Li TT:V ":-,;v' i;fX& ft-jfci-" - ZlfP- MOANING :STARUWiIiM1NGTDNw THE WEATHER. United States Department ot Agriculture, Weather Bureau. ; - : ' ' April 21, 1914. C. Meteorological data for the 24 hours end ing at 8 P. M. yesterday. Temperature at 8 A.-M... o uegrees; at s P. M.. 64 degrees; maximum, 74 degrees; minimum. 57 degrees; mean. 66 degrees. .''Rainfall for the day. .43; rainfall for the month, to date, "5. 16-' f Stage of water in Cape Fear river, at "Fayetteville, at 8 A. M., Sunday, 13.7 feet. - ! WEATHER FORECAST. . COiiflN MARKET AVAS , STEADY ; FRESH , COLUlPSE . Ill CORH DECLINE IH STOCKS; fefeiO to ifes (3Saito Further Uneasiness Over IMexieart Sit uation But War Vould' Have' Bullish' Effect. Only for a Brief Intervai at Opening of Market Vas'There a ShoW i -1 f Strength. ; Another String f. Low Records Made For North Caroliaa Fair Tuesday Wed- on Market, Numbering Nearly . a Score ' " ; nesday fair; warmer: in luterior. The Port Cnlndar, Apr. 31. ln. . ises ... ; ..... .5 (34 A. M. mm , Sun rises . ' . . f - . . - :- - ...... 5 p. Xow York, April 20.T-Cotton receiv ed a good part of Saturday's loss dur ias today's trading;. There wks,f.urti er uneasiness over the Mexican-situation but many brokers th6ught ' that even if this country should be ; forced into a declaration of . warM; the, effect on cotton would be more bullish than otherwise, as it would be expected, to stimulate the demand for cotton duck and possibly cause a scarcity of labor in the Southwest- At any rate after sorut- early irregularity : the market ruled generally steady and closed steady at a net gain ;of from G?. to 11 points. " - The opening was steady at unchang ed prices to an advance of two points on better cables than due on' Satur day's Xe wYork break, There were a "sood many over-Sunday selling Or ders around the ring,. : and off erings also were encouragedL-lbyithe., favor able week weather forecast, but after showing a net loss of - two or three points the market rallied: . Houses with Liverpool cdhnectioh'a seeined" to be buying a comparatively; small amount of May off eredrfdr sale while one of the larger ... local houses was credited with buying July for certain local and Southern bnlls. ? Reports of heavy rain in the central belt on Sunday may also have, encouraged some scattered buyingefew crop positions in the face of. daily; forecasts for clear and warm" ' weather -; and as prices worked " higher recent ', sellers began to cover. Active months- sold about 9 to 15 points net higher in con sequence, with July , relatively firm, Chlcagb, April 20. It was only for a brief interval today that the war outlook! prevented a fresh collapse; of tbe torn market Prices closed weak at - a loss of 7-8 to 1 7-8c compared with Saturday night. Wheat finished 18 off to 1-4 up and oats a shade down to a lfke advance, but provisions de moralized almost as much as corn, with declines varying from 20 to 67 1-2 to ,70c- r , Putui-es elosing: Wheats-May DIM; July. 85. Corn-May, b2; July, 62. - , Oats May. 30: July. 3ti. Pork May, 19.40;J July, lt.c. Lard May, lO.OTi; July 10. 'Jo. liibs May. 10.H); July, 10.9a. Cash grain: Wheat No. 2. rpil: !vifffnr v o i.,i 9292y4 i LNp., 2j- Northern, . 959t5 -."'No 2! spring. 9,f96. Corn No. 2. 66 Va.; No.-2, yellow, 67. ; Oats No No.. 2 quotatious. MARINE. ci-'- A,'-'- A-rrtved. t ,clierokee. Devereaux, New York, C J. Becker, agent. : . v-' v, , . . Clearpd. ... . Str. NaVa hoe. Packer, New York; C. J, Becker , agent. -MARINE DIBECTOBY. a of VeMtli in Port at Wllmliifftaii, flino Carolina. s.?cr-?er!iertlMay 81S tons, Black, Maf fitt & Wood. . kx?cH5l -Ctor. C. Records. ' 238 tons, Grif fith. Tidewater OroceryiCo. -,. - Schr. Alic J . f!rflitr nor. fnni Antniiii ' i npoMt ' on rumors mat auuus mtcicau) .chjjw'. "j nvuu. r k accumulathMeirvWt revaiV cf ing Q15""1-, J"L 'twt i Schrf,William Thomas Moore, Jones, 261 miaanng- upianusr -lo-iw, -gun .'jiuet: 12.35: no saaes. . Futures closed steady. Mouth: r.i i- 1198 -12.W: 11. 9o 1U.07 .WILMINGTON MAKKET8. . Opent; High. Low.- Close.. .12.40 12.y; 12.:i8 12.46 July Aug Kt ltee xr STAR OFFICE. April 2a SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady, 42. ROSIN StPndv-sit ....' - TAR Tii rm at 9 nf nnr- Kof.aI tn n.V,. ..lljjtf ll.bO .ll.4S ll.vtS9c. oer.-alloa. . ... -.. - . . . 11.41 ii.i UllUOE TURPENTINE Firm:' mir barrel for hard; $3.50 -per barrel for dip; $3.50 per barrel Xor virgin. vrnotauonssame day last year Spirits lurnemme, rosiu, nominal: tai nrua 2.20; crude turpentine $3.00, $4.00, $4.00. DAlLf COTTON TABLE, Th Port : Movement. New Orleans Middjliug 13 1-16;. receipts, 3 7H7 ; sales, 1.332; stock. 157,956. - ' n.-ilveston Middling, 13.00; receipts, 3- v:i exports, lo,(3u; sales, l,j(i; stock, 'Zo, Molile Middling; A2 13rl6 ; ; receipts, 425 ; I Rosiu It cccliiia. Spirits Turpentine ... ..(-) .( .. . S6 exports, i.ioi : sales- yy; sioK-.oa,oi. . ueceipis same aay last year Spirits snorts 3.2!1: sales. 50; stoek, 27,340. Tar Savannah Middling, : receipts, 1,668 ; I Crude-Turpeutiue . m .. I. ; I . DaaaI.. .nA,MH ,i Middling, 13! receipts, Oo; I turpentine, 6 casks ; rosin. 4 ban-els; tar, w uarreis; t-ruue turpentine, t ) barrels. CliMiieston PYimrrs. :!75: stock." 10.351.. Wihniugtou Middling, nominal; receipts, SU : stock 1 1 .-k. Norfolk Middliug, 15.00,; receipts, 1,143; exports. u.t0: sales, 4U6; stock, aosiu. Baltimore Middling. 13 ; stock, 3,099. Boston Middling. 13.10; receipts, 100 stock. 11.300. "- - - Philadelphia Middling,. 13.35; stock 4, 411. ' - " New York Middling, 13.10; exports, 1, Cl: stock, 123,126. Minor Ports Stock, 13J263. Total today Receipts, 12,864; exports, ol.OHl; stock. .u;5,ttoT..' ... -. . Total for week Receipts, 24,642 ; exports ."1.071. . i - Total for Seasons-Receipts, 9,084,088; COTTON MARKET. Market Spot, nominal. Same dav last year, nominal. itece.ipts, 39. Same day last year, 81 naies. Total rpceints scnl. Rnnt 1 rtOil l."R l.-iloc Total recpints s.imp d.-ir lnt- vir um uaies.r : - PRODUCE MARKETS. (Quoted by Wi J. Meredith April 18, 1914.) CORN $1.90 to $1.95 per-sack.- - rr- trvr aiues Irish DOtatocs. Sl.OO ner bn." i Sweet potatoes, yams, 90 : good de mand, r r:... - : - -.-,.rV; , -.r ,."-.- . PEAS White. $2.56 uer-bnstleli rood e- mana. - . BEEF Native dressed. 89c.; good de- Interior Movement. Hotist.m-.Middling; Vi; receipts, 5,185 ; mSt'! lV ' Z "'CZiiZV"00,';... PORKSmall, 1012c.; large., good, 10c. -hlS!t tes3iF& HHlDEGreen gait. 12c; dr, flinty 14 v T . . . : . r : .i i i - . 'i - . . . I IW-i per 1U, Ati'-'lista- suipuients W BATHER BUREAU REPORTS. . April 20, 1914. -.uv New York: Anril . 9fl T1iq riHno in- StOCKS? COntihllPd tndnv nnd srn. au . r. yi-uci- Hrme or. low. records for the wiiminsmi year,- numberine; nearlv a. score, was! Soutimort . recorded, - In the list were some of .Masouboro Inlet .,;5:t9 lae. DOOUlar :t'rp diripr shaio. wiph : as Reading,; Union , Pacific and' Steel. At me opening tne market was under Pressure. " and it Inst" prnnnd ranidlv during" the first quarter of ah hour. A rally ..ensued, which, restored nunta. tlOhS to . a- level . with the nreoedinc STATIONS: close or i above but. during the after nooq the downward swing was resum ed-: v'Distinct- yreakness appeared or thig movemenjuand some of the prom menc issues.- mcluaing Union Paciric. P. M. Uiiy.:.: . .13 nrs14 min. i Tides. . .' High water. Xow water.:; A.M. P.M.- A.M. P.M: Sun sets . . . Day's length '-; 7'rOl .-. 7 :28 ' 1155 - 2 :16 . 1 'Jitt :20 3 :47 ': 11:33, 11 :.". o.M . 11 U3..; 11:33 iTemperature: a . cloudy . . clear . . clear . . clear .raining . . clear . cloudy . . clear . .cloudy clear . .dear . . clear . . .clear .' pt cldy . clear . . ,.lear .raiiiuig . U7C . . cTear . .clear . . .clear ot 5tf 70 GS 00 70 S :: 72 78 . 08 70, us: MK 78 80 48 .'US ,70 76 m 38 48: 44 50 54 48 5S ' 58 52 3(1 (i4 OS 48' 50 54 OO 58 48 .58 .52 .34 .0 .20' .14 .20 .0. .0 . .o ; .0 .o .0 "-! 5," .08 .0 4 .0 .20 1.00 .12 .0 .0 . .54 - Northern - Pacific, Reading and Lehigh Abilene v aiiey, losr two to three points. Asheviiie :The .MeivfJin crisis P'onornllv was I Atlanta . referred to as; the predominatinsr bear- A?J5?,i5i ..: .ish iinfltience. T The news tickers' de- l ostour voted :,..a.i.larga . part . ; of rtb.eir service Charleston , . to .. wasmngton . drspatciies teiimg otinauoue . war-like preparations and the whole KhiH!0i-.: street ; talked.- of -Mexico-, The ,sltua- Jacksonville non-presentea t an- unusual opponun- Memphis.. it v tor the hears, and thev utilized ltlMonue cnjvoecf,viT&:. At- (otftn.tta tlioro I Montgomery vousness. in r,ne laie . aeenne. . par- Oklahoma ticularlv. themarket acted' as though I Palestine. llojuilationr on a inconsiderable' large gs.b v scale was believed toxhave-aiome trom rgavanuiih"' the-tired holders of stocks to whom shrevepbrV. the -Mexican crisis came as the last! St. Louis.. of a series of blows to the market, j Washington mducinsr them to let go. . - ' , . '! :, ; Oil stocks were particularly weak. pikanciai, Mabket ml . .!U n . 1. Cinnlorfl Oil I : . 'i I . '.! grotip on the curb were forced down New York, April 20: Ca.ll, mMeyi steady, one Ho twenty points. Coincidently 12; ruling rate, 1; Clostng, l&2: With another cut in the price Of .cruae j Time loans, flrm. .Sixty "days, 2vJ3 per, Oil- J-".'. a ' - . ; . ' jt-ent.; ninety days. ,33 ; six months S m the bond marKet ' prices were Jiercanrne ju- . tmvnnjs .ex lower, after some irregularity v koc k Island collaterals made a two-ioint v.n n nnl.r -r lncn 51- "Vow Ynrlf railways adjustment, hves ; weaKenea .Don't fail to seeyour favouie. Mary sharply. State and municipal issues Pickf0rd in "Hearts Adrift" at the aisp. ueciiuu, ouuiuciu i r". urana rneatre loaay- ana tomorrow. vertiDies were unusuany acuve. Advertisement- sales of bonds, (par vame..i,&u.wuu. United States bonds declined 1-8 to 3-4 on call. Heaviness of these bonls wast asanciated with the Mexican cn sis. It was thought that, in the event of hostilities a new Dona, issue wouiu be floated. o.- uercantiie paper, ; strlm? ex change, firm. Sixty, daya, 4,.S52&.,demandt 4.87; commercial bills, 4.S4. Bar silver, 58. Mexican dollars. 45: ninnariteceim;. lshipmekts, f5' n?w sWe8 and shonlders. 121-2c per TALLOW Firm, 45c. per lb. nrrt mn-vr iv x .fl . J rn. k ' Svf P ' """'larowe, 50c.; Spring chickens, 2035c. per . .t-xK, ..j,, , fae d e06d demand. Liverpool cotton Turret. i.iverpool. April 20. Sootr easier. Good mmiUiii 7.83 : middling, 7 311ow- mid niinsr. ti.m ; sood ordiuary, 0.05; ordinary, -j?'' s;iles- 7.000. Speculation and export, 7 y. ueceiprs. ;iu.otJU. rntures. ouiet. ap- .:.""' : April-May, 6.84; May-June, . - - Miiy-Ausrust. 5.6v&i Auirust-sen- r.'iui...r U.53U; Octoler-November.. 0.23 . i j, 0.15; January-FeU- lu' o.i.j':.. head: sood demand. E(5GS-r-l6c... per dozen ; dun. TURKEYS Live, on foot. iSc pr lb., WILMINGTON PEANUT MARKET. NAVAL STORES. (Qnoted by J. S. Fnnchess & Co.) Wilmin&rtou.- N. -C.. Aoril 18. North Car olina peanuts: Market stronger; receipts, light. Fancy hand-picked, 85c; No. 1, ma chine picked, 80c. ; extra choice, 75c. per bushel. Virginias: Steady, 8590c. per bushel. Spanish : Steady and stronger, $1.35 $1.40 per bushel. BT BIVEB AN1 KATL. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural American Can ... ... - American Car and Foundry .. American Cities, pfd American Smelting American Snuff American Sugar American Tel. and Tel American Tobacco Atchison Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore and Ohio Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake and Ohio ... Chicago," Mil. and St. Paul . . Erie ... -, General Electric , Great Northern, pid Illinois Central Interborough-Met., pfd Kausas, City Southern ... ... ... Lehi"hA"alley Liggett and Myers Lorillard Co ' ... Missouri, Kansas and lexas ... .. Missouri Pacific Mexican Petroleum Ww York Central ... N. Y., N. H. and Hartford Norfolk and Western :.. ... ... Northern Pacific . .' Pennsylvania Reading. . . . -- Hen. Iron and Steel ... Rep. Iron and Steel, pfd ... KocK lsiantt iso Itocfc Island Co.,- pfd St. L. and San Fran.; 2nd pfd ... Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Air Line, pfd Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron ... . Southern Pacific Southern Railway, Southern Railway, pfd ... Tennessee . Copper Texas t'o ... ... . Texas and Pacific United States f-teei United States Steel, pfd . ITtah Copper .. . Virginia-Carolina Chemical Western Union" Good Results Follow the Use of Foley 11 : ' , I V rvianey rruis. A lame back, sore kidneys and sleep disturbing weaknesses warn you that your kidneys need help need to oe toned up, strengthened and their normal action restoxed.-'Rladder weak- 2nesa causes much bother and distress. I VVnmpn PRnppi allv suffer frnm thio qt- noyanoe. Just a trial of Foley Kid ney Pills will convince you of their practical value, for results show as. soon as you begin their use. They act directly on the kidney1 and blad der, and are a health-giving and health-maintaining j medicine, valuable m all disorders arising trom weak,, in active and sluggish kidneys. They contain no habit-forming drugs and are a pure medicine. In 50c and $1.00 sizes. ; N. B. Foley -Cathartic Tablets (containing blue flag)," are a whole some ana tnorougniy cieanstng ca thartic. Very easy to take, no grip ing or nausea. -2&c;per bottle- Act in perfect harmony jyitft) Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by It. It. Bellamy. . (advertisement.) " ?MV:thll:l ll Vni-if fk -Tnt.r.ntititn ' fiv-m of . ., . . i . ... Ul H. II . . UJ. (I . . ;.' 4 - receipts, aai ; snipments, i..,sui l inn. aies. 6S7: receipts. G04; mollis, l.v.n: stocks. 94.886.'. Quote I. 4 U A -UV- C A T(- X' 1 SR " ". ami W r. t-. ? ' ' " '; frt .iir.:51 luiloa cotton SO barrels tar. PETEBSBUBG PEANt'T MARKET. Bceelptfl of Cotton and Naval Stores tne I'ort. Wilmington N. C Apr. 20. Atlantic Coast Line 534 bales cotton ; DRY GOODS MARKET. , 'ew; V''k. April 20, Cotton goods mar n lo.ia.v were nuiet, ond steady. Itaw r, ii , """itger and higher "Ui. Dress goods were firm. C L E A N-U P 'DAY J N WJ LSO N. Repot-ted by Eodgers, Plummer & Co., Inc. pptershiirir. Vu.. Anril 15. Snanisb Yarns were I Farmers' Snanish. steady. $1.50 per bushel. Virginia sraucy Jiimiio, 41 10 4c.-per lb'.; Fancy Hand -Picked, 4 to 4e. per lb. Extra Prime, 4 to 4y2e per lp. Prime, 4 to 4c. per lb. Shelling Stock; 10. , -. - - -- Pans Beina MariI iw nVuiik 1 arTu 1 3'.tO:4c.-per Sanitary ; Department- ..'.special Stat Correspondence.) : 1 pah K ' f - j w v a-k. boin - Wrix .-' April; O.rtrians are - xew TYork. Apiil 20. Raw; sugar, steady. v .j j v- v;v. vwv,;:y i XUUJU&aCB . B.U,4I, .lit,, V.I.UII itiifui, tm .vu, NEW : YORK PRODUCE. "incii Mrs. F. D. Swindell is presi- ior a "ciean-up day" in Wilson. Jno need of co-operative interest is ji' i'd tent to every citizen. Mrs.-Swm- l;t . with her usual enereretic 'and f"-!), with her usual energeticand exe-: sugar, 2.0.5; refined, steady. Butter hteauy f'lipesfi Stead v ritrr. !nn ..,,tct Win Vn 7 SS'. ' Skin. tosNo. 4, 11; niild, dull; Cordova, I2y2 1B.. nominal. ; Cotton, seeu ini-oiigmiy renecxeu tne break in lard, closing-generalljs one to two In V.; . i-.: . , . ; . . ' : ; 1 points ' net lower. rsu picosuie ucicjujicu n tnis connectiAn the hoard of town IK" ,i -ifi, anma. ohnrt mwrin. onunissioners is considering a Sam-1 and supporting orders the- market was e. ajes. li.zuu uarreis. r6.53; prime Summer . 7.41 : May. 7.40T June. 7 vi .. jnii 7 TM- Ansrust. Sentemher. Personal investigation of the work 1 7". ci- October. 7. 19 November,. 0..,75 . .i as. carried on in the Capital City and : Prime : Winter -yellow 7.50; prnne; Shdi- "iii report-to the next session of- the -oiiiniissioners. 1ai y department, patterned .after .the steady at the ciose sales, 11,200 barrels SVKtPm 00 a I,. n-ii'iii j I 'Primp crude. 6.46.o3: prime Summei com;;;": JLrtl How, 7,40: April, 4U May. 7,407r June, 'ivViC xx vj 1.1 1 1. 1 1 n - 111 1 rt. 1 1 1 iian ixi niiv3 i 1 mer white, 7.55. PRECINCT MEETINGS IN ROBESON COUNTY MAY 16. DtEDS NOWORDS w fnmary for Coufhty and Township Officers August 8thv ( Special Star Telegram.) i-umberton, . N. ; C--. April ,20. The ;'-"n uemocranc, executive commit Wilminaton People Have ADSOiute ; Proof of Deeds at Home. It's' not words but deeds that prove true merit. T. ' The aeeas 01 ioau n-iuucj mo, For ' Wilmington . kidney .sufferers, Mown-- mHe theirc local reputation. .TMnnf-'iiAA' in the testimony of townshins heinz reDresented. "'cl p.ere today and appointed a date I01; tlie different primaries.:' -.;" i ;tn. for thl purpose of . ascertaining Kn Trihhn'rn - 516 Castle he choice of the, voters for candi- SJgiviSN -yback Jf'os for State,-Congressional, jndi- fySJiJSA ct!sli and State senatorial offices. Coun- ffHrSnS, y invention to., elect-delegates vta nfeift S' Mdney congressional and judicial con- '-"-t ntions will be,held;Mar23rd, ,n , uniy Pmary to nominate -.coumg i VsMmT5ftli with"- which fM township officers, will be held Au M LJ?SSfc72! teT iUiad V'-'-. m. Keturns will be- canvasseq l 4?&"f . irrntiaaa Kld Ausust 18th. and if necessary to hold udpart or one 1. scond primary. August 27th , will CTftilW-JVS&'aK Te.a- ... . ,5: "' ii vfi "ftrhLr-wnrklnfe order,:. I have committee unanimously .enaora- ii-r-' Vendorsing Doaii's e the State and National administra- o. hesitation ; certainly a t ons, also adopted strong. resolutions Kidney Pills. 'iSSgJSiSSe endorsing Mr. S. B. McLean ior soliti- good backache, and kdney . 5a; tor -"i jr..:. i tj -r any, af . , nll dealers. .-i-JJOn t . ; .. . 1 simply "a&k for a. kidney, remedy get- Theatre today and tomorrow in . the Mrs.; Marshburn had., Poster-Mil hurn " ct-i Per niotr tr .t r sc . MOfirra i wmira nuuaiUi - . 2:1 4y . i . 40 . 04 , -.4-7 1 ' s . 05 .120 .urj . 4 . 07 y4 . 2Vj .14:5V4 .110 . X . 24 4 ti ' .!,.- it .21S .107 . lit . 40 OSj .102 .107 .159 . 21 . 82 . 8 . 51 . 20 y2 . 2 S"'. ! :52'. .i:js'" '. 57S . 28X. fFor That ! Stop Your Headache in Two Minutes. Take A-K Tablets, (advertisement.).; Ihe Active rnncipie or a Famous Remedy Works Woriders. - Wecmitig Occasion Y6u will find our stock a very comprehensive one cc-ntaining much that is new I A visit of inspection would interest you, we knpw. t GEO. W. HUGlS JEWELER. py tiEbCHMt 5clffier Be Mars , Yoti'll find many new . ideas in stylish clothes expressed in the new models we are show ing for Spring, made for us by Hart ScHafFrier & Marx The soft-fronts of these suits are better made than in any other clothes known ; . these . makers have got that feature to absolute perfection. You'll do yourself justice and really get clothes- economy if you buy these clothes. ' : We'll show you some fine things at $25 and up in stilts, and some as low as $19.00. v M Me Serge Suits For Memorial Oay Somehow this National holiday suggests a trim outfit of blue; Perhaps that is traceable to the good old Ameri can flag but at all events it is a fixed item in the dress schedule of well attired 'men. Out. present assemblage of blue serge suits includes a large majority of Stein-Bloch garments garments with a reputation for goodness which dates away back to war days, and then some! . Come and see. : Panama and Straw Hats in all the latest styles and 'Phone 673. Next to the Bijoix. me Comp any This store is the Wilming ton home of Hart SchafT ner & Marx clothes, Man hattan Shirts Blum & Koch Straw Hats. ; -from - oundation to Roof Rock Lime, Cemerjit, -Piaster, Hydrate ; Liriie Brick, Shingles, Lath$, Slate, Terra Cotta Pipe arid pit ting, all sizes. Drain Tfle Asphalt Roofing, Deaden ing Felt, Slaters Felt, Building Paper, Etc. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mould ings, i ' , wt tii ii tordaf n n ri t vrtniit rnmnietft utock of Mantels.' :TIler and - Grates in the State to select from. Write for. catalogue and prices. mi TPEk 1 1 he ouiid ers du - 1 ppy No. 7 and '9Chesnut Street. Wilmington, N. C; ..1 i.-, I--" '.Cli am r REGISTRATION AND NOTICE. ELECTION Many people have marveled , the way S. S. overcomes skin -troubles. Ihe -ex planation is the fact that" S.- S. Sr" works in the blood and the JIoo.d is really a most Intricate ..and xtrabrdinafy mass of arteries and1 veins. . .- . ... -. 1- When. yoii. come to realise that ..the skin Tfi .the flesh beneath are composed or a network of tiny blood-vessels you solve the tnvsrerv. " - - ' - ' -I " There are wonderful; medicinal properties t' S.-S. S, that follow the -course of the hlood- streams, just as naturally as the most nourishing food elements ... - . . "-',."; It-is 'reaUt - a remarkable remedy. -It contains one Jngredfent, the active purpose of which -1' to stimulate the tissues to the v,h.ifhn cnitinTi nf ita own essential nutri ment.- And the. medicinal elements of this mifHi.Qi! hinftd. tmrifler are lust as essen tial ja vell-ba)lanc.ed Z. health. : as ..nutri' :. tlOUS elements OI . IBB fiueai!;,. gtttiua, . iulb and 'sugars of our- iJally - food. ; Not ofie drop'-of nilneraTsor dJrugs la nsed m its .'preparation,: '.- Ask for, S...S. S.: and just insist upon having it.- And if;you de sire skillful advice and counsel upon any matter concerningthe. blood and skin, write to the Medical- ntepartmenf ," The Swift Specific Co., 529 Swift Bldg. Atlanta. Ga. ; Do not .' allow . some zealous -clerk's elc oiience over, something "just as good" aa S S. S. to fool you - with,' 1he - same old mineral drugs. : Beware of all substitutes Insist upon S. SS. - J. B. McCABE Certified Publiei: Acxoithtant Phori 1699-J. P.. O. BdX 1002. f Court Sth of Every KiAi' an3rDe scriitioii. See our Wini dow. Towisiriitii bur Spec ' . -'" iV !L i TS;rS..-..-ii m ia m . : 1 El 24 NO. i?RONt STREET v.o la horiliv' iriven' that an Election I. i.. nrHororl liv tllp (OUUt'il Of the t-tv nf vvilininirtou North Caroliusi, fori flm iinrnniio nf snbmittim? to the VOtei'f1 of said eitv the question of an issue of bonds for the purpose of acquiring "-'liarf propertv and transportation terminals in said eity,. as authorized - Hy an Act of the General Assemoiy. 01 ionu iau"i "-i"s Chapter 1S4 of the Private- Laws, enacted at the session of said General Assembly, i.oM in iini .T ip nuestion to ue viu Ik- "Kiiiili Hip Oitv of Wilmington. North Carolina, issue bonds in an amount .T.flin"!r..Twn Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of acquiring wharf property ana oriier irausyunuuuu niils V" ' . ' ; : Said -election wiU- be lield on the 10th day nr jfar inu ! 11 i-i n ir tne hours and in the ribed . b.v. law, and at the hiaces hereinafter named. itrnf-ion linn "iieen ordered fey the Council, and all voters desiring and eu :ii vrto in uiiri irwtion are hereby i fi.oMof Ifpiristration books will be opened oil the 20tlu day of April,. 1014, and be closed on tire 'Jtiv uay or iuay, : -Registrars will be in attendance at the polling places hereinafter specified for t.ieir .nsnor-tiTp warns uu oaiuiuajo. ..v-...,. April 20th May 2nd and May vnu. pnT.T.rMfi pt,ai ics: s- First Ward, .First Precinct polling ' ..l..,. T. At-rv crnrn place, corner 4th aud Canippellj Second Ward Polling , pace, House. ... . , Third Ward-:l'olliiig-.piace, voiuei Fourth W ard soiling piuce, iui Fifth- Ward. First necma place, corner oth and. Castle. ... . .-. Fifth . Want, - Second .Precinct Pollin place, corner Oth and Castle. ... ... TTT!r'IClTTJ 1HS..-AXJI. l l.UliH.. First Ward, First,, precinct Registrar, ArebieSeiglerv j Pollho ders : u r per, VV111JRJ lierr, - .u.-- T store 4th and-Haiuett.-i ; v- w-L.l.i-iJ- P. J..-Breen..-Poll holders: W. H. Etowe. Uobert Green Polling lace: EngiBf House, 4th .aildr Campbell. : ( M sli Second. Ward-Registrar. F. S. Sliepard, Pollholders : P. M. Holmes, , T. J. King. ! Pplling: Plwe.ruse, Thlrd. varu-iegisnar a. Pdll61dets iOWtiltefe Penny, S, E. W oqd. Polling, place: Giblem Lodge, 8th and Uoni?thiard-Registrarr' W. A, Spoonftr. Polf holders! Geo. Glbtgen. F. W. Phife, DniHui, nincA" 104 Dock street. -? J-ifth Ward., First Precinct Registrar, Rv Dtfvis.- Poll holders: W. L. Tbarpe. M: -M. parser. :; i-omng piare, v Casffe streets. " ... ;. . ,-. .-."-. T,, Fifth Ward Second; Hreeinct-Registrar, V.r T.,.,.ir Pniinrtirfci-: Harry Pyle. Mi ; UaU ,lUO..- , - --- ... - Rrntrll Pollin? Place : - OIU nuu v-aouc streets, v . .,.4; ..,, the reiristratlon imni-s will be obeh. for challenges and such; other purposes cireg.pyia-w-j L y oxner, 01 j - -, . 4 " - ? This -Wth day or pru..j.j; anlS-td " 1 : ; - j ' -' ).- .il.v. . tuiy liw - Men's, Ladies' and Children's SpBDirDg CARL F. ST 128 SOUTH FRONT STREET. & CO. ,WILMI NGTON, R-Ci Start Inside With O'Cedar! MOPS AND POLISH, and then go outside with our RAKES, SHOVELS, HOES AND GARDEN HOSE. For week commencing April' 20th, we will sell Rakes at 25. PECK & HOLLOWAY 1' "CLEANLINESS US NEXT TO GODLINESS: PILES! jjitwJi I wnn.mrf TnViin :Plf jbiDtnieBt wHl CO it Blind. Bleeding na itcninff .ifiies. i au sorb - the 'tumors, allays itching at once aet: O. -ai DOUlUCev - STlves. - xuM-auj. tcun WllHams' Indian Pile Ointment 1 prepar ed Sot PHes ami ncniriir , 01 me um.ii parts. ' nragglsta mailJteandL tUXK , , Wiilim5MP cow-ErffpB ciereiana. u Sola .07; . . oMn. -- - Mcdonald's SPECIAL "'.;. -;.:;' vi DO WN A LITTLE ? For a QUICK SALE r dffer 10 SKares MUrchison Natidnal Bank StoHc at $154 ; $160 paid in to I, ' :c.-c Mcdonald Stocks: and. Bdnd;; KING'S WINDSOR HARD WALL PIASTER; , Schooner Florence M. Belding, now dischargingcargo, and we offer this material both wholesale ahd retail, arid;, solicit your ojders.- - - -;; .' ' v .-;;4;-r-.f jmbM 79; r W. B. THORPE & C0 Adrit.'AdyertiSem?nt.' : ; (advertisement.) .:-. . '.. ...... .

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