v-,i.v- THREE RE ASSESSMENT OF NEGROES GELEBBATE 50 YEARS PROGRESS j ; . emier of Canada Going to Stir Up British THE MORNING STA RAILROADS III ORDER Corporation Commission to Begin Within Two Weeks 5 .1 I Corporations Now Being: Assessed for Taxation Hearings Given Charters Issued Raleigh . News of a Day (Special Star Correspondence) Raleigh, N. C, July, 2. This being the year for the regular quadrennial re-assessment of . railroads as well as for the annual assessment for. taxes of tiie corporations generally In the; State ihe Corporation Commission is getting this work under way. and will take iip the re-assessment of .the ralroads v ithin the next two weeks. ' Already most of the banks have been assessed and the? assessment of ibe corporatons generally, "nearly five thousand of them, will be gone into during the next week or two. Already, delegations are coming to Raleigh from day to day for conferences with the commission regarding those assess-, merits of banks and other corporations already made. The institutions" are being notified as their, assessments are rnade and those that 'raise objections are being given hearings as the (work advances. : ",- Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham says that the division for sup plying the legume for inoculation to the farmers of . the State is now en tering on an especially busy season Tvith orders for the legume coming in by every mail. The price for this material has just been reduced byih.e department from 50 cents per acre to 40 cents per acre. It costs wnen pur chased commercially $2. per acre. The indications are ' that f ar andaway the biggest volume, of orders ior - the le gume inoculation will come in this season, which -continues well into No vember, this season rounding out the first year of the work of this division of the work of the department: in furtherance- of the interests of "the farmers of the State. Miss Alma I.' Stone, graduate" of Meredith College and the University of North Carolina, has been appointed as assistant to the State botanist by Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham. New Corporations New corporations were chartered f today as follows: The McNair Milling Co, Laurinburg, capital $50,000 authorized and $15,000 subscribed by J. F. McNatr, J. A. JOnes, and R. Li. Stevenson for general grain milling. - The Buenavista Co,. "Winston Salem, capital $300,000 authorized and $144,- 000 subscribed by J. W. Fries, F. H. Fries, H. E. Fries, Wachovia Loan and Trust Co, and others, for real estate development. The Oxford Jitney Bus Co, Oxford, capital $2,000 authorized and $300 subscribed by L. H. Davis and others, FAYETTEVILLE WILL ERECT MODERN TOBACCO WAREHOUSE Company to Be Chartered, Considera ble Stock Subscribed Already. Wilson Issues Proclamation of National Exposition. Will Open at Richmond Next Week Congress Made an Appropriation of $5,000 Purpose Is to En courage the Race. Sir Robert Borden, premier of Cana da, is on his way to Great Britain, with the purpose, not avowed by him, of stirring up the Eritish government to the importance of Canada in the war. Before sailing he wmld not tell the name of the vessel on which he would make "the trip he refused to talk about complaints Canadians have recently made, particularly in war con tracts. The attack of W. W. Biitler, one of the great manufacturers of Can ada, against the policy of making J. P. Morgan & Co., the great New York bankers, agents for the purchase of British war supplies, was passed oyer by the premier without comment. "During the war there has been very close co-operation between the Brit ish and the Canadian government in respect of all matters relating to the war and touching the common inter ests of the empire," said he. "This co-operation has involved incessant correspondence both by cable and by letter wi.th the colonial secretary and with Sir George Perley, the acting high commissioner for Canada in. London. It' is considered that co-operation be tween the two governments can be rendered more effective and the com mon interests more thoroughly safe guarded if certain important questions could be discussed at a personal in terview. K as tor volunteers in tne war, we have sent 75,000 so far, as you know what kind of a record they have made. We have about 75,000 more, organized aiid in training. The men are coming in to volunteer faster than we are able to train, arm and equip them." Washington, July 2. President Wil son's proclamation bespeaking national government in the exposition to com memorate 50 years' achievements of the negro race, which is to open at Rich mond, Va,, next week, was issued from the White House today. It is as fol lows: - "A national exposition in commem oration of the achievements of the ne gro race during the last 50 years will be held in Richmond, Va., July 5 to 25, 1915. " "The ' occasion has been recognized as of national importance by Congress through an appropriation of $55,000 to aid in its promotion and consummation. This sum is ; being . expended by the terms" of the i appropriation .'under the direction of the Governor of Virginia. "The Exposition is Tinder the auspices of the Negro Historical and Industrial Association. The action of Congress in this matter indicated very happily the desire of the nation as well as of the people to encourage the negro in his efforts to solve his industrial prob lem. "The National Negro Exposition is designed to demonstrate his progress in the last 50 years and to emphasize his opportunities. As President of the United States I bespeak of the active interest of the nation to the exposi tion and trust that every facility will be extended to the leaders whose earn est work has made the undertaking possible." The proclamation bears the date of July 1, the seal of the government and the signature of the President. This big new, sunlit mill, located in the clear air of open fields, is immaculately clean always -even the inside air is clarified to insure the purity of VaKer's Dainty Flour." It is milled sbivfy to retain full baking quality of tne flour and sifted through silk to get fineness. Sometimes it costs a trifle more by the sack, but always it coats . teas in use, Decause it makes more baking. Vslisr'a Romanes Flour iiValier'a Dainty Flour with self-rlein ingredi ents mixed in accurate proportions. Requires no salt or baking powder i i i in i i I I DUCTED WINTER WHEAT- OF BEST QUALITY The Corbett Co., Wholesale Distributors, Wilmington For Rent NEW COURSE AT TRINITY. THEATRICAL "(Special Star -Correspondence.) Fayetteville, N. C, July 2. At an ad- 1 Journed meeting of the Chamber of Commerce here Messrs. A. W. Peace, S. W. Cooper, H. McD. Robinson, and Thos. :H. . Hutton were appointed as a com mittee to prepare a certificate of in corporation for a tobacco warehouse company. The committee" was also in structed to take the necessary pre liminary steps for the organization of the company without delay in order that contract might be let as soon as possible for the erection of a modern tobacco warehouse and In time for use this season.' . The chamber of commerce has been able to raise within a few days, by sub r scriptions for stock in the corporation, ?jsufficient funds to warrant them to . proceed as indicated without fear of being unable to raise the required amount, several thousand dollars, only about two hundred dollars being now ' required. jA-ul ' r- The site for the warettause. has been donated by 'the Aberdeen & Rockflsh Railroad Company with the . under standing that if at' any time the stock holders for any reason wish to dispose bf their holdings tTf railroad com- pany is to have" the cVtion of purchas ing the warehouse at actual cost. First Presbyterian church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Rev. J. M. Wells, D. D., pastor: Preaching Sun day morning, at 11 o'clock. : Sunday echopl at 5 in the afternoon. The pas tor will teach the Brotherhood Bible Class and all hot in other classes or Sunday schools are invited to be pres ent. Christian Endeavor meeting at 8 in the evening. Midweek-prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. . - Winter Park Presbyterian . church, Rev. Andrew J. Howell" .pastor: Com bined church and Sunday school service Sunday morning at 10:15 o'clock. Mid Sveek service Wednesday evening at : 8 TO'clock. The Ladies Society-will meet Tuesday afternoon at 5, with a spe cial programme furnished by the Help ing Hand Society and refreshments. A cordial invitation is given to all to iattend the services. v Delgado Presbyterian church, Rev. Andrew J. Howell, pastor.' Services Sunday eveningat 7:45.. Sunday school at. 10:15 in the morning. Midweek service Thursday evening at 8. -Visitors earnestly invited to all services. ' , - V Sunday evenings, 7;30 trip to Caro lina Beach Pier and return on Steamer Wilmington, 15 cents. Advertisement. - Forget Your Troubles amid the diversions, at Lumina. Adf vertisement... - - REV. A. Ii. CARLTON ORDAINED Real tobogganing, skating and ice boating scenes are features in "The Show Girl,5 an unusually realistic and thrilling three -reel Laemmle drama of the North woods that heads today's bill at the home of "Tne Incomparable Movies." The, wintry scenes were film ed during the last heavy snow storm .of the season in the Adirondacks just at the time the Winter Carnival was at its. height at Lake Saranac. Scenes from the carnival are included in the picture ancU-you will gasp with delight and wonder at the beautiful scenes. It is the strong story of a man to man bat tle for valuable timber property, with Brinsley; Shaw playing the leading role. Life in the woods and at the outdoor sports of the fashionable set, all pic- tured against a background of sur passing loveliness. It is a big picture that you cannot afford to miss, and will thrill you for every moment of the three reels. King Baggott is featured in a great single reel Imp production, "The Rid dle of the Silk Stockings," a unique comedy drama that will be especially pleasing. Next week's big bills will surprise even those who are in a habit of ex pecting big things at the Bijou. There will be some exceptionally big features for every day. Watch for them. At the Grand Today. Just keep your eye- on the Grand for every day the management has. a pleasant surprise to offer for it's pat rons in the way of good pictures. They are without a doubt the best that money can buy. Manager Peck is spar ing no expense to please the movie fans. Today's programme Is one of unusual merit, the Kalem company as everyone knows always has a good one on tap, and they have exceeded the limit in "The Figure in Black" the newest two act detective story, featuring Marian Sals, Ollie Kirby and Paul . C. Hurst. "Nobody Would Believe" is the title of the Lubin drarna that has been praised so highly by the press and public, why not? Look at the cast Lillie Leslie, William Cahill, Walter Law and Joseph Smiley this in itself is enough to , assure the public that something good is in store for them, a visit to the Grand will convince you that we are delivering the goods. Now for a great Comedy "Dreamy Dud in King Koo's Kingdom." 'Living car toons by Wallace A. Carlson produced by the Essanay company. Dud is cap tured by some natives. He pleases the king so much that he steps down from his throne and gives it to Dud. So many things happen too numerous .to mention and then Dud wakes .up. Recent Graduate of Wake Forest En ters Full Ministerial Work. (Special Star Correspondence.,... Warsaw, N. C, July 2. An ordina tion service was held at the Baptist church, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock when Rev. A. Lee Carlton was ordained a minister. Rev. A. O. Moore, assist ed by Rev. G. B. Early, of Rose Hill, conducted the service. Rev. Mr. Carlton was recently grad uated from Wake Forest College. He has a large circle of friends, who wish him success in his chosen work. DESIRABLE COTTAGE on Northern . Extension Wrightsville Beach, con taining ten rooms, two baths, large enough for two families. Will rent for season. Apply SAMUEL BEAR, Sr. & SONS, WILMINGTON, N. C. REPORT WAS UNFOUNDED NOTICE The Freight Warehouses of our com panies in WHmington, N. X willj be closed Monday, July 5th,. 1915," except between the hours of 9:00 and 10:00 .A. M., for the delivery of perishable freight only. - - .''' HENRY WHTTjE, Agent, Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. . , A J. MOOR.E, . JB ;' ,,eat, -Atlantic Coast Line Railroad- Co. Fourth Body Was Not Found In Chatta hoochee Inquest Monday. West Point, Ga., July 2. The inquest set for today at Blanton's Ferry, Ala., near here into the deaths of Mack and Epps Melton . and J .S. 'Leak, whose bodies were found early this week, in the Chattahoochee river was postponed until Monday July 5. The bodies bore evidence that; the Melton brothers and Leak had been murdered. Reports last night that a fourth body, thought to be that of Toney Mel ton, father of two of the victims, had been found in the river, proved un founded today. Designed to Answer Need for Trained Sunday School Workers. (Special Star Correspondence.) Durham, N. C, July 3." A new course which will be of interest to many throughout Norrh Carolina, will be of fered at Trinity College beginning with the fall term Its purpose will be to help answer the crying need for train ed Sunday school workers. That the UVUIOC Will LFfS CIIllUeLOlACU i O .Ct ifllll as it is being brought to the attention ofstudents, who will be members of the junior and senior classes next year, in many ways. For one thing the course will count' toward a diploma as much as any other course in the entire curriculum. This work will be in connection with the departments of education and Bib lical literature. . Three Sunday, school courses will be offered aside from the regular work "given in the Biblical de partment. One course will be on Edu cational Psychology and Child Study; the second will be a comparative study of the Sunday school and secular edu cation with much research work re quired; the third will be a study in the administrative side of the work, deal ing with the public school and Sunday school. Any student may elect one or more of these. Prof. E. C. Brooks and Dr. E. W. Knight, of the department of education, will give the course. Mr. M. W. Brab ham, Sunday school field secretary of the North Carolina Conference, will give a series of lectures in connection with the course. 10 cents Saturday trip to Carolina Beach. Steamer Wilmington leaves, 2;30 P. M. Advertisement. Monday at Lnmna Take the family and spend the day. Athletic events, dancing, surf-bathing, pictures. Advertisement. Against the worlds Camel Cigarettes arc so good in quality, in flavor, in satisfaction, that you are asked to compare them with any cigarette at any price I Camels are blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos, pro ducing: a cigarette superior to either kind of tobacco smoked straight Camels will not bite the tong-ue, parch the throat or leave any un pleasant cig-aretty after-taste. Owing to the cost of tobaccos blended CAMELS 20 for 10c. If yoar dmaUr can't supply yoa, Band 10c for on package or SI. 00 for a carton of tn package (200,ciga rmwtj, sent potage,pt paia. gr after smoking one package you are not delighted with CAMELS, return theother nine pack' ages and tea mill refund your dollar and postage. in Camels don't look for premiums or coupons R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem Lumina Pumps. Palm Beach and Tennis Oxfords for the beach at Peterson & Rulfs. 2t - " ( Advertisement.) ' " . - $8.10 ROUND TRIP , RICHMOND, VAi The Atlantic Coast Lin announces the above excursion fare from Wilming ton, on acount of,-: the Exposition and Celebration in Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Emancipa tion of the Negro, which opens July 5th and closes July 27th. Proportionate fares will apply from all points, on the Atlantic Coast Line, and are open to the public. Tickets will ue sold for all trains on July 5, 7, 9, 12. 14, 16, 19, zi and 24, limited returning to reacn orig inal starting point, prior to midnight of the seventh. (7th) day following date of sale". For schedules and further infor- mation, ' , ' " ;. v .- 'PHONE 160. - -. - . V- W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, . ' fcS- Pass. Trat. Mgr. warn .. :S-. STERNO CANNED HEAT We Have the Sterno Stoves and the Canned Heat, 50c and 10c respectively. For Camping, Household Use, etc. WATCH our space. We will have an Interesting? announce ment to the ladies of Wilming ton In a few days. J. HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY FRONT AND GRACE STREETS. NOTICE OF SALE. Buffalo Lithia Springs Hotel - - ' - Located in the most delightful section of Mecklenburg County, Virginia,-this famous health resort will, this season, be Under New Management MR. C. E. GRAHAM who has had many years' experience in the management of leading hotels in the east and south, will have charge, with a competent staff of heads, cooks and servants. All conditions combine to make Buffalo Lithia Springs the ideal sum i mer resort. Those coming for treatment find in the curative waters a proved remedy for kidney and bladder troubles, while those seeking artiusement may indulge in their favorite recreations. . , , un nonoiK uivision ox Mutneni Railway. y Rates and fun information on request. ,:'-.:;. 'V.., :f.;i'- . . Owned and operated by the - BUFFALO UTHIA SPRINGS WATER COMPANY, Buffalo Litbia fcpritisa, Virginia State of North Carolina. New Hanover County. In pursuance of 'a decree of the Su perior Court of North Carolina, made and entered at the March term, A. D. 1915, in a case therein pending where in D. O'Connor was plaintiff and Mar garet Cox and William Blount- are de fendants, the undersigned Commission er duly appointed by said decree will expost for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidaer, at the Court House door of New Hanover County, in the Cityof Wilmington, on Monday, the 5th day of July, A. D., 1915, at 12 o'clock, M., the following described tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Wil mington, N. C, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the south ern line of Rankin Street thfrty-three feet westwardly from the soutnwestern intersection of Rankin and Thirteenth Streets, and runs thence westwardly along the line of Rankin Street tnirty three feet; thence southwardly and parallel with Thirteenth Street one hundred and forty-five feet to Char lotte Street; thence eastwardly along Charlotte Street thirty-three feet; thence northwardly one hundred and forty-five feet to the beginning on Rankin Street, the same being parts of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 229, accord ing to the official plan of the City of Wilmington. Terms of sale cash. E. K. BRYAN, je 5-30t. Commissioner. THE OLD RELIABLE JUNK SHOP Jos. Horowitz & Son Prop 109 S. Water St. Phone SOO-W Make money by saving your junk. We pay the following prizes: Rags' (dry) 75c per 100 lbs.; heavy brass, 11c per lb.; copper, 13c per lb.; zinc, 10c per lb.; aluminum, 12c per lb.; lead, .' 4c per. lb.; rubber (boots and shoes) 6c per lb. ; auto tires, 4c per lb.; inner tubes, 9c per ,1b.; pewter (No. 1) 20c per lb.; block tin, 25c per lb. Gool "'Clothes For you men who want real comfort during these hot days we haye made special prepa rations. Palm Beach, Mohair, and Cool Cloth Suits of the Best Quality and Workmanship $7.50 and up A Complete Line of Palm Beach Accessories. The A. David Company The Really One Wickless, Odorless Oil Cook Stove Made Buras Oil Alcohol or Gasoline, Hardware. Tools, Fishing: Tackle, Tents, Canoes, Crockery. 1. L H AN BY 29 SO. FRONT ST. Quickest, Cheapest, Best Deliveries. Prices. Workmanship. Stacks, Tanks, Iron, SteeL Iron, Brass and Aluminum Castings, CAPE FEAR MACHINE WORKS Church and Surry Streets. Phone 213. Buy at Home Following out the "Rotary Idea, Mr. Moore and his committee Insist that the money that stays In Wilmington is the only money that really helps build the city. That being; the caae, patrvnize the CAPE FEAR OIL CO. The Only Oli Company in the City Whose Money Remains in Wilmington. BETTER HEALTH CONDITIONS. Can be obtained for Rural Homes, Factories and Communities without sewerage facilities, by the installation of the L. R. S. TYPE of SEPTIC TANKS These ta;nks are of Concrete, portable, fly-proof, REQUIRE NO ATTENTION, and are reasonable In price. They have been installed at all the Rural Schools of New Hanover County, at every cottage and hotel on Wrights ville Beach, and in numerous other lo calities. Recommended and approved by health authorities. Manufactured by the CEMENT PROD UCTS COMPANY, Office 1015 Murchison Bank Building, Wilmington, N. C. -. Patents Pending. Read Star Business Locals. THET NEW JlJjXi STEEL SLEEPERS OPERATED DAII.Y BETWEEN WIL MINGTON AND ATLANTA ARE VIA THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY AISO THROUGH SLEEPER EVERY WEDNESDAY WILMINGTON TO BIR MINGHAM LEAVE WILMINGTON 4H5 P. M. ARRIVE ATLANTA 7:00 A. M. THE NEXT MORNING, CONNECTING WITH THROUGH ALL STEEL SLEEP ERS FOR CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, MEMPHIS AND KANSAS CITY. ' ' FOR INFORMATION, OR RESERVATIONS, CALL PHONE 178. U. W. WALLACE, C. T. A. H. E, PLEASANTS, T. P. A. ' JOHN T. WEST, DIVISION PASSENGER AGENT RALEIGET. N. C. EMS mm a- m ? ik AN ideal Christian Home School. Preparatory and Collegiate courses. Art, ' Expression, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Domestic Science, Business, etc Con- . trained instructors. Takes only iuu boarders and teaches the individual. unsur . passed health record. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Electric lights. Excellent : table. Good Gymnasium. Park-like campus, Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ran. . wrae ior our catalog oeiore selecting tne couege xor your aaugnier. GEORGE J. RAMSEY, M. A-. LL, D President. Raleigh, N. C. V 8 1 1 .9'. . . - 'v ; J . - a K 1 mm W3-- S" V