in Misses Marie and Alice Doster, are spending several weeks witn relatives and friends at Lancaster, o. u. ''- - frs F K. Smith, who has been visit.! n"e in Jacksonville and other points in Fieri da, has returned to her home at No. 220 North Fourth streets The finance committee of North Carolina Sorosis has had six -different sites offered for the. proposed club house, and the selection of a sjte will be made in the near future. If any other real estate firm or individual has a site to offer they are asked to communicate with Mrs--- Edmund pL. Prince, chairman of the finance . com mittee, at No. 1700 . Princess street. . iiiss Maud van Buren, of Washing ton, D. C, chairman of the junior civic league- department of the Ameri can Civic Association, will lecture this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the High School auditorium. Her subject will be "Our Wild Life and What Is Hap pening to It." This will be illustrat ed with beautiful lantern slides, and will appeal especially to children. The entire community is invited. - OIL PAINTING OF COL.4 ASH LEY HORNE. Rocky .Mount,, N. C, March 24. Sometimes a .newspaper man stum bles over what he knows is going to be a "story" when the time comes lor it to be "sprung," excusing edi tor's parlance, and this was the case this week with this correspondent when an invited guest for a short time, at the home of Mrs. .Marshall Wil liams, president of the North Caro lina Daughters of the ' Confederacy, there was seen in her studio just in completion an oil painting of the latS Col. Ashley Home, of Clayton, the donor of a monument to the Women of the Confederacy, the unveiling of which will be one of the more notable events of Staterwide-interest this year. The painting. -which is the! work of a master hand,' is" a likeness of th beloved veteran, and no one. whohas ever seen him will need to 5 be toltf when the picture is placed among the choice archives of the State, a gift of the North Carolina Daughters of the Confederacy, and the work of its gifted president, Mrs. Marshall Wil liams, of Faison. HOUSEWIVES' LEAGUE MET YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. The regular meeting of the House wives' League was held yesterday af ternoon, tbis being the first one to be held in their new quarters in the base ment of the Trust building. There was an unusually large attendance. It had been expected to make definite plans at this meeting for the formal opening of the Merchants' Exhibit; and Ladies' Rest Room, but it was found that quite a number of the mer chants had not sent in their: exhibits. It is probable that the rooms of the i league will be opened to the public about April 1st,- or possibly before. ! Miss Waddell, the capable secretary i of the league, has assumed charge of ! the rooms and will be there every day to ' receive the exhibits of the mer chants. Miss Anderson, an- expert manicurist, who will be in the rooms with Miss Waddell, has also taken up her .duties. . .. ... . An event of great interest .to the housekeepers of the city will be th& announcement -that r, JVlrs - Julian Health,. of: New.. York, , president and founder of the National Housewives' League, will be In Wilmington the last week in April, arrangements for her visit havingr been made at yester day's meeting. Mrs. Heath has a Na tional reputation -as a fighter, for re ducing the, cost of living by-practicing economy, -j-h. . ; . -i'.i . The committee; on shop inspection made their report yesterday and the members were much gratified to learn of the greatly improved conditions of the shops examined. .. .,J At a preceding ' meeting of - the league a committee" was . appointed to act with a similar committee from the Household Economics Department of Sorosisito interview dealers with reference to having chickens sold by weight. .Following is a list of the grocers and other dealers who haye stated that it would be agreeable with them to sell chickens by weight in stead of using the present method: Siwasa, Futrelle, City Grocery, Wil mington Grocery, Ptire Food Market, Humphrey. Wilmington Produce Co., Carolina Produce Co., J. L. Anderson, W. J. Meredith, C. D. Gilbert, J. E. tvaarshburn. J. J. Hopkins Co., Sneed- en & Hobbs, Falace rMarket and Ban nerman & Freeman. , MRS. FINGER REVIEWS CLUB f WOR K H ERE. - In her department, 'New and Views of the Club World' in. Sunday's Char lotte Observer, 'Mrs?Gordon . .Finger has a very -interestms little sketch of ,what-is lieing accomplished in "Wil mington by North Carolina ..Sorosis. The page is illustrated with an: attract ive cut of Mrs.. M. L. Stover;, "president oil Sorosis. .: The article is as follows: "Aside" frrm filling the treasurer ship, of the State FedwatiouJtnost ac ceptably, Mrs. Martin L. Stover, of Wilmington, is carrying on one of the most successful year's work in the history of Sorosis, the oldest club in tne Federation, of which she is presi dent. "North Carolina Sorosis, like some younger clubs, has felt the neel of a club house, but unlike many other clubs has a good sum of money on hand to 'begin such a building and is going ahead right away. They real ize the folly of spending money for real estate when donors are ready to offer sites in the beautiful new sub urban developments around the city. The clu5 has frankly- announced that it is in a receptive mood and will ac cept the lot or site offered tnat best meets its needs, all realty companies having notice to try for a valuable at traction to add to the suburbs they are developing in a try to meet the ap proval of the club women of Wilming ton in the gilt-of a home site. . '"It was the -other way V round in Charlotte, the promoters of - home building sections made overtures to the club, the owners of Myers -Par h, the ' most distinctive suburb or . home section of any city fin the South, mak ing the first officer seevrai years ago; however, the cluti, house, itself, is still a dream palace, without foundations or turrets.., , . ; " -.- "Possibly no club, in the Federation has 'been honored 'by visits of a great er "number, of members or , the btate Council in one club year, .Education Day Miss Edith Roysterivof Raleigh, chairman ofJefdslation arid & distinc tive character; and force in education al work in the state, was guest or no-, nor and speaker. Mrs. Joseph A. Brown, - of Chadbourn, State chair: man or musie, was tne maker or an exceptionally fine address at a special musical occasion early in - the year, and very recently Rlesdames i Thomas W. Linele. of Davidson. , and L.' J.. In gram, of W&desboro, respectively. chairmen a? civics and conservation, were there for1 Civic Day, which was a grea 1 success, when;;Mrsi" Lingle ad dressed all the school children of the city on "Your Inheritance," the treas ury including all of. our wonderful nat ural resources of mineral ana rorest wealth, watex power. &na healthy , She Impressed upon them how they might preserve, and why they tniUst .not squander, tieir wealth; r - The president of Sorosis has thfe fol- Iowin to say. of talks ma,dd by the two visitors to the club women . of- Wil mington: ; " ', ' ' ' - " 'The North Carolina Sorosis appre ciates the very high and rare privilege and unusual pleasure enjoyed from Mrs. T, W. Lingle's visit to tne club. It is a matter of great pride to those enthusiastic m federation work that women of such type as Mrs. Lingle' have been chosen for leadership. . The North Carolina Federation is fortun ate to have injts official family the adopted daughter oC the State so ad mirably fitted in every way to grace the high position to which she nas been called, . ; J. - '. " 'Mrs: Lmgle i& the wife of Doctor Lingle, professor of languages of Da yidson. College,; and speaks s"even lan guages herself.' She has traveled ex-, tensively abroad; residing months at a time In foreign . countries., studying languages and conditions," both civic and economic y.' " 'Mrs. Lingle exemplifies that nob lest type of. woman the woman citi zen needed! to. save the, present age. Not in. her intellect, nor knowledge,, nor achievements, but in her person ality,, lies her greatest cnarm. .Her subject 'before 'Sorosis was "Efficien cy," which is the test being applied to every phase of life today. "'Mi's. Ingram, chairman of conser vation, made a plea for mothers to ed ucate their children to lo've trees, plant trees, love bird live, to save the birds. and set the -example by refusing to! wear certain sorts of 'bird plumage upon their hats, and discourage the awful slaughter o? birds for millinery traffic. The public school she said, is the place to train for future citizen ship, and all these subjects should be given careful attention therein.' " I Medals on Display. The nine silver medals and the three gold medals whieh , will , be awarded the winners, in the .contests in connection with -the boys' carnival, circus and international fancy -fair to be held by the boy members of the Young Men's Christian Association on April ICth and 17th, have been placed on display in Honnet's window by Mr. Roberts, director of boys work. Prizes will be given for excellence in vocal and instrumental music, literary, elocution oratory, photography, swimming,-'-diving and gymnasium contests. If you have riot i seen, the present. great show, at the Victoria Theatre, the" home of Keith vaudeville, it is up, to you to take advantage of one pf. the three 'chances left todayr matinee this afternoon and .two performances tonight; In , fictrit's no ; secret that the present big bill is the pick of the Keith, circuit', which is speaking vql- umes of superlative praise. It Is strong for every element 'that goes to make-up a popular and' triumphant vaudeville show. It is especially strong for laughs, and, as one man, leaving the Victoria yesterday, with his facfj wreathed in smiles, well expressed it. VH. you can't: laugh at this show, and laugh mast all the tlme; the strings that connect with your lips arid pull em iintoift'iracker are surttfsten.' Tlie act of Quigg-andrNickerson alone is a, big comedy show. Then from the, sensational Three Zachs. who presertt a startling, most skilled and beautiful aerial act., Continuing the cleverness, and ' the novel,,; . there is, charming. Trix'ey McCoy- who. is something ex tra swell as a delineator of Souther; coon melodies, ana she lavishly dresses as a sporty wench. Those clever comedy boys. Ward and Del mar. also contribute largely to the joy with a sketch that is both novel and delightful. Of course, there are new photoplays and the Victoria's crack orchestra, plays like none other. At The Grand Theatre. Today will be Dresented at extra ex pense to the management, the muchly- talked of and sensational four-reel film. "A Prisoner of the Harem." It is the most massive film production of the day and is rich in: Oriental set tings, while the plot is intense, the action thrilling; and the situations spec tacular. It is the story of an unwill ing inmate of the Harem and of her rescue. In the story wild beasts, both ferocious and. tame, play important parts and the,ttleath struggle between a lion and -.a tiger is described as the most thrilling. -big hit .of, realism ever flashed on a moving picture theatre. The scenery is nothing., short of mag nificent. Truly, the amusement public is fortunate ia. having chance today to witness this expensive and giant film sensation,' and when, too,.: the admis sion will be but 10 cents, the smallest charged anywhere to behold this cost ly and mammoth product of the rnov ine Dicture art. The Wurlitzer orchestra will render special and fitting music at each per formance today. At the Bijou Today. The Bijou scored a big hit with "Our Mutual Girl" yesterday. She simply captivated ; Wilmington for almost everybodyy. was there, to se. her. Don t miss her Avhen sue comes aga;n. she will Visit -ihc Bijou at in tervals for the riexfc-12 months. v Heading today's -Wig is a three reel Gold Seal production, "The. Buc caneers," depicting in realistic man ner the life of two seapirates, Black beard and La Fette. Some of the most wonderful marine-' scenes ever made for the movies are shown in this big production, and the battles between the rival buccaneers are very exciting. Again, .whea-they capture an English -esser,is another big bat tle that will make your hair stand . on end. This is one or the most magnifi cent' sea pictures eyer reduced, '-and-cost a mint of motley to make it-4etv fect,7&ad ; you should not, miss ' it. i "Wonder Sheriff" is a. big Keystone comedy to follow one that comes In a full reel. The iamous Keystone comedies you have seen before and this is one of the, biggest,, brightest arid best that has yet been produced by this all-star, aggregation of comedy artists-.- 'You will enjoy every minute of this picture, for it will keep you laughing throughout-its entirety.' . r i- The healthiest, most pleasant place in town, is the Bijou. The air Is changed entirely every twenty min utes by ; oar system of - ventilation, in sttrifg purid," cool, arid ' tef reshiflgC air all the time. ; ; '.r: ' Acade'my3 ' Nekt 'Big Attraclion. ' ; i ; One df the most attractive offerings of the season wilb be the recent Wer-ba-Luescher light opera -success "The Rose.Maid'Mhat Ts announced for its first performance here Dn- April 1 1th at tb e; Academy; . Last season's three "Itose Maid" , companies have been taken" over entirely by Frank C. Payne, one of ; the best powit of the young producing1 manager in New York and he has 'Wisely decided that a success rxf t-U. .UKX P T1 Tf'ncn' HtniA" should be presented with only - one Company and - with -the ' best produc tion arid fJast;that cari be eeiectid.- Mtl Payne a8: associated "with Heriry "W.; Savage's largest productions for seven years and was general'Trianager for all the Werba-Luescher-' enterprises until he assumed control of this latest success. "The Rose Mam "win nave his personal attention throughout its second annual tour which in itself is a guarantee' that the company will be one of the best sent but of New. York. Capt. Leland Hurt. ' Yesterday's Baltimore Sun: " Gapt. Frank Leland, of the , barkeritirie Kremlin, from Wilmington. "N. C. in Lport yesterday with ties for the Bal timore & jmo- Railroad, was nursing one of :.his eyes". ' -which'' was injured in a; hailstorm . at . sea. last Friday, While it :-svas snowing. hail began to fall and the nuggets were so large i thatv Cam. Lelantl s: sou'wester was torn 'and one 'stone" struck Mm in the1 Thousands of Peo ple Pleased i f Have bought Vnd are ! buying Gowans, King of Externals ' Gowans is an external prepara tion that, always scatters conges tion and inflammation which are the agencies producing colds, croup pneumonia, ,; You just ' rub Gowans on. No dangerous fumes to inhale. No dangerous drugs to get in your system. Gowans does its work so well that ethical physicians freely recommend its use. Croup comes in the night. Pneu monia develops suddenly. A bot tle of Gowans in the home makes ybu feel safe. Buy a bottle today. All druggists.: Three ' sizes', 25f 5Q and $1.00v ;.. ;'S : - GOWAN MEDICAL CO..;,-. " Concord, N. C. ; ' -," ' Kaiyseis SilteGl&ves gi'- 3eii !' gry If9 ) 01) In nl iB) Si !Tlfl Ml TODAY ONLY FROM 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. m ' : i j . " IN THE 0aijflinn) WITH THE FAMOUS COUfJTESS DE MARST IN THE TITLE ROLE. ' : ALSO FEA WRIIG: f FI6HT 13ETWEEN LION AND TIGER. MUSIC BY THE WURLITZER ORCHESTRA. Ad m sssBon - 13 0 Cersfs A. 31 I IMlMUlTilirMkiT 11 ill j U CARBON REMOVED OXYGEN PROCESS PIGItARD SWo CO. WILIV3fNGTON'3 LARCEST GARAGE , SUPPLIES REPAIRS v STORAGE, DAY AND NIGHT, SERVICE STEAM HEAT. 511 North Third Str. icjiininMfl I 3 DAYS WET GOODS SALE! S1.25 White Spreads; full size; Wet Sale Price ... ... ......... '.85c pne lot of Huck Towels; Wet Sale Price, each ... ... . . .3c 35c French Lawn, 42 inches wide; Sale Price . . . ... . ... .15c "15c Guest Towels; Wet Sale Price 9c DAMAGE B Y Fire on the Fifth Floor of our building last Fncjay . night aniaged .consider merchandise in our .Silk and Dress Goods Stock; also in our Carpet Department.rT dispoethe goods in these departments in three days- Thurs day, Friday; and Saturday, we offer to the public1 ah opportunity to save one-half the purchase price THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. TERMS OF SALE CASH. TERMS OF SALE CASH. 3 DAYS WET GOODS SALE! 'SPECIAL Your choice of Lonsdale Cam r brie, Fruit of the Loom, Androscoggin, " . Hill Bleaching,, at, , per -yard . . . . .10c 1 2 y2 c Pajama Check ; '36 inches wide; Wet Sale Price .8c 75c Foulard Silks; do not show any damage; Wet Sale Price, only .29c 85c Striped Messalines, in all shades, 27 inches wide; not -damaged ; Wet Sale Price t, ..49c $1.00 Striped Messalines ; 36 inches wide ; all leading shades;' -... Wet Sale Price . it; ; .69c ! 75c Fancy Foulard Silk;' slightly damaged by water; Wet Sale Price, vard ...... , ... U,.. Vl5c 25c Tricot Flannel, in several shades; Wet Sale Price; yard, only ......... .:. . . . ... ... ...... 12 Vic 75c values in assorted Fancy Silk Mixtures; Wet Sale Prictt . . 19c : $1.00 Plaid Ratine Novelty Goods; 46 inches; perfect goods ; ' Wet Sale Price . . . . . . . vr. . , ; . . . . . ; . 85c $1.25 Messalines, in all shades; not damaged by water; per yard,. fWet Sale Price, only . . . . . . .84c 5; pieces Assorted-Silk Mixtures, worth 25c to 5 or. dp r vard- sjightly damaged;' per yeard, Wet Sale Price, only . . . .' .15c " Changeable Silk Bengaline; 75c value; soiled on edge only ; per yard, vWet Sale Price . , . ...... ... ...... . .35 c One piece Tango Shade Silk Pongee; worth $1.00 per yard; ' not damaged; Wet Sale Price, only .45c 36 inch r31ack Peau de Shine; $l.5o value; Wet Sale Price . .98cv; 21 inch Crepe de Chine; 75c value; slightly damaged; per :r yard, Wet Sale Price, only .............. ; ;. 75c Striped Challiesand Flannel; per yard, Wet Sale Price, Wt une iot-2oc to oOc Wool Dress Goods; slightly damaeed choice; Wet Sale Price ... ... . . . ...... ... . . . 5oc China Silk, in all shades; perfect; per yard, Wet Sale Price, only . . . ..... ...... ... ... ....... . . ; ..39c r V $1.00 Silk Poplin; 38 inches; in all shades; Wet Sale Price . . .69c . 27 inch Japonika Silk; all shades; per year, Wet Sale Price. . .20c Printed Silk Mixtures; 5oc value; per yard, Wet Sale Price . . .30c 65c Fancy Crepe, in Tan olid Browx;Wet Sale Price .... .45c 36 inch Fancy Floral Crepes; 39c quality ;,Wet Sa Price, yd25e;:: 42 inch Cream Serges fhoo quaUWtfe Price : . . . 69c 3 pieces 27-jnch Natural rgilsee Sukour regular Sl.OO qua!- 'IJ 1 Ji vvci .69c $ 1 .OQ and $ 1 .25 quality, 3 6-jnch Wash Silks, with neat pin ; - stripes ; yard: Wefeale ff?ri:e . .; :v;; v ; ... .1 . . : .89c 36-inch Plain and FalrcMiiles : 25c and 35c quality; vard. VVipf alp Prirp k-'l ... . .19c 25c quality Fancy Windsor Crepes,-27 inches wide; yard. Wet Sale Price . . ... . . .. ... ..v . . . . .. . : ... ... ..19c 27inch All Silk Ratine; full line of colors; our, 65c quality; Wet Sale Price ....... ...... . ... ..49c Cheney Bros.' $1.00 grade Foulard Silks; 24 inches wide; Wet Sale Price ...... ......... ..-..85c 39c Fancy Eldora Crepes; 27 inches wide; Wet Sale Price . . .29c -Priestley's 54-inch Black, Brilliantine; 59c quality; Wet Sale . .Price, yard . . . . . .. . .44c fe :36-incn-BlaclQ China Silkj $1,00 quality ; Wet Sale Price ... :69c . ;27-iHchlMercerized Grenadine; 39c quality; Wet Sale Price .725c I irtney Ratine ; something 7new; 25c qualityWet . - : . . Sale. Prices ... ..... . . . . . - 1 9c ,$30.00 Ax'inin Rugs, size 9x1 2; Wet Sale Price .... . $21.98 4$25Aminster.Rugs,;size 9x12, Wet Sale Price . . . .$18.49 8.00 Brussels Rugs, size 9x12, Wet Sale Price . . . ; . . .$L6AV $ 9.00 Brussels Ru, size 6x 9; WetSale Price . . .. : . . .$ 5.69 $10.00 Crex Rugs, ?ize 9x12, Wet Sale Price . . . ... '$ 7.35 nv $10.00 Wool, and Fibre Rugs, size 9x12, Wet Sale Price . .$ 7.19 $ 4.50 Matting Rugs, size 9x12, Wet Sale Price ..... . $ 3.75 $ 8.0Q Crex Rugs, size 8x12, Wet Sale Price ; r : : . . , , $ 5.00 Crex Rugs, size' 6x 9, Wet Sale Price . . v $ :1 .5oCrex JUigs5ze 3x 6, AVet Sale Price' . . . . . . " ;- $. -j iSijAxmfhster "Carpet, ; liot-laid, Wet Sale price , $': 1; 50 Velvet Carpet,' not laid, Wet Sale Price : . . . . $ L 15 Brussels Carpet, not laid; Wet Sale Price , $ :i. 00 Brussels Carpet, not laid, Wet Sale Price . . . r 3$c China Matting, not laid, Wet Salej Price . . . . 25c China Matting, not laid, Wet Sale Price . . J. . . . $3.00 Lace Curtains, ,Wet Sale Price, pair . : . , ' ' $2.50 Lace 'Curtains, Wet Sale Price, pair .'. . . .. . $1.50 Bobbinet Curtains, Wet Sale Price pair . . . . j . 25c Curtain Net, Wet Sale Price ... . . . ...... . . . 20c Curtain Net, Wet Sale Price ... . . . . . .: ... . . 25c Curtain Scrim, Wet Sale Price V. . ... ... . 15c Curtain Scrim, Wet Sale Price . . ... . . . . . . . . 15c Dotted Swiss, Wet Sale Price . '. . . " 5 0c Window Shades, Wet Sale Price, each'.- . ... . . . $1.50 Linoleum, 2 yards widey,Wet Sale Price, yard. . $6.00 All Wool Blankets, 11-4, Wet Sale Price; . . . $5.00 AlWool Blankets, 10-4, Wet Sale Price 7. . . . $3.00 Wool Nap Blankets, 1 M, Wet Sale Rrice : . . v ,'$125 Crepe Kimonas, Wet Sale Price;:. , $1.25 Ladies' Tailored Waists, Wet Sale Rrice -.'.: . $1.25 Ladies' and Misses' Middy Blouses, Wet Sale Price . . . 98c $1.50 Ladies' Skirts and Gowns, Wet Sale Price '7. ; ; . . $1.00 $2.00 Silk Brocaded Underskirts, Wet Sale Price; each . . . .$1.00 Attractive Prices on Easter MillineryEaster Coat Suits and, faster ' ' - l"" ' ' . Dresses. ' ,;! . . .$ 6.25 . . $ 3.98 ..$ 1.19 ..$ 1.10 .$ 1.05 . ' . .89c . . . .79c ... ..24c . . .19c . .$2,19 . .$1.98 . . .98c ...ISV2C .I6V2C . . . .19c .. .He . .... . .10c .33 l-3c . . ..98c '.. .$3.93 r. .$3.49 4 .$2.19 . ...89c ... .75c This sale will be for three days only Thursday, Friday Many items not advertised will be displayed. Belsure to visit tne Silk a11 Carpet Department. There's where the damage, was donea Termsicash. J The Busy Store jPJJ POLYOGT GO The Busy iStore

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