HEW MUG IS ! 5 ISSUED U. S. Bonds, State Bonds, EtcJAre Liable to Inheritance Tax, Says Corporation Commission" . ; V : (Special Star Correspondence.) Raleigh, N. C, April 7 .Following the recent ruling of the Corporation ComniissiQn that real; estate inheri tances that have passed to hejrs sincje the enactment of the 1905 Revenue Act and prior to the passage f of ; th?r 1913 Revenue Act specifically filing such tax on. realty inherjtelfajr Ifable to the property inheritance; tax;, pre scribed in , the. j,1905aQt: there cam from 'the nlsonjt riilizig. that United States' bonds, State, bonds and other non-taxable .bonds are liable to inheritance tax. . - ' ;f The tax is construed to not", be on tue bonds themselves butr upbn the transmission through will or other descent. This ruling J&JN the commis sion is based on a finding by the Unit ed States Supreme - Court v in Plum"-, mer vs. Coler, 178, Ui. S 115, in which such taxation of United States i bonds is admissible as a tax, on- transmis sion by will or descent, 'although the bonds themselves are specifically non taxable. The .commission! has- receiv ed numbers b inquiries V as to -' this question and these -elicited the ruling just announced. .: ': i , J IM McC LURE'S FATE. .: ? f.. .. Now in ihl Hands of the State Su- i v preme' Court. "v". (Special Star Correspondence,) Raleigh, N. C.fAprili7--in; cohnec tion with . the7 heating ol , arguments by the Supreme Court in appeals from the 12tn judfciaT'.district 1 here,": was argument today in the appeal of State vs. McClure, trom Ouilford.-in which Jim McClure, a negrois under death sentence for the killing . of Deputy Sheriff R. L. Bain, at Pomona M ills, a Greensboro suburb. The full list of appeals scheduled lor argument this week follows: State vs. C. E. Hill; State vs. Andrews State vs., M cdtire;; nVatkms TVs. Law son ; Express Oo.v vs. High . Point; Standard Trust Co., vs. Bank ; Am nions vs. VVysdng & Miles?. Co.; La? tham vs. Fields; ozzins '"vs. Chair Manufacturing JCo.t Cecil vs. High I'oint ; Sanders ' vs." Fleer; f Stickdell II vers vs. Finch t Moyd? vs.;: Southern D:i - - .-ir J. XTCMnr .A Hank vs. . Branson. Specially set Latta vs. Nichols; Shields" vs.; Neal; Neville vs. Bonsall; Rhodes vs. City of Durham; Brown vs. Southern Rail way; Thurston vsi-Southern Railway: brown vs. Chemical Co. v Holton vs. Moore ; Murchison vsFogleman ; Pet tigrew vs. McCoin; Boone ; vs. r Jones & Creek. . . RAILROAD Iv)EM MEET. ; : ,'r.!..- -. : A. C. L. District Superintendents Gather at Rocky ; Mount-. (Special Star Correspondence.) Rocky Mount, N: C, April 7 For a discussion-of a score of matters afr iecting the first -division o the A.tlan tic Coast Line, there was held; yester day in the ofiice of General Superin tendent W. H. Newell, a meeting of the district superintendents and. Local officials. The session was started. at 10 o'clock and lasted for several hours. '. Among the ofllcialsx-lpreseni . were: Ir. W. H. TCewell, general, superin tendent ; Mr. W. B . Darrow, superin tendent of transportation; Mr.- E-J. Laird, engineer of roadway;, Mr.' B. J. Hughes, superintendent -of ;the-. Nor folk district ; Mr:E .? Phenneger, ; su perintendent of the Richmond district; -vli C. L. Porter, superintendent of the Fayefteville .district; ;Mr .y . R : C King, superintendent Of the Wil mington districtir -ana Mr. f GiC" Gr Lynch, superintendent of the fCOlum ia. aistrict. CANOE AN f9 DIME NOVEL V V FOUND, BUT NOT THE LAD. Trace of Tarboro Boy Lost Six Miles Down River. Special Star Correspondence, W. Tarboro, N; C. April 7. Henry ynn-y, the 12-year-old son of, Jonas Curry, who left home last Friday in a canoe, has not been found as yet. The canoe was located about: slsrmiles down the river iromiere and the-prily article in the cah'66 vwasra ytme;noyel. Searrhine- nn rtloa snTit:Slind2tV' arid Monday in an endeavor to Jocate the missing lad. f-i I -5- -..,.-., . !'. ". v""j"i, ' . . .'''' ; -i of Commencejrnenti a.itVyke Forest College Announced. . (special Star Correspondence. -.-.. Avake Forest, N. C, April 7. The '"culty announced "today the senior speakers for commencement. The. f oK if'mg were selected; E, P. -YateS, vaKe county; D. Ms a Johnson, Robe son county i G. ; L i ; Jarvis; Cleveland; flinty from the Phi Society." G. C. erinell. Buncombe; t tounty ; V E. ;S T, illwell,. Jaeksoncounty ;.W.; i W-r va Sr- Rutnerford county.; : from 'the J-"- aociftf v - T ? . ' ; - - - . ma ii, j wa CHARTERS ISSUED, . Raleigh, N..- C ., t April 7. The fol lowing charters werk issued, today by the Secretary of State; : :,The . Franklinton; Union. Ginning Cojr at Franklinton,' capital $25,000 atithdnzed, and $7,000- subscribed by .W ; H . Harris and others. .; . ... The Henry Bryan Co., Garner,, Wake county, capital $25,000 authorized and $12,000 subscribed . by sH . Buffaloe and others, for, mercantile business.. The Kelford .Fertilizer Co., of Kel ford,Bertie county, capital $50,000 au thorized .and $5,000 - subscribed by W . R. Brown-' and. others, for fertilizer manufacturing and distribution., The -Magnolia Land. & Lumber Co., of. Edenton, capital $100,000 authoriz ed .and $25,000 subscribed by ' C. I. Barnes,. Toledo," Ohio; W. D. Pruden, Edentcn, and others. . JUDGE DANIELS PAYS HIS r RESPECTS TO . GAMBLING. In Powerful Charge to Craven Grand ' - . Jury 1 '.. Newbern, N. .C, April 7. In a pow erful charge to the grand jury , Judge F. A. Daniels, of Goldsboro, opened a two weeks, term of .Craven county" Superior court. "Whiskey brought to Norih Carolina from Virginia, com bined witn , the habit of carrying con cealed -weapons, 'is responsible tor 50 per tenti of the crime committed,, in North Carolina," said - Judge- Daniels, i 'Craven- county is no- worse in - this respect than the other; counties in the State - .neither is it any! better. The stuff being made in Virginia: and ship ped, to North Carolina as whiskpy js the vilest kind of poison and'it is run ning men ; crazy. There Us nothing more dangerous to a , community than a young man tanked up. on this mean liquor and with, a revolver in his-hip pocket.'- - '.. ; , ., .'.. .. --- -, . After dwelling at length on this subject,-. Judge Daniels--went. down ; after the . houses of ill-fame and gambling. ''The ' young . men frequent ." these places said the judge, "and their lives are ruinedi As to gambling, it is one of the worst of the many evils. Let a- man once ..become a .confirmed gambler and there is nothing but : the will of the Almighty that can break him from the habit." . f CAUGHT IN THE ACT. . Burglars Have Been Making Trouble At Middlesex. '(Special Star . Correspondence.) Wilson, Ni C, April 7, Burglars have made continued trouble in - Mid dlesex, a1 town on the-Norfolk South ern, 20 miles west of VWilson, and. for several weeks efforts have .been made to catch the offenders. Recently the Norfolk' ; Soilhern , arranged , for a watchman to -remain .in the; station all night. Last night three negroes made an . effort, to eneei an .entrance. :WHh nn nnnarAnt. f ear-of detection. one of-them smashed in the front door with an" axe. The. watchman caught one of them, the others- making rtheir escaj?e. Later in tne mgni' i wo nesi u men, made another effort to get m the depot-presumably the same men. They ? were . fired upon but made an- ether get-away. ; . . rtrioann Anril 7. Secretary Hester today ; issued a . statement- of Weights or lO.sys.aiJV Daies 01 culluu vnniiAri mitolHa nf th rntt.mi helt dUT- UtlllUlCVl. WAt.O' v ing the months of September to March tnninoiiro ahnwlnt an averaee. Der bale 520 82-iOO, against 525 49-100 for theHamejperioa last year. - --- Vfc lev ; Evry tiny infant makes life's per spective w$Je and.. .trls.htevv And .. what ever tbere Is to enhance Its arrival and to ease and comfort the expectant .mother should ibes given.,: attention. ? Among fthe real helpful things Is an external, ab dominal apnllcationivknown as- MotUer3 Friend- -There , is scarcely a. community butv whathas .Its senthjisiarti admrf thisledidembrOcaticm fff thought o by women-who know that most flrostore throuKhout-t United States. ldieappHed Jl , i n-ioa ,tn . relieve- - the strain 6n, ligaments iandtendons. T&oviiiQ fhave. nsed-ifc refer : to the ease land: comfort - experienced during he period ofxpeefancyi-f they sipartlcularly refer to the absence of nausea, often so prevalent as a , result of - the tural expansion. m a little; book, are; described more -fully jtne ,' lnany reasons why 'Mother's Frtend" has beenna friend indeed -i -women with timely -lunts,; irag gtsndelpsVfor rrenTt Ihould be in all- homes, if max be had of almost any ' fs- u1 y'ft5 find it wrlte us directed so write ton- book to Bradfleld Rcgiuator 403 .Lamar BliZ-t Atlanta, v . r - MjlUjlilljlllltlllllM 1 llljlll Iff I " " Bnrl ' ' ' )5S Si ! ' B ItS Colonial Reason a LA FRANCE season in Gdlohials, .The types we show are as enjoyable to wear y as ihey are pleasing x to look "at. miiiiiii),iiiimniinimilnnliiniiiiiii 'MimffniniiTflMlllMMMllMM We Have the Right Kind of Soft Shoes for the WOITK CARL F. STRUfJCK & CO. 128 SOUTH jRO NT STREET. ' TRY OUR, r& ittSENk and IIXJCMTNG t)M T- ' ' ; .. - ii-v- - - :: 1 ;.;. . v.-: bk. v ' . m i m m 1 .' .v'An j'unpleasaht V.sabject -Jjut :onef whlcfiv honsekeepers 'i axe- inter- - esueau- 111, ;sjcviia-iijf tj, tuis seasuu. ''as. iubsb . jiigui. pruwimg pests ? :-aliffiays.awaken'v4uringi.the, -first waiini days of spring you should get busy noyiP'uhaheM them off. ' , L;... : ..'.--' j ' . r - f'Call So. c A; tintf either A." sfejT.KBug Killer, Pejte3rman'sVbiscovV ; ery pr Dusenherry'Sr; Sure . Death. 25c each: - . : : Vv " T I1HJRDINS t .? ; ; oouMAmiiMUj-; uuer uauigeiiieiicf u large ouisiae . aaauionat topi. hMvelmg public ismVited; to give la;iat;vll , .: ;: Ouri Cafe in . connection is the 'best-In the city. Jf you jtant goine-r thing good to eat,try ns. , v- -: 'hat more especia H No. 8 16 is a style-plus Colonial Mcilfepn Sterling Patent Colt, vw.elt,v Louis Cuban- heel, -k-: TAn',-: ? i No. 71 is the same idea .1 . . worked oiit in Curt Metal- WILMi NGTON, N. C. v. H. ISTEri, Manager. H f H . - ' - z- -WW v - mm - mrm - . m BUGS LI WE :i:v.f to tmtm&imm i GEORGETOWa t . -: i r r ii - . ---j-L - XKWr: TOKK s TO -rWrLMTNGXOjr. .. Steamsbip ; Navalioe.v J?ji. Ap. 3rd,-. 1014. Steamship Cherokee, Fri.? Ap. . 10th,. 1914. WirJvilNGTON TO CEORGETOWW. z Steamship Algiers M6a4-;Mw. 30th, 114. Steamship Navahoe, MonBApr. 6th, 1914. WltMIJfGTOK TO KEW YOBK." Steamship Algiers Sat;,, Apr; 4th, 1914. Steamship v Navahe,, SaW -Ape. 11th, 1914. (Steamship Alffiers TVH1. Not Carry V "'..- l'assengers.) 1 . .:'- --h . Throogh bills - of - lading and -Slowest through rates guaranteed? to and from all points in North andSojnth Carolina. ' ; CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO. C. -J. BECKKlt.. Agpnt, . . ' " Wilmington, N. -C. . - n. G. SMALLBONES Commercial. Agent, - - . Wilmington, N. C -General Offices: Pier 36. N. II., . New York. Two 100 II. eacb, S225.0O. One 85-H.-r. S200.00. . . . P. Boilers (Jag. Barker), Boiler, Bet urn JTubular, Two 40-M.-P. Boilers, Return Tabular, - .: eacu. $i&u.uo. , i- . Ose - 30-H.-P. Boiler, Iocomotlve f 150.60. . - v. jp--K-riki' -'i li.- :i -type, '- One l?5-ir."-P. Engine (Armington and Sims), $390.00. .j,'sf.j;,: :::-.Vr:. 'i - One 60-H.tP,. Engine (Liddell and Chal mer s), $225.00. One 25-If .-P. Engine . (High Point), $175.00." "Tgi&'.A '-if- . i:"'.. i One Jeffreys Conveyor- (Brag Slab con veyor), 600 fV Chain,, Shafting. Pulleys, Gears; each ready for installing, f 150.00. : : ; Three hundred 7 feet Jfo..V8 :. Sprochenl Chain, at 15c. per foot, S5,00; ; - One Ksaw H. R. Smith Mel. Co.. "No. 905),, $125.00..;. . .. . . - On - 9-inch: Maider (Rowley and Hor-" mance), No, 8. $350.00.. w. We have--complete Saw 3U11., Planer Mill and Sash, Door and Blind. Factory. -, Motor Boats, Machinery, Castings and Grate Bars our specialty.. ; .-. . Gape Fear IVlachine Works (life) Telephone 213. Or Write Ua ior your Wants liRY f- - i:-' i:h 'iit yM :".: . - "... Ne nd' "Rebuilt iTwo Automatic Knife Qrinders. . One Small Planer5. . : ; " " ': (One Self Feed Rip Saw...". One Small Saw Mill., '- ; . !Two Heavy Saw. Mills. r . One 2-H.-P. Engine and Boiler. .One 4-H. P. Engine. iOne 6-H. P. Boiler, X . - . --:; (One JO-H. P. Engine. ' - . i One ll-H. P. Boiler, ' , .-: , One P. Engine and Boiler. . One 20-k. P. Engine and Boiler. r One 25-H. P. Enginer and. Boiler..: .. 200 New Pulleys, 00 Second-hand Pulleys ; 1 25 J Pumps, : and v. a com-' Iplete line of Mi 11 - Supplies. - v;m - Wilttihgtdii Iron i - NOTICE OFMWr SALE. 'r: By yirtue pf the power rested .'in me in p judgment of the' Superior Court "of .'New "Hanover County, rendered in the case of Kebecca Ju. vyest against Mary. i.,:.vv,tiiarq, ;et; als- at .September ,Jermt4912K-otsaid J court, and. subsequent -orders of ssiid .court, I will offer- for: sale,-. lo--.the ..highest, bidder for cash, at the Conrfc House door in Wil IndnctonN. C, ou Thursday, the'i.23rd ,ot fAprflv l'.)14 at 12 o'clock. M .thefollowing.: pieces jjarcej wr iui:.j.iiauu,i ouuure.ui me Citv of Wilmiugtoato-wit:- - .-Beeinnlne, -at a W)int-4n the Eastern 4in'e twaidJy . rron wnerei the southern ime - oj Chestnut is intersecieo-. uy; the easieru-ime fnf Thirrt'Wtrfiptr thence rnnninsr south ward- ly along - the said eastern line s of -Third. atj-eetrsixtT-six . .eov, ieec icnenee- easeffara ly "and 'paraih4 v with - Chestnut , street two J hnntri and ---Jtwo-MauKi: reett-tnenee norcn- Svardly :aad parallel with Thided street slx-'tv-Rl-r otft - feti thence -westwardlr and parallel With Chestnut street twor.huddred and two7 (202)rvfeeti;to-the eastern- line of Thirdi street, the beginning,., Jfe neihe the western part of-Lots-l and 2,. in Block-180, Ef Wllrainsrton: - ' :-?-i-i : iThe; terms of sale.-wlH be cash; uponjtne coufirmatiou by tlie:-Cottt1u.i-''4f ?Mm$it. i - Js v O. RR . --s'i;.;,. :fvx..;;4.,.i'..r.-, Commissioner, .-i: This 23rd, dW of March, 1014. v f ?r ' i " . j FOR SALE IrHvais ' and Bepartvres of Trains Time Not DEPARTURES: .';-yT.6.' Aa W6S V . ' '' ' ARRltiLS: : t Goldsboroj f, Richmond:: Norfolk and East- , . . ..; . .-. . , v '' em-North Carolina points. Connects at - .No.W,' Goldsboro with Southern " Railway-.; and No. M.J; . : "V I :40A.M. . Norfolk Southern Railroad. No. 91 leaves 1 1:1BAJI. . ; Norfolk !3:2Q P.: M. and Richmond 14:10 - , . - Chndbourri, Conway, Florence, Charleston,' , . 7i ? a ; - . Sarannah, TvfJacksonTille, v. Tampa;- Ft. ' ilf ' . No. 51, :.. . . - Myers, Columbia, and Ashetille. .Pullman No. M, . . V"' Sleepln fir Cars between Wilmington , and '. . jjl i" 5:35 A.M. ) Columbia- open to receive .passengers at . , 'IJSOA.M. Wilmington t nd -after 10:00 . P. M - . ,.---:..;-'. ":,.-::: -.. " and may be occupied :nntil 7; 00 A. M. . f . . k No. 04 r Jacksonville, . Newbern and Intermediate No.65, "' ! 5:50 A.M. . stottons;, . ----;;;p-.n ;:y , ., .1 65PJMV, : Goldsboro, Richmond, .Norfolk...and ,Wash -.:v?ti,i.f-,j. v:'-;i' V No. 48, . -ingtoh. Pullman Parlor "Cars - between . No. 49, . - . : -, ; :. .. - :- 1 WUmln rtb.n and -Norfolk, connecting at ' ' - .---- ".-i 8:30 A.M. ; Bocky Mount with New York trains with 0:15 PJtf. ; . .: - - Pullman Service,- : . - , ... .. ' ' No. 53, Solid v train between - Wilmington and Mt. No; 52, v:" , - : 8:45 A.M. -Airy via Fayetteville and Sanford. " 8:05 P.M. , , - Chadbourn, Conway, Florenice,: Charleston, ' No. 55, Savannah, All Florida Points. Columbia, No.54,'V . Asheville and the. West. PuUmao leep- - 3:15 P.M. Ing Cars r between Wilmington and Co- .... . 1:40 PJUt. I . ;-;-.:; . : lUmbia. , - : . ; ) , - - . ,- , : . ' .. .. , - No ' Jacksoavllie. -Newbern ; and Intermediate N6;63,"-r ; ' 3:25"p:m. stations. . yi . . . 12:50 P.M. :; - - No 59 - Fayetteville, Sanford and Intermediate No. 60,'" - ; , 6:30P'.M.. stations.- 110:15A.M. s -, . .' Goldsboro,: Richmond, Norfolk,. Washing- . --' '. "' i ; " toa and :cNew., Yorii Pullman Broiler, ..v1' - r.- E No 42 - Buffet Sleeping . Cars between Wilming- No. 41 ' - ' wVpM ton nnd Washington, . connecting - with 10:00 A.M. ; t, l fll I New York; trains, with Pullman Sleeping ., L . ... .v . Caps between,-Wilmington and Norfolk. - v' 5 p .- . . - . . .-. , Ty. . . . " ,;; - . - - j, : ti. - No'R7 Ciadbourn,'?Fl6rehce, Conway and Inter- - No.-58, - ' . 17-OOPtM. mediate stations. .- , )0:45AJ., "..-- ;'v . . J- . .. . . ' "" ;. ' - v . . . ' 1 T 1 ' . ' . . ' '. 11 . i-r 1 ii"' - Daily: Dally- except Sunday, For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc call 'phone 160. ; Wr3J;.BAIG, -iJ-V!!.- itS:L : T. C. WHITE, .V .Z" - - Passenger Traffic Manager. . General Passenger Agent. ' WILMINGTON, N. C, - SUBURBAN W iMici boi'oBJCB;. etk. mt. Winter Pwk WrighU gABTBOTJNP. Leave Front ianA Prlneai for U fWinter Pari. Leave Front Leave: Front anil Prtnceie iter 55--Beach.;- and Princess Wrightsville- 5 -- :30AJi. :30 A.M. 0A-M. I 8 :SS M I:55"i;,, f 5 8:00 8:00 M 'ioleoWf 110 44 - l:10PJt. Xt:6$:H 80 8:30 i lo.-oo " t 11:30 f ' 1:10 P.M. !xl)2;35 .v j 8K J 8;30 ! x4:10." M W 4:30 " X4i50 i 6:30 - 6:10 " :40 M " "f ' 7:15 j 8:30 i i 9 as - s J0:00 " I UtlS " ' ; 10:00 " . U:30 " x 1:10 P.M. -wV S .-00 " ; 'B-30'Vi; , ko .- -:40 ' . "7:15 ' i: 8$Q I 9:15 J 2 10 KM-" a -ll;15 IKK) " ?? ;-- J;40 4.,-!-. tVekve Front- mnl! Prineeu Streets very Leave Beach, every half hour, from 2:45 Dailj except Sundry -" I Sane .only; X Buperaeaea OT JiU;iowr iiianemwe. eunaay Mwrnoom. - .. r II Thla car goes through to Sea Gate; returning, leaes Sea Gate at F. M. o Leaves from Station. No.. 3. JH , - ... , . . -,. FBJCIGBT Jtavea 'JtS lad Orange etrete dally, except Sanday. : P. M. Freight Depot open, daily, except Sunday, 2.3d to 2:80 P. M. i-iJ. -v. ulCBeiE. Uft jn jw v wmm m - Block. pystem. jkacjc naiisai. ,arip. jhm Lr. Norfolk .1 8:30a.tnr 8,:00J' Lvi Petersbarg . Lv. Durham., ; c Lv. Ltnchbnrg. , .!ii:uaam.iiw;u p.so t auu ajna :su p.m 40 p.m.) 2 :30 a-w 7t20 a jmi fi :25 p jn. Ar..ClneiBnatl Ar, Columbaa r; . iOO p.m.J T iSOajB- AjjLooJtai. 4 8 p.ni? ajn p'ranctsco ana westero iointe. ; -. :,y -t Psnmatt- eleeping - ana parlor 'ara,2;-li and : WuCaf ediniB c cri Eg.nijpznent ahi service stanaara or. excellence, .-uiue wag andAllegheny -4hooBtains crossed at- most -Time Information free.ii orreepohdenee invitee w.- B. vBisviLU,, rass. jrrai. jttgr. j- W. C. SAUNDERS. G. F. A Roaaoke, C.:bosly. I?.;iAlUehn THE VI&HOND BRAND'. tM?eter IHnmaHd K ran boxWt," seated l&lae-"-Klhbon. 1ns-(rif Ask foc ilklf tS-TH g years k Down a Best, Safest. Alva vs Reliable scLpnoc:isTstiLL,::ii.i MpaiMma aau 11 1 1''' - i, -. aiJr -.5Sf i i- . trri' .yj HHCHES 5 SV' m ,4 jcirectiv Hepi, 11, uu, Guaranteed b Sunday only.-- a Pally, except Monday. SCHEDULE 1 WISTBOtTND. ' Leave l -WtightsvUIf i ..for Wilmington. .';v Leave' 'v- Beaek. . "- tor - y '; Wilmlngtoa. tvTlnter Park - for Wilmington. 6:28A.ML. 7:3eMM f 7 :50 .:' 8:01 . 8:41 9:36 " 110:31 : 11T08 M -12:36Pi. 2:0i-f - T 2 ;JWc. 6:15 7:25 44 r 7:45 44 44 . 70 44 ? 0 44 - 9:25. 110:20 44 44 10:55 4-44 r, 12 :25 P.M., 10 44 44 X2:2S 44 f ".'i-Se'' A f t. K 44 44 :40 44 44 70 44 44 V 755 44 44 9-25 44 u ! :4S f 44 f 16 Ofi-f 11:45 P.-M;' T7:SaA!StV . 7.:40 f -ZO - isii 44 44 ....... 10:4S 44 44 !;12:15PJ1. . d 1:4s.44 "r x '8:0tf 44 " Vl eeTtVe ) " . 8:4f .44 xe e j ' ff:i4v44 44 . 3......; l -4108 J' 44 x4:30,44 44 x 5:10 44 44 6:36 44 44 .6dl 44 44 Jl' 44 7:45 ,44--8J08 44 44 : 9 :36 44 44 1 9:56 44 v 10:41 44 44 . : 11:56 Pr M. -half hoar. -froi to. 6:46 P. M . ' - ..; V.' . ii . -'i. : ' i 4CBEEOTIJB. .'3 tat SEABOARD AIR LINE fThe Progressive Bailway ,aof the Sonth.. - No 23 5 A! P "Ml for local stations con- at Wilmington. RAILWAY neciting Hamlet- for BIchmohd, Washing-. , - - . ivu auu nc" - j. wi na - 1 - - . - --i" . :. 2" j? . a. ' . ' . No. 133 :45 1 l., Parlor car for inmner- - ton,'- Maiton, Laufinburg atid Charlotte, ' ' i'Kaleigh, ; Washington, and New JLotli., f: XMO.- VJ itTW A. -.m.:.; lufKSLl Irani . lur . viuuv i . lotte. - Sleeper open 10:00 P.. M, ; vv For detailed Ihformation nd- reservations', call on City Ticket Office. t Orton Hotel, ,v Wilmington, N. C. v -' V : 5 Division Passenger Agent, - , - Division" Freight Agent,' - t : r - ,:w Wilmington, -M. K'JrcT"-' --i . --f - -t4-..;-" I fPhohieS3-J. ; Pa Q. Cox 1CS2. 1-: fir. .'"

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