THE MORNING STO WimiNGTDN, n! G.?WEDNESDXY, XPRIUT, 191?. EIGHT Uncle Sam Announces WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st 'r 111 li ; , -nl hi Ktaft . Ct op 0 o3 Oopfi Qj oj d3 jijniMiHiiBMiiiMiMwwmuuii , a 1 1 " i- 'J iiini.ininiiB nriHTrnrn AMaMnMMM5mwmB .MMajMMMMMBMBBMMM 4 4-- i. CM i t cat ' to ' In the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of his bank. Enjoy the will draw interest from April First, AMERI 111 ADMINISTRATION WINS ; (Continued from Page One.) of the President. At no time, so far :as I ram informed, or believe, has the t President said one single word of cri ticism of me. ; . "I have never for one moment en tertained the opinion that President jWjilson is actuated by other than the highest patriotic motives. " ti "I do not believe that President Wilson has ever entertained any oth er'oninion as to the conduct of those of us who find it necessary-to differ with him on this measure. President Wilson does not desire a breach in the Democratic party. I do not de sire a breach in the Democratic party and there is no breach. "I would scorn to believe that Pres ident Wilson countenances, for one moment the efforts of some of the jackal press to represent that we arff seeking to disrupt the. Democratic party. With most of those who have asserted that I am seeking to disrupt the party the wish is father to the thought." Replying to what he called a "scur rilous and slanderous s article in the New York World," the Speaker said the charge that he had been swayed in his attitude toward the bill by the "ship subsidy interests" was a "base and false insinuation," ,? "If any man believes that slander," shouted the speaker; "let him stand up here and now so that he may be seen by hundreds of witnesses.". Tha nowcnanar.ha Ta-mrr? . Via C o i rl I?! falong with every editor in' America' rk who hopes to be an ambassador, min ister plenipotentiary ; consul general or in some other fat. and juicy job; has been endeavoring to place me in antagonism to -the -President ever since the .election. . These papers de clare I am opposing thi3 surrender to Great Britain as an opening gun in ' my campaign for President in 1916. It may surprise these obsequious cour tiers to know that T never hinted to any human being that I would be a candidate in, 1916, and that I am not a -.candidate. Consequently, ' their slander . has been a gratuitous mental degredation" .V No 111 Will to Wilson. 3; Continuing, Speaker Clairk said: "I never entertained the slightest ill will toward the President about the Baltimore convention. I wish him well. I did all-1 could to elect him. . I have steadfastly supported him un til we "are called upon to bolt the platform. I absolutely refuse to do any such thing. "The fact that I am making this fight for our platform pledges may end my public career. There are many, things -worse than being defeat ed for Congress or defeated for the speakership, or even worse than to be defeated for the Presidency, and one of them is1 to repudiate the plat form on which you are elected. i"I;can be happy without the Presi dency. I can .be happy without the speakership. If my constituents should retire me to private life, I can .still, be happy in the love and affec tion of my wife and 'Children, in the society of my books and in cultivat ing flowers and trees." t' Newspaper attacks, the speaker charged, had been actuated -"to bully rtTt I V rv TXT Vt 0 1 m a' inin Ain rr a r . n-n - Pv ' fiahl thine- n thinfr whirfi twill ov. i' cite the scorn and derision of the civilized world." Asserting that he had no criticism : for his " Democratic colleagues who -would vote for repeal, the speaker 1 pleaded that "if we must differ, let us differ in kindness." Merits of Toll Issue. . - Then he launched into an argument on the merits of the toll issue. ; "Who will -be the chief beneficiaries : nf the ro-nonl hill?" ho aelrorl "TVio ryl1 :j transcontinental railroads the Cana- P-'l riian Pairific and thfi Tehanntfinpn Na tional Railway heading the list. To do a thing to enable them to hold up their old rates is altruistic generosity run, mad and an outrage in American people. I refuse to endorse any such programme." ' Observing that the President had di.;a shown "no reluctance in dis charging m5 Ms duties and exercising his powers jit? -" to ; the utmost," Speaker Clark said: when he was . elected, President hfe; declared t that he' hard become; ipso '3 facto leader jf the party in the na-l- tiom" Mr. Clark said the declaration was correct "but even leadershiD has its limitations." S 'fr am willing to follow where he leads so long as he is in the White art :V House and so long as he does not ask i, -': A. 1! A 1 A f "I lai us io repunaie a piam piatrorm aec- LMf : aration." said the sneaker. 'pit -': : Speaker.'ClarfcjSalcl' tnat;."if we have spl entered into an engagement which sp: forbids us to manage, our own affairs, -le'; then we must abide it; however fool wr. " fh, or unnecessary that engagement I S ' rday have been." v i - Honest opinions, he said, differed. Lf '" ''Whatever may be the differences lin of . opinion respecting the merits of ) ' . the case,-1 do President Wilson honor aO for: hia i.ct" said the Speaker. Tf I ViV were in his place, and believed as he ' believes, 1 would do asrhe has done. ' , 'foreover,' I have such5bnfidence in Tl1 the President that I have not the slightest doubt thatijfhe were in my 3h; ' r.lace and believed what I do. he would do as-I am ioingvBut I do jiotand j? y ?nnot: endorse his judm.e 1 ggeiting-thathe:;ana. act ,hP rminded instead of repea?inho toll CAN i . r" -3 - - - - i ' ,-.v,,-- nomic policy' reason of the President is untenable, and fades away before the stubborn facts ot our history." "As that is a disputed point, why not amend this bill so as to continue the present law with the exemption section for two years, or suspend it for two years? By amending the bill jeitjier way we control the situation. If the exemption from tolls should turn out to be 'a mistaken economic policy,' we 'can repeal or modify it; but if we pass the repeal bill, control over our own canal built on our soil with . our own money, is gone from us and bur heirs 'for ever and for ever'." Speaker Clark departed, from the text of his prepared speech to declare dramatically: Would Dam Up Canal. "I would rather see the Panama ca nal walled up than to give the British people any control of it., It's ours for ever, for better or worsey Speaker Clark completed his speech at 5 o'clock and was given a rousing ovation by the entire House, few members remaining in their seats as the cheers echoed throughout the chamber. It took several minutes to restore quiet, then Representative Adamscui took the floor to make the concluding speech. He gave way to permit Rep resentative Peters to present a letter from former Secretary of State Rich ard Olney urging members of the House to support the President. ; Representative Adamson had con siderable difficulty in making himself, heard because of the disorder in the tiouse, and Representative Underwood in the chair kdpt the gavel busy. Mr. Adamson discussed the economic as pect of the repeal, declaring that the exemption was merely a subsidy "to a trust that will give the people no benefit from, the exemption." He made specific replies to many of those wno iiaa .opposed the repeal bill. The Vote. The vote in the House tomeht on tne passage of the Sims bill to repeal the toll exemption provision of th Panama Canal act was 247 ayes, to 161 T'flVS. anri nno "ntooonf ": vote for the bill Democrats: Aber- crombie,. Adair, Adamson, Alexander, iien, Ansberry. AshbrOok. Aswell. Bailey, Baker, Baltz, Barkley, Bran hart. Bartlett. Bathrick. Beakes. Real!. of Texas; Bell, of Georgia; Boher Borchers, Bowdle, Brodbeck. Brown, of New York; Brumbaugh, Buchanan, of Illinois; Buchanan, of Texas, Bulkley, Burgess, - Burke.. of Wisconsin: Byrnes, of South Carolina; Byrns, of lennessee; tjanaway, uandler, Can ter, Can trill, Caraway, Carlin, Carr, Carter, Church. Clancy. ClayDool. Clay ton, Cline, Coady, Collier, Connelly, of Kansas; Connelly, of Iowa; Covingr ton, Cox, Grosser, Davenport, Docker, Dent, Derishm. Dickinson, Dies, Dixon, uonovan, ixomtie, uougnton, magan, Eagle, Edwards, Elder, Evans, Faison, Fergusson, Ferris, Fields. Fitzhenry. Flood, of Virginia; Floyd, of Arkansas; Foster, Fowler, Francis, Gallagher, Gard, Garner, Garrett, of. Tennessee ;: Garrett, ot Texas; George, Gary, Gil more. Gittins, Glass, Godwin, of North Carolina; Goeke, Gordon, Gregg, Gud ger, Hamill, Hamlin, Hammond, Hard wick, Hardy,- Hart, Hay, Heflin. Hel vering Henry, Hensley, Hill; Holland, Houston, Howard, Hughes, of Georgia; Hull, Humphreys, of Mississippi; Jac oway, Johnson, of Kentucky- Johnson, of South Carolina ; Keating, Kennedy, of . Connecticut; Key, Kindele : Kin kead, of New Jersey ; Kirkpatrick, Ko nop, Lazaror.Lee, of Georgia; Lesher, Lever, Levy, Lewis, of Maryland; Lieb, Linthicum, Lloyd, Lobeck, Loft, Logue. McClellan. McCoy, McGillicud dy, McKellar, Maguire, Montague, Morrison, Moss, of Indiana; Neely, of Kansas1; Neely, Of West Virginia; O'Brien, Oglesby, O'Hair, Oldfield, Padgett, Page, of North Carolina: Palmer, Park, Peters, of Massachu setts; Peterson, Post, Pou, Quinn. Painey. Rauch, Rayburn, Reed, Reilly, of Wisconsin; Rpthermel. Rouse. Ru-J bey, Rucker, Kusseii, sapoatn. saun ders, Scully, Seldomridge, Shackel ford, Sharo, Sherley, Sherwood. Sims, Sisson, Slayden. Small, Smith, of Maryland; Smith, of New York; Smith, of Texas, Sparkman. Stanley, Stedman, Stephens, of Mississippi: Stephens. : of Nebraska; Stephens, of Texas; Stevens, of New Hampshire; Sonter, Stout, Stringer, Sumners, Tal bot, Talcott, Tavenrier, Taylor, of Ar kansas; Taylor, of Colorado; Taylor, of New York; Teneyeck, Thacker Thomas. Thompson, of Oklahoma f; Townsend, Tribble. Tuttle, Undefhill,; Vaughn. Volimer, walker, waisn. wat kips, Watson, Weaver, Webb. Whaley, Whittaker, White, Williams, Wilson; of Florida; - Wingo, Witherspoon, and Young, of Texas Total, 220v?f - ,v--;vr " .Republicans:' Anderson, Barthotdt, Britten. Browne, of. Wisconsin; Dan f orth, Davis, Esch, -.Gardner, Gillett. Good, ' Green, of Iowa ; Hamilton, of Michigan; Haugen. . Helgesen, Kent, Lenroot, Lindbergh, McKenzie, Mad den, Miller, Prouty, taord, Steenerson,, Stevens, of Minnesota, and Volstead. Total 25. Progressives: Copley and Thomp son," of Illinois. Total, 2. , s Against the Bill. Against the bill Democrats: Aiken, Brockson, Broussard, Brown, of West Virginia; Brusckner, Carew, Casey, Coney, Dale, Deitrick, Difenderf er, Dcnohoe. Dooling, Doremus, Driscoll, Dupre,. Estopinal, . Finley. Fitzgerald, G.oldfogle Gorman, Goulden, .Graham, of Illinois; i GrifBn"t Harrison,, Hayden, HelmA lgoe,' Jones,- .Kettner; Kitchin, T U .V -T-. T ,T r-- ' r , safety of having your savings in Uncle Sam's Bank. Money compounded quarterly at 4 per cent. Uncle Sam Welcomes NATIONAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Metz, Mitchell, Morgan, of Louisiana: Murray, of Massachusetts; Murray, of Oklahoma; O'Leary, O'Shaughnessy, Patten, of New York; . Phelan, Rags dale, Rakei Riordan, Taggart, Under wood, the Speaker. Total, 52. Republicans: Ainey, Anthony, Aus tin, A)vis, Barchfeld, Bartin, Browning, Burke, of , Pennsylvania; Burke, of South Dakota; Butler, Calder, Camp bell, Cary, Cooper, Crampton, Curry, Dillon, Dunn, Edmonds, Fairchild, Farr, Fess, Frefi, French, Graham, of Pennsylvania; Greene, of Massachu setts; Greene,, of Vermont; Griest, Guernsey, Haniiltori, of New York; Hawley. Hays, Hines, Howell, Humph rey, of Washington; Johnson, of Utah; Johnson, of Washington; Kahn, Keis ter, Kelley, of Michigan;- Kennedy, of Iowa; Kennedy, of Rhode Island;, Keiss, Kindkaid, of Nebraska; Know land, Kreider, Landham, Langley, Lewis, of Pennsylvania; Lindquist, McGuire, of Oklahoma; Manahan, Mann, Maples, Mondell, Moore, Mor gan, of Oklahoma; Morin, Moss, of West Virginia; Mott, Nelson, Norton, Paige, of Massachusetts; Parker, Pat ton, of Pennsylvania; Payne, Peters, of Maine; Piatt. Plumley, Porter, Pow ers, Roberts, of Massachusetts: Rog ers. Scott. Sells. Shreve. Sinnott, Slemp, 'Sloan, Smith, of Idaho; John, M. , Smith, Samuel w . smitn. smitn, of Minnesota; Sutherland, Switzer, Tread way, Vare, Walling, Willis, Win slow, Woods and Youngs. Total, 92. ; Progressives: McDonald, Murdock, Nolam, Rupley, Stephens, of Califor nia; Temple, Walters, Woodruff, Bry an, Chandler. Falconer, mneDaugn, Hulings, Kelly, of Pennsylvania; Laf- lerty, iaioiiette ana ueii, oi amor nia. Total, 17. ' Present:- Hughes, of West Virginia i , BURROUGHS GOING TO EGYPT, Famous Naturalist Nearing 77th Birthday Anniversary. . Atlanta! Ga.. March 31. John Bur roughs, the naturalist, who was here today en route to West; Park, N. Y., from .Fort Myers, Fla., , announced that he was planning to make a visit to Egypt and perhaps some . ot the European countries. Incidentally he announced that he would be 77 years old Friday. Asked as to how he pro: posed to celebrate the event, he said: "Well, I think I'll eat three square meals and walk five miles. It s be cause I've been doing that all my life that I'm ableh to celebrate a 77t birthday anniversary." Thomas A. Edison, the inventor. has been) with the naturalist at Fort Myers for some time and the two have made several trips together in Southern Georgia and Florida. WILL SUB FOR SPEER. Report Says That Alabama Judge WHI Occupy Bench in Georgia. Savannah,- Ga., March 31. Unoffi cial announcement was made here late today that Federal Judge Grubb, of the northern district of Alabama, will conduct the United States court here commencing May 18th, instead of Judge Speer, fZ the southern district of Georgia. Judge Speer, whose 'official acts re cently were investigated , by a . sub committee of the House Judiciary committee to determine whether im peachment proceedings against him should; be recommended, recently an- nouncea tnat be would near no cases pending final action in the investiga tion. The House sub-committee has not yet made its report. Among 'the cases scheduled to come up at the next session of the Federal court here is that of the American Naval Stores Company, charged with being i an or ganization in restrain of trade. WIFE MURDERER IS TAKEN FROM JAIL. Mob Overpowers Guard and Cuts Man to Pieces on Street. Santa Fe, N. M., March 31. Twenty masked men took Adolf o Padilla, charged with murdering his wife, from the Santa Fe county jail to-the nearest cornertoday and stabbed him repeatedly, rie.probably will aie. Tne party overpowered the jailer and tak ing his keys, opened Padilla'sf cell and dragged him out., . . . . The mob quietly dispersed, leaving Padilla nearly dead in the street. Rel atives of his wife found her dying at the home of her mother last Saturday. Her throat had been slashed with a razor, ;apd both wrists cut. s J JAMES GORDON BENNETT RAPIDLY GROWING WORSE. Reports Reaehv Lohdbn That'New York Newspaper Man Very III. , JLondon,; March' 31. A- Cairo dis patch tot the Central News: says that James Gordon Bennett, the proprietor of the New Tork Herald, after show ing considerable improvement in his Physical condition, has became worse. It adds that physicians were in at tendance throughout the night. .". SENATOR CLARK NOMINATED. Arkansas Election Decided After Be f ing in Doubt for a Week. - Little Rock, Ark., March 31. Fig ures received today Irom the Demo cratic primary shnw TTnitoi tc. Senator. Clark has .been renominated. Th tntnr-nfHrlal vnfa - Poinzett, -which comes - from the chair- man or tnat countyycentral commit-4 I I mammmmmmntmmilmiimmmimitilmMmmmmmmmmmKttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m nmnmm 11. ii.ihu --- mini ..I. i i BUSINESS LOCALS) ROOM , AND BOARD wanted in central or northern. jsection of cityfor six or eight months, by ...couple who Will appreciate . n quiet, congenial home. "M. C," care Star. .... apl-lt GIRL, AVATED 16 to 25 years of age. to do general" housework Apply 61$ South Third, or at,.Baggett Bros.;, . ,.apl-2t FOR REM'--At Winter Tark a new 5 rooni cottage. E. G. Hall, 'Phone G0;, call 1. apl-2t TOGS, 5 dozen $1 ; Eags, 5 dozen $1 : Iiggs, 3 dozen $1 ; delivered anywhere. These are all strictly fresh country eggs. Good table butter, 3 pounds. $1; sugar, 20 pounds. $1; yam potatoes, 3Hc. Try Gold Medal Rraud seeded prunes. 'Phone 103S L. T. New. apl-lt BIKE OWNERS The Wilmington Cy cle Co. is open, for business at 215. Market street. Call on us for anything in the bi cycle line. Special attention to repairing. G. D. Phares, Jr., J. 11. Sneeden. apl-lt BARGAIN Will setl cheap, a" second hand bicycle, in good condition. Drop a card to P. G. Box 1042, if interested, apl-lt StllK We re .now prepared to supply tlie jjublic with the & per cent, butter fat milk from Gates & Son's-farm. A. G. War ren Ice Cream Co. apl-tf WHY fpAY: Middlemen's profits on ordi nary velectrJ signs, when, you can get let ter signs at . a gre-jt saving of time and money, -from.; home concerns? Several shops here cnn easjly make better electric sigus than.jever have beena shipped here. Southern Sign shop. ..' apl-tf FOR . REXT-rMyjCOttage,.. near Station No. 1, Wrightsviile Beavli, to desirable private family on ly, Pjdce Jf 300. J. Irving Bear, General insmrance, i Phone 44.'. - - apl-lt FOR SALE-Cottage at 910 North Third street. Trice,. $1,750. J;i Irving Bear, Gen eral Insurance; 'Phone 44. apl-lt FOR SAllE i Desirable cottage on the Wrightsviile Beach extension: price $2,000. J. Irving Bear. General-Insurance ; 'Phone 443. , : :.ri apl-lt ( FOR SAI-EXk' place at Sea Gate, 10C feet from station, or will; exchange for city property. Can arrange part building and loan, ii mteresieii,. see; -us,, at once. Dag gett Bros. '., apl,3,5-3t ROOMS WANTED for right housekeep ing, lurnisiied or partly furnished. North side of city preferred. Couple without children. "J. B.," care Star. apl-lt WANTED A lot of young cattle, calves! steers and young cows. Let me know what you have for sale and I will come and buy it. Address Dr. J. D. Devane, East Arca dia, N. C. apl-5t FOR SALE One .KixO feet cabin launch powered with IS h. p. Automatic engine. Boat and engine in first class condition. Address Box 211, Southport. N. C. apl-6t FOR SALE 3 h. p.. gasoline engine on truck.. Lafesf, pattern"? almost new. Also shafting, pulleys and belting. 'Phone G33. W. E. CreteaufJ224 South Front. mh31-2t A fiEXTI-BM AT piii connvn cr,Ai ciinrlo room, convenient to bath ; centrally located with good table board. Address "Board," care Star. , mh31-2t NOTICE, MOTHERS. rThis is the sea son to have-.the ' babu'sf ".earrijisre rpfcirpd. Tires put on any size Wheel for 50 cents. All work guaranteed. - 'Phone 52fi.- -Wil mington CycJeCo., 210,J0Arket street. ; j mh31-tf creatp ishapasffoj- weddings, receptions and card parties: A. ' G. Warrlu Ice Cream Co. mn:ii-tr at Sunset Park; best rocation. Part cash, balance easy terms. Answer "L. W.," Box THF rAPK Tt,iillir. T nr . . . lilllIVIIll .4flA IJlUli Association will open its second series of stock Saturday, April 4th. Those dasiri'ng stock may apply any time during this v-. w. j.-oivoj?t, pres.; i. vv. t ooper, V.-D : T A. Wntsnn .Tr Soc'ir .iiil 'I ru.o Office at Watson & Applewhite', Ileal Es tate agents, 210 Princess. . mh29-8t WANTED As wp' will nrlrl Amnvinnn plan to European. April 1st, we want reg ular hnnrdprs Maq1 ti i.nnm .,ni .r.i Purcell and Southern Hotels. , mh29-3t EXPERIENCED YniTTtffl AI "V wont in a department store. One who is fa miliar with handling men's and ladies' goods.' GooT idntlortlih-f&Rf fm rtoht man Apply Box 4l5,; Vinieland. N. C. mh29-3t S o'clock A April 2nd, 1914, will begin on the premises, reduced price sale of all r.OA KfrtPk nnH flTinvob Prwmnv'l-cT Knlnnn to W. W. D,tirant, , at.. 605 ,North Fourth jxh. p-uiitji ir wnom we nave on janu . icttKU"'wa(,t;iiesf jeweiry, etc., are are called fot- in due time same will be sold to satisfy liens for repair charges. J. i-ciivu neau, assignee. .; ranJ-tit REMEMBER tlies5lstiies North Caro-Wua- -Home'Bhildlng Assdciation opehsi oaiuriiuy. Aprn 4tn, iai4. series limited. flee at Rejllyig . Beaf Estate Office. mh29-f , . " . . v. vucicu luia Week. Khrendnl. ivhit . nnffo 2 for 2oc. : Russet Brand tomatoes. 9e.: 3 ior uc caiarao-Figs, 25c box, 15c; 15o Snrninos in nni.a jlixra nil tJ 4-hnnA" 2.jc.t while, they last. -' Kippered herring, lac can, 9c; Van Camp's tomato soup, 3 for 25c ; nice , lean bacon,' sliced, 25c pound. , We also carry Gold Medal flour and a full line of groceries, at May's Deli catessen Store, 130 Market street ; 'phone 1.322. - n -. 1 - -. mh26-6t ST. : AGNES GDIID win hold fheir- an nua spring aale of liinserie;; Neckwear and Fancy i Articles, suitable fo Easter .gifts, Thursday, April 2rid, at 10:30. A. M.;vNo. 100.. Chestnut : street, ;' next; door , to ; Haar. the Qualftxre&i;--:Inb29-apl-2t -iGOVER"NMKNT rrtBHiorisrjr pnsr to sret. deposited on or before Thursday, April 2nd, Your Deposit at the BANK Atlantic Trust & Banking hi j-t;, - iiita a mm TRUST BLDG., Front and Market Streets. EVERY PERSON should save something for emergencies. If vou can only save 2oc. each wtek you will have $100 in a few years. .Now js tie time to start. North Carolina JJor.-e i:i!g. -Ass'n opens 51st se ries Saturday. 4th. .Jas. H. Taylor, Jr., Sp.c'y-Treas. mh29-Ct ! MR. : PROSPECTIVE Builder You can secure complete and individual worked out plans at a ery reasonable cash oricei one set of blue prints ,$10.00 for houses up to 11.000; $15 ;fiv houses up to $1,500.00: $?5 xor resiaeuces up to ,owam, etc. jsxtra blue1 prints' furnished-at' a small cost; also specifications and. bill - of , materials, if so desired. Write today, advising wThen con venient to see you. P, O. Box 1103. " mhl9-lmo SCREENS We ai-e prepared to make and hang any kind of window or door screen. Reasonable prices and satisfaction guar anteed. 'Phone 1471, Wilmington Safe and Table Co. mh26-6t BUTTER Our butter sales have doubled, owing to the satisfaction our customers re ceive by purchasing "Ridgefleld Brand" Fancy Elgin creamery butter. Let us send you a trial order. We carry a full line of fancy eroceries. 'Phone 758. CAtv firneerv Co. fel2-tf FRESH SHAD roe. Choice dressed chickens, nice-calf veal and lamb chops. Fresh country eggs. Soup bones, new Irish potatoes, lettuce,' celery, best toma toes, egg plants. Fancy Baldwin apples. 'Phone us your orders. 'Phone 72. Palace Markets 108 So. Front.- mh28-tf JUST ARRIVED Fifty horses and mules the right kind at the right price. To be sold for;cashor on. timey with good secur ity. i.y. iaiorse ana Ai.tiie Co., F. T. Mills Jig igr. mh5tf ANYTHING A TINNER ean do we have it. Anything, that a plumber can do. we have it also. No jobs too large; none too small. 108-110 North Second street; 'phone 1132. Capps-Griffith Plumbing Co. mh28-tf 'GOING OR CnMTNfi spo TTrinlo PJini-Ica for a good leather suit. ' case or trunk fJext to Warren's corner. :Phone 642: - .. r mhSStf Mm Bought at Low Prices, be-' fore the various advances and before the 20 Im port duty was imposed. ; Save money, and buy Now, ancLget the benefit . of these advances and the i. b old prices. A. O.Schuster Jeweler - 104 N. Front St. ANNOUNCEMENT. " I wish to announce to my friends who hav& been. so loyal to me.xlaring my -eight years -as manager for Si wr - Sanders that I am now. connected' with the Ctty ; Grocery Company, "and - would deeolv aprreinte a ( WH-MINGTQN, N. C. IMTEEESf At PAID ON SAVINGS SAF&DEPOSIT BOXES For Rent for $1.50 a Year and Up in our Modern, Steel-Lined, Burglar-Proof Vault. SAFE. CONVENIENT. ACCESSIBLE. -V ' f't ' t f: r'-' : Acts as Guardian, Administrator Trustee, Etc.' : Consult Us .i833SicfaNearoUnWS -t 763 Sacks Virginias. 576 Sacks Spanish. ''-"jr-r Selected Stock. Orders Filled Promptly. Give us a Trial WILMINGTON, N. C. " - . : 'r . . " ..... . r r KING'S WINDSOR HARD WALL PLASTER. Schooner Florence M. Belding, now discharging cargo, and we offer this material, both wholesale and retail, and solicit your orders. , . ; PHONE 789, W. E. JONES' ART GALLERIES of Baltimore Respectfully invite you and your ; friends fo view and Exhibition of v-FirvJ. ETCHINGS, ; . ENGRAVINGS, C'GLD ENGLISH COLORED PRINTS AND WATER COLORS TUESDAY, .WEDNESDAY .AND THURSDAY l. March 31st, April 1st and 2nd. a;:W;''YATES ;V&; xd Company A TIDAL WAVE of popularity has taken our flour on its crest and has borne it far beyond all competing brands. In quality and , price our belue of. Wilmington flour v,iswithQut a rival in value and s'at- lsiaction given. ' 'BELLE 0 F WILWI I N GT0 N is'always good, 'and is made of the best winter wheat. No other flour makes such splendid bread in sum mer time or any "time. J.W.BROOKS Wholesale Gfocer WILMINGTON, N. C. W. B. THORPE & CO. Modern; , Our new, building will be ready October 'ist.."-'"-;-., " Call at renting . office on' the premises for -information floor plans, etc. 1 URCiClNOI IIHKes V 1 it.'.'.