THE MORNINGSTAR, WILMINGTON, N. Q, - SUNDAY, APRIL ,16, 191 6. Elevfn. : ' r r- - - - '' - ' ' - : ' -. . . - - r . FINANCIAL GOnON MARKET IS QUIET iocs Fluctuate Within Bnre of Five Fr Fo5nts Close I Steady at Net advance of' 3 to 5 Points. vp.w York, April 15. Tlij cotton market was quiet today and prices fluctuated within a range . of Ave j 02. closing u uio eeuerw jist closing steady at a net advance of to 5 poirts. Liverpool cables were - relatively ' -j. -tO Aft n-J V. T fteady and this market opened at an advance of s w a pomis, wim active -montlis selling 3 to 5 points net higher, rieht after the calL ' Houses with Liverpo01 connections again were sel lers here, presumably in anticipation of still wider differences, but there was a moderate demand from trade sources accompanied by reports of a good spot bus;ness at New Orleans and there also was scattered covering. Light otfer ji,.rs were well absorbed in consequence and Rafter reactions of 2 or 3 points the y.arket stiffened again in the late trad- inrav sold up to 11.86 and October to i 17 "or about 5 to 6 points net higher The close was within a point or two of the best. ' " , Private cables reported a quiet and steady Liverpool market, and the Liv erpool selling here was supposed to be against purchases in the English mar ket. The amount of cotton on ship board awaiting clearance showed an increase of about 33,000 bales for the reek, which suggested larger exports between now and the end of the month. Kenorts from domestic trade sources indicated continued v activity. Th small business was supposed to' he chiefly far the purpose of evening up accounts for over the week-end. ' Fall river sales of print cloths for the week were estimated at 150,000 pieces and the curtailment of produc tion at 15,000 against 70,000 last year. The market closed steady: . Open High Low Close May July October . December .11.83 11.86 11.81 11.85 .11.99 12.02 11.99 12.00 .12.16 12.17 12.15 12.16 .12.32 12.35 12.31 12.33 .12.36 12.40 12.36 12.39 January Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands 12.00; sales none. ! - , PORT MOVEMENT, New Orleans Middling 11.88; re ceipts 1.S4S; sales 2,125; stock 332,978. Galveston Middling 12.25; receipts 10.193; exports 8,513; sales 150; stock 287,603. - Mobile Middling -11.75; receipts 66; sales 50; stock 20,905. Savannah Middling 11.88; receipts 1,576; sales 925; stock 152,862. Charleston Middling' 11 5-8; re ceipts 13; sales 400; stock 66,084. Wilmington Middling 11.50; receipts S27; stock 56.1S3. . - ' Norfolk Middling 11.75; receipts 1, 950: exports 6,000; sales 2,509; stock 110,391. Baltimore Stock 5,385. Boston Middling; 11.95; receipts 232 1 stock 8,800. . ' Philadelphia Middling7 12.25; stock 2,311. - b , ., , ,,;',-;! New York Middling 12.00; 1 exports 241; stock 254,543.. - - Minor Ports Receipts 3,627; stock 44.749. Total today Receipts 19,832; exports "14.772; stock 1,342,794. Total for week Receipts 19,832; ex ports 14,772. Total for season Receipts 6,295,447: exports 4,211,674. Interior Movement. Houston Middling "12.25; receipts 12, 853; shipments 4,586; sales 67l; stock 105,164. Memphis Middling 12.00; receipts 1.119: shipments 1,978; sales 2,400; stock 216,932. . Augusta Middling 11.75; receipts 515; shipments 1,478; sales 656; stock 122,475. - - St. Louis Middling 12.00; receipts E65; shipments 565; stock 21,508. Cincinnati Receipts 1,665; shipments 1,756; stock 17,380. .- ; Little Rock Middling 12.25; receipts 3S2; shipments 1,103; sales Til03; stock 32.615. Dallas Middling 11.70. j. Montgomery Middling 11.50; ', sales 2,463. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, April 15. ( Cotton, spot, nrm; good middling, 8. 06; middling, 7-84 low middling, 7.60; sales;- 4,000; 400 for speculation and export, Receipts, 12,000. Futures," steady..; April, 7.67; April-May, 7.65 r May-June, 7.65; June-July, 7.63; July-August,, 7.61; August-September, 7.55; September-Octo her, 7.48; Oetober-NovemberjV7.44; November-December, 7.04 ; - December January, 7.37; - January-February, '36; February-March, 7.37; March-April, 7.37. ; ; - .. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, April 15. Hogs, firm; bulk, -3.Oeiio.0; light, 9.5010.t)5; mixed, 3-60io.05;heavy, 9.4010.00; rough, y-40a9.55; pigs, l.409.20. Cattle Steady. Native: beef stefers, V e "00: stockers and feeders, 5.90 60; cows and heifersi 4. 10 9. 20; calves, 7.2510.50. Sheep strong. Wetriefs, 7. 00 9.25; ewes, 5.008.85; lambs, .7. 75 11.75. A'EW ORLEANS COTTON Market Advances Slightly Bat Later SaKs Close Is. Unsettled. .New Orleans, April 15. After a slight sin in the trading of today's ses- n. the cotton market sagged on,fear t unfavorable political developments uurmg the week to come and dosed un nged to one polnt-higher thanthe ue and reports of increased demand for P0ts lno J , . . j . aiiu in me interior siimy- und the opening an which the most " ve months improved 3 to 5 Doints. T ne weather map showed some rain in J exas, but the moisture did not extend enough south to cause belief that tne drouthy conditions in Texas were wing wholly relieved. Moreover," the recast predicted dry weather for over unuay in West Texas, and showers "ere promised for the greater parto? "e remainder of the belt. On the ( "Vle weather conditions were mixed. 'aims were made by some traders that ioo much rain was falling over a part j llle belt and that the work of plant the Hi on sequence. 'losintr Viiri- rr ii ee. T..1-.,- 11 ot. etober 11.95; December 12.08; .January nn8l't eotton steady, unchanged. Sales on the spot 1,305 bales, to arrive 420. fc-aaiing 11.88.. . ' , ... WHEAT UNDERGOES SETBACK Price Close a Fraction Lower, Owing Chiefly to -Improved. Weataer : Conditions Over Belt V A.- Chicago, April l6., Wheat prices underwent a setback: today, chiefly ow ing to improved weather conditions northwest and in the, west and south west. The close was Unsettled, to c net lower, with May .at 1.15 and July at 1.14 1.14. Corn gained to , oats finished unchanged! to c higher, and provisions varying fronv5c decline to -arise of 57c Closing: Wheat-May, 1.15; July, 1.14. Corn May, 76; July, 76. Oats May, 44; July, 43. Pork May, 13.07; July, 23,00. 'Lard May, 11.72; July, 11.87. Ribs May, 12.35; July, 12.52. Cash grain: Wheat No. 2, red, 1.19 1.19; No. 3, red, 1.16 1.18; No. 2, hard, 1,16 1.16-r No. 3, hard. 1.11 1.13. Corn NO. 2, yellow, 77 78; No. 4, yellow, 7378; No. 4, white, 73 73. .. MARINE. MARINE DIRECTORY. . List Of Vessels In Port at Wilmington, North Carolina.: . Steamers' Str. Nicaria (Ger.) 3.28S tons, Hol lasch, Heide & Co. Str. Klel (Ger.) 2,872 tons, Lexnke. Heide & Co. Str. Kingfleld (Br.) 1,929 tons, Lojie, Alexander Sprunt & Son. WILMINGTON MARKETS. (Quoted Daily by the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce.) STAR OFFICE, April 15. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nominal. ROSIN Nominal. TAR Nominal. . CRUDE TURPENTINE $3.80, $3.80, $2.80. Quotations same day last year Spir its turpentine, 45c; rosin, $3.00; tar, $1.70-8c; crude turpentine, $2.75, $2.75, $1.50. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine '. ..( ) Rosin ... .... . . ( ) Tar 49 Crude Turpentine 2 Receipts Same 'day last year: Spir its turpentine, ( ) casks;. rosin, ( ) barrels; tar, '32 barrels; crude turpen tine ( ) barrels, r COTTON MARKET. Market 11 c. Quotations, same day last year, 9o. Receipts 827 bales; same day last year, 1,230 bales. Total receipts since August 1st, to date, 167,289 bales. Total receipts to same date last year, 249,353 bales. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts -of Cotton and Naval Stores at This Port Yesterday. . Wilmington, April 15. 1916. Atlantic Coast Line 743 bales cot ton; 32 barrels tar. Seaboard Air Line 84 bales cotton. Str. A. P. Hurt 2 barrels crude tur pentine. River 17 barrels tar. s Total 827 bales cotton; 49 barrels tar; 2 barrels crude turpentine. PRODUCE MARKETS. - (Quoted by W. J. Meredith,' April 15.) SWEET POTATOE3 Yams, 65C to 0c per busheL IRISH POTATOES $ 1.00. CORN $1.75 per sack. BEEF Native dressed, 7 9c; good demand. PORK Small, 8 10c per pound. . . " WOOL Burry, 17c; first-class, 28c HIDES Green salt, 12 130; dry flint, 1720o per lb.; good demand. .. NORTH CAROLINA. BACON Old hams, 18c; sides and shoulders, 14c to 15c per pound, good demand. BEESWAX Firm, .28c per pound; good demand. . POULTRY Chickens, grown, 40c to 50c; spring, 20c to . 30c head. Geese, (5c to 60c per head. Ducks, 85c to 60o owing to quality. Turkeys, 18c per lb alive.; 20? .to 22c dressed. EGGS 17c to 18c dosen. WILMINGTON PEANUT MARKET. (Quoted by J. S. Funchess & Co.) . Wilmington, - April 15. North Caro lina Peanuts Market, steady. Fancy hand picked, 70c; No. 1 machine picked, 65c per bushel. ' Virginia Peanuts Market, steady. Jumbos, 60c;' fancy, hand picked, 55c; No- 1, machine picked, 60c per bushel. Spanish- Peanuts Market steady; No. 1, small, machine picked, 80c; Jum bos, 75c per bushel. PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Rodgers, Plummer & Co. ' Inc.) -,w Petersburg, Va., April 15. Spanish Farmers' stock, market .steady. First quality, $1.05 per bu. Virglnlas Farmers' stock, market steady. Fancy Jumbo, 4 c. per lb.; fan - ,cy hand picked, 3c. per lb.; extra prime, .3c. per id.; prime, c. per id.; shelling stock. 2 c to 3c per 4b. COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. . New York, April 15. The cotton seed oil market was extremely quiet and, in absence of aggressive operations prices moved irregularly within narro1- range and closed at five points" net de cline to one point, advance. Sales were 1,000 barrels. " Closed steady. .Spot, 10.50 bid; April, 10; 45 11. 00; May, 10.6310.66; June, 10.6210.66; July, 10. 69 10. 71; August, 10. 67 10. 69; Sep tember, " 10. 57 10. (j; October, 9.40 9.44; November, 8.678.69. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, April 15. Beeves, no trading. Calves; steady. Veals, 8.00 11.50. ' Canada, 9.25. , - Sheep and Lambs Steady, Fair clip ped lambs, 10.10. HogsNo trading. Dry Goods . Market. r. New York April 15. Cotton goods markets were firm today, with a rising tendency noted in staple colored goods lines. Wool products showed a firmer tone. Linens were firm; silks, irregular, '' r ."' .,'.v.. v xv RAILROAD ISSUES ACTIVE Pair Demand Especially for the Eastern .GroupPrices of More Important V:' Stocks Harden. ' v New York, April 16. Wall Street re garded the foreign situations, with more complacency today, and prices of moat important stocks hardened slight ly .after an early period of hesitancy. Trading was' too light and circumscrib ed, however; to justified detailed or specified,: comment ' aside from a fair demand for the rails, notably the east ern group. New York. Central led that division, probably In consequent o't the remarkable statement of earnings for the past year, ! The bulk of the trading was made up of such speculative favorite as Cru cible and United States Steels, Mexican Petroleum, Mercantile Marines and a few equipment Issues . like American and Baldwin (Locomotives. Mexicans Improved, generally and' a few obscure specialties showed irregular gains. ' ; There was a substantial recovery In exchange In Paris, the demand rate falling back to 600 from yesterday's record quotation of 609. The change naturally wa sattrlbuted to the state ment of the French financial agent in this country, which boe promise of early relief from recent anomalous con ditions. Jobbers and retailers in mercantile lines report a .continuance of demand and legitimate enterprises are enjoying a full' measure of prosperity Bonds were easier today, the trend being most marked in the Anglo French 5s, In which heavy sales were made at 95. Total sales par value $2, 415,000. United -States bonds were unchanged on call during the. week. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Allis-Chalmers ! American Beet Sugar .... American Can .. .. American Car and Foundry American Cotton Oil .. i . American Locomotive,.. , . American Smelting . . . . . . American Sugar American Tel. and Tel ... American Tobacco f . . . . . Anaconda Copper Atchison .. Atlantic Coast Line . .. . Baldwin Locomotive . . . .B. 2ff .. 68 ... 59 ... 66 52 . . 72 . . 97 .B.109 ...128 ..194 .. 84 .102 ...108 . .101 85 .. .46S . 85 . .166 .. 52 . . 61 . . 93 . . 17 ..133 .-. 83 .. 8 . . 35 . .165 .B.119" . . 41 ..101' . . 16 . . 25 n t f Baltimore and Ohio . . -. . Bethlehem Steel .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake and Ohio . . . Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul . Chicago, R. I. and ,Pac. Ry Consolidated Gas . . .' Continental Can .- Crucible Steel . . . . . . , Erie ...... General Electric Great Northern, pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs . Illinois Central ..... v . Interborough Consol. Corp Kansas-City. Southecrj.,. ... Leh4g1tValleviiiv' vi'Sv Louisville and Nashville . Liggett and Meyers. . . . ... . .125 .B.240 B.188 Lor i Hard Co, Missouri, Kansas and Texas, pfd.B. 10 Missouri Pacific . .B. 4 Mexican Petroleum . . . . . National Lead". New York Central . . . N.-Y- N. H. andHartfTd . . . Norfolk and Western ., Northern Pacific .. .. .. Pennsylvania ... . . . . Reading Rep. Iron and Steel Seaboard Air Line ...... Seaboard. Air Line, pfd Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron. Studebaker Corp ...... Southern Pacific . Southern Railway Southern Railway, pfd . . . Tennessee Copper . . . . . . . Texas Co . . . . ..... . . Texas and. Pacific,. ., ... i. Union Paciflo .". United States Rubebr United States Steel United States Steel, pfd ... Utah Copper . . Vlrginia-Caro. Chem Va. Iron, Coal and Coke. . . , Wabash, Pfd., VB" Ctfa , . Western Union"' , , . . . . .' . . . . .102 .. 65 .103 . 62 .121 ..111 . 56 ,. 83 .. 49 .B, .B, , .B 14 35 50 . .138 . . 96 .B. 20 . . 69 . . 50 . .189 .B. 9 .-.131 ,. . 53 . . 83 . .117 .. 80 . B. .B. 43 49 ..22 . 90 . 62 .146 . 55 pVestlnghouse Electric .... United Fruit-. " Hennecott Copper, v . .' . . . NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York. .April 15. Sutrar. raw 6.02; 3-4: firm; molasses 5.25; centrifugal refined firm.. Coffee Spot quiet; , Rio 7s, 9 Santos 4s, 10 1-2.-. Butter Unsettled, i Cheese Steady. '. COTTON GOODS REVIEW 4 Trading "Moderate With No Weakening In Values Mills Overworked. New York, April 16. Trading in cot ton goods has been' on a moderate scale without any weakening In values. PercaieSj prints and ginghams are held very firm and are tending higher,, ssv eral of the large mill agencies not having any' nearby goods to deliver Stocks in ; first hands have, never been lower. While Staple ginghams are on the basis of 8 cents for the choice eastern grades, some mills cannot de liver any and' a further' advance ris anticipated. Denims continue at a high levfel dependent upon, condition as toK Dated and posted this the 31st day dyetsuff 4 "the ralil making a sale, of March, A. D., 1916. ' , Bleached cottdns are. steady but rather quiet. Brown sheetings have been in better demand for " use in the manu facturing trades. Owing to the demand for beldlng duck looms are now be ing diverted from the wide cloths and duck markets are generally-very firm. Fine scottons and novelties are at top prices with mills Showing no desire for further business. -" Advances In wages in cotton mills are expected to follow the advances;' of 10 per - cent- made in the Wolen, and worsted mills and scarcity of operatives is limiting production steadily. Oper atives In New England cotton mill dis tricts have formulated . demands for a 10 percent wage increase. Prices cur rent on cotton , goods are as folio ws: Print cloths. 28 inch 64 by 64s, 4 cents; 64 by 60s, 3 78 cents; 38 1-2 inch: 64 by 64s, 5 l-2c; brown sheetings, South ern 'standards, 8c; tickings, 8 ounce,-15 cents ;; denims 2.20 Indigos, 18 l-2c; standard prints 6 l-Zc; staple ' glng bams, 8 c; dress glnghamB, lOc, THE WEATHER. " , United States Department of Agrlenl ture Weather Bureau. April 16, 1916. Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending at 8 P. M. yesterday: Temperature at 8 A. M., 57 degrees; at 8 P. M., 55 degrees; maximum, 67 de grees; minimum, 56 degrees; mean, 62 Rainfall for the' day, .00 inchf rain fall for the monthy'to date, 1.01 Inch. Stage of water in Cape-Fear river at Fayetteville,, at ..8c' A. M., yesterday, 7.1 feet. ' THE WEATHER.-- For North Carolina: Sunday and Monday. Generally fair The Port Calendar, April 16, 1916. Sunrises .. .. ;. .. .. .. ..5:40 A. M. Sun seta . . .... - (t-i x iw Day's length . . ... . . . . . .13 htk 4 min. ' THE TIDES. High water. Low water. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Wilmington . . . 8:24 8:55 3:37 '.3:53 Southport. . . '. 6:10 6:37 12:20 12:33 Masonboro Inl . . 5:59 626 12:00 12:13 WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS April 16, 1916. . Temperature: : - -" r STATIONS: fe . Sg g $ 5 -So . . Abilene. . . clear 74 50 .0 Asheville . . clear 70 44 .0 Atlanta. . , clear 80 52 .0 Augusta. .;. clear . 80 58 .0 Baltimore . .cflear 66 ' r.0 Birmfngh. pt cfdy 86 58 .0 Boston. . ..clear 54 34 .02 Charleston . clear 68 64 .0 ' Charlotte. . .cldy 70 52 .0 Chicago . . clear 52 42' .0 Galveston pt cldy 74 f 68 .01 Jacksonv . .clear 78 62 .0 Memphis. . .cldy 82 58 .0 Mobile. . . clear 78 58 .0 Montgom'y . clear 86 64 ;0 New Orl . pt cldy 82 62 .0 New York . .clear 60 38 .0 Oklahoma . .clear J 64 48 . .0 Palestine ... clear 62 ; 62 " ,10 Pittsburg . .clear T 62 , 36 ' .0. Raleigh.. . .cldy 68 50 .0 Savannah . .clear 72 66 .0 Shreveport . cldy 70 64 .40 St. Louis. . . cldy 66 48 - .0 Washing'n . clear 64 44 .0 THE FINANCIAL MARKET. New York, April 15. Mercantile pa per, 33; sterling sixty day bills, 4.73; demand, 4.76. Cables, 4.77 1-16; bar silver, 63; Mexican dollars, 49; government bonds, steady; railroad bonds," irregular. WEEK'S BANK STATEMENT. New York, April 15. The statement of the actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $102, 744,690 reserve In excess of "legal re quirements. This is an increase of $3, 9 6,7 60 "oyer last ..week. RESERVE BANK STATEMENT. Washington, April 15. Earning as sets of the Federal Reserve banks in creased more than $3,000,000 during the past week, according to a statement of the banks' condition April 14, issued to- dayby the Federal Reserve board. Savannah, April 15. Turpentine, firm, 45; sales, 81; receipts, 149' ship ments, 62; stock, 6,402. Rosin Quiet. Sales, 99; receipts, 467; shipments, 181; stock, 69,590. Quote: A, B, C, D, E.-4.65; G, H, I, K, 4.70; M, 4.90; N, 5.25; W G, 5.40; W W, 5.50. FORECLOSURE SALE. Nbtlce Is hereby glv.en that the un dersigned will, by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage exe cuted by Matilda A. Hayden, Mary Katherine Hayden, Mary T. Hayden and John Henry Hayden to Nonle F. King, dated the 14th day of February, A. D., 1914, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeas of New Hanover county In Book 74, page 424, et seq. ex pose for sale at public auction- to the highest bidder, for cash, at the front Court House door of New Hanover County, on Monday, the 1st day of May, A. D., 1916, at 12 o'clock M., all of the right, title, interest, property and es tate of the said John Henry Hayden in and to all of that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of New Hanover, state of North Carolina, city of Wilmington, and bounded and described as follows, tq- BEGINNING 'at a point in the west ern line of Third street, 66 ft; south from the intersection of said western line of Third street with the southern line of Princess ! street, and running thence southwardly along said western line of Third street 66 ft.; thence west wardly parallel to Princess street 165 ft.; thence northwardly parallel to' Third street 66 ft.; thence east wardly -parallel to Princess street 165 ft. to tne point of beginning. The same being the eastern half of Lot 2, Block 166, according to the official -plan of the' city of Wilmington. At this sale, only the Interest convey ed by the said John Henry Hayden to said Nonle F. King by the said mort gage will be sold, and not the interest nr Matilda A. Hayden, who owns-a life estate In the same, nor the Interest of Mary Katherine tiayaen, jaary -j iiay den ' or any other interest, other than the Interest which John Henry Hayden owned In said property at the time of the execution or tne said mortgage. NONIE F. KING, E. K. BRYAN, - Mortgagee. Attorney, ap l-30t. ' v EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . r Having, qualified as Executor of the estate of Sam Bear, Jr., deceased, we hereby t notify all creditors holding claims against -said estate or against tlie firm of Morris Bear & Bros., to prer sent the same .for, payment within one years from the date hereof, or tljis no tice, will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment to Mr. L.,M. Bunting or Mr. 0. O. Carr, Wilmington, N. C.,. and avoid the ex pense necessary for' making collection by law. - . -. This 1st day of April,7 A. D. 1916. J BANKERS' TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK CTTY, v .., ' ' Executor. ; ap2-4t-su BROTHERS STOCKS & BONDS ' 6BSEtSBORQ,K. a WE OFFER 10- shares Citizens' National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. 12 ($50 shares State Bank and Trust Co., Dunn, N. C. ; 10 ($50 shares Ban-fc of Cape Fear, Dunn, N. 'C Prices and Information On Application. Write Us a Line WE BUY WTHOLE ISSUES. OF1 BONDS. WRITE US WHAT YOU HAVE FOR SALE. CLYDE LINE TO NEW YORK AND GEORGETOWN, S: 0. New York; to Wilmington. S. S. Cherokee ....Tuesday, April 18th S. S. Cherokee ....Saturday, April 29th Wilmington to Georgetown. S. S. Cherokee Friday, April 21st S. S. Cherokee Tuesday, May 2nd Wilmington to New York. S. S. Cheroke'e ... .-.Monday, April 24th S. S. Cherokee . ...... .Friday, May 5th . Through bills o lading aa toweei tnroUKb. rates guaranteed to and from all points in North and South Carolina CLYDE STfKAMSUlr CO, C J. HliiCfcCER, Agent. Wilmington, N. C H. G. SMALLBONES. Commercial Agect, Wilmington. N. C Oeneral Offices: Pier 36 N. Pt- New 2"ork Attractive Low Round Trip Fares VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY 92S.65 GOLDSBORO, N. C, to NEW OR- leans, La and return, account South ern Sociological Congress and South ern Conference for Education' and In dustry. Tickets ,on sale April 11, 12, 15, 16 and 17. Final limit, April 30. 10.55 GOLDSBORO, N. C, to WASHING toh, D. C;, ' and return, account 25th Continental Congress Daughters of the American Revolution. Tickets on sale April 12, 14 and 16. Final limit. May 12. $9.80 GOLDSBORO, N. C to ASHE- ' vllle, N.-C,' and return, account Sou thern Baptist Convention. Tickets on sale May 13 to 17, inclusive. Final limit, May 31. Final limit may be extended to June 15, by -depositing . ticket and payment of $1.00 at Ashe ville. $ 18.65 GOLDSBORO, N. C, to BIRMING- -ham, Ala., and return, account Annual Reunion United Confederate Veterans. Tickets on sale May 13 to 17, Inclus- , ive. Final limit, May 25. Final limit may be extended to June 14, by de Dosltine ticket and payment of 50 cents at Birmingham. $17.45 GODLSBORO, N. C to LYTLE, Ga, (near Chattanooga), and return, account National SJUlitary Training Camp at Fort Ogletnorpe. Tickets on sale during April, May, June, July - and August. See ticket agent for limits and other information. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES FROM ALL other points, on same basis. THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH O. F. YORK, T. P. A., mhl6-tf . Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway ot the South, Bulletin of Rouna-Trip tares in Effect from Wilmington. NEW ORLEANS, LA $28.65 On sale April 11, 12, .15, 16 and 17th. Limited returning Midnight. April 30th. WASHINGTON, D. C. S13.10 On sale April 12, 14 and 16th; limited returning Midnight, May 12th. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. . .$32.95 On Sale May 9 and 16th, limited return ing Midniglit, June 6th. PHILADELPHIA, PA $18.00 On sale April 29, 30, May 1st; limited returning Midnight, June 4th. ASHEVILLE, N. C. . . . . . .$11.50 On sale May 13 to 17, Inclusive; limited returning Midnight, May 31st; limit extended June 15th, by payment $1.00. LOUISVILLE, KY. . ... . .$30.55 On sale May 1, 2 and 3rd; limited re turning Midnight, June 3rd. BIRMINGHAM, ALA ..... .$13.65 On sale. May 13 to 17, inclusive; limited returning Midnight, May 25th; limit ex tended June 14th, by payment 50 cents. ORLANDO, FLA. . . ... . -$26.65 On sale May 15 to 19, inclusive ; limited returning Midnight, June 3rd. ' Fox' further -information call 'phone 178, City Ticke Office, Orton,, Hotel Building. .. . H. E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A., Wilmington, N. C JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C mh23-tf $18.00 Philadelphia, Pa.', and return.. Account General Conference, A. M. E. Chuch. Tickets on sale April 29th, 30th, May 1st; limited to June 4th, 1916. $12.65 Birmingham, Ala., -and return. - Account United Confederate Veterans' Reunion. Tickets on sale. May 13-17th, inclusive; limited until May 25th. $13.10 Washington, D. ( and return. Tickets on Sale April 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th and 16th, limited to return to orig inal destination by May 12th. $11.50 '' Asheville, N. C, miI varnvn Account Southern, Baptist Convention. Tickets on sale May 13th to 17th, in clusive, limited until May 31st. Exten sion of f.nal limit may be obtained un til June 15th, by deposit of ticket with authorized agent: and payment of fee of $1.00. . $3&20 Saratoga Springs, N, Y and return. Account General Conference Methodist Church. Tickets on sale April 27th, 28th, May -9th and 16th, good t9 return until June 6th. . - $26.65 . . Orlando, Florida, and return. . Account of General ; Assembly, Presby terian Church. .- Tickets - on sale May 15th-19th, inclusive, good to return un til June 3rd. -' ATLANTIC COAST LINE, The Standard Railroad Of the South." 'Phone 100, i " , ATLANTIC COAST LINE arrivals and Departures of Trains at Wilmington, Effective Dee." 27. 115 : ; Time Not Guarantee. , DEPARTURES " ' TO AND FROM .ARRIVALS. No. do. . Goldsboro, Richmond. Norfolk and East- No. 9L 3:40 A.M -: era North Carolina points. Connects 1:15 AM. Monday morn- &t Goldsboro with Southern Railway Sunday morn- - ins only. - and Jiorfolk Southern Railroad. lag (Saturday U e V night) only. Chadbourn, Conway, Florence, Charles- ton, Savannah,' Jacksonville, Tampa, No. 5L St. Petersburg, Ft Myers, - Columbia No. 50. V and Asheville. Pullman Sleeping 5:30 A.M. -; . Cars between Wilmington and Coium- : 11:59 P.M. ,i Daily. biw, open to receive outbound passen- Daily, gers at Wilmington at and after 10:00 P. M., and may be occupied, Inbound until 7:00 A. M. No. 64. . " - - No. CB- 6:15 AM. Jacksonville, Newbera and Intermediate 6:15 P.M. Mon.,; Wed and ' taUou. Mon.. Wed. and FrL only Frl. only. """" goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and ' No. 48. Washington. Parlor car. Wilmington Dally. 7:40 A.M. to Nortolk, connecting at Rocky No. 49. Dally. Mount with New York trains with 6.05 P.M. Pullman service. No 53 Solid train between Wilmington and No. 52. 8:45 A M. Alt. Airy, via Fayetteville and San- . 8:00 P.M. Dally. ford. Daily. . r i . ... " i No. 62. Jacksonville, Newbern and intermedl- No. 63. 3:25 P.M, ate stations, 12:50 PJC- Daily! . Pally. Chadbourn, Florence,. Columbia, Augus- ! ' - ta, Atlanta and the West. Charles No. bS. ton'. Savannah and all Florida points. No. C4. 3:45 P.M. AU Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars be- 12:50 P. Dally! tween Wilmlntogn, August and At- Dally. lanta. Pullman cars between Flor- , ence and Columbia. , . ' . . . .. . " ' ., i , . i . No 69. 1 No. 60. 6:30 P.M. 10:15 A.M. Tues., Fayetteville and Intermediate stations. Tuea, : Thurs. and Sat. Thura, Sat. A only. " only. Goldsboro, Rlohmond, Norfolk, Wash- ington and Mew York. Pullman Broil- No. 42. er, Buffet Sleeping Cars between WU- No. 41 6:45 P.M. mington and Washington.' connecting :50 A.M- Dally. with New York trains; also Pullman Dally. Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. ." For folders, reservations, rates of fares, etc, call 'phone 160. ' W.J.CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, ' Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. WILMINGTON, N. C SUBURBAN la Effect November 15, IMS. WRIGHTSVLmLD WBIGHTSVILLE VERMEDIATE POINTS WINTER PARK, EASTBOUNO Leave Front and tor Winter Park a6:30 A. M 6:55 A. M. aS:00 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 10:00 A..M. 11:30 A. M. bl:00 P. M. al:10 P. M. cl:55 P. M. cd2:35 ".M. 3:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. c4:10 P. M. 4:30 P. M. C4:o0 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 6:10 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 10 :15 P. M. 1:15 P.M. , Leave Front and for Wrights ; ville ' a6:30 A. M. 6:55 A. M. a8:00 A. M. 8:30 A. M. ' . 10:00XM. 11:30 A. M. bl:00 P. M. Leave... Front and for . Beach a6:30 A. M. l6 55 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. bl:00 P. M. . al:10 P. M. ael:10 P. M. cl:&i P. M. ...... r ;0o"p". M. i 8:00 P. M. 4:80 P. M. 4:30 P. M. 6:80 P. M. 6:10 P. M. '6:40 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 10:15 P. M. 11:15 P. M. e6:40 P. 2s. 9:15 P. M. SPECIAL FOR SUNDAYS. Leave Front and Princess Streets every half hour from 2:00 to 6:00 P. M. Leave Beach every half hour from 3:45 to 5:45 P. M. a Dally except Sundays. b Sundays only. . t 1 c Superseded by half hour cars'Sundy afternoons. d Goes through to Seagate; returning, leaves Seagate at 8:09 P. M. e Does not go beyond Station No. 8. f Leaves from Station No. 8. FREIGHT SCHEDULp. (Dally Except Snnday Leave Ninth and Orange streets, 3:30 P. M, Freight Depot open from 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. -Seed Peanuts- Genuine North Carolina and Spanish Seed Peanuts For Sale-Write For Prices. Love & Woody Wholesale Grocers. WILMINGTON, N. 0. Str. A. P. HURT Wilmington to Fayetteville AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, Freight and Passenger SAILINGS: TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, , 5:30 P. M PLANTERS STEAMBOAT CO 8. M. King, Gen. Mgr. 'Phone 828. Wharf Foot ot Chestnut st. Read Star Business Locals. SCHEDULE BEACH AND U Leave Leave Leava Winter Wrights Beach Park for viUe for " far Wilmington Warning ton Wllmingtoa att:i!6A.M. ati:l6 A. M. w.r a :36 A.M. ttl-.Zi A. M. :01A.M. .?: A, M. 7:40 A.M. aa:41 A. id. a;30 A. M , :3qA.M, :3eA.AL 9:15 A. JVL uiu:lA.aL blu:ao A.ikL 11 :06 A.M. 10:5b A. M. 10:45 A. AL ia:6 p; M. 1 b;0tt P. AO. .z:m p. Mm cd3:0tf P.AL ci:o0P. JkL 4:U6P. L c4 :40-P.M. caUU P.M. 6:36 P.M. 6:11 P. M. 6:61P.M. 7:31P.M. 8:06 P.M. , 8:56 P.M. 10:21 P. M. 10:66 P.M. 11:56 P.M. li;-45 P. M. 12:15 K M.' bi:55 P. Ai. bl:46 P. AL ai:6o p. u. atl:46 P. At. aa:a6P.M. ...... ...... 3:46 P. M. ....... 6:16 p! M. 3:66 P. M. 6:26 P. M. :00 P. M. 6:40 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 7:65 P. M. 8:45 P. M. 10:10 P. M. 10:45 P. M. 11:46 M. X7:l& P. U. 30:00 P. M. . m. SEABOArtJ AIB LINE BAlLAAf The Progressive Railway of the South. Effective April 16th. 1916. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FROM WILMINGTON t -Uo. 13 3:55 P. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR, WILMINGTON TQ CHARLOTTE. No. 19 6:00 A. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHARLOTTE. Open at 10;00 P. M. for Passengers. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT WILMING TONl No. 14 12:40 P. M-- Train from CharV lotte and Intermediate Points. PULL- ', MAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. No.. 20 12:10 A. M.- -Train from Char- lotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHAR LOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PAS SENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEP ER UNTIL 7:00 A. M. ' For detailed Information and reserva tlons, call on City Ticket Agent, Or ton Building. 'Phone 178. r. W. WALLACE, H. E. PLEASANTS. C T. A. T. P. A. 1 Wilmington, N. C JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. & ATLANTA. OA. SEABOARD AXR LANE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the South Shortest and Most Direct Rsvte. Leave Wilmington .. .. .. ..3;55 P. M. Arrive Atlanta. .. ..7:00A.M. Making connection for Birmingham. Memphis, Kansas City. St. Louis and Chicago. For further Information call 'phona 178, City Ticket Office, Orton Hotel.' JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A. - Raleigh, K. C . . H. E. PLEASANTS, T. p. A Wilmington. N. C - f ; ; (i Read StarJ3usiness Locals. ':?i;-V:.H:r..V-. ' ..v;;VivM-V-i .. !!:- : ..-;! H'Hk '.v-. V'h;''-."- -.I;'3-!.: v' ;.' v- 'rf,- v :.4!:'- Will vvM: i,iv mmm -v-silafi '1 ' . . t Ill f' m 4 iK.:: f 4 '.St ii.' -V ,'.m ill .:'?i f-f' V: .m sift r't I ;i - mi; v-fei'll mm; ) 'i-.feft ': ; pi J-8 i Ik Y

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