FINANCIAL HEM SLUMP IN COTTON i th January Contracts and Spot Clos- j ed at 12.35-- Ginning Report Caused Opening Rise. ve- York, Oct. 25. A sharp advance jpjloived publication of . the census :nning report 'at the opening of the cotton exchange today but prices soon weakened and ; there was a-, break of approximately $2,00 per bale from the best. January contracts sold at 12.72 early, touched 12.32 in the late trad in and closed at 12.35, with the genr ttal list easy at a net decline of 18 to 95 points. . The market opened firm at an ad vance of S to 19 points and the active months sold 15 to 51 points net. higher rinrinc the early trading. "The census rertort on ginning was aimusi exactly in' lin with bullish predictions and evidently promoted some re-buying, by skiers of last week as Well as cover ing of shorts. The demand was readi ly supplied, however, and' the market soon vumed easier, t It was considered ;that the market's action indicated that the ginning fig ures had been fully discounted, and as prices eased off the selling became r.iore aggressive on reports, of weak ness in" the market for sterling ex change and a more unfavorable view of the export situation. Southern selling was heavy and . was accompanied by reports that exporters Were hedging in futures owin.g to the tlaek fresh demand from -abroad,': and sentiment seemed to be very much un eld in late trading when Decem ber o!d at 12.22 and Jury at 12.53. vciik the general list about 21 to 25 points ne lower. - , " Cotton futures closed easy." - Open High Low Close 12-24 12.35 12.55 12.65 12.68 December January JIarch . "May July .12.45 12.61 12.22 .12.63 12.72 v 12.32 .12.89 12.95 12.53 iS.OO .13.05 12.63 .13.08 13.10 12.6S Soot cotton quiet: middling uplands 12.35: sales 1,100 bales. THE PORT MOVEMENT. Xe'R- Orleans Middlin, 12.00; re ceipts, 6.S50; exports, 5,534; sales,' 1,775; stock, 204,995. Galveston Middling, 12.20; receipts, 9 32:; sales, 596;-stock, 265,185. Mobile Middling, 11.88; receipts, 1, 533: sales, 25; stock, 16,922. Savannah Middling, 12.00; receipts, 5,177; sales, 50; stock, 83,217. Charleston Middling, 12.00; receipts, "2.401; stock, 93,169. ; Wilmington Receipts, 3,016; stock, 42,575. . . " Norfolk Middling, 11.88; receipts, 4;790; sales, 391; stock, 56,621. Baltimore Stock, 3,575. Baltimore Stock. 8,575. Boston Middling, 12.45; stock, 4,600. Ftiuadelphia Middling, 12.60; stock, .. 2,316. Xew York-T-Middling-12;354 exports, 1 69S; stock, 303,811. - . . .. Aimor Ports Receipts, 5,834; exports, 14,513; stock, 45,253. Total Today Receipts, 39,485; ex ports, 20,795; stock, 1,223,3,62. Total for Week Receipts, 75,663; ex ports, 49,975. Total for Season Receipts," 1,968,480; exports, 1,185,442. ; ; . . Interior Movement. Houston Middling, 12.10: receipts, r,079; shipments, 21,934; sales, 4,954; stock, 162,972. . . Memphis Middling, 12.13; receipts, 11,793; shipments, 4,429; sales, 750; stock, 138,971. - Augusta Middling, 11.75; receipts, 3,317; shipments, 583; sales, 1,521; stock. 161,068. St. Iouis Middling, 12; receipts, 3, T74; shipments, 4,737; stock. 5,777. Cincinnati Receipts, 1,570; ship ments, 964; stock, 10,080. Little Rock Middling, 12.32; re ceipts, 1,796; shipments, 45; sales, 45; stock, 20,971. Dallas Middling. 11.60. Total Today Receipts, 49,329; ship ments, 32,692; stock, 499,839. . - LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, Ctober 25. Cotton: Spot, unchanged. Good middling, 7.52; mid dling, 7.20; low middling, 6.72; sales, 10,000; for speculation and export, 1,000. Receipts, 17,100. Futures, quiet. Oc tober, t . 07 ; October-November, 7.07; November-December, 7.07; December January, 7.07; January-February, 7 07 ; February March, . 7.08; March April, 7.08; April-May, 7.08; May June, 7.08; June-July. 7.05; July-August, 7.01; August-September, 6.88; September-October, 6.71; October-November, 6.67. COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. New York, October 25. Cotton seed oil was partly a shade higher today but later broke severely under liquida tion, prompted by the weakness in cotton and lack of bull support. Closing prices were 12 to 24 points net lower. Sales, 20,200 barrels. "- The market closed, easier. Spot, 7.70 S25; October, 7,70 8.05; November, ".SO'5 8.05; December, 7. 757.78; Jan uary, 7. 75 7. 77; February, 7.78g7.84; March, 7.87 7.88 ; April, 7.937.95; May, S04SS.06. NEW ORLEANS COTTON After Opening Advance Prices Crum ble Almost 83.00 a Bale. Xetr Orleans. Qct. 25.- After a sharp opening advance today cotton felt the force of heavy liquidation and some -h-ort selling under which prices crum bled almost $2.00 a bale from the h.ghest levels.' The close was at a net decline; of IS tc 21 points. ; . . The Census Bureau report showing 5.713,347 bales ginned to October 18 vas much lower than expected and caused heavy buvine. The demand put ' Prices 17 to 19 points over last week's cljse. On the advance holders of Jong contracts unloaded heavily and their jtierings checked the advance. Bearish traders were quick to seize their ad vantage and put out, short contracts. They were encouraged, by favorable father and renewed weakness in -the market tor roreign exchange. Tn,e -3rket held its easy undertone until "owtrd the close. At the lowest, prices :-"-'ere 17 to 21 points under Saturday's Cotton futures closing: December -6; March 12.48; May 12.63; July Spot cotton quiet, unchanged. Sales on the spot 175, to arrive 16.00. Mid ' lnz 12.U0. AND COMMERCIAL WHEAT ADVANCES RAPIDLY Close Was Buoyant, at 3 to 3 Net Hisrher Corn and Oats Also Make Galas. Chicago, Oct. 25. 'Wheat made & rapid advance in value today, owing to Unsettled weather in Canada, to Improv ed export business and to the fact that the United StateB visible supply total did not increase as much as expected. The market closed buoyant, 2 3 I net higher, with December at 1.01 and May at 1.031.03. Corn finished up,' and oats, with, a gain 6t - r'c.; but provisions unchnged to 20c. down. . Grain and provisions closing: Wheat December, 1.01; May, 1.03. ' V Corn December, 58; May 59. Oats -December, 38; May, 39. Pork December, 13.50; January, 16.15. V. " Lard November; 8.77; January, 8.97. Bibs October," 9.37; January, 8.87. " Cash Grain: Wheat No. 2. red, 1.091.12; No. 3, red, l.05gH.0Sr No. 2, hard, 1.02 1.04; No. 3, hard, 961.01. Corn No. 2, yellow, 6465; No. 4, yellow, 63. ; MARINE. Arrived. Str. Matilda Weems, Capt. Hall, Bal timore, Baltimore-Carolina Steamship Co. . . '.' Cleared. Str. Guadalquivir (Sp.), 1,378 tons, Savannah, Alex. Sprunt & Sons. Str. Cherokee, Capt. Bunnel, George town, C. J. Becker, agent. Str. Matilda Weems, Capt. Hall, Georgetown, Baltimore-Carolina Steam ship Co. v MARINE DIRECTORY. list of Vessels in Port at Wilmington, North Carolina. Steamers. Str. Nicarla (Ger.). 3,289 tons, 3cl .'asch. Heide & Co. Str. Kiel (Ger., 2.872 tons. Lomk, Heide & Co Str. Gretaston (Br.). 2,178 tons, Mc Lean. Alex. Spiunt & Son. Str. Haslingden (Br.), 1,220 tons, Wil lis, Alex. Sprunt & Sons. WILMINGTON MARKETS. (Quoted Daily by the Wilmington Chamber of. Commerce.) STAR OFFICE. Oct. 25. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady , 51. ! ROSIN $3.75, $3.65. TAR $2.00-9c- CRUDE TURPENTINE $3 00, $3.00. ?2-00. . Quotation same day last year Spir its turpentine, 44. Rosin, $3.20. Tar, $2.10-10c. Crude turpentine, firm, $3.25 $3.25. $2.25. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine 5 Rosin ( ) Tar 28 Crude Turpentine . . . . ... . . . ... 4 Receipts Same day last year: Spir its turpentine, ( ) casks; rosin. t ) barrels; tar. ( ) barrels; crude turpen tine, ( ) barrels. COTTON MARKET. Market Nominal. Quotations, same day last year, 6. Receipts 2,935 bales; same day last year, 1,224 bales. Total receipts since August 1st, to date, 91,210 bales. Total receipts to same date last year, 26,983 bales. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipt of Cotton and Navat Stores at ThU Port Yesterday. Wilmington, Oct. 25. Atlantic Coast Line 2,724 bales cot ton; 5 casks spirits turpentine; 28 bar rels tar; 4 barrels crude turpentine. Seaboard Air Line 211 bales cotton, Total 2.935 bales, cotton; 5 casks spirits turpentine; 28 barrels tar; 4 bar rels crude turpentine. WILMINGTON PEANU3. MARKET. (Quoted by J. S. Funchess & Co. Wilmington. Oct. 25. North Carolina Peanuts Market, weaxer. Fancy hand picked. 65c; No. 1, machine picked, 60c. per bushel. Virginia Peanuts Unsettled.. Jum bos, 66a; fancy hand-picked, 55c; No. 1, machine' picked, 60c per bushel. Spanish Peanuts Weaker. No. 1, small, machine picked, 75c; Jumbos. 65c per bushel. All receipts, light. PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Rodgers, Plummer & Co., x Inc.) -Petersburg; Va., Oct. 25. Spanish: Farmers' stock- Old stock. 75c to 80c per bvi.; new stock, market not yet for mally opened; cleaners offering for dry and cleaned Spanish, 85c per bu.; green anddirty Spanish, 40c to 6.0c per bu. - - Virginias Farmers' stock: Market steady. Fancy Jumbo 3c per lb.; fancy handpicked, 3c per lb.; extra prime, 3c per lb.; shelling stock 2o oer lb. PRODUCE MARKETS. (Quoted by W. J. Meredith, Oct. 25.) CORN $2.20 pet- eacx. IRISH POTATOES 50c SWEET POTATOES Yams, 60c. to 65c. per bushel. BEEF Native dressed, 7 9c.;' good demand. - PORK Small, 10 11c. per pound. SHEEP Gross: Old sheep, 8 4c; lambs, SO 5c. lb. WOOL -Burry, 19 to 28c.;' black wool, 17 to 20o; first class white wool, 27a; free, 27c. HIDES Green salt, 12913a: dry flint, 17 20c. per lb.; good demand. NORTH CAROLINA BACON Old hams, 20a; sides and shoulders, 16c. per lb. G6od demand. BEESWAX Firm, 28a per lb.? good demand. POULTRY Chickens, grown; 40 45c.; spring, 1585aper head; good de mand. "Turkeys, out of season. EGGS 24c to 25c. . Grace Canard asi Francis Ford In "The Broken Coin"-BiJou today. (Advertisement.) FOREIGN EXCHANGE WEAKER Demand Sterling Fell to 4.61 1-2 As tivtry in Special Stock Continued on Large Scale. New York, Oct. 25.-Actlvity in spe cial stocks continued on a, large scale today, regardless of acute weakness in foreign exchange. Demand sterling fell to 461 1-2,. a .decline of 12 points from the high point to which it re covered a few weeks ago during the Anglo-French loan negotiations and only 11 1-2 points above the alarm ingly low level in August. Most other rorms of foreia-n remit tance were lower, including francs and ures and marks. It is 'becoming in creasingly evident that the only solu- uon or tnis proDiem lies in the estab lishment of new foreign credits. Con ferences with this end in view were held by international banking inter ests, today. The higher prices scored today were again limited to so-called war shares. .ew records included Maxwell Motors common 90 1-2, the second preferred 64, National .Enameling and Stamping 36 a-8 and American Linseed 81 1-8. Among ' other Substantial gains were general J&iectric 5 1-2, Baldwin Loco motive 4, New York Airbrake 5 and the fertilizers and oils, these gaining 2 to 4 points. United States Steel's course was watched with special interest because of tomorrow's quarterly meeting of the directors. Steel opened a fraction higher, soon fell over a point and was heaviest at the close, losing 1 1-8. The best opinion is that no action on the common dividend will be taken. Erles were the outstanding features of the. railways, the common advancing 3. 1-3, the first preferred 1 1-2 and the second preferred 3 1-4. These repre sents the highest quotations in 3 to 4 years. Erie common was only sec ond in activity to steel. - Rails in gen eral and specialties shaded considerably toward the end. Total sales were 1, 150,000 shares. The western freight movement is substantially above last year's and shows gains over 1913.- The govern ment cotton ginning report was with out effect on southern transportation shares. Bonds were steady at the outset, but yielded slightly on increased offerings. Total sales, par value, aggregated $4, 6d,ooo. Government bonds were un changed on call. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Allis-Chalmers 43 American Beet Sugar 65 American Can ...... 63 American Car. and Foundry 88 American Cities, pfd O. 46 American Cotton Oil . . . . . . 63 American Locomotive . . . . . . 71 American Smelting .. .. .. .. .92 American Sugar 112 American Tel. and Tel 124 American Tobacco 230 Anaconda Copper .. , 74 Atchison 106 Atlantic Coast Line ..112 Baldwin Locomotive 140 Baltimore and Ohio 93 Bethlehem Steel .580 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. .. .. 86 Canadian Pacific ..171 Central Leather' ". . . 59 Chesapeake and Ohio .. .. .. .. 57 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul .... 92 Chicago, R. L and Pac Ry ... 17 Consolidated Gas , 141 Crucible Steel 92 Erie 39 General Electric .. .. 180 general Motors .. .. .. .. .. .,373 Great Northern, pfd 121 Illinois Central .. .. 107 Interborough Consol. Corp . . . .22 Kansas City Southern . . 28 Lehigh Valley .. .. 77 Louisville and Nashville .... . . 125 Liggett and Myers 247 Lorillard Co 180 Missouri, Kansas and Texas, pfd. 14 Mex. Petroleum 90 National Lead . . .. 67; New York Central ..100 N. Y.. N. H. and Hartford . . . .. 81 Norfolk and Western 116 Northern Pacific 112 i Pennsylvania .. 5S i Reading 80 Rep. Iron and Steel 54 Rep. Iron and Steel, pfd 104 Seaboard Air Line .. 16 Seaboard Air Line, pfd 39 Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron . . 60 Studebaker Corporation 184 Southern Pacific 98 Southern Railway . . . . Southern Railway, pfd Tennessee Copper .. . . Texas Co .. 20 -. . 58 .. 63 ..165 .. 13 ..135 . . 55 .. 85 Texas and Pacific . . . Union Pacific United States Rubber . United States Steel : . United States Steel, pfd 115 Utah Copper Virginia-Caro. Cbem . . Western Union . . . . . t 80 73 51 68 Westinghouse Electric Great Northern Ore . . L C and C ..... ... . . . . . THE FINANCIAL MARKET. New York, October 25. Mercantile paper, 3 3; sterling, sixty-day bills, 4.59; demand, 4.60; cables, 4.6275. Bar silver, 48; Mexican dollars. 37; gov ernment bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 2 3; ninety days, 9r six months, 3 3. Call money, steady; ruling rate, 2 per cent.' NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York, October 25. Raw Su gar, nominal; centrifugal, 4.39; mo lasses, 3.62; refined,-steady. Butter Firmer. .' Cheese Firm. " Coffee Spot, quiet; Rio, No. 7, 7; Santos, No. 4, 9. , ' , ' , SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Oci 25, Turpentine, firm, 545i"; sales, 3.12; receipts, 2.15; shipments, 6.92; st6ck, 10,360. Rosin Flrm. Sales, 7.57; reeeipts, 1,145; shipments, i.OlO; stock, 57,569. Quote: A. B. C. D. E, F, G, H, and I. 4.75; K, 4.90; M, 5.60; N, 6.00; W G, 6.25; W W, 6.50. NEW YORK DRY GOODS. New York. October 25. Cotton goods were steady, but quiet, today. Yarns ' were firm. Raw silk was ad vanced 15 cents a point, but buying was active. THE WEATHER, United States Deportment of Agricul tureWeather Bureau. " ' October 26, 1915. : Meteorological datar tof the 24 hdurs ending at 8 p. M.. yesterday: . Temberature at S A. M., 53 degrees; at 8 PVM-, 82 degrees; maximum, 6a .de grees; minimum,- 51- degrees; mean, 60 degrees. ..; Rainfall for the day0 inch; rain fall for the month, to date, 1.53 inch. Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, - at 8 A. M. yesterday 5.2 feet. THE WEATHER, For North Carolina-tFair Tuesday, warmer east portlonj Wednesday fair, cooler interior. v . The Port Calendar, Oct. 38, 1915. Sunrises 6:26 A. M. Sunsets ... ..6:26 P. M. Day's length. ,V ' n hrs. THE TIDES. High water. Low water. A.M P.M. A.M. P.M. Wilmington . . .11:56 12;00 6:52 7:36 Southport . ,;fr:49 10:00 3:40 4:21 Masonboro Inl . .11:38 9:49 3:20 ;4:01 WEATHER BUREAU REPORT, October 25, 1915. Tempera tur e: a a STATIONS: tl CO 1- " '5. Abilene . . clear Asheville . . clear j Atlanta . . clear j Augusta . . clear j Birmingh .clear j Boston . . clear j Charleston . elear Charlotte . .clear Chicago. . .clear Galveston . ,clear j 78 74 78 80 80 54 76 74 64 76 78 78 SO 82 78 56 68 82 74 68 80 82 70 70 62 54 42 ?60 58 53 38 62 48 54 70 68 62 60 54 68 38 5D 56 38 46 64 .56 56 56 S4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Jackson v . . clear Memphis . pt cldy Mobile.. . . cldy Montgom'y . clear New Orl. . .cldy New York .pt cldy Oklahoma . .clear Palestine . .clear Pittsburg . .clear Raleigh- .clear Savannah .pt cldy Shreveport. .clear St. Louis. . clear St. Louis . .clear Washing'n . clear CENSUS GINNING REPORT Shows Number of Bales Ginned Prior to Oct. IS was 5,713,347. Washington, Oct. Cotton ginned prior to October 18 amounted to 5, 713,347 bales, the Census Bureau today announced, Round bales included 54, 422; sea island 40.257 bales. Ginnings by states: Alabama 556,272 281,190 32,162 1.178,398 223.982 421,688 264,605 65,985 581,978 78,247 2,007,211 20,657 Arkansas Florida Georgia .. ... . Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina ... Oklahoma , South Carolina . . '. Tennessee Texas All others states CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Chicago, Oct. 25. Hogs Weak Bulk, 6.5d6.55; light, 6.S57.90; mixed. G.ESSJS.OO; heavy, 6.65S.00;: rough. 6. 65 6. 85; pigs, 4. 00 7.25. Cattle Unsettled. Native beef steers, 6. 00 10. 40; cows and heifers, 2.808.30; calves, 7.00l0.75. Sheep Weak Wethers, 5. 90 6.50; ewes. 3.755.75; lambs, 6.50 8.80. Grace Cunsrd and Francis Ford In "The Broken Coin" Bijou today. (Advertisement.) J. B. McCABE Certified Public Accountant ltoom MB March. Nat. Bunk Bldjc, Phone 988 WLLMINGTON, N. C $1.80 (Excursion to Chadbourn On Account of the Columbus County Educational and Farmers Union Rally The Atlantic Coast Line will sell ex cursion tickets from Wilmington to Chadbourn at $1.80, for all trains on October 29th, limited returning to reach original starting point by or be fore midnight of date of sale. Propor tionately low fareS from ail intermedi ate points. Special Trains Will be Operated as Fol lows! Friday, October 28th. Lv. WILMINGTON ..7:30 A.M. Lv. New Berlin ." . . . .. ,8:15 A.M. Lv. Bolton . . : 8:40 A.M. LV. Lake Waccamaw. . . .8:55 A.M. Lv.Hallsboro. 9:02 A.M. Lv. Whtteville .9:20 A. M. Ar. CHADBOURN .... . .9:35 A. M. Returning t Lv. CHADBOURN. .,; . . .5:09 P.M. These trains will stop at all stations to take on and let off passengers. For regular schedules and further informa tion PHONE 160. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard 'Railroad of toe South. $3.80 Excursion to Sanford. On Account of the Lee County Fair The Atlantic Coast .Line will sell ex cursion tickets from Wilmington -to Sanford at $3.80, for all trains on No vember 8, 4 and 5th, limited returning to reach original starting point by or before midnight of November 6, 1915. Proportionately low fares from all in termediate points, on same dales and with same limit. For schedules and further informa tion , ' ' . - ' , '; ATLANTIC fc6 AST LINE 'V.-" The Standard Railroad of tne South. BRAY BROTHERS STOCKS & BONDS - aKBBNSBORO,1X. & WE OFFER ' ANGLO-FRENCH FIVE YEAR PER CENT BONDS at the following pricft ahd interest: $ 98 BUYS A $100 BOND. v . $490 BUTS A $500 BOND. $980 BUYS A $1,000 BOND, j Yielding the investor nearly 5 per cent. Everybody should own one or more of these bonds. Buy them now, before they are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and prices advanced. Wire, fPbone or Write us for fuller in formation. WE WANT: Southern Underwriters' stock. North Carolina 4 per ,cent. and 6 per cent, bonds. Dixie Fire Insurance Co. stock. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO US. WR DO IT NOW. WIRE, PHONE OR WRITE US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Bulletin of Special Round Trip Raiss, in Effect From W itmington. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . . On sale until November 30th, limited 3 months, not to exceed Dec. 31st, 1915. RALEIGH, N. C .... . . . . ..$4.75 On sale Oct. 23rd to 30th; limited re turning Midnight, Nov. 1st. Fare in cludes one admission to Fair- Grounds. GREENVILLE. S. 0. - . .. .. .. 41&d0 On sale Nov. 1, 2 and 3rd; limited re turning Midnight, .Nov. 9th. For tickets Pullman reservations, or any information, call 'phone 178, or ap ply to Agent. H. E. PLEASANT S, T. P. A.. Wilmington, N. C JOHN T. WEST, - D. P. A.. Raleigh. N. C Atlantic Coast Line Trip Karea. WiLMINTON SAN FRANCISCO, CAL .. .. . . $80.28 On sale until November 80th, limited o months, not to exad Dec 31st. 1915. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C . ... . . . .S3.25 On sale October 24 to 29. inclusive, lim ited returning Oct. 30. Tickets include admission to Fair. CUADBOURN. N. C. ...... . .$10 On sale Oct. 2V; limited to date of sale. Special train leaves Wilmington 7:'S0 A. .M. Returning, leaves Chadbourn 5:09 P. M. SANFORD, N. C. Oh sales Nov. 3, 4 and 5; limited return ing Nov. 6; GREENVILLE, S. C. ... .8120 On &ale Nov. l to 5, inclusive; limited returning Novi 9. For scneaules, reservations and any further taiorniaton, call 'phone 160, or apply t C. JI. AOKEll, Ticket Aceat of ta ATLANTIC COAST LINE VI. J. CRAIG. T. Cm WHITS, ; Pauw. TraZ, Mgr. ' Geo, Pass. A at. - THROUGH SLEEPING CARS. TO ATLANTA. The Atlantic Coast Line operate tin through sleeping cars between Wil mington and Atlanta. These carj are of all-steel construction and leava Wilmington daily. at 3:45 P.. M.. arriving Atlanta at .6:10 the next morning, con nection with through sleeping observa tion and dining car trains for Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City and Orleans. Passengers desiring to do so may remain :n mt sieepera, ic the Unioa Depot, at Atlanta, until 7:00 A. M. For reservations and c . details, call 'PHONE ItHt. W. J. CRAIG. T. C. WHITE, Pass. Traf. Mgr. Gen. Pass. Ael . Wilmington. N. C. PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION Saa Fxaa Cisco, California. VERY LOW ROUND TRIP FARES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South. DATES OF SALE March 1st to November 30th. 1016. Finar return limit will be three (3) months from date of sale, not to exceed December 31st, 1915. . ' . Low round trip fares apply as fol lows: V ., Raleigh. N. C .". ..$87.95 Durnam. JN. ts. 8.6 Burlington, N. C. . .' . . .. 85.25 Chapel Hill, N. C... .. .. 86.95 Oxford. N. C. 87.25 Goldsboro, N. C 90.29 Selma, N. C . . 89.35 Fares from all other points on same basis. , ' Fares for tickets routed one way via Portland, Seattle or Victoria at higher rates. Stop-overs will be permitted on both going and return trip at any point within limit of ticket. The Southern Railway can give you ! ...... t & rf .Av.ral BnanlA va,,.,., which to select,, going orie way and re turning another; al30 free side trips are included from several points. Through connections and good train service via Memphis, St. Louis, Chicago and New Orleans. Through Tourist car from Washington, D. C, to San Francisco, dally, via New Orleans andtbe Sunset Route. Let us help you plan your trip, make your Pullman, reservations, etc For further information, call on any Southern Railway Agent, or write. - U. Jf. lUitlt, ' Traveling Passenger Agent, mh29-m,sa-tf Raleigh. N. C $3.25 Excursion to Fayetteville, H, C. ON ACCOUNT OF THE CAPE FEAR FAIR The Atlantic Coast Line will sell ex cursion tickets from Wilmington to Fayetteville at $3 25, for all trains on OCTOBER 24 25, 20, 27. 28 AND 29. Limited returning to October 30, 1915, and at proportionately low fares, on same dates and with same limit, from a-U intermediate stations. For schedules and furtner informa tion, 'PHONE 160 ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South ocl5 to bo 2r J.F.LEITNER . ARCHITECT ST. 2a. 29 Gar re H Bulldlno. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Arrivals and Departures of Trains at Wilmlaartoa Elective Sept. 13 181B. Tlae Not Gaaranteed. TO AND DEPARTURES; Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and East ern North Caroliaa points. Connects at Goldsboro witn Southern Railway and Norfolk Soutnern Railwoad. Chadbourn, Conway, i lorence, Charles ten, bavannau. Jacksonville, Tampa, tU Ptei-a)urg, iti. Maio, coiumuia, tuxd A8ut9YUM. Puiiiuan aioviu' iug between Wilmiuittuu ana coiuiu tia, uytu to I'euieve uutuutiuu yatiaeii st ac vvumiuficou u.c u.ux uxtui- iu;uo f. iti. auU Mi m cc'-uyicu, luuwuuu. Monday morn tat' only. KotfiL 6:25 I'&lUr. " No.M. 5 :16 A.M. Tuea, Thur, and Sat. only. No. S. 7:41) AkL Daily. . No.. :45A.M. Daily. - vilie. Mewtxru uolubuoi-u, ucoxuo&d Nortoik and ooizd tiaiu iietweu Wilmintfton and aiu Airy, v.a aytiUutui MU tu ' loiO. jackuouvlUe. iHWimtu and Antoriaoai- No. at- S:25 PL Daily. Chadbourn, Floreuee. Columbia. Augus ta., Atlanta ana u VSU cuariou . 'ton. bavtuiiiAa ana all iioiida. poinu. Ail bteel Vunmaai iaiebyiug -ata be tween vHnungton, Aucutta aud At lanta. Puiimtai Cars u'lor enue and Columbia. He. 84. 3:15 P.M. Daily. Ne. CU. 6:30 P.M. Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. only. Fayette ville and Intermeaiate stations. Goldsboro, Richmond. Norfolk. Wash ington and New York. Pullman J3rbil er. Buffet Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Washington connecting with. Mew York trains; also Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. Ke.2. 6:45 P. M. Daily. For folders, reservations, rates of J. CKAIU. Vmcmiiw Xrtufla Mogcr, VTILsnNGTtoJ. W. C SUBURBAN SCHEDULE Mia Effect October 11,. 1915. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND IN TERMEDIATE POINTS : : i. ' EASTBOUND Leave . Front and for Winter Park a6:30 A. M. 6:55 A. M. a8:00 A. M. 8.-30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. bl:00 P. M. al:10 P. M. cl:55 P. M. cd2:35 P.M. 8:00 P. M. Leave Front and for Wrights ville Leave . . . Front and for Beach a6:30 A. M. a6:30 A. M. 6:55 A. M. b6:55 A. M. aS:00 A. M 8:30 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 10:00 A. 11:30 A. M. M. bl:00 al.10 cl:55 P. P. M. M. bl:00 P. M. ael:10 P. M. P. M. 3:00 P. M 3:00 P. M. 3:30 P. M. c4:10 P. 4:30 P. M. M.. 4:30 P. M. 4:30 P. M. C4:50 P. M. 5:30 P. 6:10 P. 6:40 P. M. 5:30 6:10 6:40 7:15 8:15 9:15 P. P. P. M. Mr M.. M. M. e6:40 P. M. 9:i5pl M. ll:15"p! M. 7:15 P. M P. M. P. M. 8:15 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 10 :15 P. M. 11:15 P. M. P. M. M. M. 10:15 P. 11:15 P. SPECIAL FOR SUNDAYS. Leave Front and Princess Streets every half hour from 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. Leave Beach every half hour from 2;45 to 5:45 P. M. a Daily except Sundays, b Sundays only. c Superseded by half hour cars Sund y afternoons. d Goes through to Seagate; returning, leaves Seagate at 3:00 P. M c Does not go beyond Station No. 8. f Leaves from Station No. 3. -. - FREIGHT SCHEDULE. (Dally Exeept Sunday) Leave Ninth and Orange streets. 3:30 P. M. Freight Depot open from 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. HOT weather is still' with us. BUT COLD weather .is coming as lure as you live. We are offering COLD weather goods at Hot weather prices. We are offering the following articles at SPECIALLY REDUC ED prices. Now is the time to buy. Hot water Bottles and Foun tain Syringes. . SANITARY Fall Fountain Syr es (2 qt., porcelain lined). Bath Sprays, Double and Single. Rubber Syringes. Rubber Infant Syringes. Atomizers and Extra Bulbs. Ammen's Prickly Heat Powder. Crushed Carnation and Violette falc. C. B. Q. for Colds, Etc. RUbberset and Prophylactic Tooth Brushes. Mary Garden Tale, Extract and Cold Cream. A.nd Everything Else found in a first class Drugstore. J. HICKS' BUNTING DRUG CO. j. HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY iiA-iilMORE A CAROLINA STEAM- SHIP COMPANY . y Between Haltiniore, Wilmington, GeorgetOT7a i and Charleston, 8. C Office and Piers, foot Grace Street Friday afternoon S o'clock, arriving in Wilmington, Sunday afternoon. Low through rates and, other - information tuinisned upon application. 4. L. DOTBN, Agent. Office and Piers, foot Grace street Phone 482. HENRY WILLIAMS. JR. General Freight Agent. Baltimore. M4. Read Star Business Locals. 2 AJUilTALS: No. 81. 1:16 A.M. Sunday mora Ing (Saturday night) only. No. 00. 12:25 AM. Dally. No. 03. 6:15 P.M. Tues.,Thurs and Sat. only. caJ lntwrmeulate No. 48. 6:05 P.M. Dally. Hq. 69. 8:05 P.M. Daily. No. 63. UI:50PL Daily. NO. 64. 12:50 P.M Daily - nk eo. 10:15 A.M. Tues., Thurs-, SaU only. No. 41. 8:50 A.M. " ' Daily. fares, etc., call 'phone 160. X. C. WUIIK WESTBOUND Leave Winter -Park for Wilmington a6:26 A. M. a7 :36 A.M. 8:01A.M. a8:41 A. M. 9:36 A.M. Leave Wrights- ville for Wilmington a6:15 A. M Leave Beach for Wilmington a7:25 A. M. 7:50 A. M. a8:30 A. M 7:40 A. M. 9:15 A. M. 9:25 A. M bl0:20 A. M. 10:55 A. M. 12:25 P. M. bl:55 P. M. M0:31 A. M. 11:06 A.M. 12:36 P.M. b2:06 P. M. a2:01 P. M. c2 :36 P.M. cd3:06 P.M. c3:50 P. M. 4:06 P.M. 10:45 A. M M. M. 12:15 P. bl:45 P. afl:45 P. al:50 P. M. c2:25 P. M. 3:55 P. 1L 3:45 P. M. i c4:30P. c5:10P. ' 5:36 P. 6:11 P. , M. . M. .M. . M. . . I . . 5:2$ 6:04 6:40 7:20 7:55 8:45 10:10 10:45 12:10 M. M. M M. M. M. M. M. M. 5 :15 P. M. 6:51 P. M. 7:31 P. M. 8:06 P. M. 8:56 P. M 10:21P.M. 10:56 P. M. 12:21 A: M. f7:15 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 12:00 M CLYDE LINE TO NEW YOkK AND GEORGETOWN. S. C NEW YORK-WILMINGTON. Steamship Cherokee, Friday, Oct. 22., Steamship Jamestown, Friday. Oct. 23 WILMINGTON-GEORGETOWN Steamship Cherokee, Monday, Oct. 25 Steamship Jamestown, Monday, Nov. X WILMINGTON-NEW YORK Steamship Cherokee. Saturday, Oct. 30 Steamship tTamestown, Saturday, Nov. 6 Steamship Jamestown Does Not Carry Passengers. Through bills ot xaaibg ,na lowest through rates guaranteed to and from all points in North and South Carolina. CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO, C. J. BECKER. Agtnt Wilmington, N. C. H. G. 8MALLBONES, Commercial Agej-t. Wilmington, N. C. General Offices: Pier 36 N. R.: New York SEAMkM AID LINE' BAIUVA The Prosresaive Railway ot the Soota. Effeetlve June 9th. 1815. No. 13 4:0 P. lUKUliUH STEEIi SLEEPER BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND ATLANTA THROUGH PULL MAN PARLOR CAR BET WEEK WILMINGTON AND CHARLOTTE. Train for Lumberton. Max ton, Lau- rinburg, Charlotte and intermediate points, connecting at Hamlet for all points North, South and West. Xo. 6:00 A. M. -THROUGH SLEEP ING CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHARLOTTE Open at 10:00 P. M. for Passengers. Train for Char, lotte and Intermediate points, con necting at Hamlet for all points North ' and West. For detailed information and reserva tions, call on City Ticket Agent. Or ton Bldg, Wilmington; 'Phone 178. R W. WALLACE. H. E. PLEASANTS, C. T. A- T. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. JOHN T. WEST. D. P. A Raleigh. Si. C. Read Star Business Locals. FROM 1J 4