;V41 - rf; Mi it'. .IV !;i 'I; THE MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. FRIDAY, MARCH:3ll9l6. Two. ,1 ! - t is '.1 -. i '' -rill : '' ': - V, mm ill ( It; ,v; iaf mmm ': j 1. 4 l a- . - - Looks Like Impending -Clash Be--V tween State and Interstate Commerce Commission RAILROADS FILE PETITION .Ask: 'PerprtssioirVto'RMise'- . Intrastate Fertiliser d ilates AWout : 20 Per N Cent n Snort Hauls, Under" ; . "' L C.. Commission Order. J-- i-v (Special Star Correspondence.) ' -: Raleigh, N. C, March-,30. The filing f . aVpetition- .with the Corporation Commission by the freighti traffic man agers of--the Southern',' Seaboard Air ililne, Atlantic Coast Line and Norfolk. .Southern railroad companies for per mission to raise the intrastate .ferti lizer rates applicable to" hauls of 30 3miles. ,and less to a parity with rates that must now apply in'hauls of 30 to "550 miles under, the revision of rates "'.-''as ordered by the Interstate Commerce Commission in the recent case of F. S. Itoyster against these railroad compa nies before the Interstate Commission developed an acute situation. Chairman Travis told the represen tatives of. the railroad companies that 'interference with rates made by State : "authority without any notice to any 'state representative, as seemed to be 'the. situation in this case, was a condi tion 'that neither the State officials nor ,:the people oftNorlh Carolina would Sstand for. He must insist that the ,' courtesy and consideration due the dig nity of the State would require notice . to be -served that such a step was im pending and opportunity for hearing T before authority to do this, if it exists, ' s exercised. The remarks of the chairman were -' 'fxnost especially applicable to the In terstate Commerce Commission in s'making an order that would result in arbitrary interference with intrastate "rates ? without giving notice - to the State that such a course was about to t The chairman told the railroad rep 'xesentatives, for wnom L. : ' Green, -freight traffic manager for the South- 'era, was spokesman, that the commis sion would give an answer as to the 'petition within a week. Mr. AJreen ex plained that the railroad companies were under the imperative necessity of 'conforming to the order of the inter state commission without regard for the consequences within- the State of '-North Carolina. v in the Royster - case the Interstate -.Commission held the Interstate ferti lizer rates out of Norfolk into North Carolina as discriminatory as compar. Ted with lower intrastate Carolina rates Jand prescribed a maximum .interstate scale in connection with aif order ; for . ,a readjustment of rates that would re ; ;?move discrimination against . Norfolk. ; The raise in the Carolina intrastate -"rates that the railroads are putting in V?tb effect .to comply with the order of ' Uhe Interstate Commission is about 20 ,per cent. Indications are that the sit uation will develop an interesting con ; flict between the State and the Inter ; .state Commissions, the outcome of 'which will be watched with the keen est interest. The Interstate Commis ysion is following the precedent estab - vlished In the famous Shreveport case "affecting the interstate and the intra nstate rates In Texas, where the , Su jpreme Court of the United States, Jus tice Hughes writing the opinion, held j that the interstate commission had the bright ta -require ;the readjustment of ''intrastate'' rates in eliminating 'discrim inations against interstate traffic. Railroad officials here for ,the. con ference with the Corporation Commis sion this morning' were I. Green, freight traffic manager, Southern;1 Rail way; "R. A. Brand, fourth vice presi dent, Atlantic Coast Line; L. E. Chal nor -freight traffic manager, Seaboard Air Line, and J, F. Dalton, freight traffic manager, Norf ollc Southern. REQUESTS EXTRA SESSION OF SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE To Provide for State Fire Inwarance Many Companies Withdrawing. : Columbia, S. C, March 30. State warehouse commissioner McLaurin to day asked Governor Manning to con vene .the legislature in extra session, io provide for state insurance, "in view of : the withdrawal of many fire insur ance . companies from South Carolina Bince-. the Laney-Odom act, outlawing: the Southeastern Underwriters' -Association, ; became effective." It was said inuch stateHroperty shortly will :) be Without insurance protection. . Governor Manning- a few days ago said; he saw no necessity for' a special session, and would not comment on Commissioner McLaurin's request. Rub : pain from Back with Small ' Trial Rottle . of . Old, - Penetrating ; -::v''-' Sf.'''TJacoVs OIL" ' : , When your back' Is sore and lame : or -lumbagp, sciatica or rheumatism has you . stiffenett up, aont suneri Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right 4 on your . aching baek,. and by the time you count fifty," tne -soreness and lame ' ness is gone. .-. " ' ' - Don't stay crippled This soothing, uenetrating oil' needs to be used, only once. . It takes, tha pain, right out and nds the misery It is magical, yet ; absolutely ' harmless . and . doe sn't burn l.tHe'-skittr -7 j '-'K ' :. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica. backache or rheumatism so . prompuy. UGH! BAGKAGHE! RUB LUMBAGO OR STIFFNESS my IS ABLE TO LAUGH AT CHARLIE CHAPLIN Dyed-in-the-Wool Movie Fan Tells of His Newly Gained N A "Punch." R. A, Davis is agairf able tojjaufgtt-at antic Charlie Chaplin. A H MK'Davis Is refeognized ibjr hundreds 1 of movie fans as "the Durham "king". AGAIN ANTIC t,f screen enthsiasU He is the popurinity defeated Wakd-Forest by lar manager ofthat city's leading tio,ri picture theatre, - f For many months the comic hesplanJ ana aiverse oirerings or oaame Marv v Pickforaj Mareuerite -.Clark. Ham Famum and others 4v;the le0.ainjaf - a : HfllAMfnAfofn . f n iIa a : TmrkVoX the delight of M Davis; "despite tne fact that he saw depicted on the screen, many times daily, the works of the film headliners. Tis not' so nowMpr, Mr Davis says Tanlac has given me a, new pun eh," "Three -bottles: of- Tanlac have ac complished for me what oi'her medicines and remedies prescribed or me, during the months of. my sufferings, failed to do," Mr. Davis explained to the Tanlac Man. . "I am no longer subj.ectto improper digestion, nervousness and a poor ap petite. f Then, too, Tanlac has helped me gain weight. . "I do not hesitate in telling friends about Tanlac's merits, for I greatly ap preciate the new punch it has given me." 1 . "As in the case of Mr. Davis, good health is essential before most any man or woman can really enjoy worldly hap piness," said E. H. Drum- "His gains are typical of the benefits .that have come to so many thousands of men and wo men who have given this ideal Spring tonic opportunity to : purify their sys tems and build health through blood and nerves, as Tanlac does better than any other medicine." " The Bellamy Drug Store sells Tanlac. Adv. EVERY MAN IN GUERRERO GARRISON REPORTED KILLED San Antonio, March 30.i-After kill ing every one of the 172 men in the garrin at Guerrero, Francisco Villa moved " northward yesterday and now is somewhere near, the-headwaters of the Santa- Maria .river, according to unofficial information secured by Gen eral Funston-tonight. ' Villa was said to have" been either on the San Geronimo ranch or the Que-mada- ranch at the head of a consider able force and troops of both the Unit ed States and' Mexico were believed to be closing in on him. This informa tion was regarded by General Funston and his staff -as probably correct. .- If correct, it appeared probable that very soon . Villa either will have to face his pursuers in a fight r make anoth er Tareak through the tightening lines of troops. - - 7 , i f : 1j ;' Z,r - . t . .'.'- :' DB. GRAYSON TO- WED.,' Will Marry Mlsa Alice Gertrude Gordon Within Next Two Months. Washington, March 80. Dr. Cary TT. Grayson, President, Wilson's, physician and naval aide, and. Miss Alice Ger trude GordonTof thisj city, Mrs. ,Wil son's most intimate friend, will be married within the next two 'months!' Announcement of the engagement wad made today. The wedding may be solemnized Sn the Whife House. Miss Gordon and Mre. Wilson were -close friends before either entered the .White. House ; cIrcle.f."Miss"; Gdrdon who .is 25 years old, is an orphan, - and the daughter of the late General j. J. Gor don, of this city, who left .her a large fortune. "- ' r '' ' ' VILLA FLEEING EASTWARD 1 WITH PARTIAL AS OBPECTIVE El Paso, Texas, March 30. The most reliable information about Villa places him somewhere In the fastness of the great continental divide, many milcf? south of -' Namiquipa and fleeing in a easterly direction; with Parral as his objective. The absence for several days of any definite hews has revived the wild rumors and fantastic stories which; flooded El Paso a week ago. The bandit chief has been reported in almost every conceivable place on the map and if all the stories current on the border are. to be believed, he shas fought in the last few days more bat tles than Alexander the Great and has had more hair breadth escapes than Jesse -James. One tof the wierdest tales circulated among the newspaper men here was promptly nailed, by the police when they arrested rEdttardo Perez, the father of the yarn, ra, .yagrant. , Perez told a, mat veivue jTstyrjrt ui -118 aqventures with Villa, who,vhe-s.aid, was desperate ly wounded in the ' raid oft. Columbus and was now in hiding1' on a ranch three miles .from the border.. He con ressea the iabrlcatioh . when ...it was proven' he was at . San Antonio during tne very, period he claimed to have been throwing 5 dice with? death;-.in" Mexico, Maria, Texas, March . 30. The re ported- assassination of 75 Mayor Rodri guez of Ojinaga, across the'border: from Presidio, was untrue,; according to dis patches from the Mexican town tonignt. The announcement of the alleged mur aer was made earlier : l.-ntne- aay py. General Gavira, ther;; Carranza com mander at JuarefeC-!'iy; 4 ' ? : Jackson, Miss., March 4 3 0 The lower house of the Mississippi, legislature tonierht nassed over the KOTernors ve to a farm loan bank bill, whlctt wouia provide for the establishment of ? banks, with ranital - stocks of not." leas than $300,000, the funds to Jte loaned tor me purpose, development r and,-improyement of farms. The bill now goes t tt the senate." , -' - r-'- ' - ' The Great Elaine Trlol In "The Iron Claw,r Bijou Vtoday, (Advertisement.), . A:bdIutHy Ihdisrestibri. One packs KgjnoVeB proves itA25cat all firuggistsi I THE REALM OF SPORTS Wakie PoreSt Loses To Trinity College FRST GAME OP SEASON POR WE VOMSTS CLOSR AKD IXTEHISSTV xIIVG, score: BEING 4 to 3, ', y ., :,.-:; AT DURHAM i , . . -pv '.iv- L. -ri-' i? ' (Special jStar 'legpQ.M fof; xnmiy wouege, mruu or mo-jppore of 4 to 3 here today ih the first ganxe of the season v,iT&e; ame . v?aa closdvand interesting thrbukhout, Walsfe; Prt. v.. rf tTirUv. tw7 ArnH' ""r.vTr-"' -m the second inning, Trinity sqprV tiat one .run in he'econsSand. thteej In the thir-d, and Wake Forest scoring attain in the seventh. . '3Hie features of the game were the ' Uiching of Masoa and Barnhardt for xrinnyrana jjewisior w axe i oresi, xpe catching? of Ieflep and the ? hitting;; of;, Hold)ng4;HoldiotwjfdngieK7aii a double' out off four "trips to the'' bat No runs on either side were earned, all coming through errors, or bases on balls. - . . "Wake Forest scored first in the sec ond inning when Holding singled and was sacrificed to second by Samms and jams reached nrst on liove's error; advancing Holding to third. A single by Smith " scored - both Holding and' Ellis. .In the seventh Lewis walked. was1'-sacrificed X& second by Herndon, reached third ; on ttobley's single sand scored on Mason's wild pitch. . In the ' sedoiid 'inning Lef ler. was hit by -a- pitche '.bailor went to- second on a wild pitch, and . scored on Beat's dou ble. Jn the third Flythe walked.'Lefler and Love singled, and a single by Beal scored : Flythe .ndXeflerv, Love scofedli a raoraeni xaiei;- on noDiey a error, -v ;. Trinity . ;.w013 000 00 i fcvt Wake Fores t." ; . 020 000 1003 - 6 f 4 .Mason, Barnhardt and Lefler; Smith, Lewis and Vassey. Umpire, "Dutch"! Hoffman, of Durham. TENNIS TOURNAMENTS FOR v 1916 SEASON ANNOUNCED. iNew York, March SO. The . list' -of sanctioned tennis - tournaments tor h the season xt 1916, made'puoilc t.odaVbjr the . United States National LaWn j? nis association, includes, the following dates: . . . '- ; ' May 1 Tulane University,, New Or leans ; Southern Inter-Collegiate .cham pionship, t , - June 5 New Orleans; Gulf States championship; 12th, Richmond, Va., Old Dominion tournament; 19th, Green ville, S. C, championship bf the Caro lina; 19th,x Norf oik,. ;Va., '' Virginia; State; championship i tvithi Nashville, Teiftt.V Tennessee state -ampionship. ; Jly .3rd, . Memphis;. Tennf. champion ship.of ' the Souths Southern preliminary sectional nationals doubles; ; 17th, Bir mirtghara, Ala., 'cotton states champion ship; ' 24th, -Augusta; Gav South Atlantic-states' championshipc ? .. i August' 2i; Asheyille;. annual tfpeft. uroanieli't. 1 '.U "i; '1 J? September t 4th; . AtlantavGa-, Georgia state . championship. 7 N ; OctftbVf 16,, Hot Springs, Va., annual falli, tournament. - .j k ... . January. 2, 1917, Pinehurst, N. C, an nual mid-winter tournament. , SECOND SERIES OF THE COMMERCIAL LEAGUE ENDS Elvlngt on A Mint. Win Top Place Ja- cobi Downs Woolen Mills. v The pinners,; of the second series of the Commercial Basketball -Leaguel of the Y. M ."C. ' A A:was the Elvington I and Mintz team, which defeated ' the City Laundry last night by a score of 22 to 17 while Jacob! won from the NationalWooten- Mills-" by he big ;Sorp The Medicine Men were in good form for the second series, having won five straight games. Jacob! stands second, having won four and lost two games. The washers evened things up -by win ning three and losing three. The Na tional Woolen Mills didn't eve,n get the dust out of their eyes and lost all six. The championship games will be played between Jacobi, winner of the first series, and Elvington and Mintz, winner of the second series, the first game being on Thursday night, April 6, the second game on Monday night, April 10, and the final game on Thurs day night, April 13. - CLEVELAND AMERICANS BEAT ' " REDS BY TIMELY HITTING. New Orleans:" March '30. Timely hit ting ehabiedthe Cleveland 'Americans tn a f ftjif t)ia Cincinnati -Nationals here today 8 to. 2. The , Indians scored fiyen ruws off Pitcher Toney- in tne-x second inning. ' . ... . . . ; :. ' Cincinnati Nationals ? ii..,;... 2 v 3 . 3 Cleveland Americans .8 8 52 Toney, Mpseley and. Wlngo; Bagby and Billings. - . CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY IS J DEFEATED .BY SENATORS Washlngion, March 30. In their first exhibition- game of the season on the home .grounds the Washington vAmeri can League team today defeated Cath olic University, 9 to 0. ' . v.;..i ; Washington ................. 97 11 -j 1 Catholic University , ....... . . .?i0" 0 ' 5 Dupont, Humphries and Henry . and Gharrity; Johnson, Fahey and . II. White. merit marcn .it. V .RESOURCES t ,LoflJU and, Discounts. .'3ffB,9l&M Fnrnlture and Flxt..... Stoelui -:. . . . 10,0004)0 Cash and Due by Banks 1523.03 Totals V .$2081080 HOME SAVINGS Masked "Marvel Is -Young Sandow DEFEATED BY MAX SJITKA.T NEW "iivf fiEItN'iittE VNMASKSf AND JAN: NOUNCES HIS IDENTITY . , PROFESSIONAL 1 1 'iS (By LongsVDistaiMse Telephone.) ( l NtWl Befcik, .''Ciiio. Follp ing Ma'tfysi ieathetonight by Sa Smitb'.h'e local Wrestling' champion; bef9'jpztbabli-70-peetitors, includ inFritz Hanson, -'-fiizfngtoii.Vtiet-: ber-; .Hartley's ' 'Maskedi Marvel", . re moved hiskisk and annoncftd that'he is none, iJlevfthan; New York, one of JBoshe'r's men. Smith threw the "marvel" : twice within an hour. He secured the first fai in 37 minutes and 11 seconds, using .. i,.'-i.v . -I'-M At.WlrT . he toe hold?aaid the-second la 10 min utes andflSlseconds;-- f. '. Sandow is, the - only authenticated professional wrestler in theouth, ac cording to- those who arenposte on the wrestling records,. - P-. , The next match here" will ISe Ijetwee'n Max Smijth and JIackenschmidt, of New York ;next? Wednesday night. COLLEGE BTSEBALL ' At; Chaslottesyille, Va.i University, ot Virginia .7, Amherst 4. - .-..'n' :. . . . ',. ; . A t Durham: ; Trinity -College 4 ;.' Wake Forest 3. , K-l'S BASfiBALL BESETS.. '.' At ' Fort ""Worth, Texas : New " York Nationals, 4; Fort Worth, Texas League, 3. ,At . San;-Anotonio, Tex.as; , Detroit Americans' S; San' " Antonio," Texas League, 1. ;. - . - '- J At Memphis, . Tenn.: New f York Americans 9 ; ,Memphis,t Southern . Asso ciation 4 ' :,. ; ' . At Jacksonville, - Flalt - Philadefphia Americans 10; Jackson ville,. South At lantic League, .4. ; ; ROWLAND 'DEFEATS LUMBERTON. ' IN FIRST GAME OFFSEASON Rowland, N. C.March 30. Rowland defeated: Lumber ton yesterday in the first gaibe of. .the" season on the ; local grounds.' .. The final . score was . 9 to & The game V was close "for theirfr'st' few innings. . '- Lumberton -" tied the score in the first' half of the ninth, scoring five runs in this frame.'";;; Rowland scored one run in the latte part of the ninth winning the game.-- y r ;. V ' features of tb,e- -'cojatest for Rowland was , the hitting , of ; Johnson, B., who secured a triple and; a home rurf and ecoredr "f,our furis the Kitting atod fielding of .Mines adthairtlght pitching- of Alferd. . FrSL.uMbeton, LOve and, Brltt played best;. Batteries: Rowland, Alford, Johrison andl Baker : Lumberton, Britt and Fre-atte. Struck out, by Alford s nine; by Britt seven, . ? ; . . - . ,. - BOSTON AMERICANS OUT-HIT THE -PITTSBURGH NATIONALS ... , - Hot. Springs, Ark.. . March 30. -The Boston Americans outhlt the Pittsburg National League team In today's game here but the Pirates took the chances at opportune., times and woft 2 to L -Boston . . , , . . ...... 1 7 0 Pittsburg, . ; ...... 2 8 . 0" Mays, Shore and Agnew and Cady; Miller, Moran, Kanlehner and Wilson. .iNRrBlSMA' -I '' , Yonll Like It. An Easy Way to Increase Weight Good Advice A. or Thin Folks. . ,; The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging their stomach or stuffing it with greasy foods; rubbing on useless "flesh creams," or following some fool ish physical culture stunt, while the real cause of thinness goes untouched. You cannot get fat until your digestive tra'ct assimiliates the food you eat. .There is a preparation known to re liable druggists almost everywhere which Seemingly embodies the missing elements needed by the digestive or gans to help' them convert food into rich, fat-laden bloods This ; modern treatment is called Sargol, and has been termed .the "greatest of flesh-builders. Sargol aims through regenerative,- re constructive powers to coax the stom ach and intestines, to literally soak up the fattening elements of your food and pass them-into the bloods where they are carried to the starvedt.brokenrdown cells ?and tissues xt -your body. You can TTeadily picture-whatr- result this amazing transformation should produce as with 'increased .weight the cheeks fill ,out, hollows about neck;, shoulders and bust disappear, ana from 10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh ia added to the body.- Sargol is absolutelyrharm less, inexpensive, - efficient., , Leading druggists of this vicinity have at and will refund your money, If you are not satisfied, as per the, guarantee found in every package. ' ' - ' NOTE r--Sargoi- is recommended only as a flesh builder and while excellent results in cases of nervous indigestion, eta, have been reported, care should be taken about using It unless a. gain of weight is desired. -v - ' Condition tn, ivip - '. f. INABILITIES 1 Capital . . . . i UndlTlAea Fronts J Deposits - .,.'... .4.- .9 CS0,00O.O0 1$; Cashier's Checks . pnt standing Total ':Mw; LITTLE, .VlceFresldent. BANK ,HOACHE -Cakier.r'A r; f' Builders, Says Doctor A Secret of the Great Endurance and Power, of Athletes i. Ordinary- NnxntedJron Wljt Ttfake Deli - cate, ,H$eTvauH, Rundown - peopie-- 200 Per Cent. Stronger In Two - . Weeks'. Time in Many Cases. ' - -'"' "' .-. - ' . i New York, N. Y. Most people fool ishly seem to think they are going to. getrenewed health and strength, from some stimulating medicine, secret nos trum or narcotic drucr. said Dr. Sauer, specialist of this city, when, as a mat ter or tact, real ana true strengtn can only come from the food you eat. But people often fail to get the strength out of their food : because they haven't enough? iron , In their bltwaivto? enable it to changefdod into livijji&ttatter. From their weaxened, nervousijcoTjdition they know something is vwjong ? but they can't teU' what; so they, generally com mence doctoring for stomach, liver or kidney trouhltf ? or symptoms of some other ailment caused by theck of iron in the - blood. This thing may go . on for years;- hile:he'.TjfetientrSuffers un told agopjT' lty0M, M.TQ not. strong or well, you: ,owe it To?;yUTtelf ;ifco make the following-test: Seepftov long you can work or.how far'youvcai -wralk without becoming ;iUred. )Kfext takfiitwo five grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people whowere ,aillng..au. the while, double their?atrength and en durance andjf entirely get ridtjPf all symptoms of, flyspepsiayf li vew8jjatai other. time simniy by taking" iron in the nronerlting Drug Co. and all oth trouDxes miom iouneemmays- dMtheif olace we mmmmmm g il i u n . i.li.w m : : 1 or $eiv Fashioned! - JMGon- the shapel mmmiMidaced the " coits tliaf iolrw natural line of the figure. Tlaey fare a trifle more I curved at the waist a .;trffle - --. a. .eiiety: moaeis 01 91D RUSTLESS are'ditiedto transform 1915 figuresinto smart; up rt(Hate 1916 figures. iVVhatever slenderness of line you ' may Have lost through the loose corseting of the past - tztfo years you will regain when you are fitted to one Modds fOT all figures-ghV medium and heavy. '. Prices $1.00 to $5.00 On sale everywhere These Attractive Books Are Only 50 Cents A WEAVER OF DREAMS, ..... L . ........ By Myrtle Reed. The MAN IN LONELY LAND . . ... ,. ......... By Kate Langley Bosner LOVE' INSURANCE . . . . . . ......... ........ .By Earl Derr Blggera. The. GARDEN WITHOUT .WALLS ........... By Conlngsby Dawon JOHN O'JAMESTOWN ?. ... ..U .... . .By Vaughn Kester. ' ' ' s MADCAP. . , . . . . mi: ..... ........... .. .By1 (reorge Glbbs. PRESCOTT of SASKATCHEWAN. , . . . . . . . .By Harold Bindlom. HAGAR ... .. ... ... ...'. . M ......... .By Mary Johnstod. - DIYNSTRANGE LIFE . , .Anonymous. Northam ana 101 PRINCESS ST. ire rotlowtnc 0t ne Rtary Ilea, Mr. Moore and Ua eoiaialttee taalst hmi V"3?' ymSajBton U the only money that vealty belpa build city,' ;:Ttaf. tto " ..' i'- '-' -- '"' '-' '':"- :' .. . .. . x'.'.y- O.v- '' 'i ''f'.S to tfce City -fx-y- l:. see ,.'-: , MILES W. MtALO?TElr, OPH.' D. WILMINGTON OPTICAL CO. APPgjetejenygri f CHOICE IU1FATSS T . SE a'J - ,ACY;, stock on lt. 4 A TOA LIWP $g FLORIDA AND HO wviolB,. f DAVIS : & HINTZE ; FRONT STREET MARKET v.- rpf ofrm. And this after ? they had in some cases been doctoring for-months with out' obtaining any Deneflt. But don't take the old forms. of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take1 iron in a form that can xbe easily absorbed and assimilated like nuxated iron if you want it to do' you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prize-fighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron before he wentjinto the affray, while' many an other has gone down to inglorious de feat simply for the lack of iron. iNOTEatNuxated Iron recommended above;' by" 'Dr. Satt'er is not a patent medicine -nor secret- remedy, but n one whichis well- known to druggists and whose iron constituents is widelyOpre scribea bjr eminent physicians -jery-where.VUnlike the older inorganic; iron products, it -Is easily assimilated; does not Injure the teeth, 'make them '.black, nor upset the stomach;. on the , contrary, it is., -'most potent remedy, in nearly all forms of indigestion, as well "as for nervous run-dpwn conditions The Man ufacturers have-such i.great confidence in Nuxated Iron "that tnevolfBT toV for feit SlOff.OO to any charitable institu tlon if they cannot take any man or woman under 60 who lacKs iron and Increase their strength 200 per cent, or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious -organic trouble. They also offer to refund your money if it does not at least double your strength and endurance in ten days' time. It is dispensed -in this city by J. Hicks Bun er druggists. Very different are this sea son's "corsets from those of ess, boneless uncorseted effect" have trim, doselv-fitting trifle shorter in the 'PHONE j 051 OIL CO. Wnoae Money Remalna to WUmtesMSk Stationery Store TT 1 "' it' ':':. .'-T--' m ; t. Fent and Princess Streets : - I " " "' ' .' : FEW FOLKS HAVE Well-Ivnown Local DruK&lst Sflys eryoony -iMf using Old-Time -" e of Sasre Tea and SulPhur, .Haluihat; loses It color and lUstr. or when it fades, turns gray dull lifeless Is caused by a lack of LlM in the hair. Tur grandmother m? Phw a mixture-of- Sage- Tea and Sulphur a-ccti iiox- iuct uarK ana beautiful a ttOU?an8 of women and men who v?? that eten coHrhateautifu? 2 shade of hai whlch is so attractfL uwv wxxxo;-Jvxu"i.ixiic recipe Nowadays we get this famous ,ture improved by the addition of 0th .ingredients by asking at anv dr.T store f6 a 50-cent bottle of r,..l. .s Sage i and Sujbhur Compound." darkens; the! hfr so naturally, so even Iji; that nobody can possibly-tell it v" been pllJ.Joxi just damnJn ! .sp.oneedr't6fctirs.h,.rith it and draw this through your- hair, taking 0nl small, strand at a time. By moraine the gray hair disappears; but what de lights the, ladies with Wyeth's Sas anl Sulphur Compound is that, besides beau, tifully darkening the hair after a. f applications. " It ;alSo brings back th gives n.uu iuoub miu sxves it an appear ance of abundance. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound Js- a delightful toilet requisite to im part color. nd a youthful appearance to. the hair. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dis ease. FORECLOSURE OP MORTGAGE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain indenture of mort gage executed by Herman Tietjen to the undersigned, which said mortgage bears date Nov. 20th, 1913, and is duly recorded jln the office, of the Register of "Deeds 61 New Hanover County, North Carolina, 4ri "Book "No. 78, at Page 162, default having been thereunder, the un dersigned: wiii on Tuesday, the 25th day of April,W16, at 2 o'clock at th Court House door "in the City of Wil mington, N. Ci by public auction, for cash, toithe highest bidder, offer for salt all those "certain tracts, pieces or par cels of land, lying, being and situate in the Township of Harnett, County of New Hanover and State of North Caro lina, at Greenville Sound, and bounded and described' as follows: All those cer- tain tracts orsparcels of land conveyed to the said Herman- Tietjen by Martin Schnlbben and Albert Steljes, Execu tors of the last will and testaments of Claus Tietjen, deceased, by deed bearing date November 20th, 1913, reference to which said deed is made for full and apeeifie description, and- the first tract containing 5 acres, more or less, the Second tract containing 4 acres, more or less, and the third tract containing 15 acres, more or less, and the fourth tract: containing . 20 acres, more or less,' all of which said tracts are con- r tained within the boundaries of the fol lowing larger tract, to wit: Be&lnnnf at a stump at a live oak tree-at the water line of the Sound at the southern' end of the Hammocks, tha gf owth of oaks and youpon formerly owned by 'Jap-I S. Green, and a lot for merly, -owned by William Kellogg, thence with a line known as the Old Watson" line N. 69 degrees W. 413 poles to. a pine stake, thence S. 27 degrees W. 40 poles to a stake in the Hewlett and Bryant line, thence S. 69 degrees E. parallel with the said Watson line, 306 poles to a stake on the Eastern slope of . a ridge 'on which Gilbert Greer's (GeerJsy; house formerly stood and Maj. Hostler's 'overseer's house, thence S. 45 degrees E. 6 poles to a ditch, thence With said ditch S. 18y2 degrees E. 25ft poles to the-North side of a canal, thence alongt:the North side of Baid ca nal S. 66 degrees E. 67 poles to a stake at the mouth o1? the canal at the water line of the Sound at the Southern end of a Hammock, thence with low water yn&7&tM& degrees E, crossing. the cove 38 poles to the end of a Hammock, thehce with the various courses of -low Water mark of the Sound to-the first, station,, containing 91 acres, excepting however a tract sold to Mar tin Schnlbben by the late Claus Tiet jen, .containing; 40 acres, more cr less, and a tract, of. land sold by said Tiet jen to HJ.P. Canady, Containing 9 acres, more or less. This, the 23rd day of March, 1916. MARTIN SCHNIBBEN, mh24-f-5t - & ' - ' " Mortgagee. We Eat Too Much Meat, Vnieh Clogt Kidneys. Tken Back Hurt and Bladder Bothers Yon. Mnt fftiv. fnrB-ftt that the kidneys, like the 'bowels,, get sluggish and clof ged and need a flushing occasionally. nicA nmra hovA HofVnrhn and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches. rheumatic twinges, torpid mer, -v stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts You simply must keep your Kia- active and clean, and tne moinw- feel aif ache .or pain in the kidney r glon, get about four ounces of Salts from "any good drug store ne'e, take a tablespoonf ul n a glass of w aw before" breakfast for a few days si s!,- m n fine, i"' your ianeys win m f UUUUW3 US . ID icvl ' " sai i8 mu r,; with grapes and lemon juice, ,nrire(i lithia, and is harmless to flush clogs Kidney and stimulate them to nr activity. It also neutralizes. in the -urine so it no longei thus ending, bladder disorders. . makes adeiightrm .-enervw-- !d water drink which everybody take now? and? then to keep tawr neys'dean thus avoiding serious plications: ' - . . M i A' well-known local druggist w sells loU df Jad Salts to folks w bl9 Ueve iii oyercomirig: kidney while it is only trouble. . CREW NOTICE ' cNeither Agents.. Owners, .pJnr underslgnedwill be responsiDie f m debts contracted" by the cre!V q&91 American Steamship Constitucio . SALTS FINE 1 ' 1 -never . aisappom w -." ,:. 3 ;,'- v'r; H. Scott, , s. :: cf-HUC& 1 Si (Signed) 1 - v

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