tl. G. GUARD IS READY Momentarily Expecting Or der, to Mobilizes The Three Regiments luld. Ftrst Mobilize tit "Camp Glen n and Recruit to MWar. Strength" '.-"'" Just WartsCaH; (Special Stat Haleteh. N. C. Apfit"l2&Thi North Carolina Nationkaj&t6w:: the minimum waar strength, of 2,753 .Kccrs and ;easily re cruited to the mailumVBtreiisth of 0.I68 men, according to a statement ly Adjutant General . Laurence. W. Ycung tonight. ' - ... This organization Vconsist of1 one: brigade" of 36 companies three bands ;md full quota of attached' -sanitary, troops; six companies of coast artil lery, one field hospital one ambulance company and five divisions of naval reserves. General Young says the 36 compa nies of infantry will; volujateer as a brigade in the event1" there is a call tor Mexican invasion. (Special Star' CJorrespondence.)' Kaleigh, N. C, April 20. .Adjutant General Laurence W. :yojung, of the North Carolina National Guard, de clared1 today that-he expects the gen eral order for the mobilization of the National Guard, including- the North Carolina, to be issued -within a very short time, possibly-: within!-: the next lew hours. "s The North Carolina GuaS now has only about three thousand jen while the North Carolina inininiutnrf or field service is 5.16S, according tbthe-general war plan - worked odt by the War Department for application in the event of war with Mexico. This means that just as soon as the order comes from Washington to Governor . Craig and Adjutant General Young for the State Guard-to mobilise there will be sin the enlistment ' of r additional men to bring all the companies up to the miuimum war strength. The mobiliza tion would be at Camp Glenn, More head, and will be under regulations already worked out .and with which the officers of all the regiments and companies are familiar. General Ydun says practically all the companies of the Guard, Infantry, Cavalrv, Coast Artillery, Naval Militia and Medical and other corps have sig nified their readiness to enter the service- Capt. Jno- H. Manning, of the Selma company, am? Capt.-A. L. Bul winkle, of the Crastonia company, were both here in person today to get in touch with the war situation and as sure General Young that they and their companies are ready and even anxious to get into the "scrap." - Illinois Militia Ready. Springfield. I1L, April 20. In a statement issued today Governor Dunne declared Illinois within 30 days could have 50,000 men mobilized in Sprinsfield for service" in Mexico, and m another 30 dy could have 100,000 men ready. " v c' t , ' ; : i ; y " ': r Ohio isolate GUard. Columbus, O., April 20. The Na tional Guard, 10,000 strong, could be rendered available for service on short notice, according to Governor Cox. From the "Blue Grass State." Lexington, Ky., April. 20. Brigadier Ceneral Roger Williams, of the Ken tucky State militia, today said three regiments of State troops were ready to take therfield.v.-rT V. -- From the Days of '61. Lowell, Mass., April 20. An offer of their services Jtorisuch war duty as thev are able to perform was made to President Wilson today by the Old Sixth Regiment 'Association, compos ed of survivors of the commandwhieh was opposed by .Confederate sympa thizers on its march through Balti more April . 19th, :1861. - : The Sixth Massachusetts regiment is said to have beea the first volun teer organization . to ; reach Washing ton in response to President Lincoln's first call for volunteers.? Veterans Offer Services. Chicago, April 20: Fifty Philippine war veterans met here today to offer their services to' the" United States in case of war. P;: H.;-Farrel; ;tast commander-in-chief, ,of4 the. i Army of Philippines, presided: Resolutions adopted volunteered to raise' a regi ment of more than 1,000. trained veter ans most of whom understand) '.Span ish, who would redaire no training and be capable of giving valuable ser vice immediately. Aviators Eager, to Go. I St. Louis, April 20. The names of 4 1 aviators who are members of the Aviators' Reserve, were- telegraphed to Secretary of War Garrison, and "ecietary of the Navy Daniels today by Albert Bond Lambert, who' organ ized the corps. '-:-'-. ' The aviators, Mr. Lambert announc ed now are ready for service. Mem bers of the reserve already are tele graphing and writing to Mr. Lambert lor instructions. ... W. O. W. Offer Services. Omaha, Neb., April 20. W, A. Fra zer, sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the Woid, "today tender-. Pd to the government a number , of regiments, fully organized and drilled, lor service against -Mexico. - In his telegfate "sent to7'-united States Senator Morris Sh'eppard, Mr. Prazer said there is now ready near tiie Texas border 'a full regiment; fully uniformed and drilled and requests that it be given first dutysacfoss the border, in the event, of invasion.- PO LLARD TRIAL' THURSDAY. EfiGINE GARRIES 87 CARS Herculean Locomotive in Use on A: C. U's.; Remarkable Norfolk-Rocky Mount Branch. - CSpecial Star. Correspondence.) Rocky. Mount, N. C, April 20. How the invention of tomorrow will make appear foolish the permanent im provement ' of today has recently been demonstrated to' the! Atlantic Coast Lihel During the early fall last year this 'railroad' finding .trouble in caring for the freight trains on the Norfolk district, 5n the 40, 50 and 60 ar capacity side tracks, decided to build for the future and with a record haul of 74 box ,ccxs to a single train they caused all "side tracks oh this Toad tcr be built' with a 75 car capaci ty. The freight service over this branch line is tremendous to this point and water shipped freight to Norfolk for North and South Carolina and Georgia is handled in great bulk over this 114 miles of track both by the Atlantic Coast Line and the Southern Railway,- which company uses this track for freight service between Selmar and Norfolk. About the date of the Of the side tracks nf inornsorl- ci'vc there was brought, into this section of the country a locomotive of a type' known as: a" KiiTrhejtaT urViinv, v.rc almost herculean power? in the move ment of cars. These engines have been put into service on this branch line, recenuy. improved" for the hand ling: of freight in maximum rsrlnads and it is nothing uncommon for a sin gle crew with one ' of these engines tuuanaie; petween dinners Point and this' CitV" a" train that rnnnnt finrl ar.- COmmodatlOn' ntl anv sidc t-rnrlr olnnor the line, while this week., there was uauuieu a cars in a single tram. The roadbed of " this line and the perfect Krade can be? p.nnsirtprfff whn it is recalled that the highest -general aver age iqt me raiiroaas ot tne nation is only 47 cars. WARSAW AROUSED OVER PASSENGER DEPOT MATTER. Will Hold Mass Meeting , to Take ateps tor Better Facilities. r (Special Star" Correspondence.) . Raleigh, N. C, April 20. The fol lowing charters were issued today: The West Tarboro Land & Improve ment Companyy of Tarboro, capital $50,000 . authorized 'and $3,000 sub scribed by George Howard and oth ers for land development. The Dunlin AViiroli r-KV!allace, Duplin county, capital $10,- uuw auiuurizea ana $6,300 subscribea by T. C. Hall, W. E. Merritt and oth ers, for leaf tobacco business. The Wilmington Free Will Baptist Conference .(Inc.), of Wilmington, chartered for religious work and wor ship without capital stock, the incor porators being. C. J. Carr, C. L. Cook and -Rev. Macon Cavanaugh. - The Townsville Live Stock Compa ny, of Townsville, capital $10,000 au thorized, and $600 subscribed by J. J. White and others. Special Venire of .200 Men to be Sum moned to Geehvllle. - (Special Star Telegram.) . Greenvihe, N: C April 20. The trial of S. M. Pollard a business man of Farmville, charged wittr the killing f Chief of Police T. H, Smith, of mat town, has been set for Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock and a special venire of 200 men' has; been "ordered iiom which to secure a jury. It is' not expected that the trial will be con eluded this week. ' The criminal ' term : of Pitt Superio? ourt convened .this morning, Judge i' rank ; A. Daniels presiding. O n I v On " RRnMO, Otl I N IN E" To get the srenninar'irall for full name. laxative bromo quinine. Look or signature of E. W. GRUVJii. uures - oid in One Day -25c- - (Advertisement.) -' : ; ' ; A warning to everybody don't miss -ary Piokford at the Grand Theatre today, and tomorrow in - "Hearts (Special Star Correspondence.) Warsaw. N. C Aoril 20. Feelinc here over, the matter of improved pas senger and freight depot facilities has become intense and the board of trade has called a citizen's mass meeting to be held Tuesday night, to formulate plans to force the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company to improve the service. This situation developed fol lowing receipt of a letter from Super intendent Newell, with headquarters at Rocky Mount, stating thtit 'the rail road would increase the capacity of thex freight depot but that nothing would be done at present to improve the passenger station. borne of the leading citizens of the town state that they have copies of the correspondence that has passed between the town and the railroad officials and that the matter will prob ably go before the Corporation Com mission, unless some satisfactory ar rangement is made within a short time. This subject is the most discussed topic of the town at present.. Some time ago the local board of trade and the Clmton chamber of commerce for warded petitions to -Superintendent Newell requesting that the passenger and freight departments here be im proved. A reply was received from the superintendent stating that the passenger department would be en larged by building an additional ten feet to the present department and that umbrella sheds would be built along, the right of way at the station also. He stated that the freight de partment would be enlarged to the propef size. The citizens of the town accepted this proposition, who felt assured that the work would be done this spring. A letter has just been received from Superintendent Newell stating that the freight warehouse would be en larged as he had stated, but that the passenger department would not. This letter failed to give any reason for the withdrawal of the plans as to the pas senger station. MRS. JAMES T. RICE DEAD. h . '7v , in " r II w v J I I juHAK TER5. V ISSUED. gjr . TWO CHILDREN POISONED ON YELLOW JASMINE. One Dies, but the'- Life of Other is Saved by Heroic Efforts. '(Special Star Correspondence.) Rose Hill; N. C, ; April 20. Two children of Mr. John W.' Drew, aged five; and two years, were poisoned on yellow jasmine yesterday , afternoon. All three of the children had been playing with tbe blossoms just before noOh. About two hours after dinner two of the children were taken ill. Dr. T. G. Williams, of Turkey, who was returning home after visiting rela tives in the community, was called in immediately and Dr. R. L. Carr went over in an automobile from here to Mr. Drew's, five miles in the country. The deadly poison" worked so quickly that Dr. Carr failed to reach the home before death claimed the' two-year-old child. Dr. Williams did not have his medicine case, yet he and the neigh bors worked heroically to save the lit tle child's life. Dr. Carr irrigated the stomach of the five-year-old child, re moving the blossoms and gave stimu lants hypodermically. She is consid ered safe, although her eyesight is impaired and the upper eyelid is para lyzed. The third child did not develop symptoms of . poisoning. Passes at Wilson After Illness of Seven Weeks. (Special Star Correspondence.) Wilson, N. April 20. Mrs. Jas. T. Rice died at her home -on Spring street. Snndav afternoon after an ill ness of seven weeks. Until a week ago members of the family expected Mrs. Rire to recover but for the past few days it has been evident that the passing wouia come suuu- The husband, James T. Rice, two sons, Wade Rice and William Rice, nnri five rlansrht.prs survive. One of the daughters resides in California and another lives at Birmingham, Ala., but both were able to be here with the other members of the family: The luneral service will be held Monday afternoon and will be conducted , Dy Rev T. W. Chambliss, pastor of the Wilson Baptist Church, of which Mrs, Rice was a consistent member. DESTRUCTIVE STORM AT BETHEL School Building and Church Demolish ed; Store unrooTea. - (Special Star Telegram.) ..:n "NT r Att11 9.0 At Urrccil vine, oi' " . - 1 nrimfw oorlw tfiflnV ft Wl Tl H storm demolished the colored graded SCilOOl UUJIUillp. auu u vuiui v" and unroofed the large new stores of Blount isros. ine loss iu iuc io.llci firm is estimated at $1,000. FARMER'S W TOO ILL TO WORK A ; Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to, Health by Ly dia ElyPinkham's Veg ' etable Compound. Kasota,-Minn. "I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham''s Vegetable Compound has done more for me than anything else, and I had the best physi cian here. I was so weak and nervous that I could not do my work and suf fered with pain3 low down in my right side for a year or more. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and now I feel like a different person. I believe there is nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table CompotmdT'folrrweak' women and young girls, and! I would be glad if I could influence anyone to try the medi cine, for I know it will do all and much more than itis claimed to do." Mrs. Clara Franks, R. F. D. No. 1, Maple crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimbnials we are con stantly publishing in the newspapers. K you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you,write to Iiydia E.PinkhamMedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. '-'li? y' ' "'PtHfiH .Vrf. ' "Hi i liiinwui jj iu 1 1 In. u i iii.j.ui i,ii.iu..ui. . s - Stop Your Headache in Two Minutes. Take Anti-Kamnia Tablets. (advertisement.) WE INVITE the attention of Dairymen, Livery men and all others who are caring for stock and poultry to the fol lowing list of desirable Feeds. Dan Patch- Horse and Mule Feed. International Horse and Mule Feed Jewell Horse and Mule Feed. Jewell Cow Feed. " iA: Dairy Feed prepared especial ly for Milch Cows called "Cowfeed" Beet Pulp Wheat Middlings. f Corn Chops. ' Timothy and Clover Hay. ;rCorn. ;; Oats... , Cracked Corn, v Corn Meal. Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Hulls. I Poultry Feed, Scratch size. All at living prices. Your patronage i respectfully so i licited. JOS. H. WAITERS VlT) ' ' ' ' oJyOJui Mot vi'.v. THEWESTEWUNION TELEGRftPHiCO? p TelepkoneJt ctaU at any office for rates. v A - 3T iK GIBBS $b CATSUP COSTS 10c Hi WW 'f Mrs. Economical Wife Says: "I get Just-So-Much to run my House, . and I find that it isn't necessary to buy. Porterhouse Steaks, or Expensive Roasts. The CHEAPER CUTS of Meat well cook-j ed, and served with such a tasty Relish as'Gibb's Tomato Catsup, are just as Palatable ,and Nourishing. The High Cost of Living doesn't bother me." 8 4 4. WW GIBBSSCATSUP is a "Luxury" that is an ACTUAL ECONO MY. It may be used in combination with HALF the Dishes you serve, and it is a Great Appetizer.' It's as Pure as Fresh Picked Tomatoes! No Preservatives. Put it on your Table and see. how your Family appreciates it. Gihbs Ball Head Apple Jelly 10 Cents Made from the pure juice of Northern Apples and granulated table sugar, conforms to ALL Pure Food Laws. No preservatives. Full8ozs. All Grocers. Gifobs Preserving Company BALTIMORE - MARYLAND EVERY BUI.I. EEAD LABEL GUARANTEES HIGHEST QUALITY m k3T m 44 fit! w m AFLMITIG COAST LINE Arrivals and. Departures r of Trains at WUmfngton. Ettectlvo April It, 1814 DHPABTDEESi ! r -: TO" AUD yBOM AttBIVALS: Goldsbbro. -Richmond, '. Norfolk and . Eastr : era North Carolina points. ,Conneets. at t - ' No. 90. Ooidsboro with Southern Railway and No. 91 - ! S :40 A.M. Norfolk Sontbern Railroad. No. 91 leaves 1:4 , ... lOiAJUL i Norfolk 3:40 P. M.' and Richmond. !4:10 . - : . . , P.M. j - , Chadbonrn,, Conway; Florence, Charleston, . - a Savahnah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Ft. ' . No. 61, Myers, Columbia, and Asberille. PnUman Ho. W, , Sleeplnjf (Cars between Wilmington and tot'i'i 5:25 A.M. Columbia, open to receive passengers at 1 :43 A.M.. Wilmlngrton at and after 10:00 P. M., and may; be occupied until 7:00 A. M. No. 04 '- Jacksonville,- Newbern and Intermediate No.85, ! 5:50 A.M.- stations.. !625P,M. , L : : ; 1 Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and Wash No. 48, inrton. Pullman Parlor Cars between No. 49, Wilmington and Norfolk, connecting at 8:30 A.M. ' Rocky Mount with Kew York trains with flOSPJUL' Pullman Service. i - - - a No. 53; Solid train between Wilmington and Mt. No. B2, 8:45 A.M. Airy, via Fayetteville and Sanford. 8:05PJi. " " Cbadbourn, Conway, Florence, Charleston, NO. 55, . Savahnah, All1 Florida Points, Columbia, No.54, Asheville and the West. Pullman Sieep- t 3:15 P.M. ing; Cars between Wilmington and Co- 1:40 P.M. lumbla. No 62 Jacksonville. Newbern and Intermediate ' No C3 -3:25 P.M. stations. M2:50P.M. 4 v. 5q Fayetteville; Sanford and Intermediate No. GO: 6:30 P.M. stations. , 110:15 A.M. - Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washing ton .and New York. Pullman Broiler, No 42 Buffet Sleeping Cars between Wllmlng No. 41 i-p'M ton . and. . Washington, connecting with 10; 00 A.M. o.4ax-.Ju. New, Vork train8 Wuh Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. ... w Chadbonrq, Florence, Conway and Inter- No. 58, ! 7:00 P.M. mediate stations. I 9:45 A.M. Daily. ! Daily except Sunday, b Sunday only, a Daily except Monday. For folders, reservations, , rates . of fares, etc., callx'phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, T.C.WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. Geueral Passenger Agent. WILMINGTON, N. C. "Universal Ike's Ups and Downs" Big New Comedy for Augustus C&rney (Universal Ike.) "THE MYSTERY OF THE WHITE CAR" Two-reel Gold Seal Drama.' ALSO ONE MORE BIG ONE. TODAY SUBURB SCHEDULE DC EITEOT OOTOBXR 6th, Winter Piik, WrighteviUe, WrighUviUe 3eca and Inter- mediate Pbihtg. KASTBOTTND. WESTBOUND. Leave Front and Prlocaas for Winter Park. Leave Front and Princess for Wrightsvlllej Leave Front and PrincMB for Beacb. " ":55""" " " " " 6 55"" " " 8:00 " - 8:00 " M 8:30 " " 8:30 "i6":66"" "' "io-W""' 11:30 "" 11;30 " " 1:10 P.M. 1:10 P.M. x 1 :55 " " x 1 :55 " " x12:35"" 8 :00 " " S :00 " " 3:30 " " x4:10"" . 4:30 " " 4:30 " " x 4 :50 "" ............ B:30 " " 5:30"" :10 " " 6:10"" :40"" 8:40"" 7:15"" 7:1"" 8:30 " " - 8:30 " " I 9:15 " " ! 9:15 " " . 10:00 " " 10HX1 " " 11:15 "" litis " " f 30 A.M. "ik'-M "" ""8:30"" "i6:66"" "" 11:30 1:10 P.M. si66""" 4:30 " " vt:40 "8:S6" , Leave Leave . . Leava Winter Park Wrlghtsvilla Beaca for for for Wilmington. Wilmington. Wllrolngtom. 0:28 A.M!. 6:15 A.M. 7:36 " " 7:25 " 44 ! 7:50 " " ! 7:45 "", 17:35A.M. 8:01 " " 7:50. " " 7:40 " " 0:36 " " 9:25 "-" 9:li " u !10:31"" !10:20 " " 11:06 " " 10:C5 " ' 10:48 " " 12:30 P.M. 12:25 P.M. 12:15 P.M. 2:01 " " 1:80 " " o 1:45 " " x2:36 ' " a2;25"" .Y x 3:05 " " x 3 -50 " " 4:06 " " 8:65" " i:4i",v" x4:30"" x5:10 " " :36 " " 8:25 " " S;lt " 6:11 " " 6:00 " " 6:51 " " 6:40 " 7:45 " " 7:30 " " 7:20 " " 8:06"" 7:55"" 9:36 " " 9:25 " ". I:li " ! 9:56 " " I 9:45 " " 10:41"" 10:30"" ' 11:50 P.M. 11:45 P.M. .. ' SPECIAL FOB iUNDATS. Leave Front and Princes Streets tvery half hour, t ro Leave Beach, every half hour, from 2:45 to 5:45 P. M. : t : r. M. Daily, except Sunday. I Snndays only. - m -. x Superseded by half-hosr schetsle Sunday afternoons. II This car goes through to Sea Gate; returning, leaes Sea Gate at I F. VS. o Leaves from Station ' No. 1 3. FRKIGIIT BCIEEDUIJE. Leaves Itn and Orange atrets daily, except Sunday, t:S9 T. M. Freight Depot open, dally, except Sunday, 2.80 to 8 :30 P. M. FOR SALE Two 100 H. P. Boilers (Jas. Barker), each, 225.00. One 85-H.-P. Boiler, Return Tubular, $200,00. - - . Two 40-H.-P. Boilers, Return Tabular, each. $150.00. One 30-H.-P. Boiler, Locomotive type, $150.00. . . , . One 125-H.-P. Enginf (Armlngton and Sims), $390.00. ' . . One 50-H.-P. Engine (Liddell and Chal mers), $225.00. -- , ' One 25-H.-P. Engine (High Point). $175.00. ! .... 'V-JV One Jefifreys Conveyor (Drag Slab con veyor), 600 ft. Chain, Shafting, -Pulleys, Gears; each ready for installing, $150.00. Three hundred feet No. 88 Sprockenl Chain, at 15c. per foot, $45.00. ' One Resaw (H. B. Smith Mch. Co.. No. 965), $125.00. One 9-inch Molder (Rowley and Hor mance), No. 9. $350.00.. We have a complete saw rioner Mill and Sash, Door and Blind Factory. Motor Boats, Machinery, Castings and Grate Bars our specialty. Gape Fear Machine Works (Inc) Telephone 213. Or Write Ua tor your Wants SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY ""THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH." Trains leave Wilmington Daily as Follows: No. 133:00 P.' M. For Local Stations:. Parlor car for Lumbertou, Maxton, Lau rinburg, Charlotte and intermediate points, connecting Hamlet for Ilichmond, Washington, New York, Atlanta, Jack sonville, andi all points North and South. No. ?3 3:00 P. M. For Lumberton, Max ton,. Laurinburg and Ilamlet, connecting with all trains North and South, at Hamlet. No. 19 5:00 A. M. Local train for Char lotte. Sleeper open 10:00 V. M. For detailed information and, reservations. call on City Ticket Office, Ortou Hotel, Wilmington, .N. C. .-'Phone: 17.8.. E. E. IIUNTElt, JOHN T. WEST, Div. Frt. Ageuf. Div. Pass. Agent Wilmington, N. C. Iiatcigb, N. C. W. H. BANCK CIVIL ENGINEER Surveys, Plans Maps, and Estimates, and City Lot Surveys. P. O. BOX 579 TELEPHONE 572 Garrell Building Wilmington, N. C. P. O. Box 579. 'Phone 672. Imperial Blue Print Co. GARRELL BUILDING : Wilmington, N. C. ELECTRIC . BLUE PRINTS, 2& CTS. PER SQUARE FOOT. CLYDE LINE TO NEW YORK , . AND GEORGETOWN, S. C, M NEW lOHK TO WILMINGTON. Steamship Navalioe, Friday; April i 17rlu' Steamship Cherokee, Friday, April 24th. WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. " Steamship Algiers,' Monday, April v 13'tli.. Steamship Narahoe, ' Monday, April 20th. WILMINGTON TO NEW YORK. Steamship Algiers. Saturday, April ISth. Steairfship Navuhoo, Saturday, April &51h. Through bills of lading and lowest,; through i"ates guaranteed to and. from all points in North and South Carolina. CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO. C. J. BECKER. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. H. G. SMALLBONES, Commercial Agent, Wilmington, N.- C. -i, . ' ' General Offices! Pier :ifi, N,R New -York. RY Quickest and Bess lAum ' Ws ana VartW west. Biock System. -' Keck BsUasi,' M-1W WkUa, Schedule in Meet Mar 12. 11- . . ."' . . . .111:00 am 7 riMi a. in 2:40 b.m. Lt. Norfolk . LvJPetersbnrg LvDarhnm . Lv. Lynchbnrg Ar. Cincinnati Ar. Columbus Arf!hiraeo . Ar. St. Louis 7 :20 a.mJ 0:40 a.m.. ft dju 62 pjn 10 :40 pja. o:3U p,nv 2:30 a.m. 6:25 pja. 0:65 p.m, 7:30 aja. 8:S0.nv L nitTnn.' mnAm 1(r Reiittla." Hag Francisco and AU Western-, Points. v Pullman sleeping and parlor cars, IT and TV. Cafe dining' cars. Equipment aa service standard of exceUence. : Bine Bld and, Allegheny mountains crossed at saesl pictnreaqne parts. '-- Thne" toblea:.deierfptlv.-.mitif-information free. Correapondenc lnvltsC W. B. BEVILL. Pass. Traf. MTCT. W. V SAUNDHBSf P. AVBoaBokaTTi Adrift." Advertisement.' , . , if ' s -"V.