- - 1 Hb. MORNING STAR,-WILMINGTON. N.-C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2v;l9r4.: - IB. WILSON IS, SURPRISED -if V- To Learn That North CaroUnHas Ho Legalized y Prima ry Hun dreds Sigti'CalU ;i : j (Special Star Correspondence.) Kaieisli, N. C. Marth 24. A letter from President ' Wilson.hais been re JiroA bv Mr: Clarence Boe; as head ot the speetal committee vsoon to call rhe progressive weiuocrauc eonven- tion to assemDie in Kaieigtr, the PresK dent endorsing unqualifiedly the planlr in the call that demands a State-wide primary law. The letter by the 'Presi dent follows: H -Mv Dear Mr. Poe; I have noticed1 with "a great deal . of v interest the movement inaugurated by yourself uU v to secure a law for Stated wide primaries in North Carolina. I must admit that I was very -much surprised to learn that so great and progressive a State "was so far be hind the procession in a matter of such capital importance torthe. people, jiav I not express my deep interest -in Vour efforts to bring about the ne cessary legislation? I am sure it would cheer Democrats everywhere to" see this done by North Carolina." " Along with ; the making public of this letter, Mr. Poe gave out the names of about 100 endorsers of the call for the proposed progressive con vention, saying that this is only a partial list. The list follows: Some of the Signers. - ' ' j. Y. Bailey, Clarence Poe, Raleigh; H Q. Alexander Matthews ':". R. , p. Beasley. Monroe; O. McMlchael, Went worth, Julian S. Carr, Durham; Chas. A. Webb, Asheville; Edward K. Graham, Chapel Hill; ;AV, . - Rankin, Raleigh; A. E. TavHigb:: Point;1 S. C. Bra w ley, Durham ; J. R. Gordon," Jamestown ; S. W, Lovkigood, Mur uhv; E. F. Aydlett Elizabeth City;; Nere E. Day, Jacksonville; J. Frank. Rav, Franklin; Henry B. Varner, Lex ington; W. M. MqQre, Lenoir; W. B. Cairher. Xewt6n:--T. J. Lassitfir. Smithfield; M., ieslie Davis, Beaufort; 1 R. A. Morrow; Monroe; H. L.. story, Edenton; A. McAllister, Greensv boro; A. M. Moore, Fayetteville; J. U. deRoulhac Hamilton, Chapel Hill;' M. S. WillardV Wilmington;, 'W. C. Bivens. Wadesboro; J.- F.; Hurley, Salisbury; .1. J.. Farriss, High Point;: Sant-'ord Martin,'. Fred Nv Bay, Win-i ston-Salem; Henry A. Page, Aber-; deen; Howard K Jones, Warrenton; D. L. St.Clair, SanfordrR. ,B. White, Franklinton; James M Parrott, Kin st on; A. T. McCallunC Red Springs; Alex J. Feild, Raleigh; P; S. Carlton, Salisbury; R. R. .Williams, Asheville; J. Crawford Biggs, Raleigh; "N. W. Walker, Louis R. Wilson, Chapel Hill; Harry P. Deaton, Mooresville, G. H. Bellamy, . :San vale Theodore Partrick, Jr.. I. C. Wright, Clinton; Francis D. Winston, Windsor; W. H. Swift, Greensboro; V. K. Jacobson, Wash ington ; Mark Majettev Columbia M. H. Holt, Oak Ridge; ;K. F, - Young, Dunn; J. R. Williamson, Vineland; W. J. Shuford, Hickory;: E. W, Sifees, Wake Forest; Frank Cough, Lumber ton; J. J. Hendren. Ghadbourn; J. Li Corn well. Middlesex; PW. Glidewell, Reidsville; A. W. Graham, Oxford; Fred X. Tate, High Point. The above is only a partial list of signers, and additional names are coming in by every mail. It should also be noted that no - Congressmen, Senators or elective State officials were asked to sign. WEEKLY MEETING OF : : V " CITY COUNCIL TODAY: Several Important Matters Will. Come Up for Consideration. - - . - ; Quite a number of matters are scheduled to come before City Coun cil for attention at the weekly meet ing this morning, including a. demand from Councilman? T. W. Wood for im mediate action on the question of deep ells for the municipal water supply, as well as the matter of installing a municipal power and lighting plant, both of which projects hp has ardent ly advocated for some time. "The res olution introduced at the last weekly meeting, setting a new date "for the election on the question of issuing bends for municipal docks and wharves, will also come up for its final reading, and will in all like lihood be passed..- .". :.- " Several other important matters will also come before Council. Councilman Wood stated yesterday that the 30 days' extension of time on the consideration of the water and electric propositions which members of Council had asked when he-brought he matters up during the county po litical campaign is now up, and that he will insist on immediate action on bom propositions one way or the oth er. People are approaching him ev- ery flay, he says, asking that he insist on Council taking- action one way or , the other. He says that ha is willing -to leave the settlement of the deep ; well question and the municipal elec-,j trie piant up to a straw vote in the-; city, provided Council .wilt agree to PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. l.cx Crooni, of Burgaw, spent yesterday in the city on business. Mr. J. S. Spong-pf-Charlotte, is "i the citv -several days on business, gewg . c . - - - -Mr. D. L. Herring, of Garland, vas a business visitor in the city yes terday. - " '- - ; ; ; Mr. Augustus Smith Carr, of -Boston. Mass., spent yesterday in the city cn business. 'v. " " "v : Maj. H. W. Stickle and Louis (lcc(iman Esq., .left, yesterday for- New Icrn. They will make the trip on horseback returning: to this city. Fri day afternoon. ' " ' . . Maj. A. J. McKinnon, of Maxtori, fid Mr. John P. McNair, of Laurm bl,ig, were in the city yesterday and 'eft in the afternoon for Bolivia on usiness connected, with their. several bimber and shingle enterprises in that section. ' . - ? J : V - Mr. j. c. Carutfiers, formerly cori nected with the State-Office of:;the linger Sewing Machines Company in this city, but now chief clerk s in the V'tral office at . Baltimore; is spend '"2, a few days in the .city on a: visit his fiiendr Mr.- D; - M, Beardsley.- - , Col. Alex. L: Blow, of Raleigh; ?ri of the United-"States - District ourt for Eastern North Carolina,' re turned to his home yesterday after spending a short time in the city on business with the- Federal 'Court in this city. ;f " .- . - - Mr. Frank C ."Page, of Pinehurst, xvas a business visitor m the city yes terday. He is a son of Hon. Walter Fse, ambassador to Great Britain, and has h&on living inrVorth Carolina 'or several .years,-havip.gr . extensive, 'arminv intreRts - in the vieinity of 'inehurst. '' 'r;vigorating to the Pale and Sickly Jae Old Standard general strengtnen Jng tonic, JROVES TASTELESS Chill TflVIf! Hi-iroa nut Wflteria. en- richesh the -blood, and : builds - up the system, a true Tbnic -For adults and children, 50c. HEAVY FINES AIID COSTS Imposed on Rakigh Negro Druggists , ror veiling Liquor Without 1 .... Prescriptions. , W (Special Star Correspondence.) Raleigh N. C, March 24. Judge Cooke,? in the Wake Superior court, this morning made orders settling the sensational , ii(ruor ' seHing cases against the five negro drug stores- for selling whiskey without prescriptions, tne fines impose J rounding up $2,600, the druggists in addition paying all costs in the casss,. including the fees Of counsel for tte Anti-!Saloon League m working ip the cases against them. Also the S13 tosell whiskey and the &&??&&S&S& Sf ei endmthat lt may destroyea Phi? w7i" vTe fines are adjusted so tnat Hamlin s drug store pays 51,000; fce ?fruSo;store $1,000; Mallette's drug store 250M&tri4. A., Slade 100. ?tQtL,cnses.ExPire APril 1st- btate Commissioner of Insurance James R.: Young, calls attention to the tact that the, licenses of all insur ance agents in this State expire April 1st, and that, the applications for re newal are coming in remarkably slow. Under tle law they will have no authority to do business, after April, 1st until these renewals, are procured.' There are about 13 ftOQ agents in the State and the compa nies and the agents must sign all ap plications ..for renewal, blanks for which have been distributed. :r'C NOTABLE CASES ON APPEAL One From New Hanover From Pender Before preme Court. and 'Su- Two (Special Star Correspondence.) ' Raleigh,- N. C , March 24 .Eighth and, Ninth district appeals were, taken up for argument today in the Supreme court, the counties being New Han over, Brunswick, Columbus and Pen der, constituting the Eighth, arid Robe son Cumberland, Bladen and Hoke, the Ninth district. That Burgaw Monument. An especially notable case is Moore, et al., vs. Cooper Monument: Co., and the authorities of the town of Burgaw, in wbich it is sought to stop the move ment to erect a Confederate monu ment in one of the principaL streets or tne. town... i ne complainants are Citizens of the ? town who insist that to placte the' monument . in the street selected for the site wjll greatly Mock the street arid, prove a nuisance. TJiey are represented byJT : Bellamy 'and J . T. Bland.5 In thd trial below the re straining . order was . dissolved, The defendants are represented by B; L. Larkin, II., jL." Stevens and ; Robert Ruark. . 'r-J-: :--::irv-ri ' "- Another especially1 notable " case is E." R.Dellago.vs, Atlantic Coast Line, from Pender county, in whlcfi damages are sought for itoe4 killiiig,of! a;2Q?.i momn-oia cuim mai siiayea on cue track of the Coast Line and fell asleep in the town of St. Helena where the track-Yan close by the house where the child lived. In the trial below the judgment was fof$l,000 damages. ' ; . New Hanover Case. There is also an especially notable appeal - from New Hanover county Register vs. "Tidewater Power Co. in which the plaintiff failed to recover damages in the trial below for the death, of James C. Register, a . lineman, while he was changing wires from an old to-a new electric light pole In Wilmington June 28th. 1912. The plaintiff is represented by W. J. Bel lamy and John D. Bellamy & Son, and counsel for the defendant company are Davis; & Davis. , Civil suit was started yesterday in the Recorder's Court by W. E. Worth against Jno. C. McMillan. The summons was sent to Duplin county. Ttleh Welcome -rsT Rlother's Fnend A Duty that Every Man Owes to Those ! . who Perpettiate the Race. . it la r.s sa Imnnrtant that men should know qf. progressive methods in advance of motherhood. The suffering, pain and ,dl3 tress Incident to child-bearing can be easily voided by iaving at hand a bottle of Mother's Friend. - This la a wonderfuL penetrating, exter- ! unnitr-ntlnn that relieves all tension upon the muscles and! enaDies tnem zo eipimu without the painful strain upon the liga ments. Thus there is avoided all those ner vous spells ; the tendency to nausea or morn- Ins sickness is -counteracted, ana a Drignr, sunny happy aisppsuion is preserveu -uui reflects wonderfullv upon ,the character and tomperament of the little one soon to open it pvasi In hewllderment at tne joy oi ms arrival. You can . obtain a bottle of "Mother's Friend" at any drug store at $1.00, and it -will be the best dollar's worth. you ever obtained, it preserves tne mom er'8' health; enables her trfTmake a quick and complete- recovery, ana tans wun- re newed strength she will ? eagerly devote herself to the care and attention which. mean so much to tneweiiare oi we Write to the CBradfield Regulator Co., 129 Lamar .Bldg., Atlanta, Ga, for their valu able and instructive book of guidance for expectant mothers. Get. a. bottle of ? Moth er's: Friend, to-day. - - - ' DAVIS' PORck AND, DECK PAINT is t?i osnfiniallv to resist all wea ther conditions so when painting why not use the thing' for the purpose .' It will cost no mqre--will look right j ; ' .... . . ' i - : . r i - - and wear right. ' , " For Sale by- L - -M..W. DIVINE & CO. - Here is what a orominent phjsician says jin regards to "Being essentially a vegetable product, Cottolene forms the most healthful and: nutritious cooldng -medium known." Children ? like doughnuts and pastries. These really are wholesome and ' digestible if made with Cottolene. For all deep fiying Cottolene is superior and most economical because you use it again and again; : It absorbs no odors. Merely strain . after using:and it is ready for next . time. There are recipes for good things you and your children will like in our valuabl FREE Recipe Book, "HOME HELPS." Drop a postal for your copy. Order Cottolene from your grocer. ' CHICA60 ' ': '' monday; Tuesday, wednesday, Keith's Vaudeville. Extra Feature : Qujgg & Nickerson The -Aristocrat 'and Big ; Eyed Coon, Laughiest of All Laughing Acts. Trixie McCoy The Melody Girl. rWard and Delmar . .' Two Funny Feliows. H:fv..-, Three Zechs, - The World's Greatest Atrial ists NOTICE OI' SAL.E. OF LAND. Notice is liereby gireu -that the under- sijiDetl mortijaKee. under ami by' virtue of t lie power of sale ..-contained in a certain mortgage-, deed execHted by Itoland A, Wright and .wife, Daisy T. Wright, oil the 1st day of February, .101:1, and duly re corded in Book' 70,-at l'age (", in the of fice of the Itegister of Deeds of New Han over County, will sell, at public auction, to the higlujst bidder, .for -cash, at the Court -House door of New Hanover county, on the'-7tk duv of April 1014, at twelve o'clock M that certain lot or parcel or land situated -in the City of V llunugton. New Hanover County, and described as follows : ' Rpjrinmnir in the western Hue or Antt street at a poiut 110.17 feet northwardly from the northern line of Grace street, and runs thence northwardly along the western line of Nutt street, 55. 75 feet; thence west- wardly and parallel with tirace street, l-' feet; thence southwardly and parallel with JVult street, f.; iect; tnence eastwaroiy aud parallel with Grace street, VIZ feet. to the western line of Nhk -street, the point of legiunlng: the same being parts of T.nls Three and Four, in Block 21 r' a'-ord- iug to the official plan of the City of Wil- yiiugtou.1 -- !5ald sale will ifi maiio suoject to a uecu Of trust executed by Unbind A. rlglit aud wife to .Geo. A. Griuisley., Trustee, to securer the payjnent ot a note Tor iu,.w. wbich is .due o ; February 1st :101G. Said sale will also be made subject to a lease made iy'j-Woth Worth,, fonnejr owners f saitf property, .to-- the Atlantic Coast Line liailroad , Company, which please af- wf'ts the western end of said lot.1 - This, the iifli day of .March, i;14. TIIE vFIPKLlTY T1U ST & lUiVKlOl - MKXT COMPANY, Mortgagee. - 1UV j,.W-.5t emojtes - "GILT EDGE." the only ladies 'shoe dressing that positively contains Oil. Blacks and Polishes ladies' andhildren's boots and shoes, shines without rub-; blag, 25 TRENCH GlOSS.' J:c "STAR combination for cleaning ana polfsnlng ail kuids of russet or tan shoes, 10c. 'J)AND size, 25c. - -OBICK WHITE (in liquid form with sponpe) qaick It cleans and whitens dirty canvas shoes. 10c. & 25c.. "BABY ELrrE combination for gentleinen vrho take pride in haringthcir shoeslook A 1. Bestorea color and lustre to all blackshoes. ,-Polish with a. brush or cloth, 10 cents. "ELITE" size, 25 cents. if yonr dealer does not kWp the kind yon wa:.t, send na the priee intatpps for f u il size package, chai-ges paid. ' VH5TTEMORE BROS. & CO 2026 - Albany Street, Cambridge, Mass, The Oldest and Largest Mannfact?trs ? - ,: ! ' - ; Shoe Polislus in the Wmld. , Chesapeake aid Ohio Ralb'ay ; scxnxo uotrrx TO' thk west. Tin Fsat Vestlbnl Trains Wltk Dlalaf Car BeTardce. ' .- ThroTfib. Pullman ' Sleepers ta XioalSTUI. Vlncinnatl, Gbicaro and St. Uonls. . Lv. Richmond . .1 2:10pm 6:40pmll:00pm Ar. Iiouisvllle . llrOoamf I 7:80pnj Ar; Cincinnati- . . . 8:20amll0:20am 5:00pm Ar, Chicago. 5 KXnml 7 :15Dml 7 :10am At. St. J-.OU1 7-iRnm 7:18nm 7:45am Direct connections -for all points Wt and Northwest. Quickest and Best. Ronte. ; - - , v The line to the Celebrated Monatala a sorts ot-Virginia. : - For ' descriptive matter, schedules ass Pallman reservations, address JNO.. D. POTTS, G. P. . - ' c; & 0. By. i Richmond, Tt II lirW W 11 M mm HNEST qUAUTY tARCEST VARIETY p lf lp pj 1 I - - '-.Glove ylri and Lasting I A) )? ife ' V These you get rwhen the name KAYSE is in the hem of yoursilk gloves. I ' ', To buy tit; SiUc' Glovea ;C - "y .! To buy is true coiioiy--because 7 : ; KAYSERS" wear better; f it better and hold their shape better than any other'sllfc gloves snade, ' yet cost no more than the Ordinary kind. Look for "KAYSER" in the hem. 'I LuvtVccnicn t.ti.i- tit. j t.u - ' A I v-1 rvrv x ciiiv o wear uciier. iu uciicr auu uuiu ..c- - - You will find it in the genuine. v r , - A. guarantee ticket voith every pair that the tips outwear the gloves. ? Short "KAYSER" Silk Gloves 50c to $1.25 Long 'KAYSER" Silk Gloves 75c to $2.90 AT ALL STORES 111 5 FLOUR ,; jtS . MADE IHAUIL1.1 ;t V - EVERY, BAKING SI g5Er. A StJCCESS QUALITY : THE CORBETT: COMPANY, Distributing Agents. DAVID'S 1G ASTER is a time of jt . -v-tW'-iis- ;Vv"-. v v: - - nice inings aooui n the occasion of things-to-wear generally. That is part of the real mean ing of this great. holiday; everything becomes new; Time was wheSthe ladies did most of this $brt of cele bration of the day; but no w-a-daysien are making Eas ter their time for new clothes; and it's a good idea, too. Every man in this town who pretends to be well dressed,,' or to care about his looks, should be dressed in his new clothes Easter morning". ' . HART SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes are such as syou .will find best. suited for this oc casion. The new fabrics, American and foreign, offer many beautiful patterns and rich colorings. The new models are particularly smart jn style. g We shall be glad to show you the testthin new hats ; new neckwearrnew $hTrts,fand all'the rest " We'll make youti-Hart8chafTner &r:rxiri1j' if fourg can t get suited irom siock. The D$im$fmy This store is the Wilmington home of Hart SchafTner. 8c Marx 'clothes. Manhattan Shirts; John B.: Stetson Hats. ; ii L N. Y. EXCHANGE AND Our New York Exchange or Cashier's Checks are re ceived at par by business houses in other cities and towns and will be found convenient in making remittances, pay ing Life Insurance Premiums and Settling Accounts pay? able outside of Wilmington. : This service is for all- Not necessary to be a patfon. We shall be glad to have you come in. ?: H HOME SAVINGS Of ton Building. : The City; Livery Co. is class automobile -service, Packard and Carefurand competent Chaff eurs employed. Telephone 345, Day or Night. . Your, for prompt service, - CITY LIVERY COMPANY , Silk Gloves i it renewing things: one of the r."." ' L i7. T- - is inai.irioM ycuyiyc uid&c u new clothes, new hats, new - ouu biyieb iu bcicct lrum. CASHIER'S CHECKS. now in position fo giveirslt country . or; city work, using' Chalmers Cars. BANK ATLANTIC COAST LINE ' Arrivals - and Departures of Trains , at Wllmlnsrton. , Effective Sept. 11, Wit. . , - V v Time Kot Guaranteed. " - ' ; ; ..-, DEPARTURES: " TO AND FROM: . ARRIVAL: ' , - Gdldsboro. Richmond, Norfolk and East- (. r '! , : era North Carolina points. ' Connects at ..: . , Nu90. ' Goldsboro with Southern Railway and, ?5v8rii-i'--' ! 3:4fA.M. '- Norfolk ohlhern Railroad. No. 91 leaves al:15A3I. Norfolfc !3 :20 P. M. and Richmond 14:10 , i; : - - .p. m.:..-s.; . , .. ' . - ; :: -'- . Chadbottrh, Oonway, Florence, Charleston, " t Tj. - Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa," ; Ft: ' . No. 51, Myers, Columbia and Asheville. Pullman No. 00, ' ; . ' ' . Sleepinic Cars between wnminston and i.a a r 5:3oA.M. Columbia, open te fecelTe passengers at . "li'.J)A,41. Wilmington atand after 10:00 P. M., : ; - " and may be ocenpied nntil 7;M A. M ,, s- ' . . - J . : : I ' 7 - " ' : 1.: ' No. 64 Jacksonville,' .New bern and -.Intermediate -v :- K4eK'"1.. ' 15:50 A.M. stations. - ; v ? ; v . 1 6.-25.P.M. ; Goldsboro,: Richmond, Norfolk and Wash- : . ' ' . No. 48, ington. Pallman Parlor Cars between - No. 49, , ' Wilmington and Norfolk," connecting' at . ' "A; 8:30 A.M. . Jtocky Mount with New Vork trains with . r : 615 V. i" - Pullman Service. - .' ' trr'-.,1 No. 53, Solid train between Wilmington and Mt. No. 52, - .'.. . I 8:4 A.M. : Airy, via Fayetteville and Sauford. . 8:05.P.M.- ; " ..- ; .' 4 r. '-'-'r .. .-"j? .:'j"v ; . - -.i- ' Chadbbdrn, Conway, Florence,' Charieston, ' -.No. '53, ;c Savannah, All Florida Points,-Columbia, No4, y t Asheville ,and the West. Pullman Sleep 3:15 P.M. ' in? Can between Wllminston ; and Co- ; 1 :40 P.M. - lumbia. - - , ' ' f . . ' T I . No 6o Jacksonville. Newbern and Intermediate . No. 63, ' - " 3:25 F?M. stations. - r 12:50P.M. " No 59 Fayetteville, Sanford and Intermediate No: 00, . 6 :30 P.M. stations. ; ; V 110:15 A.M. . ' ' Goldsboro, RichmondV Norfolk, .Washing ton and New York. Pullman Broiler, v ! No 42 Buffet s Sleeping ' Cars between Wtlminx- No. 41 v 'p'm tn and WawhinKton, eonnectinu with . 10 : 00 A.M. New York trains, with PnUman Sleeping - - . . Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. -r- . : pr i7. ' Cbadteonrn, Florence; Conway and Inter- - No. 58,' i " :' . ! 7:00P.M. mediate stations. ' ... ! 0:45 A.M. Daily. ! Dally except Sunday, b F'or folders, reservations, rates of W. J. CRAIG,' T. Jassenser Traffic "Manaaer. . ., . . : WJIIINGTONt N., C. . :- . ;. A y y."--.-' -.-i -jpr- . r: .V-.fr- i'.-f'M: in ;arjnccT ocxo3X& 'th, ins. .'. . - l Winter Park, WrishUtflle; WrightiviUe Beach and Intet - -V'-'. mediate Points. ' KASTBOTJND. Leave Front and Princess tor Winter Park. Leave Front and Princess for Wtlghtsvim Leave Front and Princess for ' Beach. i 6:30JLM. ":5o",v" 8:00 " 8:30 M " i6:6o"" " 11:30 " " l:10PJd. x 1 :55 " " x2:35 " " 3 iO0 u ' 3-30 " " x4:10 " " 4:30 " M 650 A.M. :55 " M 8:00 " 8:30 " " i6:66" " 11:30 .1 :10 P.M. xl:55-"" i-o6""" :10 44 ; :40 w TUB . 8 :30 M ' ' ! 9 :15"" : 10KW 11-15 " 'i6"i."M' 8:36" 11:30 " " iaop.M. 3:00 x 4:50 . 5:80 :10 :40 t , 7:15 .850 ! 9:15 :40 10:00 " 4 11:15 ' Leave Front and Priacesa Stireats trery half hour, froa MM f S:M -W.' mi: IaTe-Beach, CT'Ary half hoqr,.from 2;45 to 5:45 P. M. ; . Daily, except Sanday. .;' -.. y' '. .'- ! Sundays only. . - ' . ' x Superseded by half-hoir scheiale Sunday afternoons.. . ': - Thla car goes through to Sea Gate; returning, leaes Sea Gate at I P. TsQ. o Leaves from Station No: 3. - ' . ' x FBJCIGHT SCHXDULK. ... Titm tth tnA Orantf strets dailv. excent SundaT. siS P. M.' Freight Depot open, daily, except TO NEW YORK AND :.T ' ' GEORGETOWN, S. C KEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. Steamship Cherokee, Fri.j . Mar. 27, 1914. Steamship Navahoer-Fri., Apr.- 3rd, 1914. WILMINGTON' TO GEORGETOWN. Steamship Navaho(v Mbn., Mar, 23rd, : 1914. Steamship Cherokee, ,Mon., Mar. 30th,s 1914. W v WILMINGTON TO NEW YORlt:"' Steamship fNavahoe,-- SaU Mar. 28th, 1914. Stemshipf Cherokee, . Sat. Apr. 4th, .1914. Through bins of lading and, lowest through rates guaranteed to and from all points in North and South Carolina. CLXD BTKAMSHTP CO 5 r , a J. BECKER. Agent v ' " Wilmington, If. C. M. G. BMALLBONE3, - ' .' . Commercial Agent, ' : ' Wilminaton. N. C. hGcntraJ Office: Pier. 86. N. R- New York. FORECLOSURE SALE. , By virtue and in pursuance of the, power of sale contained in ; a certain mortgage deed, executed by "J." L. ; 'Tread well.' and wife, Louisa Tread well, to the Kentucky Horse and Mule Company, . under date of December 31st, 1912. and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds" of New Hanover- County, in Book 70, at pages 456 et seq., default having been made 'In ; the payment of note secured thereby, the un dersigned mortgagee will expose for sale, for cash to the highest bidder, at the Third street door of the Court House of New .Hanover County, at noon on Friday, April 3rd, 1914, the following described lot or parcel of land, to wit: . : Beginning in the Nbrtbern line of Meareg street, . at a point one hundred and thirty two - feet. Eastwardly from the Northeastern irif-eiftecHon - of Meares --: arid s Sixteenth streets,; and ' runs thence Northwardly and parallel . .witn ' mxteentn streex ninety-one and five-tenths feet to a jpoint thence East wardly and -parallel with-' Meares street thirty-three feet, thence Southwardly i and parallel with Sixteenth - street tftiHetyfone and flve-tehths feet to the. Northern -line of Meares street ; thence - Westwardly ; along said Northern line-of Mteares-.street thirty three feet to the beginning, thesame being pai-t of lots 5 and 6V in Block 529, accord ing to the joffieial plan of , the City of Wil mington... ' . . . -i . 'wi,-';t-;--- ' KENTUCKY HORSE AND MUtfiV COv ' mh5-30d f- Ji -. . Mortgagee. DR. L. AJ; ALLEN ' - OSTEOPATH ' , 47-4 ,TVBT BUILDTOrQ - : ' Office Honrs: , , Office 'Phone ?350-W 9 to 1: 3 to 5. - .Besldenoe Phone 1428-J jatj-imo ;v BURETTH. STEPHENS J AriCrlltfeCT .'. . 33-39 CARBEL. BUILDING., , ' ' wilmFngton, Jttict's - cimE LINE - - - Sunday only, a Daily except Monday. fares, etc:, call phoqe.'l(0. C: WHITE, J ; : i- General ; Pagpenrer Aaent. ..-. ii." E ,i- z,t WSSTBOUND. Leave Leave . WrlghtsvUl ' for" Wilmington. Leave . Beach for Wilmlngtoa. ' Winter Park for - . Wilmington. 6:28 A.M. - 7:30 " 44 ! 7:58 44 44 8 :01 " ' 8:41 44 44 0:38 44 44 110 :31 44 44 11:06 44 44 12:36 P.M. 2 ;01 " " it 2 HA " 6:15 A.M. 7:25 44 44 ! 7:45 44 44 7:50 44 44 8:30 44 44 9 "25 44 44 !I0:20 44 44 10:55 44 44 12:25 P.M. 1:50 44 44 x 2: 23 44 44 'rfiSoA.'M' :40 44 44 '"ii"44" "iuMS4444' 12:15 P.M. o l;45 44 " 3:05-44 44 . I., r. x .3-58 " " 4:06 44 44 x 4:30 44 tt.m 4i M . "3"'4V" 6:00 44 44 .6:40 44 44 , : 7 :30 44 44 7:55 44 44 9:25 44 44 -I 9:45. - 44 10:30 44 44 , 11:45 P;M. B:3fS i:ii"44'4' ......i........ "f5Ui ''' '!!"mMM 6:11 W M M It M M 6:51 , 7:45 9 :36 " ! 9 :56 44 44 10:41 44 44 11 :56 P. M. Sanday, 2.30, to i:30 P. M.. . .; . x OTA nr. Ann a in i iiir UbnUUHIIU Mill V bill k - RflirWAV unibivni "The Progressive Railway of the South."., . . . j rains leave wiimingcon .uaiij , as iouuwh, . 1 . I ' . I Y 1 .r J? .... 1 i . . . ' . r. a n . :.J XT. iVL. iOl lOL-Mi HLUtlUllO, IUU- necting Hamlet for-'ltichmond, Washing ton ana JNew xoric. . . No. 13 3 :45 P. M. Parlor car for Lumbers ton, Maxton, Laurinburg and Charlotte,, connecting at Hamlet for- Jacksonville, Raleigh, Washington and New York. s ;,; No. 195:00 A. M. Local train for Char--.lotte. Sleeper open 10:00 P. M. , ; u'or aetaiiea inrormation ana reservaxions. - call on -City Ticket Office, Orton Hotel,' AVilmington, N. C. ' ' ... , .( t' . juu, .x. tunx i r jj. , Division Passenger Agent;?. - "-'it '-i, : t f;i&", v,-tt s Division Freight Agent?'' A , AVilmlngtou, N.JCLcy ' Qoickest and Best lias Wait aid ' HarilU -- v-i-i;.t- - west. ' : i: Block System. Sack Ballast. 8S-lk. Balls, Bcbedvia la a.aet may lr, lyir.- Ltw Petersba'rg . . . ,ll :00 am.llO :40 p.m. Juv. Liurnam ..... , cwa.m. o:w p.i. v v - i i w . a rt 1 t .or A Ar. Cincinnati.. . . .-. .7:20a.m. 6:25p.m. Ar, Columbus .... 8:45 a.m.1 0:f5p.nri, Ai. Chicago . . , . . B:00p.m.l 7:30a.m Close connections made for Seattle, BasH Francisco and Ail Western Points.- Pullman sleeping and parlor cart, If and W. - Cafe dining cars. Equipment an service standard of excellence. Blue Ridge ana Auegneny moanwa . ciuRiea mi. xuuvi picturesque, parts. - , Time tables, deecrlptiva llteraturt aai information' free. Correspondence Invlis, W. B BBVILL, Pass. Traf. Mgr ' ; W. C. SAUNDERS, G. P; aV Boanoka, Y ?. TT. BOSLEY. DA P. A... Richmond: Ta. ,;lBkiegaini l,t)00 leet SQ per foot; 9,000 feet 1-inch Pipe, 2 l-2c.per ft 1 75 H. P. Hi f3. &G. Engine, $250. 1 150' H. PV High. Pressure' Boiler 1 . Heavy Saw Mill Complete $200: 1 Tinker writers Ftre PumpJiSOO.' 1 Lot Live .TlnlljL-iahft Z&&Z 1 Patrol I Watchman Clock,l$25j I Turpentine: Still,v$i30 Call, wire, 'pHone or wrUe to fi; we are the largest dealers,- and own our own Foundry ' ' Macnlny and B6ller.'f5hoprj. - - ;V:' : on .1THB JRQM .MEN.- r .' 1 , .... .- WisicSiyk wuminnt JT V - .1 t

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