Total of 461,537 Bales New Cotton Up to Sept 1. AGAINST 480,317 IN 1914 nnJnffS by State and Comparisons AVitli 1914 Season Next Govern ment Report, on Ginning Will Be Issued Oct. 2. . Washington .Sept. 8-Cotton of the r0vth of 1915 ginned prior to Sep tember l amounted to 461,537 bales, ountin-g round as half bales, according the flrst ginninS report of the sea son issued today. by the, Bureau of jthe Census. That compared with 480,317 vjjes "or 3 per cenCof thentire crop. ginned to September nasnrfear; -799,099 tales, or 5.7 per cent, of - the entire trip,' ginned to that date. in .1913 an r30 S'S4 bales, or 5.4 per " cent, of "the entire crop, ginned to ""that date In; 1912. Ginnings prior to September 1, by etates, with comparisons for 1914 foW low THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1915. DETERM THREE ID Alabama 1915, 38,396 bales; 1914 46,- .11 r.ilPS. Arkansas 1915, 320 bales; l$14, 52ll iajo'rida 1915. 4,701baies i914,: 5,214 Georgia 1915, 133;i61 bales; 1914, '. $6 bales. - , - Louisiana 1915, 5.785 bales; 1914, 3,- r3 oaico. THAT FISH LAV MUST BE OBSERVED State Commission Ready to Use Severe Methods Set. Itoelt to End Catchln of Food la Deep Sea Pm, Seto Brief in Virginia Cities . Rate Case. . (Special Star Correspondence.) Raleigrh. N. C,. Sept. . g.-Chairman Ed Chambers Smith, of the North Car olina Fisheries Commission, says the commission is. putting forth special ef fort now to'put an end to the catching Pf food fish in the "deep sea ipurse nets and that they are meeting with oppo sition that will require the severest methods of dealing with them by the commission.: The purpose of th Mm. misston. is to protect the small fisher men trom the . competition at fearful odds that necessarily "results Ifrom the marketing of food fish that are caught in these purse nets. He says the commission la At. mkied to master the situation at any cost and absolutely control the situa tion , as the State law intends that It shall be controlled for the conservation of the fish supply and the protection of Je &riw m.ass of the. fishermen along the North Carolina coast. - commissioner of Labor -and Print ing M. Li. Shipman is from numbers of North Carolina RAINS WERE EXCESSIVE. -1915, 4,615 bales; 1914, 1914, 28$ Mississippi- j9 bales. , North Carolina 1915. 354 bales ass bales. " Oklahoma 1915," 8 bales; 1914, lajouth Carolina 1915, 4,294 bales; H14 14,633. , ' ; . J . - ' Tennessee 1915, 2 bales , 1914, 26 bales -Texas 1915, 269,226 bales; 1914, 268,- SA11 Other States (Arizona, Califor nia Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, New jleiico and Virginia) 1H5. 105 Jaales; 1314, 1,233 bales. The next ginning report will be 1s aed Saturday, October 2, at 10 a. m., Eastern time. C0LD-BORO LANDS BIG NEW MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE. Tirginia Lumber & Box Co., to Move Plant from Petersburg- (Special Star Telegram.) Goldsboro, N. C, Sept.- 8. President TV. L. Nufer, of the "Virginia Lumber & Bos Company, who has been in this citv several days looking over the field here stave out the ; statement this , af ternoon that his company would accept tSe proposition front the chamber of commerce and the business-" men ' of Goldsboro who offered him a free site nf sn flpres of land, and will at an early date move the plant from Peters- trnrs to this city. - . '. - The company has recentlypjirchased a tremendous tract of timber near Seven Springs and will at once begin the construction of a railroad from that town to Goldsboro, to the site In the southern part of the city. - The pay n of this enteforise will amount to an estimated sum Of Close to $3,000 a week. ' " - Secretary M. R. Beaman, of the cham tier of commerce, informed your cor respondent that money had also been raised to nurchase a free site lor a prospective coffin factory and large grain mill. - WEATHER AND CROP . SUMMARY. of Conditions for the Week in Most Cotton Belt Were Unfavorable. "Washington. D. C, Sept. 8. The weather bureau gives the following summarv of weather and crop condi tions in the cotton region for the week ending September 7th: "In most of the cotton belt the week was again unfavorable, in the Caroll nas and Arkansas the crop shows de terioration from too much moisture and cool cloudy weather, while open cotton damaged by high winds in por tions of Florida and Alabama. In Ok lahoma crop made fair growth but is very late and opening slowly, while In Texas but little change is noted, the growth of the late crop being offset by bolls falling -off or opening premature ly, and weevil still active.-. In Louisi ana made erood -nroerress. and condi tions are somewhat, improved in . MIs sissippi. ' ' ' "Picking progressing in most sec tions." DEATH IN GOLDSBORO Sr. Albert E. Clark Passes Away Fu neral Yesterday..- Golrlshnrn V r Son s 7V.Tr Albert J! w. - - 7 f- Clark, who has, conducted -a tailor- "r business in this'- city fprr several years, died here last night sat r 8:40 o'clock He is survived by his wife and too sonfe, three brothers, Messrs. Cart ark, of Sanford. and Sam and Frank fk, of this city. The funeral was -inducted this afternoon from the home. . HAD PELLAGRA; IS NOW CURED Hillshoro, Ala. J. "W. Turner, of this Mace, says; "i ought to have written Tu two weeks ago. but failed to do so. 'tot wen and then forgot to write you, I f.r -5. - ... sit about like a JO-year-oia poy, iou ought to see me run saround . and ls to my farm. I can go all day just I used to. 1 am so thankful to Know there is such a good remedy to nere- is no lonerer anv doubt that nel snt can be cured. Don't delay until Cotton and, Forage Crops of State Suf fered -During the Week. Raleigh, N. a, Sept. 8. The local weather bureau, in its summary of weather and crop conditions through out the State for the past week, re ports the following: iJaiiy rains interfered with saving fodder, hay and preparing land for early sown grain. There was too much rain and cloudy weather for cotton which is shedding and picking has been delayed. Late corn and pastures are In fine condition. Tobacco is good to excellent in the western counties; cut ting and curing Is nearly completed in the east. The notato cror will h large. The yield of amles is trood in some localities but the crop as a whole is much below the average." 1 Try the Surf Bathing Today. . The Lumina bathing pavilion is stfill Pn- (advertisement.) ters manufacturers of various lines in which they manifest the deepest interest in :?evement to launch a campaign In the-South American countries tostab lish a trade for exporting North Car- uiuia nianuiactured a.r1ols tn v.o counxry. .. . . , ; " Brief in Rate, Tfn-. By September 15 the NnrtVi forniini Corporation Commission will have filed with the Interstate Commerce Commis sion; a brief !in the pending suit by Vir ginia", fc which it is sought? to ob tfeni'for. freight shipments from Virginia cities,to North Carolina shipping points the same reduction in freight rates that applied as proportionals in .the . rates that tfpply from western noints throucrh -yirgihia cities to these North Carolina points j This case has been pending for several "months. The hearing was held - some months ago and now ths commission is to file its brief in oppo sition to the petition. It is the i contention of the North Carolina commission that to grant the demands of the Virginia cities would rob the North Carolina wholesale houses of all advantage that was gain ed in the. original victory of the com mission in securing the application of proportionals in making up the ship ping rates from the Western and! East ern points that gave North Carolina dealers relief from what they contended was unjust discrimination against them in favor of the Virginia cities. I. Of O. F. at San Francisco. M. L. Shipman, Commissioner 6t La bor ,and Printing; W F. Evans, Greenville; E. B. Stradley, Ashevllle, and E- K. ICendall, Shelbyr grand repre sentatives from the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows and the Grand. Commandery to the Sovereign Grand. Lodge of Odd iFetJows, San Francisco, September 20, have procur ed theif North Carolina souvenirs to be presented each grand representative to the Sovereign .Grand .lodge from every part of the world. It Is a handsome badge that bears the names of the four North Carolina grand representatives and2 shows the North Carolina Great Seal and the State House in relief, en circled by the inscription of "I. O. O. F. of North Carolina. San Francisco, 1915, Messrs. Stradley, of Asheville, and Ken dall, of Shelby, go as the representa tives of the Grand Encampment oi North Carolina. Governor Craig honored two requisi tions -from the governor of Pennsyl vanta for the same man, who is va riouslv SDecifled to be A. Carter, Cur lev Carter and J. A. Thompson. One of the requisitions is from Philadelphia and the other from the Pittsburg an thorities. The requisitions were mark ed as "honored" by Governor Craig at the suggestion of Solicitor Michael Schenck, the fugitive being at Hender- Hnn-oiiiA where he is cnargea wnn crime in this State also. ITALIANS LEAVE ST. HELENA Go to City Point to Hunt Work Sur- , prise Marriage at uwgaw. : (Special Star Correspondence.) Burgaw, N. C, Sept. 8. The Pen der county board of education held i special meeting Monday, at which sev eral -matters of local interest were at tended to. The excursion from here to Kicn mnnj.nriiirii left here yesterday morn ing carried quite a good many from this, place, taking advantage of the Mt rote, three dollars for the round trip. : Several Italians from St. Helena were among the number, and they were K.r rttv Point . exDecting to maiuuB W - - There was a surprise marriage at the Black-Hotel Monday evening at 10 o'clock, when Mr; L. Qu Myers and Tni--AnjHA -Mallard were united in 1VX1SSS v . a i i hnmii rvf matrimony. Hev. sr. t r-iarir officiating. The happy cou Die have the congratulations of many Im'lJ.aTnj- friends of Capt. R. P Paddison regret to learn that he has had to 1 undergo an operation at the na.l" ' ,T,Arplv hoDe that he nospiiai, . ttxiu. ' - fnllv recover. Mr W A. Cannon and family have ..J'from a month's visit in Dela- ware. .- " ' GRAIN SHIPPERS HELD UP C. & O. Will Await Until Congestion at Newport News is RVeved Richmond, Va., Sept. Owing to tt,'refeent destruction by fire of the arge Xapeake & Ohio terminal eler large neo v News the -road has vator-ai -v.t- . Paramount Pictures Jesse Li Lasky Presents, in Asso ciation With David Belasco, "The Girl . ... . of the Golden West" A Triangle Drama, in the Sur roundings of a '49 Calif ornian Mining Camp, Featuring - Mabel Van- Buren, Theodore Roberts, Jack Ranee and House Peters ADDED FEATURE PROF GEORGE L. JOHNSON, from 7 P. M., will Render a Clas sic Program on the Famous Wur litzer, the Instrument With the HUMAN VOICE. ADMISSION, TODAY ONLYt Children, 5 Cts. Adults, lO Cts. RAND TODAY Iiiiii!iiiiiji!iiiiii!inniiiniiiiiiiiiiii!inii!iiiminniiii!!iniiiniiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiifi!!iiiiiiiuuiinii!iiiiH The General says s The greatest lesson the world has learned in the past year is the advantage of military preparedness. Exactness, efficiency and constant readiness should be fundamentals in the industries of a country9 just as they must be in its defenses. We have s uiwuy& cAcrji5cu, uioseprinupies in ue manuraciure or oenerai v 5 . Roofing products and I believe that is one big reason .whyVf!! they, are actually profitable to the purchaser. Looking back withvsatisf action Looking ahead with confidence Before the days of the General Roofing Mfg. .Company;, roofing and building papers cost the consumer much more than they do today. . It is a question if the quality that is in the goods today was in them then. The General brought about this great reduction in cost: the General imDrovfed the xmalitv: ' the General. through applying military exactness and efficiency to a peaceful project, actually benefited the '.B buyer oi roonng not only m a dollar-ahd-cents way but in the service delivered by the goods.' TViat is whv tnrln v trie Oeneral Hoes t Vie Kci'necs rrnf .Krr if sucn proaucts. wMim (B(B(dl 2 c ft' f Various Forms Of Headache "It Is necessary in order to treat head aches properly to understand the causes which produce the affection" says Dr. J. W. Ray of Blockton, Ala. Continuing, he says: "Physicians cannot even begin the treatment of a disease without know ing what causes give rise to It, and we must remember that headache is to be treated according to the same rule. We must not only be particular to give a remedy intended to counteract the cause which produces the headaches, but we must also give a remedy to relieve the pain until the cause of trouble has been removed. To answer this purpose Anti kamnla Tablets will be found a most convenient and satisfactory remedy. One tablet every one to three hours gives, comfort and rest In the most severe cases of headache, neuralgia and particularly the headaches of women." "When we haveapatlent subject toregular attacks of sick headache, we should cau tion him to keep his bowels regular, for which nothing Is better than "Actoids,,, and when he feels the least sign of an on coming attack, he should take two A-K Tablets. Such patients should always be Instructed to carry a f ew Antl-kamnia Tablets, so as to have them ready for Instant use. These tablets are prompt in action, and can be depended on to produce relief in a very few minutes. Ask for A-K Tablets. Antl-kamnia Tablets can be obtained at all druggists. - What is back of the roofing you buy is just as important as what is in it. With three huge mills the General is equipped bigger and better than any roofing manufacturer on earth. Operating these mills on military principles applying military precision to every step from the securing of raw materials to the snipping and delivery of the finished products all this means added value in the goods and in their service. The Certain-teed label goes on only the best qual- Certain-teed Products is the kind of a guaranty that ity we can make. It is the best quality that can be made. The price is reasonable. We guarantee the one-ply for five years, two-ply for ten years, and three-ply for fifteen years. In addition to Certain-teed Roofing the highest quality possible to make we produce Standard Quality and Competition Quality at lower prices. No matter what kind of roofing you want to use, we will supply it and give you a better product at tha. The remarkable record of Certain-teed Roonng and 7 inspires confidence. We look ahead with as much satisfaction as we look back. Every buyer and user of Certain-teed Products may absolutely know that there is everything in and everything back of his pur chase to more than justify his entire confidence. Ask your dealer for Certain-teed products. He will show you the Certain-teed label on them: That label is his protection as well as yours. It means just as much to him as it does to you, and that is why, from the standpoint of making a satisfied customer, he is as likely to insist upon you taking Certain-teed products as you are likely to insist upon getting them. General Roofing Manufacturing Company Wotld'i largest manufacturers of Boofing and Building Papers New York City Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburgh Detroit San Francisco Kansas City Seattle Atlanta Houston St. Louis Cincinnati London Boston Minneapolis Hamburg ' Cleveland Sydney At each of our enormous mills we make the follow ing complete lines: Roll Roofings SlateSurfacedRollRoofingSj? Slate Surfaced Shingles Wall Boards Asphalt Felts Tarred Felts Blue Plaster Boards' Roof Coatings Insulating Papers -Deadening Felts . Carpet Linings Stringed Felts Dry Saturated Felts Rosin Sized Sheathings Plastic Roofing Cements Coal Tar Pitch Shingle Stains . Outdoor Paints t3 uiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiin ROGER MOORE'S SONS & CO. DISTRIBUTORS $325 LESS THAN LAST YEAR Mt. St. Joseph's College Noted for complete, practical ligrh School and Commercial Conrses that lay a thorough foundation for study of the professions and give a practical knowledge of modern business meth ods. Two and four year courses. Spee-J ial advantages for fremeaicai wont. Modern buildings. Physical, Biological and Chemical Laboratories. Athletics. Catalog R. BROTHER NORBERT, Director Station D. Baltimore, Md. JLB.McCABE Certified Public Accountant Room &15 Murch. Nat. Bank Bids. Phone 90S WILMINGTON. N. C. to US Jas- too late. It is your duty to consult '-e resourceful Baughn. 'ie symptoms hands red like sun un. skm peeling -off, sore mouth, the 'PS, throat and ton uh muth mucus and choking; indiges ani nausea, either diarrhoea or Pupation. 1,;. WOk on Pen., ..i bTf fr Pellaera that haslet last n ' OUnd- Address American Com- ase ring money is refunded in s any "-'eto uie remedy falls to-cure. , - .11 Jcrpoina Y filac'ed an embargo ....,-,. piacea " 0 announcement cept eorge. Stevens. SelL?thiffiiVwpSd- lifted as iSnf as the wheat congestion- at New port News could be , relieved-probably to a few days. Fifteen steamers were loading wheat today. - ttp' INCREASES OF THE R -SOUTHERN ARE SUSPENDED Krom DanvUIe to Points la North .d . ; v f. south Carolina. ?; - iirav traffic increasing class rreignt L Sen Danville. Va., and a num btr o? poTnS in. North and South Car olina were' suspended today by the In-?eStat!-C6mmerce Commission until rnua y 8 ' The increases proposed SiJoml to A cento per lOOounda A person said the other day : i i . .1 l.don-t use the c sifted ads. becaus'e theyre so smalt nobody would see my ad.' Big city dailies print several pages of want ads. The people read them. Then how much bet ter the people of our town read the ads. in this paper, where they are not confused by a mass of type. This 1916 Overland Is essentially the same as our 1915 Overland the famous Model 80 that sold for $1,075. It Is the largest four cylinder Overland that will be produced this season. Demonstrations at our garage now. We're deliver ing them as fast as we can get them. Ask for specifications and literature. LASSITER-McDUFFIE CO., Inc. 114 NORTH 5SECOND STREET. WILMINGTON, K. C "FOR CAS 99 SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRHSn OF THE SOUTH. k LOW ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS NOW ON SALE. 'The Land Of The Sky" ASHEVILLE, WAYNEsllLLE, TOXAWAY, HEN- DERSONVILLE, BREVARD, HOT SPRINGS, AND ALL OTHER WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA POINTS. Spend Your Vacation in the Cool Mountains of West ern North Carolina. Week-Gad and: Sunday Excursion round trip tickets on sale to A vllle. Black Mountain, Mt. Airy, Morebead City, Wilmington, and various oth er mountain, and seashore reaorts. For Illustrated booklets, complete detailed Information, aslc your agent, or communicate .with ' - O. F. YORK, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C We will 'allow a liberal Cash Dis count Off on Ice Cream Freezers, Ref regira tors, Water Coolers and Screen Doors W.E. SPRINGER & CO. DISTRICT AGENTS. Purcell Building. Wlmington, N. C, STEEL PULLEYS If You Know a Good Pulley, We Have It. Keystone is the Make. We Deal In and Work IRON, STEEL, BRASS, COPPER, ALUMINUM AND OTHER METALS.., Can Employ 3 or 4 Good Machinists on August SOth. Also 2 Good Boiler Makers. t ' WILMINGTON IRON WORKS THE IRON MEN Plant at Foot of Orange St. Wilmington, N. C. Send Your Printing and Rubber Stamps to ." .. .. A HOME COMPANY WE DO YOUR WORK PROMPTLY, AND' THE . i ;v ' . PLEASE-- : .. - s ' '' OUR PRICESARE RIGHT. LeGwin Printing Co. KIND THAT WILL Buy at Home Following out the "Rotary" idea, Mr. Moore and his committee Insist that the money that stays In Wilmington is the only money that really' helps build "the city. That being the case, patronise the CAPE FEAR OIL CO. The Only Ob Company in the City Whose Money Remains In Wilmington. Everybody Reads the Star Business Locals