THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON; Ni C.T WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 ,19 1 4. . SEVEN 4 SHARP ADVANCE IN COTTON as Followed by An EquaNyi Sharp Decline and Close Was' Steady Four Points Down. ,Yv York March, 31. A ?sharp . advance i ,iiiun today was followed by auequal lv -sharp loclihe, with the close steady, net 4 points lower to" 2 points" higher. The n-k(-t was steadied toward the close by a i-, demand for May and .Inly cot toil fr.,111 lo.idinv spot brokers. ' " . There was active covering by old crop at the start,' and after opening stea-u- -it an advance of 2, to 5 points, active months sold about 9 ta 14 points pet high Uelttivclv steady cables ana private '. l'vk-es from Manchester claiming . that linnets hud decided not to close down i" ir mills tor Easter week; owing to an notM'd demand1 front China -nod India, t rnnlHed early demand. Bullish Southern ii vices :ils' had some influence, -whiie having of new- crop positions. . llfre no la rsre blocks 6f March want- i i here were many- small .buying or- lu'rs around' the ring, and it was estimated ' . ... t CX it! Vvnl-Ata ii'Dra tr.ilaH in rlni. ,.'.- the morning. The demand from March shorts was supplied at about 80 points over Mmv however, and as-soon as this support i'i,"keued the whole list sagged off. March i,i ke from 13.40 to 13.25. with the last siU- at 13.27, and after selling at 12. GO on iiie earlv advance; May eased off to 12.40 on the afternoon reaction. Closing prices were or 3 points "tip from the lowest on .-..veriiis and trade buying: Spot, quiet. Middling uplands. 13.50: -it if. Vi.'t': No sales. I'otton futures cioseu sieauy, .onth: Open. High. Man-h ..13..SO 13,40 v 12'. ;,lv .. ..' .. -.12.13 12. 23; ii. 4s n..y ji,.,- "". ill.Jitf 11. -IS Low. Close. 13.23 12.40 12.42 12. (K 12.11 11. S 11.8rt 11.4.-! 11.4" 11.51 11.53 THE PORT MOVEMENT. " r..,irotnn-Steadv. 131-16: net receipts, c n-'i : gross receipts, -8,476; stock, 2t$3,077v nrin.nns steady. 13 1-lb; net re receipts. ,jia; suics.ku; Tharleston l'nre eivert ; net receipts, JSu; j;ross receipts, 38: stmk, -ll.itw; coast '.i-"l . Wilmington l"n received : net receipts. va- "toss receipts. .(..: stocK, 21,S12.. Norfolk Steady, I3fe ; net receipts, S07; -loss i-e-eipts. SOi ; sales, l,W-; stock, 40, CiW : coastw ise, 1.03O. i;a It i inn re -Nominal, 134. gross receipts, ".!! StOlk. l.-lO. NVw orU :'.f.2s: sales, Quiet, lj.w; gross receipts, ;t.t;oo; stock, 120,420; coast wis.-, J.'-iol. Hostoii - Oniet -ross receipts. 13.50; net receipts. 1G0; 420; stock, 12.MJ7; Great i:rir;iin. mo. gross re Philadelphia Steady, 13.73; ceiins .js"': stock, 2,325. Texas t'ltv Net receipts. 22 ; gross re cpiins. 227: stock. 10,1311; coastwise, 1.120C Ports Mock. S'ltkj; continent; ;u. Total- today, at all ports Net. 25,440; r.ivat Britain. 4.100; continent, 200; stock, 1 onsolidated. at all ports Net. 58.TG7; ilreat llrit :iin. LS.002; France, 1S.023 ; con- lin.-ut. K:.-V.ts: Japan, 2KI. Toial since Sept. 1. at all ports Net. 0, :?.i7.i7: ;r-at Britain. 2i912,113; -France. i7r;.fi4s ; .-oiitiiieiit. 3,32t,872 ; Japan, -324,i3!$ ; .Mexico. -..sSi. . INTERTOK MOVEMENT. Houston Quiet, 12; net receipts, 2,201 ; ;rs n- cipts. 2J01 ; shipments, 2?84 ; sales. 4'.h; stock, 13!S,373i' v ?a" Augusta Steady. 13 ; net receipts !S0; -ross re.eiiits. 1,02!; shipments, 1,038; sales, l.ltvl: stock, 61,264. ' 1 --y ': Memphis Steady. 13 ; net receipts 61S; L'i-oss receipts, 1,014 ; shipments, 4,223 al.-s. ::.15: stock. ,124.330. - " I t. Louis guiet, I3f net receipts, 21; -ross ic.-.iins. 2.328; shipments, 2,3.1; sio.-k, -T:.7v-. 'incinnari X.-t receipts, -.803; - grdss re eiits, s!'.",; shipments, 6,403 ; A les, 430; stock. n;.t;i7. Little l;.,.-k steady. 12; net receipts, :t51 : gross receipts, 351; stock, 31,02. Total today Net receipt. 4.676; gross receipts. f..:iis: shipments, 17,186; sides, 3, Vi.';: stock. 425,:S7. . . LIVERPOOL, COTTON MARKET. ' Liverpool. March 31. Spot, steady, Good liiMillinu. 7.63: middling. 7.21; low niid-illii!-. i;.si. -sales, 12.00O; speculatrijind ixporr. l.i"0. Receipts. 34.01K). I'uuiri-s. irreurular. April, ri.861: April M.ty. t-,.771-. : May-June. 6.76; July-TAng-itt V.Ci: August-September. 6.52'i; Oc-t'ii,cr-Noveinl)er; 6.24; December-January, 'l.K'a: .lamiarv-Febrnary, G.16Jr2. N.Min fifficia Closing:. Mirch, G.8414. value; March-April, 6. 84 2, value. SI MMER COAL. PRICE IT. Oealfrs, Likely' to Follow Move of New Yorkers. (Baltimore Sun.) Tlii- l. ir.f-oal consumers here as well as ei.-,i in-ri.- may expect the Summer - prices to he liiher than t4ey were last year. Tiie .nmoiHK'enieat 'has r&iehed. here-that the retail dealers 'in ,. New: York' havef al lJ'!'ly j. ted on thev summe schedule of i'li'ts 1, ud that these ihaTftf heen fixed at a -"'- Hiij advance rate over, 4bat'; of 1U13. . ; l lie local dealers say they..rll probably "t tlx the Summer prices-until about the im.Hie of April, Last vear they acted:in -M-nl h, and sav it will perhaps be around the s.ii- date this vear. It is generally pree.i, th..u there will 1? be. smtfK-advance, m nohe of the local retailers said ft-would 'e as inneb as 25 cents a" ton. Last" year tif prices ranged from $6.50 to $7.25 a ' mi. ai-cording to the size and grade of the These prices were advaned 10 cents' : ton in each subsequent month up to Oc t" when the maximum was reached. l'he prices here started higher than in a-u Yorg. it is said, because the Balti more dealers adjust sales to the basis of uins ton of 2.240 pounds while in New "k it is usuallv on a short ton of 2,000 l"iii.,ls. This will of itself make a differ in favor of Baltimore. I ne reason given for the- expected ad-viiii.-.-is the operation of the mining tax ie-em iv imposed bv the State of Pennsyl vania . LOOK FOR REVISION OF FREIGHT RATES. Trunk Lines Operatrng in South Caro lina Make Returns to Commission. . Columbia, S. C, March 31.-Revis-10R of freight rates affecting shippers of South Carolina is expected by trunK I'ues operating in this State, accord ng to returns of railroad officials to 'he railroad commission in reference to charges of discrimination i:a ;fav0r v-OimneiCe Commissinn nf fatoo fmm 'fie Kast to Southern points and a re- ;''on oy tne railways of rates from 'ne west to South Carolina destina tions. - - . Charges that" trunk lines operating - tnis State discriminate in favor of j ,r,ul Carolina and Georgia shippers, J 1 with the railroad commission, held by Secretary Darby of the "inmission to be tacitly admitted in "return of the railroads to the uinpiaint. DRV (iOODS MARKET e Ml IK. I H rt'll 'It i rv TAVa ;i "14. 1. . I 1 ' v vnvn dinn - sll-rnl v ( 'fit 1 fill I"!. IC WPfP with purchiisih fair in gray goods. "'.v as to styles is hampering the i'loerl lull s '". ousiness. Foreign carpets and ,," 'euiK. sold more freely here than eon expected ICMl ThVeWLn.a h Pa- and Sickly ini? auara Benerai strengtnen- ohUl GROVE'S TA-STELESS ricbesh m! CV,drives out Malaria, en- i-eint. 2,40-1: gross stock 7 nno; continent, coastwise,- tw. Savannah Steady 13 1-1; net receipts, -751: gross receipts, 2.731; sales, 1,743; Z. nr.arci: coastwise. l.t56. VI -Nort" uaroima and Georgia points, ihe proposed adjustment is expected ,( :ilchldF revision hv iho lntorjSUa f a and children; 50c. iWmc-(dTertlgemnt.) For, adults BEARISH SENTIMENT IN WHEAT Brilliant Crop Outlook and Total Lack of Exports Developed Bearish Movement. Chicago, Mareh 31. Radical bearish sen timent over wheat developed today 011 the brilliant crop outlook.i and the total lack of -exports.; The market had no good reae- nun ami ctosea - neavy, . to 1 cent under last night.' Corn finished to lc. down, and oats off to . In provisions, the out come, varied from 10c. decline to an ad vance of 2it. .r utnres closed 7f?rd.Iav' 10-47; July, 1S;3 juuir-MHy, ii,ic; July, 11.17. Cash grain : Wheat No. 'J. - rwi naifiiofii. . x' o i.,i 01 &2.;.No..-2, Northern: mt1H :"' No rspring, uatH. ; ' ' v.orn-.o. 2 68. Oats Standard, 3930, MARINE. Cleared. r r-i?1",- ?thfield (Br.), : 2,260 tons. Tyson, Charleston and Savannah. Heide & Co Schr. (ieorge W. Klsey, Jr., 577 tons, lil sey, Belfast, Ga.; Maffitt & Wood. MARINE DIRECTORY. ku" 01 vessels In Port at Wilmington. xxxX- DGlp,neck (Br.), 2,003 tons, Hurst, ' Schooners. aj sail B- wiley, 611 tons, Hudson, 4 Schr. Calhoun E. Ross, 375 tons. Cole burn ; Maffitt & Wood. Barges. Barge Mattie L. Johnson, Johnson; Maf fitt'&iWood.' BY RIVER AND RAIXi. Receipts of Cotton and Naval Stores at tne rort. Wilmington. N. C. March 31.. Atlantic Coast lane 100 bales cotton; 3 casks spirits turpentine; 5 barrels rosin; 36 barrels" tar. Seaboard Air Line 67 bales cotton. Str. Thelnia 17 barrels tar. Mills 394 bales cotton. Biver 2 bales cotton. Total 563 bales cotton: 3 casks spirits turpentine; 5 barrels rosin ; 53 barrels tar. WILMINGTON MARKETS. STAR OFFICE, March 31. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady, 45. ROSIN Steady, at $3.65. TAR Firm, at $2.00 per barrel; in casks, 9c. per gallon. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm, $2.25 per barrel for hard; $3.50 per barrel for dip; $3.50 per barrel for virgin. , - Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine. 41; rosin, $(.05; tar. '$2.20; crude turpentine, firm, at $3.00, $4.00, $4.00. Receipts. spirits Turpentine. ; ltOSltt-'.v. - . . - - . . ... .- . ... Tar ..: ... ..: ..53 Crude Turpentine ...1 ) Receipts same day last year Spirits turpentine, 11 casks ; rosin, 4 barrels; tar. barrels; crude turpentine, .J barrels. COTTON MARKET. Market Snot, steady. 13e. for mid dling. Same day last year, nominal. Receipts. UEL. Sanie?day last year. i Total receipts since. ,Spr. .1, ,38,263 bales. Total recetnts same dy last year. 2!6.os4 bales. - PRODUCE MARKETS. (Quoted by W. J. Meredith, Mar. 28, 1913.) cukn $i.w to per 8acK. POTATOES Irish potatoes, $1.00 per bu. Sweet potatoes,, yams, 00; - good de mand. - ' " - ' PEAS White. $2.50 per bushel : cood de mand. .. - - BEEF Native dressed, sc.; good demand. POKK Small, 9ffillc; large, duU, 9c. WOOI Barry .11 to lie per lo.; free 17c. per lb, HIDES Green salt. 12c: dry flints. I4a 16c. per lb. NORTH CAROLINA BACON New hams, 18c; -new sides and shoulders, 121-2e per lb. BEESWAX Firm, 28c. per lb. TALLOW Firm, 45c per lb. POnLTRY Chickens. scoo4 demand. Grown. 50c.: Spring chickens, 203oc. per bead; very rtiiil. KcJtiS lswiiuc per aozen ; auii. TURKEYS live, on ' foot, le;peir lb. WILMIJtCTdV PEANUT MARKET. : ; (Quoted - by J." S. - Funchess & Co.) Wllminirton. ,N. C. Mareh 20. North Car olina peanuts : Market - weaker ; receipts, heavy ; 60 t6 65 cents per bushel. ' . . Spanish -eanufs5 nnnf ih $1.0-It0 ?1.3o. ETERSBITRG PEANUT . MARKET. Reported 'by RodgersPlummer & Co., nc. . Petersburg, : V-av,- March 26. SaniSh- Farmers' Spanish; flrm,'"at $1:'60 per. bush el. :"-f : ' J ' " :-: -' : . . .. Virsrinias Fancy Jumbo, 42 to 44c-per lb. Fancv Hahd-Picked. iy, to per in. Extra - Prime; 44 to per Un Prime, 4 to 4tc peivlhv- SbeUing Stock, ?Si& to Ac ner Th- ' . .;. . ..' . -:- i j. - ' 'i ' . ' FASCINATING STORY OF MENTAL SUBJECTION. Convicted Man Telte How He Was Controlled by 'Master Miner. New York. March 31. in the con viction for grand larceny of Philip S. Saitta, a lawyer, Judge bwann ana the jury listened, fascinated, today by the evidence which revealed an extra ordinary psychological study of the subjection of one man to the domina tion of another; of a man named Sal vator E. Gatto, who blindly followed Saitta's dictation. So convincingly was the story that Gatto told of his career as iSaitta's slave that after the jury had rendered its verdict Judge Swann said: - '- "Gatto palpably had become an au tomaton under the influence of a mas ter mind. Unquestionably he -has felt the irresistible compulsion toj3Jerform whatever -act he waB bidden to per form : The -case - developed an in stance in real life of one person beirn; svengalied' by-the influence of a su- sSt?wvo trial for having dup ed Italian lemon growers into sending giffimt. of fruit -to adummy firm nsiner tne . name leading thf exporters to believe it to be the old and well known -commission house of Ferdinand GattQ. of this CitSaitto made Gatto sign for the cbn siglmentand then urn them over t0$nc'e he struck me," Gatto 'ies Pe ""V"1 " mv watch for ?120 ne niauc u.- - --n)iflV Tffi could and bring mm .w wan ted I nwgm kuuw - ;;i -- . it 5st the same - announced Guthe;court- sobbing. ,- . - -. Special rhy0lnTe been arranged for, aLto. Vheat May. 91i&; July, 86. nay f7' July. c'- Oats May, 38; .Inly, :iS7 Tor5May' 20-72;' July, 20.80. STOCK MARKET BOUND UP In Freight Rate Case Extent Shown by Action of Stocks Foreshadow Early , Decision. New York; March 31. The extent to which the speculation situation is bound up in the freight rate case was indicated by the eourse of the stock market today. The action of the Inter-State Commence Commission is expediting the rate case foreshadowed an early decision, the news was construed 'as distinctly bullish. The market responded strongly. Estimates of the condition of Winter wheat indicated a promising outlook. The London market was more cheerful and American stocks advanced there. Despite the hopes for better business entertained by" brokers in the early part or tne year, trading tnus far has beeir no heavier than in 1013. With the close of the market today the first quarter of the year ended. During that tune transactions 111 stocks were about 22,000.000 shares, compared with 22,500,0OC siuires last year. nonci sales tnis year were about $2LS,OO0JXX, compared with S145.0OO.O0O in 1913. ' Bonds shared only in slight degree the market's general strength. Total sales, ,oo,tiuu. 1 niteu states nonds Heclinert ironi ySv to y2 on call. Total sales were 243,300 shares, including: American To bacco, 700; A. C. Ij., 100; C. and O., 1.000; Lehigh Valley, 3,500; and, N., 100; N. and W., 300; Reading. 26.100: S. A. L... 800 S. A. L.., pfd., 800; Southern Railway, 1,700; Southern Railway, pfd., 100; Tennessee i-opper, 400; U. S. Steel, 47,2I0; V.1C. C 600. . . - CLOSING STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper . . . . . . . . American Agricultural .. .. .. . American Beet Sugar . . American. Can American Can, pfd American Car and Foundry , . . American Cotton Oil . ; . . ,-. . ;i.i '0J,4 . 51 :. 43Mi American Ice Securities , American Linseed American ; Locomotive ... Amer. Smelting' and Ref -. . . ... ioy ... 34 Araer. Smelting and Ref., Amer. Suirar Ref . . . .. pfd . . -102U ..100 American. Tel. and. Tel ... American Tobacco... ... ... Anaconda Mining Co Atchison . .-. Atchison, pfd ... Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore and Ohio ... ..1 ... . Bethlehem Steel .-.y Brooklyn Rapid Transit 'anadian Pacific"...- f'entral Leather Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago ireat Western Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul ... Chicago and North Western . .. . Colorado Fuel and Iron Consolidated Gas Corn Products ... .- Delaware and Hudson Denver and Rio Grande ... ... ... Denver and Rio Grande, pfd Distillers' Securities Erie Erie, 1st pfd , Erie, 2nd pfd General Electric .. Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs .. Illinois Central Interborough-Met ... Interborough-Met.. pfd ... Inter Harvester Inter-Marine, pfd International Paper International Pump Kansas City Southern ... ... Laclede Gas , Lehigh. Valley ... Louisville and Nashville Minn-.St. P. and Sault Ste Marie Missouri Pacific ... ... National Biscuit National.- Lead Nat. Rys of Mexico. 2nd pfd . ... New York Central New York, Out. and Western ... Norfolk and Western ... North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Gas . Pittsburg, C. C. and St. Louis .. Pittsburg Coal- Pressed Steel Car ... .,. ... ... Pullman Palace Car ... Reading Republic Iron and Steel ... ... .. Republic Iron and Steel, pfd ... .. Rock Island Co ... Rock Island Co., pfd . ... ... St. Louis and San Fran., 2nd pfd . Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Air Line, pfd . Sloss-Slieffield Steel and Iron .. .. Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway, pfd Tennessee Copper Texas and Pacific ... Union Pacifie Union Pacific, pfd ... United States Realty T'nited States Rubber United States Steel .. ..t United States Steel, pfd Utah Copper ... . . ; ... Virginia-Carolina Chemical Wabash Wabash, pfd Western Maryland Western Union .... Westinghonse Electric Wheeling and Lake Erie Chino Copper : . . , New Haven Ray Copper L. and M . L. and M., pfd Lorillard Lorillard, pfd -..122 . . .240- . .. 303,. . .. 1 ...lOO .123 . .. 01 .. 41 . : 92:K. f . .207 . . 30 . . . 53 .. 13 ..1091A . .133 . .. 32V ...132 - 914 . ..14S .. 121. .. 24 " ..18 . . 20 U. . . . 4514 ... 37 " . .140 . -120'i . . 3 . .111 ... 15 .. 504 . .1051-4 ... 1.0 . . 8 .. (!3i4 ?4i ..97 ...14414 . .137 . .120 .. 25 .. .132 . . 44. ... 11 W ..27 ...103 . . 77 . .114 . . 25 ...111 .124 .. 79 21 ... 43i, ..153 " ...ififii; . .24 , . 871. . 4 . . . 6 . . (iV. r?' . . . -) .. 30 . . 95 .. 25 ... 81 ... 35 . .. IflV, . . .150 .. 83 . . 01 .. 02 " . . 03 .. .109 ... 55 ... 32 . . 1 1. . . 0 . 30 ... 03 ... 74 - .4 41 .. 69 : . 21 ...228 ...117 ...100 ...113 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET, . New York, March 31. Flour Lower to sell. . Wheat Easy. No. 2, hard, Winter 9S : No. 2, red. 1.04 No. 1. Northern Dulutli. 1.00 and No. 1, Northern Manitoba, 1.00. - Corn Easy. No. 3,. yellow, 74. : Hides--Steady. Petroleum Steady. ; Wool Steady. : Molasses. Steady. , Leather Eirm. '. Rice rFirin. Butter Weak. . Cheese Irregular: unchanged.. ' Sugar Raw, quiet; molasses sugar. 2.30; centrifugal, 9.25; refined, steadv. Coffee Spot,- quiet. Rio. No. 7 9; San tos,: No. 4, 11; mild, dull; Cordova, 12 1G, nominal. Potatoes Stead.t and unehr.nzd. Peanuts Steady ana unchanged. Freights Steady and unchanged.' Cabbages Steady; and unchanged. Cotton Seed Oil nigher early today on demand from shorts and new buying for long account, : but toward the close futures sagged off with the setback in lard. FinaJ prices were three points - higher for April, one higher for May, nud general two and three for the balance of the list. The market closed barelv steadv. Spot, 7.51. April, 7.51fS7.(; May. 7.517.52: .Tune. 7.547.50; July, 7.(nmi.dl; August 7.08?T'7.70: 'September, 7.077.08: October 7.2)((i7.23 : ' November, . C.757.05. - Total sales, 11.41X). . . . - NAVAL STORES. New York March 31. Turpentine Firm. Rosin Quiet. Savannah, March , 31. Turpentine, quiet, 6; no sales: receiuts. 208: shinments. 143; stocks, -12,018. Rosin Firm. Sales. 2.340: receints' 1. - 559; -shipments, 3.342; stocks, 110,425. Quote: A,-B. C, D. E, 3.75; F, (l, 3.85.; H. I. K. 4.WkM, 4.50; N, 5.40; W G, 5.85; W V, G.20. ' . FINANCIAL MARKET, New York. March 31. Call, steady, -1 W4: per cent. ruling rates. 2: closing. 1M 2. Time-loans, weak; sixty days. 2ft2 : ninety days, '2 ;- six months. 8Srmy4. Mer-1 canrile , paper ," 3(f?4. Sterling exchange, I Commercial .bills. 4.84. Bar silver, 58. Mex ican , dollars,. j45. -. , ; -'- - u ' ' -- - j - - - - - ' it -" 1 ' ' ' - ; - - . I ,You will c hot regret- it "If " you lay HHiye- e vsFyjcuing torf me - day- ana go seCyrir'Scott in HheDayrpfPay at the Grand ITheatre. fflflvprrisfrmpht THE WEATHER. State lepartmnt of Agriculture, Weal her Bureau. ' April 1, 1914. Meteorological data for the 24 hour end ing at S P. M. yesterday: . . Temperature at s A. M., .degrees ; at S P. XI., 52 degrees ; maximum. G( degives; minimum. 31 degrees; mean, 08 degrees. liainfall for the day. .00; rainfall for the month, to date, 2.61. Stage or water in uipe rear river, at Fayetteyille, nt S A. M., yesterday, 8.3 feet. WEATllKK fUKKtAST. Forecast for North Carolina Showers and warmer Wednesday ; Thursday, show ers. The Port Calendar, Apr. 1, 1914. Sun rises 5:59 A. M. Sun sets . . . Day's length ... ...0:32 P. M. . .. .. .12 hrs. 33 nun. Tides. High water. Low water. A.M.- P.M. A.M.' P.M. . 1:34 1:51 . :i5 .8:10 .10 :-V.) i t :42 4 :33 5 :23 ..10:48 11:33 4:13 5:03 Wilmington- . . Southnort . . . Masouboro Inlet WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. March 31, 1914. Temperature: STATrONSj ti 9 CO Abilene clear SO j 52 ' .01 Asheville. . . raining 58 52 .14 Atlauta.. . . cloudy OS 58 .94 Augusta . . .raining 1 82 02 .28 Birmingham . .cloudy i 01 58 1.98 Boston.. . . . .clear 50 34' .0 Charleston . . raining , 70 02 .0 Charlotte . . raining 02 50 .08 Chicago.. . . raining 44 I 38 .O Galveston . . pt. cldy 72 04 .02. Jacksonville . .clear 84 .0 Memphis..- . .cloudy I OS K .22 Mobile cloudy 7(i (K! .0 Montgomery, .pt cldy I 7(i KG .0 New Orleans . pt cldy S2 OS ' .0 New York.. . ..cloudy I 52 . 30 .0 Oklahoma.. . . clear I 70 48 .0 Palestine.. . .pt cldy ! 72 I 00 2.48 Pittsburg.. . . clear I 5S i 4!- .0 Raleigh.... . raining I 50 54. .00 Savannah . . pt'eldyl S2 i 60- .0 Shreveport . . cloudy 0s 02 3.38 St. Louis. . . pt cldy I !0 I 44 .0 : Washington .. cloudy 54 40 .0 SOLDIERS' HOME NOT BLAMED. Robeson Veteran Struck Comrade and - Fel l Over, Death Following. Raleigh, N. C, March 31. Investi gation - by Coroner Separk following the unusual death of John P.' McLen don. Robeson county veteran, at the Soldiers' Home, here Sunday, has re vealed nothing to be charged against tne management of the fnstitutioh The evidence overwhelmingly estab lishes the fact that McLendon, who was a cripnieu inmate 01 tne nome occupying a wheel chair, rolled up be hind his' comrade, .James liay, struct the latter with his cane and fell over, death following in less than two hours. Mr. Ray says McLendon struck him twice but it appears that he did not retaliate. It seems that McLendon was given to fits of anger, and it is believed that it was one of these that caused the rupture of a blood vessel, bringing death. SALE OF BUSINESS. Notice is hereby giA-en (hat-the grain, hay mill feed and . peifnut business lately conducted bv Charles' :. I. Mitchell tinder the name of the B. F. Mitchell Company, at No 20 North Water street, was, on the 2nd dav of March, 1014. sold by the under signed executors , of the late ; Charles J. Mitchell to II. G. Walsh, inclndmg the good will of said business; and that the business in the future' will be carried on by the said H. G: 'Walsh alone.' but under the name of the B.; F. Mitchell Company. All outstanding accounts due said firm prior to March 1st. 1914. should 1k paid to the executors of the estate of the late Chas. J. Mitchell. i.1' ' The undersigned, eseeivf ors' solicit fnr IT. G. Walsh, who Was In fhje employ of B. F. Mitchell Company for nnore than thirty years, and who will still conduct the busi-I ness under that name, a .continuance of the; liberal patronage that the B. F. Mitchell Company has enjoyed for more than half a century, having ieen estannsueu in This 2nd dav of March. 1'.14. A. M. BALDWIN; , F. L. IIUGGINS GEORGE SLOAN, Executors of the Estate of Charles J. Mitchell. -. nih-'!-law0w,tu NOTICE 01$gALE. The undersigned,pursuant "to1 an order of the Superior- 'Court, JNew Hanover Conntv, and for the jmrpose of closing his trust as Executor of the estate or . o. Stone, deceased, hereby offers to sell at private sale the following shares 01 stocK, to-wit: s 135 Shares Southern National Bank. Shares Atlantic Trust ana uanKing Company. Shares American National Bank. Shares Murchison National Bank. Shares Wilmington Towing Comp'y? Shares M'. B. Thompson Company. Shares Oceanic Hotel Company. Shares Wrightsville Realty Company. Shares Wilmington Stamp & Print ing Company. - Shares The Stone Company. Shares Audubon Nurseries. . 9 5 40 54 135 30 3 220 5 Rids will be received for any of the above mentioned stocks at the office of the Stone Company, Nos. G and" 8 South Water street, Wilmington. Bight reserved to reject any or all bids. R R. STONE. Executor, Of the Estate of B. O. Stone, Deceased. Dated this March 21st. 1914. tnh22-10t ADVERTISEMENT FOR TAXES. All City Property upon which taxes remain unpaid , will be advertised on Sunday, April 5th, next. Pay at once and save costs. CHAS. H. WHITE, vr . Tax Collector. mh29;su,w-2t BLUE- souther 'wtiMtnOfO - " Certified Public Accountant :': Wijmirigton : Phon 1699-J, O.Box 10021 ! Y. GiS FOUNTAIN AUTOS FOR HIRE Five-Passengers cars $2,00 per hotrrrj Large cars. $z.bu per nour. Hack calls up to pve passengers, $1.00 -' ' Good new cars. ; Day or ni ght. Phone 741; x v '- No: 5 Nj Third St. W. G. FOUNTAIN. ' '. vL r- I m : ARCH ITECtafv; -'J.'': 7. TLl ?T dirrn u1!dlnT New Easter Jewelry Just arrived: Seed Pearl Necklaces. La Vallieres, Cloisonne Jewelry, and Bracelet Watches. All kinds of Silver articles Vanity Cases, Coin Hold ers, Etc. Complete stock of Loose and Mounted Diamonds. N GEO. W. HUGGIMS JEWELER 20 Tons Cremo Meal for Peed. 100 Tons 7 1-2 per cent Meal for Fertilizer. ' 500 Bags Arab Horse Feed.. 400 Bags Wheat Middlings. 300 Bags Bran. " 200 Bags Purina Chicken Feed. 100 Bags Aunt Patsy Chicken Feed 250 Bags White Oats. Prompt shipment.,' Write for prices and terms. WHOLESALE GROCERS. riirl nnr nt mi of Every Kind and De scription. See our Win dow. Arrowsmith our Specialty. LETT 24 NO. FRONT STREET NOTICE OF LANTI SALE. :Rv virtue' of the .nower vested in me in a judgment of fhe Superior Coiirt of New Hanover county, reunereu m me-iw "i Reliecca L. West against Mary L. WMllard. et als., at September term, 1912, of said court, and Subsequent orders of said court, I will offer 'for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court. House djbor in Wil mington. N. C. on -.Thursday the 23rd of April, 1014, at 12 o'clock M., the following piece, parcel or lot of land, situate in Hhe Citv of Wilmington, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Eastern line of Third street sixty:six (00) feet south wardly from where the southern line of Chestnut is intersected by the eastern line of Third street, thence running southward ly along the (said eastern line of Third street sixtv-six (0 feet : thence eastward lv and parallel with Cbestnut street two hundred and two (202) feet: thence north wardly and parallel with Third street sixtv-six (00) feet; theuce westwardly and n-.i-niiPi n-itli Chestnut, street two hundred and two (202) feet to the eastern line of Third street, the beginning, it being the western part of Lots 1 and 2, in Block-ISO. according to the official plan of the City of Wilmington. The terms of sale will be cash, upon the confirmation by the Court. -j .1. O. CALR. - Commissioner.--. This 23r?l day of March, 1914. r .' ni, w to ap23. . CHICHESTER S PILLS r . V 1 . m 1, t a c. X.X I.all-I Ak your Ilrueeist for . r.t-t'licn-lers jriamona isrand flits in Kcd and Hold metallic Iwix.-s, s.;e-i with Blue Ribbon, Tk no other. Iiiiy-ofjrnr v lrp-ll. Ask forOilI.CirE8.TI5K S D1AMM JtIiAM I'tLU. M ft& c EOo Una CSCJ lEi GQM-FANY HEW ii' n -' ri - DAVIDS- EAStER is a time of renewing things; one of the nice things about it is that most people make it the .occasion of new clothes, new hats, new things to wear generally. That is part of the real meaning of this great holiday; everything becomes new. Time was when the ladies did most of this sort of celebration of the day; but now-a-days men are making Easter their time for newr clothes; and tt's a good idea, too. Every man in this town who pre tends to be well dressed, or to care about his looks, should be dressed in . his new clothes Easter morn ing. V . HART SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes are such as you will find best suitedfor this occasion. This new fabrics, American and for eign, offer many beautiful patterns and rich colorings. The new mod els are particularly smart in style. We shall be glad to show you the. latest things to' wear; firfe sack suits; sjiew hats; pew neckwear; new shirts, and all the rest. We'll make you a Hart Schaff ner & Marx Suit, if you can't get suited from stock oOO . styles to select from. The A. David Company This store is the Wilmington Marx clothes. Manhattan A positive force feed machine, designed to spread .fertilizer In an y open drill and cover it. ' ' v ' ' i V ' The fertilizer is discharged on an adjustable scoop-shaped cast ing that spreads the fertilizer in a broad band, six inches ormore wide. The hopper is made of galvanized steel, and holds one bushel, or about 65 pounds of fertilizer. The agitator in the hopper insures the filling of the conveyor with all conditions pf fertiliser, and will handle cotton seed meal to per lection. . With the usual mixture of cotton seed meal acid and kainit, Its capacity is. 3 1-2 foot Ttwts, 200 to 1,000 pounds per acre, (more per acre on narrower, and less on wider; rows). It is easily regulated,v and when gears are set for quantity wanted the feed never changes; ' not affected by the speed of the horse; up or down hill the same; Is well made; light draft; does absolutely perfect "work. Its success ,is attested to by representative farmers throughout the entire cotton belt; weighs about ninety pounds. J. W. MURCHISON'. &'. CO. :':: WHOLESALE HARDWARE. ere JsL. of Spring and Summer Clothing. A Special Lme of Nobby Suits for' Men and Young Men at the following prices: $10.00, $12.00 and $12.50 A Suit : Every Suit This Season's Model. Notice Our Windows. J. M. SOLKY & CO. Wilmington, N. C. , r No. 9 North Front St. ' Thohe No. GVJ V IL We have a Car Load of these Wonderful : DISC CULTIVATORS Now .on the Way Withoujt doubt the Most Complete and Up-to-Date Cultivating Plow on the Market. Today. We have'never handled an implement to givesuch uni-; versa! satisfaction as this does. ' ' ' WM. E. SPRINGER &. GO' Distributing Agents for Eastern Carolina. Purcell Building. Wilmington, N. C mm :.. . X BED BUGS .s . An unpleasant -subject, "but one: which housekeepers are inter ested'in, especially at this season. ? An these night prowling pests always awaken during the first' warm days of spring, you should get nusy now ana neaa tnem on. Call 55 for a tin of either A. D. cry or Dusenberry's Sure Death. H ApDIN'S New supply Paas' Egg Copyright Hart Schaffner & Mars - home of Hart SchafTner & Shirts. John B. Stetson Hats. Wilmington, N. C. T. Bug Killer, Pcterman's Discoy 25c each. -...-. PHARMACY Dyes just received.-' .: '. Day1 n ll nt payof pay eftisemenL), r