4' ",.'"' . .-.' THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N; CMWPDNESDAYy APRIL 8, J 9 14V SEVEN THE WEATtefc 2E: HIGH GHlnil CDttOtl h : :-', . .... FoP Yesterday's -Moverrwnt With May Contracts Selling $6.35 Above Low Records. Xow York, April T. Cotton nid" new liiirli .trromui iw iuc juuveuiein; toaay witu'; .May oontrnots selling t 12.S0,i or 6.35 a j Ifilit' :t"' v .... w . ... ui v u. vnriueiij business did not seem lo be particularly .i. tive. lnt tliere was fresh" buying of new I roii positions on the outlook for unsettled weather ami lower temperatures South. ;ill at times there appeared to ! be : an ex ited demand from od, crop snorts fr-fK one of tue more sensational' incidents of the lav was the effort of a local broker to ese nte a buying order for 100 bales of Ap ril, and the priceran up-.toli3.30, or 74 points a")ove yesterday's . closing" figures, i.efore it was executed. Later," April was offered at lowprleibtifknduly shorts appeared to be very nervous late in 'the afternoon and rumors. that cotton was to he brought here from Uverpooi appear- e,l to add to their uneasiness as suggest- in:.' that leading spot interests wereafind-lJ iiis.it diaicuic to onng cotton irom tne Sotith. . .'-?-" ' . nosing prices were firm;-at. a. net- gala . of 4;i points on April, and of 14. to 23 points on active months. April has, been T without any special feature, and -it is "-hot 'supposed tli.it there is any interest 4 of consequence in that position. - - ' ; The market opened steady at an advance of ."" to 7 points on higher ' Liverpool ca bles, reports "of good Southern spot 'de iiian'd and the unsettled weather map. Tliere was some irregularity during ea 1t trading, but comparatively narrow set r,;ii ks led to an increased .demand, part of which appeared to come from the same in terests who had.; been buying May and .lulv contracts for the.pat three or-four weeks. .Some of the local spot, houses sold on the advance, but last prices were with in a point or two of the best. Bullish Brit Hoard of Trade returns -helped the af ternoon advance, while, private" cables at tributed the relative firmness of Liverpool tl the increased activity of -.Manchester ,-overiutf of hedges, against; 9,000 bales of sunt cotton destroyed by fire and conti nental buying of the - new ;. crop months.! There was also a private eaoie reporting that oeean freight room had been engaged for 15.000 bales from 'Liverpool to New V;rk. ..: ? v Spot, quiet. Middling uplands, ; 13.40; gulf. 13.05; uo sales. ; -rot ton futures closed firm.; -. ; ."-. . : Month : 1 - Open. High. Low.' Close. Vav 12.65 12. SO 12.61 12.70 julv 12.30-12.50 12.32 12.4! ns: .12.13 12:2o;12.12 12.24 Iht 11.66 11.70 11.63 11.75 Pec- 11.70 11.80 11. 6S 11.70 THE PORT MOVEMENT. ceipts, :;,2iu; gross1 receipts, jjjio; sates, lsiio: stock. 153,801; Great Britain, 9,000. Mobile Quiet, 12 13-16 ; net . receipts, 728f gross receipts, 72S ; sales, 100 ; stock, 32, 575. -" -."I Savannah Steady 13 ; et' receipts, 3, 701: tfross receipts. 3,791; sales, 669; stock, 7i:.i: coastwise, 1,442. . Charleston Steady, 131-16; net receipts. 2m; gross receipts, v200 ; stocky X0,S58 j coastwise, 1,011. '-. '' -ir;v-. Wilmin ston QuleJL13 1-16;, net receipts, 231 : tfross receipts 231; stock, 22,6387 Norfolk Steady,,. 13 ; net receipts, 413: cross re-eipts. 413; ales, 562; stoek-39. i:!4; coastwise. 3206... ' - - Baltimore Nominal, "13 ; gross receipts, titi: stock. 3.250. 't...rsv. New York Quiet, 13. Mttgross receipts. continent, l;ol2: coastwise l,wi?' j -- ' gross receiptsi,v t78 f yjtwk. -11,300 ; Great. Britain. 1,915; coutlueat, 81 ; coastwise, 1, Phila delphia-J-Qlfiet 9 1565 ;'-st6vk, 2,933 : Total toilav,; at, uV-VotsNet 16,355; Great Britain 11,126 $ ; contihent, 6,093 ; stock. 723.172. -..V.. za-? -': ' Consolidated, at ?allr porta-Net, 48,184; "Great Britain, 18,471; continent," 28,440. Total since Sept.:! Vat all ports Net, 9, 4!i!i22: Great Britain, ?4S5,505-i" nee, 4l.(iu.:;l ; continent,-.- 3,734,436; Japan,' -32- Mexico, 27,147. ":';;'" INTERIOR MQA'EMEXT.; rionston Steady, 13..00 ; net receipts . 2.-W.-.: shipments, 3,197 sales, 2,246; stock, . ' , ---- Aiitfusta-Steady, 13: net reeipts. 590; shipments. 1.362;- sales. 506; stock, 52,708. -. -Mempihs Steady, 13 ; net re-eipts , 2, 43H: shipmenUs, 3J58; sales,' 2,500; stock, 115.ii;ti. , , -. -.- :. . . . St. Louis Steady, 13 ;. jiet . receipts, lv Ht7: shipments, 1,443; stock, 33.81-5. -" -"incinuati Net receipts, 1,798; ship ments. 511; stoojk, 18,421. i . ' ... Little BockQuiet, -12; : net receipts, -1; shipments, 1,339; stock, 49,912. ... Total today Net receipts, '9,560; hip ments. lO.iUfr; sales, . '5,252 ; stock, 402,426: : LIVERPOOL. COTTON MARKET. 1 ; Liverpool. April 7. Spot, easier. Good middling. 7.71; middling. 7.29; low mid llintf, 6.M. Sales,14;-00fhf Speculation ; and niw.rt, 1X00. lleeptpts, ; 15,000. ; -Futures very stead v. April. 696; April-May, B.86 ; May-J nne. 6. S5 ; -.Tly -August, 6.73 ;,Au-tfiist-Soptember, 0-39 ;.v-.OrtOber-NYem-her, t;.y:j; lecember-'January, ' 6.25 ; "Janu-ary-Febrnarv, 6.25. FINANCIAL MARKET. : New York, April 7 Call money steady, I'-ifo-': ruling rate, lr closing, 12 per ent. Time loans, steady. Sixty- days, 2 fi'-'-"M: ninety davs, 2: six months, 33, DRY GOODS. MARKET. New York, April 7. Cotton goods mar? kfts were quiet and -steady rtoday.-Men's we;, i-. duplicates -for Fall1 have begun to (.;n- in from the clothing trade. Tailors t the trade" have placed substantial - or ders with many houses. Riobons were ac- Ghent, Belgium, April 7. A cottotn exchange has been organized. here. This step is due to the rapidly in "easing direct shipment of American cctton and the establisliment of a regular steamship line between Ghent and Galveston. v- ' - . .v. '. :.; rv ',, ;''. FOR N E W COUNTY HOfM E. Plans Considered by . Edgecombe Com missioners Inmate - Wed. (Special Star Correspondence.) Tarboro, N. a, April 7.--At the regular meeting: of the. county com missioners yesterday plans for the "Elding of a new "county home were considered and the advisability of the sale of the present farm which cbh- -iLh or 4o0 acres and,, home was dis missed. County ; officers elected x- by ipe board for the cominffx year were Kec order James Pender,. Solicitor Hy aii Phillips, an.d Auditor J- A. Wed-reJI- The salary of the auditor watf creased from $1,000 to JlQO.,. - ---. - vjne or th his'e'PKt : lltt.ift nrnhlems '"at confronts the .commissioners is number of marriages of the In "iates of the county home," whor al tin i!?r dependent upon, the... county, i e "ecessary amount for license -iee. During the , past month u.ere were two weddings at the home. j'aorating to the Pale arid Sickly ne uid standard general strengtnen- rl TNIC. drivetiont.; Malaria, en- ivnt u iae Dioodr-iMidiuilds up tne 11 ei2-.. , A true Tonic. For adults and children.. f0cv ,,. r " j-4-".C'A UdrertlMment). r Galveston Steady, 13; net receipts, .. 62: tfross receipts, 7.6S2; sales.300; stock SW&in : continent, 4,500. .'" ." Sew r lean sSteadyi 13 1-16: net -re "-n diuKie paper, oJ2OT per mu. .oi.Biii6 ex- h.ditfe. firm. Sixty days, 4.8490; .de laaiid. 4 .8059. Commercial bills, 4.84. liar silver, 58. Mexican dollars,- 45. '.'"verninent bonds, eay. Jlallroad bonds, " uiar. ' " . -v RECORD BREAKING GROP Department of Agriculture Estimates Winter Wheat Will be Largest . Crop in History. Washington, - April 7. A record-breaking Winter wheat crop is in progress this year , the Department, t of Agriculture esti mating on a conservative basis that the r.iJ?may S34--35i.0oo.oo bushels.' The lomlltion of the crop April 1 -was 95.6 per ??nt-?? a normal, or 11.5 per cent, better. than -the nverage April 1 condition for the past ; tea. years.-- : r.nJ area PlaPte last Autumn tfas 36, 6,000.acres and with a, comparatively-good Winter yield. The ; percentage of aereage. aDanuoned hnn -Wn. anmuwhni-. w . u.b .per cent., the. average abandoned dur- ,P .Vt.e.sc Ieu ye,ars, so that an unusu ally, big aereage will be harvested, if con mtions continue favorable throughout "the season. , - - . ;- . ":"ln . .a ;: statement-todav -Voncei-n t ! op, the department saidr: - "The co'ndirtontif Wi . viz., 9o.6 per cent, of normal, is 11.5 per cent, higher than the average of the past ten years. The yield ner acre in the same: ten years averaered 15 hnshcu in crease of. 11.5 per cent, to this averaare woum . De .16.7 bushels. '"The sprMM nlanfoI ' Toe Trn mated, at 36,506.000 acres lfi.7: hnshia applied to this acreage gives 609,650,000. But there always, is soma of thp ninnttxi area abandoned before harvest ; the aver age of suehtibandonmentin the past ten years has been about 9.6;per cent of the wauiwi. ii tnis average or abandon ment be deducted from the estimated plant ed areat and 16.7 be a p!ic.-l to the re maining amount, "ft nrndiieHnn f nhrni wl,O00,000 'wonld Be- indicated. " t rne, ! wneat plan Wintered j unusually well, and it is not to be expected that the ten-year average of abandonment has oc curred this vear. On thp othw hnnrt - a crop that is in very high condition on Aprttl, as . is the easethis year, fs more auarcpiiuie :?iu .uepreciation. . later m i.tne season , than a crop . having a? lower condi tion on April 1. . . ' .-." v r , . - "Tiie final estimate- f ' production of Winter wheat in 1913 waS S23.561.00O bush els (the largest ever recorded and in 1912 it was 399.919,000 bushels." : - - . ne average condition of Winter wheat on April l was 95.6 ner cent. -of normal. compared with 91.6 last year, 80.6 in 1912, and 85.7 the ten -year average, the Depart ment .of Agriculture reported today, - . . There was a decline" on' condition from December 1, 1913. to-April 1, of 1.0: points, as compared with an- averasre decline in the past ten years of 3.5 points between these .dates..- - The average condition of rye on April 1 was 91.3 Der eent. of n normal nsrainst 851.3 last year, 87.9 in 1912. and 8S.2 to average condition for the past ten years.. comparisons- ror . winter wneat? ana rye States in the" Southeast follows Winter 'Wheat: Ten : 1 " k - -ioi Year States '""" Per Cent. Average. Virginia.. .. .. ;. 95 - - :- - 89 North Carolina . . 92 91 South Carolina. .89 8? Georgia ...... 91 88 Kye : Ten : ' 1914. , . . Year : Stated Per Cent. Average: Virginia... ...... 95 89 North Carolina . '. . 92 90 South Carolina 89 88 Georgia ,-r . . . .92 " 90 MARINE. k ' Arrived. ,- f!chr. Victor C. Records. 238 tons. Grif fith, Jersey City, Tidewater Grocery Co. .;.... Cleared. -Str. Algiers, Hanson, New .York, C. Jt Becker, agent.1 ' MARINE DIRECTORY. list of Vessels In Port at Wllmrnstoa, s . - North Carolina. '.. . ' v - , Steamers. . - Stri Gleriarm Head (Br.). 2,527 tons, Ma canly, Henry Whyte. - Str; ICassanga. Br.), 1,940 tons, Crockett, Alexander Sprunt & Son.- ----- ' Str. Castle Eden (Br.), l,169ons, Cold ing, Alexander Sprunt & Son. - Schooners. - Schr.1 Victor C. Records, 23S tons, Grif fith, Tidewater Grocery Co. - ; Blr riVer and batl: Receipts of Cotton and Naval Stores at tno t'ort. Wilmington April 7. " Atlantic Coast Line 161 - bales cotton ; 5 barrels rosih ; 62 barrels tar.-. .. -Seaboard Air Line 70 bales cotton. Str. Thelma 42 barrels tar." - -Str. Addie May 8 casks spirits , turpen tine: 21 barrels rosin; 23 barrels tar. -Total 231 bales cotton; 8 casks spirits turpentine; 26 barrels rosin; 127 barrels tar. - ... . " WILMINGTON -PEANUT MARKET. (Quoted by J. S. Funchess & Co.) Wilmington, N. C, jb.pril 4. North Caro lina peanuts : Market stronger; receipts, lights Fancv. hand-picked, 85e; No. 1, ma chine picked, SOc. ; extra choice, 75c, per bushel.;--, -r - ?. ' . , Virginias: Steady, 8590e. per buslfel. Spanish : - Steady and stronger, $1.3i f 1.40. per bushel.-:-;"' . . . :. , V-r:' ;'v.- - PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. Reported by Rodgers, Plummer & Co., Inc. Petersburg, Va., March 26. Spanish Farmers' Spanish, firm; at ?1. 60 per bush el. ' - ' .Virginias Fancy Jumbo, -.4 to 4c per lb.: Fancy Hand-Picked, iti. to 4c per lb. Extra Prime, 4 to 4c per lb. Prime, 4 to 4c per lb. ShelMng Stock, 3 to 4c per lb. ; ;. -, -",, . . y " WILMINGTON. MARKETS. 2 ; .r.v.-, c ": ' " STAft - OFFICE, April 7. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady, 42. ROSIN Steady, at $3.50. . . - TAR Firm, at $2.00 per barrel; In casks, 9c; per gallon.- - '" CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm, $2.25 - per barrel for bard t $3.50- per barrel for dlp ; $3.50 per barrel for virgin. , ti Quotatiohs same -day last year-Splrits turpentine, 35 1 rosin, nominal; tar, Jrm, 2720 ; crude turpentine, $3.00, $4 00 $4.00. y i ' -' -i . : Receipts.' Spirits Turpentine Rosio- , ... :J26 Tar -..i -,,.:r.r... ... VJ-- Crude Turpentine ... ... u-(-T Receipts same day last year Spirits tHrbeBtine, ( ) casks ; Tosin, ( ) Barrels; tanf 22 barrels; crude turpentine, 24 bar rels; -r. " . . '-j ' .: i .COTTON MARKETS ,rv,totSnnt: niiiet. 13 l-16c. for mid- diihg.- Same day last year, 11. -Wecelnts. 231.- Same day last year 310 afliceipts since, fi 'if Total receipts same day last year, 297,169 bales. :; .-'"' :V-i: w''.;,' ,, .. ;v. - . PBOPPCK .MARKETS. v (Quoted, by W, J.. Meredith,'. AP...- POTATOES Irish TPOtoUM Pfr bu. Sweet, potatoes, -yams, ou, , 6"" "pEAS-Wwie, 2J per tmufiel; Kood e- mand. ' .:V V. ':V.:- cs:. Zinci de- BEEF-rrNative ; areeu.v f -miind.. " ' ' ' , .: Vnnd. 10c. po KKr-smaii, iws' l rrlTv 4WOOI--;Bnrry, "fllDESreen salt: 12c. dry flinty iFXi w rtTm A""BAc6'N--ew: hams. i&yZZZ: Mdaed-shoulders, -se,i per TALLOW Firm. 45c- Per J2.- . pnTitvrRY -T Chickens. 55: rUUliiMI -. -cvv5?iJ!Srt nor Grown, 50c,; Spring head; -good demand Grown, 50c.; Spring cnieseu,;- rrt 'ad ; good aemanu. -'., ' '.; - -' -" I'M i( its IOC. iwr - uui.i.. .-. . - -tttwk-tcvs -Live, on IOOI.. IOC V . JirZTTn nr- an oit' stove .TXm'tr fill lamp or an ; on 8lov,s. while it Is. lighted. STOCK SPECULATION J SLOW JVIarket- Vahe$ . Werse- Little . Changed i Government Wheat Crop Re :': port Has Effect New Y'ork,. -April 7. Speculation again was 'slow today, and market values were little, changed. Appearance of the. govern mept Winter wheat crop report was the Signal, for A demonstration, on the part of Bullish traders and for. a few minntes spec ulatioii .wits , lively. However,- efforts of professional traders had little influence, on Quotations, and after a few minutes the market settled back into its dull routine. Aside from the crop report, there-, was nothing ' fh the day's news of important j Dearingon tne martet as a wnoiCi mo tone .was good,; and iiost of the? standard stocks ; again, made fractional advices. -The bestshowing was made by; the granjarers. whose ,i strength reflected the expectation of a large wheat crop. . ' . -.. Tobacco shares advanced, with, a buoy ant spurt of 24 points in Xiorillard. This stock jumped five points or . more at -41 tiine, no reason being assigned other ' than the stock was scarce, and that to - fill an order for 500 shares "at the market," a broker was obliged to bid it up in this jimiiner. . , . . . - : Itenewed liqiddation among low priced ra'lroad shares held back the general mar ket; Both Wabash issues and 1?t. Louis and San Franjsco, common, and second preferred iiade new low records. . . The- bond market : was .' irregular. St. Louis and San Francisv refunding 4s ud vsintd sharply, despite the weakness of tbstocks.; ; Total ales of bone's. 1.850.-KH.- ; United States "2s, registered, declined fe". :on call. . Total sales of stocks were 11 1.C0O- shares, including: - . . American Tobacco. 'M0; C. and O., 400: Lehigh Valley, 700;. N. and W..-200; Read ing, 4,700 ,S. A.' vL., ..ptd. 100; Southern Railway, 700; Tennessee Copper, 400; 'Tutt ed States Steel, 17,100; do. pfd.. 50O. CLOSING STOCK'LIST. Amalgamated Copper .. .. American Agricultural .. . ... ... American Beet Sugar !. . . . . . . American Can ... ...... American Can, pfd ... American Car and Foundry ... ... American Cotton Oil ... ... . American Ice Securities ... ,. . American Linseed ... .... ....... American Locomotive' -..... . : American .Smelting and Refining Amer. Smelting and Ref., pfd . American Sugar Ref.. ... ... ... American Tel. and Tel ......... American Tobacco ... ... ...... Anaconda Mining Co ... Atchison Atchison, pfd ... Atlantic Coast Line ... i.. ... . Baltimore and Ohio ... .. Bethlehem Steel ... ... .. Brooklyn Rapid Tralisit Canadian Pacific ... Central Leather ....... ... ,.;.,. Chesapeake and Ohio .. Chicago Great Western . .. . ... Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul ... ... Chicago and North Western ... Colorado Fuel and Iron Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products - - Delaware and Hudson ... Denver and-Rio Grande .. ... , Denver and-Rio Grande, pfd ... Distillers' Securities....... .. .. . Erie ... ... Erie, 1st pfd ... ... ... ... ... Erie, 2nd pfd.. . General Electric ... Great Northern, pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central Interborough-Mefr-...... ...... Interborough-Met., pfd ... ....... Inter-Harvester .. . . ... Inter-Marine, pfd ...... International Paper ... .. . ... International.Pnmp ... ... ... ... Kansas. City Southern ... ... ... ladede Has ....... .... ... . Lehigh Valley ... ... Louisville and Nashville . . ; . . . . . Minn., St. P.-ind Sanlt Ste Marie Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Missouri Pacific ... ... ... , National Biscuit ... ... ..w .. National Lead . . . . . . . ... Nat. Rys. of Mexieo.iJnd pfd New York Central '.i; New York. Ont. and Western .. Norfolk and Western ... North American Northern Pacific . ... ... ... Pacific Mal . . . ....... ... Pennsylvania ...... People's ,G.-is. . ; : . .' .... ... .. Pittsburg, C. C. and St. Louis" .. Pittsburg Coal ...... Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Reading ... ,... ... Republic Iron and Steel ... ... ... Republic Iron and Steel, pfd ... Rock Island Cd .,. ... . . Rock J&laud-Alo. of d ... St, Louis and San Fran., 2nd pfd . Seaboard Air. Line i . . Seaboard Air Line, pfd ... ... .. Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron ... Southern Pacific .i. .... Southern , Railway ... ... ... Southern- Railway, pfd ... ..; Tennessee Copper .. . . . ...... Texas and Pacific . . Union Pacific ... ... .. ... ... . . . 77 ...50 29 .. 9Hj ..... 50 ... 42 .. 30 W) ... 3 . - :9 . .102 ..100 . .122 ..237 ... 35 . . 90 ...100 .. 122 . . yo . . 40 . . 92 ...206 . . 35 . . 53 . - 12 ...101 ..133 .. 32 ...132 .. 9 ; ..150 .' ' : .15 ... 29 ... 40 ... 3(5 ...146 -.127 . 34 ...110 ... 15 .. 62 . .14 .. . 10 ... .8 . . ...24 ... tn: . :i44 . .130 . ,123 . , J7 ... 25 . .130 ... 40 .. 11 . ... f9 . . . 2i ...103 . . 76 ...114 ... 25 ..110 . .123 .. 7S ' ..-20 . 43 . .155 ...165 ..24 ... 87 ... 3 0 : . -5 '.. 19 M 30 ... 94 ... 25 ,.S0 .. 35 ' . .16 ...159 .. S3 ., ... 62" ... 60 . . 63 ...110 ...57 ..31 ..1 : 4 ..... 29 . .. 61 .-. 74 ... 4 69 . .' 42 ... 22 Union Pacific,- pfd . . . United, States Realty i United States Rubber ... United States Steel ....... i; . . . United States Steelv pfd .... Utah Copper ... ......... Virginia- Carolina Chemical , Wabash .'. ... ... Wabash, pfd . . .. .. .. .. Western Maryland- . . . ... i , . 7 . . . Western Union ;.. ... Westinghouse Electric . ..... Wheeling and Lake Erie ... ... , New Haven ... ... ... Chino Copper . ... ..v ... Ray Cons. Copper . . . ... ... NEW YORK PRODUCE. - New Yrork, April 7, Coffee Spot, dull; Rio; No. 7J 88; Santos, No. 4, 11; mild, dull; -Cordova. 12, nominal. Sugar Raw,: steady. -Molasses sugar, 2.27; centrifugal, 2. 92-;' refined, quiat. Cotton Seed Oil There was a sharp rise in cotton seed oil today, on the upturn in ewtton, light-crude offerings, local covering and icommissioni'' house- buying. Final prices were generally ;Z to 5 points net higher.-; . ' ' - -- . The market closed steady. Spot, 7.566? 7.57; April-May, 7l537.55; June. 7.57 7.W; July 7.657.66; August, 7.717-.73: September, 7.70(fg7.74; October, 7.237.26; November, 6.S0(f7.10. : ; Total sales, SjOOO. - -: '. " "'. Vj.vt; NAVAL STORES.. . . . - . :, i -- - 'i ; "' ' ' .Savannah" - GaV, ' Apnl 7. Turpentine, shipments, ' 1.7etaoin . 'etaoin etaoin etaoin ments, 173; stocks,- -11,104. - - - Rosiii-r-Firm. Sales, none : reecipts-1,-295; shipments, 85Sf st6cks, 98,500, Q n ote : A.-B,"3.70: C. D;. 3.53k. E. 3.80; F, 3.82; G;3.S5: H. 4.0M I. K. 4.10; M. 4.50 N, 5:40 ; W G,r5.75 ;W: W, 6 ;00v c -' V r Vi.l.X LA RGE CROWDS ATT EN D, : . ; BarachlRathea Cartful kei$ -at -: -i-,:?w480Special..J.ar.feiy:' w - - (Speciah'Star CorrespohdericeC) - i-WiilsonMV-i.- 'Gtv-v April3:&7i Large " crowds attiendedi the iBaracd-Philathea carnival .givjen in the liberty ware house last1 hightand today? iA; spe cial Ciar $ Ka beeu arranged ?;for;the delegates iwhoiwJU go fripm tlife cbun ty; to vthexBaraca-Philathea; State Con vention -:at ;r- Durhamj iivkgv: : The car will be attached-to the- Nor folk Souther westbound-train, and will naiff tntou-glrctrhaSn:ii- " if i:. RfN H BAILEY: DEAD; Prbrniheht Citizen and Business Man - -. of - Starrtonsburg. : . 1 ; Special Star Correspondence.) Wilson, -N.- C, April 7. Mr.. N. It Bairey, senior: partner, of 'a furniture firm - at Stantonsburg, and a leading Uiren of. that . town. - died Monday morning : after " a short illness, c IIo was 55 years old- and leaves a wife ana several cnuaren: a une. iunerai rvice was .held today..-. , . . United .States Department of .Agricultarej :"- ,- Weather" Bureau. : , : . ',..;;:V,.; - ; ; April 1914, ' ; - Meteorological data for the 24 hours end ing at P. 3L yesterday : - . -Temperature -at-S A M.,62 degrees; at 8 P. M 03 degrees maximum, 70 degrees; niinininui. 53 degrees-; mean, 62 degrees.' Rainfall for the day, .00 ; rainfall for the month, to date, 1.9S.. . . : x Stage ' of . water in Cape Fear river, af Fayetteville. at 8 A. M.,' yesterday, 8.6 feeti WEATHER FORECAST. . ! For North' Carolinar-Raw AVednesdav: colder in. interior. Thursday, partly cloudy and colder near the coast. . The Port Calendar, Apr. 8. 1914. Sunrises ... .-.-.5:50 'A. M. Sun sets ..; -.. . . ... :38'P.-.M. Day's length ; . . . . . . : . . . .12 hrs. 48 miu. .. . . Tides.- , v .'.-.High water. . Low water. A.M. P:M. A.M. P.M. Wilmington . . . 7:56 S;23 2:54 ;. 3:23 Southport . '. . 5 :45 6 :lo 12 :0! 11 :53 Masonboro InlPt : 5::3'4'-5:59 . 11:49 11:33 WEATHER. BUREAU REPORTS. , , April 7..1914. - Temperature: STATIONS: - a ucc U2 t. oo a o , CO Abilene. . . Aslieville -. , Atlanta... Augusta. . ... Birmingham , Boston " . . Charletson . . Charlotte:. . Chicago. . . , ?alveston ; . . Jjicksonville . Memphis ; . Mobile., . . Aloutgomery . New Orleans New York.. , Oklahoma . Palestine . . Pittsburg . . Italeigh'.:.' :,: Savannah.. , Shreveoort . , St. Louis : . . Washington . .cloudy cloudy .. clear . . clear .pt cldy cloudy pt cldy . .clear -cloudy , . .clear -clear C raining pt cldy , pt cldy . : clear -.clear cloudy . cloudy . clear rainiqg pt cldy . pt,cldy 4S. m 72 74 76 40 I 70 OS 40 72 78 72 74 80 84 60 4li 68 62 70 70 k TO 44 46 42 54 . t;o 58 1 34 60 54 34 4i4 62 : 02 58 64 40 .40 62 4S 50 62 (M 40 46 . ,0 .02 .0 .0 .0 .50 .0 .10 .0 At .06 ' '.01 .0 .0 .0 .02 .0 .14 .O .06 .r .26 .0 . . 72 PREDICTS THE 'SNAKE WRIGGLE' W. C. - Douglass Pays Resoects to V ' ' "Bunny Hug" and "Sich.". i Khiston, N: C. April 7.W. C. Douglass, the well f known Raleigh lawyer, in a discourse in the First Baptistxhurch here -upon "Captives of the Devil," entertained his hearers, who were a large congregation, with comnjents on the. bunny hug, the tur keys trot and more recent' departures in the ..world of terpsichore. and rjrn- dicted that 'the snaKe wriggle"- will come;. - -. Then in tango , gowns and .'full dres.s, according to his idea, devotees will squirm upon polished floors in most -'extraordinary antics. Mr. Doug lass said he had seen the tango per formed but- once. He .told the audi ence that . a ' positive cure .would be had by. dancers who would enact, it before a mirror for their own benefit. FROZEN TO DEATH' IN TROPICAL Refrigerator Vessel Carrying Frozen Beef Reports Death of Engineer. New York, April ' 7 .The steamer El Cordobes arrived, today from Bue nos Ayres and Montevideo with a story of a death on board in the trop-J ics and strangely enough due to cold. The victim was ; J . G . Rrockhill, engi neer in charge of the bis refrigerators where the vessel carried 2,100 tons' of frozen beef. , .- :. , "" ', -: .-'. v - VESSELS.. BUItjTi JiI YEAR. Department of Commerce Reports De crease In Last Nine; Months. , Washington, t April In- nine months ending March 31st, there were built in. the United States 881 sailings steam and unrigged. vessels of 215,059 gross tons a decrease of 233. vessels compared with the corresponding pe riod, in 1S, the Department of Com merce stated today. ,-t . . " : Of -the total vessels built, 479 were constructed on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. - ' - - " - '; Tampa, . Fla., April 7. Miss Phil lippine; Panger, 89 years old,1 said . to have been lady in waiting to Empress Eugenie when Napoleon III ruled France, died here today. " She- had lived -with the family ; of ,-" Gustavus Ward ' for years1 and formerly ' was Mrs v Ward's mother's maid; Miss Panger came to the United States Sol lowing the overthrow of the French Empire, locating in Nashville, Tenn. The National Rat Killer cockroaches, : watcrbugs and ... , , other vermin. ; , - ' . It is ready for use, ecorjomicaV reliable f and sold under an absolute guarantee of finoTiev hack if it fails. i't Directions in 15 languages in packa.se, - . BoU by reta-aers evary whereu -,:-.'' - IK ' .".-.-i.s4?ef,N. ic-v :: ' f ' ,;.:. ., ... ,1.J.',-!;:!'i'-;.:.- -itff. Chesapeake and Otiio Railway : - gCXNIOKOUTS TO THJS tWUST.'-. Twt Tut Vertibnir Train i With Utala TbroBgli . Fnniriaii Sleeper f tv LaaiRvUl , indnaatl, . Cnlcajro and Bt. Ivonia. . V Lv;f Riclim olid , I 2 :10pml , S.-.lOamjll :K)pin Ar. IiOTjfsyill ;'-'tttJ :fKiam'.; . 7:30pm Ar.Clncianati, -SASOaiffllO :20aml . 5 :00pm Ari ChicnfiQ... .vv";.4 orQPpmjiTriipBiJ.. MQam Ar. St Louiiii 5. 4-7:lpni4 7:18pm 7 :45am Direct connection for : U pciuu . W knd Northweat, -v ..;.U ;::-;.' I Onlckest and ..Best" Boot. . , t?w;--:;r: . " r:r: ' . The.:lnie to: tke Celebrtef Monntala t . florti ot VIrsrini .w-?? For. kdescriptive tniattrr chcdulM-Pnllmaa-: reservation a, adiresa - :i S , r -VJ NO. IX. POTTS, P.rA;,! 0.: Kyi,s ItWhmoud Y' fearns alio it of Every Kind arid De scription. See our Win dow. - Arrowsmith our Specialty. ssi c.TTsr-'SBaa ess NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND, j 'Notice -is herebv. siven that:. the untler- signed : nSortgagee, under' and by virtue '"of tne power or sale eontainea in a . ceriain mortiiitge deed executed by Iloland A. Wriarht and wife, Daisy T Wright, on the 1st day of February, 1913, and duly re corded in Book 70,. at Page 005, in the of fice of the liegister of Deeds of New Han over County, will sell, at publio- auction, to the highest Aid0er, for cash, at the Court House door of New Hanover county, on the 27th day of April 1014, at twelve o'clock M.. that certain lot. or parcel, -of land situated in the City of Wilmington. New Hauover County, and .described as follows: . - t - "Beginning in the western line of Nutt street at a point 110.17 ,feet northwardly from the -northern -line of. Grace street, and runs thencenorthwardly along the western line of Nntt street, 55.75 feet; thence west wardly and parallel: with Grace street. 122 feet; thence sor.thwardly and ..parallel with Nntt street,- 55.75 feet ; thence'"eastwardly and parallel with Grace- street, 122 feet, to the western line of Nutt street, the point of. beginning; tlie saine being parts of lots Three. :!'d Four, in Tilotk 202. i-e"'-i-ingto the official plan of the City of Wil mington. , -: ..: : Said sale will fjft made suhject to a deed of trust executed - by Iloland ' A. Wright Mh rid .'wife to Geo. A. Grimsley, Trustee, to secure the payment- of a note f or !j10,:J, which is due on February Ist 1010. . Said siile will also be made-subject . to a lease made by Worth & Worth, former owners of said, property, to the Atlantic CoaSf Line Railroad - Company, which lease af fwfs tbe western end of said lot. . - This, the 25th dav of March, 1914. THE FIDELITY TRUST & DEVELOP MENT COMPANY. Mortgagee. , . mh25,w-5t i ' . NOTICE OF SAL.E OF LAND. Noti-e is hereby given that the under signed mortgagee under and by virtue of the power of sale . contained in a certain niortsratre deed executed by Roland A. Wright and wife, Daisy T. Wright, on "Uie 27th day of November, 1912,ind dulyfe- corded in Hook at page 352, in tne or-: flee of the Register of Deeds of New Han over County, will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Qourt House door, of New Hanover County on the 27th day of April, 1914, at twelve o'clock M.. that certain lot or parcel of hind sitated.-i;t the City of Wiliningtoiw New Hanover County, and described as follows : ; . Beginning in the western line of Nutt Street at a point -19S feet northwardly from the northern line of Grace street. And rnns thence southwardly along the w-estern line of Nutt steet, 22.55 feet: thence westwnrdly and parallel with Grace street, 122 feet ; thence northwardly and parallel with Nutt street. 22.55 feet; thence eaptwardly and parallel -with Grace street 122 feet, to the western line of Nntt street, the point of beginning; the same being part of Lot Three An Block 202, ac cording to the official plan of the City of Wilmlngtou.v: -: Said sale will be made subjectto a deed of trust executed by Roland A. Wright and wife to Geo. A. Grimsley, Trustee, to secure the payment - of a note of $3,750 which , is dne and payable . on November 20th. .1915. Said sale will also be made subject to a leaser-made by Worth & Worth former owners of said property; to the Atlantic Const Line Railroad Company, which lease affects the western end of said lot. ."'." This 25th dflv of March, 1914. THE FIDELITY TRUST & DEVELOP- -'11ENT, COMPANY, Mortgagee. -mh25,w-5t . ' Just Received ! two cars No. 1 Patent Flour. One of these consists of self-rising. We have also a general line of heavy and 'fahcy groceries, candies, ex tracts, drugs . and nails, all nf, which we offer at wholesale only, at living prices . - , ; , ' : . B. Grooiri -i.r... . f: T 226 North Water Street. 7, 22 ii Garrell' Buildini W. G. FOUNTAIN AUTOS JFOitlilRE Five-Passengets cars.M2.00 per , hdnr. V ; Large -Cars 12,50 per .hdur; -a Hack calls up to. five passengers, ,?1.00 ? r y Good new cars. ' Day dr nrght. " Phone 741. s v ' No. 5 N. Third St. W:.G. "FOUNTAIN. rri w; h. panck ; CIVIL -ENGINEER t - Surveys, I'lan . Slaps," ' an d - E stimatcs,' I r.-j. '. and tity int- purvy. . " P. O. BOX 579 . " TELEPHONE 572 -. .- ... -.'' ":- '" '--"- - P, O.Box .K9.'-'b.i? .'Phone' 578 . . : .;. : '. I'v-V i"'----''' :. : ft ImperiallJSlPnt Co. Jr 1 :-:--? O ARRELL Bt-ILDINO 'l:. . , Wilrolngton, C. ELECTRIC JBJJPW RINTS CTS --' ' -.- ' wit sni-A'n'K Tt.'OOT. '. '' '.--- ' V ME ! ; . - V e'l ? HVVE-YtiU ANY MOISIEY? : Vhat are you getting on it? - If 4 per cent and taxes are 2l , per cent; you, are getting ! per cent. If you have it loaned at 6. per cent you pay taxes per cent;on loan, so yod only get.-3 xi per cent. North Carolina 4's pay 4 per cent, no tax Whatever, not .even income tax ; no worry or fretting about geriing your money. ! have Erwin 6 per cent Preferred, nets you 8 )2 per cent, counting taxesA I ha, ve Carolina Power and Light 7 per cent Preferred,- nets you 9l2 per cent, counting taxes- I have Durham Hosiery Mills"6 percent Preferred, nets h'ou 8 X per cent, counting taxes. " ;I want to especially call your attention to above North Caro lina 4's, Carolina Power and Light 7 per cent, Erwin 6 per cent Preferred, Durham Hosiery 6 per cent. All of these are abso lutely gilt edge, no tax, and, you can sell at any time,- in case you need money; ybu can borrow on either more readily than you can on Real Estate. ' ' ; . " c. c. Mcdonald; Stocks and Bonds, - WILMINGTON BANK STOCKS: f Will give 300 for A. T. Banking Go. ashare. For Sale: Wilmington Savings & Trust:255 ; 3.0 shares;Southern Nation al Bank, bid wanted; 5 or 25 Murchison National 157; .10 shares American National Bank 125;-250,000 North Carolina 4 Bonds, 1953. Will buy North Carolina 6's or North Car olina 4's, 1949's, 1950's, 195i4s or .1953's.v" , . c. c. Mcdonald Stocks and Bonds. : v . H v j .. . ,, . ,, ,,,. ,.., TI TTiim IK.,- Pil "'.rm. s A V-';, ' I ii tm.-l- Kill!, immmmmm&mmmw&f emn . m ltlABEt, HODMAN,,,,. im t i k ... y ... Raleigh, N. d Tl eciaiis X Raleigh, N. C? Everything That Is New ahd Up to Date in Hats, Dresses : arid Coat Suits for Easter Wear," for ; Ladies, Misses and Children can be had at GaylbMPkitt iany s Big Department Store. '.''.' :v i ;-;i-.'',:;::-iiK ' ; , Also Easter Suits and Hats: for Man and Boy. Slippers, Pumps and Ox ford Ties fqr all. . Everything at Depart ment Store Prices, which means .a saving of 25 - We are carrying line of Little Kats; for little-Tots that are marvels of -behuty-for 5oc.. .' : Child's , While and Black Milans, best quality, 100, . $1.25, 1.50. .. NOfTTH FRONT ST. - "msmteuotaam AVtlme--; ; j Refdrrhatibh" j Big, Two-Reel Drama, J with Scenes-Laid in the Ipaj of 166165. &TOE i imaginative rarce,, .with the Scenes Laid in Hades. i4WON IN A CLOSETT Keystone J Comedy; r Fear j turing Miss Mabel Nor- mand. TODAY ' jjj . . -- : .-."..' t

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