it I ii t; . two Ml. ON 'KOBTHEBH TBiP STARS -i- jpiay Many B!g JSames With Leading Colleges During the Next ULJ I 1- J.... ... - ., :- - ' - ' " - "- " T . "111. ( T 1 1 ; ! (SDeciarstap 'dbrfespohdence!) If 14- 1 1. . 1 e I f VI ml ti t i I I Si ft .tic-- ft i t - t. "West Raleigh, N. C, April 20. The - A. & M. baseball team left Sunday . for the Northern trip, going first to Blacksburg, Va,, where they meet the Virginia Polytechnic Institute this af ternoon. From there they will go-td Lexington and play the strong Gen- " erals of Washington & Le Univer sity and will then journey to Wash ington wliere they play two : games, one with Georgetown University and one with Catholic .University. ;On Friday tney : will go ovr . to SoMh eBthlehem, Pa., and play Lehigh Uni vercity. -Saturday is : open at present, but a, game will. probably be arranged with : some other Northern aggrega tion to fill this date, and make a full schedule of six games. " - " . Although., the Techs, are confident of winning from the Virginia : Techs Monday, they expect a. haTd fight. This will be the first athletic cpntest be tween these two schools in two years, and "with the old rivalry this game should prove an interesting contest. On .Tuesday the A- & M.. team will iplay one of the hardest games of ; the season ,when . they cross . . bats witn Washington- &x Leel The - Generals have :one of the ti-ongest teams.ithis year thai they have ever had; having won nine out of ten games played so far this season. The games Weunesr, day and Thursday will also be hard X contests, as .Georgetown has an excep tionally fast team, having ... defeated Princeton and Cornell this spring. Catholic University always! puts-yput one of the fastest college teams in the country, they also having defeated the Princeton Tigers this spring. The Northern schedule will end up with Lehigh University - on Friday, unless some other college is taken on for Saturday,- the team returning to Ra leigh -m (Sunday.. So far this-spring the Techs have. mader an exceptionally fine record,, having played eleven games, won eighty, lost two and tied one. As an all round fielding team, the Techs are much stronger ; this, year than last n year, and at. the : bat they are hitting well, the average for the whole team now being .243 per cent. Taking, into account the number of times at the bat, Winston is leading the team in batting so fan having made the en viable record or 20 hits out of 48 times at the bat with an average of .417. Russell has only played in three games, but is hitting .616,. Lewis .500; Gill, 400; CorrelU .302; Gemmon, .290; , Farmer, .245; Wheeler, JJ96; Patfon, .196; Liverman, .148; Hodgin, .129; ' and. Jaynes, .125. Fifteen men left Raleigh Sunday, including Coach Anderson. . Manager Austin, Alumni Representative- Mer rittand 12 players as follows: Win ston;' catcher; Russell,- Jaynes and Kincaid,,jitchers; Farmer, (capt.) first base; Hodgin. second base; Gara- - mon, third base: Wheeler; -shortstop; Correll. left field: Liverman, center vfield; Patton, right . , field, and GUI', .tiUty man. ; . .. . - 1 .IVE DRUM LANDED. Big Channel Bass Biting In Surf Now abd . Fishermen Rejoice- : i Messrs.; J. W. Fieeman-;and Pierre Holmes-returned jto the city yesterday morning.jfrom Queen " Inlet with four fine" large Channel bass, or drum, cap tured .with' rod and reel,, and Mr. M " W . Turner, fishing with another - party off the Seashore Hotel pier at Wrights ville Beach Sunday night landed an other of the gamy surf fighters. Ot those caught at Queen Inlet, Mr. spectively 10v 25 and 30 pounds each, while ; Mr. Holmes beached a fine 21 pounder. . Mr. Turner's capture tipped tne scales in the neighborhood of 25 poundsl . . . . ' Local.fiEhermen who heard the news yesterday were planning to follow suit during this week, several parties lay ing plans to: go to one or the other of t,e favorite spots' along the ad jar cent coast for a try for the finny fight ers. J;-,-' Thus far six big channel bass have been,, laoided within the last week, .andfthese are the first of the present season... And while the sson is late in opening up, the catches1 made thus far .indicate that this fact may bo - made up for by the size of ..the . drum this year,.as those already landed aver age exceptionally large for early caught flsh.. ENGINEER FANT SPEAKS. Inspiring Address at Bijou Theatre Sunday Afternoon. - Mr. D. .J. Fant, of Atlanta, Ga., the well known Southern engineer, was heard by an ' audience of about 400 men at the Bijoa theatre Sunday .af ternoon. The subject of his address was "An Emergency Run." He urged those present to be prepared for the emergencies of life by taking Christ as their pleader and their authority. The victory comes to those who are prepared,-he. said, and it is therefore highly important that men take ad vantage of the many opportunities for preparing for life's duties. He is a practical railroad man, and illustrated his address with many ex periences: from his own life which were,,; most, apt and impressive. He made" av powerful plea for a practical Christianity, one: that will help men to-live better-and nobler-lives. .... -8pecial music, was rendered by the choir; of the First Baptist church and also "-by- the -church quartette and the ' Y. M Ca Ai orchestra. . This added, the attractiveness ..of the servicer- - For the purpose of presenting the various -advantages of the Blue Ridge Assembly Rev. F. .M . . , Purser, of ' Richmond" Va-i will speak to the pas r . tors, Stlhday School teachers and mis ( sionworker& of. the city; at the ; Y . M . . y Uliq lift V j - Jt.- viwi."'- n.a ihstitutioa, -while run. under the au Apices of . the Baptist Church, is of such mature as to appeal to Sunday.School . pd mission" rorkers'lof all churches. fe STOM i IN t EDGECOMBE. ' --.I- f v' --'" - - -Barrf at Speed Is vRazed and Cattle teJT KlHed. - - .- ',: ; ' (special Star Telegram.) - : -; Tarboro;'N. .C.i April 20. In a se vere stbrni which i passed .over -this county today, Blount Bros.' store at Bethel' was damaged and a barn of.B. F Shelton, at Speed," was razed, kill- B- inf . Bum Der -01 awauie - viacnc ouu f"; many "houses" were unroofed. No per gonsare;Teported .injured.. : . . Wasioington;: AprilN20 .---The right i of: tfte : State::, ro, regulate itisuraaftg rates was-eeiueo- Toua,y, lub ou- f ? ; 4rrto; f!nrt .unholdine as constltu- ii L ' tional the Kaiisa fire Ihsurarice law. of 1 qi 9: TiTstTca: McKenna'; for . the; ma- 5orUyl f the c6urt, declared" insurance ; Had booome. so clothed : with a public :-interest. -as -to . distinguish insurance from 'ordinary- business ahd to classify it with the-business ol ruaalfig a hotel vf'rjfllrf&fo V . V(K VK TOR. CHAE.H. fe.KTMib OF. VJ0HOC3H OH"W W0H.U)S TOOK , Aycock Is Easy For Virginians UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA EASILY WON SECOND GAfME FROM CAROLINA. - (Special Star Telegram.) Greensboro, N. C, April 20. Caro lina met a second defeat at the hands of . the Virginia nine in a one-sided game" of baseball here today by a score of 9 to 1, when Orange and Gold triumphed .over White and Blue. Wet grounds partly accounted for the bad playing of the Carolina nine.. At one time rain threatened to prevent the gme, but the .captains were able to start half an hour late. The Vir ginians found Aycock easy and . heavy batting brought them runs enough in bunches to" win the game. The score: Carolina .... . .010 OOft 0001 6 3 Virgina 003 132 X)0x 9 12 1 Aycock, Watkins and Woodall; James, Neff and Green. DOAK IS INVINCIBLE Won for Cards With Able Assistance of : Cubs' M isplays.a St. -Louis,-- April 2G.-Willie -Doak was invincible in the pinches today, while his team mates took advantage of Chicago's errors and hit. Hum phreys when hits meant a run, St. Louis winning 2 to 0. jphio'as-n ...... 000 000 000 0 3 o 7 1 Doak St. Louis. ...0.00 Cll OOx 2 Humphries and - Bresnahan; and Snyder. KINSTON PREPARING TO WAGE HEALTH CAMPAIGN. Plans to be Presented at Health Con ference In May. (Special Star Correspondence.) Kinston, N. C, April 20. Plans are n the. forming here for an -extensive campaign for health in the coming summer. At a municipal health con ference to. be held in May, the plans will be unfolded to the public by the joint committee representing the city government, the chamber of com merce, and physicians' societies. Stated lines of improvement will be announced- and; experts of national reputation will discuss topics of hy giene. Business organisations, trades bodies the. administration, women's clubs and societies, churches, frater nal organizations and school children will all have a part in the work," while nearly every doctor in town will be enrolled in an advisory or other ca pacity : . A period will be set in which citi zens will "clean up." ; Substantial do nations are expected to be made by the- eity and business men. A price will be put-upon the head of every fly and mosquito and other measures tak en to prevent typhoid and malaria, while-serious efforts -will be made to-ward.-education of the people to avoid tuberculosis and other diseases. Since .January, ,1st, the municipality has ac- compusned - much tor health better ment by laying-, additional . sanitary sewers and removing germ-harborins sheds - in-the newly annexed fire dis-- trlct territory.. ; The plans on which the health con ference, committee has, Deen working f or ; weeks. are , yet in the embryo. Al thoughthe death. . rate is . extremely low now, for a town of the size, it is believed possible , to make it lower than . in any town of like population in tue country Decause of the extra ordinary advantages for drainasre and the splendid. Water -supply , it .enjoys, together, with admirable public, spirit.. STANDING 0F THE MAJOR LEAGUE LUBST , AMERICAN LEAGUE. A. "Club:. Chicago . . Washington New York . St. Louis . Detroit. . Philadelphia Boston.. Cleveland , Won Lost. 1 1 1 P.C. .833 .75X1 .667 .600 .6(X) .400 .333 .000 4 G o At Boston 2;; Philadelphia S:(10 in.) 2nd:' Boston 0; Philadelphia 6. Others postponed; ' rain. St. L'ouist at Chicago. 1 Cleveland atl Detroit, , . ; Washington at : New York. Philadelphia at Boston. i Ntv rVTl 1. C? XZ- r" ' " - : III' " " i '- II HEW YOWL RESULTS YESTERDAY. South Atlantic League. At Macon 6; Jacksonville 11; (10 innings.) ' At Savannah 0; Columbia 2. At Charleston 6; Augusta 1. At Albany 6; Cplumbus 5. .: ; Southern League. At New Orleans 5; Birmingham 0. At Nashville 2; Chattanooga 0. At Mobile 1; Montgomery 4. At Memphis. 5; Atlanta 7. Virginia League. At Newport News 9; Richmond 5. At Portsmouth-Roanoke, rain. At Petersburg 2; Norfolk 3. American Association. At Kansas City 12; St. Paul 4. At Louisville 3; Cleveland 9. Others postponed, rain. College Games. At Greensboro: University of Va., 8; University of N. C. 1. How They Stand SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Club : Jacksonville 1 Columbia . ; . Snvann.-ih . . Charleston . . Macon-. . . . Coin inbus . . . Augusta . . . Albany . . . Won. . ,10 . . 7 . . " Lost. 1 5 ( f, s y 8 S P.C. .!00 " .i.H .r.Vi ..'JT.7 .ooo SOUTHERN LEAGUE. JU Club: New Orleans . Atlanta . . . . Chattanooga ; Montjromery - Mobile Nashville . . . Rirniin.ehain. . Memphis . ., . Won. Lost. 1 P.C. .S57 .S57 .571 .."571 :.143 .143 t; 4 4 4 4 ( (! j- VIRGINIA LEAGUE. Club:- Won. Norfolk . . . ". ... 3 Newport News 4 Uichmond . ... . . . l Petersburg ...... l Roanoke l Portsmouth o Lost. O ) P.C. 1 .(KK) 1.KM) .-.'.o .000 LETTER PLACED ON RECORD From Harrison, of the Southern Rail way, by Senator Tillman. Washington April 20. Senator Till man had placed in the Senate record today a letter from President Harri son, of the Southern Railway, asking an opportunity to answer charges made by B. L. Dulaney in a note to Senator Tillman, that the railroad discriminated against Southern cities in coal rates. Senator Tillman in a letter to Presi dent Harrison, stated the matter would be brought to the attention of the na val affairs committee April 23rd- BIG FIRE AT PEORIA. Damage $400,000 3,000 Head -Cattle Consumed In Flames. Peoria, 111., April 20. Fire early to night swept over three - blocks, de stroying the .cattle-feeding barns and a block of baled hay. It is estimated 3,000 cattle wer& burned. The. loss is estimatedat $400,000. NATIONAL LEAGUE. . Club : . Brooklyn ., Philadelphia Pittsburgh -.' Sti Louis -.:. Chicago v -Cincinnati New York- .' Boston . , v . Won. . 3 . .. 3 . . 5 o . o 2 V ! i . . o . . o Lost. 0 0 1 ' 4 P.C 1.000 1.000 .fii ? ..429 .400 .250 .000 .000 RESULTS YESTERDAY At St. Louis 2; Chicago 0. Others postponed, rain .' T WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY . .' ' ' , . New York at Brooklyn. ;; - Boston at Philadelphia. s . . Chicago at-St. Louis." - . Pittsburg at Cincinnati. 1HE TOUR AHOuVro YC0X BOOSsTED K. C. LOSES AGAIN Indianapolis Piled Up Six Tallies Second and Won. Kansas City, April 20. One good inning, the second, in which the visit ors piled up six, runs, was enough to give the Indianapolis Federals a 7 to 2 victory ovens Kansas City today. Manager iStovall with two injured hands, occupied the Dench. Indianapolis ....060 000 100 7 10 0 Kansas City ... .001 100 000 2 7 2 Kaiserling and Texter; Hogan, Stone and Easterly. GROOME WAS STEADY St. Louis Feds Won Opener With Chi cago Club Three to One. St. Louis, April 20. Groome was steady in all but one inning today, while Hendrix ,-was hot at . opportune stages, St. Louis taking the opening game with Chicago 3 to 1. St. Louis . .000 020:01x 3 7 2 Chicago . 000 000. 10,0 1 5 2 Groom and Hartley: ' Hendrix and vvuson. ... .- GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION AT BOYS' BRIGADE TONIGHT. Annual Event Promises to be the Best Ever' Given Herei All is in readiness for .the fourth' annual gymnastic exhibition, to be held at the Boys' Brigade tonight be ginning at 8:30. All the men have trained faithfully and are in the pink of condition for their work. They haye made splendid progress in this department of the Brigade activities during the past three years and their present condition w;ll surprise their friends who have not kept up with their progress during this time. As one Brigade member said; "This is the best squad eve?.. put out by the organ ization," and he seems to know what he is speaking about- There will be nine events on the programme tonight, all of which will have a part in show ing just what the Brigade stands for in its physical department and what it is accomplishing. The 'method of securing these results will, also be shown, as it is intended to exhibit some of the beginners' grade of exer cises, as well as some of the more difficult ones. All the apparatus will be usedxilso. This will enable those who are not familiar with, the use of the various gymnastic apparatus to learn -just what this is . used for and how. The programme follows;" 1. Running maze, class 2. High jumping, classes-- 3. Parallel bars, S. Branch and H . B. Register. , . 4. German horse (lengthwise), class. .. ',- 5. Boxing (comic), H. Johnson and William Brittain. G- Class apparatus' exercises. 7. Bag. punching, Mi B. Register. 8. Acrobatic; ' S . Branctu R. Snakt enourg, C. Bell and C . Griffith. 9. Pyramids, class. ? : Admission will be Jfree to": the pub lic, though children wilL hot be ad mitted as the seating capacity is too limited, to permit of this. -The doors wiU be opened at 7:30 and the exhibi tion will begin at -8: 30. ' Meeting of Traffic Committee.. For the purpose of taking up mat ters of improved passenger -train ser vice for Wilmington, the traffic .com-: mittee of the Chamber of Commerce held a conference1 yesterday afternoon with Passenger Traffic Manager Craig, of the Atlantic Coast Line, .going into the situation very thoroughly but reaching no definite conclusions. Further hearing will be -had later. 4- FEDERAL LEAGUE Club : "v Brooklyn ... . St. Louis, , Buffalo . . . Chicago . . Kansas City ludianapolis Baltimore . Pittsburgh . Won', i ; ! 5 Lost. 'P.C. 1,000 ' o til 1.000 .067 .400 .400 .333 .000 a- o - At' St. Louis 3; Chicago 1- - At Kansas.City 2; IndianapoTisj?; 'Others postponed," rain. " . .. '. Indianapolis at Kansas Cty. Brooklyn at Baltimore. . rr I A. n'ilLL.. Chicago at. St. Louis, y flK l KM til r - II -f V '1 ATHLETICS WIN TWO f DoubW Header from Red Sox Their First Victories. ' Boston, April 20. The :world cham pian Philadelphia Athletics broke in to the winning column of the Ameri can League standing for the first time this season by defeating Boston in two games today. The morning score was 8 to 2, in 10 innings, and of -the afternoon game 6 to 0. In the after' noon with two out and two on bases' in the second inning, Foster purposely walked Lapp to take a chance with Pennock. Pennock tripled, clearing ttlO foclSGS. Philadelphia .. .000 000 "02068 12 3 Boston . .- 010 000 01002 6 2 Houck, Wyckoff,. Plank and Schang-; R. Collins, Bedient, Kelly and Cady. Afternoon game: Philadelphia 040 000 1016. 8 1, Boston 000 000 000 0 4 -1 Pennock and Lapp; Foster, John son and Thomas and Nuhemakerr : Have. war. . We don't cafe, r We can cast cannonballs, as well as propelrer wheels, grate bars, pin ions, sprockets, gears, etc., out of the biest 'gray iron. Also Lead Bul lets. Anything you may want in Brass, Bronze and Aluminum. We have the best foundry machine shop, boiler and pattern shops in the city. Forty-five of us, all work ing hard to please you. Call, 'phone, . wire or write Wilmingtoh! Iron Work "THE IRON MEN." : Orange and Water Streets. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Eastern -District of Aortli Caroliuii. t In the. matter of Ii. A.' Wright Co., Inc., Iuvoluiitary Biinkrnpt. ' To the creditors-of It A. Wright Co., Inc., a corporation of the City of Wilmington-, County of New . Hanover and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the ISth day of April, A. D. 1014. the said It- A. Wright Co.. Inc., was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and- that the first meetinir of creditors will be held in the United States Court room, Wilmington. N. C on the hrst day of Alav A. n, 114. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, -at which time the said creditors inBy attends prove their chums, appoint a lrustee, examine tlie bankrupt, ands. transact such vot her; bnsiuess as may properly ..cortife- before- said meetinjr. ; -Wilmington, N. C. Anrtl 20th. 1'.M4. . v .BO. H. HOWKLT. ap21-It. : v . ,. Iteferce' in Bankruptcy. DLUE- J. F : LIITtJER ARCHITECT - , 7, JEt, Qrrll ulldlnv W. G. FOUNTAIN AUTOS FOR HIRE " Ran no 15 ia! Is a Southern UMap Cotnjsaxiy Five-Passengers . cars $2.06; per hour. Large Qarsr $2.50 per hour. Hack calls up to fivepassengersi ?1.00 - Good new cars Day or night. ' Phone 741, - - - No. 5- N. Third St. WVG. FOUNTAIN: - . We have a Car Load DISC Now on the Way-. Without doubt; the Most "Complete and Up4o-Date. Cultivating Plow on,the Market, Today. -We have never. handleH an implement to- give such uni versal satisfaction as this does. ' . ,t. Distributing Agents for Eastern Carolina.-; Pureed Building. -: "'- - 1 , ;;itWirlniingt6n, N. C. I " 1 Store of Summer Clothing for Men, Young Men arid Children. Straw Hats Any Style and Any Price ; f , J.-M SOLKY One-Price Clothiers and Furnisher. J No. 9 North Front. 'Phone 617. luano A positive force feed machine, designed to spread fertilize Jn an open drill and cover it. The fertilizer is discharged on an adjustable scoop-shaped cast ing that spreads the fertilizer in a broad -band six inches or more wide. The hopper is made of galvanized steel, and holds one. bushel, or about 65 pounds of fertilizer. ' , .. ; ; ' The agitator in the hopper insuresnhe. filling of the conveyor with ail ' conditions ' of fertilizer, and' will handle cotton seedmeal to per fection. With the usual mixture of cotton seed meal, acid and kainit, its capacity is 3 1-2 foot rows; 200 to 1,000 pounds per acre, (more per acre on narrower, and less on wider rows). It is easily regulated, and when gears are set for quantity wanted the feed' never changes; not affected by the speed of the horse; up or down hill the same; is welt made; light draft; does absolutely perfect work. Its success is attested to by representative farmers throughout the 7 entire cotton belt; weighs about ninety pounds. J. W. (UiURCHISON & QO. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. soutn The Foard H --ZZlZZZz. : , The test of a man's ability to succeed is his Ability - to- Save Money. : : - ' ; -; j v ... ?t : . The. man that will not or can not save is feure:to be branded a Failure. . . : : . . .. t . But the man who can and does save, is respected by those who know him and goes about with the mark of Success upon him. He advances from one position of trust to another, always work ing higher. - ' ,y. - . t, . It is not so much the amount saved as-the fact that he can save .that gives Confidence, Independence,-. Power and Success-, - We .urge all men to save and- invite iihem tcrdeposit their' "iavings HOME . ORTONBLDG." Sbuthern Hotel SAVINGS Consolidated under one managementr 4&' large" oWside additionai rooms. The traveling pubiic' is Invited to '; give us a call. We will - please you. - . . - . . -- :: y 9nT Cafe In connection 'Is thB best-lathe city It you want some thing good to eat," try us,x v - x' . v- of these Wonderful CUL 1 1 V A ItIKO 1 1 Wilmington,:, N.C. r rom street Th6 ' Home' of THE CABLE RANGES The Imperial Plow. The Fishing Tackle! I have two wall tents, ,7x9 feet, and 9 1 2x12 .feet Orders also taken for any size; and the price will be right. If you haven't a home on the seashore, buy. a tent and camp. It will be the best" Summer tou ever' spent. L. L? H AN B Y " E3Q 68II1S FRONT:ST. - Purcell House E. : H. SNEED, Manager. Haixfwarfe BANiC "1 J la

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