realize what it means to you. REGULAR PRICE Every Suit and Overcoat for men and children, all this Fall stock, cut to 20 per cent, off its regular price. You cant afford to miss it just when the season is now pn.. J. M. SOLKY & CO. NO. 9 NO. FRONT ST. 'PHONE 617 WEEKLY COTTON REPORT. Market Mas Shown a Generally Stea dy Undertone. New 'York, Jan. 23. The cotton market has shown a generally steady: undertone during the past week, al though a tendency to take profits pre ceeding . the report of the census bu reau- on ginning . to January ; 16th,' caused some irregularity, and its pub-, lication this morning was followed by considerable scattering liquidation with, today's closing prices showing reactions of 18 to 20 points from the best. "The amount of cotton reported ginned between January 1st and 16th was evidently considered larger than consistent with minimum crop views based on the returns to the end of December. The spinning value pt the crop, however, is supposed to be con siderably modified by lighter weight bales, and an unusually large, propor tion of -low grades or inferior staples and a more optimistic view of proba ble-mill requirements has led many operators to place less stress "upon differences of opinion regarding the apparent volume of supply, with the result that more attention is now en gaged by the state of demand, Spend ing the season for preliminary new crop preparations; A further- easing of foreign money markets; 'the increas ed strength and activity of securities and continued reports of a -good spoti demand; m the South have been em phasized -by those who are predicting, that the season's requirements ' of : American cotton will fully equal the ftarlv; hiillifth nrpdfc'tioris: Rnllish sftri- timent also seemed, to be encouraged1 by reports that leading trade interests were free buyers on today's decline,.; but-i there was : ; more bearish talK around ' the ring after the close to night than there had been early in the week and people who had liquidate ed recent purchases, seemed to ap prehend that the increased view of the crbo might unfavorably influence; the attitude of spot business ' of re maining- noiaers.' Aiucn ot tne -in creased spot demand- reported during theiWeek is -supposed ' to have conie from exporters and local spot people estimate ., that a large percentage of this business, has represented the fill ing rof old contracts for January ship ment .rather than a fresh demand. February is" usually a quiet mOnUi in the spot department, and the attitude of mills with reference to fresh busi ness is ; expected to become- more clearly -evident after r January ship ments Tiave been 'completed. ' ; Pants free at U.; Co., 109 Princess street. ? - :;v (advertisement.) Mills C0LJS & LaGRIPPE .- 5 or 6 deses 666 will break any Case of Chills Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts bn the liver better than Calomel 6nd does not gripe dreicken. Price 25c. TO MY FRIENDS. ' On and after January 3-rd," I will be associated with Holmes & Atkinson, "Quality Grocers," 22 South Front street, where I will be glad to serve them. With a well selected stock of fancy and staple groceries, can serve them well and all orders will receive my careful supervision. Prompt and polite service. ; ! Phones 252 and 253. : . ' J. HARGROVE TAYLOR. Ja3-1mn CHICHESTER S PILLS TB IIAMON BRAND. A IV- 0 lindic.1 Auk sour Drnrarkt. for J. hl-cha-ter Diamond jUrand 1'ills in Jed end Cold nietanie loes, smUed : wlth Bl Ribbons j e no oiber. iiuy or your v tomexUU AskYor CI I IITES-TEH A DIAMOND HRANU PILLS, for Sa yais kntmn as Best, Safest, Always KeUL)..' S0 n BY DBUOfilSTS EVERVtt'KESE REMINGTON, . . MONARCH and SMITH-PREMIER We Sell Them All! Write, or Call on REMINGTON . TYPEWRITER CO. 'Phone 81 No. 17 lrini!e8 St. jat-lmo i MEN'S AND LADIES' mm mm BOYS', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S "BUSTER BROWN" SHOES. 1 MEN'S AND LADIES' FINE SHOES. CARL F. STRUrJGK t IP 123-130 SO, FRONT ST. PHONE 800-J. 1 ' iiig from . Foundation to Roof Rock Lime, Cement, Plas ter, Hydrate Lime, Brick, Shingles, Laths, Slate, Terra Cotta Pipe and Fit- i tingj all sizes. Drain Tfle, ? Asphalt Roofing, Deaden ing Felt, Slaters' Felt, Building Paper, Etc. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mould ings. ' v x ' We carry, the largest and most complete stock of Mantels, Tile and Grates; in the State to select from. Write for catalogue and pYices. The Builders' Supply Co. Nos. 7 and, 9 Chesnut Street. Wilmington, N. C. " DON'T WANT TO TALK LIFE INSURANCE? Perhaps not, but, if you are wise, and love your fam ily, you will. - When you are sick, you want the doctor. If you arc not an insurance expert, you need the agent.' ! .x1 We offer you expert advice oh life insurance matters. Contract made to suit your particular need. r; . v ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. James & James, District Agents, Wilmington, N, C. W. C. Woodard, Jr.-, General Agent, Rocky Mount, N. C. WE THANK OUR CUSTOMERS for their patronage during 'the past : year,:' and Wish all a prosperous , New Year. We. Jiaye with ;us, now ,Mr' j Hargrove Taylor, and assure his friends aiid;pu.rs that, we will endeavor to supply their wanis satisifact.Qnly. thanking you for. future patronage,. HOLMES & ATKINSON With the Best pf Groceries and Quick, Serviced ! 'I ' i NOTICE.. 1 9R nn row.rri win hA njiid for evi dence to convict any person or corpo ration wno sets nre mai umua w w my' lands in this or any other county 12ff Ni Water, Street. Wilmingtoa AUTOS FOR HIRE Call W. G '. FounUin at Pickard Bleecker Auto ,Co.rPhdne 741 Seryice .guaranteed Day or Night. Special Prices on long trips. , . f No, 5 North Thirsd street. -TRY- CAPE FEAR OIL COMPANY'S GASOLINE - : WATER WHITE 150 OIL, -LUBRICATING Q1LS, GREASES and OIL SOAP. ! -THERE ARE NONE BETTER. -'. . Cape Fear Machine Works INCORPORATED: ' : We Carry All Sizes Of HITCHING; WEIGHTS ' : , ; In Stocky ; r : ;; . jFoot of Church Slxeii V: : , Wilmington, N. C 7 I .1 J -1 4 ,' I A t. - I --. 5 : a-