... SEVEK - ' .-;s.: r!W- c.. 5 -v i ..-.i-.-c.- , .t.i.-u-..;- A ? 'i'.-r-'i -.'. ? t: THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON.'. N.-G. VTUESD AY,. MARCH 9, 191 S. ' r 0 MARKET LESS ACTIVE Aff York Steadier at a Net ? .. nf 1 to 3 Polatu Liver. p00i Was a Factor. York. March 8. Cotton was f . today and closed steadier at decline of 1 to 3 points. Lerican gains and the -local tBpened unchanged to four points ,,nder local selling f or reac- iss were limited, however, )gsion house investment buying 1 fl-iin nrlvariRA narTlftil ,t prices - ,!r contracts 9.35, or $2.50 ,a hnve the lo-wr level of last week i1' ,.kin 15 point of the season's hlph .i;incr then became more ..a ttea'o while there was also some LIv i' selling and Prices turned easier, k the decline promoted by some .'.prn offerings. The m AND -COMMERCIAL GRAINS STILL ON THE; FARMS I STOCKS : MOVING UPWARD Amount or W heat, Corn, Oata and Bar ley Left on Farms March 1, Lit- T tie . Leas Than la 1914. Washington, March 8.' Despite the much discussed effect of grain exports to Europe on . the ' home supply, today's official -report by the Department of Agriculture on the percentage of the 1914 wheat, corn, oats and barley drops remaining on farms' March 1, shows only, slight decreases when compared with the percentage of last year.. Wheat:. About 152,903,006 buBhelfi. or 17.2 per cent, of the 1914 crop remain ed, on farms March 1, 1915, compared with 151,809,000 bushels, or 19.9 per cent.; of the 19i3 crop - Remaining in 19JL4; 156,483,000 bushels, . or 21.4 per cent, of the 1912 crop - remaining in 1913, and 122,025,000 bushels, or 19.6 per cent, of the 1911 crop In 1912. About 60.7 per cent, of the 1914 crop Will be ahlnneH -mt- 1, . arket broke some 7 to 8 points where grown, against 53.9 per cent, of Saturday's closing, under j this l0V . vi rallied later on the steady jessure, nrlv snot markets.' the ncms 1 ' i ovnnrts. and renorta thar. insu:ii-uv-c r . .vPOhv shlnments of" cotton lici J sarine greement with the British gov- mitral countries arranged for prior "torch 1 and cleared before the end Utfcis month, would be taken at a mod tf rate of insurance. Cotton futures High. Low. 8:64 8:56 S:85 . 8:75 9:08 8:98 9:35 9:24 9:53 9:44 steady. ? ' .9:02 " ' ' 9:28 : 9:50 spot cotton, quiet; sales, 1,800.. Close. 8:59 8:80 9:04 -1 9:30 9:49 middling uplands, THE FORT MOVEMENT. 33; exports, 8,858; sales, 1,221; stock, 8.00; receipts, v.ir Orleans Middling, 8.Q0; afot" S.9SS; expons, oi.ioi, oiica, o, KHAOck. 360,993. .v;, r. ijalveston Middling. 8.60; receipts, 11.995; exports, 17,395; sales, 700; stock, a' "15. ' Mobile Middling-, 7.88; receipts, 73; ales, 275: stock, 55,461. ' , j Savannah' Miaaiing, tfa, reueipm, !, a: 39,419. rharleston Mkldlin y;(!; stock, 104,651. ! Wilmington Middling, 8; 00; receipts, ;035; stock, 5S.854. - ; Txas City Receipts, 6,565. Norfolk Middling, 8.00; receipts, 3, IS!; sales. 1,335; stock, 75,337: 1 Baltimore Middling, 8 ; stock; 4,- Lt. Boston Middling, 3.75; receipts, 591; Kock, 12,000. ' Philadelphia Middling, 9.00; stock, 1,336. . .New York Middling, 8.75; receipts, ; exports, 9,568; stock, 129,392. Minor Ports Stock, 111,383.- v . j -Total today Receipts," 45,046; ' ex ports, 72,988; stock, 1,651,-420. I Total for -week Receipts, 81,833; ex ports, 148,888. ' - Total for season Receipts, 8,346,381; exports, 5,652,083. : Interior Movement.' j Houston Middling, 8.50; receipts, 11,693; shipments, 14,939; sales, 4,976; dock, 175,121. - Memphis Middling, S.12; receipts, 4, !53; shipments, 3,225; sales, 3,400; stock, 22,336. i , Augusta Middling, 8.00; receipts, i95; shipments, 411; sales, 1,234; stock, 140,172. St. Louis Middling, 8; receipts, 1, 51; shipments, 1,951; sales, 85; stock, 36,79 4 - L Cincinnati Receipts, 431; shipments, stock, 13,423. Little Rock Middling, 8.00; receipts, (58; shipments, 760; stock, 47,531. Dallas Middling, 8.10; sales, 6,779.- Total today Receipts, 22,801; ship ments, 22,028; stock, 635,377. the 1913 crop, so -shipped, and 61.6 per cent, or the 1912 crop so shipped. Corn: About 910,894 bushels, or 34.1 per cent, of the 1914 crop Remained on farms March 1, 1915, compared with 866,392,000 bushels, or 35.4 per cent, of the 1913 crop in 1914, and 1,289,655,000 bushels, or, 41.3. per ent. of the 1912 crop in 1913. About 18.6 percent, of the 1914 crop will be shipped out of the counties where grown, against 17.2 per cent, of the 1913 crop st shipped, and 218 per cent, of the 1912 crop so shipped. The proportion of the 1914 crop of merchantable quality is about, 84.5 per cent., compared with SO .1-per' cent, of the 1913 crop, and 85.0 per cent, of the 1912 crop. ... Oats: About 379,369,000 bushels, or 33.2 per cent, of the 1914 crop remained on farms March 1, 1915, compared with 419,476,000 bushels, or 37.4 per cent, of re- the 1913 crop in 1914, and-604,216,000 bushels, or 42.6 per cent: of the 1912 crop in-1913.. v,-, ..V r '; ' About 29.4 per cent, of the 1914 crop will be shipped out of the counties where grown, against 26.5 per cent, of the 1913 crop so shipped, and 30.9 per cent, of the 1912 crop so shipped. Barley: About 42,889,000 bushels, or 22 per cent, of the 1914 crop remained on farms March 1, 1915, compared with 44,126,000 bushels, or 24.8 per cent, of the 1913 crop in 1914, and 62,283,000 bushejs, or 27.6 per cenr-of the 1912 crop in 1913. About 45.1 per cent, of the 1914 crop will be shipped out of the counties where grown against 48 s 4 per cent, of the 1913 crop so shipped, and 53.7 per cent, of the 1912 Crop so shipped. THE WEATHER. New Week' Begins With Numerous In dications of General Trade I Improvement. New; York, March 8.' Stocks .. made further decided progress towards high er levels today on fairly large volume of business. The new Week began with numerous indications of general trade improvement, particularly in the steel and allied industries. Advices from' the Middle Wes pointed to great er activity at leading manufacturing centers and' the United States Steel Corporation was reported, to have in creased its . output to. 75 per cent of capacity. United States Steel with several of the .leading railroad issues and Amal gamated Copper led the movement. Realizing for profits caused some mi nor recessions Jn the later dealings but net gains of 1 to 2 was the rule. Specific reasons accompanied the rise of certain stocks, notably Canadian Pa cific, which was strong in London, and New Haven, whieh showed a pronounc ed decrease in Its deficit for January. Stocks and bonds of the Gould group railroads were active-'at higher prices, presumably in anticipation of Federal .developments at tomorrow's meeting of the Missouri Pacific shareholders. Foreign exchange was at. a stand stillbut a fair amount of business was reported in the new German war notes. Grain markets were strong on the large export demand. Total sales, of stocks for the day were ; 266,800 shares. Bonds strong, despite, further extensive selling for foreign interests. Total sales, par value, $2,515,000. . Panama coupons 3s advanced 3-4 per cent on call. United States Department of Agricul ture Weather Bnreau. 1 ' -March 9,--1915. Meteorological -,data ror mel 24 rigours ending1 at 8' P.-M.y yesterday Temperaturet 8" A. Mv, 36 '-dgreea; at 8 P.:M., 44 degrees; .'maximum, 48 degrees; .minimum,, 35 - degree's; mean, 42 degrees." .x .s. ' " - Rainfall for'.theaTOiC(:'rrainfail for 17.2 feet and falling--. . . ' Stage of .water in Crape Fear river, at Fayetteville," at 8 ' A. M., yesterday, 7.7-feet.- : :s.: fJ:lx , - - - THE: WEATEtEIl,' '. , : ... - For North " Carlinat"-i.--FAi.Tttsda'jr and Wednesday..-' ,; . The Port Calendar, March 0, 19J1 Sunrises ... . . ... ,6:30 A. M. Sunsets . . ...... 6:15 P. M. Day's length .. .. .. ..11 hrs. 46 min. Dr. G. L. Pridgen General Practice. DISEASES OF- STOMACH AND INTES- ! ( . i- : TINES A SPECIALTY. 608 Market St. 'Phone 2085 THE TIDES. . High water. . Low water. A2MV P.M. r A.M. P.M. Wilmington. . . 4:20 437 .1K45 12:00 Southport . . . 205 - 2:29-11:28 11:53 Masonboro Inl . .1:54 2:18,11:18 11:33 WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. , March 8, 1915 STATIONS' Tenjporaturs si r D & ha o m 5. Arrived. Str. New Orleans, Hudgins, Baltimore, Baltimore-Carolina Steamship Co. - Str. Matilda. Weems, Hall, George town, Baltimore-Carolina Steamship co. " Cleared. Str. New Orleans, Hudgins-Georgetown, Baltimore-Carolina Steamship Co. j Str. Seminole, Packer, Georgetown, Q. J. Becker, agent. ' MARINE DIRECTORY. LnERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, March 8. Cotton: Spot, tan; good middling, 5.41; middling, 5 03; low middling, 4.69. -, . Sales, 8,000; speculation and export," S.500; receipts, 4,960. Futures, barely steady. May-June, 1-55: June-July, 4.99; July-August, 5.06; ftober-Xovember, 5.20; January February, 5.27. . " C0TTOX SEED OIL MARKET. VeT York, March 8. Cotton seed oil was generally higher today on short fvering and local professional buying, spired by strength in lard and grain nd lighter offerings of crude. Final Wices were unchanged to five points Jt .higher, for leading positions. .Sales, WO barrels. The market closed stea f Spot, 6.75; March. 6.836.95; fri, 6.957.05; May, 7.057.07; JHne-7.1S7.19: Julv. 7.26S7.27: Au- Mst7.337.34- SPtitemhor 7 . 42 (fr) 7 . 45 : tool List of Vessels In Port at Wllmlngrtoa, . North Carolina. v . Steamers. . ' Str. Alcana (Italian) 2,246 tons, Ghig lione, Alexander Sprunt & Son. i. Str. Mobile (Br.), 1,165 tons, Laing, Alexander Sprunt, & Son. Str. Nicarla (Ger.), 2.289 tons, Hol lasch. Heida & Co., Str. Kiel (Ger.), 2,872 tons, Lfnke, at Southport, Heide & Co Schooners. Schr. Phillips M. Brooks, 243 tons, Saunders: C D. Maffitt & Co. Barges. Barge Monocacy, C. D. Maffitt & Co. WILMINGTON MARKETS. (Quoted Dally by the Wilmington - Chamber of Commerce.) . STAR OFFICE, March 8. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady, at 41c. " " . . - ROSIN Quiet, $2.80 per barret ior large; $2.70 per barrel for small. TAR Quiet, 51.50 per oarrei; c. per gallon. CRUDE TURPENTItflS Steady, z. p'er barrel for soft; ?2.75 per barrel for virgin; $1.50 per barrel for hard. Quotations same day last year spir its turpentine, "steady, 44. Rosin firm, $3.70. Tar, firm, $2.30-9c. crude tur pentine, firm, $3.50, $3.50. $2.25.- RECElrlS. Spirits Turpentine ... Rosin ... ..." Tar , Crude Turpentine . .V Receipts Same day last year: ita tvimontinfi- 2 casks: rosin, 4 NEW YORK STOCKMST. Amalgamated Copper- . . . . American Agricultural American Can . . . American Car .and Foundry American Cities, nfd . . American Cotton Oil . . American Smelting American Snuff American Sugar . . American Tel. and Tel . . .v American Tobacco .. .". Atchison . . . . Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore and Ohio Canadian Pacific Central Leather .. Chesapeake and Ohio . . Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul . Eriet. v -. ... .-- . . General Electric Great Northern, pfd . . . . "... Illinois Central .. .. .. .. . . . ' 5 5 .. . 50 .. . 28 . 42 . . . ". 51 46 . . .. 64 ..B.152 . ...102 , . ..120 . ..223 . .. 95 . . ..101 . . . . 68 .. n.ieoi4 .. .. 34 .. 43 .. . 88 .-. .. 22 . . ..140 ...115 .. .103 Abilene . . snow 34 26 .06 Asheville . . clear 36 26 . .0 Atlanta . . clear j 40 32 .0 Augusta . .clear 52 34 .0 Birmingh . .cldy j 42 . 36 j .0 Boston. . . clear j 40 32 .0 Charleston ..clear j 52 ' 34 ' .0 Charlotte . .clear j .46 30 j .0 Chicago . . clear j 38 26 j .0 Galveston . .rain 44 40 .02 Jacksonv . clear j 54 38 j .0 Memphis, .pt cldy 42 36 .0 Mobile . .pt cldy T 52 ; 40 j .0 New Orl . .pt cldy 50 42 .0 New York . clear j 40 30 j .02 Oklahoma . .cldy j 30 , 26 j. .0 Palestine' . .cldy .36 32 j .0 Pittsburg . . clear j 34 26 .04 Raleigh. . .cldk I 44 .32 j .12 Savannah . .clear j 54 36 j .0 Shreveport . cldy j 40 32 j .0 St.- ouis.. .clear j 42. 30 j .0 Washing'n . clear 42 82 .02 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Interborough-Met., pfd 59 Kansas City Southern Lehigh Valley . . .... Louisville and Nashville . . Liggett' and Myers Lorillard-Co .. .. Missouri, Kansas, jj.njrLTejtas Missouri Pacilc "ri '..;. . Mexican Petroleum C: .... New York Central N. Y., N. Hi and Hartford . . . Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific .. . . .. . . Pennsylvania '.. .. Reading . . Rep. Iron -and Steel .. .. .". Rep. Iron and Steel, pfd .. .. Rock Island Co- Hock Island Co., pfd St. L. and San Fran., 2nd pfd -. Seaboard Air Line'.. .. .. .. Seaboard Air Line, pfd ... Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron . Southern Pacific . Southern Railway .. Southern Railway, pfd . . .... Tennessee Copper . . . ." . . . . . . .Texas Co 1 - -Texas and Pacific .Union Pacific . . . . . . .... United States Steel . . . . . . United States Steel, pfd .... . Utah Copper . . Virginia-Caro. Chem . r Western .Union ... -Bethlehem Steel .-... .. American Beet Sugar .. . . . 22 .135 .112 .220 .182 . 10 ,. 12 . 67 .. S3 . 52 . .102 . .103 .105 ..145 20 ... 77 . 1 . 3& . 13 . 34 .-26 . 85 . 16 Wheat Jumps More Than 8 Cents on Urgent Buying on War Crista. Chicago, March 8. Wheat jumped 8 cents today on urgent buying as cribed to the war crisis regarding Italy and Greece, and to the belief that do mestic farm reserves would prove small, closed nervous, 3 to 8 above Sat urday night. Other net advances were: Corn, . Oats, 11. Provis ions, 12 to 30. Grain and provisions close: Wheat May, 1.49 ; July, 1.19. Corn May, .73; July, 75. Oats May, 57; July, 53. Pork May, 17.92; July, 18.32. Lard May, 10.62; July, 10.90. .Ribs May, 10.22; July, 10.50. Cash grain: Wheat No. 2, red, 1.461,51; No. 2, hard,'1.47lr52.'-- -Corn No. 2, yellow, 74. SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Ijer, 7.007.40. mCAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. j -Wcago, March 8. Hogs advanced . .707.O5; heavy, 6. 45 7. 00; rough, '"S6.60; pi&s 5.756.75. ' Lue eak. Native steers. 5.85 3.407.80; . cows and heifers, Jiheep Vekk. prangs, 7.6 '3. Sheep", J 7.00 7. 90; 58.75. Lambs, 7.75 EH ORLEANS COTTON. Fluctuation Closes at Net Ad x vance of It 3 Points. 0rleans, March 8. Cotton today first a sllow f steadiness around the Pan c.all!' Sfleged during the middle sain , , session, but closed at a net " 1 TO 9 rri ..:-! .B 27 135 13 120 45 104 53 . 21 63 , 55 39 Savannah, March 8. ; Turpentine, firm, 42; sales, none; receipts, 250; ship ments, 2,280; stocks, 31,329. : Rosin Firm. Sales, 63; receipts, 574; shipments, 5,177; stocks,. 119,815. Quote: A, B, 2.95; C, D, .3 :0I ; E, F, G, H, 3.07; I, 3.12; K, 3.20 to 3.25; M, 4.00; N, 5.00; W.-G; r 5.45; W W, 5.55. OFFICE HOURS I 011 A. M. 2i304i30 P. M. J. L. BECTON CIVIL ENGINEER X. O. O. P. Bids.. t N. W. Cor. Srd and Prlnorat. . WILlUNCilON. N. O. 'Phone 1494-W. P. Box S94. W SALE ISO Bas;s Maine Grown Irish Cob- bier Potatoes, 200 Barrels Large Mullets. 200 Bags Green Coffee,. Iron Safes, various makes. Cuts of safes furnished upon application. SAMUEL BE AR, SR., & SONS Wholesale Grocers Wilmington, N. C. 311 N. Front St. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Effect October 12, - WINTER PARK. mUOHTSTILlB, WRIGHTS VIXXE BEACH AND TEB.MKDIATE POINTS. E AST B O Ul N D Leave. ' Front and Princess tor Winter Park a6:30 A. M. 6:50 A.M. a 3:00 A. M. 3:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M.' 1:10 P. M. cl:55 P. M. cd2:35 P. M. jOP.ll' 10 P. M. c4:10 P. M. 4:80 P. M. c4:50 P. M. E:S0 P. M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. ; 7:15 P. M, 8:15 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 10:1B P. M. 11:15 P.M. : Leave . Leave Front and Front . and Princess Princess for Wrighta- 1 - for villo Beach a6:30 A. M. a6:VoiklM. 6:50 A.M. b6:55 A. M, a8:00 A. M. ' ...... 8:20 A. M. 3:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M, 1:10 P. M. Gl:55 P. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 1:10 P. M. 3:QC 2:00 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 4:30 P. M. 4:20 P. M. 5:20 P. M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 8:15 P. 'at' 10:15 P.M.. 1U5F.M. 6:40 P. M. 9:15 P. M. WEST BOUND Leave Winter Park for Leave , Wrights ville for Leave for for Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington a6:2t A. M. a6:15 A. M. . a7:31A.M. 7:20 A. M. b7:56 A. M. p7;45 A. M. a8:0i A. M. a7:50 A. M. a8:41 A. M. a8:30 A. M. 9:36 A. M. ' 9:25 A. M blO :31A.M. bl0:20 A. M. 11:06 A. M. 11:55 A. M, 12:3 C P. M. 2:01 P. M. C2:36 P. M. cd3:06P3L c3:50 P. M. 4:06 P. M. c4:30 P. M. c5:10 P. M. 5:36 P. M. 6:21 P.M. 6:51 P. M. 7:33 P. M. 8:06 P. M. 8:56 P. M. 10:21 P. M. 1Q:56 P. M. 11:56 P. M. 12:25 P. M. 1:50 P. M. C2:25 P. M. 2:55 P. M. 5:25 P. M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:22 P. M. 7:55 P. M. 8:45 P. M. 10:10 P. M. 10:45 P. M. 11:45 P.M. A7:35 A.M. a7:40 A. M, 9:16 A. M. 10:45aIM, 12:15 P. M. el:45 P k 2:45p"M. 5:15 P. M. e6:05 P. M. 07:15 PM. 10:00 P. M SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY i EFECTIVE JANUARY 3rd. 1015. Trains Leave Wilmington Daily as Follows i No. 13 4:30 P. M. For Local stations Lumber ton, Maxton, . Laurinburg, Charlotte and -Intermediate Points, connecting at Hamlet for .Richmond, Washington, New York, Atlanta, Jacksonville, and All Points North and South. . '. Through Pullman Parlor Car Service Between Wilmington and Charlotte. iNo. 19 5:00 A. M. Local train for Charlotte. Sleeper open at 10:00 P. M. For detail information and reserva tions, call on City Ticket Office, Orton Hotel, Wilmington, N. C. 'Phone 178. E. E. HUNTER, JOHN T. WEST, Div. Frt Agt.. Div. Pa"-. Ag?t, .... Wilmington, N. C. . P l.gh, N. C. SERIOUSLY ILL AT ASHEVILLE Wife of Senator Luke Lea Reported In Critical Condition. Nashville, Tenn., March 8. Senator Luke Lea received a. telegram early today announcing the serious illness of his wife at Asheville, N. C. She is reported to have contracted pneumonia. Senator Lea,' accompanied by j Mr. and Mrs. Percy. Warner,: Mrs. .Lea's par ents, left at .once" for her., bedside. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. .( ) .( ) . . 50 . ( ) rels; tar, 201 barrels; crude turpentine, ( ) barrels. COTTON MARKET. Market Steady, at 8c.; quotation, same ds.y last year, nominal. Receipts 3,050 bales; same day last year, 263 bales. Total receipts since September 1st, to date, 174,773 bales. Total receipts to same day last year, 354,409 bales. V BY RIVER AND RAIL. ' New York, March 8., Mercantile pa- j per,. 33; Sterling exchange, bar.e-; ly steady; sixty day bills, 4.7850; for; cables, 4.8135; for demand, 4.81. Par; silver, 50; Mexican dollars, 38. Gov-' ernment bonds, strong. Railroad bonds, I strong. ;Time-loans, steady sixty days,- 2 2; ninety days, 23; six months, 33. Call money, steady; ruling rate, 1. DRY GOODS MARKET. Ue Sfro..ii. -"fo ur of during the? last -half ai i "OMiess surprised tne pror.es Points 10 s Jariy m the day prices were UP, later they went to a level Octoha puuil.a under Saturday's close. Sell; ,ulKIn& the least decline. L ape" arund the middle of the day that ti inspired by the fear resin 11 exPoi"ts would shrink as the tion t ail,sen m the European sltua I!" have complications that recent- . e aIternoon, however, no- -witisi, ''usieQ stating tnat tfie rest? ernment had agreed to' place 54 for ns on shipments icofltract hed prior to March 2nd and this Cott ces- - i 8 f"tures closed: March 8.35; f!ber no, y 8-78 October 9.06', De- 8 or.- 11 ,stead3r unchanged; mldr 2,4Vr' eS n the Receipts of Cotton and Naval Stores at This Port Yesterday. Wilmington, March 8, 1915. Atlantic Coast Line -2,661 bales cot ton; 50 barrels tar. Seaboard Air Llne-374 bales cotton. Str. Thelma 1 bale cotton. . Miscellaneous 14 bales -cotton. ; Total--3,050 bales cotton; 50 barrels tar. -' "V- ' ; . ' "' : ' ; PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Rodgers, Plummer & Co., mc.j Petersburg, Va., March 5. Spanish: Farmers' stock, market quiet, 82 l-2c. asked; 80c. bid. !. " :i'-',":i;,;-wi:'--Vlrginias : Farmers stock, market steady. Fancy Jumbo, -8 c. per lb. Fancy Hand-Picked, 3c. per lb.; Ex tra Prime, 3c per lb. rShelllng stock, 2c. to:2c per lb. ;? ryW ft ; j JfEWTOBK PRODUCE MARKET. Hi New York, March 8. Raw sugar, steady; centrifugal, .77; . molasses su gar, 4.00; refined, quiet. - u. ; - . - . Butter Steady. r " ; - Cheese Firm. , . New York, March !8. Cotton goods were steadier today, with demand mod- . erate. Retail trade m the Metropolitan j section was more active. Raw silk was firmer. Dress goods were quiet ror im- mediate delivery,;-but; fine and an fey j worsted dress goods were bought liber ally for forward delivery from the largest mills. ,. PRODUCE MARKETS. 5) ( Quoted by W. J. Meredith, March I CORN $2.10 per sack. I PEASBlack eyed peas, $2.50 per iju.; cow peas, market not open. POTATOES Irish potatoes.80 85c. per bu: Sweet potatoes, yams,'85 90c. per bu. ' ,y " BEEF Native dressed, 7?c; good "sales4."' . ; ' PORK" Small, 8 10c per lb. , SHEEP -Out of season. WOOL -Burry, 14 to 15c.r black wool. If to 17c; first-class white , wool, 21a freo. 20021c. per lb. v - HIDES Green salt, 13c; - dry flings, 17c. per lb.; good demand. NORTH CAROLINA BACON Old hams, 20c; sides and shoulders, 15c. lb.; very dull; no sales. - , - BEESWAX Firm, 25c. per lb ; dull. . POULTRY"' Chickens, grown, 40 Q 45c. Spring, 15 30c. per head; very dull. Turkeys, 15c; very dull. . " EGGS r!8c. per doz.; very dull. Wood's Trade Mart: Glover and Grass Seeds are best qualities obtainable, of high tested geniaination and purity. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG for 1915 gives the fullest in formation about. Grasses and Clovers, best methods of preparation, seeding, etc., to secure good stands and good crops. Mailed on request j Write for Catalog, and prices of any Grass and Clover Seed, Seed Grain or Seed Potatoes required. T W. WOOD SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Very Low Round Trip Fares To Durham, N. C. via SOUTHERN RAILWAY . Premier Carrier of the South. . Account of Biennial Session, Head Camp, Woodmen of the World of N. C, the Southern Railway Company will sell round trip tickets from all points in North Carolina to Durham,! N. C. Dates of sale, March 7, 8 and 9th, with final limit midnight of March 13th, 1915. " ' For further detailed information, schedules, etc., ask any Southern Rail way Agent, or write. ! O. F. YORK, .Traveling Passenger (Agent, Raleigh, N. C. mh4-4t j SPECIAL FOR SUNDAYS. Leave Front and Princess streets every half hour from 2:00 to 5: t P. M. ' , ' Leave Beach every half hour from 2:45 to 5:45 P. M. .a Daily, except Sundays, b Sundays-Only. o Superceded by .half hour cars Sunday afternoons. ' ; d Goes through to Seagate; returning leaves Seagate at 8:00 P. 1. e Leaves from Station No. f... N . FREIGHT SCHEDULE. (Daily, except Sundays.) Leave Winth and Orange streets, 3:30 P. M. Freight Depot open from 2:30 to 2:30 P. M, SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the South Bulletin of Special Round Trip Rates, in Effect From Wilmington. DURHAM, N. C. .fl.55 On sale March 7th, 8th and 9th. Lim ited returning Midnight, March 13th CHATTANOOGA, TENN.. ... i .. .8180 On sale April 25th. 26th and 27th. Lim ited returning Midnight May 8th. BIRMINGHAM, AIA . . . ..j ..$24.50 On sale June 7th, 8th and 9th. Limited returning Midnight, June 17th. For tickets, Pullman reservations, or any information, call 'phone 178, or ap ply to Agent. j H. E. PLEASANTS, , T. P. A., Wilmington, N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Arrivals and Departures of Trains at Wilmington. Effective Feb. 18, IMS. Time Not Guarantee. DEPARTURES: Nc90l - . 3:40 A.M. Monday morn ing only. ' NO.&L 6;5AL o.64. t5:15 A.M. No. 48. ' ? :40 A.M. No. 53. No. 62. 3:26 P.M. . N0.5& 8:40 k'.il. No. 60. I :30 PJL' NC.42. :45PJiL TO AND FROM Uoldsboro, Kichinond. Norfolk and East ern North Carolina points. Connects at Goldsborii with Southern Railway, and Norfolk Southern Railroad. Chadbourn, Couwuy, Florence Chaclestoa, bavaiiu&ii. J ttvksua vuie, Tauipu, si. Myeis. Cwiumbia aui AsueTiUe. Juilmaa bictsyuix Cr ueiweeu WUmmgtun and Cultuuuuk. tyen to recivu psMisexk at Wiiuuutuii at anu-alter AUtuo Jf. auu may uo uwuvetl uiiui t ivo A. AJU Jackaouvilit. biaiioua. liewbern and filter mediate uoidsboro, Kichmond, Norfolk and , vvasmujiton, connecting at Rocky -Mount with Isew York trains witn I'uiiiiian bervice. Solid train between Wilmington and MU Airy, via jsayfettevUie ana baniord. JackttuuTilie. Aiauuaa. Xs!beru uua iateruieuiau Chadbourn, Florence, Augusta, Atlanta and the West. Charleston, Savannah - and- all Florida Points. Columoia. Asheville and the West. " AU ' Steel Pullman Sleeping; Cars between Wii ming-i. nr AuiCUMta and Atlanta, and between Florence and Columbia. Fayetteville and Intermediate stations. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Wash. Jngton and "New York. Pullman BroU er Bnfflet. Sleepins Cars, between Wil Itnington and Washington eonnectia with New York trains i also PnUman Sleepins; Cars between WUminn-ton and Norfolk. ABBIVALS: No. 81. 1:15 AM. Sunday morn ing (Saturday night) pnly. No. 601 12:i5A.M No. 65. I fi:15 PM. No. 49. tt:C5 PM. No. 62. No. 63. 12:60 P.M. No. 64. 12 P.M. No. 00. 110:15 A.M. N0.4L 9:50 A.M. Daily. 1 Daily except Sunday. , S Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc, call 'phone 160. v J CRAIG X. C. WHITE. W- rar Trsific 'bTM. WILMINGTON PKAJfBT MARKET. -- , : ' f .'J. (Quoted by J.' S "Funchess & Co.) ? Wilmington, Jw.arcn a. XMonn uarr olina Peanuts Market, steady; new crop, fancy hand-picked, 75c; No. 1, mAtrhlne nicked. 65c. ner-bU. Virginia Peanuts Steady, ew crop Jumboes, 60c; fancy nana picked, 550; No. 1, small, machine picked, 50c. per bushel. ..U:;r;;;.-- Spanish,Peanutar-rSteady, New crop, vw.c(. una aci( Line nneir aaa , Northwest.y'ICr - . Block System Rock altaaVSS-Dj-Rails. ffifrL-- ' Schedule In Effect Nov2 job ; iol4. LV.Norfolk . . ; . 8 :3tfa.m,(-8 :00p.m. Lv.Petersburg. . . . ll:00a.ih; 10:40p.m. Lv.Durham . . , : 7:00a.m. 5:30p.m. Lv.Lynchburg .-. . 2:45p.m. 2:30a.m. Ar.Cincinnati . .. . 7:20a.m. -4:20a.m. Ar .Columbus . . . . 6:45a.m. 7:00p.m. Ar.Chicago . . .. 6:00p.m. 8;00a.m, j Ar.St. liouis . . . , ". 6 :32p.m. I 8:30a.m. Close connections iiia.ua lur seaiue, San Francisco and All Western Points. .. Pullman .sleeping and parlor cars N. and W.' Cafe dining, cars. Equipment and service standard of excellence. Blue Ridge , and Allegheny mountains crossed at most picturesq.ue' parts, j Time tables, -descriptive literature and information free. ' Correspondence invited. - . -''";;. -:'---v .-; . , ' W. B. BEVILL, Pass.-Traf. Mgr. W. C SAUNDERS, G. P. A., Koanoke. Va. . y Atlantic Coast Line lhe Standard Railroad o the South" Bulletin of Special Round -Trip Fares. i ''" 'from WILM1NOTON ' CHATTANOOGA, TENN jf ....S180 On sale April 25, 26 ancf 27th, limited returning May 8th. BIRMINGHAM, ALA ... ... .f240 On sale June 7, 8 and 9, limited return ing June 17th. For schedules, reservations and any further Information, call 'phone 160, or apply to C. M. ACKER, Ticket Agent of the ATLANTIC COAST LINE W. 3. CRAIG, T T. Ot' WHITE," Pass. Trafc Mgr. Gen. Pass. Ajrt. - TO CHICAGO ' ON THE CAROLINA, SPECIAL THROUGH , SLEEPING CAR DAILY FLORIDA - CUBA - SOUTH ONLY Through Sleeping Car Between WILMINGTON and ATLANTA DAILY SCHEDULES: I No. 55 I No. 51 Lv, Wilmington Ar. Florence . . . Ar. Atlanta . . Ar. Montgomery Ar. New Orleans ... ... ... . Lv. Wilmington . . . Lv. Florence . " ' Ar. Jacksonville . . . Ar Tampa . . . .. Ar. St. Petersburg e 3:45P.Mi 7:30P.M. 6:00A.M. 11:30A.M. 8:55PJJ. 3:45P.M. 5:25A.M. 9:20AM. 7:55P.M. 7:15A.M.i 4:00P.M. 5:25 AM. 9:40A.M. 7:20P.M. 6:45AJkL 8 :30P.M. I 8 :00A.M. Ar. Fort Myers . . . . . 10 :20P.M12 :05P.M. PULLMAN CARS ON ALL TRAINS. PHONE 160 ATLANTIC COAST LINE THE STANDARD RAILROAD OP THE SOUTH BALTIMORE CAROLINA STEAM SHIP COMPANY Between Wilmington, Georgetown .-and Charleston, S. C Baltimore, v VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of the South QUEEN AND CRESCENT ROUTE AND BIG FOUR ROUTE -Southern Railway Is now operating through sleeping cars dally on the Car olina Special-between Charleston. S.C.,1 and Chicago, ju.. anoraing excellent connections from and for Eastern North Carolina Points, . Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham Greensboro and intermediate points, through ASHEVILLE AND THE LAND OF, THE SKY. V . For - Pullman sleeping, car. - reserva tions, schedules . .and detailed informa tion, ask any Southern Railway Agent, or write, ... '" V - ( '-O. F. YORK, . . , Traveling passenger Agent. y i . ; T?in -K 7. 7 : TNo. 1. small, machine picked. 85c: Jura- fi n. ROPfT.EY. D. PA , . i . I spot 875: ;tttl ,Cone"v.,",; v n.r.hn. All recainta. Jieaviftf. " - :..Ji jmAtiM,-vr: I Vfe":? HZ: 1 .---KaleiKbJ; M Ships sailing from Baltimore every Friday afternoon 3 o'clock, arriving, in Wilmington; - Sunday afternoon. .'Low through rates and other information furnished upon application. ; J. L. DOTEN, Agent. . . Off icr and Piers, foot Grace street. . Phone 482. HENRY WILLIAMS, JR. . r General Freight Agent, Baltimore, M. BURETT H. STEPHENS ARCHITECT S8-39 GARRELL BUILDING. WILMINGTON NvC CLYDE LINE ANA f' ' .. GEORGETOWN. S. C New-York to Wilmington. Ssteamship Cherokee; Fri., March 12th Steamship Seminole, Fri., March 19th Wilmington to Georgetown. Steamship Seminole, Mon., March 8th "Steamship Cherokee, Mon., March 15th Wilmington to New York. Steamship Seminole, Sat., March 13 th Steamship Cherokee, Sat., March. 20th Both Steamers Carry Passengers. Equipped With Wireless. , Through bills of iadiuic , and lowest thtougo rateM guarauteea to aud'froui all points in North sad South Carolina. CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO. " C J. BECKKB. Agent, . ,. Wilmington, N. C. y ' H. G. SMALLB0NS8. . ' Commercial Asent. . ?- Wilmington, N. C. . ' General Offices: Pier 36. N. B New fork. :- U. S. Court Sale... ' .' - Of the Haar Stock of Dry Goods: and Fixtures continues-, until sold. ' urt appraisers have reduced prices V.low wholesale cost, u, (advertisemeuC)-r-tt - f 1 'I : it- 1 I. ''I h 1 s 1 I! It "t 1 ' - i.

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